Srbija atraktivna za investiranje - ProMoney

Srbija atraktivna za investiranje - ProMoney

Srbija atraktivna za investiranje - ProMoney


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- Colliers Macaulay Nicolls. Inc. (CMN) koji posluje kao Colliers International, vodeća je kompanija <strong>za</strong> nekretnine na globalnom<br />

planu koja pruža kompletne usluge korisnicima i vlasnicima nekretnina i investitorima širom sveta. Colliers ima 293 kancelarije<br />

u 61 zemlji. Uslugama su obuhvaćene brokerske usluge, upravljanje nekretninama, investicioni konsalting u hotelijerstvu,<br />

korporativne usluge, procene vrednosti nekretnina i isplativost ulaganja, hipotekarno bankarstvo i istraživanje tržišta. Colliers<br />

International je svetska afilijacija koja povezuje ne<strong>za</strong>visno vođene kompanije širom sveta. Na lokalnom nivou, stručno osoblje<br />

Colliersa pruža usluge klijentima u Srbiji i regionu. Više detalja na adresi: www.colliers.com/serbia<br />

Intervju<br />

Jovica Jakovac, generalni direktor<br />

Maja Sahbaz, generalni menadžer<br />

<strong>Srbija</strong> <strong>atraktivna</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>investiranje</strong><br />

- U Srbiji visoka isplativost investicija. - Nedostaje poslovni, stambeni, trgovački i logistički prostor.<br />

- Kao država u centru jugoistočne Evrope, <strong>Srbija</strong> dobra lokacija <strong>za</strong> industrijske i logističke centre.<br />

- Koridor 10 najprivlačnija investitorska trasa<br />

<strong>Srbija</strong> <strong>atraktivna</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>investiranje</strong><br />

Colliers International je prva multinacionalna kompanija u<br />

oblasti nekretnina koja je ušla na tržište Srbije.<br />

Uz podršku ove kompanije, strateški investitori u regionu,<br />

multinacionalne kompanije i domaći investitori doživeli su<br />

uspeh na tržištu. Colliers <strong>Srbija</strong> je doveo <strong>za</strong>kupce u najveće<br />

trgovinske centre, iznajmio na hiljade kvadratnih metara<br />

kvalitetnog poslovnog prostora i doveo do uspešne prodaje<br />

velikih stambenih projekata. U planu je i strateško izdavanje<br />

industrijskih i logističkih centara na više lokacija u Srbiji.<br />

Prednosti i perspektive investiranja u Srbiju objašnjavaju<br />

generalni direktor Jovica Jakovac i generalni menadžer Maja<br />

Sahbaz.<br />

Zašto je <strong>Srbija</strong> i dalje dobra prilika <strong>za</strong> ulaganje i pored<br />

nove ekonomske situacije<br />

- <strong>Srbija</strong> je nešto kasnije u odnosu na ostale zemlje u regionu<br />

ušla u proces tranzicije i ubr<strong>za</strong>nog razvoja. Samim tim, postoje<br />

segmenti tržišta nekretnina koji još uvek nisu dostigli<br />

svoj puni potencijal ili tek počinju da se razvijaju i tu se i dalje<br />

nalaze prilike <strong>za</strong> <strong>investiranje</strong>. Iskustva onih koji su već investirali<br />

u Srbiju pokazuju da su, uz odgovarajuću informisanost<br />

i planski pristup projektima, kao i saradnju sa profesionalnim<br />

kompanijama, njihove investicije bile izuzetno isplative.<br />

Zahvaljujući povoljnom geografskom položaju, <strong>Srbija</strong><br />

poseduje veliki potencijal <strong>za</strong> razvoj gotovo svih segmenata<br />

tržišta nekretnina jer je zemlja u središtu velikog tržišta u<br />

razvoju, a to je tržište jugoistočne Evrope koje ima oko 44<br />

miliona potencijalnih klijenata. Kroz nju prolazi panevropski<br />

Koridor 10 i vodeni put Koridor 7 uz dobru infrastrukturnu<br />

mrežu koja takođe predstavlja veliki potencijal <strong>za</strong> investicije.<br />

Kako ocenjujete tržište stanova i kakva su predviđanja<br />

- Beograd, Niš i Novi Sad su gradovi najinteresantniji <strong>za</strong><br />

<strong>investiranje</strong> kako zbog populacije, tako i zbog predviđanja<br />

da oko 100.000 stanova nedostaje na tržištu u narednih pet<br />

godina. Do sada se u proseku gradilo oko 7.000 stanova<br />

44<br />

Colliers International is the first multinational real estate<br />

company that has entered Serbian market.<br />

With support provided by this company, strategic investors<br />

in the region, multinational companies and local investors<br />

have made success on the market. Colliers Serbia has<br />

brought tenants in the biggest retail centers, let out on lease<br />

thousands of square meters of high quality office space and<br />

led up to the sale of large residential projects. Strategic lease<br />

of industrial and logistic centers in several locations in Serbia<br />

is planned.<br />

Advantages and prospects for investments in Serbia are<br />

explained by Jovica Jakovac, Managing Director and Maja<br />

Sahbaz, General Manager.

- Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc. (CMN) operating as Colliers International is a leading global real estate services company that<br />

provides a full range of services to real estate users, owners and investors worldwide. Colliers operates in 293 offices in 61<br />

countries. Services include brokerage, property management, hotel investment sales and consulting, corporate services,<br />

valuation, consulting and appraisal services, mortgage banking and research. Colliers International is a worldwide affiliation<br />

of independently owned and operated companies. Locally, Colliers professionals serve clients throughout Serbia and the<br />

region. Find out more at www.colliers.com/serbia.<br />

Interview<br />

Jovica Jakovac, Managing Director<br />

Maja Sahbaz, General Manager<br />

Serbia is attractive for investments<br />

- In Serbia investments have high yields - Lack of office, residential, retail and logistics space - Located<br />

in the Central part of South East Europe, Serbia is good location for industrial and logistic centers<br />

- Corridor 10 - the most attractive investment route<br />

godišnje, pri čemu izgradnja u Beogradu čini najveći deo<br />

tog broja. Bitno je istaći da najlepše lokacije u Srbiji nisu<br />

iskorišćene, a to su lokacije na rekama.<br />

U Beogradu je urađen plan koji otvara preko 10 miliona<br />

kvadratnih metara prostora <strong>za</strong> izgradnju kako stambenog,<br />

tako i poslovnog prostora na obalama reka Save i Dunav.<br />

Da li postoji tražnja <strong>za</strong> kacelarijskim prostorom<br />

- Colliers je prošle godine pomogao pri reali<strong>za</strong>ciji blizu 100<br />

transakcija iznajmljivanja kancelarijskog prostora. Uprkos<br />

tome, i dalje postoji veliki broj kompanija koje se nalaze u<br />

neodgovarajućim prostorima kao što su adaptirani stanovi<br />

na neadekvatnim lokacijama.<br />

U poslednje vreme <strong>za</strong>beležili smo manji pad potražnje<br />

i očekujemo da će u narednih godinu dana tržište biti<br />

obazrivije jer će se kompanije teže odlučivati na relokaciju ili<br />

ekspanziju u postojećem prostoru. Ali dugoročno gledano,<br />

Beograd se razvija u centar regiona i definitivno ima<br />

potencijal da postane poslovni centar ovog dela Evrope.<br />

Kakav je trend razvoja i izgradnje šoping molova u<br />

Srbiji<br />

- U poređenju sa zemljama u regionu, <strong>Srbija</strong> je još uvek<br />

ne<strong>za</strong>sićeno tržište kada je ova vrsta prostora u pitanju. Prvi<br />

šoping mol, poput onih koje viđamo u drugim gradovima<br />

Evrope i sveta, otvoren je pre dve godine.<br />

To je Delta City u Novom Beogradu. O interesu stranih<br />

lanaca <strong>za</strong> ovo područje dovoljno govori podatak da je<br />

Colliers, kao ekskluzivni <strong>za</strong>stupnik investitora, tada doveo 30<br />

brendova koji pre toga nisu postojali na ovom tržištu.<br />

Ovakav trend se nastavlja otvaranjem MPC-ovog šoping<br />

centra na Ušću, kao i početkom izgradnje ABD-ovog centra<br />

u Knez Mihajlovoj ulici.<br />

U Srbiji je takođe <strong>za</strong>beležen razvoj ovog segmenta tržišta,<br />

pa je sve više investitora koji svoju pažnju usmeravaju i na ostale<br />

gradove, pre svega Novi Sad, Niš i Kragujevac, ali i manje<br />

gradove poput Inđije i Leskovca.<br />

Why Serbia still has good opportunities for investments<br />

when we have new economic situation on the scene<br />

- Serbia has started the process of transition and accelerated<br />

development somewhat later then other countries in the<br />

region. As a result of this, there are segments in the real estate<br />

market that have not yet achieved their full potential, or they<br />

have just started to develop, and these are the opportunities<br />

for investments.<br />

Experience of those who have already invested in Serbia<br />

indicate that their investments were extremely lucrative,<br />

subject to appropriate information sources and planed<br />

approach to projects, as well as cooperation with professional<br />

companies. Due to its favorable geographic position, Serbia<br />

has big potentials for development of almost all real estate<br />

market segments, because it is a country in the centre of<br />

large emerging market, and this is the market of south East<br />

Europe which has 44 million potential clients.<br />

Pan European Corridor 10 and waterway corridor 7 are<br />

passing through Serbia including good infrastructural network<br />

which also represents big potential for investments.<br />

Could you give us an evaluation of residential market<br />

and its prospects<br />

- Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad are the most attractive cities<br />

