MA409 Continuous-Time Optimisation

MA409 Continuous-Time Optimisation

MA409 Continuous-Time Optimisation


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Summer 2009 examination<br />

<strong>MA409</strong><br />

<strong>Continuous</strong>-time <strong>Optimisation</strong><br />

Half Unit<br />

Suitable for all candidates<br />

Instructions to candidates<br />

<strong>Time</strong> allowed: 2 hours<br />

This examination paper contains 6 questions. You may attempt as many questions as you wish,<br />

but only your best 4 questions will count towards the final mark. All questions carry equal<br />

numbers of marks.<br />

Please write your answers in dark ink (preferably black or blue) only.<br />

Calculators are not allowed in this exam.<br />

You are supplied with: Maths Answer Booklet<br />

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1.<br />

(a) State the Fundamental Lemma of the Calculus of Variations.<br />

(b) Let f : R 3 → R be a continuous function with continuous partial derivatives with respect to<br />

the first and second argument.<br />

Consider the problem of extremizing the functional<br />

F(x) =<br />

∫ T<br />

0<br />

f (x(t),ẋ(t), t) dt,<br />

subject to the end-point restrictions x(0) = a, x(T ) = b, where a,b are constants and x :<br />

[0,T ] → R is a continuously differentiable function.<br />

(i) Use the Fundamental Lemma to derive the Euler-Lagrange equation corresponding to this<br />

problem.<br />

(ii) If the end-point value x(T ) is unrestricted, deduce a condition satisfied by x(T ).<br />

(c) Consider the problem of finding the continuously differentiable function minimizing the<br />

functional<br />

subject to x(0) = 1.<br />

F(x) =<br />

∫ T<br />

0<br />

(<br />

x(t) 4 + x(t) 2 ẋ(t) 2) dt,<br />

Write down the first integral of the Euler-Lagrange equation for this problem and hence, using<br />

(c)(ii), solve the problem.<br />

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2.<br />

(a) Let X be a normed vector space of continuously differentiable functions on [0,1]. Let the<br />

function f : R 3 → R have continuous partial derivatives.<br />

Consider the problem of extremizing over X<br />

F(x) =<br />

∫ 1<br />

subject to G(x) = 0,<br />

0<br />

f (x,ẋ,t)dt,<br />

where G is a differentiable function from X to a normed vector space Y . Suppose that the<br />

relative stationarity condition holds at x = ξ , that is, for each h in X<br />

DG(ξ )h = 0 ⇒ DF(ξ )h = 0.<br />

Deduce a Lagrange Multiplier Theorem. You should define any duality notions which you call<br />

upon.<br />

(b) Let X comprise the continuously differentiable functions (x(t),y(t)) on [0,1], i.e. with<br />

values in R 2 , and Y = R.<br />

Apply the method of Lagrange multipliers to solve the constrained problem of maximizing<br />

∫ 1<br />

where r > 0 is a constant, subject to<br />

with x(t) ≥ 0,y(t) ≥ 0.<br />

0<br />

e −rt (x(t) 1/2 + 2y(t) 1/2 ) dt,<br />

∫ 1<br />

0<br />

(x(t) + y(t)) dt = 1,<br />

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3.<br />

A dynamical system has governing equation:<br />

ẍ = 4ẋ − 3x + u, |u| ≤ 1.<br />

(a) State the Pontryagin Principle in a form suited to deriving the minimum time trajectory<br />

taking the system from a given initial state to rest at the origin (i.e. x = 0, ẋ = 0).<br />

(b) Use the Pontryagin Principle to show that the time-optimal control is of ‘bang-bang type’<br />

and that at most one switch of control takes place.<br />

(c) Find the singular points in the (x,ẋ) phase plane corresponding to the two constant controls<br />

u = ±1, and the linear trajectories through them. By considering the eigenvalues of the<br />

associated first-order formulation, say what shape of trajectories to expect in general.<br />

(d) Sketch the trajectories u = ±1 which pass through the origin of the phase plane.<br />

(e) Sketch the switching curve and indicate how it is used to obtain optimal trajectories from<br />

controllable initial states (x,ẋ) in the phase plane.<br />

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4.<br />

Consider the problem of finding<br />

∫ T<br />

S(c,T ) = min{ (x 4 + x 2 ẋ 2 ) dt : x is continuously differentiable on [0,T ] and x(0) = c}.<br />

