ASD Research Forum - Amaze

ASD Research Forum - Amaze

ASD Research Forum - Amaze


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11 th Annual <strong>Amaze</strong> (Autism Victoria)<br />

<strong>ASD</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Forum</strong><br />

Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre, Bell Street, Preston<br />

Thursday, 1 November 2012<br />

Sessions will be held in the Grevillea and Jacaranda Rooms, with Poster Presentations, registration and refreshment<br />

breaks in the foyer.<br />

Time<br />

Session Presenter and Title of Paper<br />

8:45 - 9:00 Registration<br />

9:00 – 9:10 Opening: A. Prof. Cheryl Dissanayake, Convenor, <strong>ASD</strong> Professional <strong>Research</strong> Associates Group<br />

Grevillea Room<br />

9:10 - 10:10 Keynote Presentation<br />

Dr Jon Brock<br />

The challenge of heterogeneity in autism research<br />

10:10 - 10:30 Morning Tea<br />



10:30-10:50<br />

Session 1a: Infancy and Toddlerhood<br />

Grevillea Room<br />

Kristelle Hudry<br />

(Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Rucha Joshi<br />

(La Trobe University)<br />

Session 1b: Gender<br />

Jacaranda Room<br />

Temperament in infants later diagnosed with<br />

Autism Spectrum Disorders<br />

10:50-11:10 Josephine Barbaro<br />

(Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Diagnostic stability of Autism Spectrum<br />

Disorders and predictors of crossover in<br />

toddlers prospectively identified in a<br />

community-based setting<br />


Session 2a: Eye Tracking<br />


Grevillia Room<br />

11:10-11:30 Giacomo Vivanti<br />

(Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Mechanisms underlying imitative learning in<br />

<strong>ASD</strong><br />

11:30-11:50 Heather Nuske<br />

(La Trobe University)<br />

Normative reactivity to emotions of familiar<br />

people in young children with Autism Spectrum<br />

Disorder<br />

Gender differences in observed social attention<br />

and repetitive behaviours in Autism Spectrum<br />

Disorder from toddlerhood to pre-school age<br />

Ivanna Cox<br />

(Deakin University)<br />

The female cognitive profile in Asperger<br />

Syndrome or high functioning autism<br />

Session 2b: Social Cognition<br />

Jacaranda Room<br />

Cheryl Dissanayake<br />

(Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Self in school-aged children with highfunctioning<br />

autism<br />

Mahwish Chaudry<br />

(La Trobe University)<br />

The development of pretend play in young<br />

children with and without <strong>ASD</strong><br />

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11 th Annual <strong>Amaze</strong> (Autism Victoria)<br />

<strong>ASD</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Forum</strong><br />

Time<br />


Session 2a: Eye Tracking<br />


Grevillia Room<br />

11:50-12:10 Kavi Jayasinghe<br />

(Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Session Presenter and Title of Paper<br />

Session 2b: Social Cognition<br />

Jacaranda Room<br />

Susan Douglas<br />

(University of Melbourne)<br />

Emotion salience in young children with Autism<br />

Spectrum Disorder<br />

12:10-12:30 David Trembath<br />

(La Trobe University)<br />

The co-construction of pretence in social<br />

pretend play<br />

Emma Pezzotto<br />

(Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Are children with autism really visual learners<br />

A communication and eye tracking study<br />

12:30-1:30 Lunch & Poster Presentations<br />

Session 3: Biology<br />

Grevillia Room<br />

1:30-1:50 Cherie Green (Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Growth dysregulation in boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder<br />

1:50-2:10 Naomi Bishop (La Trobe University)<br />

Understanding mitochondrial dysfunction in autism<br />

2:10-2:30 Elisa Hill-Yardin (The University of Melbourne)<br />

Modelling Autism Spectrum Disorders in mice<br />

Session 4: Intervention<br />

Grevillia Room<br />

2:30-2:50 Monica Carr (Monash University)<br />

The relationship between contagious yawning,<br />

empathy, and social skills in typically<br />

developing children<br />

<strong>Research</strong> on the effects of Self-Management Interventions on Children with Autism; a Meta-<br />

Analysis<br />

2:50-3:10 Grace Thompson (The University of Melbourne)<br />

Family-centred music therapy: supporting connectedness between mothers and children with<br />

severe Autism Spectrum Disorder<br />

3.10 – 3.30 Afternoon Tea<br />

Session 5: Adolescents and Parents<br />

Grevillia Room<br />

3:30-3:50 Rebecca McStay (Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Parenting stress and Autism: The role of age, autism severity, quality of life, and problem<br />

behaviour of children and adolescents with high-functioning autism.<br />

3:50-4:10 Ru Ying-Cai (Olga Tennison Autism <strong>Research</strong> Centre)<br />

Supporting tertiary students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Online mentoring<br />

4:10-4:30 Sum up and close<br />

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11 th Annual <strong>Amaze</strong> (Autism Victoria)<br />

<strong>ASD</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Forum</strong><br />

Poster Presentations<br />

Foyer Area<br />

*The authors will be present at their posters at the times indicated to discuss their work and findings.<br />

Poster Presenter Time* Institution/s Title of Poster<br />

1. Melissa Kirkovski 12:30 – 1:00 Monash University A Review of the Role of Female Gender in<br />

Autism Spectrum Disorders<br />

2. Melinda Randall 12:30 – 1:00 University of Melbourne,<br />

Royal Children's Hospital, and<br />

others<br />

3. Beth Johnson 12:30 – 1:00<br />

Monash University<br />

4. Melina Ellis 12:30 – 1:00 The University of<br />

Melbourne<br />

A systematic review on the diagnostic<br />

test accuracy of the diagnostic tools for<br />

diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders<br />

A closer look at visually guided eye<br />

movements and adaptation in autism<br />

and Asperger’s disorder<br />

Gastrointestinal dysfunction in the<br />

Neuroligin-3 mouse model of autism<br />

5. Tania Hawthorne 1:00 – 1:30 Over The Spectrum The improvement of quality of life for a<br />

child with <strong>ASD</strong> and his family through an<br />

increase in the variety and quantity of<br />

foods eaten on a regular basis.<br />

6. Vu Song Ha 1:00 – 1:30 The University of<br />

Queensland<br />

7. Thi Duong 1:00 – 1:30 Deakin University and<br />

Curtin University<br />

Using photovoice in research with<br />

children with <strong>ASD</strong> in Hanoi, Vietnam<br />

Toby (Therapy Outcomes By You) - an<br />

accelerated learning tool for children<br />

with Autism<br />

8. PuiTzan Chan 1:00 – 1:30 Monash University Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum<br />

Disorder how to write their name using<br />

Video Modelling and Chaining<br />

9. Nusrat Yasmeen<br />

Ahmed & Amanda<br />

Richdale<br />

1:00 – 1:30 Intervention focussing on the interaction<br />

styles of parents and therapists of<br />

children with autism and limited speech:<br />

Case studies from Bangladesh<br />

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