CV_Itzhak Levav _ Oct2009 - Spaogs.org

CV_Itzhak Levav _ Oct2009 - Spaogs.org

CV_Itzhak Levav _ Oct2009 - Spaogs.org


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15. <strong>Levav</strong> I, Guerrero R, Phebo L, Coe G, Cerqueira MT: Reducing corporal punishment of<br />

children: a call for a regional effort. Bulletin of PanAmerican Health Organization 30;<br />

70-79, 1996<br />

16. <strong>Levav</strong> I, Lerner, Y: Psychiatric epidemiology in Israel. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and<br />

Related Sciences 34; 126-127,1997<br />

17. <strong>Levav</strong> I, Kohn R, Schwartz, S: The psychiatric after-effects of the Holocaust on the<br />

second generation. Psychological Medicine 28:4; 755-760, 1998<br />

18. <strong>Levav</strong> I: Mental health at the threshold of the new millennium. Acta Psiquiátrica y<br />

Psicológica de América Latina 45:3; 207-109, 1999 (in Spanish)<br />

19. Mark M, <strong>Levav</strong> I: World Health Day on April 7, 2001 the theme is mental health. Israel<br />

Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 38:2; 79-80, 2001<br />

20. <strong>Levav</strong>, I., Rutz, W: The WHO World Health Report 2001: New Understanding-New<br />

Hope. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 39:1; 50-56, 2002<br />

21. Rodriguez J, Bergonzoli G, <strong>Levav</strong> I: Mental health and political violence in Guatemala.<br />

Acta Psiquiatrica y Psicologica de America Latina 48; 1-4, 2002 (in Spanish)<br />

22. <strong>Levav</strong> I: What to teach with regard to mental health in an MPH program? Public Health<br />

Reviews 30:1-4; 365-374, 2002<br />

20<br />

15-Jul-10<br />

23. <strong>Levav</strong> I: The WHO draft manual on mental health legislation. Psychiatric Services 54:1;<br />

108; author reply 109; discussion 109-110, 2003<br />

24. <strong>Levav</strong> I, Grinshpoon A: Beds in mental hospitals or beds in general hospitals. Where<br />

should they be located? Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 41: 157-159,<br />

2004<br />

25. <strong>Levav</strong> I, Grinshpoon A: Mental health services in Israel. International Psychiatry 4; 10-<br />

14, 2004<br />

26. <strong>Levav</strong> I: Mental health; a public health priority. Revista de la Maestria en Salud<br />

Publica. 1; 1, 2003 (in Spanish). Available at: htpp://maestria.rec.uba/revista<br />

27. Gulbinat W, Manderscheid R, Baingana F, Jenkins R, Khandelwal S, <strong>Levav</strong> I, Lieh Mak<br />

F, Mayeya J, Minoletti A, Mubbashar MH, Srinivasa Murthy R, Parameshvara Deva M,<br />

Schilder K, Tomov T, Baba A, Townsend C, Whiteford H: The International<br />

Consortium on Mental Health Policy and Services: objectives, design and project<br />

implementation. International Review of Psychiatry 16:1-2: 5-17, 2004<br />

28. Saraceno B, <strong>Levav</strong> I, Kohn R The public health significance of research on<br />

schizophrenia and depression .World Psychiatry 4:3, 181-185, 2005

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