WORLD PRESS TRENDS - World Association of Newspapers

WORLD PRESS TRENDS - World Association of Newspapers

WORLD PRESS TRENDS - World Association of Newspapers


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<strong>Association</strong>/Company Country Telephone Fax E-mail<br />

Asociacion de Entidades Argentinas (ADEPA) ARGENTINA 54 11 4334 3705 54 11 4309 7134 carlos.rago@coax.com.ar<br />

IREX ProMedia ARMENIA 3741 581489 3741 581604 promedia@arminco.com<br />

Pacific Area Newspaper Publishers’ <strong>Association</strong> (PANPA) AUSTRALIA 61 2 8338 6300 61 2 8338 6311 jennifer.veerhuis@panpa.org.au<br />

<strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> Austrian <strong>Newspapers</strong> (VÖZ) AUSTRIA 43 1 533 61 78 16 43 1 533 61 78 22 gertraud.lankes@voez.at<br />

Azerbaijan Journalists Confederation AZERBAIJAN 994 50 335 2795 994 12 987 818 hasret@cascfen.org<br />

<strong>Association</strong> Belge des Editeurs de Journaux (ABEJ) BELGIUM 32 2 558 97 60 32 2 558 97 68 kris.destaercke@pressorg.be<br />

ANJ - Brazilian <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Newspapers</strong> BRAZIL 55 61 223 7488 55 61 226 3698 diretor@anj.org.br<br />

M3 Communications Group Inc. BULGARIA 359 2 951 67 75 359 2 953 06 36 max@m3bg.com<br />

Canadian Newspaper <strong>Association</strong> CANADA 416 923 3567 416 923 7206 spenney@cna-acj.ca<br />

National Press <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chile (ANP) CHILE 562 232 1004 562 232 1006 macura@anp.cl<br />

China Education Daily CHINA 86 10 62257722 86 10 62244152 zhyuan_chen@yahoo.com<br />

ANDIARIOS Asociacion de Diarios Colombianos COLOMBIA 571 345 8011 571 212 7894 andiario@andinet.com<br />

Grupo Nacion COSTA RICA 506 247 4362 - echavarria@nacion.co.cr<br />

Zagreb University CROATIA 385 1 4655 294 385 1 4655 316 stjepan.malovic@hnd.hr<br />

Cyprus Newspaper & Magazine Publishers <strong>Association</strong> CYPRUS - - -<br />

Czech Publishers <strong>Association</strong> (UVDT) CZECH REPUBLIC 420 221 733 527 420 222 322 961 pochman@uvdt.cz<br />

Danish Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> (DDF) DENMARK 45 39 97 40 00 45 33 14 23 25 mbh@danskedagblade.dk<br />

Internews EAST TIMOR 61 407 646 152 61 670 324 476 frances@internews.or.id<br />

Internews EAST TIMOR 61 607 723 3982 61 670 324 476 quinamoco@cheguevara.zzn.com<br />

Estonian Newspaper <strong>Association</strong> (EAL) ESTONIA 372 646 1005 372 631 1210 eall@eall.ee<br />

Sanomalehtien Liitto FINLAND 358 9 2287 7303 358 9 607 989 sirpa.saarikivi@sanomalehdet.fi<br />

Syndicat de la Presse Parisienne (SPP) FRANCE 33 1 53 20 90 66 33 1 53 20 90 65 ozil@pqn-spp.org<br />

Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Regionale (SPQR) FRANCE 33 1 40 73 85 94 33 1 47 20 48 94 jpraffoux@spqr.fr<br />

Bundesverband Deutscher Zeitungsverleger e.V. GERMANY 49 30 726298 221 49 30 726298 225 eggert@bdzv.de<br />

Athens Daily Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> GREECE 0030 210 7240735 0030 210 7246456 manos@eihea.gr<br />

Hungarian Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> (MLE) HUNGARY 36 1 368 8674 36 1 436 4354 mle.peto@axelero.hu<br />

Statistics Iceland ICELAND 354 528 1051 354 528 1199 ragnar.karlsson@statice.is<br />

The Indian Newspaper Society INDIA 091 011 23715246 091 011 23723800 indnews@nde.vsnl.net.in<br />

Indonesian Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> (SPS) INDONESIA 62 021 3459671 62 021 3862373 sps-pst@dnet.net.id<br />

Indonesian Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> (SPS) INDONESIA 62 021 3811228 62 021 3862373 -<br />

National <strong>Newspapers</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ireland IRELAND 00 353 1 668 9099 00 353 1 668 9872 rkelly@cullencommunications.ie<br />

TNS/Teleseker Co. ISRAEL 972 3 616 5444 972 3 616 5444 jonathan.shalet@tgi.co.il<br />

IFAT ISRAEL - 972 3 561 5621 nati_y@ifat.com<br />

Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali (FIEG) ITALY 39 6 4881683 39 6 4871109 fiegroma@fieg.it<br />

Nihon Shinbun Kyokai (NSK) JAPAN 81 3 3591 3462 81 3 3591 6149 araki@pressnet.or.jp<br />

The Media Institute KENYA 254 2 244469 254 2 444327 mediainst@wananchi.com<br />

Rubicon KYRGYZSTAN 312 28 59 90 312 68 02 88 mic@vb.kyrnet.kg<br />

Latvian Publishers <strong>Association</strong> LATVIA 371 728 24 48 371 728 10 77 lpia@age.lv<br />

