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National: Other successful, although yet not wide spread models work on a<br />

national level. One example is the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv 55 , which holds a<br />

considerable part, probably 40-50% of audiovisual primary sources produced by<br />

Austrian scholars, which had made their field recordings with methodological<br />

advice and technological support by the archive. Over the past years, however,<br />

many institutions and scholars that had made their recording autonomously,<br />

without depositing their originals in the archive, offer now their collections,<br />

as they understand that their precious sources would otherwise be lost. The<br />

archive tries to raise sufficient funds over the coming years to safeguard at least<br />

the most important collections yet outside proper archival care.<br />

A remarkable national system has been established by Memoriav 56 , a Swiss<br />

initiative to cooperatively preserve audiovisual collections of greater as well as<br />

smaller institutions and even private collectors.<br />

On the European level, the Presto project family, after having specifically dealt<br />

with mass digitisation of radio and television archives, is presently under way<br />

to set up a network of competence centres 57 which are intended also to assist<br />

smaller collections. Direct funding of digitisation is to some extent planned<br />

within the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI,<br />

Schüller 2011).<br />

Last but not least, international discipline and research oriented initiatives<br />

have been established. Most of them concern linguistic material. The Max-<br />

Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics has established a Language Archive 58 ,<br />

ELAR is the Endangered Language Archive of the London School of Oriental<br />

and African Studies 59 , Paradisec 60 , the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital<br />

Sources in Endangered Cultures, collects languages and music from the Pacific<br />

region, while EVIA 61 , Ethnographic Video for Instruction and Analysis, is an<br />

international ethnographic video archive in Bloomington. The major problem<br />

of many of these and similar projects is the uncertainty of continued funding to<br />

keep digitised files available in the long-term.<br />

Significant support has to come from disciplines themselves, which are<br />

challenged to enhance recognition of primary sources by promoting systematic<br />

re-studies of archive materials, by promoting diachronic and comparative<br />

studies, and by intensifying study of respective archival materials before new<br />

field work is started.<br />

55<br />

http://www.phonogrammarchiv.at/wwwnew/.<br />

56<br />

http://en.memoriav.ch/.<br />

57<br />

http://www.prestocentre.org/.<br />

58<br />

http://www.mpi.nl/research/research-projects/the-language-archive/.<br />

59<br />

http://elar.soas.ac.uk/.<br />

60<br />

http://paradisec.org.au/.<br />

61<br />

http://www.eviada.org/.<br />


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