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(Bamako, 2009), and the first and second international seminars on<br />

multilingualism in cyberspace (Barcelona, 2009 and Brasilia, 2011) allow to<br />

compare opinions of the main experts, disseminate best practices and make<br />

decisions to improve the role of languages in knowledge.<br />

Promotion and research initiatives came out of these meetings, such as<br />

Net.Lang, Dilinet and Voices and Texts.<br />

Net.Lang, a book that is due for publication in October 2011 in English and French<br />

(and other languages later on), brings together the most eminent people active<br />

in promoting linguistic diversity in cyberspace so as to provide all possible ways<br />

forward in giving languages the best instruments for their inclusion in cyberspace.<br />

Some 30 articles and texts by politicians and researchers should help raise awareness<br />

of all those who can have a decision-making role in the dynamic of languages. The<br />

hard copy of the book, and various digital formats free of charge and with universal<br />

access on the Internet (ePub, PDF, etc.), will be distributed worldwide.<br />

Dilinet is a research project that will facilitate the elaboration of indicators<br />

for the presence of (all) languages in cyberspace. The indicators, as we know,<br />

are the instruments that enable us to direct policies. And we feel a crying lack<br />

of them, as regards languages. The main laboratories and entities dedicated<br />

to this research, together with serious institutional partners and private<br />

companies should enable us, through Dilinet, to monitor closely the evolution<br />

of languages in cyberspace.<br />

Voices and Texts, an upcoming project, will aim at applying voice recognition,<br />

machine translation and voice synthesis technologies to certain languages,<br />

giving them access to a series of software packages and many applications using<br />

these languages.<br />

However, promotion and research are not enough. MAAYA is present in<br />

international forums trying to regulate and encourage the flourishing of all<br />

languages in the shared knowledge society, particularly those that came out of<br />

the World Summit on the Information Society, as sub-moderator for Action<br />

Line C8 (Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content)<br />

and lead moderator for the Dynamic Coalition for Linguistic Diversity in the<br />

context of the Internet Governance Forum.<br />

MAAYA will be present in these major undertakings ahead of us so as to ensure<br />

that every of the world’s languages occupies its rightful place and guarantee<br />

the right of its speakers to use it fully.<br />

We are also glad to participate in the 2 nd International Conference on Linguistic<br />

and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace in Yakutsk. We hope that any resolutions<br />

adopted here will help us make a reality of the idea of a world that is fairer,<br />

better balanced and more harmonious.<br />


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