
Appendix Appendix

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13. Function Code List Communication address Fcode 485 Link number number Function name Function directory name h16 410h Operation command selfhold setting 0 to 1 0 : Set at H17 1 : Maximum time (The inverter judges that it is a power failure momentarily and self-maintains the operation command while the control power supply in the inverter establishes or until the main circuit DC voltage becomes almost 0.) 13-17 PG LES VF SM 94 o o o o o o o x h17 411h Operation command selfhold time 0.0 to 30.0 s 2 o o o o o o o x h19 413h C5 h Active Drive 0 to 1 0 : Inactive 1 : Active 68 o o o o x o o x h20 414h C6 h PID control PID control (Mode select) 0 to 3 0: Inactive 1: Active 2: Inverse action 1 3: Inverse action 2 69 o o o o o o o x h21 415h C7 h Command select 0 to 1 0 : Keypad panel or 12 input 1 : Analog input (PIDS) 70 o o o o o o o x h22 416h C9 h P-gain 0.000 to 1.000 to 10.000 (times) 4 o o o o o o o x h23 417h CA h I-gain 0.00 to 1.00 to 100.00 s 3 o o o o o o o x h24 418h CB h D-gain 0.000 to 10.000 s 4 o o o o o o o x h25 419h C8 h PID control (Upper limit) -300 to 100 to 300 % 5 o o o o o o o x h26 41Ah CC h PID control (Lower limit) -300 to -100 to 300 % 5 o o o o o o o x h27 41Bh CE h PID control (Speed reference) 0 to 2 0 : Inactive 1 : PID select 2 : Auxiliary speed 95 o o o o o o o x h28 41Ch CF h Droop control 0.0 to 25.0 % 2 o o o o o x o x h29 41Dh Link function Data protect via serial link h30 41Eh D0 h Serial link (Function select) 0 to 1 Function not to write data from link (T-Link, RS485, etc.) by mistake. 0 : Non-protect 1 : Protect via serial link There are two writing from the link about usual function field and serial data field. This S field is defined at H30. 0 to 3 (Monitor) (Speed (Operation reference command) 0 : o x x 1 : o o x 2 : o x o 3 : o o o h31 41Fh RS485 RS485 (Address) 0 to 1 to 255 Setting of the station address of RS485. broadcast : (0 : RTU),(99 : Fuji) address : 1 to 255 h32 420h RS485 (Mode select on no response error) 0 to 3 0 : Trip and alarm (Er5) 1 : Operation for H33 timer, and alarm (Er5) 2 : Operation for H33 timer , and retry to communicate. * If the retry fails, then the inverter trips. ("Er5") 3 : Continuous operation 40 o o o o o o o o 72 o o o o o o o o 0 o o x o o o o o 73 o o o o o o o o h33 421h RS485 (Timer) 0.01 to 2.00 to 20.00 s 3 o o o o o o o o h34 422h RS485 (Baud rate) 0 to 4 0 : 38400 bps 1 : 19200 bps 2 : 9600 bps 3 : 4800 bps 4 : 2400 bps h35 423h RS485 (Data length) 0 to 1 0 : 8 bits 1 : 7 bits h36 424h RS485 (Parity check) 0 to 1 to 2 0 : No checking 1 : Even parity 2 : Odd parity h37 425h RS485 (Stop bits) 0 to 1 0 : 2 bits 1 : 1 bit You can change the setting of a function indicated by during operation. You should stop operation to change the setting of other functions. Setting range Type Copy Save all Initialization Control type: Available/ Not available Lifting machine 74 o o x o o o o o 75 o o x o o o o o 76 o o x o o o o o 77 o o x o o o o o Underline indicates a factory setting.

