Diapositiva 1 - Università degli Studi di Perugia

Diapositiva 1 - Università degli Studi di Perugia

Diapositiva 1 - Università degli Studi di Perugia


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Università <strong>degli</strong> <strong>Stu<strong>di</strong></strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Perugia</strong><br />

Encefaliti<br />

Prof. Paolo Calabresi<br />

Corso Integrato <strong>di</strong> Neurologia


1. Encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain parenchyma,<br />

presents as <strong>di</strong>ffuse and/or focal neuropsychological<br />

dysfunction.<br />

2. From an epidemiologic and pathophysiologic perspective,<br />

encephalitis is <strong>di</strong>stinct from meningitis, though on clinical<br />

evaluation the 2 often coexist with signs and symptoms of<br />

meningeal inflammation, such as photophobia, headache,<br />

or a stiff neck.<br />

3. Cerebritis describes the stage prece<strong>di</strong>ng abscess<br />

formation and implies a highly destructive bacterial<br />

infection of brain tissue, whereas acute encephalitis is<br />

most commonly a viral infection with parenchymal damage<br />

varying from mild to profound.

1. Of the subacute and chronic encephalopathies, the ED<br />

physician is most likely to encounter toxoplasmosis in<br />

immunocompromised patients.<br />

2. No satisfactory treatment exists for the relatively common<br />

acute arboviral encephalitides, which vary in epidemiology,<br />

mortality, and morbi<strong>di</strong>ty, if not clinical presentation.<br />

3. Clinically <strong>di</strong>stinguishing these acute arboviral encephalitides<br />

from the 2 potentially treatable acute viral encephalitides is<br />

important. The latter encephalitides include herpes simplex<br />

encephalitis (HSE), which is a spora<strong>di</strong>c and lethal <strong>di</strong>sease of<br />

neonates and the general population, and the less common<br />

varicella-zoster encephalitis, which is deadly in<br />

immunocompromised patients.

1. Swift identification and imme<strong>di</strong>ate treatment can be<br />

lifesaving.<br />

2. Most authorities advocate initiating ED treatment<br />

with the relatively safe acyclovir in any patient<br />

whose CNS presentations (particularly<br />

encephalopathy and focal fin<strong>di</strong>ngs) have no<br />

apparent explanation and in all neonates who<br />

appear ill and are without a final <strong>di</strong>agnosis.

1. In 1999, a late summer outbreak of West Nile encephalitis<br />

(WNE), an arbovirus not found previously in the United States,<br />

was implicated in several deaths in New York.<br />

2. By late summer 2002, West Nile virus has been identified<br />

throughout the eastern and southeastern United States.<br />

3. Following bird migration, the virus is presently exten<strong>di</strong>ng<br />

westward, and by April 2003, virus activity had been detected<br />

in 46 states and the District of Columbia.<br />

4. An updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)<br />

report for 2007 (West Nile Virus Update) includes<br />

information regar<strong>di</strong>ng viremic blood donors.<br />

5. Throughout the world, outbreaks of WNE have been<br />

associated with severe neurologic <strong>di</strong>sease; though, in general,<br />

only 1 in 150 affected patients develop symptomatic WNE.

1. Determining the true incidence is impossible because reporting policies<br />

are neither standar<strong>di</strong>zed nor rigorously enforced.<br />

2. In the United States, several thousand cases of viral encephalitis are<br />

reported yearly. This is probably a fraction of the actual number of<br />

cases.<br />

3. HSE, the most common cause of spora<strong>di</strong>c encephalitis in Western<br />

countries, is relatively rare; the overall incidence is 0.2 per 100,000<br />

(neonatal HSV infection occurs in 2-3 per 10,000 live births).<br />

4. Arboviruses are the most common causes of episo<strong>di</strong>c encephalitis with<br />

reported incidence similar to that of HSV.<br />

5. These statistics may be even more mislea<strong>di</strong>ng because most people<br />

bitten by arbovirus-infected insects do not develop clinical <strong>di</strong>sease, and<br />

only 10% develop overt encephalitis.

