Le loi de Fitts

Le loi de Fitts Le loi de Fitts


loi de fitts eee & gef 459 engineering human-computer interaction © greg phillips royal military college of canada unlimited use permitted within the government of canada other uses subject to conditions of a creative commons license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ 1

<strong>loi</strong> <strong>de</strong> fitts<br />

eee & gef 459<br />

engineering human-computer interaction<br />

© greg phillips<br />

royal military college of canada<br />

unlimited use permitted within the government of canada<br />

other uses subject to conditions<br />

of a creative commons license<br />

http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/<br />


1. Toolbars offer the user the option of<br />

displaying a label below each tool.<br />

Name at least one reason why<br />

labelled tools can be accessed faster.<br />

(Assume, for this, that the user<br />

knows the tool and does not need the<br />

label to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the tool.)<br />


2. Dans un logiciel <strong>de</strong> graphisme, vous<br />

avez un palette d’outils qui se<br />

consiste d’un matrice d’icônes<br />

16⨉16 pixels organisé comme<br />

illustré. Si les icônes doivent rester a<br />

gauche <strong>de</strong> l’écran et vous ne pouvez<br />

pas modifier leur gran<strong>de</strong>ur, qu’est-ce<br />

que vous pouvez faire pour baisser le<br />

temps moyen d’accès <strong>de</strong>s outils<br />


3. A right-han<strong>de</strong>d user is known to be<br />

within 10 pixels of the exact centre<br />

of a 1600 X 1200 screen. You will<br />

place a single-pixel target on the<br />

screen that the user must point to<br />

exactly. List the five pixel locations<br />

on the screen that the user can<br />

access fastest. For a bonus point, list<br />

them in or<strong>de</strong>r from fastest to slowest<br />

access.<br />


4. Dans Windows, il y a une barre <strong>de</strong><br />

tâches qui peut être cachée, ou<br />

visible en permanence. Si c’est<br />

caché, on peut le révéler en touchant<br />

le curseur au pied <strong>de</strong> l’écran.<br />

Donnez au moins <strong>de</strong>ux raisons pour<br />

lesquelles cette approche est très<br />

inefficace.<br />


5. Explain why a Macintosh pull-down<br />

menu can be accessed at least five<br />

times faster than a typical Windows<br />

pull-down menu. For a bonus point,<br />

suggest at least two reasons why<br />

Microsoft ma<strong>de</strong> such an apparently<br />

stupid <strong>de</strong>cision.<br />


6. En navigant un menu hiérarchique,<br />

quel aspect <strong>de</strong> la navigation<br />

contribue le plus au temps total <strong>de</strong><br />

navigation Point <strong>de</strong> bonus: sans<br />

restructuration du menu, qu’est ce<br />

qu’on peut faire pour améliorer la<br />

vitesse d’usage<br />


7. Give at least one advantage circular<br />

popup menus have over standard,<br />

linear popup menus.<br />


8. Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire pour<br />

mettre plus en équilibre le temps<br />

moyen d’accès pour un menu<br />

contextuel linéaire, sans<br />

réorganisation <strong>de</strong>s options sur le<br />

menu<br />


9. Apple’s industrial <strong>de</strong>signers<br />

managed to screw up an otherwise<br />

won<strong>de</strong>rful keyboard to save a very<br />

small amount of space. What’s wrong<br />

with the keyboard and why is this so<br />

incredibly stupid<br />


10. Toutes les réponses primaires à ces<br />

questions ont quelque chose en<br />

commun. Qu’est ce que c’est<br />

la <strong>loi</strong> <strong>de</strong> fitts!<br />


fitts’s law<br />

(fitts, 1954, mackenzie, 1991)<br />

start<br />

point<br />

target<br />

A<br />

W<br />

MT = a + b·log 2 (A/W + 1)<br />

MT = “movement time”<br />

log 2 (A/W + 1) = “in<strong>de</strong>x of difficulty”<br />

a = “startup time” in sec<br />

} b = “1/speed” in sec/bit<br />

<strong>de</strong>vice specific<br />


fitts en 2D<br />

A<br />

(mackenzie & buxton, 1992)<br />

utiliser quoi<br />

comme «gran<strong>de</strong>ur»<br />

du cible<br />

target<br />

W’<br />

W W<br />

H<br />

W’<br />

H<br />

W+H<br />

W·H<br />

min(W, H)<br />

par expérience, W’ ou min(W, H)<br />


fitts’s constant ‘b’<br />

<strong>de</strong>vice b -1<br />

hand 10.6<br />

mouse 10.4<br />

joystick 5.0<br />

trackball 2.9<br />

touchpad 1.6<br />

b -1 (or 1/b) is<br />

the “information<br />

processing<br />

speed” of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>vice<br />

eyetracker 13.7<br />

MT = a + b·log2(A/W + 1)<br />


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