Visual Language Magazine Contemporary Fine Art Vol 2 No 4 April 2013

Visual Language Magazine is a contemporary fine art magazine with pages filled with dynamic fine art, brilliant color and stimulating composition. Visual Language is the common connection around the world for art expressed through every media and process. The artists connect through their creativity to the viewers by both their process as well as their final piece. No interpreters are necessary because Visual Language crosses all cultures around the world.

Visual Language Magazine is a contemporary fine art magazine with pages filled with dynamic fine art, brilliant color and stimulating composition. Visual Language is the common connection around the world for art expressed through every media and process. The artists connect through their creativity to the viewers by both their process as well as their final piece. No interpreters are necessary because Visual Language crosses all cultures around the world.


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ist<br />

Horse in Rain<br />

How often do you paint how many times a week I have two full time jobs; teaching and painting. My studio time<br />

is blocked out just like a job. I spend anywhere from 20-40 hours a week painting.<br />

What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for. Being kind.<br />

There are many culprits that can crush creativity, such as distractions, self-doubt and fear of failure. What tends<br />

to stand in the way of your creativity I think self doubt is always near, but that is why I<br />

keep making work. Doubt in my abilities, vision, etc. is a motivator for me; I certainly do not let it crush my creativity.<br />

How do you overcome these obstacles I accept obstacles as part of the artistic process. I try not to let a day go by that<br />

I do not work, the continuum is important for me.<br />

What are your inspirations for your work Present and past experiences in the outdoors. The rural setting I grew up<br />

in and the rural mountain setting I live in now.<br />

What is your favorite way to get your creative juices flowing I make work. Again, the making the process is where<br />

I like to be. As I work, ideas snowball, and suddenly I am working on 10 or more paintings all headed in a direction that<br />

is exciting, undefined, and optimistic.<br />

Which work of yours is your favortie The work I am making right now for my show at Gallery MAR in Park City in<br />

February. Ask me the same question in a few months and it will be whatever work I am creating then.<br />

MattFlint.com<br />


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