1. Clinical presentation and course can be markedly variable. Acuity and severity<br />

of presentation correlates with prognosis.<br />

2. The patient may have history of animal bite for which antirabies treatment<br />

may not have been obtained.<br />

3. The general viral prodrome is several days long and consists of fever,<br />

headache, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and myalgias.<br />

4. The specific prodrome in VZV, EBV, CMV, measles, and mumps includes<br />

rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and parotid enlargement.<br />

5. Dysuria and pyuria are reported with St Louis encephalitis.<br />

6. Extreme lethargy has been noted with WNE

Pathophysiology<br />

1. Portals of entry are virus specific.<br />

2. Many viruses are transmitted by humans, although<br />

most cases of HSE are thought to be reactivation of<br />

the herpes simplex virus (HSV) lying dormant in the<br />

trigeminal ganglia.<br />

3. Mosquitoes or ticks inoculate arbovirus, and rabies<br />

virus is transferred via animal bite.<br />

4. With some viruses, such as varicella-zoster virus (VZV)<br />

and cytomegalovirus (CMV), an immunocompromised<br />

host is a key risk factor.

1. In general, the virus replicates outside the CNS and gains entry either<br />

by hematogenous spread or by traveling along neural (rabies, HSV,<br />

VZV) and olfactory (HSV) pathways.<br />

2. The etiology of slow virus infections, such as those implicated in the<br />

measles-related subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) and<br />

progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), is poorly<br />

understood.<br />

3. Once across the blood-brain barrier, the virus enters neural cells, with<br />

resultant <strong>di</strong>sruption in cell functioning, perivascular congestion,<br />

hemorrhage, and inflammatory response <strong>di</strong>ffusely affecting gray<br />

matter <strong>di</strong>sproportionately to white matter.<br />

4. Focal pathology is the result of neuron cell membrane receptors found<br />

only in specific portions of the brain and accounts for regional tropism<br />

found with some viruses. For example, HSV has a pre<strong>di</strong>lection for the<br />

inferior and me<strong>di</strong>al temporal lobes.

1. Although most histologic features are nonspecific,<br />

brain biopsies are the <strong>di</strong>agnostic criterion standard for<br />

rabies.<br />

2. Presence of Negri bo<strong>di</strong>es in the hippocampus and<br />

cerebellum are pathognomonic of rabies, as are HSV<br />

Cowdry type A inclusions with hemorrhagic necrosis in<br />

the temporal and orbitofrontal lobes.<br />

3. In contrast to viruses that invade gray matter <strong>di</strong>rectly,<br />

acute <strong>di</strong>sseminated encephalitis and postinfectious<br />

encephalomyelitis (PIE), secondary to measles (most<br />

common), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and CMV, are<br />

immune-me<strong>di</strong>ated processes, which result in multifocal<br />

demyelination of perivenous white matter.

The classic presentation is encephalopathy with <strong>di</strong>ffuse or focal<br />

neurologic symptoms, inclu<strong>di</strong>ng the following:<br />

1. Behavioral and personality changes, decreased level of<br />

consciousness<br />

2. Stiff neck, photophobia, and lethargy<br />

3. Generalized or localized seizures (60% of children with California<br />

encephalitis [CE])<br />

4. Acute confusion or amnestic states<br />

5. Flaccid paralysis (10% with WNE)<br />

6. Less common symptoms include headache and other complaints of<br />


Neonatal HSV infection symptoms (1-45 d) may occur in any combination.<br />

1. Skin, eye, and mouth lesions (early presentation)<br />

2. Encephalitis - Change in level of alertness, irritability, seizures, poor<br />

fee<strong>di</strong>ng<br />

3. Evidence of widespread, <strong>di</strong>sseminated <strong>di</strong>sease, such as rash or shock<br />

HSE in older children and adults<br />

1. Unrelated to history of oral lesions in infants<br />

2. Acute onset of severe symptoms of encephalitis<br />

Toxoplasma encephalopathy accounts for as many as 40% of patients who are<br />

HIV positive with neurologic <strong>di</strong>sease who present with a subacute headache,<br />

encephalopathy, and, often, a focal neurological complaint. This may be the<br />

presenting symptom of immunosuppression/HIV infection.

