Condominium Resale Certificate - Williams & Williams

Condominium Resale Certificate - Williams & Williams

Condominium Resale Certificate - Williams & Williams


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This document may have legal consequences. If not<br />

understood, seek legal advice.<br />

Form #2141 8/99<br />


Approved by Counsel for the St. Louis Association of Realtors*<br />

to be used exclusively by Realtors* and<br />

members of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong> <strong>Resale</strong> <strong>Certificate</strong><br />



The sale of individual units may be delayed or cancelled if a resale certificate is not available on a timely basis to unit owners to<br />

present to Buyers. This resale certificate shall be completed by the governing body of the <strong>Condominium</strong> Association of<br />

______________________________________ Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> Association condominium, Unit number ______________________________________<br />

12812 Portulaca Unit D<br />

Building number __________ in the city/county of St. ______________________________________ Louis<br />

in the state of Missouri.<br />

Description of condominium complex:<br />

Total Units _______ 92 Owner Occupied Units _______ 52 Rental Units _______ 40<br />

1. Does the Board or Association have the right of first refusal yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, Board does does not waive this right<br />

Is there any other limitation on the right of the unit owner to sell or lease this unit yes ✔ no If yes, describe:<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Please fill in the following amounts:<br />

Monthly Assessment _________________ $156.00/$169.00 Date Due _________________<br />

First of each month<br />

Special Assessment _________________ Date Due _________________<br />

Other fees _________________ Date Due _________________<br />

The monthly assessment on this unit is paid through ___________________(date)<br />

If payments are late, the following penalties and fees apply: ________________________________________________<br />

$10.00 after the 10th of each month<br />

3. Is any additional special assessment anticipated by the Association or already approved for some future date within the next 2 fiscal<br />

years yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, for what purpose: ________________________________________________________________________________<br />

4. Is any additional capital expenditure anticipated by the Association within the next two years yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, in what amount and for what purpose _______________________________________________________________<br />

5. Reserves available for capital expenditures $ _____________________<br />

130,808.54 -<br />

6. Reserves designated for specific purposes $ _____________________<br />

0.00<br />

7. Copies of the following documents are attached as required by law. They are current and up to date.<br />

Balance Sheet<br />

Income and Expense Statement<br />

Operating Budget<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong> Declaration<br />

Bylaws<br />

Rules and Regulations<br />

8. Are there any unsatisfied judgments against the Association yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, for what is the status: ______________________________________________________________________________<br />

9. Are there any pending law suits against the Association yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, for what is the status: ______________________________________________________________________________<br />

10. Does the Board or Association have knowledge of any alteration or improvement to this unit which may violate any provision of the<br />

declaration yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, for what is it: ______________________________________________________________________________<br />

11. Does the Association provide insurance coverage for the benefit of unit owner ✔ yes no<br />

If yes, by whom: **Contact Insurance Agent**<br />

Insurance Company: Auto Owners & U.S. Liability<br />

Broker: O'Connor Insurance Agency<br />

Agent: Karen Corrigan<br />

Address: 4110 Crescent Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129<br />

Telephone: (314) 434-0038<br />

12. Is the condominium project on leased land yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, remaining term is ______ years.<br />

13. Is a portion of the common elements leased to others yes ✔ no<br />

If yes, the remaining term is _____ years.<br />

This form was prepared by the undersigned who represents that he/she has the authority of the _________________________________<br />

Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> Association<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong> Association to make the statements contained in this form.

2. The Trustees have established the 2010 assessments as follows:<br />

$156.00 - 1 bathroom units<br />

$169.00 - 2 bathroom units<br />


Please contact the insurance company directly with any questions regarding the policy or to request the declaration page.<br />

(r_ccrdfm153)<br />

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BYLAWS<br />

OF<br />



an Unincorporated Association<br />

under the Laws of the<br />

State of Missouri<br />

ARTICLE I.<br />


These are the Bylaws of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

Association, a Missouri unincorporated association (the "Association").<br />

For the purpose of these Bylawsi the terms specifically<br />

defined in the Declaration of <strong>Condominium</strong> of<br />

Fern Ridge<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong> (the "Declaration") or in Section 448 of the Missouri<br />

Revised Statutes (the "Act") and any laws amendatory thereof and<br />

supplemental thereto shall have the same herein.<br />


QU<br />



The qualifications and responsibilities of members and the<br />

manner of their admission into the Association shall be as<br />

follows:<br />

2.1 Members: Each Unit Owner, by virtue of such ownership,<br />

shall be a member of this Association, and shall remain a<br />

member until such time as such ownership ceases for any reason.<br />

2.2 More Than One Unit Owner: When more than one person<br />

owns a Unit, all such Unit Owners shall be members of the Association.<br />

2.3 Registration: It shall be the duty of each Unit Owner<br />

AND<br />


07:A2 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

to register his name and the<br />

the Association. If a Unit Owner does<br />

Association shall have no duty or<br />

membership.<br />

2.4 Prohib<br />

Unit number with the Secretary of<br />

not so register, the<br />

obligation to recognize his<br />

ition of Assinrnent, etC. of Member Share in<br />

Funds of Association: The share of a member in the funds and<br />

assets of the Association cannot be assigned, pledged, encumbered,<br />

alienated or transferred in any manner<br />

to his Unit.<br />



except as an appurtenance<br />

3.1 Place of Meeting: Meetings of the Association shall<br />

be held at the registered office<br />

suitable places within St. Louis<br />

the members, as may be<br />

Board.<br />

a year.<br />

of the Association, or such<br />

County,Missouri. convenient to<br />

designated from time to time by the<br />

3.2 Annual Meetinqs: The members shall meet at least once<br />

The annual meeting of the members<br />

second Wednesday in July in each year,<br />

such day shall be a legal holiday,<br />

shall be held on the<br />

commencing in 1985, and if<br />

then on the next secular day<br />

following, at such time and place as is specified by the President<br />

or Secretary in the notice of such meeting; provided, that the<br />

Board, from time to time, at any regular or special meeting, may<br />

designate a different day for the annual meeting.<br />

Except as<br />

otherwise provided in Article IV hereof, at each annual meeting<br />

the members shall elect a<br />

meeting and may transact any other<br />

Board to serve until the next annual<br />

-2-<br />

business authorized to be

07:A3 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

transacted by the members.<br />

3.3 Soecial Meetings: special meetings of the members<br />

may be called at any time by the President or by the Executive<br />

Board, and must be called by the President upon receipt of a<br />

written request for a special meeting signed by at least twentyfive<br />

(25) members of the Association.<br />

No business shall be<br />

transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice<br />

thereof. such notice shall be in writing, shall be sent by United<br />

States mail to the addresses of their respective Units or to such<br />

other addresses as any member may have designated to the President<br />

or Secretary. and shall be mailed not less than twenty-one (21)<br />

days in advance of the annual or regularly scheduled meeting and<br />

at least seven (7) days in advance of any other meeting;<br />

provided,<br />

however, that such notice may be delivered personally to any<br />

member if not prohibited by the statutes of the State of Missouri.<br />

Proof of such mailing or delivery shall be given by the affidavit<br />

of the person mailing or delivering the notice.<br />

Notice of the<br />

meeting may be waived in writing by any member before or after<br />

such meeting.<br />

3.5 Attendance of Mortgagee at Meetings: Any mortgagee<br />

of a Unit may attend and participate in any general or special<br />

meeting. but shall have no vote unless granted by proxy.<br />

3.6 Quorum: A quorum at meetings of the members shall consist<br />

of members present, in person or by proxy, representing at<br />

least fifty percent (50%) of the total votes in the Association.<br />

3.7 Votina Power; Association Not to Vote: The voting<br />


07;A4 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

power of members shall be based upon the Units owned and the vote<br />

allocated to such Units by the Declaration. When more than one<br />

person is the owner of a Unit, the votes for that Unit shall be<br />

cast as the Unit Owners shall determine, but in no event shall<br />

more than the vote allocated by the Declaration to the Unit be<br />

voted. The votes allocated to a Unit shall not be split but<br />

shall be voted as a single whole. Notwithstanding anything<br />

herein to the contrary, the Association shall not be entitled to<br />

cast the votes allocated to any Unit owned by it during the<br />

period of its ownership.<br />

3.8 Manner of Casting Votes: A vote may be cast in person<br />

or by proxy. A proxy must be in writing, be signed by all<br />

owners of the Unit, the vote of which are subject to the proxy,<br />

be only to another member or a Security Holder in that Unit, and<br />

be filed with the Secretary before the meeting. A proxy shall be<br />

valid until revoked in writing by all owners of such Unit.<br />

3.9 Action by Members Without Meetinq:<br />

Any action required<br />

by law to be taken at a meeting of the members, or any<br />

action that may be taken at a meeting of the members, may be<br />

taken without a meeting if authorization in writing, setting<br />

forth the action taken is signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the<br />

members or as may otherwise be required by Missouri Statutes.<br />

3.10 Adiournment when Quorum Lacking: If a meeting cannot<br />

be organized because a quorum has not attended, the meeting shall<br />

be adjourned from time to time until a quorum is present.<br />

3.11 Manner of Acting: When a quorum is present at a<br />


07:A5 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

meeting, any question brought before<br />

by a majority of the voting power<br />

unless express provisions of<br />

these Bylaws require a greater vote.<br />

3.149rder of<br />

the meeting shall be decided<br />

present in person or by proxy,<br />

applicable law, the Declaration, or<br />

3.12 Statement of Members and Votes: At the beginning of<br />

each meetingi the Secretary, or other person designated by the<br />

presiding officer, shall certify a statement<br />

listing all members<br />

present in person or by proxy at such meeting, the votes of each,<br />

and the total percentage of votes<br />

represented at the meeting.<br />

3.13 prohibition of Cumulative Voting: There shall be no<br />

cumulative voting.<br />

Busin<br />

order of business at the annual<br />

es at Annual and Other Zleetjnas<br />

The<br />

meetings of the members, and, so<br />

far as is applicable and practical at all other meetings of the<br />

members shall be:<br />

Certification of members and votes present.<br />

Calling of the roll.<br />

Cc) Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice.<br />

Cd)<br />

Approval of minutes from previous meetings.<br />

Ce)<br />

Cf)<br />

Reports of officers.<br />

Reports of committees.<br />

Appointment by presiding officer of judges of<br />

election.<br />

Election of Directors for the second and<br />

subsequent<br />

Boards.<br />

Ci)<br />

Unfinished business.<br />


07:A6 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

Ci) New business.<br />

(k)<br />

Adjournment<br />

The presiding officer may vary such order as the presiding<br />

officer deems necessary.<br />



4.1 First Board: The first Executive Board shall consist of<br />

the three (3) persons appointed by the Declarant, and successors<br />

to any thereof appointed by Declarant. Said first Executive Board<br />

and officers elected thereby shall serve until their successors<br />

have been duly elected and have qualified.<br />

4.2 Number of Qualifications of Directors: The Executive<br />

Board shall consist of three (3), five (5), or seven (7) natural<br />

persons, as determined from time to time by the members. Each<br />

Executive Board member ("DirectorTM): except those whom the Declarant<br />

is entitled to elect or appoint during the Declarant Control<br />

Period, shall be a Unit Owner. The first Director or successor<br />

elected by the Unit Owners shall serve until the expiration of<br />

Declarant Control. Upon termination of Declarant Control three (3)<br />

Directors shall be elected to serve, one for one year, one for two<br />

years and one for three years, thereafter all terms shall be for<br />

three years with not less than one Director nor more than one-third<br />

(1/3) of the Directors to be elected at each annual meeting.<br />

4.3 Election of Directors:<br />

(a) During Declarant Control Period: At the first<br />

annual meeting of the members, and at each subsequent annual<br />

meeting during the Declarant Control Period, the Directors shall<br />


07:A7 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

be elected by Declarant, or persons designated by Declarant;<br />

provided1 however, that no later than sixty (60) days after<br />

conveyance of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Units to Unit<br />

Owners other than Declarant, a regular or special meeting<br />

shall be held at which One Director who is a Unit Owner will<br />

be elected. Upon conveyance of fifty percent (50%) of the<br />

Units not less than one-third (1/3) of the Board will be<br />

elected by the Unit Owners, or, if the number of Directors<br />

is not evenly divisible by three (3), the next highest<br />

number thereof, shall be elected by the members other<br />

than<br />

Declarant, and the other Directors shall be elected by<br />

Declarant.<br />

After Declarant Control Period.<br />

Not later than the<br />

termination of the Declarant Control Period the Directors<br />

shall be elected by the members. In order to assure that<br />

Directors will be so elected, a regular or special meeting<br />

of the members shall be held prior to such termination,<br />

to<br />

elect, effective upon such termination, who shall become<br />

Directors upon such termination.<br />

Votes Required. Directors shall be elected by a<br />

majority vote. At each meeting at which there is to be an<br />

election of Directors, the members shall first adopt a resolution<br />

establishing the number of Directors to be elected<br />

at<br />

such meeting. In order to provide continuity on the Executive<br />

Board not more than one-third (1/3) of the Executive Board<br />

shall be replaced at any annual election except for cause.<br />


07:AS MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

4.4 Term: The term of each Director<br />

election by the members shall be<br />

Directors' successor has been duly<br />

4.1 Ora on Mee:irc of Newly El.<br />

after the first annual<br />

for three years. and until that<br />

elected and has qualified.<br />

4.5 Removal: Any member of the Executive Board may be<br />

removed, with or without cause, by a<br />

to cast at least sixty-seven<br />

Association, at a special meeting<br />

successor may then and there<br />

for the balance of the<br />

has been duly elected and has<br />

any Director on the<br />

any subsequent Executive<br />

elected may be removed and<br />

time, only by act of Declarant,<br />

vote of the members entitled<br />

percent (67%) of the votes in the<br />

called for such purpose, and a<br />

be elected by the members to serve<br />

predecessor's term, and until his successor<br />

qualified; provided1 however, that<br />

first Executive Board, and any Director on<br />

Board, whom Declarant appointed or<br />

replaced at any time, and from time to<br />

and with or without cause.<br />

4.6 Vacancies: Any vacancy in the Executive Board arising<br />

out of the removal, death or<br />

resignation of a Director appointed<br />

or elected by Declarant shall be filled only by appointment made<br />

by Declarant. Any other vacancy in the Executive Board shall be<br />

filled by act of the remaining<br />

constitute a quorum, and a Director so<br />

Directors, whether or not they<br />

elected shall serve for<br />

the unexpired term of this predecessor in office, and until his<br />

successor has been duly elected and has qualified.<br />

anizati ected Board: The<br />

organization meeting of a newly elected<br />

held within ten (10) days of its<br />

as shall be fixed by<br />

Executive Board shall be<br />

election, at such time and place<br />

5uch Directors at the meeting at which they<br />


07:A9 MIG/jlt 2/4/84<br />

were elected, and no further notice of<br />

such organization meeting<br />

shall be necessary, providing a quorum shall be present.<br />

4. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Executive<br />

Board may be held at such time and place as shall be determined,<br />

from time to time, by a majority of the Directors.<br />

Notice of<br />

regular meetings shall be given to each Director, personally or<br />

by mail, telephone, or telegraph5 at least three (3) days prior<br />

to the day designated for such meeting, unless such notice is<br />

waived. All Board meetings shall be open to the members.<br />

4.9 Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Executive<br />

Board may be called by the President and must be called by the<br />

Secretary at the written request of two (2) Directors.<br />

Not less<br />

than three (3) days' notice of such special meeting shall be<br />

given personally or by mail, telephones or telegraph: provided1<br />

however, in case the President or any Director determines that an<br />

emergency exists, then a special meeting may be called by giving<br />

such notice as is possible under the circumstances. All notices<br />

of a special meeting shall state the time, place and purpose of<br />

such meeting. No business shall be transacted at a special<br />

meeting except as stated in the notice thereof.<br />

4.10 Waiver of Notice: Any director may waive, in writing,<br />

notice of a meeting, either regular or special, before or after<br />

such meeting, and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the<br />

giving of notice.<br />

4.11 Quorum: A majority of the Executive Board shall<br />

constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any<br />


07:A1O MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

meeting of the Executive Board.<br />

4.12 Adjournment When Quorum Lacking: If at any meeting<br />

of the Executive Board there shall be less than a quorum present1<br />

the majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time<br />

to time until a quorum is present. At any such adjourned meeting<br />

any business that might have been transacted at the meeting as<br />

originally called may be transacted without further notice. It a<br />

Director signs the minutes of a meeting, such signing shall<br />

constitute the presence of such Director at that meeting for the<br />

purpose of determining a quorum.<br />

4.13 Manner of Acting: Each Director shall be entitled<br />

to one (1) vote, and the act of a majority of the Directors<br />

present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute<br />

the act of the Executive Board unless the act of a greater number<br />

is required by these Bylaws, the Declaration, or express provisions<br />

of applicable law.<br />

4.14 Executive Board Action Without Meeting: Any action<br />

required by law to be taken at a meeting of the Executive Board or<br />

any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Executive Board,<br />

may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting<br />

forth the action so taken, is signed by all Directors.<br />

4.15 PresidinQOfficer: The presiding officer at meetings<br />

of the Executive Board shall be the President. In his absence<br />

the Directors present shall designatE one of their number to<br />

preside.<br />

4.16 Coipensation cf Dlrector3 Restricted:<br />

Directors shall<br />

- 10 -

07:All MIG/jlf 2/4j64<br />

receive no compensation for their<br />

out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the<br />

duties as Directors.<br />

services, but may be paid for<br />

performances of their<br />

4.17 Powers and Duties of Executive Board: All of the<br />

powers and duties of the Association shall be exercised by the<br />

Board, including those existing under the common law, applicable<br />

statutes, the Act, the Declaration,<br />

thereof may from time to time be amended.<br />

and these Bylaws, as any<br />

Such powers and duties<br />

shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of applicable<br />

law, the Declaration, and Bylaws, and shall include, but not be<br />

limited to, the following:<br />

To elect the officers of the Association.<br />

To prepare and provide to members annually a report<br />

containing at least the following:<br />

A statement of any capital expenditUres in<br />

excess of two percent (2%) of the current<br />

budget or<br />

Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), whichever is greater,<br />

