OFA MEETING OF Library after noon on Friday comply with all ...

OFA MEETING OF Library after noon on Friday comply with all ... OFA MEETING OF Library after noon on Friday comply with all ...

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i those provisions which by their nature can have no appliatlon Any stop requiretl shall be madeat a sign or marking on thepavement indicating where thestop shall be made butin theabsence of any such sign or marking thestop shall be made atthe signal ORC 4511 13 313 04 LANE USE CONTROL SIGNArS UVCKmuavwuw wno ma umoiai mnnr nl innnlc are nUred overindividual lanesofa street 2 A Steady YellowX Vehicular traffic is warned to vacete in a safe manner any lane overwhich such signal is shown to avoid occupying that lane whena steady redX signal is shown 3 A Flash ng Yellow X Vehicular traffic maK use wiN eAna pro er no 4 AbeadvRed XVehicularbafficshall notenterortravel in any lane overwhich such signalis shown ORC 4511 131 b Except as otherv ise provided in this subsection whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor If within one year of the offense the offender previqusly has been convicted ofor pleaded guilty to one pretlicate motor vehice or traffic offense whoeverviolatesthis section is gmlry ofa cots emeanorofthe fourth degree If within one year of the offense the ofrender previously has been cgnvicted of two qr more pretlirate motor vehicle or traffic offenses whoever violates this section isguilty of a misdemeanor ofthethird degree DRC 4511 99 313 OS PEDESTRIAN CONTROL SIGNAlS al Whenever special petleshian signals exhibltinq the wgrtls walk or tlonY walkk or thesymbol of a walking person or an up2isetl palm arein place such clearly marked stop line but if none before entering the crosswalk on the near sideofthe intersection orif none then at the point nearest the intersecting roatlway where thedriver has a view of approaching trafic on the interectng roadwayy before entering it and theright to proceed shall be subject to Ne rules applicable ong>afterong> making a stop at a stopsign 2 Flash ng Yellow tau gn ipnal Operators of vehicles may proce ihrouge hthe Intersedion or past such signal only with reution This section shall not apply at ailroatl gmtle crossings ConduR of drivers of vehitlesapproaching ailroad gradecrossings shall be governed by Ohio RG4511 61 and 4511 62 DRC4511 15 b Except as otherwise provided in this subsection whoever violates this secion is guilty of a minor misdemeanor If within qne year of me offense the offender previously has been convicted of or pleadetl guilty m one pretlirate motor vehicleor traffic offensewhoeverviolatesthis sectionis gulty ofa misdemeanorofthe fourth tlegree If within qne year ofthe offense the offender previqusly has been mnvic etl of two or more pretlirete motor vehice ortraficoffenses whoever violates this section is9uilty ofa misdemeanor of thethiN degree ORC 4511 99 313 07UNAUTHORIZEDSIGNS ANDSIGNALS HIDING FROM VIEW or 2 DO Y walk o e bol of an u ai eo aim rvo pegesman shall starttocrass argatlwayy in thedirectionofthe signal 3 Noth ngn this fsoanllmntrolco siaals uUlizinq lithe wohtl tas othewse provided in this subsection whoever a minor misdemeanor If within one year of fhe has been conviaetl of or pleatled guilty to one pre within one year o more predirete n of a misdemeanor 313 06 FLASHING TRAFFIC SIGNALS a Whenever an illuminatetl flashing red or yellow traffic signal Is usetl in a traffic signal orwitha taffic sign itshall require obetllence asfollows 1 FI h R d St S I Operators of vehicles shall stop at a Every such prohibited sign signal marking or tlevice is a public nuisance and thePolice Chiefisauthorized to remove @orcauseR to be remover a minor misgem has been convict nse whoever viol vithin one year more c prediate n f a misdemeanor 313 06ALTERATION IN URYREMOVAL ong>OFong>TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVSCES a Nq person without lawful authority shall tloany of the