&. u - the Society for Reproductive Biology

&. u - the Society for Reproductive Biology

&. u - the Society for Reproductive Biology


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The Australian <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Reproductive</strong> <strong>Biology</strong><br />

Twentieth<br />

Newcastle University<br />

29-31 August 1988<br />

Programme and Abstracts of Papers<br />

Copyright Australian <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Reproductive</strong> <strong>Biology</strong>, 1988<br />

ISSN 0705-6044<br />


Personnel<br />

Acknowledgements.<br />

Programme Guide<br />

Programme<br />

Author Index.<br />

Abstracts.<br />

iii<br />

iv<br />

v<br />

vi-xx<br />

xxi-xxvii<br />



August, 1988<br />

Chairman<br />

Secretary<br />

Treasurer<br />

Committee Members<br />


Professor B. Setchell<br />

Dr G. Evans<br />

Dr L.A. Hinds<br />

Dr B.M. Bindon<br />

Dr I.J. Clarke<br />

Dr L. Martin<br />

Dr C.D. Nancarrow<br />

Dr J.N. Shelton<br />

Postgraduate Student<br />

Representative<br />

Mr H.J. Jabbour<br />


Chairman<br />

Committee Members<br />

Ass:x::. P.r:ofessar G.M. Stale<br />

Dr D. Handelsman<br />

Dr B. Miller<br />

Dr R. Scaramuzzi<br />

Dr C. Tsonis<br />


Dr J.R. Rodger<br />

Mr J. Clulow<br />

Dr R. Jones<br />

Convenor<br />

Dr R.Murdoch<br />

Dr T. Roberts<br />


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PROGRAMME 1988<br />

Session 2 (Poster) : DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY<br />

chairman: Professor R. Wales<br />

Time: 1100 - 1230 Venue: Function Room 3<br />

REGISTRATION: The registration desk will be located at <strong>the</strong> top of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Main Entrance Stairs (middle floor) of <strong>the</strong> Town Hall and will<br />

be open from 1530-1800 on Sunday, 28 August and 0830-1200 on<br />

Monday, 29 August.<br />

The Goding Lecture will be presented in <strong>the</strong> Concert Hall and oral<br />

sessi~ns will be in Function Room 2. Posters will be displayed in<br />

Funct~on ~oom 3. All poster presentations will be in Function<br />

Room 3 except <strong>for</strong> Session 12 where <strong>the</strong> presentation will be in<br />

Function Room 2.<br />

5<br />

6<br />

S.A. McKay and A. Lopata<br />

The h.lock t:o po.lyspeI111.:ic fert:.:i.l.:izat:.:ion .:in mouse oocyt:es<br />

P.L. Kaye<br />

Ion.:ic requ.:ire.ment:s of g.lyc.:ine t:ransport: .:in mouse emh.zyos<br />

7 E. De Luca and A. Lopata<br />

Session 1 (Oral) FERTILITY<br />

Chairman: Dr G. Evans<br />

Time: 0930 - 1030<br />

Monday 29 August<br />

Venue: Function Room 2<br />

1 P.A. Hamilton, 1.0. Killeen and J. Reeve<br />

2<br />

Effect:s of met:hod of freez.:ing ram semen and dose of PHSG on<br />

fert:.:i.l.:it:y of ewes .:inse.m.:inat:ed .int:o t:he ut:erus<br />

J.F. Smith, J.N. Clarke, D.L. Johnson and L.T. McGowan<br />

D.:ifference het:ween t:wo genet:.:ic .l.:ines of Romney ewes,<br />

se.lect:ed <strong>for</strong> .increased fecund.:it:y, .:in t:he.:ir ovu.lat:ory<br />

response t:o PNSG<br />

Effect: of an .:insu.l.:in/t:ransferr.:in/se.len.:it:e supp.le.ment: on DNA<br />

synt:he~ ..is .:in mouse emh.zyos cu.lt:ured .:in v.:it:ro<br />

8 I. Bruck and J.H. Hyland<br />

Ana.lys.:is of t:he cont:r.:ihut:.:ions of t:he Emdben-./t:feyerhoff and<br />

pent:ose-phosphat:e pat:hways t:o g.lucose met:aho.l.ism hy s.1:ng.le<br />

equ.:ine e.m.b.zyos .:in cu.lt:ure<br />

9 A. Szell and J.N. Shelton<br />

10<br />

Osmot:.:ic response of sheep and cat:t:.le emhiyos t:o peI111eat:.:ing<br />

c.zyoprot:ect:ant:s<br />

C. Herr, N. Holt, and K.C. Reed<br />

Effect: of sucrose and ca.lc.:ium .:in t:he sp.l.it:t:.ing med.:ium on<br />

surv.:iva.l of quart:ered ov.ine moru.lae<br />

11 M.B. Harvey and P.L. Kaye<br />

3<br />

A.J. Ritar, P.O. Ball, P.J. O'May, T.M.<br />

and N. Murray<br />

Black, R.B. Jackson<br />

AnahoLic effect:s of .I."nsu.l.:in<br />

med.:iat:ed v.:ia .I."nsu.l.:in recept:ors<br />

on mouse h.last:ocyst:s are<br />

Superova.lat:.1:on response and e.m.b.zyo recove.zy from cashmere<br />

and angora does aft:er t:reat:ment: w.:it:h FSH (fo.l.lt:roph.:inJ<br />

12<br />

J.L.Clarkson and C.D. Nancarrow<br />

4<br />

J.G.E. Thompson and G.W.<br />

Asher<br />

Superova.lat:.:ion and ova recovery .:in faI111ed fa.l.low deer (Dama<br />

damaJ<br />

13<br />

Compar.:ison of t:rophob.last:.:ic ves.:ic.le and ov.:ine b.last:ocyst:<br />

secret:ed prot:e.:ins and ana.lys.:is of ves.:ic.le met:abo.l.ic<br />

act:.:iv.:it:y.:in v.:it:ro<br />

A..Lopata, P.M.<br />

Summers and J. P. Hearn<br />

vi<br />

Cont:ro.l of t:he ovar.:ian cyc.le .in maI111oset: monkeys <strong>for</strong> .:in<br />

v.:i t:ro and .:in v.I.'vo fert:.:i.l.:izat:.I.·on and t:he t:ransfer of<br />


viii<br />

ix<br />

14<br />

cu.ltured embryos to synchron.ized rec.ip.ients<br />

M.J. Sinosich, S. Lanzendorf, M.D. Bonifacio, D.M. Saunders<br />

and G.D. Hodgen<br />

IJl1Illunof.luorescent stud.ies of pregnancy-assoc.iated e.lastase<br />

.inh.ib.itor (PAEI) express.ion by act.i.rrated gametes and<br />

pre.i.mp.lantat..ion hamster embryos<br />

15 Y.C. Smart, L. Adamson, R.A. Wilcox and T.K. Roberts<br />

Re.lease of qrowth factor(s) by embryo der..ived p.late.let<br />

act.:ivat.:ing factor (EPAF)<br />

III<br />

16 L. Adamson, J.D. Stanger, Y.C. Smart and T.K. Roberts<br />

PAF-Pretreat:ment ..impa.1.'rs embryon..ic deve.lopment<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

P.Pollanen and B.P. Setchell<br />

The pe.I7lleab.i..l..ity to qamma-q.loba.l.i.n of <strong>the</strong> b.lood vesse.ls of<br />

<strong>the</strong> rat test.i.s around <strong>the</strong> t..ime of puberty<br />

A.J. Tilbrook, D.B. Galloway, A.H. Williams, R.C.<br />

Oppenheim, W.J. Thiel and I.J. Clarke<br />

Treatment w..ith a GnRH agon.ist de.lays reproduct..ive<br />

deve.lopment .1.'n ram .lambs<br />

C.J. Carati, K.E. Creed and E.J. Keogh<br />

Hechan..isms of pen..i.le erect.1.'on .i.n<br />

<strong>the</strong> doq<br />

17 P.A. Batt, A.W.M. Cameron, D. Sakkas and A.O. Trounson<br />

In v.:itro cu.lture of goat<br />

embryos<br />

SESSION 4<br />

Chairman:<br />


Dr J.K. Findlay<br />

Time: 1530 - 1700 Venue : Function Room 3<br />


Chairman: Professor D. de Kretser<br />

Time: 1330 - 1500 Venue Function Room 2<br />

24 R. Bathgate, C. Sernia and R.T. Gemmell<br />

Ident..if.i.cat.i.on by HP.LC and ..immunocytochem.i.stry of<br />

hypotha.lam.:ic oxytoc.1.·n and mesotoc.1.'j] .:in <strong>the</strong> brashta.1.·.l possum<br />

25 P.R. Lewis, M.B. Renfree and R.V. Short<br />

18<br />

Qihan Dong and D.J. Handelsman<br />

Va.l.1.'dat.:ion of methodo.loqy <strong>for</strong> study of pu.lsat..i.le .LH<br />

secret.:ion ..in <strong>the</strong> rat: cannu.lat.i.on route, samp.l.:inq<br />

.:intens.1.'tyand durat.:ion<br />

26<br />

The re.lat.1.·onsh.1."p of breastfeed.ing patterns to <strong>the</strong> .lenqth of<br />

.lactat..iona.l amenorrhoea and ovar.ian .i.nact..iv.1.·ty post partum<br />

Qi Fa Wang, P.G. Farnworth, H.G. Burger and J.K. Findlay<br />

19<br />

A.E. Drummond, G.P. Risbridger and D.M. de Kretser<br />

The ro.le of .Leyd..iq ce.l.ls ..in <strong>the</strong> requ.lat.i.on of .:inh.1.·b..in<br />

product.1.'on<br />

27<br />

Inh.1.·b.i.tory effect of pure 31 kDa Bov.ine .1.·nh..ib..in on GnRH­<br />

..induced up-requ.lat.1.·on of GnRH b.i.nd..inq s..ites ..in cv.ltured rat<br />

anter..ior p..itu.1.'tary ce.l.ls<br />

Zhang Zhiwen, J.K. Findlay, R.S. Carson, A.C. Herington and<br />

H.G. Burger<br />

20<br />

J.A. Spaliviero, D.M. Robertson, E. Kidston, P.F. Hall and<br />

D.J. Handelsman<br />

H..igh.ly po.lar..ized secret.1.·on of .i.nh.:ib..in by ra t Serto.l.i. ce.l.ls<br />

..in tw..in-chamber cu.lture system<br />

28<br />

Trans<strong>for</strong>m.1.·nq growth factor B enhances basa.l and FSH<br />

st..imu.lated .inh..ib..in product..ion by rat: qranu.losa ce.l.ls ..in<br />

v.i.tro<br />

B.M. Bindon, T. 0' Shea, K. Miyamoto, M.A. Hillard, L.R..<br />

Piper, R.D. Ne<strong>the</strong>ry and G. Uphill

viii<br />

ix<br />

cu.ltured embryos to synchron.ized rec.fp.fents<br />

21<br />

P.Pollanen and B.P. Setchell<br />

14<br />

M.J. Sinosich, S. Lanzendorf, M.D. Bonifacio, D.M. Saunders<br />

and G.D. Hodgen<br />

The permeab.f.l.ity to gamma-g.lobu.l.fn of <strong>the</strong> b.lood vesse.ls of<br />

<strong>the</strong> rat test.fs around <strong>the</strong> t.fme of puberty<br />