The signs of encephalitis may be <strong>di</strong>ffuse or focal (80% of patients with HSE<br />

present with focal fin<strong>di</strong>ngs) as follows:<br />

•Altered mental status and/or personality changes (most common)<br />

•Focal fin<strong>di</strong>ngs, such as hemiparesis, focal seizures, and autonomic dysfunction<br />

•Movement <strong>di</strong>sorders (St Louis encephalitis, EEE, WEE)<br />

•Ataxia<br />

•Cranial nerve defects<br />

•Dysphagia (Rabies may account for foaming at the mouth and hydrophobia.)<br />

•Meningismus (less common and less pronounced than in meningitis)<br />

•Unilateral sensorimotor dysfunction (PIE)<br />

HSV infection in the neonate (aged 1-45 d)<br />

Herpetic skin lesions over the presenting surface from birth or with breaks in the<br />

skin, such as those resulting from fetal scalp monitors<br />

Keratoconjunctivitis<br />

Oropharyngeal involvement, particularly buccal mucosa and tongue<br />

Encephalitis symptoms, such as seizures, irritability, change in level of<br />

attentiveness, bulging fontanels<br />

Ad<strong>di</strong>tional signs of <strong>di</strong>sseminated HSV, such as shock, jaun<strong>di</strong>ce, and<br />

hepatomegaly<br />

Toxoplasma encephalopathy: In immunosuppressed patients, 75% present with a focal<br />

neuropathology, about one half with encephalopathic changes.

Lab <strong>Stu<strong>di</strong></strong>es<br />

Complete blood count (CBC) with <strong>di</strong>fferential: Fin<strong>di</strong>ngs are usually within the<br />

reference range.<br />

Serum electrolytes: These are usually within the reference range. Syndrome of<br />

inappropriate secretion of anti<strong>di</strong>uretic hormone (SIADH) occurs in 25% of patients<br />

with St Louis encephalitis.)<br />

Serum glucose level: Use this level as a baseline for determining normal CSF<br />

glucose values. The result may be low if glycogen stores are depleted or high in<br />

infected patients with <strong>di</strong>abetes mellitus.<br />

BUN/creatinine and liver function tests (LFTs): Assess organ function and the need<br />

to adjust the antibiotic dose.<br />

Platelet test and a coagulation profile: These are in<strong>di</strong>cated in patients with<br />

chronic alcohol use, liver <strong>di</strong>sease, or if <strong>di</strong>sseminated intravascular coagulation<br />

(DIC) is suspected. The patient may require platelets or fresh-frozen plasma (FFP)<br />

before lumbar puncture (LP).<br />

Urinary electrolyte test: Perform this assessment if SIADH is suspected.<br />

Urine and/or serum toxicology screening: Perform 1 or both of these tests, if<br />


Other laboratory tests:<br />

CSF polymerase chain reaction (PCR): A PCR for DNA HSV is 100% specific<br />

and 75-98% sensitive within the first 25-45 hours. Types 1 and 2 cross-react,<br />

but no cross-reactivity with other herpes viruses occurs. Arguably, a series of<br />

quantitative PCRs documenting the decline of viral load with acyclovir<br />

treatment may clinch <strong>di</strong>agnosis without brain biopsy.<br />

HSV cultures: These are used to test lesions (also Tzanck smear), CSF (rarely<br />

positive), and blood.<br />

Viral serology: Complement fixation antibo<strong>di</strong>es are useful in identifying<br />

arbovirus. Cross-reactivity exists among one subgroup of arboviruses, the<br />

flaviviruses (eg, St Louis encephalitis, JE, WNE), and with antibo<strong>di</strong>es raised in<br />

persons inoculated with the yellow fever vaccine.<br />

Viral serology: Complement fixation antibo<strong>di</strong>es are useful in identifying<br />

arbovirus.<br />

Heterophile antibody and cold agglutinins for EBV: These tests may be helpful.<br />

Serologic tests for toxoplasmosis: These can be helpful in light of an abnormal<br />

CT scan, particularly in the case of single lesions. However, the overlap in titer<br />

between previously exposed but presently uninfected and reactivated groups<br />

may complicate interpretation.

