Parenting for High Potential Magazine - NAGC

Parenting for High Potential Magazine - NAGC

Parenting for High Potential Magazine - NAGC


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National Association <strong>for</strong> Gifted Children<br />

1707 L Street, NW, Suite 550<br />

Washington, DC 20036<br />

(202) 785-4268<br />

www.nagc.org<br />

<strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Potential</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Editor Search<br />


The National Association <strong>for</strong> Gifted Children (<strong>NAGC</strong>) seeks an Editor to develop and produce a quarterly,<br />

four-color magazine <strong>for</strong> <strong>NAGC</strong> parent members, parent advocates, state affiliate parent members, and<br />

subscribers, beginning with the March 2008 issue and continuing <strong>for</strong> a three-year contract.<br />


The National Association <strong>for</strong> Gifted Children (<strong>NAGC</strong>) publishes <strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Potential</strong> (PHP), a<br />

magazine <strong>for</strong> parents and grandparents of gifted and talented children. PHP assists parents in<br />

recognizing the gifts and talents in their children and aids them in developing their child’s full potential.<br />

<strong>NAGC</strong> believes that all children should have an opportunity to reach their full potential and that to achieve<br />

this goal, their parents and caregivers must be fully involved both at home and in school.<br />


The Editor must demonstrate knowledge of gifted learners and gifted education, with prior editing<br />

experience also required. Background in publishing books or magazines designed to provide in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

to parents is preferred. Candidate must also demonstrate knowledge of education issues and an<br />

appreciation <strong>for</strong> the differing needs of high-ability children. The Editor must be prepared to devote<br />

adequate time to solicit articles as well as work with authors, the PHP editorial board, and the graphic<br />

artist to ensure a high-quality magazine.<br />


<strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Potential</strong> is currently printed as a 4-color 32 page magazine in an 8-½ x 11 <strong>for</strong>mat. It is<br />

published four times per year (March, June, September, December), and circulated to all current <strong>NAGC</strong><br />

parent members, subscribers, teacher members, and others who elect to receive it in addition to <strong>NAGC</strong>’s<br />

academic journal.<br />

<strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Potential</strong> content focuses on augmenting learning and potential at home and in school<br />

through in-depth articles and sub-feature pieces, interviews, news items, product reviews, reader<br />

participation (e.g., reader polls, letters to the editor), comic relief in the <strong>for</strong>m of cartoons, and a section <strong>for</strong><br />

family activities. The September issue contains an annual holiday toy list of educational games, puzzles,<br />

and toys.<br />

<strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Potential</strong> provides practical strategies and relevant support <strong>for</strong> parents to assist their<br />

children to achieve in a complicated world. The magazine contains general and detailed articles on<br />

parenting; in<strong>for</strong>mation on resources <strong>for</strong> challenging a child’s development academically, creatively, and<br />

artistically; reviews of books and other educational materials that may be used in the home by parents<br />

and children; and outside resources on testing, counseling and guidance, and summer programs. PHP<br />

assists parents in effectively communicating with the child’s teachers and school, and provides<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation on networking opportunities with other parents of gifted and talented children through state<br />

and local organizations. The magazine also includes a column by the <strong>NAGC</strong> President pertaining to<br />

current issues in education. PHP has featured guest editorials, interviews, and articles by well-known<br />

individuals with in<strong>for</strong>mation to share on parenting and education.<br />

Advertising, to be solicited by <strong>NAGC</strong>, should relate to the parent audience and be consistent with <strong>NAGC</strong>’s<br />



<strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Potential</strong> should be most relevant to parents of children with high ability in grades pre-<br />

K-8 with occasional additional in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> grades 9-12 regarding counseling, testing, college<br />

preparation, advanced placement, and other topics of interest. PHP conveys new in<strong>for</strong>mation to parents<br />

that is sufficient <strong>for</strong> them to assess whether the schools are providing a challenging and appropriate<br />

education to their children.<br />

Parents who wish to take an active role in developing the gifts and talents in their children look to <strong>NAGC</strong><br />

to provide a breadth of resources and content to assist them. There is an increasing need to provide<br />

parents with in<strong>for</strong>mation on the <strong>NAGC</strong> website <strong>for</strong> speedy retrieval, which may have an impact on the<br />

focus and content <strong>for</strong> future issues of PHP. The Editor will need to develop strategies to connect PHP to<br />

the content on the <strong>NAGC</strong> website and vice versa to be responsive to the parent audience. In addition,<br />

PHP provides advocacy in<strong>for</strong>mation, stories from the trenches, and ideas <strong>for</strong> being a more supportive and<br />

effective parent advocate on behalf of both gifted children and gifted services. <strong>NAGC</strong> considers PHP’s<br />

potential market to be all parents and those who provide in<strong>for</strong>mation to parents, including pediatricians,<br />

teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors. The articles should be family centered or child centered<br />

so that parents “recognize” their child in the examples and stories and can relate to others’ experiences.<br />

Although most articles are written to guide the parents and grandparents of highly able children, some<br />

percentage of articles may be differentiated <strong>for</strong> siblings who may vary in their abilities.<br />