15<br />

Immunof.luorescent stud.fes of pregnancy-assoc.fated e.lastase<br />

.fnh.fb.ftor (PAEI) express.fon by act.fvated gametes and<br />

pre.fmp.lantat.fon hamster embryos<br />

Y.C. Smart, L. Adamson, R.A. Wilcox and T.K. Roberts<br />

22<br />

A.J. Tilbrook, D.B. Galloway, A.H. Williams, R.C.<br />

Oppenheim, W.J. Thiel and I.J. Clarke<br />

Treatment w.fth a GnRH agon.fst de.lays reproduct.ive<br />

deve.lopment .in ram .lambs<br />

Re.lease of growth factor(s) by embryo der.fved p.lat:e.let<br />

act:ivat.fng factor (EPAF)<br />

,~l<br />

23<br />

C.J. Carati, K.E. Creed and E.J. Keogh<br />

Hechan.fsms of pen.f.le erect.fon .fn <strong>the</strong> dog<br />

16 L. Adamson, J.D. Stanger, Y.C. Smart and T.K. Roberts<br />

PAF-Pretreat:ment .fmpa.irs embryon.fc deve.lopment<br />

17 P.A. Batt, A.W.M. Cameron, D. Sakkas and A.O. Trounson<br />

In v.ftro cu.lture of goat emb.ryos<br />

SESSION 4<br />

Chairman:<br />


Dr J.K. Findlay<br />

Time: 1530 - 1700 Venue Function Room 3<br />


Chairman: Professor D. de Kretser<br />

Time: 1330 - 1500 Venue Function Room 2<br />

24 R. Bathgate, C. Sernia and R.T. Gemmell<br />

Ident.if.fcat.ion by HP.LC and .fmmunocytochem.istry of<br />

hypotha.lam.fc oxytoc.fn and mesotoc.in .in <strong>the</strong> brushta.i.l possum<br />

25 P.R. Lewis, M.B. Renfree and R.V. Short<br />

18 Qihan Dong and D.J. Handelsman<br />

Va.l.fdat.fon of methodo.logy <strong>for</strong> study of pu.lsat.f.le .LH<br />

secret.fon .fn <strong>the</strong> rat: cannu.lat.fon route/ samp.l.fng<br />

.fntens.fty and durat.fon 26<br />

The re.latJ:onsh.ip of breastfeed.ing patterns to <strong>the</strong> .length of<br />

.lactat.iona.l amenorrhoea and ovar.ian .inact.iv.ity post partum<br />

Qi Fa Wang, P.G. Farnworth, H.G. Burger and J.K. Findlay<br />

19 A.E. Drummond, G.P. Risbridger and D.M. de Kretser<br />

The ro.le of .Leyd.Ig ce.l.ls .fn <strong>the</strong> regu.lat.fonof .fnh.fb.fn<br />

product.ion<br />

Inh.fbJ.·tory effect of pure 31 kDa BovJ.·ne .inh.fb.fn on GnRH­<br />

.fnduced up-regu.lat.ion of GnRB bJ.·nd.fng s.ftes .fn cu.ltured rat<br />

anter.<strong>for</strong> p.ftu.ftary ce.l.ls<br />

27 Zhang Zhiwen, J.K. Findlay, R.S. Carson, A.C. Herington and<br />

H.G. Burger<br />

20 J.A. Spaliviero, D.M. Robertson, E. Kidston, P.F. Hall and<br />

D.J. Handelsman<br />

H.fgh.ly po.lar.fzed secret.ion of .fnh.fb.fn by rat Serto.l.f ce.l.ls<br />

.fn tw.fn-chamber cu.lture system<br />

28<br />

Trans<strong>for</strong>m.fng growth factor B enhances basa.l and FSH<br />

stJ.·mu.lated J.·nh.fb.fn product.ion by rat: granu.losa ce.l.ls .in<br />

v.itro<br />

B.M. Bindon, T. O'Shea, K. Miyamoto, M.A. Hillard, L.R..<br />

Piper, R.D. Ne<strong>the</strong>ry and G. Uphill

29<br />

Superovu.lat:.ion .in pubert:a.l he.ifers .immun.ized aqa.inst: ov.ine<br />

.inh.ib.in pur.if.ied by monoc.lona.l ant:.ibody aff.in.it:y<br />

chromat:oqraphy<br />

J.K. Finqlay, I.J. Clarke, H. Quigg, S. Katsahambas, P.<br />

Juhola, M. de Blaslis and B. Doughton<br />

Tuesday 30 August<br />

Session 5 (Oral>: SP~RM AND THE MALE TRACT<br />

Chairman: Professor R.C. Jones<br />

Time: 0830 - 1000 Venue: Function Room 2<br />

Inh.ib.in .in t:he sheep ovar.ian cyc.le<br />

30 R.J. Rogers, S.J. Stuchbery and J.K. Findlay<br />

Lack of express.ion of .inh.ib.in qenes .in ov.ine corpora .lut:ea<br />

38<br />

Yulu Tang, <strong>the</strong> late D.E. Brooks, A.M. Snoswell and B.P.<br />

Setchell<br />

Ga.lact:osy.lt:ransferase act:.iv.it:y on sperm surface and .in<br />

ep.id.idyma.l p.lasma of severa.l ma.mma.lJ:an spec.ies<br />

31<br />

T. O'Shea, B.M. Bindon, J.K. Findlay, M.A. Hillard, L.R.<br />

Piper and K. Miyamoto<br />

Immun.iza t:.ion of ewes w.i t:h .inh.ib.in prepara t:.ions of<br />

.increas.inq pur.it:y<br />

32 R.A. Parr, I.F. Davis and M.L. Phillips<br />

Inf.luence of shear.inq st:ress on oest:rus and ovu.lat:.ion<br />

33 L.A. Fitzpatrick, T.J. Mullins and G. Fordyce<br />

Pred.ict:.inq fo.l.l.ic.le popu.lat:J:ons .in Bos .ind.icus cows from<br />

surface count:s of oVi1r.ies exam.ined aft:er ovar.iect:omy and by<br />

endoscopy<br />

34 J.D. O'Shea,. R.J. Rogers and M.J. D'Occhio<br />

Ce.l.lu.lar compos.it:.ion of t:he cyc.l.ica.l corpus .lut:eUJ11 of t:he<br />

cow<br />

39 De Yi Liu and H.W. Gordon Baker<br />

Corre.lat:.ion bet:ween spe.I7/1 charact:er.ist:.ics,<br />

hUJ11an .in v.it:ro fert:.i.l.izat:.ion<br />

40 De Yi Liu and H.W. Gordon Baker<br />

zona b.ind.inq and<br />

Corre.lat:.ion bet:ween human sperm morpho.loqy, acrosomes,<br />

acros.in and fert:.i.l.izat:.ion .in v.it:ro<br />

41 F.C. Molinia, P.A. Howe and M.A. Swan<br />

A t:echn.ique of s.imu.lt:aneous.ly est:.imat:.inq <strong>for</strong>ward ve.loc.it:y,<br />

beat: frequency, ,. Live and <strong>the</strong> nat:ure of f.laqe.l.lar<br />

wavefo.I7lls .in spe.I7/1at:ozoa<br />

42 A.J. Conway, L.M. Boylan, M. Wood and D.J. Handelsman<br />

Sem.inlJ.l p.lasma ret:.ino.l-b.ind.ing prot:ein as an .index of hUJ11an<br />

Sert:o.l.i ce.l.l funct:.ion<br />

35 E-M.A. Bugledich, L.A. Hinds and P.A. Janssens<br />

Seasona.l fact:ors .inf.luence t:he t:.im.inq of f.irst: preqnancy .in<br />

t:he t:ammar<br />

43<br />

\.<br />

D.A.Taggart and P.D. Temple-Smith<br />

Effect:s of mu.lt:.ip.le mat:J:ng on ep.id.idyma.l spe.I1ll d.ist:r.ibut:.ion<br />

.in t:he brow.n marsup.ia.l mouse, A. st:uart:.i.i<br />

36 M.B. Renfree, G. Shaw and T.P. Fletcher<br />

Superovu.lat:.ion ..in a macropod marsup.ia.l, Hacropus euqen.i.i<br />

37 M. Sathanandan, S.K. Walker, I.J. Clarke and C.D. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws<br />

The effect: of qonadot:roph.in re.leas.inq hO.I7/1one aqon.ist: on<br />

sheep p.it:u.it:ary and ovar.ian funct:.ion<br />


Session 6 (Oral):<br />

Chairman: Dr C. O'Neill<br />


Session 8 (Poster):<br />

Chairman:<br />

Dr L.A. Hinds<br />


Time: 1030 - 1200 Venue: Function Room 2 Time: 1400 - 1530 Venue: Function Room 3<br />

44 J.M. Shaw and A.O. Trounson 50 T.P. Fletcher and D.R. Blandon<br />

U.ltrarap.:id freez.:ing of 2-ce.l.l mouse embryos<br />

45 L.J. Wilton and L. Diotallevi<br />

U.ltra-rap.:id cryopreservat.:ion of 8 ce.1.l mouse embryos w.:ith a<br />

punctured zona pe.l.luc.:ida<br />

46 G. ,Somers and L.J. wilton<br />

A.l.locat.:ion of ce.l.ls to .:inner ce.l.l mass and trophectoderm .:in<br />

mouse embryos b.:iops.:ied at <strong>the</strong> 4-ce.l.l stage<br />

47 J.P. Ryan, N.R. Spinks, C. O'Neill and R. G. Wales<br />

51<br />

52<br />

The ant.igest:agens RU486 and .3K2,g,g are not hound by <strong>the</strong><br />

uter.ine progesterone receptor of <strong>the</strong> tammar wa.l.laby"<br />

Hacropus euqen.:i.i<br />

R.A.<br />

Cherny and J.K. Findlay<br />

Prote.in secret.ion patterns of separated ov.ine endometr.ia.l<br />

ce.l.ls cu.lt::ured .in dua.l env.ironment: chambers<br />

N.R. Spinks and C. O'Neill<br />

The effects of a spec.if.icp.late.let act.ivat.ing factor (PAF)<br />

recept:or ant:agon.:ist (SRI 63441) on some aspects of materna.l<br />

phys.io.logy<br />

Illlp'.lantat.:ion potent.:ia.l and foet:a.l v.:iab.:i.l.:ity of embryos<br />

cu.ltured .:in <strong>the</strong> presence of p.lat:e.1et actJ:vat.ing factor<br />

53<br />

R.J. Fairclough, T.M. Lau, L.G. Moore, A.J. Peterson and<br />

W.B. Watkins<br />

48<br />

49<br />

D. Sakkas, P. Batt, A. Cameron and A.O. Trounson<br />

In v.itro deve.lopment of goat: pre.:imp.lantat.:ion embryos .:in<br />

cocu.lture w.:ith ov.iduct ep.:i<strong>the</strong>.l.ia.l ce.l.ls<br />

S.K. Walker, R.F. Seamark, P. Quinn, G.M. Warnes, R.J.<br />

Ashman, D.H. Smith and P. Ancell<br />

Pregnancy .inh.ibits oestradJ.·o.l .:induced re.lease of uter.:ine<br />

prostag.1and.in Fpand oxytoc.in-neurophys.in .:in <strong>the</strong> ewe<br />

54 B. Williams and R.N. Murdoch<br />

Resp.:irato.ry propert:J.·es of <strong>the</strong> mouse ut:erJ.·ne endomet:r.:ium<br />

durJ.·ng ear.ly post:-J.mp.lant:at:.lon pregnancy<br />

V.:iab.:i.l.ity of pronuc.lear embryos of sheep after cu.lture .in<br />

v.itro <strong>for</strong> one" three or fJ:ve days 55 C.S. Pow and L. Martin<br />

DJ.·str.ihutJ.·on of oestrogen receptors J.·n <strong>the</strong> fe.ma.le<br />

reproduct.ive t:ract of <strong>the</strong> f.lyJ.·ng fox Pt:eropus scapu.latus<br />