for investments because of their population and because<br />

forecasts say that in the following five years there will be a<br />

lack of about 100.000 apartments.<br />

Until today about 7.000 flats have been built at average,<br />

most of it in Belgrade. It is important to mention that the<br />

most beautiful locations in Serbia have not yet been used,<br />

and these are those by the river sides.<br />

Belgrade has elaborated a plan that opens more then 10<br />

million square meters of construction area on the banks<br />

of the Sava and the Danube, both for housing and offices<br />

building.<br />

Serbia is attractive for investments<br />


<strong>Srbija</strong> <strong>atraktivna</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>investiranje</strong><br />

Generalno, kakva je ponuda nekretnina u Srbiji<br />

- Imajući u vidu evropski i regionalni prosek, možemo reći da<br />

je tržište stambenih prostora, kao i maloprodajnih prostora<br />

(lokala i prostora u šoping molovima) izuzetno ograničeno i<br />

proći će dosta vremena pre nego što dođe do približavanja<br />

ponude i potražnje. Sa druge strane, kancelarijski prostori su<br />

doživeli nešto brži rast u odnosu na ostale segmente i sada<br />

očekujemo blaži pad cena u svetlu ovakvog razvoja situacije,<br />

ali i svetske ekonomske krize.<br />

Imajući u vidu položaj zemlje, u Srbiji je još uvek nedovoljna<br />

izgradnja logističkih centara i magacina po višim standardima.<br />

Ako poredimo kapacitete Srbije u svim segmentima<br />

nekretnima sa državama u regionu (Mađarska, Rumunija,<br />

Hrvatska, Bugarska), ponuda je 3 do 6 puta manja u odnosu<br />

na ostale zemlje.<br />

To jasno ukazuje na potencijale Srbije i definitivnu isplativost<br />

investicija. Ako pri tome dodamo da Srbiju tek čeka put<br />

ujedinjenja sa EU, svima je jasno da će <strong>investiranje</strong> u Srbiju<br />

biti više nego isplativo, i to u dužem periodu.<br />

Is the office space on demand<br />

- Last year Colliers helped the reali<strong>za</strong>tion of almost 100 office<br />

lease transactions. Nevertheless, there is a large number<br />

of companies still seated in inappropriate office space, such<br />

as remodeled apartments in unsuitable locations. Recently<br />

we have recorded a smaller drop in demand and we expect<br />

that in the next year the market will be more cautious, since<br />

companies will not easily decide to relocate from or expend<br />

the existing office. Despite this, on a long run, Belgrade is developing<br />

to become a center of the region and definitely it<br />

has a potential to become the business centre of this part<br />

of Europe.<br />

What are the prospects for development and building<br />

of shopping molls in Serbia<br />

- Compared to the countries in the region, Serbia is still an<br />

unsaturated market when it concerns this kind of space. First<br />

shopping mol, similar to those that we can see in other cities<br />

of Europe and the World, was opened two years ago. It<br />

is Delta City in New Belgrade. The interest of foreign retail<br />

chains could be proved by the fact that Colliers, as the exclusive<br />

representative of the investor, has brought here 30<br />

brands which were not present at this market before. This<br />

trend continues with the opening of MPC’s Shopping Centre<br />

Ušće, as well as with the ABD’s centre, the building of which<br />

has started in Knez Mihajlova Street. Serbia has also marked<br />

the development of this market segment, thus there are<br />

more and more investors who focus their attention on other<br />

cities too, first of all to Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac, but also<br />

to smaller towns such as Inđija and Leskovac.<br />

Generally speaking, what is the real estates offer in<br />

Serbia like<br />

- Bearing in mind the European and regional offer at average,<br />

we may say that the market for residential space, as well<br />

as for retail space (shops and space in shopping molls) is extremely<br />

restricted, and it will be some time before the offer<br />

and demand come closer. On the other hand, office space<br />

recorded somewhat faster growth when compared to other<br />

market segments and we expect a moderate drop in prices<br />

because of this situation and the world economic crises.<br />

Bearing in mind the position of the country, construction of<br />

higher standard logistic centers and warehouses in Serbia is<br />

not satisfying the demand yet. If we compare Serbian capacities<br />

in all real estate segments with those of other countries<br />

in the region (Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria), the offer<br />

is 3 to 6 times smaller compared to other countries. This<br />

clearly indicates the potentials of Serbia and obvious high<br />

yields of investments. If we also say that integration with the<br />

EU is for Serbia to come, it would be clear to all of us that<br />

investments in Serbia will be highly cost effective and it will<br />

be so for a longer time.<br />

46<br />


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