following 1 Knowing yy move tleface damage destroy or oNerwise improperry tamper with any tafic control device arty ailroad sign or signal orany inscription smeld or insignia on the device sign or signal or any part ofthedevice sign orsignah 2 Knowingly ddve upon or aver any freshly applied pavement marking material on the surtace of a rgatlwaywhile themarking material is in an undried condition and is marketl by flags b 1 markers signs orother devices intended to protect it 3 Knowingly move damage destroy or otherwise improperly tamper witha manhole cover 2 313 085 UNLAWFUL PURCHASE POSSESSION ORSALE a As usetl inthis secUOn trafic control tlevice means any sign traffic control signal orother tlevice cgnfonning to and placed or erected in accoMance with the manual adopted under Ohio RC 4511 09 byauhonty of a ublic body or official having judsdiction for the pupose of regulating waning or guPtling traffic Indutling signs tleno ing the names of streets and highways but does not mean any pavement marking b No individual shall buy or otherwise possess or sell a taffc control device except whenone ofthe following applies 1 In the nurse of the mdrvitlual s employment by theState ora local authority for the express or implied purpose of manufacturing provitling erecting moving or removing such a 2 In the course orme inomouars employmem qy anymanma oftraffic control devices other Nan a State orIgcal authority 3 For Ne purpose of tlemonstadng the design and function ofa irzffc control tlevice to Stale orlocal officials 4 When the traffic control device has been purchased from the Sbte or a local authority at a sale ofproperty that s no longer needetl or is unft for use 5 The tafiic control device has been properly purchased from a manufacturer for use on private property and the person nnccessinq Nedevice has a sales receipt forthe device or other c This sectiontloes not reclude and shall notbe construed as precluding prosecungn for theftinviglatlon ofhio RC 2913 02or a municipal ordinance relating totheft orfor rereiving stolen property in violatlon ofOhio RC2913 51ora municipal ordinance relating to receiving stolen property d Whoever violates this section is guilty of a mistlemeangr of the thiN degree 313 09 PLACEMENT ong>OFong>TRAFFIC CONTROLDEWCES Stopsigns or yield signs shall be erected on all streets Intersecting through streets ormainthoroughfares The director ofPubli Safery isauthodzed and directed to place and maintain suNtraffic control devices and trafficcontrol signals upon all streets as heshall deem necessary to indicate antl ro carryouttheprovisions ofthis TrafficCode orro regulate wanor guidetraffic Ord 4830 Passed 421 52 313 10 PROHIBITED TURNS ON RED SIGNALS a Pursuant totheprovisigns of Section313 03 c5itis hereby determined that thefallowing intersections areusetl by a substantial numberofschool children and area hazard tosuch school children and therefore a right turn against a steady red signal is hereby prohibited betweenthehoursof800amantl400pm Montlay through Friday atthe fallowingIntersections upontheposting andinsbllatlonofthe proper signs giving notlrethereof 1 Clifton Boulevard A Webb Road all directions except squthbountl B Bunts Road north and east bound G Nicholson Avenue all four directions D SummitAvenue all four directions E WhipPOOnvili Avenue south bound only F Cllftg0 Road southbquntl only G GeilAvenue southand east bound H Belle Avenue all four tllrections 2 DetroitAvenue A WaterburyRoad all four directions B Elmwogd Andrews all four directions C BonnieviewAvenue north and south bound D Webb Road southbound only E Granger Avenue south bound only F Cohassett Avenue north antl eastbound G Cove Avenue southand west bound H West Clifton Boulevard all fourdirections I Larchmont Granger eastand west bound 1 Bunts Roadall four directions 9 Ortl83 07 Passetl917 07 r 3 Fanklin Boulevartl A Bunts Road all fourdirec ions B Lakewood Hlgh School North Parking LotDrive squth antl west bound

