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eing produced and exposed all around the world from Tunisia and Egypt to<br />

the United Kingdom and the United States of America.<br />

And what about language What about its usage during the uprising in<br />

MENA countries Studying language and revolution is a very large domain<br />

which could be tackled from different perspectives. I had the opportunity to<br />

witness the revolution in Egypt and I was particularly interested by the role<br />

of language in that event. I studied the role of social media in Egypt mainly,<br />

and tried to explain how users/protestors and political movements used the<br />

Internet and the social media to communicate, mobilize the demonstrators,<br />

organize activities, and document and share the revolution events, repression,<br />

success and celebration. I came to ask the question about the impact of the<br />

revolution time on the presence of Arabic language on the net and in social<br />

media. Based on that experience, I am making the hypothesis that since the<br />

revolution started in Arab countries, more content in Arabic language is being<br />

produced and shared on the Internet and social media. This content is created<br />

by individuals, organisations and media, and is contributing to enhancing the<br />

rank of Arabic language on the Internet. Some research is corroborating my<br />

observations, but a lot is still to be done on that matter.<br />

Usage of Social Media in Arab Countries<br />

Social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are among the most used<br />

tools of the Internet in Arab countries. Facebook was blocked and unblocked<br />

several times in different countries from Tunisia to Syria during the last 3 to 4<br />

years for political and social reasons.<br />

The 1 st issue of the Arab Social Media Report 63 showed that over 21 million<br />

Facebook users are in the Arab world, as of January 5, 2011. This number jumped<br />

up to 27,711,503 users in the first quarter of 2011 (April 5 th , 2011) as reported<br />

by the 2 nd issue of the Arab Social Media Report published in May 2011 64 , with<br />

a high 30% of increase in the same period. Countries of the Gulf Cooperation<br />

Council (GCC) dominate the top five Arab Facebook users as percentage of<br />

population. Egypt constitutes about a quarter of total Facebook users in the<br />

Arab region, and has added more users in the first quarter of 2011 than any Arab<br />

country, at close to 2 million new users between January 5 and April 5 65 .<br />

Governments are seizing the opportunity offered by this huge concentration<br />

of their citizens on Facebook and are becoming more present at that social<br />

media. Egypt and Tunisia constitute good examples, where immediately after<br />

the success of the revolts in ousting the presidents, the new government<br />

63<br />

http://www.dsg.ae/NEWSANDEVENTS/UpcomingEvents/ASMRHome.aspx.<br />

64<br />

http://www.dsg.ae/NEWSANDEVENTS/UpcomingEvents/ASMROverview2.aspx.<br />

65<br />

http://www.dsg.ae/portals/0/ASMR2.pdf, page 9.<br />


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