Session 7:<br />

Chairman:<br />


Time: 1200 - 1300 Venue: Concert Hall<br />

Professor B. P. Setchell<br />

56 P.A. Towers and L. Martin<br />

Effect:s of gonadotrophJ.·ns on fo.l.l.ic.le deve.lopment dur.:ing<br />

pregnancy J.·n t:he f.ly.ing fox Pteropus scapu.latus<br />


PIGS<br />

57 R.G. Alders and J.N. Shelton<br />

Ov.ine uter.ine .lymphat.ics: J.·n v.ivo passage of IndJ.·a J.·nk<br />

from ut:er.:ine subserosa" myomet:rJ.·u.m and .lumen<br />


58 F. Abdi and I. Pollard<br />

The effect of pregnancy on <strong>the</strong> rate of <strong>the</strong><br />

b.iot:ransfo.r.mat.ion of caffe.ine<br />

Wednesday 31 August<br />

Session 11

69<br />

R. Vishwanath, I.G. White,P.D. Brown-Woodman and J.R.<br />

Mercer<br />

Ant.ifert.i.l.ity act"iv1."ty of gossypo.l .in ma.le rats and<br />

manganese status of d.iet<br />

78<br />

.M.J. D'Occhio and D.R. Gif<strong>for</strong>d<br />

P.itu.itary and ovar.ian responses of post-partum acyc.l.ic beef<br />

cows to cont.inuous .lonq-t:entl treatment w.ith GnRH' and a GnRH<br />

aqon.ist<br />

70<br />

J.L. Zupp and B.P. Setchell<br />

79<br />

W.M.C. Maxwell, S.K. Walker, D.H.<br />

Smith and H.R. Wilson<br />

Pro.lonqed effect of subfert.i.le ma.les .in reduc.inq numbers of<br />

fetuses 1."n no.rma.l fema.le rats<br />

Effect of GnRH' on fert.i.l.ityof Ker.ino ewes .insem.inated w.ith<br />

frozen semen<br />

71<br />

B.C. Jefferies, B.P. Setchell and W.M.C. Maxwell<br />

Fert.i.l.ity of ewes mated to Ner.ino rams from ·d.ifferent<br />

sources<br />

72 J.L. Reeve<br />

Durat.ion of proqestaqen pr.im.inq on <strong>the</strong> response of Border<br />

Le.icester X Jlfer.ino ewes to <strong>the</strong> 'Ram Effect /'<br />

73 S.R.D. Su<strong>the</strong>rland and K.W. Entwistle<br />

80<br />

D.O.<br />

D.H.<br />

Kleemann, S.K. Walker, J.R.W. Walkley, R.W. Ponzoni,<br />

Smith and R.F. Seamark<br />

Factors .inf.luenc.ing .lamb surv1."va.l 1."n a h.iqh fecundJ."ty<br />

Booroo.la X South Austra.l.ian· Ner.ino f.lock<br />

81 A.W.N. Cameron and P.A. Batt<br />

PNSG may d1."rect.ly st1.Jnu.late ova.lat.ion .in goats<br />

82 B.M. Bindon, J.K. Findlay, L.R. Piper and M.A. Hillard<br />

EffJ."cacy of me.laton.in .imp.lants (Regu.lJ."n)<br />

cows<br />

.in Bos .ind.icus<br />

Ova.lato.ry potency' of ASRB-bFSH-1 .in sheep and catt.le<br />

74 C.R. Earl, R.H. Male and E.A. Dunstan<br />

Synerg.ist.ic effects of me.laton.in and .immun.isat.ion aga.inst<br />

androstenedJ."one .in ma.iden BIt x JIf ewes<br />

75 K.P. Croker, M.A. Johns and L.D. Staples<br />

Session 13 (Poster): MALE 'R.EPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION<br />

Chairman: Dr E.J. Keogh<br />

Time: 1030 - 1230 Venue: Function Room 3<br />

Use of Requ.l.in me.laton.in .imp.lant:s 1."n conjunct1."on w.ith<br />

teas.inq of Jlfer.ino ewe f.locks jo.ined .in spr.ing<br />

76 P.J. Wright, A.H. Williams and LJ. Clarke<br />

Phe effects of nutr.ient restr.ict.ion and of .lamb remova.l on<br />

ovar.ian cyc.l.ic.ity and on <strong>the</strong> .inh.ib1."tory effects of<br />

oestrad.io.l on p.lasma concentrat.ions of LH and FSH 1."n postpartum<br />

ewes<br />

83<br />

84<br />

S. Wibullaksanakul and D.J. Handelsman<br />

Gonadotroph.in-re.leas.ing hOntlone re.lease from med.io-basa.l<br />

hypotha.lamus .in vIt:ro~ .va.lJ."dat:.ion of met:.'Jodo.loqy<br />

D.J. Handelsman and R. Lazarus<br />

Kat:hemat:.ica.l mode.l and camput:er s1.Jnu.lat:.ion of pu.lsat:.i.le<br />

hOI11lonesecret:.ion w.it:h app.l.icat:.ion t:o LH<br />

77 G. Fordyce, T.J. Mullins, C.A.J. Ridd and K.W. Entwistle<br />

Phe ro.le of <strong>the</strong> p.itu.itary .in post-partum nutr1."t.iona.l<br />

anoestrus .in cows<br />

85 S.S. Raychoudhury, M.G.· Irving and A.W. Blackshaw<br />

Phe effect:s of Serto.l.i ce.l.l matr1x/ fet:a.l ca.lf serum and<br />

Serto.l1." ce.l.ls on JH-t:hym.id.ine 1."ncorporat:ed .int:o DNA of<br />

cu.lt:ured myo.i-d ce.l.ls<br />

xvi<br />


86 G.F. Gonzales, J. Muir, G.P. Risbridger, and D.M. de'Xretser<br />

Effects of seroton.in on .inh.ib,in and testosterone product.ion<br />

by'adu1t rat' sem.in.iferous tubu1es and, Leyd.ig ce11s .in v.itro<br />

94 L.K.-P. Leung and J.M. Cummins<br />

Norpho1ogy of .immature speDTIatozoa of <strong>the</strong> Ch.inese pango.l.in<br />

(Nan.i$ pentadacty.la : Phol.idota)<br />

87 J.R. Ford, I.W. Purvis and G.B. Martin<br />

88<br />

.Effect of <strong>the</strong> Booroo1a F gene on p1asma FSH .in ent.ire,<br />

c.ryptorch.id and castrate riflJl/1ambs<br />

R.T. Gemmell and C. Sernia<br />

Immunocytoche.m.ica1 1ocat.ion of oxytoc.in and mesotoc.in<br />

W'.ith.in <strong>the</strong> hypotha1iH11us and reproduct.ive tract of <strong>the</strong> ma1e<br />

marsup.ia1 badd.icoot<br />

95.<br />

96<br />

M.. Lin, R.C.Jones and A.W. Blackshaw<br />

phe cyc1e of <strong>the</strong> sem.in.iferous ep.i<strong>the</strong>l.ium of <strong>the</strong> Japanese<br />

qua.i1, Coturn.ix coturn.ix<br />

R. Vishwanath, I.G. White and S.A. Matlin<br />

89 C.R. Earl, E.A. Dunstan and M. Schleuniger<br />

Phe effect of day 1ength treatment on <strong>the</strong> reproduct.ive<br />

perfoDTIance of Border .Le.:lcester rams 97<br />

Effect of racem.ic gossypol and .its .isomers on surv.iva.l of<br />

riH11 speDTI and on react.ivat.ion of speDTI models<br />

5. Sujarit, G. Chaturapanich, M. Lin, R.C. Jones, B.P.<br />

Setchell and G.M. Stone<br />

Does rete test.isf.lu.id conta.in a<br />

secretagogue<br />

98 S. Sujarit, R.C. Jones, M. Lin, B.P. Setchell and G.M.<br />

Stone<br />

Session 14 (Poster): SPERM AND THE MALE TRACT<br />

Chairman: Dr H.G. Baker<br />

Time: 1300 - 1400 Venue: Function ROOm 3<br />

90 D.P. Windsor and I.G. White<br />

Regulat.J:on of <strong>the</strong> .J."n.it.ia.l segment of <strong>the</strong> ep.id.idym.is<br />

99 S.J. Gatie, A.W. Blackshaw and T.D. Glover<br />

Phe effects of b.ilatera1 castrat.ion and ethy.lene d.imethane<br />

su1phonate (EDS) on ep.id.idyDlt!l1 funct.J.'on (speDTIatozoal<br />

maturat.ion) .in gu.inea-p.ig<br />

91<br />

Effect of phosphat.idy1ser.ine on ca1c.ium uptake of co1d<br />

shocked boar and riH11 speDTIatozoa<br />

P.A. Howe and M.A.<br />

Swan<br />

100 J. Clulow and R.C. Jones<br />

F1u.id and so.lute f1uxes .in <strong>the</strong> gen.ita.l ducts of <strong>the</strong> ma1e<br />

Japanese qua.i1<br />

92<br />

Protect.ive effect of phosphat.idy1cho1.ine aga.inst co1d shock<br />

.in goat sper:t1/iltozoa<br />

H.N. Jabbour, G. Evans and N.W. Moore<br />

101<br />

G. Chaturapanich and R.C. Jones<br />

Or.ig.in of 1um.ina.l prote.J.'ns .in <strong>the</strong> ep.id.idym.is of <strong>the</strong> tammar,<br />

Nacropus euqen.i.i<br />

Fert.i1.isat.ion .in superovu1ated ,ewesfo11oW'.ing .lnsem.inat.ion<br />

W'.ith d.ifferent doses of fresh or frozen-thawed semen<br />

93 G.M.. O'Bri~n, J. Clulow and R.C. Jones<br />

Separat.ion of human speDTI <strong>for</strong> e1ementa1 ana1ys.is<br />

102<br />

P.O. Temple-Smith and G.J. Southwick<br />

Problems .in screen.ing azoospeDTI.ic pat.J.'ents <strong>for</strong> correct.ive<br />

m.icrosurge.z::y<br />


Session 15

Crane, L.R. . 63<br />

Creed, K.E 23<br />

Crocker, K. P. . .........•....•.....••...•..•..••..••.........•• 75<br />

Cummins, J .M..............•..•....•••.•....•..•.•.....•...•••• 94<br />

Cummins, J.T•...••..•...•.......•.•••.•.•...•..........••.••. 104<br />

Czapala-Peeters, C. . ....••••..•.•.•..•.....'. . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • . .. 66<br />

D'Occhio, M.J. . .•.......•...•.••.••••.•..........•..•.•.•.. 34,78<br />

Davis, I.F•.•.............•..•....•...••........••............ 32<br />

de Blasiis, M. ......•.....•..•••..•......•.••....••.•.....•.•• 29<br />

de Kretser, D. M. ...•.••....•..•...••••...•..•...•••...•.••• 19, 86<br />

de Luca, E.......•.....•..•.............•.•.•.••........ ,••..... 7<br />

Diotallevi, L. . '................................... 45<br />

Dong, Q••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18<br />

Doughton, B. . .....................•.................•.......•. 29<br />

Drake, .B .L. ..•..•..•...••...........•..•..•..•.......•.....••. 64<br />

Drummond, A. E. . ...........•........•.............•..........,.. 19<br />

Dunstan, E.A•..........................•.•........•.••....• ,74.,89<br />

Earl, C.R 74,89<br />

Entwistle, K. W. • 73,77<br />

Evans, G•........................•.•.........•...•.....•...... 92<br />

Evans, J .R. . ............•..... '. . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 67<br />

Fairclough, R.J. ........................................•. 53,108<br />

Farnworth, P .G. . ...................•...•.................. 26,103<br />

Findlay, J.K......................•.......• 27,29,30,31,51,82,103<br />

Fitzpatrick, L.A...................•....•.......•............. 33<br />

Fletcher, T.P....................•••..••.•.............. 36,50,59<br />

Ford, J .R. . ..........•.....•..•........•...................•.. 87<br />

Fordyce, G. . ...•.........•........•.•.•..•..........•....'.. 33, 77<br />

Fry, R.C•........'........•.........••..... ' 106<br />

Galloway, D.B......................••..•.....•........•...•... 22<br />

Garcia, J. . .....................•..••....•...••......•.•...•.• 62<br />

Gatie" S. J • •..•••........••.••..•.••..••.•.•....•.•.•••••.•••• 99<br />

Gemmell, R.T. •.............•.....•.•..•.................... 62,88<br />

Gif<strong>for</strong>d, D.R....•.....•'....•'..• '..•....•..•.•...•••........••.••. 78<br />