0<br />

(a) Show that the Bellman equation for the problem is<br />

0 = min{(c 4 + c 2 v 2 ) + v ∂S<br />

v<br />

∂c − ∂ S<br />

∂T }.<br />

(b) Verify that S(c,T ) = c 4 S(1,T ) and hence find S(1,T ).<br />

(c) Deduce that<br />

lim S(1,T ) = 1<br />

T →∞ 2 .<br />

(d) Consider now the problem of finding<br />

∫ ∞<br />

V (c) = min{ (x 4 + x 2 ẋ 2 ) dt : x is continuously differentiable on [0,∞) and x(0) = c}.<br />

0<br />

Deduce from (c) that the optimal trajectory satisfies ẋ = −x and hence find the optimal trajectory<br />

assuming x(0) = 1.<br />

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5.<br />

Consider the problem of finding, for t ≥ 0,<br />

∫ ∞<br />

C(x,t) = min{E[ e −ρs (aXs 2 + bu 2 s )ds] : u s is continuous for s ≥ t},<br />

t<br />

where for s ≥ t the stochastic process X s is defined by the initial condition X t = x and the<br />

equation<br />

dX s = u s ds + σX s dz s ,<br />

with z s a standard Wiener process, and a,b,ρ,σ positive constants.<br />

(a) Assuming that the function C is twice continuously differentiable, show that C satisfies the<br />

Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation.<br />

ρC(x,0) = min[ax 2 + bu 2 + u ∂C(x,0) + 1<br />

u<br />

∂x 2 σ 2 x 2 ∂ 2 C(x,0)<br />

∂x 2 ].<br />

(b) Find C(x,0), assuming it is of the form C(x,0) = Ax γ for some A and γ. You should identify<br />

A and γ.<br />

(c) Express the value function of the optimization problem, C(x,t), in terms of C(x,0).<br />

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6.<br />

Let C [0,1] denote the normed vector space of continuous functions on [0,1] with values in<br />

R with the maximum norm ||x|| ∞ . Let C 1 [0,1] denote the subspace of C [0,1] consisting of<br />

functions x whose derivative ẋ is continuous. Define a norm on C 1 [0,1] as follows:<br />

||x|| 1 := ||x|| ∞ + ||ẋ|| ∞ .<br />

(a) Let F be a function from C 1 [0,1] to C [0,1]. Define (i) the Gateaux derivative D h F(x)<br />

(the directional derivative) in direction h, and (ii) the Fréchet derivative (the strong derivative)<br />

DF(x). Show that if the strong derivative exists, then for all h in C 1 [0,1]<br />

D h F(x) = DF(x)h.<br />

(b) For the function S : C 1 [0,1] → C [0,1] defined by<br />

S(x)(t) = ẋ(t) 3 ,<br />

explain why the Gateaux derivative D h S(x) is the function y such that y(t) = 3ẋ(t) 2 ḣ(t).<br />

Show further that if ||x|| 1 ≤ 1 and ||h|| 1 ≤ ε < 1, then<br />

||S(x + h) − S(x) − D h S(x)|| ∞ ≤ 4ε||h|| 1 .<br />

Conclude that the function S(x) has a strong derivative.<br />

(c) The real-valued functions G and F are defined on C 1 [0,1] × R by<br />

G(x,τ) = (x(0),x(τ) − q(τ)),<br />

F(x,τ) =<br />

∫ τ<br />

0<br />

f (x,ẋ,t)dt,<br />

where the function q : R → R is differentiable and the function f : R 3 → R is continuous, and<br />

differentiable in its first two arguments.<br />

(i) Let u denote a vector (h,σ) in C 1 [0,1]×R with 0 < σ < 1. Suppose that 0 < τ < 1 and that<br />

x is in C 1 [0,1]. Compute the directional derivatives D u G(x,τ) and D u F(x,τ).<br />

(ii) For the problem of maximizing F on C 1 [0,1] × R subject to G = 0, it is known that at the<br />

optimum (x,τ) the condition<br />

DG(x,τ) = 0 =⇒ DF(x,τ) = 0,<br />

holds. Deduce the transversality condition at τ :<br />

f − (ẋ − ˙q) fẋ = 0.<br />

You may assume that for an optimal pair (x,τ), the Euler-Lagrange equation is satisfied for<br />

0 ≤ t ≤ τ.<br />

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