EECS 203-1: Discrete Mathematics Winter 2005 Introductory ...

EECS 203-1: Discrete Mathematics Winter 2005 Introductory ...

EECS 203-1: Discrete Mathematics Winter 2005 Introductory ...


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<strong>EECS</strong> <strong>203</strong>-1: <strong>Discrete</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong><br />

<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2005</strong><br />

<strong>Introductory</strong> Material<br />

• Instructor: Prof. Bill Rounds<br />

• Office hours: Tuesday 1:00-2:30 in 132 ATL<br />

• GSI: Susana Early<br />

• Office Hours: MON 5:30-7:30, FRI 2:30-3:30, 2420 <strong>EECS</strong><br />

• Website: UM Coursetools. The URL is<br />

https://coursetools.ummu.umich.edu/<strong>2005</strong>/winter/eecs/<strong>203</strong>/002.nsf<br />

• Exams: 2 midterms, outside class, Feb. 16, and Mar. 28, from 7-8:30pm,<br />

and final exam April 21 7 – 9 PM.<br />

• Grade distribution: HW 15%, each midterm 25%, final 35%.<br />

• See website for other course policy.<br />

• Another website: wwwmmhhe.com/rosen; lots of extra helpful material<br />

on the text.<br />


General topics outline<br />

• Logic and basic set theory<br />

• Elementary methods of proof<br />

• Induction<br />

• MT 1<br />

• Counting<br />

• Relations<br />

• MT 2<br />

• Graphs, algorithms, and complexity<br />

• See website for specific syllabus.<br />


Part I: Logic<br />

(Text section 1.1)<br />

• We’ll begin by studying propositional logic.<br />

• This is a simple system useful in translating informal statements into precise<br />

mathematical form.<br />

• In a slightly different notation, propositional logic is used to design logic<br />

circuits, also called Boolean circuits.<br />

• George Boole (1815-1864) is sometimes called the father of modern logic.<br />


Propositions<br />

• A proposition is a declarative statement that has a definite truth content:<br />

either true or false.<br />

• Examples: (i) Toronto is the capital of Canada. (ii) 2 + 2 = 3. (iii) Kevin<br />

Bacon is the Pope. (iv) Saddam is the new U of M assistant defensive<br />

coordinator.<br />

• Non- propositions: (i) What time is it (ii) x + 1 = 4. (iii) He is the Pope.<br />

• Sometimes you have contextual information that tells you what x’s value<br />

is, or who ”he” is. Then statements like (ii) and (iii) are propositions, but<br />

only relative to a context or situation.<br />

• A statement like x + x = 2x is technically not a proposition, even though<br />

it’s true for all numbers x.<br />


Compound propositions<br />

• These are propositions that are built out of other ones, starting with basic<br />

ones, using logical operators, also called propositional connectives or<br />

Boolean connectives.<br />

• We start with a simple operator called negation.<br />

Definition Let p be a proposition. The statement<br />

“It is not the case that p”<br />

is called the negation of p, and is denoted by ¬p, and read “not p”.<br />

Example (i) (Relative to Jan. 7, <strong>2005</strong>) Let p be “Today is Tuesday”. Then<br />

¬p is “It is not the case that today is Tuesday”, or “today is not Tuesday”, or<br />

“it is not Tuesday today”, (ii) Let p be “1 + 1 = 2” Then ¬p is “1 + 1 ≠ 2”.<br />


Other logical operators and truth tables<br />

• You can take the negation of any proposition, whether or not it is true or<br />

false. The result will be a new proposition with the opposite truth value.<br />

• We express this using a simple display called a truth table.<br />

• The truth table for negation is<br />

p ¬p<br />

T F<br />

F T<br />

• We now introduce two new operators called conjunction and disjunction.<br />

(These are also called “and” and “or”.)<br />

• Examples (relative to today) p is “it is raining today” and q is “today is<br />

Friday”. The proposition “p and q”, notated p ∧ q, is “it is raining today<br />

and today is Friday”. The proposition “p or q, notated p∨q, is “it is raining<br />

today or today is Friday.”<br />

• The truth tables for conjunction and disjunction:<br />

p q p ∧ q<br />

T T T<br />

T F F<br />

F T F<br />

F F F<br />

p q p ∨ q<br />

T T T<br />

T F T<br />

F T T<br />

F F F<br />


Still more operators<br />

• The exclusive or (⊕) operator has the following truth table:<br />

p q p ⊕ q<br />

T T F<br />

T F T<br />

F T T<br />

F F F<br />

You can see from that p and q have to have differing truth values in order<br />

for p ⊕ q to be true.<br />

• There is also an operator requiring p and q to have the same truth value.<br />

This is the biconditional operator p ↔ q:<br />

p q p ↔ q<br />

T T T<br />

T F F<br />

F T F<br />

F F T<br />

• p ↔ q is read “p if and only if q”. It’s also read as ”p is necessary and<br />

sufficient for q” and sometimes as ”p iff q” (note the two f’s).<br />


The conditional connective<br />

• One connective that gets a big workout in logic is the conditional p → q.<br />

It is read “if p then q”, ”p is sufficient for q, ”a necessary condition for p is<br />

q”, “p only if q”, and ”q whenever p”.<br />

• You can think of this as a “one-way biconditional”. The truth table is<br />

p q p → q<br />

T T T<br />

T F F<br />

F T T<br />

F F T<br />

• One way to read this table is that ”q is at least as true as p is, and maybe<br />

more,” as in the third line. Another way to read it is ”p can’t be true and q<br />

false.” This has some strange repercussions. For example,<br />

is true (by line 4). Equally,<br />

is true.<br />

if 2 + 2 = 5, then Kevin Bacon is the Pope<br />

if 2 + 2 = 5, then Kevin Bacon is not the Pope<br />


Complex expressions in propositional logic<br />

• You can form “algebraic” expressions using these connectives. For example,<br />

(¬p ↔ ¬q) ↔ (¬p → (p ∨ q))<br />

• There is a precedence scheme here, like the precedence scheme for addition,<br />

multiplication, and negation in algebraic expressions.<br />

• You can build truth tables for complex expressions. For example, consider<br />

We build the table this way:<br />

p → (¬q ∨ r).<br />

p q r ¬q (¬q ∨ r) p → (¬q ∨ r)<br />

T T T F T T<br />

T T F F F F<br />

T F T T T T<br />

T F F T T T<br />

F T T F T T<br />

F T F F F T<br />

F F T T T T<br />

F F F T T T<br />


Translating English to propositional logic<br />

• Because English has compound propositions, it’s sometimes possible to<br />

phrase these propositions as formal propositional expressions and to build<br />

truth tables therefrom. This is a bit inexact, and there is very often more<br />

than one way to do it. There’s a way to test whether two translations are<br />

equivalent, though.<br />

• Example from text: “You cannot ride the roller coaster if you are under 4<br />

feet tall unless you are older than 16.”<br />

• We find the basic propositions in this informal expression and assign them<br />

propositional variables: “you can ride the roller coaster” is assigned r,<br />

”you are under 4 feet tall” is assigned u, and ”you are over 16” is assigned<br />

o. Then the English sentence before ”unless” would translate as ”u → ¬r”.<br />

• But what about the “unless” part Here o qualifies u in the sense that if<br />

somebody is under 6 feet, and not over 16, then they cannot ride. So a<br />

correct translation is<br />

(u ∧ ¬o) → ¬r.<br />

• How about (u → ¬r) ∧ (o → r) Is this the same What does “same”<br />

mean To be continued in the next lecture.<br />


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