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24.32 CCfits::HDU Class Reference 113 for image or column structural keywords, such as BITPIX, NAXIS, TFORMn, etc. As a general rule, it is best to use this for keywords belonging to the same categories listed in the keywordCategories() function. Parameters: Parameters name (String) The keyword name value (Recommended T = String, double, std::complex, int, or bool comment (String) the keyword value It is possible to create a keyword with a value of any of the allowed data types in fitsio (see the cfitsio manual section 4.3). However one should be aware that if this keyword value is read in from the file at a later time, it will be stored in a templated Keyword subclass (KeyData) where T will be one of the recommended types listed above. Also see Keyword::value (T& val) for more details. Keyword ∗ CCfits::HDU::addKey ( const Keyword ∗ inKeyword ) create a copy of an existing Keyword and add to HDU This is particularly useful for copying Keywords from one HDU to another. For example the inKeyword pointer might come from a different HDU’s std::map. If a keyword with this name already exists, it will be overwritten. The return value is a pointer to the newly created Keyword inserted into this HDU. Also see copyAllKeys(). long CCfits::HDU::axis ( size t index ) const [inline] return the size of axis numbered index [zero based]. return the length of HDU data axis i. long CCfits::HDU::bitpix ( ) const [inline] return the data type keyword. Takes values denoting the image data type for images, and takes the fixed value 8 for tables. void CCfits::HDU::copyAllKeys ( const HDU ∗ inHdu ) copy all keys from another header Parameters: Parameters inHdu (const HDU∗) An existing HDU whose keys will be copied. Generated on Tue Dec 6 2011 16:12:51 for CCfits by Doxygen

24.32 CCfits::HDU Class Reference 114 This will copy all keys that exist in the keyWord map of inHDU, and which belong to one of the keyword classes returned by the keywordCategories() function. This is the same group of keyword classes used by readAllKeys(). void CCfits::HDU::deleteKey ( const String & doomed ) delete a keyword from the header removes doomed from the FITS file and from the FITS object std::pair< unsigned long, unsigned long > CCfits::HDU::getChecksum ( ) const compute and return the checksum values for the HDU without creating or modifying the CHECKSUM/DATASUM keywords. Wrapper for the CFITSIO function fits_get_chksum: This returns a std::pair where the pair’s first data member holds the datasum value and second holds the hdusum value. const String & CCfits::HDU::getComments ( ) read the comments from the HDU and add it to the FITS object. The comment string found in the header is concatenated and returned to the calling function const String & CCfits::HDU::getHistory ( ) read the history information from the HDU and add it to the FITS object. The history string found in the header is concatenated and returned to the calling function static std::vector< int > CCfits::HDU::keywordCategories ( ) [static] return the enumerated keyword categories used by readAllKeys() and copyAllKeys() This returns a vector of integers indicating which categories of keywords apply for the readAllKeys and copyAllKeys functions. The list of categories currently hardcoded is: TYP_CMPRS_KEY (20), TYP_CKSUM_KEY (100), TYP_WCS_KEY (110), TYP- _REFSYS_KEY (120), and TYP_USER_KEY (150). For the list of ALL keyword categories, see the CFITSIO documentation for the fits_- get_keyclass function. void CCfits::HDU::makeThisCurrent ( ) const [virtual] move the fitsfile pointer to this current HDU. This function should never need to be called by the user since it is called internally whenever required. Generated on Tue Dec 6 2011 16:12:51 for CCfits by Doxygen

24.32 <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU Class Reference 114<br />

This will copy all keys that exist in the keyWord map of inHDU, and which belong to<br />

one of the keyword classes returned by the keywordCategories() function. This is the<br />

same group of keyword classes used by readAllKeys().<br /> void <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU::deleteKey ( const String & doomed )<br />

delete a keyword from the header<br />

removes doomed from the FITS file and from the FITS object<br /> std::pair< unsigned long, unsigned long > <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU::getChecksum ( ) const<br />

compute and return the checksum values for the HDU without creating or modifying<br />

the CHECKSUM/DATASUM keywords.<br />

Wrapper for the CFITSIO function fits_get_chksum: This returns a std::pair where the pair’s first data member holds the datasum value and<br />

second holds the hdusum value.<br /> const String & <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU::getComments ( )<br />

read the comments from the HDU and add it to the FITS object.<br />

The comment string found in the header is concatenated and returned to the calling<br />

function<br /> const String & <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU::getHistory ( )<br />

read the history information from the HDU and add it to the FITS object.<br />

The history string found in the header is concatenated and returned to the calling function<br /> static std::vector< int > <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU::keywordCategories ( ) [static]<br />

return the enumerated keyword categories used by readAllKeys() and copyAllKeys()<br />

This returns a vector of integers indicating which categories of keywords apply for the<br />

readAllKeys and copyAllKeys functions. The list of categories currently hardcoded is:<br />

TYP_CMPRS_KEY (20), TYP_CKSUM_KEY (100), TYP_WCS_KEY (110), TYP-<br />

_REFSYS_KEY (120), and TYP_USER_KEY (150).<br />

For the list of ALL keyword categories, see the CFITSIO documentation for the fits_-<br />

get_keyclass function.<br /> void <strong>CCfits</strong>::HDU::makeThisCurrent ( ) const [virtual]<br />

move the fitsfile pointer to this current HDU.<br />

This function should never need to be called by the user since it is called internally<br />

whenever required.<br />

Generated on Tue Dec 6 2011 16:12:51 for <strong>CCfits</strong> by Doxygen

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