anticipated by the Association during the current year<br />

or succeeding two (2) fiscal years.<br />

A statement of the status and amount of any reserve<br />

or replacement fund and any portion of the fund designated<br />

for any specified project by the Executive Board.<br />

A statement of the financial condition of<br />

the Association for the last fiscal year.<br />

A statement of the status of any pending suits<br />

or judgments to which the Association is a party.

07:Al2 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

Cv)<br />

A statement of the insurance coverage provided<br />

by the Association.<br />

(vi)<br />

A statement of any unpaid assessments due and<br />

payable to the Association, identifying the Unit and the<br />

amount of the unpaid assessment.<br />

Cc)<br />

To adopt and amend budgets and to determine,<br />

establish, and collect assessments against members to pay<br />

the Common Expenses of the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

Cd)<br />

To use the proceeds of assessments in the exercise<br />

of its powers and duties.<br />

Ce)<br />

Common Elements.<br />

To maintain, repairs replace, and operate the<br />

Ct)<br />

To restore, replace and repair improvements as<br />

provided in the Declaration.<br />

(g)<br />

To establish and amend rules and regulations and<br />

reasonable penalties for infraction thereof.<br />

Ch)<br />

To enforce the provisions of the Declaration, these<br />

Bylawss the Act, and the rules and regulations established<br />

by the Board or Associations including recovery of monetary<br />

penalties and injunctions and including purchase of Units,<br />

in the name of Association, at foreclosure or other judicial<br />

sale.<br />

Ci)<br />

To obtain and maintain insurance as provided in the<br />

Declaration. -<br />

Ci) To contract for management of the <strong>Condominium</strong> and<br />

to delegate to such manager such powers and duties as the<br />

- 12 -

07:A13 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

Executive Board shall determine, except such as are<br />

specifically<br />

required by the Declaration, these Bylaws, or the Act,<br />

to be done by the Board or the members, provided that no such<br />

contract shall be entered into for a period exceeding one<br />

Cl) year and shall provide, at a minimum, that it shall be<br />

terminable by the Association, for cause, upon thirty (30)<br />

days written notice.<br />

(Ic)<br />

To employ personnel for reasonable compensation to<br />

perform the services required for proper administration of<br />

the Association and for proper care and maintenance of the<br />

Common Elements.<br />

(1) To pay all Common Expenses.<br />

(in)<br />

To contract for such services for the <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

as the Executive Board deems necessary or desirable.<br />

(n)<br />

To bring, prosecutes defend, settle and intervene<br />

in actions and lawsuits for and on behalf of itself, or on<br />

behalf of two (2) or more members, with respect to any cause<br />

of action relating to the <strong>Condominium</strong> the Common Elements or<br />

to more than one Unit. All costs and expenses incurred in<br />

connection with any such action or lawsuit, including<br />

settlement thereof, not paid by the opposing party or<br />

parties or the members benefited thereby, shall be a Common<br />

Expense.<br />

Co) To establish and dissolve and liquidate, from time<br />

to time, reserve accounts for any purpose.<br />

(p)<br />

To perform such other acts as may be delegated to<br />

- 13 -

07:A14 MXC/jlf 2/4/84<br />

the Association or Executive<br />

the Declaration, these Bylaws, or<br />

Board by applicable statutes,<br />

the Act, and to perform<br />

such other acts as may be incident to or necessary<br />

performance of the foregoing.<br />

To borrow money for the repair, replacement.<br />

in the<br />

maintenance and reconstruction of Common Elements,<br />

and to<br />

pledge and pay assessments, and any and all other revenue<br />

and income for such purpose.<br />

To buy Units, in foreclosure of an assessment lien<br />

or at any other time or for any other reason and to sell,<br />

lease, mortgage, and otherwise deal in Units from time to<br />

time owned by the Association.<br />

To impose from time to time, and collect, reasonable<br />

rates, fees and charges for the use, rental or operation of<br />

recreational facilities, if any, and other amenities forming<br />

a part of the Common Elements, and the other Common Elements<br />

other than Limited Common Elements.<br />

Ct) To grant leases, licenses and concessions not to<br />

exceed one (1) year and utility easements through and over<br />

the Common Elements; provided however, that after conveyance<br />

to Unit Owners other than Declarant or an affiliate of<br />

Declarant of Units to which more than fifty percent (50%) of<br />

the voting power is allocated, the Association may by resolution<br />

of the members at a meeting duly called for such purpose<br />

grant leases, licenses and concessions in excess of one (1)<br />

year and easements through and over the Common Elements.<br />

- 14 -

07:A15 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

(u)<br />

To impose and collect reasonable charges, including<br />

attorneys' fees, for the evaluation, preparation and recordation<br />

of amendments to the Declaration, preparation of resale<br />

certificates required by Section 448.4-109 of the Act, or<br />

statements of unpaid assessments.<br />

Cv)<br />

To provide for indemnification of the Association's<br />

officers and directors and maintain officers' and directors'<br />

liability insurance. (448.3-102 (13)).<br />

To assess against any Unit owner who fails or<br />

refuses to make any payment of the Common Expenses when due,<br />

the amount thereof, together with a late charge of Ten<br />

Dollars ($10.00) per month after the 10th day of the month<br />

in which the payment becomes due.<br />

To assess, after notice and an opportunity to<br />

heard, levy reasonable fines for violations of the Act,<br />

be<br />

the<br />

Declaration, these Bylaws, or the rules and regulations of<br />

the Association.<br />

To keep financial records sufficiently detailed to<br />

enable the Association to comply with Section 448.3-118 of<br />

the Act.<br />

ARTICLE V.<br />


5.1 Designation of Officers: The officers of this Association<br />

shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, an<br />

Assistant Secretary. and a Treasurer. Each officer, except the<br />

Assistant Secretary and except those who hold office pursuant<br />

to Section 5.3 beyond their term as Director, shall be a member<br />

- 15 -

07:A16 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

of the Executive Board. A person may hold one or more of such<br />

offfces at one time, except that the President shall not at the<br />

same time hold another office in the Association.<br />

5.2 Election of Officers: Each officer of the Association<br />

shall be elected at the organization meeting of the Executive<br />

Board as provided in Article IV hereof, except that the first<br />

Board of Directors shall elect its officers as soon as practicable<br />

after filing of the Declaration.<br />

5.3 Term: Each officer shall serve until the next meeting<br />

at which Directors are elected after the organization meeting at<br />

which he is elected, and until his successor has been duly<br />

elected and has qualified, except that the officers elected by<br />

the first Executive Board shall serve until their respective<br />

successors have been elected and qualified.<br />

5.4 Removal: Any officer may be removed, with or without<br />

cause, and without notice, by a majority vote of the Directors at<br />

any meeting of the Executive Board.<br />

5.5 Vacancy: Any vacancy in any office shall be filled<br />

by the Executive Board, and an officer elected to fill a vacancy<br />

shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office,<br />

and until his successor has been duly elected and has qualified.<br />

5.6 Powers and Duties of Officers:<br />

(a) President. The President shall be the chief<br />

executive officer of the Association. He shall have all of<br />

the powers and duties that are usually vested in the office<br />

of the President of a corporationi including, but not<br />

- 16 -

07:A].7 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

limited to, the duty to preside at all meetings of the Executive<br />

Board and of the members at which he is present, and<br />

the general supervision over other officers in the management<br />

of the business and affairs of the Association- He shall<br />

see that all actions and resolutions of the Executive Board<br />

are carried into effect.<br />

(b) VicePresident. The VicePresident shall perform<br />

such duties of the President as shall be assigned to him by<br />

the President, and in the absence of the President shall<br />

perform the duties and functions of the President.<br />

Cc) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of<br />

all proceedings of the Directors and the members. He shall<br />

attend to the giving and serving of all notices required by<br />

law. He shall keep the records of the Association except<br />

those of the Treasurer, and shall perform all other duties<br />

incident to the office of a secretary of a corporations<br />

and as may be required by the Directors or the President.<br />

Cd) Assistant SecretarY. The Assistant Secretary shall<br />

perform such duties of the Secretary as shall be assigned to<br />

him by the Secretary or President, and in the absence of the<br />

Secretary shall perform the duties and functions of the<br />

Secretary.<br />

Ce) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody of all<br />

intangible property of the Association, including funds,<br />

securities and evidences of indebtedness. Me shall keep the<br />

books of the Association in accordance with good accounting<br />

- 17 -<br />


07:A].8 Plic/jlf 2/4/84<br />

practices and principles, and shall submit them, together<br />

with all his vouchers, receipts. records, and other papers<br />

to the Directors for their examination and approval, as<br />

often as they may require. He shall deposit all moneys and<br />

other valuable effects in the name of or to the credit of<br />

the Association in such depositories as may be designated<br />

from time to time by the Executive Board, shall disburse the<br />

funds of the Association as ordered by the Executive Board,<br />

and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of<br />

a treasurer of a corporation. If a managing agent or<br />

manager be employed, the Executive Board may designate<br />

some or all of the foregoing functions to be entrusted to<br />

him or it, subject to overseeing control by the Treasurer.<br />

5.7 Execution of Agreements. etc.: All agreements. contracts,<br />

deeds, mortgages. or other instruments shall be executed<br />

by any two (2) officers, or by such other person or persons as<br />

may be designated from time to time by the Executive Board.<br />

5.8 Compensation of Officers Restricted: No officer of<br />

the corporation shall receive compensation for his services in<br />

such capacity, but may be reimbursed for outofpocket expenses<br />

incurred in performing his duties.<br />

5.9 Additional Officers: The Executive Board may from time<br />

to time elect such other officers and designate their powers and<br />

duties as it, in its discretion, shall find to be required or<br />

desirable to manage the affairs of the Association. Such additional<br />

officers need not be Directors, but must be members of the

O7Al9 MIG/jIf 2/4/84<br />

Association.<br />


The Association shall indemnify<br />

expenses and liabilities, in<br />

such manner, under such circumstances,<br />

and to such extent, as<br />

such persons, for such<br />

permitted by Section 448.3-102<br />

(13) of the Act, as now enacted or hereafter amended.<br />



7.1 Depository: The depository of the moneys of the<br />

Association shall be such bank or banks as<br />

from time to time<br />

shall be designated by the Executive Board. Withdrawal of<br />

moneys from such depository<br />

any two (2) officers of<br />

shall be only by checks signed by<br />

the Association, or any other persons<br />

as may from time to time be authorized by the Executive<br />

Board.<br />

7.2 Records of Association: The books, accounts, and<br />

records of the Association shall be open to<br />

inspection and<br />

examination by any member of the Association and any Security<br />

Holder at all, reasonable times.<br />

7.3 Fidelity Bonds: Fidelity bonds shall be required by<br />

the Executive Board in accordance with the<br />

Declaration.<br />

Expense.<br />

provisions of the<br />

The premiums on such bonds shall be a Common<br />

7.4 Payment Vouchers: Payment Vouchers shall be approved<br />

by the Executive Board unless such authority to approve the<br />

same has been delegated to any<br />

Executive Board.<br />

- 19 -<br />

officer or manager by the<br />


07:A20 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

7.5 Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Association<br />

shall be the calendar year: provided that the Directors, from<br />

time to time, by resolution, may change the fiscal year to<br />

some other designated period.<br />


B.). Obliqation f Member3 to Pay Ase ssments Amount of<br />

Levy: Until the Association levies a Common Expense assessment,<br />

Declarant shall pay all accrued expenses of the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

Thereafter, each Unit Owner shall be severally liable for the<br />

Common Expense that are levied against his Unit while a Unit<br />

Owner.<br />

Each Unit shall be assessed in accordance with that<br />

Unit's Allocated Interest.<br />

8.2 Allocation o Common Surplus: Any common surplus<br />

shall be allocated to each Unit in accordance with its Allocated<br />

Interest, and shall be owned by the Unit Owner of that Unit<br />

and credited against that Unit's proportionate share of Common<br />

Expenses subsequently assessed.<br />

8.3 PreDaratiori Sudcet arid Lvyinc of Aase5Tent:<br />

least once each fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year<br />

beginning January 1, 1985, the Executive Board shall prepare<br />

and adopt a budget for that fiscal year, including therein<br />

estimates of the amount necessary to pay the Common Expenses<br />

together with amounts considered necessary by the Executive<br />

Board for reserves. After preparation and adoption of each<br />

such budget, the Executive Board shall provide each member<br />

with a copy and shall give each member notice of the assessment<br />

- 20 -<br />


07:A2l MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

made against that member's Unit based upon<br />

the interest to be charged on delinquent<br />

The assessment shall be deemed levied upon<br />

such budget and of<br />

payments thereof.<br />

the giving of such<br />

notice; provided, however, that the first budget after creation<br />

of the <strong>Condominium</strong> shall be prepared and adopted by the first<br />