Glover, T.D......•.........• '•......•.•.•.•..••...•..••..•.•... 99<br />

Gogolin-Ewens, K...........•............•.•............•••.•.• 60<br />

Gonzales, G.F. • ...•.....•...•.......••..•••..•.•.......•.....• 86<br />

Hall, p.F.....•.........•.......•...•••.•.•....•....••.......• 20<br />

Hamilton, P.A.............•.•.•..••..•....•........••.........• 1<br />

Handelsman, D.J. . ......•........••..••••...••...•. 18,20,42,83,84<br />

Harvey, M.B...........•.•.•...•....•••..............•..•....•• 11<br />

Hearn, J.P. • •.•.....•..•.....••.•.•.•••..•......•..••........• 13<br />

Henniawati .•....................•......•.........•........... 107<br />

Herr, C. . .....••..........••.••.•...•••...•.•......••...•....• 10<br />

Herrington, A. C • . .....•.•..•.....•..•••.•••.....•........•.,...' 27<br />

Hillard, M.A. . .•...., ,. 28,31,82<br />

Hinds, L.A. ••...........•.....•.•.•.•..•...•........••..... 35,59<br />

Hodgen, G.D..•.....•......•.•.•.....••..•..•.........•.•.•. 14,65<br />

Holt, N. • •••.•••••,••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••• 10<br />

Howe, P.A.•.........................•..••..•.........•..... 41,91<br />

Howse, A.M. .. ........•.....•...•...•.................••....... 106<br />

Hyland, J .R. . ...........•••.•.......•...•..•..............•.... 8<br />

Irving, M.G...•........................•...................... 85<br />

Jabour, R. N• ••.••..•....•...•••..••.••..•..•••...•....••..•••. 92<br />

Jackson, R.B••...............................................•. 3<br />

Janssens, P.A 35<br />

Jefferies, B. C. . •..........•......•......•......•............. 71<br />

Johns, M.A. . ........•...............................•.....•... 75<br />

Johnson, D.L....................••.........'..•..•......•....•.. 2<br />

Johnson, K.L.....•.....•......•.....•.•.•.......•...•.'•...•.• 106<br />

Jones, R.C...•.........•.....•..•...•........... 93,95,97,100,101<br />

Juhola, P. . ..••.•..•••...•......•.....•.•.......•.•...•...•.•• ' 29<br />

Katsahambas, S. .....••............••.•.....•.•..•...........•. 29<br />

Kaye, P.L.......•.•,.•.........••................•.....•..... 6,11<br />

Keogh, E.J. . ••................•.....•....•...•........•... ~ . •. 23<br />

Kidston, E•..........••...•..........•...•.................... 20<br />

Killeen" I.D.••..•.........••......••....•............•..•..... 1<br />

King" N.J. C. ....•...............•...••..•.........•...•....... 64<br />

Kleeman, D.O....................•...•.......................•. 80<br />

Lam, S-Y. • •••....•.•.•........•..••.•...••••.••.•••••.•.•.•... 67<br />

Lanzendorf, S. . . • . . . • . • • . • • . • . • • . • . . • . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . ... 14<br />

Lau, T.M.•.•........................•...•••...........•....... 53<br />

xxii<br />


Lazarus, R. • ..•..•.....•..••••....•••.••••..•...•.•.•.•.•.•••'. 84<br />

Lee, J. • ..••••..•....•......••...•.•••.••..••.•.••...•.••.••••• 65<br />

Lee, C.S.. . . 60<br />

Leung, L.K•- P • . .•.........•.....•••.•••..••..••......•...•...• 94<br />

Lewis, P.R. • .•.•.••.•....•...••.••.•...•••.•••...•...•••••••.• 25<br />

Lin, M. •...•..••....••.....•.••.....••••..••.•••.••..••• 95, 97 , 98<br />

39,40<br />

Liu, D.Y•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

Lopata, A. .••.•....•.•...••....•..•.•.....••••.•.•..••.... 5, 7 , 13<br />

Male, R.H. . •....•....•.•...•••.••••..••••.•..•.••..•..•.•..... 74<br />

Martin, G.B. . ...•......•...•..•.•.••••..••••••••...•••.•.•..•. 87<br />

. L ••.••.•••..••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.••• 55,56,63<br />

Mart~n, •<br />

Matlin, S .A. . ••.•..•.........•....••...••........•..•.....•••• 96<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>ws, C. D. . •.............•..•.•••••.•..••....•..........•. 37<br />

Maxwell, W.M.C. . .•.............••.••....•.•.....••.•.•.•.•• 71,79<br />

Maxwell, L.E......................••..•.•.•.•.••••••........•• 64<br />

McGowan, L.T•......•..............•.•.•.•...•...•...•.•...•.... 2<br />

McKay, S.A....•..................•.•.••......•..••....•.•.••••. 5<br />

Mercer, J.E..............•.....•...•..•.......•.•...•.•...••. 105<br />

Mercer, J .R. . ...........•........•.•..•..................•..•. 69<br />

Mercer, W.R. . ...........................• 60<br />

~ .•............•.•...<br />

Miyamoto, K. . ...........•.•... 28,31<br />

~ ....•................•......<br />

Molinia, F.C. . .............................•....•.....•....... 41<br />

Moore, L.G. . ....•........•...•...•..•....•.•........•••..••.•. 53<br />

92<br />

Moore, N.W. . '.........•....••..••...••.....•••••<br />

Muir, J .••••.......•..........•.....•...•......•....••..••.... 86<br />

Mullins, T.J.................•...••...•.••..•.•....•.....•. 33,77<br />

Murdoch, 'R.N...............•.......•....•••.•.•...•..•....•..• 54<br />

Murray, N.•..••...........•...•..•.•..••.•...•......••...•.••.• 3<br />

Nancarrow, C. D. . ...•......•.•....•..•..•.•..•......••.••.•...• 12<br />

Ne<strong>the</strong>ry, R.D........•...•...•.......•....••.•.•.••.•.....••.•. 28<br />

Nunan, K. • •.•.•.....•....•.••..•....•....•......••.••..••••'... 6 2<br />

0, W-S ...•....•..•.•............•...•.......•........••.•••...<br />

O'Brien, G.M.<br />

. ••........•....•....•....••..•......•..•..•..•.•<br />

O'May, P.J•...... ,; ..•.........•.••....•..•..•.....•.•........••<br />

O'Neill, C....•...••.....•.......•••................•••••.• 47,52<br />

O'Shea, J.D• ..•.............•...•.••••••.•..•..••...•..••.•..• 34<br />

68<br />

93<br />

3<br />

O'Shea, T. ...•........•......••••.•.•.....••.......•....•.. 28, 31<br />

Oppenheim, R.C........•.••..••..•.....•.••........•........•.. 22<br />

Parr, R.A. . .•....••.•••........••••••....•••...•..•........ 32,62<br />

pepperell, R.J....•...•.•...........•......................... 67<br />

Peterson, A.J. . ....••...•.•.•.....•.••....•••....•..•••.••..•. ·53<br />

Phillips, D.J. ..•......••.....••....••.••.......•.•..•....... 104<br />

Phillips, M.L•........•....••.•....••......•.•.•.•...•..•..... 32<br />

Piper, L.R. . ..•••.•..•..••......•..••...•.••..•...•..••. 28,31,82<br />

pollanen, P. •..••.•...•.•.••......•••...•••.....••.•..••...••• 21<br />

pollard, r. . 58<br />

Ponzoni, R.W•.........•..•..•.............••......••.......••• 80<br />

Pow, C.S....•..•....•.•......•....•.••....•..•....•......••.•• 55<br />

Purvis, r.w 87<br />

Quigg, H. . •..........••.•..••......••.....•.......•...••...•.. 29<br />

Quinn, P. . ..•......•....•....•.•....•...•.•.............••...• 49<br />

Raychoudhury, S. S. ......•........•......•.••..........••...... 85<br />

Raymond, S. . .........•.........•........•..................•.. 66<br />

Reed, K. C • ......•............•••..........•..................• 10<br />

Reeve, J. ...............•............•..•........•.....•.... 1 , 72<br />

Renfree, M.B.....•.....................•••........... 25,36,59,68<br />

Restall, B.J..................•.....•...•......•.........•.•. 107<br />

Ridd, C.A.J.....•..•.........•................................ 77<br />

Risbridger, G.P..•..•..........•..•........................ 19.,86<br />

Ritar, A.J. ...........•........•....•..••.............•...•..•• 3<br />

Roberts, T.K..•...•......•.•.......•.............•....•..•. 15,16<br />

Robertson, D.M.•.. ~ ...•.....•..........•...••......•.....••... 20<br />

Rodger, J. C. ............•...•.....••..........•.......•...•.•• 64<br />

Rogers, R.J••.....·......•..........•.................•..... 30,34<br />

Ryan, J. P • ..••....••....•.......•..•.............•...••....•.• 47<br />

Sakkas, D. ............•............•.........•............. 17, 48<br />

Sathanandan, M. .............•.....•....•.............•.....••• 37<br />

Saunders, D.M..•...................•..............•........... 14<br />

Scaramuzzi, R.J.......•.•...•••....•.........•.•.•....••..•.. 107<br />

Schleuniger, M. . .....••..•.....•......................•.•.•... 89<br />

Seamark, R.F..•......•.................••.....•.•.•..•...... 49,80<br />

Sernia, C••.•..............•......••.•..•.........••.•..... 62,88<br />

xxiv<br />


Setchell, B.P.•..•........•.•••...••••••.....•. 21,38,70,71,97,98<br />

Shaw, G.•.......•..•.•....•...•.•..•.••••.•..........••.. 36,59,68<br />

Shaw, J .M. . ..••................•.•.••••••..........••••.•..•.• 44<br />

Shelton, J.N. •...........•.•••..•..••..•....•......•...•••. .9,57<br />

Short, R.V. •.....•...•.•....••...•..••••••.•.•....•••..•••• 25,68<br />

Sinosich, M.J. . ......•..•...••••.•..•••••.•....•... ~ .•.•••. 14,65<br />

Smart, Y.C..•..•..........••.....•.•.•.•••.••.....•••... 15,16,66<br />

Smith, D. H. ....•..•.•....•..•••••.••••••••.••.....•.•... 490' 79 , 80<br />

Smith, J .K. • •...•.•..•••..••.•.••....•.••.••..•.••.....•.•.••.• 1<br />

Snoswell; A.M. . .•..•.......••••••.•••.••••.••.•......••••..••• 38<br />

Somers, G.....................•............•.•••......•..••••. 46<br />

Southwick, G.J. • ..............•........•.•...••..•......••.... 102<br />

Spaliviero, J .A. . .........•.••...•.•.•...............•.....••• 20<br />

Spinks, N. R. •...•..........•......•...••..........•.•..•... 47,52<br />

Stanger, J. D. ..............•.....•...................•..•.•.•• 16<br />

Staples, L.D. . ...•..................•.........•.....•••..•.••• 75<br />

Stone, G.M...........•............•.•....•..........•...... 97,98<br />

Stuchbery, S.J. . ..•........••.......•.........•.............•• 30<br />

Sujarit, S........................•.•.••.......•..........• 97,98<br />

Summers, P.M. . ............•...............•..........•.......• 13<br />

Su<strong>the</strong>rland, S.R.D...........• ~ .......•....•................... 73<br />

