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Download - Российский комитет Программы ЮНЕСКО ...


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Preschool education marks the most important developmental stage, one<br />

that paves the way for worldview formation and for the encoding of notions<br />

and actions with the help of words and phrases. There are two major types of<br />

preschool learning. One is about home-based education, usually provided by<br />

parents and grandparents, with the older family members serving in this case<br />

as the main transmitter of culture for the young.<br />

The other type is applicable to cases when both parents work outside home. A<br />

prominent role in children’s early education is then played by nursery schools and<br />

kindergartens. Starting from two or three years of age, kids whose parents work<br />

fulltime have to spend most of the day with preschool teachers and caregivers.<br />

The next stage is primary and secondary education. In that period, children<br />

tend to spend less time with their teachers, so it would be only natural to expect<br />

a resurge in parental influence. In reality, though, the role of parents shrinks<br />

further because, on the one hand, child-teacher contacts gain in intensity, with<br />

the teacher becoming a major transmitter of knowledge, while on the other<br />

hand, the child’s inner circle expands and so, too, does the range of his/her<br />

information sources.<br />

Then comes tertiary education (vocational schools, colleges, and universities).<br />

It is widely believed that by the time they pass on to this phase, most teenagers<br />

will have almost reached adult maturity. So the role of tertiary education<br />

establishments in personality molding is, more often than not, negligible.<br />

A community’s status quo cannot be preserved unless a community member<br />

gives birth to and raises a child. For simple demographic reproduction, one<br />

woman (family) should give birth to 2.4 children (given infertility incidence,<br />

infant mortality, etc.). In smaller language communities these days, there are<br />

quite a few parents who believe that teaching the native language to their<br />

children is no longer relevant and may even be harmful, so they choose to<br />

concentrate on a national language instead. Because of this trend, a native<br />

speaker population in small language communities will take an increasingly<br />

high birth rate to reproduce itself.<br />

Looking at the modern-day Yakutia, we can see that preschool education here<br />

is rarely provided in the language of its indigenous inhabitants. The same is true<br />

of any other non-Russian ethnic region or community in Russia. So children<br />

who spend much of the day in a nursery-school environment are just bound to<br />

grow up without knowing their mother tongue.<br />

The second developmental phase (through high school) further consolidates<br />

the alienation from their mother tongue of children from smaller language<br />

communities (in most of the country’s non-Russian ethnic regions, schools<br />

providing education in native languages are few and far between or virtually<br />

non-existent). This process is exacerbated by a lack of native-language content<br />


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