Executive Board only for the balance of the then fiscal year<br />

of the Association, shall be prepared and adopted as soon as<br />

practicable after such creation, and notice of the amount of<br />

the assessment against each Unit for<br />

such balance of the<br />

fiscal year shall be given by the Executive Board or<br />

to each member as soon as<br />

Declarant<br />

practicable after adoption of such<br />

assessment and shall be deemed levied upon notice thereof<br />

given by the Executive Board or Declarant, and shall<br />

provided in Section 8.5 hereof.<br />

No capital improvement over Two Thousand<br />

be due as<br />

Five Rundred<br />

Dollars ($2,500.00) or increase in the annual assessment by<br />

the Executive Board in any one year of over<br />

10% above the<br />

previous years assessment plus the amount of any increased<br />

Real Estate Tax assessment may be made without the consent of<br />

at least sixty-seven (67) percent of the Units.<br />

8.4 Assessment A Lien: Every assessment shall constitute<br />

a lien upon each Unit assessed from the date the assessment is<br />

levied prior to all other liens except only Ci) tax liens,<br />

including special assessments, in favor of any taxing or<br />

assessing authority, (ii) all sums unpaid on any First Mortgage<br />

against the Unit, and (iii) liens and encumbrances recorded<br />

- 21 -

07:A22 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

recorded before the recordation of the Declaration.<br />

8.5 Payment of Assessments: Assessments shall be<br />

payable when notice thereof is given.<br />

quent if paid at the times<br />

Executive Board in each such notice.<br />

are specified. 1/12th of<br />

Reserve Fend for Replacements.<br />

but shall not be delin-<<br />

and in the amounts specified by the<br />

If no times and amounts<br />

the assessment shall be paid on or<br />

before the first day of each month of the fiscal year of the<br />

Association.<br />

Payment shall be made to the Association, or as<br />

the Executive Board may from time to<br />

time otherwise direct.<br />

8.6 Lien After Foreclosure: When ownership of a unit is<br />

transferred by foreclosure, under<br />

the remedies provided in any<br />

Deed of Trust the lien of any unpaid assessments as to the<br />

Unit shall be discharged and paid by the mortgagee. The Unit<br />

and Unit Owner acquiring title<br />

a Deed of Trust shall be<br />

under the remedies provided in<br />

subject only to the lien of assessments<br />

which become due after such transfer of title. Nothing in<br />

this paragraph shall be construed as a<br />

waiver or release of<br />

the obligation of the former owner to pay the delinquent<br />

assessments.<br />

8.7 Maintenance Fund and Reserves: All sums collected<br />

by the Association from assessments shall be accounted for as<br />

follows:<br />

(a)<br />

To this fund<br />

shall be credited all sums collected or set aside for the<br />

purpose of effecting replacements of structural elements,<br />

and other Common Elements of the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

- 22 -

07:A23 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

(b)<br />

General ODeratinc Reserve Fund.<br />

To this fund<br />

shall be credited all sums collected to provide a reserve<br />

for purpose of providing a measure of financial stability<br />

during periods of special stress, and may be used to meet<br />

deficiencies from time to time as a result of<br />

delinquent<br />

payments of assessments and other contingencies.<br />

- (c) Maintenance Fund. To this fund shall be<br />

credited collections of assessments for all Common<br />

Expenses for the current year as well as common profits<br />

and surplus from the previous year, and not to be credited<br />

to either of the above reserve funds;<br />

provided that if<br />

this <strong>Condominium</strong> shall be located in the unincorporated<br />

area of St. Louis County, Missouri, a sum equal to two<br />

percent (2%) of the amount allocated to the maintenance<br />

fund shall be reserved for the repair, operation and<br />

maintenance of storm water control easements, including<br />

all underground and aboveground facility pipes used in<br />

connection therewith and access easements to such<br />

storm water control easements.<br />

The reserve fund for replacements shall be established by the<br />

Executive Board and shall be funded by regular installments<br />

rather than by extraordinary special assessments.<br />

The reserve<br />

funds described above shall be maintained only in such amounts<br />

as deemed necessary or desirable by the Executive Board,<br />

subject, however, to the preceding sentence.<br />

To the extent<br />

maintained, funds therein shall be held in such accounts and<br />

- 23 -

'B:03 MIG/jtf 2/4/84<br />

with such depositories as the Executive Board, in its discretion,<br />

selects.<br />

8.8 Special Assessments: In addition to the assessments<br />

levied as provided in Section 8.3, the Executive Board, in its<br />

discretion, may levy special assessments at such other and<br />

additional times as in its judgment are required for:<br />

Pair and Mai<br />

ce of Common E1eien<br />

Re ntenan s and<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong>s.<br />

Maintenance, repair and restoration of the<br />

Common Elements, and operation of the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

ALterationS, Improvements and Additions to<br />

Common Elements.<br />

Alterations, improvements, and additions<br />

to the Common Elements; provided, however, that any such<br />

special assessment involving the expenditure of Five<br />

Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or more shall be first<br />

approved by the voting members of the Association representing<br />

at least sixtyseven (67%) percent of the total<br />

votes in the Association, at a special meeting called for<br />

such purpose.<br />

Curinq of Member's Default.<br />

Costs and expenses<br />

incurred in curing defaults of a member pursuant to<br />

Section 12 hereof.<br />

Special assessments made pursuant to this Section shall<br />

be deemed levied upon notice thereof being given to the<br />

members subject to<br />

such special assessment, and shall be<br />

payable as determined by the Executive Board and as set out in<br />

such notice.<br />

- 24 -

07:A24 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

iated<br />

8.9 Common Expenses Assoc W<br />

ith Limited Common Elements<br />

or Benefiting Less Than All Units: Any Common Expense associated<br />

with the maintenance, repair or replacement of a Limited<br />

Common Element shall be assessed against the Unit, or in equal<br />

shares to the Units, to which such Limited Common Element was<br />

allocated at the time the expense was incurred; provided that<br />

maintenance of parking spaces assigned as a Limited Common<br />

Element shall be considered a Common Expense Liability for the<br />

entire Codominium. In addition, the Association may assess any<br />

Common Expense benefiting less than all of the Units against<br />

the Units benefited in proportion to their Allocated Interest.<br />

8.10 Failure to Prepare B<br />

udoet arid Levy Annual Assessments<br />

Deficiencies in Procedure: The failure of the Executive Board to<br />

prepare or delay of the Executive Board in preparing any budget,<br />

and to levy or in levying assessments, shall not constitute a<br />

waiver or release of the members' obligation to pay assessments<br />

whenever the same shall be determined and levied by the Executive<br />

Board.<br />

Until a new assessment is levied by the Executive<br />

Board<br />

pursuant to Section 8.3 each member shall continue to pay the<br />

assessment previously levied pursuant to Section 8.3 in the same<br />

amount and at the same periodic times as levied, or as the<br />

Executive Board may otherwise advise in writing. Also , any<br />

deficiencies or inadequacies in the procedure followed by the<br />

Executive Board in levying an assessment shall not in any way<br />

affect its validity or the obligation of members to pay such<br />

- 25 -<br />


07:A25 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

assessment.<br />

8.11 Assessment Roll: Statement:<br />

set forth upon a roll of the<br />

the office of the Association<br />

8.12 Default and nforceent:<br />

All assessments shall be<br />

Units, which shall be available in<br />

for inspection at all reasonable<br />

times by members and Security Holders, and their duly authorized<br />

representatives. Such roll shall include, for each Unit, the<br />

name and address of the<br />

member or members, all assessments<br />

levied, and the amount of all assessments unpaid. The Association,<br />

upon written request, shall furnish to a Unit Owner, or his<br />

authorized agent, a recordable<br />

amount of unpaid assessments<br />

The statement shall be furnished<br />

after receipt of the request and<br />

Association and all Unit Owners.<br />

fee may be charged by the<br />

statement setting forth the<br />

currently levied against his Unit.<br />

within ten (10) business days<br />

shall be binding upon the<br />

Executive Board.<br />

installment thereof, remains delinquent<br />

For such statement a reasonable<br />

If any assessment, or<br />

for ten (10) days, then<br />

that assessment, and all other assessments then a lien against<br />

that Unit, may be declared by the Executive Board to be immediately<br />

due and payable in full, with<br />

and may be foreclosed by the<br />

Section 448.3-116 of the Act.<br />

interest, without further notice,<br />

Association in the manner provided by<br />

8.13 Interest on Delinquent Assessments: Assessments, or<br />

installments thereof, paid before<br />

they become delinquent shall<br />

not bear interest. All delinquent assessments in addition to the<br />

late charges provided in<br />

Article 4.17(w) shall bear interest at<br />

- 26 -

07:A26 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

the rate set forth in the notice levying the assessment, not<br />

exceeding the rate of interest allowed by<br />





the Act, (18%) from<br />

the date delinquent until paid. (Section 448.3-115.2) All<br />

payments upon account shall be applied<br />

first to interest and<br />

then to the assessment, or installment thereof, longest delinquent.<br />

8.14 Rates, Fees and Charges: All rates, fees, charges,<br />

fines and penalties imposed by the Executive<br />

from, any member or Unit may be<br />

assessment.<br />

Board against, or due<br />

collected and enforced as an<br />

9.1 Prohibition: No Unit Owner may subdivide or convert,<br />

relocate the boundaries of, or alter, his Unit.<br />

10.1 Compliance: Each Unit Owner, Occupant and Security<br />

Bolder, shall be governed by and shall comply with the terms,<br />

conditions, obligations, and provisions of the Act, the Declaration,<br />

the Articles, these Bylaws, and the<br />

rules and regulationst as the<br />

same may be amended from time to time.<br />

10.2 Default and Remedies. A default in or failure to comply<br />

with any of the terms, conditions,<br />

of the Act, the Declaration, these Bylaws, or the<br />

obligations, and provisions<br />

rules and<br />

regulations, as the same may be amended from time to time, by any<br />

Unit Owner or Occupant, shall be grounds for relief that may<br />

include, without intending to limit the same or to<br />

constitute an<br />

election of remedies, an action to recover fines and penalties for<br />

- 27 -

07:A27 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

such default or failure as<br />

due for damages, an injunction, or<br />

which relief may be sought by the<br />

by any one or more aggrieved<br />

determined by the Executive Board, sums<br />

any combination thereof, and<br />

10.3 Notice of Default and Failure to Cur.<br />

I emedy f in Addition to Other Remedies;<br />

Association or, if appropriate,<br />

members, or both.<br />

Also, if any member<br />

fails to perform any obligation under the Act, the Declaration.<br />

these Bylaws. or such rules and regulations then the Association<br />

may, but is not obligated to, perform the same for<br />

the member's<br />

account, and for such purpose may enter upon his Unit, may make<br />

necessary repairs, advance expenses or other sums necessary to<br />

cure the default, and<br />

for such expenses and costs may levy a special<br />

assessment against the Unit owned by such defaulting member.<br />

of any such default or failure, the<br />

serve upon or mail to the<br />

that member's Unit, a written<br />

default, the cure thereof, and the<br />

shall be effected.<br />

notice, the defaulting member may cure<br />

0.4 R Abatement<br />

In the event a member fails to effect<br />

In the event<br />

Executive Board shall promptly<br />

defaulting member, and each Mortgagee of<br />

notice specifying the nature of the<br />

time within which the cure<br />

Within the time limit specified in the<br />

Executive Board in the notice of default,<br />

in such notice, where the default<br />

the default specified.<br />

the cure specified by the<br />

within the time specified<br />

is a structure, thing, or<br />

condition existing in or on the premises of the member's Unit. the<br />

Board, or its duly authorized<br />

upon obtaining an order from a<br />

enter upon the premises of the<br />

- 28 -<br />

representative, shall have the right<br />

court of competent jurisdiction to<br />

member's Unit in which, on which,

07:A28 MIG/jlf a/4/84<br />

or as to which, such default exists, and to abate and remove at<br />

the defaulting member's expense<br />

the structure, things or condition<br />

the Executive Board, the Association,<br />

10.5 Secover of Attorneyst Fees 8nd Cos<br />

(and levy an assessment therefor),<br />

constituting the default, and<br />

and their agents, employees,<br />

and representatives shall not thereby be deemed guilty of any<br />

manner of trespass.<br />

ts:<br />

In any proceeding<br />

arising because of an alleged default by a member, the prevailing<br />

party shall be entitled to recover the costs of such proceeding<br />

and such reasonable attorneys' fees as may be allowed by the<br />

courts with interest thereon at eight percent (8%) per annum from<br />

the dates such costs are incurred until paid.<br />

10.6 Nonwaiver of Covenants: The failure of the Association<br />

or of any member thereof to enforce any term, provision, right,<br />

covenant, or condition that may be<br />

these Bylaws, the rules and regulations<br />

may from time to time be amended,<br />

granted by the Declaration,<br />

of the Act, as the same<br />

shall not constitute a waiver<br />

or abrogation of the right of the Association or a member to<br />

enforce such term, provisions rights covenant, or<br />

futures irrespectivce of the number of<br />

thereof that may have occurred.<br />

condition in the<br />

violations or breaches<br />

10.7 Assessment Lien: Assessment liens shall be enforced<br />

pursuant to Article VIII hereof and not pursuant to this Article X.<br />



An amendment to these Bylaws shall be made and approved in<br />

the manner set forth in Section 448.2-117 of the Act by the Units,<br />

- 29 -

07:A29 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

and once made, shall become effective<br />

manner and place as an amendment<br />



when recorded in the same<br />

to the Declaration.<br />

12.1 Rules and Regulations: The Executive Board may promulgate<br />

from time to time such rules<br />

reasonable and necessary governing the<br />

and regulations as it deems<br />

operationi and use of the Common Elements so as to<br />

administration, management,<br />

promote the<br />

common use and enjoyment thereof by Unit Owners and Occupants and<br />

for the protection and preservation thereof.<br />

In addition the Executive Board may<br />

regulations as it deems reasonable and necessary<br />

adopt such rules and<br />

with respect to<br />

Units to provide for the common good and enjoyment of all Unit<br />

Owners and Occupants, including:<br />

without limitation, the right to<br />

adopt such rules and regulations with reference to children,<br />

animals and leases.<br />

time establish penalties for infraction<br />

of such rules and regulations.<br />

Also, the Executive Board may from time to<br />

Copies of all such rules and regulations and any amendments<br />

thereto shall be furnished to all members, and a copy shall be<br />

posted or otherwise made available to members at<br />

the office of the<br />

Association. However, failure to furnish or post such rules or<br />

regulations shall not affect in any way their validity or enforceability.<br />

Any such rule or regulation adopted by the Executive<br />

Board may be amended, modified, or<br />

rules and regulations may be adopted,<br />

or special meeting of the members.<br />

shall control over any contrary<br />

- 30 -<br />

revoked, and new and additional<br />

by the members at an annual<br />

Any such act of the members<br />

rule or regulation then or thereafter

07:A30 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

adopted by the Board. All rules and regulations shall be equally<br />

and uniformly applicable to all Unit Owners, Occupants and Units,<br />

but need not be equally uniformly applicable if it is determined<br />

that such unequal or nonuniform application is in the best interest<br />

of the Association or if equal and inifor application is not<br />

pra cticable.<br />

12.2 Parliamentary Authority: Robert's Rules of Order,<br />

Newly Revised, shall goven the conduct of Association proceedings<br />

when not in conflict with the Declaration, these Bylaws, the Act<br />

or any statutes of the State of Missouri applicable thereto. The<br />

chairman of the meeting shall have the authority to appoint a<br />

parliamentarian if he deems it necessary.<br />

12.3 Compliance with the Act: Conflict: Severability:<br />

These Bylaws are established in compliance with the Act. Should<br />

any of the terms, conditions, provisions paragraphs, or clauses<br />

of these Bylaws conflict with any of the provisions of said Act,<br />

the provisions of said Act shall control. In the case of any<br />

conflict between the provisions of these Bylaws and the Declaration,<br />

the Declaration shall control.<br />

If any such term, provisions limitation, paragraph or clause<br />

of these Bylaws or the application thereof to any person or<br />

circumstance, is judicially held to be invalid, such determination<br />

shall not affect the enforceabilitys validity, or effect of the<br />

remainder of these Bylaws<br />

or the application thereof to any<br />

other person or circumstance.<br />

12.4 Interpretation of Bylaws: Whenever appropriate the<br />

- 31 -

07:301 M1G/jlf 2/4/84<br />

singular number may be read as the plural: and the plural may be<br />

read as the singular. The masculine gender may be read as the<br />

feminine gender or as the neuter gender. Compound words beginning<br />

with the prefix here" shall be read as referring to this entire<br />

set of Bylaws and not merely to the part of it in which they<br />

appear.<br />

The undersigned, the duly elected and acting Secretary<br />

of the Association, hereby certifies that the foregoing Bylaws<br />

have been duly adopted by the Association, and are in full force<br />

and effect as of the date hereof.<br />



By<br />

Benton Taylor<br />

Secretary<br />

Dated:<br />

- 32 -

07:302 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

EXHIBIT £<br />


The Association and its Executive Board and Unit<br />

Owners shall comply with all lawful ordinances, rules and<br />

regulations of St. Louis County, Missouri, or any municipality<br />

of which the Property may subsequently become a part, including,<br />

but not limited to, those affecting maintenance of private<br />

roadways, islands, sidewalks, street lights, open areas and<br />

recreational facilities and drainage facilities.<br />

No above-ground structure other than required street<br />

lights may be erected within a cul-de-sac, divided street,<br />

entry way, island or median strip without written approval of<br />

St. Louis County Department of Highways & Traffic.<br />

Where the provisions of this Declaration and Bylaws<br />

cannot be fulfilled by reason of unfilled vacancies among the<br />

Executive Board, the County Council may, upon the petition of<br />

any concerned Unit Owner of the <strong>Condominium</strong>, appoint one or<br />

more Directors to fill vacancies until such time as Directors<br />

are selected in accordance with this Declaration and Bylaws.<br />

Any person so appointed who is not a Unit Owner shall be<br />

allowed a reasonable fee for his services by the order of<br />

appointments which fee shall be realized as a Common Liability<br />

Expense of the <strong>Condominium</strong> and which shall not be subject to<br />

any limitations on special assessments contained in this<br />

Declaration and Bylaws or elsewhere.