Imaging <strong>Stu<strong>di</strong></strong>es<br />

Perform head CT, with and without contrast agent, in virtually all patients with<br />

encephalitis before LP to search for evidence of elevated intracerebral pressure<br />

(ICP), obstructive hydrocephalus, or mass effect. It is helpful also in <strong>di</strong>fferential<br />

<strong>di</strong>agnosis. MRI is more likely to show abnormalities earlier in <strong>di</strong>sease course<br />

than head CT.<br />

In HSE, an MRI may show several foci of increased T2 signal intensity in me<strong>di</strong>al<br />

temporal lobes and inferior frontal gray matter. Head CT may show petechial<br />

hemorrhage in the same areas.<br />

EEE and tick-borne encephalitis may show similar increased signal intensity in<br />

the basal ganglia and thalami.<br />

In toxoplasmosis, contrast-enhanced head CT typically reveals several nodular<br />

or ring-enhancing lesions. Because lesions may be missed without contrast, MRI<br />

should be performed in patients for whom use of contrast material is<br />


Electroencephalography<br />

Other Tests<br />

In HSE, characteristic paroxysmal lateral epileptiform <strong>di</strong>scharges (PLEDs)<br />

often are observed, even before neurora<strong>di</strong>ographic changes.<br />

Eventually, PLEDs are positive in 80% of cases. The presence of PLEDs is<br />

not pathognomonic for HSE.<br />

CSF analysis is essential.<br />

General patterns in bacterial and fungal (cryptococcal) meningitis found<br />

during the measurement of CSF pressure and CSF analysis may support a<br />

<strong>di</strong>agnosis (see the Table below).<br />

The most important <strong>di</strong>agnostic test in the ED to rule out bacterial meningitis<br />

is well-performed Gram staining and, if available, polymerase chain<br />

reaction of the CSF in patients with suspected HSV encephalitis.

Prehospital Care<br />

1. Evaluate and treat for shock or hypotension. Administer a crystalloid<br />

infusion until the patient is euvolemic.<br />

2. Consider airway protection in patients with an altered mental status.<br />

3. Consider seizure precautions. Treat seizures accor<strong>di</strong>ng to usual<br />

protocol (ie, lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg given intravenously [IV]).<br />

4. Stabilize alert patients with normal vital signs by administering oxygen,<br />

securing IV access, and provi<strong>di</strong>ng rapid transport to the ED.

Emergency Department Care<br />

With the important exceptions of HSE and varicella-zoster encephalitis, the viral<br />

encephalitides are not treatable beyond supportive care.<br />

The goal of treatment for acutely ill patients is administration of the first dose or<br />

doses acyclovir with or without antibiotics or steroids as quickly as possible.<br />

The standard for acute bacterial meningitis is the initiation of treatment<br />

within 30 minutes of arrival.<br />

Consider instituting an ED triage protocol to identify patients at risk for HSE.<br />

Collect laboratory samples and blood cultures before the start of IV therapy.<br />

Even in uncomplicated cases of encephalitis, most authorities recommend a<br />

neuroimaging study (eg, contrast-enhanced head CT scan) before LP.<br />

Signs of hydrocephalus and increased ICP

Emergency Department Care<br />

General measures: Manage fever and pain, control straining and coughing,<br />

and avoid seizures and systemic hypotension.<br />

In otherwise stable patients, elevating the head and monitoring neurologic<br />

status usually are sufficient.<br />

When more aggressive maneuvers are in<strong>di</strong>cated, some authorities favor the<br />

early use of <strong>di</strong>uresis (eg, furosemide 20 mg IV, mannitol 1 g/kg IV) provided<br />

circulatory volume is protected. Dexamethasone 10 mg IV q6h helps in<br />

managing edema surroun<strong>di</strong>ng space-occupying lesions. Hyperventilation<br />

(PaCO2 30 mm Hg) may cause a <strong>di</strong>sproportional decrease in cerebral blood<br />

flow (CBF), but it is used to control increasing ICP on an emergency basis.<br />

Look for and treat systemic complications, particularly in HSE, EEE, JE, such as<br />

hypotension or shock, hypoxemia, hyponatremia (SIADH), and exacerbation of<br />

chronic <strong>di</strong>seases.

