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• publication in 2008 under the auspices of IFLA of the book<br />

“Information Literacy: International Perspectives”, translated and<br />

published also in Russian on the initiative of the Russian Committee<br />

of the UNESCO Information for All Programme (3);<br />

• holding an international expert group meeting on the development of<br />

indicators of media and information literacy by UNESCO, UNESCO<br />

Communication and Information Sector, and UNESCO Institute for<br />

Statistics on 4-6 November, 2010 in Bangkok (Thailand).<br />

A special place in advancing information literacy has the UNESCO Information<br />

for All Programme. The essence of the Programme’s concept is the notion of<br />

a world where each individual has access to information important to him<br />

and possess necessary skills and ability to use information obtained to build<br />

a better society. Information for All Programme raises the awareness of the<br />

importance of information literacy for all and supports projects that promote<br />

the development of information literacy skills.<br />

The Strategic Plan of the UNESCO Information for All Programme for 2008–<br />

2013 places information literacy among the Programme’s top priorities along<br />

with information for development, information preservation, information<br />

ethics, information accessibility (12). Interpretation of the “information<br />

literacy” concept in this document is based on the special declaration adopted<br />

on November 9, 2005 at the Alexandria Colloquium on Information Literacy<br />

and Lifelong Learning and known as “Beacons of the Information Society: The<br />

Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning.” As<br />

noted in the Alexandria Proclamation, “Information Literacy lies at the core of<br />

lifelong learning. It empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use<br />

and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational<br />

and educational goals. It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes<br />

social inclusion of all nations” (1).<br />

According to the Alexandria Proclamation, information literacy:<br />

• comprises the competencies to recognize information needs and to<br />

locate, evaluate, apply and create information within cultural and<br />

social contexts;<br />

• is crucial to the competitive advantage of individuals, enterprises<br />

(especially small and medium enterprises), regions and nations;<br />

• provides the key to effective access, use and creation of content<br />

to support economic development, education, health and human<br />

services, and all other aspects of contemporary societies, and thereby<br />


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