Broj - Banca Intesa Beograd

Broj - Banca Intesa Beograd Broj - Banca Intesa Beograd
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Prilog br. 2a UGOVOR O OTVARANJU I VOĐENJU DEVIZNOG RAČUNA PRAVNOG LICA – NEREZIDENTA AGREEMENT ON OPENING AND MAINTAINING FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNT OF A NONRESIDENT - LEGAL ENTITY Broj Number zaključuje se u __________________, dana__________________ godine, između ugovornih strana: Concluded in on between the Contractual parties 1. Banca Intesa ad Beograd, Milentija Popovića 7B, Novi Beograd, matični broj: 07759231, PIB: 100001159, koju zastupa: Predsednik Izvršnog odbora Banke, preko lica ovlašćenih Knjigom ovlašćenja za potpisivanje, Banca Intesa ad Beograd, Milentija Popovića 7B, Novi Beograd, registration number: 07759231, TIN: 100001159, represented by: President of the Bank Executive Board, through persons authorized according to the Bank’s Book of Authorizations for signing RC/Ekspozitura _________________________________ _______ RC/Branch koju zastupa ___________________________________________ (u daljem tekstu Banka) represented by (ime, prezime i funkcija) (hereinafter: Bank) (name, family name and function) 2. ______________________________________________________________________________, ( pun naziv pravnog lica – nerezidenta) ( full name of legal entity – nonresident) _______________________________________________________ ___, PIB________________ (adresa sedišta pravnog lica – nerezidenta) TIN ( address of the legal entity – nonresident) koga zastupa________________________________________________ , (u daljem tekstu: Klijent) represented by (ime, prezime i funkcija) (hereinafter: Client) (name, family name and function) i Član 1. Ovim Ugovorom se uređuju međusobna prava i obaveze ugovornih strana i regulišu uslovi i način otvaranja, vođenja i gašenja deviznog nerezidentnog računa Klijenta kod Banke (u daljem tekstu: devizni račun). Article 1. This Agreement shall govern mutual rights and obligations of Contractual parties and conditions and manner of opening, maintaining and closing Client’s nonresident FX account opened with the Bank (hereinafter: FX account). Član 2. Banka, na zahtev Klijenta, otvara i vodi devizni račun: Broj: ________________________ IBAN: ________________________ Na računu se vode sredstva stečena u skladu sa Zakonom o deviznom poslovanju i propisima donetim na osnovu ovog Zakona. Sredstva sa računa Klijent može koristiti samo u skladu sa važećim propisima. Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A Strana 1 / 6

Prilog br. 2a<br />




<strong>Broj</strong><br />

Number<br />

zaključuje se u __________________, dana__________________ godine, između ugovornih strana:<br />

Concluded in on between the Contractual parties<br />

1. <strong>Banca</strong> <strong>Intesa</strong> ad <strong>Beograd</strong>, Milentija Popovića 7B, Novi <strong>Beograd</strong>, matični broj: 07759231, PIB:<br />

100001159, koju zastupa: Predsednik Izvršnog odbora Banke, preko lica ovlašćenih Knjigom<br />

ovlašćenja za potpisivanje,<br />

<strong>Banca</strong> <strong>Intesa</strong> ad <strong>Beograd</strong>, Milentija Popovića 7B, Novi <strong>Beograd</strong>, registration number:<br />

07759231, TIN: 100001159, represented by: President of the Bank Executive Board, through persons<br />

authorized according to the Bank’s Book of Authorizations for signing<br />

RC/Ekspozitura _________________________________ _______<br />

RC/Branch<br />

koju zastupa ___________________________________________ (u daljem tekstu Banka)<br />

represented by (ime, prezime i funkcija) (hereinafter: Bank)<br />

(name, family name and function)<br />

2.<br />

______________________________________________________________________________,<br />

( pun naziv pravnog lica – nerezidenta)<br />

( full name of legal entity – nonresident)<br />

_______________________________________________________ ___, PIB________________<br />

(adresa sedišta pravnog lica – nerezidenta) TIN<br />

( address of the legal entity – nonresident)<br />

koga zastupa________________________________________________ , (u daljem tekstu: Klijent)<br />

