Fourth EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference

Fourth EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference

Fourth EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference


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First Circular<br />

September 2007<br />

European Geosciences Union<br />

<strong>Fourth</strong> <strong>EGU</strong> <strong>Alexander</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Conference</strong><br />

The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences<br />

Santiago de Chile<br />

November 24-28, 2008<br />

Scope<br />

The Andes, one of the major mountain ranges on Earth, constitute a unique Geosciences<br />

laboratory hosting natural phenomena and processes on virtually all geosciences sub-disciplines<br />

(Solid-earth geophysics, tectonics, volcanology, economic geology, geomorphology, soil<br />

sciences, meteorology/climatology, hydrology, glaciology and geobotany). Moreover, there are<br />

not only many scientific issues specific to each sub-discipline, but also several cross-cutting<br />

themes of tremendous scientific interest and practical relevance, such as the climategeomorphology<br />

interactions over different timescales.<br />

Extending from the northern tropics of Venezuela (about 10°N) all the way to Tierra del Fuego<br />

(about 53°S), with heights ranging over 5000 m at tropical/subtropical latitudes, the Andes<br />

provide a formidable barrier for the tropospheric flow. The Andes not only act as a “climatic wall”,<br />

with dry conditions to the west and moist conditions to the east at tropical/subtropical latitudes<br />

(the pattern reverts in midlatitudes), but they also foster tropical-extratropical interactions.<br />

Furthermore, the Andes comprise all major climate and thus vegetation zones, from tropical to ice<br />

climates to absolute desert, both over their north-south extent as well as in the vertical direction.<br />

Due to their origin related to an active convergent-plate margin that causes uplifting and<br />

volcanism, the Andes show extreme complexity, with strong gradients in geology and<br />

morphological structure. The Andean orogeny involves tectonic and geodynamic processes that<br />

generate intense deformation and faulting, active subduction zone seismicity, magmatism and<br />

associated ore deposits.<br />

Humans depend on the Andes through renewable (e.g. water) and non-renewable (e.g. minerals)<br />

resources that support from local communities to national economies. In particular, water<br />

resources are under immense pressure from increasing population growth, and they could be<br />

severely diminished in the near future in the context of global warming. Dramatic retreats of<br />

glaciers are already observed in many Andean areas.<br />

Compared to other major mountain ranges, the Andes are not well studied and their geophysical<br />

characteristics poorly documented and understood. Although research has been carried out by<br />

various teams, from South America, Europe, and North America, on diverse topics and in<br />

different areas, an overall understanding of the Andes as a complex system is still lacking.<br />

This lack assumes utmost importance given the fact that the Andes and surrounding low-lands<br />

are prone to major natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides,<br />

avalanches, flooding and flash-floods, whose prediction and mitigation strategies require a<br />

comprehensive understanding of the entire system. A better assessment of the risks that result<br />


from a variety of processes is highly relevant for a more sustainable management of the<br />

resources in the Andes.<br />

Aim of the <strong>Conference</strong><br />

It is the aim of this interdisciplinary and international <strong>EGU</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> to bring<br />

researchers from diverse specializations together and thus catalyze more comprehensive<br />

interdisciplinary research towards a better understanding of the complexity of the Andes<br />

system.<br />

Scientists from all geosciences fields carrying out research related to the Andes are<br />

invited to contribute to this interdisciplinary conference.<br />

Topics (To be introduced by invited Keynote Speakers)<br />

Contributions from all fields of the Geosciences are welcome. In particular the conference will<br />

focus on the following topics:<br />

• Cryosphere and hydrology<br />

• Climate, Climate Variability and Climate Change<br />

• Tectonics and Geodynamics<br />

Interdisciplinary themes include, but are not restricted to:<br />

• Climate-Tectonics-Surface Processes<br />

• Water resources in future climate scenarios<br />

• Impact of subduction on tectonics, volcanism and atmospheric chemistry<br />

• Sustainable, environmentally friendly utilization of natural resources<br />

• Coping with incomplete data in geosciences<br />

• Risk in the geosciences<br />

<strong>Conference</strong> language: English<br />

Scientific Program Committee<br />

Peter Fabian, <strong>EGU</strong>, Germany; Co-Chairman<br />

René Garreaud, Universidad de Chile; Co-Chairman<br />

Patricio Aceituno, Universidad de Chile<br />

Guenter Bloeschl, Austria<br />

Joerg Bendix, Germany<br />

Christoph Schneider, Germany<br />

Ricardo Villalba, Argentina<br />

Francoise Vimeux, France<br />

Mario Pardo, Universidad de Chile<br />

James McPhee, Universidad de Chile<br />

Andrés Rivera, Chile<br />

Reynaldo Charrier, Universidad de Chile<br />

German Poveda, Colombia<br />

Victor Ramos, Argentina<br />

Robert Tilling, USA<br />


Venue<br />

The 4 th <strong>EGU</strong> <strong>Alexander</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> will be held at the Facultad de<br />

Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas of the Universidad de Chile (http://www.fcfm.uchile.cl), located<br />

near downtown in Santiago, Chile.<br />

Local Organizing Committee<br />

René Garreaud and team, Universidad de Chile<br />

<strong>Conference</strong> Fee<br />

US$ 250 (limited financial support for young scientists will be made available)<br />

<strong>Conference</strong> Proceedings<br />

It is planned to publish the contributions to this conference in a special volume of the <strong>EGU</strong><br />

Journal Advances in Geosciences (http://www.egu.eu/adgeo/adgeo.html)<br />

Please express your interest by e-mail:<br />

Yes, I plan to present a paper on the following subject:<br />

Yes, I plan to present a paper on the following subject:<br />

Name:<br />

E-Mail:<br />

Institution:<br />

Alternatively, you are kindly asked to use the following link and express your interest by filling-out<br />

an online form:<br />

https://www.copernicus.org/site/redsys/classicform.phpform=form_avh08_circular<br />

The Second Circular containing detailed information, including logistics, will be mailed during<br />

January 2008. Those who will have expressed their interest by then will automatically receive it.<br />

October, 2007<br />

Peter Fabian (<strong>EGU</strong>)<br />

peter.fabian@wzw.tum.de<br />

René Garreaud (Universidad de Chile)<br />

rgarreau@dgf.uchile.cl<br />


Previous <strong>EGU</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>s<br />

http://www.egu.eu/info/alexander_<strong>von</strong>_humboldt_international_conferences.html<br />

1st <strong>Alexander</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> on The El Niño phenomenon and its global<br />

impact. Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16 – 20 May 2005<br />

2nd <strong>Alexander</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> on The Role of Geophysics in Natural<br />

Disaster Prevention. Lima, Peru. 05 – 09 March 2007<br />

3rd <strong>Alexander</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Humboldt</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> on The East Asian Monsoon: Past,<br />

Present and Future. Beijing, China. 27 – 30 August 2007<br />

Please post this Circular and/or make it available to other colleagues who<br />

might be interested in this conference.<br />


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