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Schedules annexed to and forming part of the Financial Statements<br />

(All amounts in millions of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)<br />

of inventory and introduction of competitive new products, to the extent each of these factors impact the<br />

Company’s business and markets. The Company adjusts the inventory provision to reflect its actual experience<br />

on a periodic basis.<br />

viii) Employee Benefits<br />

Long-term Employee Benefits<br />

In case of Defined Contribution plans, the Company’s contributions to these plans are charged to the Profit and<br />

Loss Account as incurred. Liability for Defined Benefit plans is provided on the basis of valuations, as at the<br />

Balance Sheet date, carried out by an independent actuary. The actuarial valuation method used for measuring the<br />

liability is the Projected Unit Credit method. The estimate of future salary increases considered takes into account<br />

the inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors. The expected rate of return on plan assets is the<br />

Company’s expectation of the average long-term rate of return expected on investments of the fund during the<br />

estimated term of the obligations. Plan assets are measured at fair value as at the Balance Sheet date.<br />

ix) Revenue Recognition<br />

Sale of goods<br />

Revenue is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer,<br />

recovery of the consideration is probable, the associated costs and possible return of goods can be estimated<br />

reliably. Revenue from the sale of goods includes excise duty and sales tax and is measured at the fair value of<br />

the consideration received or receivable, net of returns and applicable trade discounts and allowances.<br />

Revenue from contract research is recognised in profit and loss account when right to receive a non-refundable<br />

payment from out-licensing partner has been established.<br />

The Company accounts for sales returns by recording a provision based on the Company’s estimate of expected<br />

sales returns. The Company deals in various products and operates in various markets. Accordingly, the<br />

Company’s estimate of sales returns is determined primarily by its experience in these markets. In respect<br />

of established products, the Company determines an estimate of sales returns provision primarily based on<br />

its historical experience with such sales returns. Additionally, other factors that the Company considers in<br />

determining the estimate include levels of inventory in the distribution channel, estimated shelf life, product<br />

discontinuances, price changes of competitive products and introduction of competitive new products, to the<br />

extent each of these factors impact the Company’s business and markets. The Company considers all these<br />

factors and adjusts the sales return provision to reflect its actual experience. With respect to new products<br />

introduced by the Company, those have historically been either extensions of an existing line of products where<br />

the Company has historical experience or in therapeutic categories where established products exist and are<br />

sold either by the Company or its competitors.<br />

Services<br />

Revenue from services rendered is recognised in profit and loss account as the underlying services are<br />

performed.<br />

Export entitlements<br />

Export entitlements from government authorities are recognised in profit and loss account when the right to<br />

receive credit as per the terms of the scheme is established in respect of the exports made by the Company,<br />

and where there is no significant uncertainty regarding the ultimate collection of the relevant export proceeds.<br />

Dividend and Interest Income<br />

Dividend income is recognised when the unconditional right to receive the income is established. Income from<br />

interest on deposits, loans and interest bearing securities is recognised on the time proportionate method.<br />

x) Research and Development Expenditure<br />

Capital expenditure on Research and Development (R & D) is capitalised as fixed assets. Development cost<br />

relating to the new and improved product and/or process development is recognised as an intangible asset<br />

to the extent that it is expected that such asset will generate future economic benefits. Other research and<br />

development costs are expensed as incurred.<br />

xi) Taxation<br />

Current Tax<br />

Current tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income for the year.<br />

Deferred Tax<br />

Deferred tax is recognised, subject to the consideration of prudence, on timing differences being the difference<br />

between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in<br />

one or more subsequent period. Deferred tax assets are not recognised on unabsorbed depreciation and carry<br />

forward of losses unless there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against<br />

which such deferred tax assets can be realised.<br />

Deferred tax assets/liabilities recognised as above is after excluding the amounts, which are getting reversed<br />

during the tax holiday period.<br />

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