represented by (ime, prezime i funkcija) (hereinafter: Client)<br />

(name, family name and function)<br />

i<br />

Član 1.<br />

Ovim Ugovorom se uređuju međusobna prava<br />

i obaveze ugovornih strana i regulišu uslovi i<br />

način otvaranja, vođenja i gašenja deviznog<br />

nerezidentnog računa Klijenta kod Banke (u<br />

daljem tekstu: devizni račun).<br />

Article 1.<br />

This Agreement shall govern mutual rights and<br />

obligations of Contractual parties and<br />

conditions and manner of opening, maintaining<br />

and closing Client’s nonresident FX account<br />

opened with the Bank (hereinafter: FX<br />

account).<br />

Član 2.<br />

Banka, na zahtev Klijenta, otvara i vodi devizni<br />

račun:<br />

<strong>Broj</strong>: ________________________<br />

IBAN: ________________________<br />

Na računu se vode sredstva stečena u skladu<br />

sa Zakonom o deviznom poslovanju i<br />

propisima donetim na osnovu ovog Zakona.<br />

Sredstva sa računa Klijent može koristiti samo<br />

u skladu sa važećim propisima.<br />

Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A<br />

Strana 1 / 6

Prilog br. 2a<br />

Article 2.<br />

Upon the Client’s request, the Bank shall open<br />

and maintain the FX account:<br />

Number: ______________________<br />

IBAN: _______________________<br />

The FX account shall maintain funds<br />

generated in accordance with the Law on<br />

Foreign Exchange Operations and regulations<br />

rendered based on this Law.<br />

Funds from the Client’s account may be used<br />

only in compliance with valid legislations.<br />

Član 3.<br />

Banka se obavezuje da:<br />

usluge koje su predmet ovog ugovora<br />

obavlja ažurno i u dobroj nameri u skladu sa<br />

zakonskim propisima, standardima Banke i<br />

opštim bankarskim standardima;<br />

na račun prima uplate i izvršava naloge<br />

Klijenta za plaćanje, prenos sredstava ili<br />

isplate do visine raspoloživih sredstava, u<br />

skladu sa zakonskim propisima;<br />

uredno popunjen nalog Klijenta, dostavljen<br />

u toku dana u roku predviđenom za prijem<br />

naloga, obradi u istom danu, a naloge<br />

primljene nakon ovog vremena izvrši narednog<br />

radnog dana;<br />

vodi evidenciju o promenama i stanju na<br />

računu i o tome obaveštava Klijenta, u formi<br />

izvoda, u roku od 5 (pet) radnih dana od dana<br />

nastanka promene;<br />

da ispita svako neslaganje, odnosno<br />

osporavanje dugovanja ili potraživanja, na koja<br />

ukaže Klijent i da obezbedi relavantne<br />

informacije, koje su joj na raspolaganju i da, u<br />

zavisnosti od rezultata ispitivanja izvrši<br />

potrebna usaglašavanja i korekcije na računu;<br />

poštuje princip tajnosti i da informacije o<br />

računu daje samo Klijentu i organima koji su<br />

ovlašćeni da ih zahtevaju prema važećim<br />

propisima;<br />

dokumentaciju na osnovu koje otvara i gasi<br />

devizni račun Klijenta Banka čuva najmanje<br />

deset godina od dana gašenja računa,<br />

naloge na osnovu kojih su evidentirane<br />

promene na deviznom računu Banka čuva<br />

najmanje deset godina posle isteka godine u<br />

kojoj su evidentirane te promene.<br />

Article 3.<br />

The Bank undertakes to:<br />

Provide services subject of this Agreement<br />

promptly and in good faith in line with<br />

legislations, Bank’s standards and general<br />

banking standards;<br />

Accept pay-ins onto the account and<br />

execute Client’s orders for payments, transfer<br />

of funds or pay-outs up to the amount of<br />

available funds, in accordance with<br />

legislations;<br />

Process the Client’s dully filled in order<br />

submitted during the day and within the time<br />

frame specified for receiving orders, the same<br />

day the order is submitted, whereby orders<br />