Other Problems to be Considered<br />

•Acute CNS events, such as hemorrhagic stroke<br />

•Acute confusional states secondary to drugs, toxins, psychosis<br />

•Amoeba (Naegleria, Acanthamoeba)<br />

•Head trauma<br />

•CNS syphilis<br />

•Ehrlichiosis<br />

•Intracranial hemorrhage<br />

•Intracranial tumor<br />


Background:<br />

Herpes encephalitis is the most common cause of spora<strong>di</strong>c viral encephalitis,<br />

with a pre<strong>di</strong>lection for the temporal lobes and a range of clinical presentations,<br />

from aseptic meningitis and fever to a severe rapidly progressive form<br />

involving altered consciousness.<br />

In adults, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) accounts for 95% of all fatal<br />

cases of spora<strong>di</strong>c encephalitis and usually results from reactivation of the<br />

latent virus.<br />

The clinical fin<strong>di</strong>ngs and neuroimaging appearance are both consistent with<br />

spread of the virus from a previously infected ganglion.<br />

In children and neonates, herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) accounts for<br />

80-90% of neonatal and almost all congenital infections.<br />

An isolated case report of an immunocompromised adult patient developing<br />

HSV-2 infection has been described.<br />

MRI can play an important role in determining the <strong>di</strong>agnosis and extent of<br />


On pathology, herpes viruses cause a fulminant<br />

hemorrhagic and necrotizing meningoencephalitis.<br />

Typical gross fin<strong>di</strong>ngs include severe edema and massive<br />

tissue necrosis, with petechial hemorrhages and<br />

hemorrhagic necrosis.<br />

Often, the petechial hemorrhage is not observed on CT or<br />

MRI.<br />

On microscopy, a focal necrotizing vasculitis is observed<br />

with perivascular and meningeal lymphocytic infiltration and<br />

eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions in glial cells and<br />


Mortality/Morbi<strong>di</strong>ty:<br />

Untreated patients with HSV-1 have a 70% mortality rate.<br />

With early treatment, 40% of patients recover without significant neurologic<br />

deficits; however, despite appropriate <strong>di</strong>agnosis and therapy, the mortality rate<br />

remains at 30%.<br />

Interestingly, HSV does not appear to be more common in<br />

immunocompromised patients than in normal hosts. HSV-1 is rarely associated<br />

with pregnancy.<br />

HSV mortality in neonates with isolated CNS <strong>di</strong>sease is 15%, and in those with<br />

<strong>di</strong>sseminated CNS <strong>di</strong>sease, the rate is 57%.<br />

Morbi<strong>di</strong>ty for these groups is also high.

Clinical Details:<br />

In adults, the most common early symptoms are headache and fever. Ad<strong>di</strong>tional<br />

symptoms include intellectual impairment, aphasia, meningeal signs, seizures, and<br />

paresthesias. Early treatment is crucial to a good outcome, and empiric acyclovir<br />

therapy can be initiated before a definitive <strong>di</strong>agnosis is established. The virus<br />

cannot be cultured routinely from CSF, though lymphocytic pleocytosis and<br />

elevations in protein concentrations are observed. CSF viral cultures are positive<br />

for HSV in fewer than 5% of patients. Anti-HSV antibo<strong>di</strong>es often do not appear until<br />

1-3 weeks after symptom onset; therefore, antibody culture is helpful only in<br />

retrospective <strong>di</strong>agnosis. In some patients, a brain biopsy may be required for a<br />

definitive <strong>di</strong>agnosis.<br />

EEG also can reveal focal temporal abnormalities, which are seen in 80% of<br />

patients; a normal EEG is believed to exclude the <strong>di</strong>agnosis. Perio<strong>di</strong>c lateralized<br />

epileptiform <strong>di</strong>scharges also support the <strong>di</strong>agnosis, but this fin<strong>di</strong>ng is nonspecific.<br />

Historically, a brain biopsy provided a definitive <strong>di</strong>agnosis, but this procedure is not<br />

highly sensitive and can result in complications, inclu<strong>di</strong>ng hemorrhage and edema<br />

at the biopsy site. An RNA polymerase test of CSF permits a more definitive<br />

<strong>di</strong>agnosis because it is both sensitive and specific. In this test, 2 sets of<br />

oligonucleotide primers amplify gene products from HSV-1 and HSV-2.