Recorded 3-19-84, St. Louis County<br />

Book 7596, Page 1539<br />

Plat Book 226, Page 19<br />

EXHIBIT 1<br />



OF<br />


THIS DECLARATION, is hereby made and executed by TAYLOR-<br />

MORLEY-SIMON, INC., a Missouri corporations<br />

to as "Declarant").<br />


WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner in fee simple<br />

(hereinafter referred<br />

of property<br />

(the "Property") situated in St. Louis County, Missouri, described<br />

as follows:<br />

'A complete legal description of the Property<br />

and incorporated herein by reference and<br />

"A".A Plat of the <strong>Condominium</strong> is attached and<br />

by reference and marked as Exhibit<br />

"B."<br />

is attached<br />

marked as Exhibit<br />

incorporated<br />

WHEREAS, Declarant intends that the Property5 together with<br />

all buildings, improvements and appurtenances<br />

hereafter located thereon, including<br />

condominiums, and all other facilities<br />

provisions of the Uniform <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

of Missouri, as contained in Chapter<br />

Revised Statutes.<br />

NOW THEREFORE, the Declarant<br />

ARTICLE I.<br />

of whatsoever kind<br />

buildings divided into<br />

shall be submitted to the<br />

Property Act of the State<br />

448 thereof, Missouri<br />

declares as follows:<br />


The following terms, as used herein or<br />

condominium documents relating to<br />

Fern Ridge<br />

CONDOMINIUM unless otherwise provided, are<br />

elsewhere in any<br />

defined<br />


''A2 MIG/jlf 3/14/84<br />

1.1 Act: The Uniform <strong>Condominium</strong> Act, Chapter 448 of the<br />

laws of the State of Missouri, 1983.<br />

1.2 Allocated Interest: The interest of each Unit Owner<br />

in the aggregate in interest of the undivided ownership of the<br />

Common Elements and Common Expense Liability, the percentage<br />

interest attributed to each being set forth in Exhibit "C"<br />

annexed hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, determined<br />

on the basis of the ratio of the size of each unit to the<br />

total square footage of all units of the <strong>Condominium</strong>. The<br />

percentage so assigned may be changed as a result of increase or<br />

decrease in the number of units or by adding additional property<br />

to the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

1.3 Association: The Unit Owners Association shall be an<br />

unincorporated association or such other entity as subsequently<br />

authorized by the Unit Owners as provided in Section 448.3-101 of<br />

the Act.<br />

1.4 Bylaws: The Bylaws of the Association annexed hereto as<br />

Exhibit "D" and incorporated herein by this reference.<br />

1.5 Common Elements: All portions of the <strong>Condominium</strong> other<br />

than the units as defined in the Declaration.<br />

1.6 Common Expenses: Expenditures made by or financial<br />

liabilities of the Association, together with any allocations to<br />

reserves<br />

1.7 Common Expense Liability: That portion of the cost of<br />

maintaining, repairing and managing the Property including Limited<br />

Common Elements which is to be paid by each Unit Owner, the<br />


'A3 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

percentage of such cost to be paid by each being the Allocated<br />

Interest attributed to each Unit.<br />

The percentage so<br />

assigned may be changed as a result of an increase or<br />

decrease in the number of units contained in the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

1.8 <strong>Condominium</strong>: Real estate, portions of which are designated<br />

for separate ownership and the remainder of which is<br />

designated for common ownership solely by the owners of those<br />

portions.<br />

1.9 Declarant: Taylor-Morley-Simon. Inc. or its successors<br />

or assigns.<br />

1.10 Declaration: This instrument by which the Property<br />

is submitted to the provisions of Chapter 448, Missouri Statutes,<br />

as hereinafter provided1 and by such Declaration as from time to<br />

time amended.<br />

l.]4_Declarant Control Period: Subject to provisions set<br />

forth in Section 11.1, the period commencing on the date hereof<br />

and continuing until the earlier of (i) the date two (2) years<br />

after the date of the first conveyance of a unit to a Unit<br />

Owner other than a Declarant, or (ii) the date upon which Declarant<br />

surrenders control of the <strong>Condominium</strong>, or Ciii) the date sixty<br />

(60) days after the Declarant has conveyed seventy-five percent<br />

(75%) of the units to Unit Owners other than a Declarant. Within<br />

sixty (60) days after the conveyance of twenty five percent (25%)<br />

of the units, not less than one member of<br />

the Executive Board<br />

shall be elected by the Unit Owners other than the Declarant.<br />

Upon conveyance of fifty percent<br />

-3-<br />

(50%) of the Units, not less

'A4 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

than one-third (1/3) of the Executive Board shall be elected by<br />

the Unit Owners other than the Declarant.<br />

1.12 Development Rights: The right, or combination of<br />

rights reserved by the Declarant to add real estate to the<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong>; to create units, common elements, or limited common<br />

elements within a <strong>Condominium</strong>; to subdivide units or convert<br />

units into common elements; or to withdraw the Property or any<br />

part thereof from the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

1.13 Executive Board: The Board of Directors of the<br />

Association authorized to act on behalf of the Association.<br />

1.14 Limited Common Elements: Any shutters, awnings, window<br />

boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches, balconies,<br />

patios and all<br />

exterior doors and windows or other fixtures designed to serve a<br />

single Unit, storage areas located in Buildings Nos. 1, 2, 6 and 8,<br />

parking spaces, if any, assigned under Section 15.14 of this<br />

Declaration, but located outside the Unit's boundaries, are<br />

Limited Common Elements allocated exclusively to that Unit.<br />

1.15 Majority of the Unit Owners: Means the owners of<br />

more than fifty percent (50%)<br />

in the aggregate of interest of all<br />

the Allocated Interests.<br />

1.16 Parcel: Means the Property and any additional property<br />

added by subsequent amendment to the Declaration, submitted to<br />

the provisions of the Act.<br />

1.17 Person: Means a natural individual, corporation,<br />

partnerships trustee or other legal entity capable of holding<br />

title to real property.<br />

1.18 Plat: Means each and every plat of survey of the Pro-<br />


'A5 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

perty and all Units in the Property submitted to the provisions<br />

of chapter 448, Missouri Statutes, which may<br />

consist of a threedimensional<br />

horizontal and vertical delineation of all such<br />

Units, and shall include any additional portions of the Property<br />

added by subsequent amendment.<br />

1.19 Property: Means all the land, property and space,<br />

all improvements and structures erected,<br />

constructed or contained<br />

therein or thereon, including the buildings and all easements,<br />

rights and appurtenances belonging thereto, and all fixtures and<br />

equipment intended for the mutual use, benefit or enjoyment of<br />

the Unit Owners, submitted to the provisions<br />

of the Act and<br />

described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto.<br />

The Property includes<br />

Units, Common Elements and Limited common Elements, if any.<br />

1.20 Record: Means to record in the office of the Recorder<br />

of Deeds of St. Louis County , Missouri, wherein the<br />

Property is located.<br />

1.21 Unit: A portion of the condominium consisting of one<br />

Unit. Each Unit is designated and delineated on the Plat, and<br />

is designated by this Declaration for separate ownership. The<br />

boundaries of each Unit, both as to vertical and horizontal<br />

planes, are shown on the flat, are the undecorated surfaces<br />

of the perimeter walls facing the interior of the Unit, the<br />

undecorated surfaces of the ceiling facing the interior of the<br />

Unit, and the top most surfaces of the subflooring, and includes<br />

the decoration on the surfaces of such perimeter walls, ceilings<br />

and subflooring, including1 without limitation, all paneling,<br />

tiles, wallpaper. paint, finished flooring and any other materials<br />

-5-<br />


'A6 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

constituting any part of the decorated<br />

includes all spaces, interior<br />

improvements within such boundaries.<br />


surfaces thereof, and also<br />

partitions and other fixtures and<br />

1.22 Unit Owner: The person or persons. individually or<br />

collectively, who have taken fee simple ownership of a Unit. A<br />

person is defined as a natural person1<br />

or other legal entity<br />

partnerships corporations<br />

capable of holding title to real property.<br />

1.23 Votes: Each Unit shall have one (1) vote to be<br />

exercised as provided in the Declaration and Bylaws.<br />

1.24 Special Deciarant Rights: Means rights reserved for<br />

the benefit of the Declarant to complete improvements indicated<br />

on Plat and plans filed with<br />

Development Rights: to maintain sales<br />

signs advertising the <strong>Condominium</strong>, and<br />

through the Common Elements for the purpose<br />

of making improvements<br />

within the <strong>Condominium</strong> or<br />

added to the <strong>Condominium</strong>: to make the<br />

master association; or to appoint or remove<br />

Association or any master association, or any<br />

member during the Declarant Control<br />

II.<br />

this Declaration; to exercise any<br />

offices, management offices,<br />

models: to use easements<br />

within the Property which may be<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong> subject to a<br />

Period.<br />


any officer of the<br />

Executive Board<br />

THE ACT<br />

2.1 Submission: peclarant hereby submits the Property to<br />

the Act and this Declaration.<br />

2.2 Name: The Property shall hereafter be known as:<br />



'A7 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

ropery Into SeEa<br />

y Owned<br />

2.3 Division of P ratel Units:<br />

Declarant, pursuant to the Act and to establish a plan of condominium<br />

ownership for the Units does hereby divide the Property<br />

into Units and does hereby designate such Units for separate<br />

ownership. The Units are contained in eight (8) buildings and<br />

are shown on Exhibit B.<br />

2.4 Identification of Units: Units (including storage<br />

rooms, if any, allocated to such<br />

Units) in the buildings located<br />

on the Property have been<br />

legally described on the Plat for<br />

Buildings Nos. 1 and 5. The Units for Buildings Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7<br />

and 8 shall be described on such additional Plats to be recorded<br />

by Declarant. Every deed, lease, mortgage or other instrument<br />

may legally describe a Unit by its identifying number or symbol<br />

as shown on the Plat and as set forth in the Declaration, and<br />

every such description shall be deemed good and sufficient for<br />

the purposes and shall be deemed to convey, transfer, encumber<br />

or otherwise affect the owner's corresponding Allocated Interest,<br />

even though the same is not expressly mentioned or described<br />

therein. The description of each Unit shall include all rights<br />

and privileges of said Unit, along with storage units, if any.<br />

Each Unit Owner shall be entitled to the Allocated Interest<br />

appertaining to his Unit as computed and set forth in this<br />

Declaration pursuant to Section 448.2-107 of the Act.<br />

2.5: No Unit Owner shall own any pipes. wires, conduits,<br />

public utility lines, sanitary sewer lines or structural components<br />

running through his Unit and serving more than his Unit except to<br />

the extent of his Allocated Interest.<br />


''A8 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

2.6 Limited Common Elements:<br />

The Limited Common Elements, if any, serving or<br />

designed to serve each respective Unit are hereby allocated<br />

solely and exclusively to each Unit.<br />

In addition to the Limited Common Elements as<br />

defined in Section 448.2-102 of the Act,<br />

Limited Common<br />

Elements shall also include the items set forth in Section<br />

1.14 of this Declaration.<br />

2.7 Covenants Against Partition: As provided in Section<br />

448.2-107.5 of the Act, the Common Elements are not subject to<br />

partition. and any purported conveyance, encumbrance, judicial<br />

sale, or other voluntary or involuntary transfer of an undivided<br />

interest in the Common Elements made without the Unit to which<br />

that interest is allocated, is void. Nothing contained herein<br />

shall prevent partition of a condominium between co-owhers, if a<br />

co-owner has legal right thereto, except that any such partition<br />

shall not be in kind.<br />

2.8 <strong>Condominium</strong> Ordinances: The <strong>Condominium</strong> is not subject<br />

to any ordinance of the<br />

County of St. Louis<br />

Missouri,<br />

which is not also imposed upon physically similar developments<br />

under different forms of ownership. This statement is made<br />

pursuant to Section 448.1-106 of the Act for the purpose of<br />

providing marketable title to the Units of the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

2.9 Location: The <strong>Condominium</strong> is located in St. Louis<br />

County<br />

Missouri.<br />

2.10 Unit Allocations: The Allocated Interest in the Common<br />

Elements and in the Common Expenses of the Association as set<br />


'A9 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and hereby<br />

made a part hereof.<br />

2.11: The Declarant reserves the right to create a maximum<br />

92 Units within the Property.<br />



3.1: Included in the Common Elements are:<br />

The Property, excepting the Units, and including<br />

parking facilities, driveways, parking areas not designated<br />

as Limited Common Elements, gardens,<br />

lawns and sidewalks.<br />

All electrical wiring throughout the Property,<br />

except that within Units: all pipes, wires, cables and<br />

conduits throughout the Property, except that within Units:<br />

all utility installations, sanitary sewer facilities,<br />

laundry facilities and connections for gas, sanitary sewer,<br />

electricity, light, water and plumbing except those within<br />

Units. Any such installation exclusively serving only one<br />

Unit, whether such installation is located wholly or partially<br />

within or outside said Unit, shall be considered as being<br />

"within" and being a part of said Unit which is exclusively<br />

served by such installation.<br />

The foundations, exterior walls and interior walls<br />

separating Units (excluding all wall coverings and glass<br />

surfaces), roofs, gutters, downspouts, common hallways to<br />

basements with access from common hallways and all other<br />

common portions of the Property not included within Units.<br />

Any auxiliary buildings, the swimming pool, recreational<br />

facilities, if any, and any other structures and<br />

facilities which may at any time be situated on the Property.<br />


'AlO tIIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

Ce)<br />

The formula for determining the<br />

of each Unit Owner in the Common<br />

the basis of the ratio of the<br />

Allocated Interest<br />

Elements is determined on<br />

size of each Unit to the total<br />

square footage of all Units of the <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />



4.1 Encroachment: Through construction, settlement or<br />

shifting of any building, should any part of the Common Elements<br />

encroach upon any part of a Unit, or should any part of a Unit<br />

encroach upon any part of the Common<br />

Elements or upon any other<br />

Unit, easements for the maintenance of any such encroachment and<br />

for the use of the space required thereby are hereby established<br />

and shall exist for the benefit of the Unit Owner or the Common<br />

Elements, as the case may be, for as<br />

PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no easement shall<br />

the encroachment is due to the<br />

Owners.<br />

long as encroachment exists,<br />

be created in the event<br />

willful conduct of the Unit<br />

4.2 Easements to Unit Owners: Perpetual easements are<br />

hereby established for all Unit Owners<br />

families, tenants, guests<br />

enjoyment of all Common Elements.<br />

Owner is hereby granted an<br />

and occupy any portion of any balcony,<br />

or terrace which adjoins<br />

in the Property, their<br />

invitees and servants, for use and<br />

In addition thereto, each Unit<br />

exclusive perpetual easement to use<br />

porch. exterior doorways<br />

his Unit and to which he has sole access,<br />

PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no Unit Owner shall enlarge, modify, improve,<br />

decorate or landscape any such balcony, porch or terrace<br />

without the prior written consent of the Executive Board.<br />

- 10 -

!AI1 MIG/jU /4/bi<br />

4.3 Easements in Gross: Each Unit Owner shall have<br />

an easement in common with the owners of the other Units to<br />

use all pipes, wires, ducts,<br />

lines, structural components and other<br />

cables, conduits, public utility<br />

Common Elements located<br />

in any of the other Units and serving his Unit. Each Unit<br />

shall be subject to an easement in favor of the owners of other<br />

Units to use the pipes, wires, ducts,<br />

cables, conduits, public<br />

utility lines, structural components and other Common Elements<br />

located in such Unit and serving other Units. The Executive<br />

Board, its appointees, employees or agentsi<br />

right of access to each Unit to inspect same<br />

and remove violations<br />

therefrom and to inspect, maintain,<br />

shall have the<br />

repair or replace the<br />

Common Elements contained wholly or partially therein.<br />

Property shall be subject to a perpetual easement<br />

Association, its appointees, employees or agents,<br />

and egress to perform its obligations<br />

this Declaration and Bylaws.<br />

to the<br />

The<br />

for ingress<br />

and duties required by<br />

Should it be necessary to enter a<br />

Unit to inspect and remove a violation or to inspect, maintain,<br />

repair or replace any Common Element, the appointees employees<br />

or agents of the Executive<br />

by exhibiting to the Unit<br />

Board.<br />

Board shall be entitled to entrance<br />

Owner or occupant an order from the<br />

Each Unit Owner and/or occupant of a Unit shall not<br />

unreasonably interfere with such necessary entry.<br />

Forced<br />

entry, deemed necessary by the Executive Board, shall not<br />

subject the Executive Board, its appointees, employees or<br />

agents to trespass, but any damage to the Unit as a

''AJ.2<br />

MIG/jlf<br />

2/4/84<br />

result of forced entry or as a result of any repair of a Common<br />

Element from within the Unit shall be<br />

Board as part of the Common Expense.<br />

or occupant shall fail to provide access<br />

repaired by the Executive<br />

In the event any Unit Owner<br />

to the Unit as herein<br />

provided1 the Executive Board shall (in addition to exercising<br />

other lawful remedies) obtain an order of court for such access,<br />

and the costs and reasonable attorney<br />

the Unit Owner or occupant.<br />

fees shall be taxed against<br />

4.4 Utility Easements: Easements, as shown on the Flat<br />

or as may be subsequently<br />

granted by Declarant or the Executive<br />

Board are established and dedicated for sanitary and storm<br />

sewers, electricity, gas, water,<br />

public utility purposes<br />

and telephones and for all other<br />

including the right to install, lay,<br />

maintain, repair and replace water mains and pipes, sewer lines,<br />

drainage, gas mains, telephone wires and equipment and electrical<br />

conduits and wires over, under, along and on the portions of the<br />

Common Elements.<br />

4.5 Effect of Easements: All easements and rights herein<br />

established shall run with the land and inure to the benefit of<br />

and be binding upon the Declarant, its successors or assigns<br />

any Unit Owner, purchasers mortgagee<br />

or other person having an<br />

interest in any portion of the Property herein described, whether<br />

or not such easements are<br />

conveyance.<br />

ARTICLE V.<br />

mentioned or described in any deed of<br />


The use of the Units and Common Elements is<br />

- 12 -<br />

restricted as<br />


'A13<br />

PuG<br />

/jif 2/4/84<br />

follows:<br />

5.1 Residential Use: Each Unit is hereby restricted to<br />

residential use as a single family residence to be occupied by<br />

one (1) family, all members of which are related by blood or<br />

marriage.<br />

5.2 ownership by Entity: In the event that other than a<br />

natural person is a Unit Owner, said entity shall, prior to the<br />

purchase of such Unit, designate the person who is to be the<br />

permanent occupant of such Unit.<br />

Such entity shall not thereafter<br />

have the right to designate other persons as the occupants of<br />

such unit, whether in substitution of or in addition to the<br />

persons initially designated, except with the prior written<br />

approval of the Execute Board.<br />

All provisions of this instrument<br />

shall apply to such designated occupants as though they had title<br />

to such Unit and the entity owning such Unit shall be<br />

bound<br />

thereby.<br />

The provisions hereof shall not be applicable to any<br />

corporation formed or controlled by Declarant.<br />

ith<br />

and Rule<br />

5.3 Compliance w Declaration, Bylaws s and Requlations:<br />

Each Unit Owner and occupant shall comply with all applicable<br />

provisions of the Act, this Declaration, the Bylaws, and<br />

such rules and regulations as from time to time are promulgated<br />

by the Executive Board or the Association, as amended from<br />

time<br />

to time, and failure to comply with any such provisions and rules<br />

and regulations shall be grounds for an action by the Association,<br />

an aggrieved Unit Owner, or any person or class of persons adversely<br />

affected, for appropriate relief, including recovery of<br />

- 13 -

'Al4 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

damages, injunctive relief, or both.<br />

5.4 Obstructions: There shall be no obstructions on any<br />

portions of the Common Elements nor any storage in the Common<br />

Elements without prior written consent of the Executive Board.<br />

No clothes, laundry or other articles shall be hung or<br />

exposed in<br />

any portion of the Common Elements or on or about<br />

the exteriors<br />

of the buildings.<br />

5.5 Maintenance of <strong>Condominium</strong>s: Each Unjt Owner shall<br />

maintain and keep his condominium in good order and repair and<br />

shall do nothing which will increase the rate of insurance on the<br />

building in which his condominium is situated or which would be<br />

in violation of law.<br />

5.6 Signs, Windows, etc.: No signs shall be hung or displayed<br />

on any Common Element or the inside or outside of windows,<br />

patio doors or placed on walls of any building or on any fences,<br />

and no awnings, canopy, shutter, or radio or television antenna<br />

shall be affixed to or placed upon an exterior wall or roof<br />

without prior written consent of the Executive Board.<br />

5.7 Animals: No animals, reptiles, birds, rabbits, livestock,<br />

fowl or poultry of any kind shall be kept, raised or bred<br />

in any portion of the property, except that one cat, one dog or<br />

two caged birds may be kept as a pet in a Unit, subject to the<br />

rules and regulations of the Executive Board and applicable law<br />

of the jurisdiction wherein said <strong>Condominium</strong> is located.<br />

Fish<br />

maintained in a household aquarium shall not be deemed to be<br />

"animals" as defined herein.<br />

Any pet creating a nuisance or<br />

- 14 -

'A15<br />

MIG<br />

unreasonable disturbance or noise (in<br />

Executive Board) shall be permanently<br />

5.10 Hazardou5 U5e and Waste:<br />

the sole judgment of the<br />

removed from the property<br />

upon written notice from the Executive Board. Any pet owner<br />

shall be responsible for complying<br />

to pets established by the<br />

Executive Board.<br />

5.8 Nuisances: No noxious or offensive<br />

activity as determined<br />

by regulations issued by the<br />

carried on in any Unit or in the Common<br />

with all regulations relating<br />

Executive Board shall be<br />

Elements, nor shall<br />

anything be done which will become an annoyance or a nuisance to<br />

other owners or occupants.<br />

5.9 Business Use: No business, trade, occupation or profession<br />

of any kind shall be conducted,<br />

maintained or permitted<br />

on any part of the Property nor without written authorization<br />

from the Executive Board, shall<br />

displayed by any owner or by any person.<br />

had been the holder of a deed of trust<br />

and who has acquired ownership<br />

the agent of any of them.<br />

kept in any Unit or the Common<br />

rate of insurance maintained<br />

"for sale" or "for rent" signs be<br />

firm or corporation who<br />

against any condominium<br />

thereof through foreclosure, or<br />

Nothing shall be done to or<br />

Elements that will increase any<br />

with respect to the <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

without the prior written consent of the Executive Board.<br />

Unit Owner or occupant shall permit<br />

No<br />

anything to be done or to be<br />

kept in his Unit or the Common Elements that will result in the<br />

cancellation of insurance maintained with respect to the <strong>Condominium</strong>,<br />

or that would be in violation of any law, or that will<br />

- 15 -

'1A16 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

result in the commitment of waste (damage,<br />

abuse or destruction)<br />

to or in his Unit or the Common Elements.<br />

5.11 Rules and Regulations: In addition to the foregoing<br />

restrictions, conditions and covenants concerning the use of the<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong>, reasonable rules and regulations not in conflict<br />

therewith and supplementary thereto may be promulgated and<br />

amended from time to time by the Executive Board or the Association,<br />

as more fully provided in the Bylaws.<br />



6.1 Assessment Liens: The Executive Board shall levy assessments<br />

against the Units for Common Expense Liability as established<br />

in the annual budget for operation of the <strong>Condominium</strong>, such<br />

assessments shall be a lien on the Units against which they<br />

are assessed, and if any payment thereof becomes delinquenti the<br />

lien may be foreclosed and the Unit sold, or a money judgment<br />

obtained against the persons liable therefor, all as set forth in<br />

the Bylaws.<br />

y for<br />

6.2 prohibition of Exempti or from Liabilit Contribution<br />

Towards Common Expenses: No Unit Owner may exempt himself from<br />

liability for his share of the Common Expense Liability assessed<br />

by the Association by waiver of the use of enjoyment of any of<br />

the Common Elements or by abandonment of his Unit.<br />



7.1 Common Elements by the Association: The managementi<br />

maintenance, repair, alteration and improvement of the Common<br />

- 16 -

'A17 ZIIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

Elements shall be the responsibility<br />

cost thereof shall be a Common Expense.<br />

caused to a Unit by any work on or to the<br />

or for the Association shall be repaired by the<br />

the cost thereof shall be a Common<br />

of the Association, and the<br />

Expense.<br />

All incidental damage<br />

Common Elements dgne by<br />

Association, and<br />

7.2 Waiver of Claims: Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding,<br />

the Association agrees that<br />

against a Unit Owner or occupant, and<br />

each Unit Owner and occupant<br />

agrees that he shall make no<br />

the member of the Executive Board,<br />

or employees or agents of any<br />

retained by the Executive Board or his or<br />

employees or agents, or other Unit Owners or<br />

loss or damage to any of the Property, or<br />

it shall make no claim<br />

claim against the Association,<br />

officers of the Association,<br />

thereof, or against any manager<br />

its officers, directors,<br />

occupants1 for any<br />

to a Unit or personal<br />

property therein, even if caused by the act or neglect of any one<br />

or more of such persons<br />

casualty insurance purchased by the<br />

due to a peril insured against by<br />

Association or by any Unit<br />

Owner or occupant to the extent of the insurance proceeds<br />

recovered under all such policies of<br />

claims, to the extent of such recovery, are<br />

released, provided, however, that this<br />

insurance, and all such<br />

hereby waived and<br />

waiver shall not apply to<br />

vandalism or malicious mischief and shall apply only during such<br />

time as the applicable policy or<br />

or endorsement to the effect<br />

shall not adversely affect or impair<br />

policies shall contain a clause<br />

that any such waiver and release<br />

said recover thereunder.<br />

The Association and each Unit Owner and occupant agree<br />

- 17 -<br />

that their

'AlS<br />

MIG jif<br />

1 2/4/84<br />

respective insurance policies shall contain<br />

endorsement, and each Unit Owner and<br />

such a clause or<br />

occupant shall furnish evidence<br />

reasonably acceptable to the Association of the existence<br />

of such a clause or endorsement.<br />



8.1 Insurance: Not later than the time of the first<br />

conveyance of a Unit to a person other than the Declarant, the<br />

Executive Board in its own name for the use and benefit of the<br />

Unit Owners shall be required to purchase and maintain fire and<br />

extended coverage insurance policies and if available an Nail<br />

risks endorsement" in amounts equal to the replacement value of<br />

all improvements and all personal property owned by the <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

(with standard Mortgage Clause in favor of rnortgagees, if any);<br />

said insurance shall insure the Common Elements1 Limited Common<br />

Elements, common fixtures, equipment and personalty, the Units<br />

and common property of the <strong>Condominium</strong>: the policy of insurance<br />

shall insure members of the Executive Board, their agents and<br />

employees and the owners of all Units, against any liability,<br />

including medical payments to the public or to the owners, their<br />

invitees, tenants and any other persons who may be on the Property<br />

for any reason whatsoever, in the use of any Common Elements, the<br />

liability under which insurance shall be not less than One<br />

Million Dollars ($1,000,000 ) for any one person injured. One<br />

Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for any one accident, and Two<br />

Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) for property<br />

damage. the Executive Board is further authorized to purchase

''A19 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

any other insurance coverage in such reasonable amount as the<br />

Executive Board shall deem desirable.<br />

policies shall be a Common Expense<br />

common fund.<br />

Premiums for such insurance<br />

Liability to be paid from the<br />

Fire and extended coverage policies shall be<br />

written in the name of the Executive Board as<br />

of the Unit Owners in the Allocated Interests<br />

Declaration.<br />

cover Units with horizontal<br />

Trustees for each<br />

established in this<br />

Insurance maintained under this subsection shall<br />

betterments installed by Unit Owners.<br />

boundaries but not improvements and<br />

8.2 Insurance <strong>Certificate</strong>: The Executive Board upon<br />

written request shall issue a certificate of insurance to any<br />

Unit Owner, mortgagee or beneficiary under a deed of trust of<br />

said Unit Owner requesting same.<br />

the standard mortgagee clause naming the<br />

additional insured and shall contain a<br />

cancellation notice which shall be given to<br />

each Unit Owner and each mortgagee or<br />

trust to whom a certificate of<br />

to any cancellation of said insurance.<br />

the "special condominium endorsement,"<br />

of any insurance trust agreements<br />

to subrogation against Unit<br />

Said certificate shall contain<br />

mortgage holder as an<br />

minimum ten (10) day<br />

the Executive Board,<br />

beneficiary under a deed of<br />

insurance has been issued, prior<br />

Said policy shall contain<br />

shall provide recognition<br />

shall contain waiver of rights<br />

Owners, shall provide that said<br />

insurance coverage is not to be prejudiced by any act or neglect<br />

of an individual Unit Owner or Unit Owners which is not within<br />

the control of the Unit Owners<br />

that said policy is primary in the event<br />

- 19 -<br />

collectively and shall provide<br />

that any Unit Owner has

'A20 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

coverage for the same loss.<br />





8.3 Appointment of Trustee: Declarant, itt consideration of<br />

the funds loaned to it and in<br />

consideration of loans which may<br />

hereafter be made by various lenders to Declarant and to Unit<br />

Owners, does herewith, on behalf of itself, and the future Unit<br />

Owners of this <strong>Condominium</strong>, irrevocably<br />

the Executive Board, the true and<br />

constitute and appoint<br />

lawful insurance trustee to<br />

receive the proceeds of all fire and extended coverage<br />

losses and does herewith require<br />

insurance<br />

of the Executive Board that the<br />

said Board, on purchasing any fire and extended coverage policy<br />

or policies, shall notify the insurance<br />

make all loss proceeds payable to the said trustee.<br />

carriers in writing to<br />

The said<br />

trustee shall have full power and authority to adjust and collect<br />

all losses and to reimburse itself for<br />

such adjustment or collection.<br />

required to, consult with the Unit Owners.<br />

have full power and authority to execute<br />

on its own behalf and on<br />

reasonable expenses for<br />

The trustee may, but shall not be<br />

The trustee shall<br />

all documents necessary<br />

behalf of the named insureds and to<br />

endorse all checks and drafts on its own behalf<br />

the named insureds.<br />

and on behalf of<br />

The trustee shall hold the insurance proceeds<br />

in trust for Unit Owners and lienholders as<br />

their interests may<br />

appear. Subject to the provisions of Article IX hereof, the<br />

proceeds shall be disbursed first for the<br />

repair or restoration<br />

of the damaged property. and Unit Owners and lienholders are not<br />

- 20 -

entitled to receive payment of<br />

the proceeds unless there is<br />

a surplus of proceeds after the Property has been completely<br />

repaired or restored, or the <strong>Condominium</strong> is terminated. The<br />