Communication address Fcode 485 Link number number h38 426h RS485 (No response error detection time) h39 427h RS485 (Response interval) You can change the setting of a function indicated by during operation. You should stop operation to change the setting of other functions. 0.0 to 60.0 s 0.0 : Detection of communication break invalid 0.1 to 60.0s : Detection of communication break valid It is a function to do Er5 trip detecting the access disappearing for each station which includes an own station in the set time due to some abnormality (no response etc.) from via RS485 0.00 to 0.01 to 1.00 s The time to return the response is set to the demand by a host device. h40 428h RS485 (Protocol) 0 to 1 to 2 0 : FUJI inverter protocol 1 : SX bus (FUJI private link) protocol 2 : Modbus RTU protocol Please set 1 (SX bus protocol) when you use the PC loader of the VG7 exclusive use. h41 429h D1 h Torque reference selection Torque reference selection h42 42Ah D2 h Torque current reference selection h43 42Bh D3 h Magnetic flux reference selection 0 to 5 0 : Internal ASR output 1 : Ai terminal input (T-REF) 2 : DIA input 3 : DIB input 4 : Link input 5 : PID 0 to 4 0 : Internal ASR output 1 : Ai terminal input (IT-REF) 2 : DI card A input 3 : DI card B input 4 : Link input 0 to 3 0 : Internal calculation value 1 : Ai terminal input (MF-REF) 2 : Function setting value (H44) 3 : Link input 13-18 PG LES VF SM 2 o o o o o o o o 3 o o o o o o o o 78 o o x o o o o o 64 o o o o o x o o 65 o o o o o x o x 66 o o o o x x x x h44 42Ch D4 h Magnetic flux reference value 10 to 100 % 16 o o o o x x x x h46 42Eh D7 h Observer (Mode Observer (Mode select) 0 to 2 79 o o o o o x o o select) 0 : Inactive 1 : Active ( load disturbance observer) 2 : Active (oscillation suppressing observer) h47 42Fh D8 h (P-gain 1)(M1) 0.00 to 1.00 (times) 3 o o o o o x o o h48 430h (P-gain 2)(M2) 0.00 to 1.00 (times) 3 o o o o o x o o h49 431h D9 h (I-gain 1)(M1) 0.005 to 0.100 to 1.000 s 4 o o o o o x o o h50 432h (I-gain 2)(M2) 0.005 to 0.100 to 1.000 s 4 o o o o o x o o h51 433h DA h Load inertia M1 0.001 to 50.000 (kg.m 2 ) 4 o o x o o x o o h52 434h Load inertia M2 0.001 to 50.000 (kg.m 2 ) 4 o o x o o x o o h53 435h D5 h Line speed feedback selection 0 to 3 0 : Line speed disabled 1 : Line speed (analog input) (LINE-N) 2 : Line speed (digital input) (PG(LD)) 3 : High level selected signal 67 o o o o o o o x h55 437h Zero speed control Gain 0 to 5 to 100 (times) 0 o o o o x x o o h56 438h Completion range 0 to 100 (pulse) 0 o o o o x x o o h57 439h OU trip prevention OU trip prevention 0 to 1 0 : Inactive 1 : Active h58 43Ah OC trip prevention 0 to 1 0 : Inactive 1 : Active h60 43Ch Load adaptive control function 1 Function name Function directory name Load adaptive control function 1 h61 43Dh Load adaptive control function 2 Setting range 0 to 3 0 : Inactive 1 : Method 1 2 : Method 2 3 : Method 3 0 to 1 0 : Winding up on forward rotation 1 : Winding down on forward rotation 68 o o o o o o o x 68 o o o o o o o x 80 o o o o x x o x 81 o o o o x x o x h62 43Eh Winding up speed 0.0 to 999.9 m/min 2 o o o o x x o x h63 43Fh Counter weight 0.00 to 600.00 (t) 3 o o o o x x o x h64 440h Safety coef. (for rated torque) 0.50 to 1.00 to 1.20 3 o o o o x x o x h65 441h Machine efficiency 0.500 to 1.000 4 o o o o x x o x h66 442h Rated loading 0.00 to 600.00 (t) 3 o o o o x x o x h68 444h Trip data delete 0 to 1 If these tuning are finished, this data code returns to 0. h70 446h Reserved Reserved 1 0 to 9999 0 : Standard 1 : Lift 2 to 9999 : Undecided Type Copy Save all Initialization Control type: Available/ Not available Lifting machine 11 x x x o o o o o 0 o o x o o x o o Underline indicates a factory setting.