C Robinwood Avenue all fourdirections D Warren Road west bound only E Lewis Drive altfour directions F Cohassett Avenue altfour directions 4 HIIIiaN Road A Woodward Avenue alt four directions B Elmwood Avenue all fourdirections 5 Madison Avenue A BuntsRoad all four directions e Belle Avenuetillfourdirections C Woodward Avenueall fourdirections D Atkins Wintonall fourdirections E Lincoln Avenueall four directions F Quail Avenuenorth bound only 6 Cohassett Halsted Avenues all four directions H LewisDrive east west andmouth bound 6 Athens Avenue A Bunts Road all fourdirections B Brown Road all four dlreCtl0ns C nwln Avenue all four directions 7 Caabel Avenue A Lakewood Heights Boulevard north south and west bound 6 Delaware all four tlirections 8 Wert Clifton Boulevard A Arlington all fourdirections B Northwood Avenue north bound only C Sloane Avenue south and east bound 9 Lake Avenue A WhipPOOrwill Avenue noM bound only B SummitAvenue all fourdirections G CookAvenue westand north bound D Nicholson Avenue north bound only 10 Delaware Avenue A Woodwartl Avenue north bound only 11 North Marginal Drive A MclGnley Avenue moth bountl only 12 South Marginal Drive A Mcpnley Avenue north bound only b Pursuant to the provisions ofSection 313 06 c5 a rightturn against a steady red signal is hereby prohibited at all timesatthefollowing intersections upon the postingand installationofthe proper signs giving noticethereof 1 Lake Avenue A CoveAvenueeastsouth antl west bound B CoveAvenuewest north and south bountl C NicholsonAvenueeast boundonly 2 Clifton Boulevard A West 117thStreet south and east bound B West Clifton Boulevard north eastandwest bountl C giROn Road eastbound 3 Detroit Avenue A Wes 117th Street south antl east bound B Nicholson Avenue moth and west bound C Bunts Road east bound only D Warren Raad all Pour directions E CookAvenue south and west bound F Yctoria Avenue nortlt and east bound G Manor Park south bountl only H ArthurAvenue I SummiryWestwood K Lakeland Avenue SC CharterAvenue 4 F2nklin Boulevard north antl east bound A Warren Roatl westand north bound 8 LakewootlHighSCfiool NorttiParking Lot Drive south andwest bound 6 HilliaN Boulevard A Madison Avenue all four tllrections B Riverside Drive all four directions C McKnley Avenue east bound only 6 Madison Avenue A Warren Roatl all four directions B Cerabel Avenue north bound only 2 C BuntsRoad moth bound only D Morrlmn Avenue muN bound only E Ridgewood Lark eastand west bound 7 Athens Avenue A Warren Road all fourdirections 8 North Marginal Drive A Woodward Avenue west bound onty B MclGnley Avenue west bound only 9 Sbuth Plarginal Drive A Woodwartl Avenue east bound only B MclGnley Avenue eastbound only c Pursuant totheprovisions ofSection313 03 c6a righttom against a steady red signal is hereby prohibited betweenthehoursof800amand630 pm Montlay through Fddaya thefollowing intersections upontheposting antl installation of thepropersigns giving noticethereof b Subsectiona1 of this section doesnot apply to any of the following persons and subsection a27 of this section does not apAly to any of the fallowing permns whenresponding to an emergency call 1 A peace officer as definetl in Ohio RC 109J1 A1112 14 or19 2 ASlate highway patrol trooper 3 A perms while occupyyi ng a ppublm safety vehitle as defned in Ohio RC4511 01 E13 or4 c Whoever violates subsection a1 of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor ofthefourth degree Whoever violatessubsectiona2 o this secion isguilty ofa misdemeanor ofthefrstdegree tl As used in Nis section portable signal preemptlon device means a devire that ifactivated by a person is capable mf changing a haccontrol signal ro ggreen outof sequence ORC4511 031 313 99 No such equivalent ordinance included in model ordinances Section3 Itis foundand determined that all formal actionsofthis Council concerningantl relating tothepassage ofthis ordinancewereadopted in an open meeting ofthis Councl and that all such deliberationof theCounciland of any ofits committeesthat resultedinsuch formal action werein meetlngs open to thepublic in compliancewithall legal requirements i gifton Boulevard A Webb Road southbound only d Pursuant to theprovisions ofSection313 03 c5it is hereby determined thatthefollowing intersections are used by a substantial numberof school children and area hazard to such school children and thereof a right tom against a steady retl signalis hereby prohibitedbetween thehours of730am and400pm Monday through Frttlay atthe followingintersections upon the postng and instillationofthe proper signs giving noticethereof 1 Lake Avenue A Belle Avenueforall four tlireaions Atlopted Approved PresitlentofCouncil ClerkofCouncil Mayor 313 11 PORTABLE SIGNAL PREEMPTION DEVICESPROHIBITED a 1 No person shall possess a portable signal preemption device 2 No person shall use a portable signal preemption device to affect theopeation of a trafficcontrol signal Z