trustee may disburse the funds pursuant to Section 9.2 (in the<br />

event the proceeds are sufficient for reconstruction), but<br />

notwithstanding the provisions thereof, the trustee shall have<br />

the right (but not the obligation) to require the funds to be<br />

disbursed only against surety bonds, completion guarantees,<br />

escrows or such other assurances as may satisfy the trustee.<br />

In<br />

the event the trustee is of the reasonable opinion that the fire<br />

and extended coverage insurance is insufficient to cover the<br />

replacement value of the insurable improvements, it may (but<br />

shall not be required to) increase the coverage and send the bill<br />

for the premium therefor to the Unit Owners as provided in this<br />

Article VIII and remit the amount of the premium to the party<br />

entitled thereto. Nothing herein contained shall impose any<br />

liability on the trustee for failing to increase the coverage or<br />

failing to increase the coverage sufficiently or for selecting<br />

any particular insurance company. The trustee shall have<br />

the right to resign or appoint a trustee as successor trustee<br />

with full power of substitution<br />

as a successor trustee with like<br />

powers. In the event that the trustee fails to appoint a successor<br />

trustee, then the Executive Board shall appoint said successor.<br />

All handling of insurance proceeds shall be at no expense to the<br />

trustee, except that the cost of security bonds, completion<br />

guarantees, title escrow distribution charges, if any, shall be

1'A22 MIG/j1 2/4/84<br />

at the expense of the Executive Board. Under no circumstances<br />

shall the trustee be liable for any act or omission except for<br />

fraud, gross negligence or lack of reasonable and ordinary care.<br />

All insurance shall be placed with companies licensed in the<br />

State of Missouri.<br />


9.1 General: Any portion of the <strong>Condominium</strong> for which<br />

insurance is required under Section 8.1 which is damaged or<br />

destroyed shall be repaired or replaced promptly by the Association<br />

unless Ci) the <strong>Condominium</strong> is terminated, (ii) repair or<br />

replacement would be illegal under any state or local health or<br />

safety statute or ordinance, or (iii) eighty percent (80%) of the<br />

Unit Owners, including every owner of a Unit or assigned Limited<br />

Common Element which will not be rebuilt, vote not to rebuild<br />

pursuant to Section 9.2 hereof. The cost of repair or replacement<br />

in excess of insurance proceeds and reserves shall be a Common<br />

Expense Liability. If the entire <strong>Condominium</strong> is not repaired or<br />

replaced, (i) the insurance proceeds attributable to the damaged<br />

Common Elements shall be used to restore the damaged area to a<br />

condition compatible with the remainder of the <strong>Condominium</strong>, (ii)<br />

the insurance proceeds attributable to Units and Limited Common<br />

Elements which are not rebuilt shall be distributed to the Owners<br />

of those Units and the Owners of the Units to which those Limited<br />

Common Elements were allocated, and (iii) the remainder of the<br />

proceeds shall be distributed to all the Unit Owners or lienholders,<br />

as their interests may appear, in proportion to the Allocated<br />

- 22 -

MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

Interest of all Units. If the Unit Owners vote not to rebuild<br />

any Unit, that Unit's Allocated Interest are automatically<br />

reallocated upon the vote as if the Unit had been condemned under<br />

Article X hereof and the Association shall promptly prepare,<br />

execute and record an amendment to the Declaration reflecting<br />

the reallocations.<br />

Notwithstanding the provisions of this<br />

Section, Section 9.2 hereof governs the distribution of insurance<br />

proceeds if the <strong>Condominium</strong> is terminated.<br />

9.2 Termination:<br />

The <strong>Condominium</strong> may be terminated only by agreement<br />

of Unit Owners of Units to which at least eighty percent<br />

(80%) of the votes in the Association are allocated.<br />

An agreement to terminate shall be evidenced by the<br />

execution of a termination agreement or ratifications<br />

thereof, in the same manner as a deed, by the requisite<br />

number of Unit Owners.<br />

The termination agreement shall<br />

specify a date after which the agreement will be void unless<br />

it is recorded before that date.<br />

A termination agreement<br />

and ratifications thereof shall be recorded in the office of<br />

the Recorder of Deeds of St. Louis County ,<br />

Missouri, and is effective only upon recordation.<br />

Cc) The termination agreement may provide that all of<br />

the Common Elements and Units of the <strong>Condominium</strong> shall be<br />

sold following termination.<br />

If, pursuant to the agreement,<br />

any real estate in the <strong>Condominium</strong> is to be sold<br />

following<br />

termination, the termination agreement shall set forth the<br />

- 23 -

''A24 P1113 jif 2/4 84<br />

minimum terms of the sale.<br />

The Association, on behalf of the Unit Owners, may<br />

contract for the sale of real estate in the <strong>Condominium</strong>, but<br />

the contract is not binding on the Unit Owners until approved<br />

pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section.<br />

If any<br />

real estate in the <strong>Condominium</strong> is to be sold following<br />

termination, title to that real estate, upon termination,<br />

vests in the Association as trustee for the<br />

holders of all<br />

interests in the Units.<br />

Thereafter, the Association has all<br />

powers necessary and appropriate to effect the sale. Until<br />

the sale has been concluded and the proceeds thereof<br />

distributed,<br />

the Association continues in existence with all<br />

powers it had before termination.<br />

Proceeds of the sale<br />

shall be distributed to Unit Owners and lienholders as their<br />

interests may appear, in proportion to the respective<br />

interests of the Unit Owners.<br />

Unless otherwise specified in<br />

the termination agreement, as long as the Association<br />

holds<br />

title to the Property, each Unit Owner and his successors in<br />

interest have an exclusive right to occupancy of the portion<br />

of the Property which formerly constituted his Unit. During<br />

the period of that occupancy each Unit Owner and his<br />

successors in interest remain liable for all assessments and<br />

other obligations imposed on Unit Owners by the Act,<br />

this Declaration and the Bylaws.<br />

If the Property constituting this <strong>Condominium</strong> is<br />

not to be sold following termination, title to the Common<br />

- 24 -<br />


''A25 MIC/jif 2/4/84<br />

Elements and, if this <strong>Condominium</strong> contains only Units having<br />

horizontal boundaries described in the Declaration, title to<br />

all the Property in the <strong>Condominium</strong> vests upon termination<br />

in the Unit Owners as tenants in common in proportion to<br />

their Allocated Interest as provided in subsection (g) of<br />

this section, and liens on the Units shift accordingly.<br />

While the tenancy in common exists, each Unit Owner and his<br />

successors in interest have an exclusive right or to occupancy<br />

of the portion of the Property which formerly constituted<br />

his Unit.<br />

(1) Following termination of this <strong>Condominium</strong> the<br />

proceeds of any sale of real estate, together with the<br />

assets of the Association, are held by the Association as<br />

trustee for Unit Owners and holders of liens on the Units as<br />

their interests may appear.<br />

Following termination, creditors<br />

of the Association holding liens on the Units, which were<br />

recorded prior to termination, may enforce such liens in the<br />

same manner as any lienholder.<br />

Any other creditors of the<br />

Association shall be treated as if they had perfected liens<br />

on the Unit immediately prior to termination.<br />

(g)<br />

The respective interests of Unit Owners referred to<br />

in subsections (c) and Cd) of this section are as follows:<br />

Ci) Except as provided in subdivision (ii) of this<br />

subsection, the respective interests of Unit Owners are<br />

the fair market values of their Units, Limited Common<br />

Elements and Common Element interests immediately before<br />

- 25 -

the termination, as determined by one or more<br />

independent appraisers selected by the Association.<br />

The decision of the independent appraisers shall be<br />

distributed to the Unit Owners and becomes final<br />

unless disapproved within thirty (30) days after<br />

distribution by Unit Owners of Units to which<br />

twenty-five percent (25%) of the votes in the<br />

Association are allocated.<br />

The proportion of any<br />

Unit Owner's interest to that of all Unit Owners<br />

is<br />

determined by dividing the fair market value of that<br />

Unit Owner's Unit and Allocated Interest by the<br />

total fair market values of all the Units and<br />

Allocated Interests;<br />

(ii) If any Unit or any Limited Common Element<br />

is destroyed to the extent that an appraisal of the<br />

fair market value thereof prior to destruction<br />

cannot be made, the interests of all<br />

Unit Owners are<br />

their respective Allocated Interests immediately<br />

before the termination.<br />

9.3 Personal Property InsuranCe Each Unit Owner shall<br />

be responsible, if he so desires, for maintaining his own<br />

insurance on the contents of his Unit including<br />

floors,<br />

walls, ceiling covers, cabinets and fixtures, and on any<br />

additions and improvements to the Unit, and shall be responsible<br />

for insurance on any personal property belonging to<br />

him, but stored elsewhere on the Property.<br />

- 26 -

''A27 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

9.4 Waiver of Subrogation: Each Unit Owner hereby<br />

waives and releases any and all claims which he may have<br />

against any other Unit Owner, the officers and members of the<br />

Executive Board, and the Declarant, and their respective<br />

employees and agents, for damage to the Common Elements, the<br />

Units, or to any personal property located in the Units or<br />

Common Elements, caused by fire or other<br />

casualty, to the<br />

extent that such damage is covered by fire or other<br />

form of<br />

casualty insurance.<br />

9.5 Damaae Caused by Unit Owner, Not Covered b<br />

y Ifl5urflCe<br />

If, due to the act or neglect of a Unit Owner, or of a member<br />

of his family or household pet or of a guest or other authorized<br />

occupant or visitor of such Unit Owner, damage shall be<br />

caused to the Common Elements or to a Unit or Units owned by<br />

others, or maintenance, repairs or replacements shall be<br />

required which would otherwise be at the Common Expenses<br />

then<br />

such Unit Owner shall pay for such damage and such maintenance,<br />

repairs and replacements, as may be determined by the Executive<br />

Board, to the extent not covered by insurance.<br />

ARTICtE X.<br />

10.1 Condemnation:<br />


(a)<br />

In the event it shall become necessary for any<br />

public agency to acquire all or any part of any of the<br />

Units or the Common Elements of the <strong>Condominium</strong> for any<br />

public purpose, the Executive Board is hereby appointed<br />

as attorney-in-fact and is hereby<br />

authorized to negotiate<br />

- 27 -

''A28 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

with such public agency for such<br />

acquisition and to<br />

execute such instruments as may be necessary for conveyance<br />

to any such public agency.<br />

eminent domain become necessary<br />

Should acquisitions by<br />

only the Executive<br />

Board need be made party, and monies, damage payments or<br />

condemnation award shall be held by the Executive Board<br />

for the benefit of the owners of the Units subject<br />

hereto.<br />

(b) If a Unit is acquired by eminent domain, or if<br />

part of a Unit is acquired by eminent domain leaving the<br />

Unit Owner with a remnant which may not practically or<br />

lawfully be used for any purpose permitted by this<br />

Declaration, the award shall compensate the Unit Owner<br />

for his Unit and Allocated Interest, whether or not any<br />

Common Elements are acquired.<br />

Upon acquisitions unless<br />

the decree otherwise provides that Unit's Allocated<br />

Interests are automatically reallocated to the remaining<br />

Units in proportion to the respective Allocated Interests<br />

of those Units before the taking, and the Executive<br />

Board shall promptly prepares execute and record an<br />

amendment to the Declaration reflecting the reallocations.<br />

Any remnant of a Unit remaining after part of a Unit is<br />

taken under this subsection is thereafter a Common<br />

Element.<br />

Cc) Except as provided in subsection Cb) of this<br />

section, if part of a Unit is acquired by eminent<br />

- 28 -<br />


'A29 bIIG/jlf 3/8/84<br />

domain, the award shall compensate the Unit Owner for<br />

the reduction in value of the Unit and its Allocated<br />

Interest, whether or not any Common Elements are acquired.<br />

Upon acquisition, unless the decree otherwise provides,<br />

Ci) that Unit's Allocated Interests are reduced in<br />

proportion to the reduction in the size of the Unit, or<br />

on any other basis specified in the Declaration,<br />

and (ii) the portion of the Allocated Interests divested<br />

from the partially acquired Unit are automatically<br />

reallocated to that Unit and the remaining Units in<br />

proportion to the respective Allocated Interests of<br />

those Units before the taking, with the partially<br />

acquired Unit participating in the reallocation on the<br />

basis of its reduced Allocated Interests.<br />



11.1 Additions to flat and Modification of DeclaratIon:<br />

Each person acquiring a Unit hereunder shall be conclusively<br />

deemed to have appointed the Declarant as the Unit Owner's<br />

attorney-in-fact for a period of four (4) years expiring<br />

from the date of recording of this Declaration.<br />

During this<br />

period1 the Declarant reserves the right, but not the obligation,<br />

and shall have full power and authority to amend the Declaration<br />

and Plat in compliance with the Act by including any parcel<br />

or parcels contiguous or non-contiguous to the Property, or<br />

to delete any parcel or portion thereof and to change the<br />

number of Units and amend the Allocated Interests to each<br />

- 29 -

''A30 MIG/jlf 3/8/84<br />

to each Unit as specified in Exhibit "C" hereof.<br />

Declarant<br />

reserves the right, but not the obligation1 to create Units,<br />

Common Elements, Limited Common Elements and to subdivide<br />

with respect to a parcel added pursuant to the development<br />

rights established by this section.<br />

Said development rights<br />

may be exercised with respect to different parcels added<br />

pursuant to this section at different times.<br />

Declarant<br />

reserves the right but not the obligation to enter into,<br />

create, reserve, or grant easements for utilities including<br />

but not limited to gas, electric, water, sewer, cable television,<br />

and access to such easements for the benefit of the<br />

Property.<br />

Declarant makes no assurances with respect to the<br />

development of said additional parcels, including, but not<br />

limited to whether the Declarant will exercise the right to<br />

develop all or any portion of the parcels subject to these<br />

development rights or the order in which the development will<br />

occur.<br />

In addition thereto, the Declarant may file amendments<br />

to the Declaration, Plats and exhibits hereto to reflect any<br />

changes in the locations, elevations, measurements or dimensions<br />

and to correct any error in any recorded Plat or<br />

Declaration; provided that, if required such Amendment is<br />

approved by the Planning Director of St. Louis County,<br />

Missouri.<br />

During the tour (4) year period hereof, the<br />

Declarant, in executing any amendment consistent with the<br />

foregoing, shall be conclusively deemed to have been acting<br />

within the scope of the Declarant's authority as herein<br />

- 30 -

'' Bi<br />

MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

specified, and all Unit Owners shall be estopped from questioning<br />

the right of the Declarant herein granted and reserved.<br />

11.2 Deletion From The flat: Pursuant to subdivision<br />

4 of Section 448.2-109 of the Act, Declarant hereby reserves<br />

the right to withdraw the Property or any portion<br />

thereof.<br />

11.3 Right of Declarant to Vote: Declarant shall have<br />

the right to exercise the votes allocated to Units which<br />

Declarant owns and have not been transferred to third<br />

parties.<br />

11.4 Partial Development: For purposes of allocating<br />

Common Expense Liability and none other, the Declarant shall<br />

not be deemed a Unit Owner as to unconstructed,<br />

partially<br />

completed or completed but unsold or unoccupied Units.<br />

The<br />

Declarant shall as to said Units bear only that portion of<br />

the Common Expense Liability, if any, in fact incurred<br />

by or<br />

for the benefit of said Units, including, but not limited to<br />

insurance and real estate taxes.<br />


12.1 Advertisinq by the Declarant: Notwithstanding any<br />

provision hereof to the contrary, at all times and from time<br />

to time, during the Declarant Control Period, Declarant (and<br />

its successors, assigns and mortgagees) shall have the right<br />

and privilege (i) to erect and maintain advertising signs<br />

(illuminated or non-illuminated), sales flags, other sales<br />

devices and banners for the purpose of aiding the sale of<br />

Units in this <strong>Condominium</strong>, (ii) to maintain Units as sales,<br />

