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2.2. Online Plurilingualism<br />

As indicated by mentioning the online video language course on the website of<br />

the Romanian NGO Romathan, Romani gains communicative importance in<br />

oral language use and when the web is used interactively. This is inter alia also<br />

demonstrated by the use of Romani on and via the web pages of the Swedish<br />

Radio Romano – Nevimata thaj aktualitetura pe romani chib, ‘Roma radio –<br />

news and topicalities in the Romani language’. The web pages of Radio Romano<br />

are embedded into the website of Sveriges Radio/Radio Sweden and are accessible via the menu item Språk ‘language’ in<br />

the general menu of the website. The specific menu for navigation on the web<br />

pages of Radio Romano is provided in Romani. Written information on the<br />

pages is presented in Romani and to some extent also in Swedish. The archived<br />

broadcasts offered on the website are primarily in Romani with Swedish and<br />

other languages, mainly English, only used by and with interviewees with no<br />

competence in Romani. In contrast to the websites described so far, which<br />

primarily target the speakers of dominant languages for political purposes, these<br />

web pages above all aim to inform plurilingual individuals with competences in<br />

Romani, Swedish and also English. Instead of an additive multilingualism with<br />

symbolic function, language use in cases like Radio Romano has to be described<br />

as integrative plurilingualism with a primarily communicative function.<br />

The communicative function also prevails in numerous Roma chat rooms which<br />

are characterised by interactive language use and, as it is almost the rule in chat<br />

rooms used by speakers of dominated, non-standardised languages, by orate<br />

style as well as spontaneous writing. 91 As indicated by the texts on the welcome<br />

page of in German and Romani,<br />

Herzlich Willkommen im Roma-Chat!/T’aven saste taj bachtale, ‘A warm welcome<br />

to Roma Chat/Be healthy and happy’, the chat rooms hosted by the website<br />

are plurilingual. Actual language use in online chats of ethnic groups usually<br />

comprises all languages of the repertoire of the respective speech community.<br />

Language mixing or rather linguistic hybridisation in the form of spontaneous<br />

loans and communicative code switching are as common as changes in the<br />

primary language by situational switching. 92 If the primary language in a chat is a<br />

dominant language, a national language or an international lingua franca, Romani<br />

is often restricted to symbolic functions – see the welcome formula presented<br />

above – of identity flagging, and the expression of solidarity and affiliation. In<br />

91<br />

Whereas the dichotomy between oral and written refers to the form of communication which is defined by<br />

the respective acoustic and visual channels, the dichotomy between orate and literate refers to style. Both<br />

orate and literate style occur in written as well as in oral form: orate style in written form means spoken<br />

language written, literate style in oral form means written language spoken, etc.<br />

92<br />

As most chat rooms require registration to guarantee privacy, no specific examples are presented in this<br />

paper.<br />


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