Pariyar , D. ( 2002 ) : Fodder oats in Nepal. In proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Network. Wangdue, Bhutan, April 30-4 May,2002. N.P.Osti and Pariyar D. ( 1999 ) : Performance study of oat cultivars for green forage production in Terai under irrigated condition. In proceeding of third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal . Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999. Pariyar, D., P.B. Munankarmi , K. K. Shrestha , and C. K. Mishra . ( 1999 ) : Performance of fodder species and their mixtures in dairy pocket areas of Illam , Kaski and Rupendehi . In proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal. Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999. Pariyar, D.,J. R. Adhikary , R. N. Kandel , and R . C. Ghimire and R.R. Shrestha . (1999 ) : Performance of different cultivars of Stylo for green matter and seed production under leasehold condition . In proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal . Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999. Pariyar, D.,J. R. Adhikary , R. N. Kandel , and R . C. Ghimire and R.R. Shrestha . (1999 ) : Effect of pit size on nitrogen fixing tree establishment and growth in degraded forestlands. In proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal . Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999. K. K. Shrestha and Pariyar, D. ( 1998 ) : High altitude pastoral study of Sailung rangelands . In Proceedings of the Third Meeting of Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Network .Pokhara , Nepal , March 9-13 ,1998. Pariyar , D. ( 1998 ) : Methodologies observation on recording techniques in range system studies ; success and failures - an observation from Nepal . In proceedings of the Third Meeting of Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Network. Pokhara , Nepal , March 9-13 ,1998. Pariyar, D. ( 1997 ): Fodder and pasture research for forage production and land development, International Seminar on Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development for the Poor. Kathmandu, Nepal, August 24 - 29, 1997. Pariyar, D., E. J. Stevens and Vander Grinten ( 1997): New approaches for rehabilitating and developing fodder production from acid mountain soils in Nepal to alleviate poverty and restore the environment. XVIII International Grassland Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada June 8 -19,1997. Pariyar, D. (1997) : A concept of forage for livestock improvement during 9th Five Year Plan Period . Pasture & Fodder Workshop, Kathmandu, May 1-2,1997. Pariyar, D. (1996) : Forage resource status and research opportunities for Improvement. SAARC Workshop on Sustainable Development of Rangeland. Islamabad, Pakistan, October 7-10, 1996. Pariyar, D. (1996) : Forage resource development on degraded lands in Nepal ; A new approach. In Proceedings of a Regional Expert Meeting. ICIMOD, Kathmandu, November 5-7 ,1996 . Pariyar, D .(1996) : Production and management constraints of small farmers. In proceeding Second Meeting of the Sub-regional Working Group of Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Working Group. Dehradun, India March 9-14,1996. 4

Pariyar, D. (1996) : Rangeland improvement and herdsmen trainning programme in Rasuwa. In workshop Proceeding of the Second Meeting of the Sub-regional Working Group on Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Working Group. Dehradun, India, March 9-14,1996. Pariyar, D. ( 1995 ) : Forage resources of Nepalese hills and strategies for improvement. In workshop Proceedings on Temperate Asia pasture and Fodder sub-Regional Working Group. Kathmandu, Nepal. February 26 - March 2,1995. Pariyar, D. (1994) : Farmer's participatory agro-forestry experiments: A case study. Agro-forestry systems for degraded lands. Sustainable Development of Degraded Lands through Agro-forestry on Asia and Pacific. New Delhi, India, November 25-30,1994. Pariyar , D. ( 1994 ) : Forage improvement programme . In proceedings of the First National Workshop on Animal Genetic Resources Conservation and Genetic Improvement of Domestic Animal in Nepal . Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre ,Agriculture and Agro-Food Canada. Khumaltar, Nepal , April 11-13, 1994 . Pariyar, D. (1993) : Existing feed situation in different regions of Nepal and strategies developed to increase fodder production. International Symposium on Grassland Resources, Huhehot, Inner Mongolia, China. August 16-20,1993. Pariyar, D. & B.R. Bastola (1992) : Forage Research Activities at Naldung. At Seventh Working Group Meeting, Khumaltar, Nepal. June 29- July 1,1992, Pariyar, D. (1992): Agroforestry System in Nepal. Seminar on Regenerative Agriculture, Pokhara, Nepal 21-23 September, 1992. Pariyar, D. M.K. Shrestha and P. Mandal (1991) : Study on the mixed cropping of legumes with maize. In proceedings of the First National Animal Science Convention, Nepal. January 14-15,1991, Pariyar, D. S. Shah, P. Mandal & M.K. Shrestha (1991) : Identification of appropriate leguminous fodders intercropped with different varieties of oats under Rainfed and irrigated conditions. In proceedings of the First National Animal Science Convention, Nepal, January 14-15,1991. Pariyar, D., P. Mandal & M.K. Shrestha (1991) : Effect of cutting heights on the green matter production of oats. . In proceedings of the First National Animal Science Convention, Nepal, January 14-15,1991. Pariyar, D. & B.R. Banstola (1991) : Forage research and production activities at Naldung. In proceedings of the Sixth Farming Systems Working Group Meeting, Kathmandu, Nepal, June 26-27, 1991. Pariyar, D. & Grela, A. (1991) : Performance of Pennisetum flaccidum and Medicago falcata in Mustang, Nepal - A case study, Regional Seminar of Himalayan Pasture and Fodder Research Network, Palampur, India.1991. Pariyar, D. (1990) : Fodder and pasture seed requirement and supply arrangements. In, proceedings of the Second National Seed Seminar, HMG/National Seed Board, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 20-22, 1990. Pariyar, D. (1989) : Effect of growth stages and fertilizer application on the quantity and quality of native hay at Syangboche Yak Farm, Nepal XVI International Grassland Congress, Nice, France,1989. Pariyar, D. (1989) : Determination of the forage yield and quality of native hay at 3 different growth stages at Syangboche Yak Farm, Nepal. XVI. International Grassland Congress, Nice, France,1989. 5