Picture 1. Axial proton density–<br />

weighted image in a 62-year-old<br />

woman with confusion and herpes<br />

encephalitis shows T2<br />

hyperintensity involving the right<br />

temporal lobe.

Picture 2. Axial nonenhanced T1-<br />

weighted image shows cortical<br />

hyperintensity (arrows) consistent<br />

with petechial hemorrhage. In<br />

general, this is a common pathologic<br />

fin<strong>di</strong>ng but less commonly depicted<br />

in herpes encephalitis.

Picture 3. Axial<br />

gadolinium-enhanced T1-<br />

weighted image reveals<br />

enhancement of the right<br />

anterior temporal lobe<br />

and parahippocampal<br />

gyrus. At the right anterior<br />

temporal tip is a<br />

hypointense, crescentic<br />

region surrounded by<br />

enhancement consistent<br />

with a small epidural<br />


Picture 4. Axial <strong>di</strong>ffusionweighted<br />

image reveals<br />

restricted <strong>di</strong>ffusion in the<br />

left me<strong>di</strong>al temporal lobe<br />

consistent with herpes<br />

encephalitis. This patient<br />

also had a positive result on<br />

polymerase chain reaction<br />

assay for herpes simplex<br />

virus, which is both<br />

sensitive and specific. In<br />

ad<strong>di</strong>tion, the patient had<br />

perio<strong>di</strong>c lateralized<br />

epileptiform <strong>di</strong>scharges on<br />

EEG, which supports the<br />

<strong>di</strong>agnosis of herpes<br />


Picture 5. Coronal T2-<br />

weighted image reveals<br />

hyperintensity in the left<br />

temporal lobe (arrows) in<br />

a <strong>di</strong>stribution similar to<br />

the restricted <strong>di</strong>ffusion<br />

abnormality seen in<br />

Image 4. This fin<strong>di</strong>ng is<br />

typical for herpes<br />


La <strong>di</strong>agnosi viene fatta sulla base dei sintomi<br />

clinici e per le caratteristiche<br />

dell'elettroencefalogramma che presenta<br />

particolari alterazioni (pseudoperio<strong>di</strong>smi) in<br />

un numero rilevante <strong>di</strong> casi. L'aumentata<br />

concentrazione della proteina 14-3-3 e della<br />

proteina TAU nel fluido cerebrospinale. La<br />

conferma <strong>di</strong>agnostica può essere fatta solo<br />

me<strong>di</strong>ante la <strong>di</strong>mostrazione delle<br />

caratteristiche lesioni spongiformi<br />

accompagnate dalla presenza <strong>di</strong> proteina<br />

prionica (PrPres o PrPsc) in un prelievo <strong>di</strong><br />

tessuto nervoso.<br />

La malattia <strong>di</strong> Creutzfeldt-Jacob, originariamente descritta negli anni '20 del XX<br />

secolo da Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt ed Alfons Maria Jakob, è una malattia<br />

neurodegenerativa rara, che conduce ad una forma <strong>di</strong> demenza progressiva fatale. La<br />

sindrome clinica è caratterizzata da per<strong>di</strong>ta <strong>di</strong> memoria, cambiamenti <strong>di</strong> personalità,<br />

allucinazioni, <strong>di</strong>sartria, mioclonie, rigi<strong>di</strong>tà posturale e convulsioni. I sintomi ed i segni<br />

sono dovuti alla progressiva per<strong>di</strong>ta <strong>di</strong> neuroni causata da alterazione <strong>di</strong> una proteina<br />

<strong>di</strong> membrana, espressa prevalentemente in cellule del sistema nervoso e del sistema<br />

reticolo-endoteliale, il prione. La sua incidenza si è mantenuta relativamente costante<br />

negli ultimi 80 anni, nell'or<strong>di</strong>ne <strong>di</strong> 1-2/1000000. Ottiene gli onori della cronaca dopo la<br />

descrizione dei primi casi <strong>di</strong> una forma variante, ancor più rara, legata all'epidemia <strong>di</strong><br />

Encefalopatia spongiforme bovina, la cosiddetta malattia della "mucca pazza".