Swan, M.A. . .•....•..................•........•......••..... ·41,91<br />

Szell, A.............•...............•.......•..............••. 9<br />

Taggart, D.A. . ..•..................•...••......•..•...•••..••. 43<br />

Tang, Y.•........................•...•.......••.....•......••. 38<br />

Temple-Smith, P.D.•..••.•••..••.•.••••.•••.••.•.•••••.••.• 43,102<br />

Thiel, W.J. . ............•.•.......••..•••.••..••.....•..•••••• 22<br />

Thomas, W.G. . .•.........•..••......••..•.•..•..........•...•.• 62<br />

Thompson, J .G.E...................•••....•...•..•...... ,; .•.•..• 4<br />

Tilbrook, A.J...•......•...•.......••.•..•................•.•. 22<br />

Towers, P.A......•...............•.......•...•....•....•••.•.• 56<br />

Trounson, A.a••......•.....•.......•...•.••....•••.• 17,44,48,108<br />

Tyndale-Biscoe, C.H......•..•.......•••.••.•.....•••..•....•.• 59<br />

Uphill, G.....••..... ~ 28<br />

Vishwanath, R. •......•.••........••.....•...........•.•...• 69,96<br />

Wales, R.G...........•....•...•..•.......•.....•••.•....•. '•... 47<br />

Walker, S .K. • .•.•.•..•.••.......••.....•.••.•.......•...• 37,79,80<br />

Walkley, J .R.W. . ....•...•..........•••.••........•..•......... 80<br />

Wang, Q•F • • .••...••.....••••,.............................. 26,103<br />

Warnes, G.M•.••.•..•.......•...•......•...•.........•......... 49<br />

Watkins, W.B.••...••....•••.•.....•.•.••.......•....•.•....... 53<br />

White, I.G. •.••.....••...•..•.....•.•.•.........•...•... 69, 90 , 96<br />

Wibullaksanakul, S. ..•........•.............•...•...•......•.. 83<br />

Wilcox, R.A. . ••........•...••.•.•....•..•...•..•....•.......•. 15<br />

Williams, R.F•.•....•..•............•..••.•.••.......•.•..••.. 65<br />

Williams, A.H......•.•........•.•..•..•.•....•..••......... 22,76<br />

Williams, B. •...•.......•.............•...•.....•...•.•....•.. 54<br />

Wilson, H.R. • •.....•.......•.....••.....•...•.........••...... 79<br />

Wilton, L.J·•...•••............•..••....•..............•.... 45,46<br />

Windsor, D.P....•.•.......•..'..............•....••..........•. 90<br />

Wolf, J.P•...•....•.....................•..••....•............. 65<br />

Wood, M•.•.....•...•.•.•.•............•.•......•.............. 42<br />

Wooding, P. . ••...•...•...........••.....•....•.. ,;............. 60<br />

Wright, P.J.....•..•...•.•............•..•••................•. 76<br />

Zhang, Z. . .•.•..................•........•..................•. 27<br />

Zupp, J .L...•..........•.........•...•...............•.••..•.. 70<br />

xxv;<br />


,;;:as<br />



P.A. HAMILTON1, 1.0. Killeen2 and J. Reeve3<br />

1. Elders Breeding Services, Tongala, Vic.<br />

2. Heriot Agvet, 9 Edina Road, Ferntree Gully, Vic. 3156.<br />

3. Agricultural Research Institute, Ru<strong>the</strong>rglen,Vic.<br />

The effect on fertility of inseminating ewes with semen frozen in straws or<br />

pellets and of dose of PMSG was examined in 4 trials. The Border Leicester X<br />

Merino (Trials I, II and IV and Merino Trial III) ewes were treated with<br />

progestagen intravaginal sponges (Repromap, Upjohn), PMSG (Pregnecol, Heriot<br />

Agvet or Folligon, Intervet) at sponge withdrawal, <strong>the</strong>n 56-64 h later inseminated<br />

intra-uterine, using glass pipettes and a laparoscope.<br />

For each trial semen was collected from three rams and pooled be<strong>for</strong>e frezzing<br />

in pellets or 0.25ml straws(l). A tris based diluent was used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> pellets(1)<br />

which contained 200xl06 motile spermatozoa in a final dilution of 1 in 20. TThe<br />

diluent <strong>for</strong> straw freezing contained 8.5gm trisodium citrate, 6gm fructose, 44g<br />

skim .milk powder, 100mi egg yolk, 60ml glycerol made up to 1000ml with<br />

distilled water. Each straw contained 60xl0b motile spermatozoa in a final<br />

dilution of 1 in 20. Three ewes were inseminated with each pellet and one straw<br />

was used per ewe. Pregnancy rates were determined by real time ultrasound and<br />

presented in Table 1.<br />

TABLE 1 Effect of method of freezing and dose of PMSG on fertility of ewes.<br />

Main % pregnant (no. of ewes) Total<br />

effect Trial I Trial II Trial III Trial IV<br />

Freeze Straw 60(55) 47(53) 65(124) 60(106) 59(338)<br />

Method Pellet 78(54) 49(59) 59( 119) 59(113) 60(345)<br />

Dose 0 53(17) 53(19) 53(36) 30(37) 45(109)<br />

PMSG 200 64(22) 39(18) 58(72) 53(15 ) 56(127)<br />

i.u. 400 76(21) 39(23) 63(71 ) 61(69) 61 (127)<br />

600 62(53) 62(53)<br />

800 85(21) 76(21) 70(64) 73(15) 74(121)<br />

1200 71(14) 40(15) 75(16) 62(45)<br />

1600 57( 14) 38(16) 71(14) 57(44)<br />

The method of freezing <strong>the</strong> semen had no effect on fertility. Increasing <strong>the</strong> dose<br />

of PMSG, at least to 800 iou., increased fertility except in Trial II in which <strong>the</strong><br />

PMSG had been frozen and thawed after reconstitution, reducing potency.<br />

(1) Evans,G. and Maxwell, W.M.C. Salamon's Artificial Insemination of Sheep<br />

and Goats. Butterworth's, Sydney (1987).

2 3<br />



J.F. Smith, J.N. Clarke, D.L.<br />

Johnson and L.T. McGowan<br />

MAFTech North, Ruakura Agricultural Centre, P.B., Hamilton, N.Z.<br />

The ovarian response to exogenous gonodotrophin can provide a<br />

useful indirect measure of <strong>the</strong> endocrine differences between genetic<br />

groups (I, 2). This technique was used as part of a study into <strong>the</strong><br />

endocrinological and physiological basis <strong>for</strong> differences in fecundity<br />

of two flocks of Romney sheep selected <strong>for</strong> high and low incidence of<br />

multiple births (3,4). Ewes were allocated to 4 groups on <strong>the</strong> basis of<br />

flock, ~election line, age and liveweight. All ewes were treated with<br />

CIDRs <strong>for</strong> 14 d and joined with vasectomised rams. Pre-treatment<br />

ovulation rate was recorded by laparoscopy 7 d later, 16 dafter CIDR<br />

removal ewes received ei<strong>the</strong>r 0, 375, 750, or 1500 iu PMSG (Folligon®<br />

Intervet International B.V. Boxmeer-Holland; Batch 376551 and 7 d later<br />

post-treatment ovulation rate was recorded. The pre-treatment<br />

ovulation rates <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ruakura Fertility flock were high = 1.47±0.06,<br />

control = 1.02±0.04, and low = 1.03±0.04, while <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hight flock<br />

<strong>the</strong>y were high = 2.04±0.07, and control = 1.64±0.05. The posttreatment<br />

ovulation rates are presented in table 1.<br />

Ovulation rate after PMSG<br />

(mean±s. e .m.)<br />

Flock Line n Dose of PMSG (iu)<br />

0 375 750 1500<br />

Ruakura High 22 1.79±0.12 2.00±0.17 2.09±0.14 3.l9±O.23<br />

Control 19 1. 32±0.13 1. 21±0. 09 1. 7l±0 .18 2.20±0.35<br />

Low 17 1.06±0.06 1. 33±0.11 1.63±0.23 1. 94±0 .46<br />

Hight High 25 2.04±0.12 2.16±0. 11 3.28±0.37 5.48±0.87<br />

Control 31 1. 48±0. 09 1.71±0.O9 2.47±0.22 2.97±O.33<br />

The response of <strong>the</strong> Hight high line differed from that of <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r lines by having a greater slope which suggests a higher ovarian<br />

sensitivity to gonodotrophin. This corroborates a similar suggestion<br />

(5) based on data from prepuberal lambs from this flock.<br />

(1) Bindon, B.M. , Chang, T.S. , Turner, H.N. (1971) . A.J.A.R. 11.:809.<br />

(2) Smith, J.F. (1976). Proc.. NZ Soc. Anim. Prod. 1§.:247.<br />

(3 ) Clarke, J.N. (1972). Proc. NZ Soc. Anim. Prod. 32:99.<br />

(4) Hight, G.K. (1969). Ann. Rep. Res. Div. MAF 74.<br />

(5) Bodin, L. et al (1986). Proc. Endoc. Soc. Aust. 29: Supl 2. E9.<br />



A.J. Ritar, P.D. Ball, P.J. O'May, T.M. Black,<br />

R.B. Jackson and N. Murray<br />

Department of Agriculture, Launceston South, Tasmania<br />

superovulation in goats may be induced by numerous regimes of<br />

gonadotro~hin adminis~ration. We examined <strong>the</strong> ovulation dose-response<br />

of goats ~n <strong>the</strong> breed~ng season to a highly purified preparation of<br />

FSH containing very low levels of LH contamination.<br />

Mature Cashmere and Angora females (mean live weight + sem 37.3 + 0.72<br />

and 33.4 ± 1.80kg) were continuously fed a high-energy diet (450g oats,<br />

1100g hay; 13.1 MJ ME/day) and had CIDRs (AHI Plastic Moulding Co, NZ)<br />

removed on <strong>the</strong> afternoon of <strong>the</strong> 18th day after insertion. FSH<br />

(Folltropin, donated by Biocene Int Pty Ltd, Melb) was administered<br />

7r~m 5h be 0re CIDR removal and continued twice-daily <strong>for</strong> seven<br />

7<br />

~nJect~ons ~n a decreasing regime (20, 20, 15, 15, 10, 10 and 10% of<br />

total dose) to give total FSH doses of 3, 6, 9 and 12 mg. Testosteronetreated<br />

we<strong>the</strong>rs maintained a continuing male presence. Does were in<br />

oestrus from 20-65h and were naturally mated at 39 and 47h after CIDR<br />

removal. Embryos were surgically collected from females under halothane<br />

anaes<strong>the</strong>sia 8 and 9 days after CIDR removal. Ovulation points (corpora<br />

luteal were counted at this time.<br />

Table 1.<br />

Total FSH<br />

Dose (mg)<br />

3<br />

6<br />

9<br />

12<br />

Totals & Means<br />

Superovulation rate of Cashmere and Angora does<br />

treated with Folltropin<br />

Ovulations/does treated (mean)<br />

Cashmere Angora Total<br />

25/4 ( 6.3)<br />

56/3 '(18.7)<br />

144/5 (28.8)<br />

118/4 (29.5)<br />

343/16(21.4)<br />

21/4 5.3)<br />

38/4 9.5)<br />

17/3 5.7)<br />

72/4 (18.0)<br />

148/15 ( 9.9)<br />

46/8 ( 5.8)<br />

94/7 (13.4)<br />

161/8 (20.1)<br />

190/8 (23.8)<br />

491/31(15.8)<br />

Results are presented in Table 1. Folltropin appeared to be an<br />

effective gonadotrophin <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> induction of superovulation in goats.<br />

There was an overall linear response in <strong>the</strong> ovulation rate to an<br />

increase i~ <strong>the</strong> FSH dose (P

4<br />


J.G.E. Thompson and G.W. Asher<br />

MAFTech North, Ruakura Agricultural Centre, P.B., Hamilton, N.Z.<br />

Fallow deer are highly seasonal breeders. Does are monovular and<br />

can exhibit regular oestrous cycles of 21-23 days duration from April<br />

to August on New Zealand farms (1).<br />

Superovulation of 36 mature fallow does was attempted in May 1987<br />

by gonadotrophin administration following intravaginal CIDR (12%<br />

progesterone, Type-S, ARI) insertion <strong>for</strong> 14 days. Three treatments<br />

were applied: (A) 1000 iu PMSG (Pregnecol, Heriot Agencies),<br />

administered as a single i.m. dose 48 hr be<strong>for</strong>e CIDR withdrawal; (B)<br />

20 mg FSH (Folltropin, Vetripharm) administered i.m. in a decreasing<br />

dose regimen, twice daily <strong>for</strong> 4 days, <strong>the</strong> last dose coinciding with<br />

CIDR withdrawal; (C) 750 iu PMSG + 14 mg FSH; PMSG administered as <strong>for</strong><br />