An-Nahar LEBANON 961 1 340 960 961 1 748 042 nagit@annahar.com.lb<br />

SIC Gallup Media LITHUANIA 370 5 2106620 370 5 2106601 giedre@sgm.lt<br />

Régie Saint-Paul LUXEMBOURG 00352 4993 9003 00352 4993 9090 christian.stoehr@regie.lu<br />

Assoc. <strong>of</strong> printed media and news agencies <strong>of</strong> Macedonia MACEDONIA 00 389 2 298 376 00 389 2 298 376 apmm@on.net.mk<br />

Malaysian <strong>Newspapers</strong> Publishers <strong>Association</strong> MALAYSIA 603 7660 8535 603 7660 8532 matthews@macomm.com.my<br />

Private Publishers <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mali (ASSEP) MALI 223 29 98 35 223 23 54 78 syattara@yahoo.fr<br />

El Universal MEXICO 5255 57091313 5255 52 37 08 96 zerene@att.net.mx<br />

<strong>Association</strong> de la Press Independente de la R. Moldova MOLDOVA 3732 247239 3732 210602 d.osipov@mail.md<br />

Press Institute <strong>of</strong> Mongolia MONGOLIA 976 11 350002 976 11 350002 pressinst@mongol.net<br />

Dutch <strong>Newspapers</strong> Publishers <strong>Association</strong> (NDP) NETHERLANDS 0031 20 430 91 10 0031 20 430 91 29 h.vandenpol@cebuco.nl<br />

Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> NEW ZEALAND 64 4 472 6223 64 4 471 0987 robyn@npa.co.nz<br />

Norwegian Media Businesses' <strong>Association</strong> NORWAY 47 22 86 12 47 47 22 86 12 02 ge@mediebedriftene.no<br />

All Pakistan Newspaper Society PAKISTAN 92 21 567 1314 92 21 567 1310 -<br />

Philippine Press Institute PHILIPPINES 632 527 4478 632 527 3390 ppi1@bworldonline.com<br />

Polish Chamber <strong>of</strong> Press Publishers (IWP) POLAND 48 22 828 59 30 48 22 827 87 18 info@izbaprasy.pl<br />

Asociacao da Impresa PORTUGAL 351 21 318 7500 351 21 318 7507 alucas@cpu.pt<br />

The Romanian Press Club (CRP) ROMANIA 4 01 665 4116 4 01 223 4332 crp@digi.ro<br />

Guild <strong>of</strong> Press Publishers RUSSIA 7 095 257 3088 7 095 257 4057 kazakova@gipp.ru<br />

Strategic Marketing & Media Research Institute SERBIA - MONTENEGRO381 11 328 4075 - darko@smmri.com<br />

Singapore Press Holdings SINGAPORE 65 6319 1028 65 6319 8150 mahys@sph.com.sg<br />

Slovak Publishers' <strong>Association</strong> (ZVPT) SLOVAKIA 421 904 569 640 - samuel.brecka@fphil.uniba.sk<br />

CATI Center SLOVENIA 386 1 241 00 72 386 1 42 11 970 a@cati.si<br />

Print Media SA SOUTH AFRICA 27 11 447 1264 27 11 227 1289 mikel@mediamanager.co.za<br />

The Korean <strong>Newspapers</strong> <strong>Association</strong> SOUTH KOREA 82 2 733 2251 82 2 720 3291 jerrycho777@korea.com<br />

Asociacion de Editores de Diarios Españoles (AEDE) SPAIN 34 91 425 10 85 34 91 579 60 20 ecordero@aede.es<br />

Newspaper Society <strong>of</strong> Sri Lanka SRI LANKA 94 1 446 851 94 1 543176 jameshl@upali.lk<br />

Swedish Newspaper Publishers <strong>Association</strong> SWEDEN 46 8 6924608 46 8 6924638 simon.lindberg@tu.se<br />

<strong>Association</strong> Swiss Press (VSP) SWITZERLAND 41 1 318 64 64 41 1 318 64 62 contact@schweizerpresse.ch<br />

Government Information Office TAIWAN 886 2 3356 8888 886 2 2393 9236 service@mail.gio.gov.tw<br />

Financial Times TANZANIA 255 22 2700735 255 22 2700146 mirenyjohn@yahoo.com<br />

Nation Multimedia Group Public Co., Ltd. THAILAND 66 2 317 0420 66 2 317 1384 tito@nation.nationgroup.com<br />

Dogan Media Group TURKEY 90 212 677 0899 90 212 677 0840 nyilmaz@dmg.com.tr<br />

Uganda Newspaper Editors and Proprietors <strong>Association</strong> UGANDA 256 41 230 317 256 41 235 843 jbuwembo@newvision.co.ug<br />

The Newspaper Society UK 44 20 7636 7014 - steve_brown@newspapersoc.org.uk<br />

The Zenith Optimedia Group UK 44 20 7291 9400 44 20 7291 9406 publications@zenithoptimedia.com<br />

Publicitas Ukraine UKRAINE 380 44 201 10 33 380 44 201 10 39 oleg@ppn.kiev.ua<br />

El Pais URUGUAY - - Asexenian@elpais.com.uy<br />

Newspaper <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> America USA 1 703 902 1753 1 703 902 1751 robem@naa.org<br />

<strong>WORLD</strong> ASSOCIATION OF NEWSPAPERS - <strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong> <strong>TRENDS</strong> 2003<br />


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