The Editor will be responsible <strong>for</strong> the daily editorial decisions, but will work in concert with the <strong>NAGC</strong><br />

Association Editor and the national office to ensure that the magazine reflects the priorities and direction<br />

of <strong>NAGC</strong>. PHP has its own Editorial Advisory Board to ensure that <strong>NAGC</strong> policy and magazine content<br />

are consistent. Further, the Editor works closely with the <strong>NAGC</strong> national office to identify strategies <strong>for</strong><br />

enhancing parent membership and increasing circulation. Review of PHP editorial material will be on a<br />

predetermined schedule that allows four weeks <strong>for</strong> the PHP Advisory Board to review the contents of<br />

each issue and to consult with the Editor on any concerns.<br />


The title, the magazine, and all production rights and trademarks are the property of the National<br />

Association <strong>for</strong> Gifted Children. The copyright page will contain a disclaimer noting that the views<br />

contained in the magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of <strong>NAGC</strong> and its Board of Directors.<br />


Anticipated production and distribution of the magazine each year is approximately 20,000 total copies,<br />

including mailing to 3500 members per issue. <strong>NAGC</strong> maintains the mailing list to be used <strong>for</strong> each issue<br />

of the magazine.<br />

The <strong>NAGC</strong> national office will contract separately with a publisher and graphic artist to produce the<br />

magazine. The national office will consult with the Editor on the selection of a graphic artist and/or<br />

publisher.<br />

The issues of the magazine covered by the contract are the March 2008 issue (to be mailed on or be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

March 1, 2008) through and including the December 2010 (to be mailed on or be<strong>for</strong>e December 1, 2010.<br />


General<br />

Coordinate all aspects of the magazine’s publication, including developing the content; identify and<br />

coordinate related content to post on the <strong>NAGC</strong> website that supports the editorial in each issue; solicit<br />

articles and material <strong>for</strong> special sections and columns; and advise on graphic design and layout. It is<br />

expected that the Editor will utilize <strong>NAGC</strong>’s internal resources to encourage, cultivate, and support new<br />

authors. Such resources include division, committee, and task <strong>for</strong>ce leaders and members, and, where

possible, state affiliate leaders. There are additional opportunities <strong>for</strong> issue identification and article<br />

development at the <strong>NAGC</strong> annual convention.<br />

Specific<br />

• Develop and distribute editorial and production calendars <strong>for</strong> four issues of the magazine in<br />

consultation with the PHP Advisory Board, Associate Editor <strong>for</strong> Journals, and the <strong>NAGC</strong> national<br />

office<br />

• Solicit articles, special features, and columns<br />

• Coordinate article development and editing with the authors and writers<br />

• Include ads of <strong>NAGC</strong> materials in layout plans<br />

• Edit all materials<br />

• Coordinate article review process with PHP Advisory Board and national office<br />

• Copy edit reviewed materials<br />

• Prepare final materials <strong>for</strong> graphic artist<br />

• Consult with graphic artist on the magazine design and layout<br />

• Consult with graphic artist and printer on the printing and mailing schedule<br />

• Develop supporting parent content <strong>for</strong> the <strong>NAGC</strong> website to correspond with each printed issue<br />

• Serve on the <strong>NAGC</strong> publications committee<br />

• Conduct an annual Advisory Board meeting at the <strong>NAGC</strong> convention, in coordination with the<br />

Advisory Board chair, and conference calls throughout the year as needed<br />


• $7,000 per issue <strong>for</strong> editorial office expenses (i.e., editor stipend, administrative assistance, funds<br />

to develop special articles or regular columns such as Resource Round-Up and Kids’<br />

Kaleidoscope)<br />

• Consultation on potential articles and writers from the national office and publications committee<br />

• Complimentary <strong>NAGC</strong> annual convention registration and hotel sleeping room during the<br />

convention<br />

• Guidance from publications committee and the Associate Editor <strong>for</strong> Journals on strategic and<br />

editorial directions<br />


Interested applicants should submit the following, postmarked no later than June 1, 2007:<br />

• Letter of interest and general qualifications including experience working with parent audiences<br />

• Résumé or vita<br />

• Samples of previous, similar work<br />

• A summary of the applicant’s vision <strong>for</strong> magazine, including suggestions <strong>for</strong> future articles and <strong>for</strong><br />

promoting the magazine<br />

• Three professional references, including contact in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

• Proposed annual budget to manage the PHP editorial function (2-page limit). The budget should<br />

distinguish between any institutional or other in-kind support and required <strong>NAGC</strong> funding.<br />


Applications will be reviewed by a panel that includes the <strong>NAGC</strong> president, president-elect, association<br />

editor, associate editor <strong>for</strong> Journals, and other as appropriate. Telephone interviews will be conducted by<br />

the panel with selected finalists. A final decision is expected by the end of June, 2007. The position<br />

becomes effective Fall 2007. The first issue <strong>for</strong> which the new editor is responsible is March, 2008.<br />


PHP Editor Position<br />

<strong>NAGC</strong><br />

1707 L Street, NW, Suite 550<br />

Washington, DC 20036

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