(A) and FSH administered as <strong>for</strong> (B). Immediately after CIDR withdrawal<br />

does were joined with crayon harnessed fertile bucks. Onset of oestrus<br />

was recorded by frequent observation over four days following CIDR<br />

withdrawal. Ova recovery (OR) was per<strong>for</strong>med after 6-8 days from CIDR<br />

removal by uterine flush under surgical conditions. Numbers of corpora<br />

1utea (CL) and total stimulation points (TS; including cystic and<br />

1uteinised follicles) were also recorded.<br />

Group n CL TS* O~ %REC %FEC<br />

A 12 9.2±2.5 16.8±2.0 a 3.7±1.l a 40.0 70.0<br />

B 12 6.3±2.9 7.0±3.1 b 1.1±0.5 b 17.7 84.6<br />

C 12 11.2±3.3 20.4±3.0 a 1.9±O.5a ,b 17.2 52.2<br />

* differing superscripts indicate significant differences (p

6<br />



Peter L. Kaye,<br />

Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, University of Queensland,<br />

St.Lucia, QLD 4067<br />

At <strong>the</strong> 2-cell stage mouse embryos possess a specific highly<br />

concentrative glycine uptake system which is kinetically dependent on<br />

2Na+ and resembles <strong>the</strong> gly-system of red cells. After development<br />

to <strong>the</strong> blastocyst stage glycine transport is less specific, with<br />

characteristics of o<strong>the</strong>r systems, however <strong>the</strong> kinetic dependence ,on<br />

2Na+ remains. It has been proposed that <strong>the</strong> energy <strong>for</strong> concentrat7 ve<br />

uptake ,was derived from <strong>the</strong> [Na+] gradien~, which presu~ably ~el~es<br />

on Na+/K+-ATPase activity. However <strong>the</strong>re ~s no such gra~~ent ~n 2­<br />

cell embryos and significant ATPase does not appear unt~l <strong>the</strong> morula<br />

stage. In order to fur<strong>the</strong>r characterise <strong>the</strong> ionic requirements, ~he<br />

role of ATPase and that of <strong>the</strong> Na+ ,H+-exchanger, we have stud~ed<br />

glycine uptake in embryos of both stages.<br />

Two-cell embryos and blastocysts were collected from<br />

superovulated Quackenbush mice 48 or 9~h respectivelY,after hCG.<br />

Uptake of 3H-glycine over 10 min was determ~ned. The requ~rement <strong>for</strong><br />

CI- was determined by replacement with S04= or acetate. Bo~h<br />

substitutions inhibited uptake by 90% in 2-cell embryos and 80% ~n<br />

blastocysts.The role of Na+ transport was invest~ga~e~ using ~he<br />

Na+ ,K+exchange blocker, amiloride and <strong>the</strong> ATPase ~nh~b~tor ouaba~n.<br />

Nei<strong>the</strong>r was effective on 2-cell embryos.<br />

The ionic requirements of uptake by 2-cell embryos were<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r investigated by removing K+ from <strong>the</strong> medium an~ measuri~g<br />

uptake rate at increasing intervals. This was also done w~~h ouaba~n<br />

in <strong>the</strong> absence of K+, since it has been reported that K+ b~nds close<br />

to <strong>the</strong> ouabain binding site of Na+/K+-ATPase. Uptake was constant<br />

when assayed at intervals up to 3h of incubation; omission of K+ had<br />

little effect and ouabain reduced uptake by about 30%.<br />

These results show that during development <strong>the</strong> major neutral<br />

amino-acid transport system maintains its requirement <strong>for</strong> CI-. The<br />

gly-system in 2-cell embryos is only marginally dependent on,<strong>the</strong>,K+<br />

gradient, <strong>the</strong> Na+/K+-ATPase and <strong>the</strong> Na+ ,K+-e~changer to susta~n 7ts<br />

concentrative activity. This suggests that ~n <strong>the</strong>se embryos glyc~ne<br />

uptake is independent of <strong>the</strong> Na+ gradient as might have been<br />

predicted from <strong>the</strong> absence of such a gradient at this stage, and<br />

possibly Na+ flux••<br />

Funded by NHMRC.<br />



E. De Luca, A. Lopata<br />

University of Melbourne, Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology,<br />

Women's Hospital, 132 Grattan st., Carlton, Vic., 3053<br />

7<br />

Royal<br />

It is generally accepted that growth factors are important <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> development of mammalian cells in vitro. The aim of <strong>the</strong> present<br />

study was to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r insulin/transferrin/selenite (ITS)<br />

would influence cell proliferation of preimplantation mouse embryos<br />

in culture. This was determined by assaying <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> incorporation<br />

of 3H-thymidine into DNA.<br />

Preliminary experiments were per<strong>for</strong>med to examine <strong>the</strong> optimal<br />

conditions <strong>for</strong> measuring 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA. Two<br />

cell embryos were obtained from superovulated CBAxBalb/C (F1)<br />

female mice, 6-8 weeks old. The embryos were cultured to <strong>the</strong><br />

hatching blastocyst stage in serum-free minimum essential medium<br />

(~-MEM) and <strong>the</strong>n examined <strong>for</strong> DNA syn<strong>the</strong>sis. This was determined by<br />

incubati,ng <strong>the</strong> embryos in 5 J,JCi/ml 3H-thymidine (specific<br />

activity, 5 Ci/mmol) <strong>for</strong> 4 h under standard culture conditions.<br />

Embryos were transferred to a multi-well "Bio-Dot" apparatus<br />

(BIO-RAD) which contained a nitrocellulose sheet. The embryos were<br />

treated with or without 2% 80S and/or 0.3M/3M NaOH. After washing<br />

with 1M ammonium acetate <strong>the</strong> DNA bound to <strong>the</strong> nitrocellulose paper<br />

was determined by liquid scintillation counting. These experiments<br />

indicated that <strong>the</strong> optimum conditions <strong>for</strong> 3H-thymidine<br />

incorporation into DNA involved treatment with 2% SDS followed by<br />

a.3M NaOH. This method proved to be more sensitive than <strong>the</strong> TCA<br />

precipitation method (1, 2) used by us previously.<br />

Using this Bio-Dot method <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> assay of 3H-thymidine<br />

incorporation into DNA a dose response curve <strong>for</strong> ITS was<br />

determined. Embryos were incubated with ~-MEM containing 0-10%<br />

ITS. At <strong>the</strong> hatching blastocyst stage <strong>the</strong>y were assayed <strong>for</strong><br />

3H-thymidine incorporation as described above. The results showed<br />

that at a concentration of 5% (this corresponds to 25~g/ml insulin,<br />

25~g/ml transferrin and 25ng/ml selenite), ITS stimulated<br />

3H-thymidine incorporation to a maximum of 184% of control(ie.<br />

291±46 cpm/embryo compared to 534±53 cpm!embryo, mean±S.E.M, n=4).<br />

Following <strong>the</strong> observation that ITS increased DNA syn<strong>the</strong>sis of<br />

hatching blastocysts, preliminary studies have indicated that <strong>the</strong><br />

individual components of ITS were ineffective and that <strong>the</strong> growth<br />

promoting effect required <strong>the</strong> presence of both insulin and<br />

transferrin. Future studies will examine <strong>the</strong> stage of embryonic<br />

development at which insulin and transferrin exert an influence on<br />

DNA syn<strong>the</strong>sis.<br />

(1) Fi scher, B.<br />

(2) De Luca, E.,<br />

(1987) J. Reprod. Fert., 79, 115-123<br />

Lopata, A. (1988) Proc. ANZSCB, I, 5

8<br />




I.Bruck and J.H.Hyland<br />

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,<br />

University of Melbourne<br />

Werribee, Vic.<br />

The mare has <strong>the</strong> lowest reproductive efficiency among <strong>the</strong><br />

domestic animals. Seasonality, strict uniparity and a gestation<br />

period of 11 months account <strong>for</strong> part of <strong>the</strong> problem.<br />

Embryonic loss during <strong>the</strong> first 20 days of gestation (up to 45 %)<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r contributes to poor reproductive per<strong>for</strong>mance.<br />

To study <strong>the</strong> reasons <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> high incidence of early embryonic<br />

loss in <strong>the</strong> mare, our aim was to develop a culture system to<br />

assess embryo viability, based on measurements of metabolic<br />

activity. The contributions of <strong>the</strong> Embden-Meyerhoff (EMP) and <strong>the</strong><br />

Pentose-Phosphate Pathways (PPP) to <strong>the</strong> turnover of glucose<br />

were measured separately.<br />

Equine embryos were collected on Day 7 (n=6) or Day 9 (n=9) after<br />

ovulation from 10 Standardbred mares using a non-surgical<br />

transcervical flushing technique.<br />

After determination of diameter and visual quality each embryo<br />

underwent 2 x 3 h cultures in <strong>the</strong> inner well of a sealed two-well<br />

system at 37 C. The culture medium (60 or 120 ul) contained<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r (U-14C)- or (S-3H)-glucose. l4C-labelled carbon dioxide<br />

(from activities of <strong>the</strong> PPP) or tritiated water (from activities<br />

of <strong>the</strong> EMP) released by <strong>the</strong> embryo were trapped in 1.0 mol<br />

sodium hydroxide in <strong>the</strong> outer well.<br />

Metabolism of radioactively-labelled glucose was considered to<br />

have occurred if <strong>the</strong> counts produced by <strong>the</strong> embryo were<br />

significantly greater than <strong>the</strong> mean counts of <strong>the</strong> controls<br />


10<br />



C. Herr,l N. Holt,2 an d K.C. Reed l<br />

lAdvanced Breeding Technology Pty. Limited<br />

2Riverina Artificial Breeders Pty. Limited<br />

Dissection of blastocyst stage embryos is more<br />

successful than dissection of morulae. In morulae, cells<br />

are tightly associated; when dissected (split) many cells<br />

are damaged. In contrast, blastocysts have a fluid filled<br />

coe I e so f ewe r c e I I s come inc0 n t act wit h <strong>the</strong> s p lit tin g<br />

instrument. Commercial application of embryo splitting<br />

technology requires that both morula and blastocyst stage<br />

embryos yield acceptable results, i.e. <strong>the</strong>re is a<br />

significant increase in <strong>the</strong> number of offspring produced<br />

from a given number of embryos. This study attempted to<br />

improve <strong>the</strong> survival rate of quartered morula stage ovine<br />

embryos.<br />

The effect of <strong>the</strong> presence or absence of 500 roM<br />

s u c r a s e (S) or 2. 2 1 mM c a I c i urn (Ca + + ) in <strong>the</strong> s p lit ting<br />

me d i urn was i n v est i gat e d . Em b r y a s we r e su r g i c a I I Y<br />

collected from <strong>the</strong> uterus of superovulated and<br />

I a para s cop i c a I I y art i f i cia I Iyins eminated ewe s • Mo r u I a e<br />

we reofun i <strong>for</strong>m qua lit Y, and werea r bit r a r i Iy a I I 0 cat e d<br />

<strong>the</strong> treatments. After microsurgical dissection, embryos<br />

were cultured in bicarbonated medium at 39 0 C under a 5%<br />

C02 atmosphere. Forty eight hours later, embryos were<br />

evaluated <strong>for</strong> development to <strong>the</strong> expanded blastocyst<br />

stage. Results are summarised in <strong>the</strong> Table 1.<br />

In vitro development of quartered embryos dissected under<br />

different media conditions.<br />

Trea tmen t<br />

Ca++ S<br />

+<br />

+ +<br />

+<br />

Total quarters (Unsplit) Percentage (Unsplit)<br />

per treatment (control) Developing (control)<br />

40<br />

24<br />

40<br />

24<br />

6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2.5<br />

87.5<br />

42.5<br />

0.0<br />

100<br />

100<br />

67<br />

100<br />

Mo r u I a e s p lit wit h out C a + + ten dedt a 10 s e<br />

b I as tome res, wh i c h f a i led tor e ass a cia t e ins u b seq u e n t<br />

cui t u r e . Na a t t emp twasmadeta i n d u cereass a cia t ion<br />

because, in field use, embryos are transferred directly to<br />

recipients. Splitting in standard conditions (without S,<br />

wit h Ca + +) res u I ted in. <strong>the</strong> I y sis a f rna n y b I as tome res.<br />