submitted after the time specified shall be<br />

processed the following working day.<br />

Keep records on changes and balance on<br />

the account and notify the Client thereon, in<br />

the form of statement, within the period of 5<br />

(five) working days from the date the change<br />

occurred;<br />

investigate each and every discrepancy,<br />

and/or contestations of liabilities or receivables<br />

indicated by the Client and provide relevant<br />

information, which are at its disposal, and,<br />

depending on the outcome of investigation,<br />

perform the necessary harmonization and<br />

corrections on the account.<br />

adhere to the principle of secrecy and<br />

submit information relevant to the account only<br />

to the Client and bodies authorized to require<br />

information according to valid regulations<br />

save documentation for opening and closing<br />

the Client’s FX account at least ten years from<br />

the date of closing the<br />

keep orders based on which are recorded<br />

changes onto the FX account at least ten years<br />

after the expiry of the year when such changes<br />

were recorded.<br />

Član 4.<br />

Banka je obavezna da:<br />

izvrši blokadu i raspolaže sredstvima sa<br />

računa bez saglasnosti Klijenta po osnovu<br />

naloga ispostavljenih od strane nadležne<br />

organizacije za prinudnu naplatu i radi plaćanja<br />

po osnovu raspoloživih i izvršnih odluka suda<br />

ili drugog organa ili u drugim slučajevima<br />

predviđenim propisima;<br />

kod otvaranja, vođenja i gašenja računa<br />

preduzima radnje i mere utvrđene Zakonom i<br />

aktima Banke kojim se uređuje sprečavanje<br />

pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma.<br />

Article 4.<br />

The Bank undertakes to:<br />

block and freely dispose of the funds placed<br />

on the account without the Client’s prior<br />

consent based on orders submitted by the<br />

competent agency for forced collection and for<br />

making payments based on valid and<br />

executive court decisions or other body or in<br />

other cases envisaged under regulations;<br />

Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A<br />

Strana 2 / 6

Prilog br. 2a<br />

undertake actions and measures stipulated<br />

by the Law and Bank’s enactments governing<br />

the anti-money laundering and funding of<br />

terrorism when opening, maintaining and<br />

closing the account.<br />

Član 5.<br />

Klijent se obavezuje da:<br />

nalog za plaćanje dostavlja Banci u pisanoj<br />

formi, uz propisanu dokumentaciju, u skladu sa<br />

važećim zakonskim propisima, potpisan i<br />

overen pečatom (ukoliko ga Klijent poseduje)<br />

identičnim kao na kartonu deponovanih potpisa<br />

kod Banke;<br />

vodi računa o izveštajima koje je primio od<br />

Banke, da ih pregleda i da, ukoliko smatra da<br />

postoji neslaganje ili da postoje sporna<br />

dugovanja, odnosno potraživanja, o tome<br />

odmah obavesti Banku, a najkasnije u roku od<br />

8 (osam) dana od dana prijema izveštaja, u<br />

protivnom Banka neće snositi odgovornost za<br />

eventualnu štetu;<br />

jednom godišnje ažurira postojeću statusnu<br />

dokumentaciju, neophodnu za poznavanje i<br />

praćenje klijenta, za identifikaciju fizičkog i<br />

pravnog lica u skladu sa zakonom i aktima<br />

Banke kojima se uređuju pitanja u vezi<br />

sprečavanja pranja novca i finansiranja<br />

terorizma i to:<br />

- originala ili overene kopije dokumentacije<br />

iz registra koji vodi nadležni organ države<br />

sedišta Klijenta,<br />

- ako je Klijent osnovan u zemlji gde se ne<br />

upisuje u takav registar, drugi validan<br />

dokument o osnivanju u skladu sa propisima<br />

zemlje sedišta, ne stariji od tri meseca, na<br />

osnovu kojeg se može utvrditi pravni oblik<br />