Pariyar , D. ( 2002 ) : Fodder oats in Nepal. In proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of Temperate Asia<br />

Pasture and Fodder Network. Wangdue, Bhutan, April 30-4 May,2002.<br />

N.P.Osti and Pariyar D. ( 1999 ) : Performance study of oat cultivars for green forage production<br />

in Terai under irrigated condition. In proceeding of third National Workshop on Livestock and<br />

Fisheries Research in Nepal . Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999.<br />

Pariyar, D., P.B. Munankarmi , K. K. Shrestha , and C. K. Mishra . ( 1999 ) : Performance of fodder<br />

species and their mixtures in dairy pocket areas of Illam , Kaski and Rupendehi . In proceeding of<br />

the Third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal. Agriculture Research<br />

Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999.<br />

Pariyar, D.,J. R. Adhikary , R. N. Kandel , and R . C. Ghimire and R.R. Shrestha . (1999 ) :<br />

Performance of different cultivars of Stylo for green matter and seed production under leasehold<br />

condition . In proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in<br />

Nepal . Agriculture Research Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999.<br />

Pariyar, D.,J. R. Adhikary , R. N. Kandel , and R . C. Ghimire and R.R. Shrestha . (1999 ) : Effect of<br />

pit size on nitrogen fixing tree establishment and growth in degraded forestlands. In proceeding of<br />

the Third National Workshop on Livestock and Fisheries Research in Nepal . Agriculture Research<br />

Station, Lumle, June 26- 28,1999.<br />

K. K. Shrestha and Pariyar, D. ( 1998 ) : High altitude pastoral study of Sailung rangelands . In<br />

Proceedings of the Third Meeting of Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Network .Pokhara , Nepal ,<br />

March 9-13 ,1998.<br />

Pariyar , D. ( 1998 ) : Methodologies observation on recording techniques in range system studies ;<br />

success and failures - an observation from Nepal . In proceedings of the Third Meeting of<br />

Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Network. Pokhara , Nepal , March 9-13 ,1998.<br />

Pariyar, D. ( 1997 ): Fodder and pasture research for forage production and land development,<br />

International Seminar on Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development for the Poor. Kathmandu,<br />

Nepal, August 24 - 29, 1997.<br />

Pariyar, D., E. J. Stevens and Vander Grinten ( 1997): New approaches for rehabilitating and<br />

developing fodder production from acid mountain soils in Nepal to alleviate poverty and restore the<br />

environment. XVIII International Grassland Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Saskatoon,<br />

Saskatchewan, Canada June 8 -19,1997.<br />

Pariyar, D. (1997) : A concept of forage for livestock improvement during 9th Five Year Plan Period .<br />

Pasture & Fodder Workshop, Kathmandu, May 1-2,1997.<br />

Pariyar, D. (1996) : Forage resource status and research opportunities for Improvement. SAARC<br />

Workshop on Sustainable Development of Rangeland. Islamabad, Pakistan, October 7-10, 1996.<br />

Pariyar, D. (1996) : Forage resource development on degraded lands in Nepal ; A new approach. In<br />

Proceedings of a Regional Expert Meeting. ICIMOD, Kathmandu, November 5-7 ,1996 .<br />

Pariyar, D .(1996) : Production and management constraints of small farmers. In proceeding Second<br />

Meeting of the Sub-regional Working Group of Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Working Group.<br />

Dehradun, India March 9-14,1996.<br />


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