Mo r u 1a e s p lit inS and Ca + + can t a i n i n g me d i urn had no<br />

o b s e r v a b Iely 5 i s 0 fbi as tome res, and par tit ion e din t a<br />

quarters without loss of blastomeres.<br />

11<br />



Mark B. Harvey and Peter L. Kaye<br />

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology,<br />

University of Queensland, St. Lucia, 4067.<br />

The addition of hormones to <strong>the</strong> culture medium <strong>for</strong> preimplantation<br />

embryos affects metabolism and improves developmental rate. In<br />

particular, insulin doubles <strong>the</strong> protein syn<strong>the</strong>tic rate in compacted<br />

embryos (1) and stimulates cellular division. The specific mediation of<br />

insulin's effect on embryos was investigated at varying concentrations<br />

of insulin and utilising an anti-insulin receptor antiserum.<br />

Two-cell embryos collected from superovulated Quackenbush mice were<br />

cultured in BMOC2 medium containing varying concentrations of insulin<br />

<strong>for</strong> 48h be<strong>for</strong>e blastocysts were transferred to fresh droplets of <strong>the</strong><br />

same medium plus 6p.M 3H-Ieucine (1Ci/L) and assay of protein syn<strong>the</strong>sis<br />

over 2h. Blastocysts from cultures with 0.17pM insulin were no more<br />

active than those derived from culture in control medium, but culture<br />

with 0.43-1~7pM insulin stimulated protein syn<strong>the</strong>sis by 25-75% with an<br />

EC~o=0.5pM (P

12<br />



Clarkson, J .L. and Nancarrow, C.D. CSIRO Division of Animal<br />

production, P.O. Box 239, Blacktown, N.S.W. Australia, 2148.<br />

The aim of this study was to compare <strong>the</strong> proteins secreted by<br />

trophoblastic vesicles (TV's) with those secreted by day-17 ovine<br />

blastocysts cultured in vitro, and to estimate <strong>the</strong> metabolic activity<br />

of TV's during a 13 dayculture period.<br />

TV's were produced by cutting <strong>the</strong> trophoblast from day-17 ovine<br />

blastocysts into 2 rom sections. Each section was placed in 200 ~l B-2<br />

medium and incubated at 37°C in a humidified, 5% 02, 5 C02, 90% N2<br />

atmosphere. In Experiment I, <strong>the</strong> proteins secreted from TV'S and<br />

intact blastocysts cultured in vitro were collected, washed and<br />

concentrated using ultrafiltration:-Th"ey were <strong>the</strong>n separated using a<br />

Pharmacia FPLC with S-12 and S-6 gel filtration columns linked in<br />

series and monitored at 280 nm. Experiment II was identical to<br />

Experiment I except 1/10 <strong>the</strong> normal concentration of amino acids was<br />

used and 16.5 ~Ci/ml [3 H]-amino acid mixture was added to <strong>the</strong> medium.<br />

Additionally, <strong>the</strong> proteins were separated with a Pharmacia Mono-Q<br />

anion-exchange column using a linear 0 to 0.25 M NaCl gradient in 0.01<br />

M Tris-HCl (pH 8.2). One ml fractions were collected of which half was<br />

added to scintillant and <strong>the</strong> presence of labelled proteins determined<br />

on a Rack Beta counter. In Experiment III, 20 TV's were assigned to<br />

one of four treatments (trt). 0.125 ~Ci [methyl-3 H]-thymidine was<br />

added to each well in trt's I, II, III and IVan days 1, 4, 7 and 10<br />

respectively. After 72 hr of culture with <strong>the</strong> label, <strong>the</strong> TV'S were<br />

washed and placed in scintillation fluid and <strong>the</strong> thymidine<br />

incorporation determined.<br />

For statistical analysis, <strong>the</strong> morphological<br />

state of <strong>the</strong> vesicles were given <strong>the</strong> following values: fragmented<br />

tissue = 1, healthy, nonvesicle tissue = 2, TV-1 (multi-cell walled<br />

small vesicles) = 3, and TV-2 (single-cell walled, large vesicles) = 4.<br />

A vesicle which changed to a different stage during <strong>the</strong> label period<br />

was given a positive or negative value equal to <strong>the</strong> number of stages it<br />

progressed or regressed to. .<br />

In Experiment I, <strong>the</strong> gel filtration profile of <strong>the</strong> blastocyst<br />

secreted proteins consisted of nine peaks which corresponded to<br />

molecular weights (MW) of > 120, 103, 82, 54, 32, 8, 3, 2 and < 1<br />

kilodaltons (kD). The TV protein profile consisted of eleven peaks<br />

which corresponded to MW's of > 120, 103, 39, 28, 18, 10, 6, 2 and<br />

3 < 1 kD. In Experiment II, eight labelled protein peaks were recorded<br />

from <strong>the</strong> blastocyst extract in contrast to five labelled protein peaks<br />

recorded from <strong>the</strong> TV extract. In Experiment III, <strong>the</strong> mean % thymidine<br />

incorporation was 4.0, 1.2, 2.8 and 2.9 in trt' s I, II, III and IV<br />

respectively. The % incorporation was significantly less (p < .05) in<br />

trt II than in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r treatments. There was also significantly less<br />

(p < .05) progressive morphological change in trt II with mean changes<br />

of 0.8, -0.2, 0.0 and 0.4 in <strong>the</strong> respective treatments.<br />

We conclude that TV's produced several protein compounds similar to<br />

those produced by intact blastocysts cultured in vitro. Additionally,<br />

<strong>the</strong> TV's remain metaboli'cally active throughout a 13 day culture<br />

period.<br />

13<br />




A. Lopata,l P.M. Summers2 and J.P. Hearn2<br />

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne<br />

and Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria.<br />

2 Institute of Zoology, London, United Kingdom.<br />

It has recently been reported that an analogue of prostaglandin F2 alpha<br />

(cloprostenol, Estrumate, ICI, U.K.) caused a prompt shut-down of luteal function in <strong>the</strong><br />

marmoset monkey (1) and that this agent could be used <strong>for</strong> initiating a new cycle and<br />

subsequently inducing controlled ovulation in this primate species (2). We have applied<br />

<strong>the</strong>se procedures <strong>for</strong> timing <strong>the</strong> recovery of follicular and tubal oocytes<strong>for</strong> in vitro<br />

fertilization (IVF) and embryo culture. In addition we have evaluated <strong>the</strong> use of<br />

cloprostenol <strong>for</strong> synchronizing <strong>the</strong> reproductive cycles of oocyte donors with that of embryo<br />

reci pi ents.<br />

The marmoset monkeys used in <strong>the</strong> present studies were proven breeders. In each<br />

treatment protocol a new reproductive cycle was initiated by injecting 0.5 ug cloprostenol<br />

between days 10 and 24 of pregnancy. In 40 animals <strong>the</strong> timing of ooycte collection was<br />

based on <strong>the</strong> administration of 75 IU hCG at <strong>the</strong> following intervals after cloprostenol: at<br />

9 am on <strong>the</strong> eighth day (protocol I, n=2o), at 9 am on <strong>the</strong> seventh day (protocol 2, n=6), at<br />

5 pm on <strong>the</strong> seventh day (protocol 3, n=14). Animals that were to be used as embryo<br />

recipients were treated simultaneously and in <strong>the</strong> same way as <strong>the</strong> oocyte donors. At 24<br />

hours after hCG oocytes were obtained by aspirating ovarian follicles, or flushing <strong>the</strong><br />

Fallopian tubes, under general anaes<strong>the</strong>sia. Semen was obtained by electroejaculating<br />

fertile males under general anaes<strong>the</strong>sia. The sperm used <strong>for</strong> in vitro insemination were<br />

prepared by a swim up procedure. Insemination and embryo culture was per<strong>for</strong>med in minimum<br />

essentia1 medi um supplemented with 10% human cord serum. Embryos were transferred<br />

surgically at <strong>the</strong> 4 to 6 cell stages to <strong>the</strong> uterine lumen of synchronized recipients.<br />

In treatment protocol 1 9/20 (45%) marmosets had ovulated be<strong>for</strong>e oocyte collection,<br />

none had ovulated in protocol 2, and 2/14 (14%) in protocol 3. There was no significant<br />

difference in <strong>the</strong> mean !lumber of follicles aspirated and oocytes recovered between <strong>the</strong><br />

protocols. The fertilization rate of morphologically mature eggs was 64% (21/33) and 40%<br />

(6/15) <strong>for</strong> eggs assessed as being immature. Of <strong>the</strong> 21 mature eggs that ferti lized 20<br />

produced cleaving embryos. Five embryos were transferred to recipients at 4 to 6-cell<br />

stages and of <strong>the</strong> 15 'that remained in culture six developed to <strong>the</strong> morula stage and three<br />

progressed to advanced blastocyst stages. Two synchroni zed reci pi ents recei ved two embryos<br />

each and one of <strong>the</strong> marmosets gave birth to twins. A third recipient -eceived a single<br />

embryo and gave birth to a male infant. Two additional recipients received single embryos<br />

that were cultured in vitro but were derived from oocytes fertilized in <strong>the</strong> oviducts. Both<br />

recipients became pregnant but only one delivered a normal infant.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> first report of successful IVF and embryo transfer in <strong>the</strong> marmoset monkey.<br />

Moreover we have shown that pharmaco1ogi ca1 agents can be used to accurately synchroni ze<br />

<strong>the</strong> reproductive cycles of oocyte donors and embryo recipients following IVF in a nonhuman<br />

primate.<br />

(1) Summers, P.M., Wennik, C.J. and Hodges, J.K. J. Reprod. Fertil. (1985). U.:133-138.<br />

(2) Hodges, J.K., Cottingham, P.G., Summers, P.M. and Yingnan, L. Fertil. Steril. (1987).<br />


14.<br />



EMBRYOS.<br />

M.J. Sinosich, S. Ianzendorf l , M.D. Bonifacio, D.M. saunders, G.D.<br />

Hoogen<br />

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal North Shore<br />

Hospital, st. Leonards NSW, Australia.<br />

~e Jones Institute <strong>for</strong> <strong>Reproductive</strong> Medicine, Department of<br />

Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Eastern Virginia Medical School,<br />

Norfolk, Virginia 23507. (SFON: R. Stillman)<br />

Human pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), a large (Mr<br />

820kd) heparin-binding proteoglycan, specifically and potently<br />

inhibited .granulocyte elastase activity. Wheras irranunological and<br />

functional analogs of human PAPP-A were readily demonstrated in<br />

pregnant high-order non-hLmlan primates, functional analogs have been<br />

demonstrated in non-primate mammals with hemochorial placentation.<br />

A large hep:lrin-binding elastase inhibitor was isolated fran term<br />

guinea pig placentae and injected into N Z white rabbits to prepare<br />

antisera <strong>for</strong> indirect irranunofluorescent studies on rna.ture oocytes<br />

and embryos obtained fran superovulated golden hamsters.<br />

Pronuclear, two-cell, four-cell arrl blastocyst embryos were<br />

surgically removed at 1, 2, 3 and 4 days after rna.ting and fixed in<br />

phosp:lte buffered <strong>for</strong>rna.lin <strong>for</strong> 60 minutes. No fluorescence was<br />

Elanonstrated on intact oocytes, whereas in vivo derived<br />

preimplantation embryos were strongly fluorescent. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, in<br />

vitro microinjection (with or without sperm) irrluced PAEI expression<br />

within 4 h. '!hese' findings suggest; 1) hLnnan PAPP-A is a more<br />

recently evolved <strong>for</strong>m of marmnalian PAEI. 2) sperm nuclei and gene<br />

replication are not required <strong>for</strong> expression ,of PAEI, 3) oocyte<br />

activation irrluces PAEI expression, 4) PAEI rna.y act as a barrier<br />

against maternal phagocytic-proteolytic defenses, and 5) PAEI may<br />

prove a useful target antigen <strong>for</strong> immunological contraception,<br />

having high specificity <strong>for</strong> activated gametes or <strong>the</strong>ir early<br />

embryonic derivatives.<br />

15<br />



Y.C. Smart, L.A. Adamson, R. A. Wilcox and T.K. Roberts<br />

Faculty of Medicine and Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle<br />

Preimplantation pregnancy in <strong>the</strong> mouse is associated with a transient state<br />

of thrombocytopenia induced by <strong>the</strong> release from <strong>the</strong> embryo of a platelet<br />

activating factor (EPAF) (1,2). In vivo and in vitro studies have implicated EPAF<br />

in a role which acts to initiate implantation and maintain foetal survival (3,4).<br />