Klijenta, datum osnivanja i prevod tog<br />

dokumenta na srpski jezik, overen od strane<br />

sudskog tumača, ne stariji od tri meseca;<br />

Banci na njen zahtev dostavi podatke i<br />

dokumentaciju potrebnu u postupku<br />

sprečavanja pranja novca i finansiranja<br />

terorizma;<br />

obavesti Banku o statusnim i drugim<br />

promenama koje se evidentiraju u registru u<br />

koji je upisan ili kod drugog nadležnog organa<br />

ili kakvoj drugoj promeni od značaja za pravni<br />

promet, u roku od 8 (osam) dana od dana<br />

dobijanja rešenja o upisu te promene.<br />

U suprotnom, Banka je dužna da odbije<br />

izvršenje transakcija i raskine ovaj Ugovor;<br />

podizanje gotovine sa nerezidentnog<br />

računa u iznosu većem od 5.000,00 (pet<br />

hiljada) evra najavi Banci dan ranije.<br />

Banka ima pravo da privremeno ili trajno<br />

obustavi izvršenje transakcije po nalogu ili u<br />

korist Klijenta:<br />

u slučaju da Klijent ne postupi u skladu sa<br />

bilo kojom obavezom iz stava 1. alineja 3.i 4.<br />

ovog člana.<br />

ukoliko podaci koje Klijent dostavi Banci<br />

nisu dovoljni da se pouzdano otkloni sumnja<br />

na pranje novca ili finansiranje terorizma;<br />

ukoliko je transakcija povezana sa<br />

proizvodnjom ili trgovinom naoružanja ili vojne<br />

opreme.<br />

Banka ima pravo da jednostrano raskine ovaj<br />

ugovor u slučaju da klijent ne postupi u skladu<br />

sa bilo kojom obavezom iz stava 1. alineje 3.<br />

do 5. ovog člana.<br />

Article 5.<br />

The Client undertakes to:<br />

deliver to the Bank the payment order in<br />

written, along with the prescribed<br />

documentation, in line with current legislations,<br />

signed and certified with a seal (if the Client<br />

possesses it) identical to the one in the<br />

specimen signature cards held with the Bank.<br />

take due care of the reports received by<br />

the Bank, inspect them and in case of<br />

discrepancy or contested liabilities, and/or<br />

receivables, notify the Bank instantly, or at<br />

least eight (8) days from the day of receiving<br />

the report. If not, the Bank shall not bear any<br />

responsibility for the potential damage.<br />

on a year basis update the current status<br />

documentation, required for learning about and<br />

monitoring the Client, identification of individual<br />

and legal entity, in line with the Law and<br />

Bank’s enactments which govern issues<br />

related to anti-money laundering and funding<br />

of terrorism, in specific:<br />

- original or certified photocopies of<br />

documentation from the Register kept by the<br />

competent body of the state where the Client’s<br />

is registered at,<br />

- if the Client is founded in the country<br />

where the relevant procedure is not performed,<br />

any other valid document on the company<br />

foundation, in line with the regulation of the<br />

country where the Company is registered at,<br />

not older that three months, which can prove<br />

the legal status, the date of foundation of the<br />

Company along with the certified translation<br />

into Serbian, not older than three months;<br />

At the Bank’s request, deliver data and<br />

documentation required in the procedure of<br />

anti-money laundering and funding of<br />

terrorism;<br />

inform the Bank on status and other<br />

changes recorded in the competent register or<br />

other competent body or on any other change<br />

of importance to legal transaction, within the<br />

eight (8) days from the day of receiving the<br />

decision on the inscription of the change. If not,<br />

Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A<br />

Strana 3 / 6

Prilog br. 2a<br />

the Bank undertakes to refuse to execute the<br />

transaction and cancel the Agreement hereof.<br />