Communication<br />

address<br />

Fcode<br />

485 Link<br />

number number<br />

h38 426h RS485 (No response<br />

error detection time)<br />

h39 427h RS485 (Response<br />

interval)<br />

You can change the setting of a function indicated by during operation.<br />

You should stop operation to change the setting of other functions.<br />

0.0 to 60.0 s<br />

0.0 : Detection of communication break invalid<br />

0.1 to 60.0s : Detection of communication break<br />

valid<br />

It is a function to do Er5 trip detecting the access<br />

disappearing for each station which includes an<br />

own station in the set time due to some<br />

abnormality (no response etc.) from via RS485<br />

0.00 to 0.01 to 1.00 s<br />

The time to return the response is set to the<br />

demand by a host device.<br />

h40 428h RS485 (Protocol) 0 to 1 to 2<br />

0 : FUJI inverter protocol<br />

1 : SX bus (FUJI private link) protocol<br />

2 : Modbus RTU protocol<br />

Please set 1 (SX bus protocol) when you use the<br />

PC loader of the VG7 exclusive use.<br />

h41 429h D1 h Torque reference<br />

selection<br />

Torque reference<br />

selection<br />

h42 42Ah D2 h Torque current reference<br />

selection<br />

h43 42Bh D3 h Magnetic flux reference<br />

selection<br />

0 to 5<br />

0 : Internal ASR output<br />

1 : Ai terminal input (T-REF)<br />

2 : DIA input<br />

3 : DIB input<br />

4 : Link input<br />

5 : PID<br />

0 to 4<br />

0 : Internal ASR output<br />

1 : Ai terminal input (IT-REF)<br />

2 : DI card A input<br />

3 : DI card B input<br />

4 : Link input<br />

0 to 3<br />

0 : Internal calculation value<br />

1 : Ai terminal input (MF-REF)<br />

2 : Function setting value (H44)<br />

3 : Link input<br />

13-18<br />

PG LES VF SM<br />

2 o o o o o o o o<br />

3 o o o o o o o o<br />

78 o o x o o o o o<br />

64 o o o o o x o o<br />

65 o o o o o x o x<br />

66 o o o o x x x x<br />

h44 42Ch D4 h Magnetic flux reference<br />

value<br />

10 to 100 % 16 o o o o x x x x<br />

h46 42Eh D7 h Observer (Mode Observer (Mode select) 0 to 2<br />

79 o o o o o x o o<br />

select)<br />

0 : Inactive<br />

1 : Active ( load disturbance observer)<br />

2 : Active (oscillation suppressing observer)<br />

h47 42Fh D8 h (P-gain 1)(M1) 0.00 to 1.00 (times) 3 o o o o o x o o<br />

h48 430h (P-gain 2)(M2) 0.00 to 1.00 (times) 3 o o o o o x o o<br />

h49 431h D9 h (I-gain 1)(M1) 0.005 to 0.100 to 1.000 s 4 o o o o o x o o<br />

h50 432h (I-gain 2)(M2) 0.005 to 0.100 to 1.000 s 4 o o o o o x o o<br />

h51 433h DA h Load inertia M1 0.001 to 50.000 (kg.m 2 ) 4 o o x o o x o o<br />

h52 434h Load inertia M2 0.001 to 50.000 (kg.m 2 ) 4 o o x o o x o o<br />

h53 435h D5 h Line speed<br />

feedback selection<br />

0 to 3<br />

0 : Line speed disabled<br />

1 : Line speed (analog input) (LINE-N)<br />

2 : Line speed (digital input) (PG(LD))<br />

3 : High level selected signal<br />

67 o o o o o o o x<br />

h55 437h Zero speed control Gain 0 to 5 to 100 (times) 0 o o o o x x o o<br />

h56 438h Completion range 0 to 100 (pulse) 0 o o o o x x o o<br />

h57 439h OU trip prevention OU trip prevention 0 to 1<br />

0 : Inactive<br />

1 : Active<br />

h58 43Ah OC trip prevention 0 to 1<br />

0 : Inactive<br />

1 : Active<br />

h60 43Ch Load adaptive<br />

control function 1<br />

Function name Function directory name<br />

Load adaptive control<br />

function 1<br />

h61 43Dh Load adaptive control<br />

function 2<br />

Setting range<br />

0 to 3<br />

0 : Inactive<br />

1 : Method 1<br />

2 : Method 2<br />

3 : Method 3<br />

0 to 1<br />

0 : Winding up on forward rotation<br />

1 : Winding down on forward rotation<br />

68 o o o o o o o x<br />

68 o o o o o o o x<br />

80 o o o o x x o x<br />

81 o o o o x x o x<br />

h62 43Eh Winding up speed 0.0 to 999.9 m/min 2 o o o o x x o x<br />

h63 43Fh Counter weight 0.00 to 600.00 (t) 3 o o o o x x o x<br />

h64 440h Safety coef. (for rated<br />

torque)<br />

0.50 to 1.00 to 1.20 3 o o o o x x o x<br />

h65 441h Machine efficiency 0.500 to 1.000 4 o o o o x x o x<br />

h66 442h Rated loading 0.00 to 600.00 (t) 3 o o o o x x o x<br />

h68 444h Trip data delete 0 to 1<br />

If these tuning are finished, this data code returns<br />

to 0.<br />

h70 446h Reserved Reserved 1 0 to 9999<br />

0 : Standard<br />

1 : Lift<br />

2 to 9999 : Undecided<br />

Type<br />

Copy<br />

Save all<br />

Initialization<br />

Control type: Available/<br />

Not available<br />

Lifting<br />

machine<br />

11 x x x o o o o o<br />

0 o o x o o x o o<br />

Underline indicates a factory setting.

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