C Robinwood Avenue <strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

D Warren Road west bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

E Lewis Drive altfour directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

F Cohassett Avenue altfour directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

4 HIIIiaN Road<br />

A Woodward Avenue alt four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

B Elmwood Avenue <strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

5 Madis<strong>on</strong> Avenue<br />

A BuntsRoad <strong>all</strong> four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

e Belle Avenuetillfourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

C Woodward Avenue<strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

D Atkins Wint<strong>on</strong><strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

E Lincoln Avenue<strong>all</strong> four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

F Quail Avenuenorth bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

6 Cohassett Halsted Avenues <strong>all</strong> four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

H LewisDrive east west andmouth bound<br />

6 Athens Avenue<br />

A Bunts Road <strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

B Brown Road <strong>all</strong> four dlreCtl0ns<br />

C nwln Avenue <strong>all</strong> four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

7 Caabel Avenue<br />

A Lakewood Heights<br />

Boulevard north south and west bound<br />

6 Delaware <strong>all</strong> four tlirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

8 Wert Clift<strong>on</strong> Boulevard<br />

A Arlingt<strong>on</strong> <strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

B Northwood Avenue north bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

C Sloane Avenue south and east bound<br />

9 Lake Avenue<br />

A WhipPOOrwill Avenue noM bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

B SummitAvenue <strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

G CookAvenue westand north bound<br />

D Nichols<strong>on</strong> Avenue north bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

10 Delaware Avenue<br />

A Woodwartl Avenue north bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

11 North Marginal Drive<br />

A MclGnley Avenue moth bountl <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

12 South Marginal Drive<br />

A Mcpnley Avenue north bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

b Pursuant to the provisi<strong>on</strong>s ofSecti<strong>on</strong> 313 06 c5 a rightturn against a<br />

steady red signal is hereby prohibited at <strong>all</strong> timesatthefollowing intersecti<strong>on</strong>s up<strong>on</strong> the<br />

postingand inst<strong>all</strong>ati<strong>on</strong>ofthe proper signs giving noticethereof<br />

1 Lake Avenue<br />

A CoveAvenueeastsouth antl west bound<br />

B CoveAvenuewest north and south bountl<br />

C Nichols<strong>on</strong>Avenueeast bound<strong>on</strong>ly<br />

2 Clift<strong>on</strong> Boulevard<br />

A West 117thStreet south and east bound<br />

B West Clift<strong>on</strong> Boulevard north eastandwest bountl<br />

C giROn Road eastbound<br />

3 Detroit Avenue<br />

A Wes 117th Street south antl east bound<br />

B Nichols<strong>on</strong> Avenue moth and west bound<br />

C Bunts Road east bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

D Warren Raad <strong>all</strong> Pour directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

E CookAvenue south and west bound<br />

F Yctoria Avenue nortlt and east bound<br />

G Manor Park south bountl <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

H ArthurAvenue<br />

I SummiryWestwood<br />

K<br />

Lakeland Avenue<br />

SC CharterAvenue<br />

4 F2nklin Boulevard<br />

north antl east bound<br />

A Warren Roatl westand north bound<br />

8 LakewootlHighSCfiool<br />

NorttiParking Lot Drive south andwest bound<br />

6 HilliaN Boulevard<br />

A Madis<strong>on</strong> Avenue <strong>all</strong> four tllrecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

B Riverside Drive <strong>all</strong> four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

C McKnley Avenue east bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

6 Madis<strong>on</strong> Avenue<br />

A Warren Roatl <strong>all</strong> four directi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