notify the Bank at least one day prior to<br />

submitting the order for withdrawing the cash<br />

amount exceeding EUR 5.000,00 (five<br />

thousand) from the nonresident FX account<br />

held with the Bank.<br />

The Bank retains the right to temporarily or<br />

permanently cease the execution of the<br />

transaction against the order or in Client’s<br />

favor.<br />

In case the Client fails to act in accordance<br />

with any obligation specified in para 1, indent 3<br />

and 4 hereof,<br />

If the data that the Client submits to the<br />

Bank prove not reliable enough to relieve the<br />

doubt on money laundering or funding<br />

terrorism;<br />

If the transaction is related to production or<br />

trading with weapons or military equipment.<br />

The Bank shall retain the right to unilaterally<br />

cancel the Agreement hereof in case the Client<br />

fails to act in accordance with any of obligation<br />

referred to in para 1, indent 3 to 5 of this<br />

Article.<br />

Član 6.<br />

Na sredstva položena na devizni račun<br />

Klijenta, Banka ne obračunava i ne plaća<br />

kamatu.<br />

Article 6<br />

On the funds placed onto the Client’s FX<br />

account, the Bank shall not accrue and pay no<br />

interest.<br />

Član 7.<br />

Klijent je potpisivanjem ovog Ugovora<br />

saglasan da Banka ima pravo da informacije o<br />

računu, kao i dokumentaciju u vezi sa ovim<br />

Ugovorom prosledi u centralnu bazu podataka<br />

Grupa <strong>Intesa</strong> Sanpaolo.<br />

Klijent je izričito saglasan da Banka ima pravo<br />

da podatke o Klijentu koji se odnose na<br />

adresu, brojeve telefona, faks i telefaks<br />

uređaja, e-mail adrese i ostale podatke za<br />

uspostavljanje kontakta, a koje je Klijent<br />

prezentovao Banci, koristi radi dostavljanja<br />

Klijentu obaveštenja o svojim aktivnostima,<br />

proizvodima i uslugama, u vidu letaka,<br />

prospekata, elektronskih poruka, kao i svih<br />

drugih sredstava poslovne komunikacije i<br />

poslovne prezentacije.<br />

Article 7.<br />

By signing this Agreement the Client accords<br />

with the Bank’s right to proceed information<br />

about the account and the documentation<br />

related to this Agreement to the central<br />

database of <strong>Intesa</strong> Sanpaolo Group.<br />

The Client explicitly agrees that the Bank is<br />

entitled to use details about the Client referring<br />

to the address, telephone numbers, facsimile<br />

and telefax devices, e-email addresses and<br />

other data needed for establishing the contact,<br />

and which the Client presented to the Bank<br />

when concluding the Agreement hereof, all<br />

with a view to notify the Client about its<br />

activities, products and services in the form of<br />

leaflets, brochures, electronic messages, as<br />

well as in form of any other means of<br />

submitting business communication and<br />

business presentation.<br />

Član 8.<br />

Za obavljene usluge platnog prometa, i druge<br />

usluge koje proističu iz vođenja računa Klijent<br />

plaća Banci naknadu u skladu sa Odlukom o<br />

tarifi naknada za usluge <strong>Banca</strong> <strong>Intesa</strong> ad,<br />

<strong>Beograd</strong>.<br />

Obračunatu naknadu i stvarne troškove Banka<br />

naplaćuje zaduženjem dinarskog računa<br />

Klijenta, a u slučaju da Klijent nema otvoren<br />

dinarski račun, ili na tom računu nema pokriće,<br />

Banka svoja potraživanja po ovom osnovu<br />

naplaćuje sa deviznog računa Klijenta.<br />

Article 8.<br />

For the executed payment transaction services<br />

and other services arising from maintaining the<br />

Client‘s account, the Client shall pay to the<br />

Bank fee pursuant to the Decision on Terms<br />

and Conditions of <strong>Banca</strong> <strong>Intesa</strong> ad, Belgrade.<br />