Head CT (left) and MRI (right) both given with contrast of the same patient<br />

with new seizures, focal weakness, and HIV infection. Multiple ring-enhancing<br />

lesions are seen in the periventricular white matter. The lesions are consistent<br />

with Toxoplasma encephalitis. The images point out the enhanced sensitivity<br />

of MRI scanning over CT scanning in this instance.

MR Imaging of<br />

Autopsy-<br />

Proved<br />

Paraneoplasti<br />

c Limbic<br />

Encephalitis in<br />

Non-Hodgkin<br />

Lymphoma<br />

Initial MR images obtained 1 day after the first generalized seizure occurred.<br />

A, Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image (9000/110 [TR/TE]; inversion<br />

time, 2261 ms) shows a slightly elevated signal intensity of both hippocampal<br />

formations (black arrows) and amygdala (white arrows).<br />

B, Coronal conventional T2-weighted turbo spin-echo image

Typical cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fin<strong>di</strong>ngs in patients with<br />

paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis. Coronal fluid-attenuated inversion<br />

recovery (FLAIR) MRI showing bilateral (left) and unilateral (middle) mesial<br />

temporal signal abnormalities. Axial FLAIR MRI showing extralimbic signal<br />

abnormalities involving the left operculum and insular cortex (right).

Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stu<strong>di</strong>es. A and B, Axial MRI fluidattenuated<br />

inversion recovery images at presentation show increased signal in the cerebellar<br />

vermis and periventricular white matter. C and D, Follow-up images (same sequences<br />

and levels) 16 days later show progression of signal abnormality in the cerebellar<br />

vermis and periventricular white matter with extension across the corpus callosum.

La Panencefalite sclerosante subacuta è una rara malattia degenerativa<br />

del sistema nervoso centrale, causata dalla persistenza <strong>di</strong> un virus del<br />

morbillo <strong>di</strong>fettivo.<br />

Si verifica in me<strong>di</strong>a a <strong>di</strong>stanza <strong>di</strong> 9 anni dal morbillo.<br />

La malattia cerebrale è evolutiva, subdola ed inesorabile ed è caratterizzata<br />

da gravi lesioni cerebrali, con una progressiva per<strong>di</strong>ta <strong>di</strong> tutte le funzioni<br />

cognitive, con spasmi mioclonici e convulsioni.<br />

È un’encefalite a lenta evoluzione, la cui frequenza è <strong>di</strong> circa 1 caso ogni<br />

100.000 casi <strong>di</strong> morbillo, più frequente nei soggetti che lo avevano contratto<br />

nei primi due anni <strong>di</strong> vita.<br />

Sono stati segnalati anche 20 casi <strong>di</strong> panancefalite progressiva dopo rosolia.<br />

I dati epidemiologici <strong>di</strong>sponibili non documentano però un rischio legato al<br />

vaccino.<br />

Il vaccino contro il morbillo riduce in maniera significativa la possibilità <strong>di</strong><br />

sviluppare la PESS, così come <strong>di</strong>mostrato dalla sostanziale eliminazione dei<br />

casi <strong>di</strong> PESS dopo l’introduzione del vaccino contro il morbillo, sebbene la<br />

malattia è stata raramente riscontrata in bambini senza una storia d’infezione<br />

morbillosa, ma che avevano ricevuto il vaccino contro il morbillo.<br />

È da segnalare che i bambini <strong>di</strong> età inferiore ad 1 anno, o malnutriti,<br />

immunocompromessi o affetti da patologie croniche, sono particolarmente<br />

suscettibili all'infezione.


