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the extension of the centre’s name Romano Kher, ‘Romani house’, and some<br />

words in the headlines of events such as khetanes, ‘together’, in Seminarul<br />

“Khetanes”, the title of a seminar organised by the centre, are in Romani. All<br />

other texts are in Romanian. 87<br />

Websites of Roma NGOs that are geared towards multilingualism often intend<br />

to offer versions of their web pages in Romani. But in many cases this is only<br />

hypothetical. If at all, only a few pages are in Romani. Some examples include: <br />

• Besides the name Romanothan, ‘Romani Place/World’, the website<br />

of the Romanian NGO Romanothan <br />

is almost exclusively monolingual Romanian in its written form.<br />

However, it offers a video language course to get an impression of<br />

Romani which is bilingually announced in written form and uses oral<br />

Romani alongside Romanian.<br />

• The website of the Barcelona/Spain-based Unión Romaní has a button symbolising the Romani flag for<br />

the Romani language version which in actual fact is only a repetition of<br />

the Spanish version with some Romani words in the navigation menu.<br />

• Rom News Network from Hamburg/<br />

Germany claims to offer information in English, French, German,<br />

Romani, and Spanish. Yet only one version in a mixture of German<br />

and English is available.<br />

• The organisation Dženo, ‘People’, produced<br />

pages in Czech, English and Romani until mid-2010. However, the full<br />

range of information was only available in Czech. Some information<br />

in English was offered until 2009, the last Romani entry dates to 2007<br />

which coincides with the end of the funding period for translations<br />

into Romani.<br />

• The Vienna/Austria-based NGO Romano Centro <br />

offers the option to switch between German, English, and<br />

Romani. Whereas many pages are available in English, there is only one<br />

page in Romani: notably the presentation of the organisation with the<br />

menu headings: Über uns – About us – Pa amende. 88<br />

• Romani CRISS – Centrul Romilor pentru Intervenţie Socială şi Studii/<br />

Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies , a Romania-based NGO, only offers English<br />

translations of much of the information given on the website.<br />

Romani CRISS alludes to the homophonous Romani kris ‘Romani<br />

87<br />

Accessed 2012-02-25.<br />

88<br />

Another symptom of the low status of Romani in the web presentation of this organisation is the fact that<br />

the heading of the Romani text still remains German: Das sind wir.../That’s us …<br />


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