The calculated fee and actual costs the Bank<br />

shall charge by debiting the Client’s dinar<br />

account. In case the Client has no dinar<br />

account opened with the Bank, or has no<br />

coverage on that account, the Bank shall<br />

collect its claims on this ground by debiting the<br />

Client’s FX account.<br />

Član 9.<br />

Banka na zahtev Klijenta gasi račun, a<br />

sredstva sa ugašenog računa prenosi na račun<br />

naveden u zahtevu.<br />

U slučaju da klijent prestane da postoji kao<br />

pravni subjekt (na osnovu zakona ili drugog<br />

propisa; zbog nastalih statusnih promena; kad<br />

je osnivačkim aktom utvrđeno ograničeno<br />

trajanje nerezidenta; zbog stečaja i likvidacije),<br />

Banka ima obavezu da ugasi račun Klijenta, a<br />

sredstva sa ugašenog računa Klijenta prenese<br />

na račun pravnog sledbenika ili na račun<br />

nerezidenta, odnosno rezidenta određenog<br />

Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A<br />

Strana 4 / 6

Prilog br. 2a<br />

zakonom ili drugim propisom, umanjena za<br />

iznos obaveze prema Banci po osnovu ovog<br />

Ugovora.<br />

Ako pravni sledbenik nije određen ili Klijent u<br />

Zahtevu za gašenje računa nije naveo račun<br />

za prenos sredstava sa ugašenog računa,<br />

Banka sredstva prenosi na račun sredstva koja<br />

se ne koriste, umanjena za iznos obaveze<br />

prema Banci po osnovu ovog Ugovora.<br />

Klijent je obavezan da pre prenosa sredstava<br />

iz stava 1. ovog člana izmiri sve obaveze<br />

prema Banci po osnovu ovog Ugovora.<br />

Ako Klijent ne izmiri sve obaveze prema Banci<br />

u skladu sa stavom 1. ovog člana, ovaj Ugovor<br />

ostaje na snazi, osim u delu člana 3. stav 2. i<br />

3., sve do izmirenja tih obaveza kada se ovaj<br />

Ugovor smatra raskinutim.<br />

Article 9.<br />

Upon the Client’s request, the Bank shall close<br />

the account, and transfer the funds from the<br />

closed account to the account stated in the<br />

request.<br />

In case the Client shall cease to exist as legal<br />

entity (based on the law or other regulation; as<br />

the result of occurred status changes; when<br />

the founding act stipulates the limited duration<br />

of the nonresident; due to bankruptcy and<br />

liquidation), the Bank undertakes to close the<br />

Client’s account, and transfer the funds from<br />

the closed account to its legal successor or<br />

nonresident account, i.e. resident account<br />

stipulated by the law or other regulation,<br />

reduced for the amount of the obligation due to<br />

the Bank based on the Agreement hereof.<br />

If the legal successor has not been identified or<br />

the Client failed to specify the account for<br />

transferring the funds from the closed account<br />

on the Closing Account Request, the Bank<br />

shall transfer the funds onto the account which<br />

is not used, reduced by the amount of<br />

obligation owed to the Bank based on this<br />

Agreement.<br />

The Client undertakes to honor all its liabilities<br />

towards the Bank before transferring the funds<br />

referred to in para 1 hereof based on this<br />

Agreement.<br />

If the Client fails to honor its liabilities due to<br />

the Bank in line with para 1 hereof, this<br />

Agreement shall remain into force, except for<br />

the part of Article 3, para 2 and 3, until<br />

servicing such liabilities when this Agreement<br />

may be deemed canceled.<br />

Član 10.<br />

Ovaj Ugovor se zaključuje na neodređeno<br />

vreme, a ugovorne strane ga mogu raskinuti<br />

dostavljanjem pisanog obaveštenja drugoj<br />

ugovornoj strani najkasnije 15 (petnaest) dana<br />

pre dana raskida.<br />

Article 10.<br />

This Agreement shall be concluded for the<br />

indefinite period of time and the Contractual<br />

parties may terminate it by submitting written<br />