model, management, business and construction offices, and<br />

- 31 -

''22 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

(iii) to maintain and locate construction trailers and<br />

construction tools and equipment within the Property.<br />

Said<br />

model Units or Units used for business, construction, or<br />

management purposes shall be no greater than 849<br />

square feet and shall consist of not more than<br />

Unite each designated by the Declarant in Building 1 through 8<br />

of this <strong>Condominium</strong>. The construction of the buildings and<br />

improvements by Declarant shall not be considered a nuisance<br />

and Declarant hereby reserves the right and privilege<br />

for itself (and its successors, assigns and mortgagees) to<br />

conduct the activities enumerated in this section until all<br />

present and future Units of this <strong>Condominium</strong> have been<br />

2<br />

completed and conveyed to third parties.<br />

All rights afforded<br />

Declarant under this Article shall inure to the benefit of<br />

any mortgage holder acquiring title to any Unit hereunder.<br />



13.1: Upon the expiration of the Declarant Control<br />

Period or upon the earlier written relinquishment of the<br />

Declarant's authority duly recorded, the Unit Owners may<br />

modify and amend this Declaration and Bylaws by satisfying<br />

section 448.2-117 of the Act.<br />

The president, treasurer,<br />

secretary or assistant secretary may prepare, execute, certify<br />

and record amendments to this Declaration on behalf of<br />

the Association.<br />

Each such modification and amendment must<br />

be duly recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in<br />

St. Louis County , Missouri, provided, however, that<br />

- 32

I 'E3 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

this Declaration and Bylaws shall at all times<br />

contain the<br />

minimum requirements imposed by Chapter 448, Missouri Statutes,<br />

and, in particular, by Section 448.3-106 of the Act, with insurance<br />

maintained as required by Section 448.3-113 of the Act.<br />

In the<br />

event the Statutes of Missouri subsequently provide a different<br />

method of amendment, then such Statute shall supersede this<br />

Article provided the consent of the holders of first<br />

deeds of<br />

trust is first had and obtained.<br />

In the event this <strong>Condominium</strong> is<br />

located in the unincorporated area of St. Louis County, Missouri,<br />

no such amendment, modification or change<br />

shall reduce or modify<br />

the obligation or right granted to or imposed upon the<br />

Board or to eliminate the requirement that there be an<br />

Executive<br />

Executive<br />

Board unless some person or entity is substituted for the Executive<br />

Board with their responsibilities and duties in a manner approved<br />

by the Director of Planning of St. Louis County, Missouri.<br />



14.1 Rules and Regulations: The Executive Board may make<br />

such reasonable rules and regulations as the Executive<br />

Board may<br />

determine pertaining to the use of recreation facilities, if any,<br />

including the right to admit non-residents as guests on a<br />

fee<br />

basis and including the matters of safety, deportment, dress,<br />

hours, children, pets and disciplining measures against<br />

unruly<br />

members and children.<br />

The Executive Board may bring such legal<br />

actions as it may deem appropriate against persons violating<br />

its<br />

rules and regulations and, upon the Executive Board prevailing,<br />

the costs and attorney's fees shall be taxed against such party.<br />

- 33 -

''.84 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />



15.1 Captions: The captions of the various Articles<br />

and Sections are for purposes of reference<br />

deemed to have any substantive effect.<br />

only and are not<br />

15.2 Mortgagee's Riqhts: Unless provided to the contrary<br />

in a Unit Owner's mortgage, the holder of first mortgage of<br />

the Units (including a holder, insurer or guarantor of a first<br />

mortgage on a Unit in the <strong>Condominium</strong> which has requested<br />

notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.3 of<br />

this Declaration) shall be entitled to the following<br />

rights:<br />

Any restoration or repair of the <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

after a partial condemnation or damage due to an<br />

insurable<br />

hazard shall be substantially in accordance with the<br />

provisions hereof and the original plans and specifications<br />

unless the approval of the eligible holders of first<br />

mortgages on Units to which at least fifty-one percent<br />

(51%) of the votes of Units subject to mortgages held by<br />

such eligible holders are allocated, is obtained.<br />

Any election to terminate the <strong>Condominium</strong> after<br />

substantial destruction or a substantial taking in<br />

condemnation of the <strong>Condominium</strong> property must also<br />

require the approval of the eligible holders of first<br />

mortgages on Units to which at least fifty-one percent<br />

(51%) of the votes of Units subject to mortgages held by<br />

such eligible holders are allocated.<br />

No reallocation of interests in the Common Elements<br />

- 34 -

p 'B5 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

resulting from a partial condemnation or partial destruction<br />

of the <strong>Condominium</strong> project may be effected without the<br />

approval of the eligible holders of first mortgages on Units<br />

to which at least fifty-one percent (51%<br />

) of the votes of<br />

Units subject to mortgages held by such eligible holders are<br />

allocated.<br />

15.3 Notice to Mortgaqees: Upon written request to the<br />

Executive Board, the holder of any duly recorded mortgage or deed<br />

of trust against any Unit shall thereafter be given copies of any<br />

and all notices permitted or required by this Declaration to be<br />

given to the Unit Owner or owners whose Unit Ownership is subject<br />

to such mortgage or deed of trust (such written request to state<br />

the name and address of such holder, insuror or guarantor and the<br />

Unit number).<br />

Notices shall be given to mortgagees under the<br />

following conditions:<br />

Any proposed amendment of the Declaration effecting<br />

a change in (i) the boundaries of any Unit or the exclusive<br />

easement rights appertaining thereto, (ii) the interests in<br />

the general or Limited Common Elements appertaining to any<br />

Unit or the liability for Common Expenses appertaining<br />

thereto, (iii) the number of votes of Unit Owners appertain<br />

ing to any Unit or (iv) the purposes to which any Unit or<br />

the Common Elements are restricted; except as to those<br />

permitted in Article X hereof:<br />

Any proposed termination of the <strong>Condominium</strong>;<br />

Any condemnation loss or any casualty loss which<br />

- 35 -

''36 MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

affects a material portion of the <strong>Condominium</strong> or which<br />

affects any Unit on which there is a<br />

first mortgage held,<br />

insured or guaranteed by such eligible<br />

holder:<br />

Any delinquency in the payment of assessments or<br />

charges owed by an Owner of a Unit subject to the mortgage<br />

of such eligible holder, insurer or guarantori where such<br />

delinquency has continued for a period of 60 days;<br />

Any lapse, cancellation or material modification of<br />

any insurance policy maintained by the Executive Board.<br />

15.4 Manner of Givinq Notice: Notices required to be<br />

given to the Executive Board may be delivered to any<br />

member of<br />

the Board either personally or by certified mail addressed to<br />

such member or officer at his Unit, return receipt<br />

requested.<br />

Notice required to be given to the Declarant or to the Declarant<br />

while acting as the Executive Board shall be given by certified<br />

mail, return receipt requested at:<br />

12400 Olive Boulevard<br />

St. Louis, Missouri 63141<br />

15.5 Notice in Event of Death: Notices required to be<br />

given any devisee or personal representative<br />

of a deceased Unit<br />

Owner may be delivered either personally or by certified mail,<br />

return receipt requested to such party at<br />

his or its address<br />

appearing in the records of the court wherein the estate of such<br />

deceased Unit Owner is being administered.<br />

15.6 Acceptance by Grantee: Each grantee of Declarant by<br />

the acceptance of a deed of conveyance or each subsequent pur-<br />

- 36 -

I '87 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

chaser, accepts the same subject to all restrictions, conditons,<br />

covenants, reservations, optionsi liens and charges1 and the<br />

jurisdictiont rights and powers created or reserved by<br />

this<br />

Declaration or to which this Declaration is subject, and all<br />

rights, benefits and privileges of every character<br />

hereby granted,<br />

created, reserved or declared, and all impositions and<br />

obligations<br />

hereby imposed shall be deemed and taken to be covenants<br />

running<br />

with the land and shall bind any person having at any time any<br />

interest or estate in said property and shall inure to<br />

benefit of such Unit Owner in like manner as though the<br />

the<br />

provisions<br />

of this Declaration were recited and stipulated at<br />

length in each<br />

and every deed of conveyance.<br />

15.7 No Waiver: No covenants, restrictions, conditions,<br />

obligations or provisions contained in this Declaration<br />

deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any<br />

shall be<br />

failure<br />

to enforce the same, irrespective of the number of violations or<br />

breaches which may occur.<br />

15.8 Saving Clause: The invalidity of any covenant,<br />

restriction, condition, limitation or any other provision of this<br />

Declaration or any part of the same shall not impair or affect<br />

in<br />

any manner the validity,<br />

enforceability or effect of the rest of<br />

this Declaration.<br />

15.9 Interpretation: The provisions of this Declaration<br />

shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes of<br />

creating a uniform plan for the development and operation of a<br />

first-class <strong>Condominium</strong> apartment development.<br />

The use of<br />

- 37 -

'' B8 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

personal pronouns shall be construed to apply to masculine,<br />

feminine or neuter gender as the context may require. Should any<br />

provision of this instrument be deemed to violate the Rule<br />

against Perpetuities and is not subject to Section 448.2-103(2)<br />

of the Act, then such provision shall not be stricken but shall<br />

be deemed to continue in force and effect for the longest time<br />

permitted under Missouri law or for the life or lives in being<br />

plus twenty-one (21) years and ten (10) months thereafter. If<br />

any provision is deemed to be invalid, then the elimination of<br />

such provision shall not affect the remaining provisions.<br />

15.10 Bonds: Before any Unit Owner shall become a member<br />

of and serve on the Executive Board, he shall be able to be<br />

bonded. The Executive Board shall procure a blanket fidelity<br />

bond on themselves individually and collectively for the benefit<br />

of all Unit Owners in an amount not less than the estimated<br />

maximum of funds, including reserve funds in the custody of the<br />

Executive Board at any given time during the term of each bond.<br />

The bond shall be written only by a bonding company approved to<br />

write fidelity bonds for Executors and Administrators by the St.<br />

Louis County Probate Court. The cost of premiums for such blanket<br />

bond shall be paid out of the common funds of this <strong>Condominium</strong> as<br />

a general charge and shall not be borne by the individual members<br />

of the Executive Board. The bond shall contain waiver of all<br />

defenses based upon the exclusion of persons serving without<br />

compensation from the definintion "employee" or similar terms<br />

or expressions.<br />

The bond shall provide that it may not be<br />

- 38 -

'E9 MIG/jlf 2/4/84<br />

cancelled or substantially modified (including cancellation<br />

for<br />

non-payment of premium) without 10 days prior written notice to<br />

Executive Board.<br />

15.11 Operative Effect: This Declaration shall be of full<br />

force and effect upon the recordation in the St. Louis County<br />

Recorder of Deeds Records.<br />

15.12 Lease of Unit: Each Unit Owner shall have the right<br />

to lease the Unit so owned for single family occupancy subject to<br />

the following requirements:<br />

Every lease shall be in writing and shall be<br />

subject to all provisions of this Declaration and Bylaws.<br />

Further, said lease shall incorporate the rules and regulations<br />

of the <strong>Condominium</strong> by reference thereto and shall<br />

include the provision that any violation of said rules and<br />

regulations or covenants and provisions of the lease, other<br />

than non-payment of rent, shall be additional basis for<br />

termination of the lease by the Executive Board.<br />

Every lease shall be submitted to the Executive<br />

Board for review so as to assure compliance with this<br />

Declaration.<br />

Cc)<br />

Every lease shall appoint the Executive Board (or<br />

the Declarant as the case may be) to act as agent and<br />

attorney-in-fact for the Unit Owner for the purposes of<br />

enforcing the terms covenants and conditions of said lease,<br />

other than the non-payment of rent. If any such violation<br />

is not cured within 30 days or such shorter time as may be<br />

- 39 -

'Bi MIG/jif 2/4/84<br />

provided for in the leases the Executive Board as attorney-infact<br />

shall have the right of action to evict or otherwise<br />

terminate the lease or the tenants possession of the Unit.<br />

The Executive Board shall have no liability to the Unit<br />

Owner or tenant on account of any action taken pursuant to<br />

this Declaration and Bylaws. The provisions of this<br />

section 15.12 shall not be applicable to the Declarant<br />

during the Declarant control period.<br />

(d)<br />

Every lease shall have minimum initial and renewal<br />

terms of six (6) months each and no such lease shall be on a<br />

month-to-month or hold-over basis.<br />

15.13 St. Louis County Addendum: The provisions set forth<br />

in Exhibit £ annexed hereto entitled "St. Louis County Addendum"<br />

are hereby incorporated as a part of this <strong>Condominium</strong> Declaration<br />

and shall be applicable to the <strong>Condominium</strong> in the event said<br />

<strong>Condominium</strong> shall be located in the unincorporated area of St.<br />

Louis County, Missouri.<br />

15.14 Parkinq: The Declarant and/or the Executive Board<br />

shall have the right but not the obligation to assign parking<br />

spaces for the sole exclusive use of Unit Owners, which assignment<br />

may in the discretion of the Declarant or Executive Board be designated<br />

as a Limited Common Element. Further, the Declarant and/or<br />

the Executive Board shall have the right but not the obligation to<br />

make such rules and regulations governing the use of parking spaces<br />

by guests and invitees of Unit Owners and further, in<br />

their discretion,<br />

may adopt such rules and regulations governing the storage<br />

of vehicles, repair of vehicles, prohibiting trucks, boats, trailers,<br />

- 40 -

I '210 MIG/jlf 3/8/84<br />

campers. motor bikes or other vehicles which the Declarant and/or<br />

Executive Board may in their discretion determine objectionable.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has executed this Declaration<br />

this day of<br />

, 1984.<br />


By:<br />

Name:<br />

Title:<br />

ATTEST:<br />

Secretary<br />


SS.<br />


On this day of , 1984, before me<br />

appeared<br />

, to me personally known,<br />

who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the<br />

of Taylor-Morley-Simon, Inc., a corporation of the State of<br />

Missouri, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument<br />

is the corporate seal of said corporation1 and that said instrument<br />

was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation, by authority<br />

of its Board of Directors; and said<br />

acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said<br />

corporation.<br />

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and<br />

affixed my official seal in the County and State aforesaid: the<br />

- 41 -

MIG/j].f 2/4/84<br />

day and year first above written.<br />

Noary Public<br />

- 42 -

December 12, 1988<br />

TO:<br />


Please find enclosed, for your information and convenience,<br />

a set of Fern Ridge Rules & Regulations which have been<br />

adopted by your Board of Trustees.<br />

A copy of the Declaration of <strong>Condominium</strong> & By-Laws of Fern<br />

Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong>s was provided to owners when accepting a<br />

deed of conveyance to their respective unit. Many of the<br />

rules and regulations enacted by your Board of Trustees are<br />

provided in the Declaration; therefore, it is recommended<br />

that the owners familiarize themselves with the documents.<br />

Your compliance with these rules and regulations, and your<br />

continued support and cooperation are requested so that<br />

Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> can remain a safe and attractive<br />

community.<br />

Board of Trustees,<br />

Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong><br />



All Purchasers and Lessees of units should receive a copy of the Declaration of <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

and By-Laws of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> and the Rules and Regulations from the seller or<br />

lessor. An established service fee shall be charged by the <strong>Condominium</strong> Management<br />

Company for each additional copy requested.<br />


Each purchaser on accepting a deed of conveyance, accepts the deed subject to all provisions<br />

of the Declaration of <strong>Condominium</strong> and By-Laws of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

It is the responsibility of the owner to provide copies to unit lessee (and insure compliance<br />

with) all notices , rules, regulations, Declaration and By-Laws of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure any unit owned or leased to another is<br />

covered with appropriate insurance (homeowners, liability, etc.). Each unit owner is<br />

responsible for maintaining insurance on the contents of their unit and any additions or<br />

improvements, and personal property stored on the property. In owner-leased units, the unit<br />

owner is responsible for informing lessee of any insurance needs.<br />

It is the owners responsibility to notify the <strong>Condominium</strong> Management Company in writing<br />

of any change of address. The owner must notify the <strong>Condominium</strong> Management Company in<br />

writing prior to selling a unit, tncluding purchaser's name, address, telephone number and<br />

mortgage company. Prior to leasing a unit, the owner must notify the <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

Management Company in writing of the Tenant's name, address, and telephone number.<br />

No person or persons, natural or artificial1 shall at any time hold title to more than 3 units,<br />

unless the purchase of such additional unit or units has been approved by the Board of<br />

Trustees.<br />

Owners who have vacant units during cold weather shall set the heat to at least 60 degrees<br />

to prevent freezing of pipes.<br />


Nothing shall be done in any unit or in, on or to the common areas and facilities, which<br />

would impair the structural integrity or would structurally change any of the buildings.<br />

No person shall use the common elements in any manner which does not conform with the<br />

rules and regulations of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong>.<br />

Unit owners and lessees may not decorate, landscape, screen or enclose their balcony,<br />

terrace1 patio1 or patio deck, except with the prior written approval of the Board of<br />

Trustees. Any enclosed area must be maintained by the owner.