B Cerabel Avenue north bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

2<br />

C BuntsRoad moth bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

D Morrlmn Avenue muN bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

E<br />

Ridgewood Lark eastand west bound<br />

7 Athens Avenue<br />

A Warren Road <strong>all</strong> fourdirecti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

8 North Marginal Drive<br />

A Woodward Avenue<br />

west bound <strong>on</strong>ty<br />

B MclGnley Avenue west bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

9 Sbuth Plarginal Drive<br />

A Woodwartl Avenue east bound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

B MclGnley Avenue eastbound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

c Pursuant totheprovisi<strong>on</strong>s ofSecti<strong>on</strong>313 03 c6a righttom against a<br />

steady red signal is hereby prohibited betweenthehoursof800amand630 pm<br />

M<strong>on</strong>tlay through Fddaya thefollowing intersecti<strong>on</strong>s up<strong>on</strong>theposting antl inst<strong>all</strong>ati<strong>on</strong><br />

of thepropersigns giving noticethereof<br />

b Subsecti<strong>on</strong>a1 of this secti<strong>on</strong> doesnot apply to any of the following<br />

pers<strong>on</strong>s and subsecti<strong>on</strong> a27 of this secti<strong>on</strong> does not apAly to any of the f<strong>all</strong>owing<br />

permns whenresp<strong>on</strong>ding to an emergency c<strong>all</strong><br />

1 A peace officer as definetl in Ohio RC 109J1 A1112 14<br />

or19<br />

2 ASlate highway patrol trooper<br />

3 A perms while occupyyi ng a ppublm safety vehitle as defned in Ohio<br />

RC4511 01 E13 or4<br />

c Whoever violates subsecti<strong>on</strong> a1 of this secti<strong>on</strong> is guilty of a<br />

misdemeanor ofthefourth degree Whoever violatessubsecti<strong>on</strong>a2 o this seci<strong>on</strong><br />

isguilty ofa misdemeanor ofthefrstdegree<br />

tl As used in Nis secti<strong>on</strong> portable signal preemptl<strong>on</strong> device means a<br />

devire that ifactivated by a pers<strong>on</strong> is capable mf changing a hacc<strong>on</strong>trol signal ro<br />

ggreen outof sequence<br />

ORC4511 031<br />

313 99<br />

No such equivalent ordinance included in model ordinances<br />

Secti<strong>on</strong>3 Itis foundand determined that <strong>all</strong> formal acti<strong>on</strong>softhis Council<br />

c<strong>on</strong>cerningantl relating tothepassage ofthis ordinancewereadopted in an open<br />

meeting ofthis Councl and that <strong>all</strong> such deliberati<strong>on</strong>of theCounciland of any ofits<br />

committeesthat resultedinsuch formal acti<strong>on</strong> werein meetlngs open to thepublic in<br />

compliance<strong>with</strong><strong>all</strong> legal requirements<br />

i gift<strong>on</strong> Boulevard<br />

A Webb Road southbound <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

d Pursuant to theprovisi<strong>on</strong>s ofSecti<strong>on</strong>313 03 c5it is hereby determined<br />

thatthefollowing intersecti<strong>on</strong>s are used by a substantial numberof school children and<br />

area hazard to such school children and thereof a right tom against a steady retl<br />

signalis hereby prohibitedbetween thehours of730am and400pm M<strong>on</strong>day<br />

through Frttlay atthe followingintersecti<strong>on</strong>s up<strong>on</strong> the postng and instillati<strong>on</strong>ofthe<br />

proper signs giving noticethereof<br />

1 Lake Avenue<br />

A Belle Avenuefor<strong>all</strong> four tlireai<strong>on</strong>s<br />

Atlopted<br />

Approved<br />

PresitlentofCouncil<br />

ClerkofCouncil<br />

Mayor<br />


a 1 No pers<strong>on</strong> sh<strong>all</strong> possess a portable signal preempti<strong>on</strong> device<br />

2 No pers<strong>on</strong> sh<strong>all</strong> use a portable signal preempti<strong>on</strong> device to affect<br />

theopeati<strong>on</strong> of a trafficc<strong>on</strong>trol signal<br />


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