notification to other contractual party at latest<br />

15 (fifteen) days before the termination.<br />

Član 11.<br />

Za sve što ovim Ugovorom nije predviđeno,<br />

primenjivaće se odredbe Zakona o bankama,<br />

Zakona o obligacionim odnosima, Zakona o<br />

sprečavanju pranja novca i finansiranja<br />

terorizma, Zakona o platnom prometu, Zakona<br />

o deviznom poslovanju i drugih važećih<br />

propisa i odluka NBS koji regulišu otvaranje i<br />

vođenje računa Opštih uslova polovanja banke<br />

i drugih relevantnih opštih akata Banke.<br />

Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će sve<br />

eventualne sporove iz i u vezi sa ovim<br />

Ugovorom nastojati da reše sporazumno, a<br />

ako to ne bi bilo moguće, spor će rešavati<br />

Privredni sud u <strong>Beograd</strong>u.<br />

Article 11.<br />

For all not envisaged under this Agreement<br />

shall apply provisions of the Law on banks,<br />

Law on obligations, Law on the prevention of<br />

money laundering and funding of terrorism,<br />

Law on payment transaction, Law on foreign<br />

exchange operations, and other current<br />

regulations and NBS decision governing<br />

opening and maintaining accounts, general<br />

terms and conditions for Bank’s operations and<br />

other relevant Bank’s general enactments.<br />

The contractual parties agree to solve any<br />

potential disputes arising from this Agreement<br />

by reaching mutual agreement. Should they fail<br />

to do so, any dispute concerning this<br />

Agreement shall fall under the competence of<br />

the Commercial Court in Belgrade.<br />

Član 12.<br />

Ugovor stupa na snagu danom potpisivanja od<br />

strane ovlašćenih lica obe ugovorne strane.<br />

Article 12.<br />

This Agreement shall become valid on the date<br />

of signing by the persons authorized by the<br />

respective contractual parties.<br />

Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A<br />

Strana 5 / 6

Prilog br. 2a<br />

Član 13.<br />

Ovaj Ugovor je sačinjen u 2 (dva) istovetna<br />

primerka, od kojih po (1) jedan zadržava svaka<br />

ugovorna strana.<br />

Article 13.<br />

This Agreement is made in 2 (two) identical<br />

copies, of which 1 (one) for each contractual<br />

party.<br />



________________________<br />

(pečat i potpis)<br />

(seal and signature)<br />

ZA BANKU<br />


________________________<br />

(pečat i potpis)<br />

(seal and signature)<br />

Podaci za odgovorno lice Klijenta:<br />

Details on the person authorized by the Client:<br />

Ime, prezime, datum i mesto rođenja, funkcija<br />

Name, family name, date and place of birth, function<br />

Mesto i adresa stanovanja / prebivalište ili boraviše<br />

Place and address/residence<br />

JMBG / Identifikacioni broj stranog fizičkog lica<br />

Citizen Registration Number/ identification number of the foreign subject<br />

Vrsta i broj ličnog dokumenta, datum i mesto izdavanja, naziv izdavaoca<br />

Type and number of personal document, date and place of issue, name of issuer<br />

Podaci o licu koje po ovlašćenju otvara račun u ime Klijenta:<br />

Details on the person authorized to open the account on behalf on by the Client:<br />

Ime, prezime, datum i mesto rođenja, funkcija<br />

Name, family name, date and place of birth, function<br />

Mesto i adresa stanovanja / prebivalište ili boraviše<br />

Place and address/residence<br />

JMBG / Identifikacioni broj stranog fizičkog lica<br />

Citizen Registration Number/ identification number of the foreign subject<br />

Vrsta i broj ličnog dokumenta, datum i mesto izdavanja, naziv izdavaoca<br />

Type and number of personal document, date and place of issue, name of issuer<br />

Šifra BIB.8400.P.035-OBR.02A<br />

Strana 6 / 6

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