• Deterioramento intellettivo. I primi segni sono spesso un ridotto ren<strong>di</strong>mento<br />

scolastico, per<strong>di</strong>ta della memoria, cambiamenti repentini dell'umore, <strong>di</strong>strazione,<br />

insonnia ed allucinazioni. Possono anche verificarsi crisi convulsive. I pazienti<br />

mostrano quin<strong>di</strong> un ulteriore declino intellettuale, manifestando alterazioni della<br />

parola.<br />

• Convulsioni. Le convulsioni fanno seguito alle alterazioni mentali ed<br />

inizialmente sono costituite da spasmi mioclonici.<br />

• Anomalie motorie e movimenti involontari anomali. Possono comparire<br />

movimenti <strong>di</strong>stonici e perio<strong>di</strong> transitori <strong>di</strong> opistotono. Più tar<strong>di</strong>vamente, si verifica<br />

una rigi<strong>di</strong>tà della muscolatura corporea, <strong>di</strong>fficoltà alla deglutizione, cecità<br />

corticale e atrofia ottica. In molti pazienti si verificano corioretinite focale e<br />

altre anomalie del fundus. Nelle fasi finali, il paziente <strong>di</strong>viene progressivamente<br />

rigido, con segni intermittenti d'interessamento ipotalamico (per esempio,<br />

ipertermia, sudorazione, <strong>di</strong>sturbi della PA e del ritmo car<strong>di</strong>aco).

PESS: MRI scans of the brain at<br />

the time of presentation in the<br />

neurology clinic (A and B) and 3<br />

months later (C and D). Panels A<br />

and C are T1-weighted images; B<br />

and D are T2-weighted images.<br />

The initial MRI scan (A and B)<br />

reveals a focal abnormality in the<br />

subcortical white matter of the left<br />

frontal lobe, consisting of a<br />

hypointense signal on the T1-<br />

weighted image (arrow in A) and a<br />

hyperintense signal on the T2-<br />

weighted image (arrow in B). In the<br />

followup scan, the focal<br />

abnormality in the left frontal lobe<br />

is less obvious than previously<br />

(arrow in D), but advanced and<br />

<strong>di</strong>ffuse cortical atrophy is present,<br />

signified by the ventriculomegaly<br />

and markedly enlarged sulci<br />

(arrowheads in C).

Acute <strong>di</strong>sseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)<br />

ADEM is an inflammatory demyelinating <strong>di</strong>sease of the central nervous<br />

system (CNS) that is known to occur spontaneously in association with<br />

specific and nonspecific viral illnesses and after vaccination against<br />

various pathogens.<br />

Although it is often a self-limited monophasic illness, the fatality rate is<br />

estimated to be as high as 30%, and many patients suffer residual<br />

neurologic impairment.<br />

Clinical improvement has been reported after initiation of corticosteroid<br />

therapy, and relapse has occurred after <strong>di</strong>scontinuation of therapy.

ADEM A and B, Axial<br />

magnetic resonance<br />

images, demonstrating<br />

multifocal subcortical and<br />

periventricular areas of<br />

increased T2 signal, without<br />

mass effect or surroun<strong>di</strong>ng<br />

edema. C and D,<br />

Correspon<strong>di</strong>ng axial T1-<br />

weighted images after<br />

administration of gadolinium.

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)<br />

PML was a fairly rare demyelinating <strong>di</strong>sease of the white matter of the brain until<br />

the AIDS epidemic started. As PML requires a weakened immune system to<br />

develop, it is no wonder that AIDS has significantly increased its frequency.<br />

PML is caused by the human<br />

papovavirus, an RNA virus<br />

called JC virus (=JCV). We<br />

know from serological stu<strong>di</strong>es<br />

on children where by age 10<br />

about 50% of them have<br />

antibody titers to JCV that this<br />

virus is widely <strong>di</strong>stributed.<br />

Normally JCV infection stays<br />

suppressed by the immune<br />

system's cell me<strong>di</strong>ated<br />

immune response. In the case<br />

of immune weakening<br />

<strong>di</strong>seases such as leukemias,<br />

lymphomas, AIDS and in<br />

transplant patients JCV can<br />

then be reactivated and cause<br />

PML. About 5% of AIDS<br />

patients are suffering from<br />


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