Certain Items, including but not limited to, mobile homes, campers, trailers, or boats may<br />

not be parked at Fern Ridge. (The intent is to insure adequate parking spaces for vehicles<br />

used in ordinary transportation.<br />

Commercial trucks, including moving vans, are allowed to be parked only during time<br />

required to perform service to unit owner and shall not block or impede means of access<br />

and/or egress of other residents. Owners utilizing such services should be mindful of their<br />

neighbors' needs.<br />

No clothes or laundry shall be hung or exposed in any portion of the common element and<br />

facilities not within the bounds of a unit. The parts of the common areas and facilities not<br />

within the bounds of a unit shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris, and other<br />

unsightly materials,<br />


All requests for maintenance in the common areas should be referred to the <strong>Condominium</strong><br />

Management Company.<br />

All terrace and balcony areas (including patio and patio decks) must be kept in good order,<br />

After notifying the owner of the necessity f or maintenance to this area or any other area,<br />

the Board of Trustees will assess the unit owner for any maintenance which they have done.<br />

Any damage done to the common area by an owner, lessee or their guest must be paid by the<br />

owner upon receipt of a bill for repairs or replacement and/or removal.<br />

Except in the case of an emergency, the Board of Trustees must be notified prior to any<br />

action that affects the common elements.<br />

Each owner shall maintain and keep his unit in good order and repair and shall do nothing<br />

which will prejudice the structural integrity or which will increase the insurance rate on<br />

the building in which said unit is situated, or which would be in violation of the law.<br />

Owners are responsible for turning of f inside water valves on exterior faucets and draining<br />

lines on November 1st and turning on valves on April 1st. Any damage from burst pipes will<br />

not be covered by the Association when this procedure is not followed.<br />


Requests from owners for any additions, constructions or alterations to common areas must<br />

be presented in advance, and in writing, to the Board of Trustees. The request will be<br />

reviewed at the next Board meeting, and the owner will be notified in writing of Board<br />

approval or disapproval. A plan should be submitted with the request.<br />

Owners are not allowed to paint or otherwise decorate or change the appearance of any<br />

common elements on any portion of the buildings (not within the bounds of the owners unit),<br />

unless the prior written approval of the Board of Trustees is obtained.

Nothing shall be altered, constructed in, removed from, or added to the common areas and<br />

facilities, without prior written approval of the Board of Trustees. Nor shall anything be<br />

done which would or might jeopardize or impair the safety or soundness of the common<br />

areas and facilities.<br />


Contact should be maintained with the <strong>Condominium</strong> Management Company regarding the sale<br />

or lease of units. Closing papers must be forwarded to the <strong>Condominium</strong> Management<br />

Company prior to the closing of the unit. Leases must be submitted, with references, for<br />

Board approval.<br />

All leases shall provide that lessee agrees to abide by all the rules, regulations, Declaration<br />

and Dy-Laws of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong>, which are to be observed and treated as part of the<br />

lease. Said leases shall also provide that they are not assignable, nor shall any unit, or any<br />

part thereof, be sublet or underlet, without prior approval of Board of Trustees. Every lease<br />

shall have minimum initial and renewal terms of six (6) months each and no such lease shall<br />

be on a month-to-month or hold-over basis. A copy of the current signed lease must be on<br />

file at the <strong>Condominium</strong> Management Company's office.<br />

All condo fees must be paid before a transferee may take title to a unit.<br />


Signs of any kind are not permitted to be displayed outside of any unit (including signs may<br />

not be displayed inside any window) and in or on the common elements, without prior<br />

written approval of the Board of Trustees. This applies to owners, lessees or any others,<br />

including realtors.<br />

Unit owners shall not cause or permit anything to be hung or displayed on the outside of any<br />

unit, or placed on the outside walls of any of the buildings and no signs, awnings, canopy,<br />

shutter, radio or television antenna shall be affixed to or placed upon the exterior walls or<br />

roof of any of the buildings, without prior written approval of the Board of Trustees.<br />

Offensive or commercial activities, including any activity which constitutes a nuisance,<br />

shall not be permitted.<br />


When not in use, storage doors and unit doors are to be kept closed.<br />

Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> Trustees and/or agents have the irrevocable right to have access to<br />

each unit during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repairs or<br />

replacement of any of the common elements therein, or accessible therefrom, or for making<br />

emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to the common elements or to another unit.<br />


PETS<br />

No animals, reptiles, birds, rabbits, livestock, fowl or poultry of any kind shall be kept,<br />

raised or bred in any portion of the Property, except that 1 dog or 1 cat, or 2 birds or other<br />

household animal may be kept, as a pet, in a unit. There shall be no structure for such<br />

animal outside of the unit at any time. Fish maintained in a household aquarium shall not be<br />

deemed to be animals as defined herein. Any pet creating a nuisance or unreasonable<br />

disturbance or noise (in the sole judgement of the Board of Trustees) shall be permanently<br />

removed from the Property upon written notice from the Board of Trustees.<br />

Pets, when outside of the unit, must be leashed and accompanied by the owner at all times.<br />

Walking of pets in the common areas away from the buildings, walks and drives is<br />

encouraged. Pet owners are required to clean up any defecation in the areas around<br />

buildings, walks and drives. Pet owners are responsible to Insure that their pets (Inside or<br />

outside of units) do not constitute a nuisance to other residents.<br />

Owners are encouraged to call Rabies Control when unattended animals are seen on Fern<br />

Ridge premises.<br />

TRASH<br />

Large cartons and unwanted Items must be removed by resident, or arrangements made with<br />

the trash company for removal and payment.<br />

All trash must be placed inside the dumpster, not left on the ground.<br />


Parking is permitted in areas marked for parking. Parking is not permitted on the drives, in<br />

front of dumpsters or in areas not marked for parking.<br />

A speed limit of 10 miles per hour has been established for the safety of all residents.<br />

Only properly licensed and operating vehicles are allowed on Fern Ridge property. -<br />

No preventative maintenance may be performed on vehicles on Fern Ridge property; i.e.<br />

changing fluids. This is to protect the parking surface.<br />

Only residents and guests may park in the Fern Ridge parking areas.<br />


The swimming pool is for the use of the residents of Fern Ridge and their guests. No other<br />

persons are permitted in the swimming area.<br />

Pool rules must be followed at all times by those using the pool.


When a restriction, condition, rule or regulation adopted by the Board of Trustees is<br />

violated, the Board has the power to enter upon the land or unit where such violation exists<br />

and remove the structure, thing or conditions, at the expense of the owner. The Board of<br />

Trustees also has the power to seek damages with appropriate legal proceedings.<br />

When any violation is brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees, the Board, through<br />

its representatives, will give written notice to the owner advising of the violation and<br />

giving fifteen (15) days after receipt of the notice to eliminate the violation to the<br />

satisfaction of the Board. However, the Board of Trustees reserves the right, in event of<br />

flagrant or serious violation, to require owner compliance within a shorter period of time,<br />

as determined by the Board.<br />

Notice may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified U.S. Mail. if Violation<br />

is not eliminated within the given period, the owner will be fined $250.00 plus $25.00 for<br />

each day that the violation continues. If not paid, the amount will become a lien against the<br />

unit.<br />


These rules and regulations may be amended, added to or deleted from as the Board of<br />

Trustees so determines. Proper notification of any such amendments, additions or deletions<br />

to the rules will be given.<br />

The above rules do not supersede the Association By-Laws, Declaration, or any legal<br />

statutes. For further details and clarification please refer to the Declaration and By-Laws<br />

of Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong>.



Effective September. 1988<br />

Policy was set for interior repairs caused by water leaks from<br />

above units. The Association will initiate the inspection and<br />

determine the cause. If found to be a common fault, the<br />

Association will pay the full cost of repairs. If not, the owner<br />

who caused the leak will be responsible for the inspection and to<br />

the owner below.<br />

Effective May 1. 1989<br />

Please remember to store your bikes, barbecue grills and other<br />

personal belongs in your storage bin. Do not leave them under the<br />

steps or in the walkways. This is common ground and may not be<br />

used for storage of any kind. Effective May 1, 1989, any item left<br />

on common ground will be removed.<br />

Effective May 20, 1991<br />

Policy was set regarding "Open House" signs.<br />

on the property only on Sunday.<br />

Signs may be placed<br />

Filed:<br />

In Regular File and<br />

Declaration File<br />



Effective $eDtemer. 1988<br />

2<br />

Policy was set for interior re;<br />

above units. The Association V<br />

determine the cause. If fou]<br />

Association will pay the full co<br />

who caused the leak will be resp<<br />

the owner below.<br />

airs caused by water leaks from<br />

ill initiate the inspection and<br />

.d to be a common faults<br />

;t of repairs.<br />

the<br />

If not, the owner<br />

,risible for the inspection and to<br />

Effective May 1. 1989<br />

Please remember to store your b<br />

nersonal belongings in your stora<br />

the steps or in the walkways. Thi<br />

used for storage of any kind.<br />

ikes, barbecue grills and other<br />

ge bin. Do not leave them under<br />

.s is common ground and may not be<br />

Effective May 1, 1989, any item left<br />

on common ground will be removed.<br />

Effective May 2O 1991<br />

Policy was set regarding "Open House" signs.<br />

on the property only on Sunday.<br />

Signs may be placed<br />

TRASH<br />

All trash (securely bagged and ground trash) should be<br />

the trash dumpster.<br />

placed in<br />

Please remember to close the dumpster lid and<br />

latch the gate of the enclosure to prevent them from swinging<br />

breaking.<br />

and<br />

If anyone notices that the dumpsters are overflowing with trash,<br />

please advise CMA (878-0025) so that an additional pickup<br />

arranged.<br />

may be<br />


Pool information will be issued to you soon. Please note that a<br />

pool pass will only be issued to zero balance accounts. Also<br />

will be sending<br />

we<br />

you revised pool rules which changes<br />

restriction.<br />

the age<br />

The rule now reads that a child 12 or younger must be<br />

accompanied by an adult. The new ruling states that children 14 or<br />

younger must be accompanied by an adult. Violation of any pool<br />

rule will result in loss of pool privileges.

PETS<br />

-3-<br />

Pets, when outside of the unit, must be leashed and accompanied by<br />

the owner at all times. Walking of pets in the common areas away<br />

from the buildings, walks and drives is encouraged. Pet owners are<br />

required to clean up any defecation in the areas around building,<br />

walks and drives. We have been notified by the lawn service<br />

company that, due to the pet owners not picking up after their<br />

pets, it is very difficult to mow the lawn.<br />

If anyone notices that a pet is not on a leash or is not being<br />

cleaned up after, please call the St. Louis County Animal Control<br />

726-6655 to issue a complaint. Pet owners are responsible to<br />

insure that their pets (inside or outside of units) do not<br />

constitute a nuisance to other residents.<br />


There shall be no bike riding, skate boarding, skating, game<br />

playing, or recreational activities of any kind on the parking lots<br />

or sidewalks of the Fern Ridge condominium property.<br />


Are you aware your Metropolitan Sewer District Bill is now based on<br />

water usage Please take the time to check and repair as necessary<br />

any dripping faucets or running toilets. Careless and excessive<br />

water usage contributes to excessive expenses.<br />


Now that warm weather has arrived, it is time to start using the<br />

water from the outside faucets. Anyone on the lower level who has<br />

a valve inside your unit that was turned off in the Fall, please<br />

turn it back on now.<br />

FENCE<br />

The wooden fence between Fern Ridge and the shopping center is not<br />

on Fern Ridge's property and is not the Association's<br />

responsibility to maintain. The Board is trying to work with the<br />

owner of the shopping center to get this area looking nice.

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I<br />

Pool keys will be given to all owners who do not have an outstanding balance with Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> Association,<br />

have completed a Unit Information Form and who have a Lease on file (if applicable) with the Management Company.<br />

Owners may transfer their passes to tenants who have a signed lease on file with Fern Ridge <strong>Condominium</strong> Association.<br />

The pool will be open from 6:00 am - 12:00 am.<br />

Anyone under the age of eighteen (18) must be<br />

accompamed by an adult. (St Louis County requirement)<br />

4.<br />

All guests must be accompanied by a resident while using the pool facilities. No more than five guests per umt will be<br />

allowed. Arrangements for large groups may be made bycontacting the Management Company.<br />

Admission to the pool is refused to anyone with skin abrasions, infections, or anyone whose physical condition could<br />

endanger the health of others. This condition includes alcohol and drug related influences.<br />

No pets are allowed in the pool area.<br />

Only swimming apparel is allowed while swimmirg, no shorts or cut-offs<br />

Air mattresses, swim fins and other accessories are limited to times when the use of this type of equipment will not<br />

interfere with other swimmers' use of the pool.<br />

9. No excessively oily lotions are permitted m the pool or on the furniture.<br />

Barbecue grills, mirrors glass containers or other breakables are not permitted in the pool area.<br />

Damage of property, including the trees and shmbbeiy, is not permitted. Any person who causes such damage shall be<br />

held personally and financially responsible. Damage may also include litter of any kind (i.e. cigarette butts, cans, food<br />

wrappers. etc.).<br />

Personal conduct in the pool area must be such that the safety and enjoyment of all individuals is not jeopardized. This<br />

includes no running, pushing, horseplay, hardball, frisbees, loud radios, excessive noise, etc.<br />

Management is not responsible for loss or damage to anypersonal property of any kind<br />

This pool is for Fern Ridge residents and their guests. We ask all residents to help enforce this by asking trespassers to<br />

leave Trespassers will be prosecuted- In the event trespassers do not leave, contact the St. Louis County Police at 889-<br />

2341 for assistance.<br />

Swim at your own risk. Lifeguards are not provided.<br />

In order to protect the rights of all residents, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to suspend any violator from the use of<br />

the pool and the pool area for any period deemed appropriate.<br />

This is not a public pool, it belongs to you. It is your responsibility to follow and help enforce the rules.<br />


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