The mechanism by which EPAF triggers <strong>the</strong> events required <strong>for</strong> successful<br />

pregnancy is not known.<br />

This paper reports <strong>the</strong> results of an in vitro experiment which measures <strong>the</strong><br />

effect of a molecule(s), released by <strong>the</strong> action of mouse EPAF on human platelets,<br />

on Balb/c 3T3 fibroblast cells. Day 5 embryo culture medium (ECM) with predetermined<br />

thrombocytopenic activity in mice in vivo was incubated with washed<br />

human platelet rich plasma (PRP) in microtitre wells at 37oC/5%C02 <strong>for</strong> 4<br />

hours. Jhe wells were washed to remove ECM and platelets. Quiescent 3T3 cells<br />

(2 x 10 ) were seeded into <strong>the</strong> EPAF/PRP treated wells. The cells were cu Itured<br />

at 37 o C/5%C0 2 <strong>for</strong> 8 days. Each day <strong>the</strong> 3T3 cells were scored morphologically,<br />

trypsinised and <strong>the</strong> cell concentration determined. Wells pre-treated with <strong>the</strong><br />

syn<strong>the</strong>tic phospholipid platelet activating factor (PAF) and PRP served as <strong>the</strong><br />

positive control while wells containing ECM alone, control medium (CM) and PRP,<br />

and PRP alone were <strong>the</strong> negative controls.<br />

Results of replicate experiments showed that EPAF/PRP and PAF/PRP<br />

treated wells supported continued proliferation of 313 cells with rapid growth<br />

from Days 3-7, peaking on Days 6 and 7 of culture. 313 cells seeded into wells<br />

pre-treated with ECM alone, PRP alone and CM/PRP proliferated poorly. Results<br />

of a typical experiment are shown in Figure I. We conclude that EPAF and PAF<br />

activates platelets to release growth factor(s) which binds to <strong>the</strong> tissue culture<br />

wells and acts mitogenically on <strong>the</strong> 3T3 fibroblast cells. It is likely that in vivo,<br />

EPAF activates platelets and/or oviduct cells to release growth factors important<br />

in successful pregnancy.<br />

Figure I. Effects of EPAF and ~<br />

PAF on 3T3 cells<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

-0- EeM<br />

... ,CM-PRP<br />

.. CM-PRP<br />

+ PAF-PRP<br />

.. PRP<br />

o .J--:¢;+::::=~~==8===&--.--,<br />

o 4 6 10<br />


(I) O'Neill, C. (1985) J. Reprod. Fert. 73:559.<br />

(2) Roberts, T.K. et 01 (1987) Fert. Sterif. 47:848.<br />

(3) Adamson, L.M. et al (1987) Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. Microbiol. 13: 117.<br />

(4) O'Neill, C. (1985). J. Reprod. Fert. 73:567.

16 17<br />



and ROBERTS TK.<br />

Department of Biological Sciences, Department of Surgical<br />

Sciences and Lingard Hospital, Newcastle, NSW.<br />

The way in which <strong>the</strong> mammalian embryo signals its presence to <strong>the</strong><br />

maternal system remains an enigma to a large extent. Recently however,<br />

work in this area has established <strong>the</strong> production of a factor by <strong>the</strong><br />

pre-implantation mouse and human embryo with platelet activating<br />

activity(1,2). We call this factor, embryo-derived platelet activating<br />

factor (EPAF), because of its biological resemblance to <strong>the</strong><br />

phospholipid platelet activating factor, PAF-ace<strong>the</strong>r (3,4). The result<br />

of EPAF production during <strong>the</strong> first 5 days post-mating in mice is <strong>the</strong><br />

induction of a mild thrombocytopenia, early pregnancy associated<br />

thrombocytopenia (EPAT), in <strong>the</strong> maternal system.<br />

We have previously demons trated that, in <strong>the</strong> mouse, pre-mating<br />

treatment with semi-syn<strong>the</strong>tic PAF-ace<strong>the</strong>r has two obvious effects.<br />

Firstly, <strong>the</strong> treatment inhibits <strong>the</strong> onset of early pregnancy associated<br />

thrombocytopenia, presumably by inducing platelet desensitization to<br />

PAF-ace<strong>the</strong>r and to EPAF. Secondly, examining <strong>the</strong>se animals on day 10<br />

post-mating reveals that PAF-pretreated animals have significantly<br />

fewer implantation sites than <strong>the</strong> PBS-pretreated controls (4).<br />

We have extended this study to determine <strong>the</strong> effects of<br />

PAF-pretreatment on pre-implantation embryo development. QS female<br />

mice were given single injections of sub-threshold levels of<br />

PAF-ace<strong>the</strong>r or PBS on three consecutive days immediately prior to<br />

mating. Oviducts and uteri were removed from <strong>the</strong>se animals on ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

day 1, 2, 3 or 4, and <strong>the</strong> embryos flushed out to record both embryo<br />

number and developmental stage. Results illustrated that eventhough<br />

PAF-pretreatment had no effect on embryo development during days 1, 2<br />

and 3, by day 4 post-mating, PAF pre-treated animals had fewer embryos<br />

and <strong>the</strong>ir development was impaired (Table 1). We suggest that<br />

PAF-pretreatment affects embryonic development, perhaps by inducing<br />

uterine asynchrony resulting in a utero-toxic effect on <strong>the</strong> implanting<br />

embryos. If this be <strong>the</strong> case, EPAF may be an initial embryonic signal<br />

to <strong>the</strong> maternal system <strong>for</strong> uterine receptivity.<br />



DAY<br />


(No. Animals)<br />


PAF<br />

PBS<br />

PAF<br />

PBS<br />

1 21+3(9) 29+3(9) 98.5<br />

93.6<br />

2 2ft"5(7) 30+6(8) 77.0<br />

80.7<br />

3 22+6(10) 18+2(7) 74.1<br />

78.6<br />

4 9±2(15) 19±2(13)* 30.6<br />

81.1<br />

* P

18 19<br />



Qillan Ibng, David J Handelsrran<br />

Department of Medicine, University of Sydney<br />

Pituitary-gonadal function is regulated by <strong>the</strong> hypothalamus through<br />

episodic GnRH release into pituitary portal blcxxi which induces<br />

pulsatile LH secretion. The experimental study of pulsatile LH<br />

secretion as a non-invasive index of reproductive neuroendocrine<br />

function of <strong>the</strong> hypothalamus has been validated in large a.niJnal<br />

species however <strong>the</strong>re has been little systematic study of <strong>the</strong><br />

requirem:mts <strong>for</strong> valid LH pulse studies in <strong>the</strong> rat which species has<br />

econanic and ethical advantages as well as having <strong>the</strong> rrost well<br />

studied reproductive neuroendocrine system. In particular <strong>the</strong>re is no<br />

co~sensus about which vessel to cannulate (carotid artery vs jugular<br />

vell) or about standards of sampling intensity and duration re:;ruired<br />

to obtain stable and valid estiJrates of pulsatile LH secretion.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e we have examined (a) <strong>the</strong> short-tenn effect of unilateral<br />

carotid artery ligation on pulsatile LH secretion and (b) compared<br />

para:rreters of pulsatile LH secretion (mean, max:iJnurn, minimum, pulse<br />

frequency and interpulse interval, pulse amplitude, pulse length)<br />

estiJrated fran an intensive sampling regime (ql0 min, 6hr) with (i)<br />

<strong>the</strong> first 1,2,3,4 and 5hr at q10 min and (ii) with less intensive<br />

sampling (q20 min, 6hr). Castrate mature male rats (n=18) underwent<br />

serial blcxxi sampling (0.25 rnl, q10 min, 6 hr) via right external<br />

jugular vein cannula while freely rrobile and under minimal stress<br />

conditions and with volumetric blcxxi replacerrent by thrice-washed<br />

donor rat erythrocytes resuspended in a charcoal-extracted plasma<br />

P70te~ substitut~. Half <strong>the</strong> rats ·also unde:rwent left carotid artery<br />

1J.gatJ..on at <strong>the</strong> tJ.n'le of venous cannulation. Pulse study samples were<br />

assayed toge<strong>the</strong>r in duplicate and pulses analysed by an objective<br />

method (PULSAR) optimized <strong>for</strong> pulsatile LH studies in <strong>the</strong> rat. .<br />

(g10 min) 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr 5 hr 6 hr<br />

Mean LH(ng/rnl) 4.0+0.6 3.7+0.5 3.5+0.4 3.5+0.4 3.5+0.4 3.4+0.5<br />

Peaks (/6hr) *16.0+1.0 *12.7+0.8 11.8+0.8 11.2+0.7 10.9+0.6 10.4+0.5<br />

Amplit (ng/rnl) 3.9+0.7 3.8+0.6 3.7+0.6 3.6+0.6 3.6+0.5 3.6+0.6<br />

Mean LH (ng/rnl)<br />

Peaks (/6hr )<br />

Amplitude (ng/rnl)<br />

(Mean+SEM,<br />

Carotid ligation<br />

q20 min/6 hr ql0 min/6 hr ql0 min/6 hr<br />

3.5+0.3 3.4+0.5 *1.8+0.3<br />

*4.9+0.3 10.4+0.5 *6.2+1.2<br />

3.6+0.4 3.6+0.6 2.7+0.4<br />

* P0.05 repeatedmeasures.ANOVA).<br />

~r intensity sampling regime (q20 min) gave marked<br />

underestJ..mates of para:rreters of. pulsatile LH secretion canpared with<br />

qlO min sampling within a 6 hr pulse study. we conclude that <strong>for</strong> valid<br />

estiJrates of pulsatile LH secretion in physiological studies of <strong>the</strong><br />

castrate mature male rat (i) carotid artery cannulation is undesirable<br />

and (ii) sampling intensity of at least q10 min and durations of at<br />

least 3 hours is required.<br />


A.E. Drummond, G.P. Risbridger, D.M. de Kretser<br />

Department ofAnatomy, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria.<br />

It is established that <strong>the</strong> Sertoli cell is <strong>the</strong> source of inhibin in <strong>the</strong> testis and<br />

<strong>the</strong> production of this hormone is controlled by FSH (1-2). The role of testosterone<br />

in regulating inhibin syn<strong>the</strong>sis is equivocal of Leydig cell function (3). The aim of<br />

this study was to determine <strong>the</strong> effect of acute stimulation of Leydig cell function by<br />

<strong>the</strong> administration of hCG/LH (human chorionic gonadotrophin/Luteinizing hormone),<br />

or depletion of Leydig cells by implementing <strong>the</strong> Leydig cell specific cytotoxin ethane<br />

dimethane sulphonate.<br />

Adult male rats received a single injection of saline or 100 IU hCG (Pregnyl,<br />

Organon). Serum was collected at time intervals up to 5 days after hCG<br />

administration. A second group of animals received EDS, which destroys Leydig cells,<br />

75mg/kg body weight, or <strong>the</strong> vehicle dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) in a single<br />

intraperitoneal injection. Serum was collected 1, 2 and 4 weeks after injection. A<br />

third group of animals received combined EDS/hCG treatment. Four days after EDS<br />

injection a single subcutaneous injection of 100 IU hCG was administered. Serum was<br />

collected 6 hours after hCG injection. Serum samples were assayed <strong>for</strong> inhibin using<br />

a specific double antibody radioimmunoassay (4).<br />

Serum inhibin levels were significantly elevated within 6 hours of hCG injection<br />

peaking at 24 hours and did not return to control levels within <strong>the</strong> 5 day period of<br />

<strong>the</strong> study suggesting a stimulatory effect of Leydig cell products on inhibin<br />

production. Serum inhibin levels were significantly elevated 2 and 4 weeks after EDS<br />

injection. The destruction of Leydig cells by EDS blocked <strong>the</strong> rise in serum inhibin<br />

levels after hCG injection (Table 1). Paradoxically, after EDS injection alone inhibin<br />

levels were unchanged until 2 and 4 weeks later when <strong>the</strong>y were significantly elevated<br />

suggesting that an inhibitory influence of <strong>the</strong> Leydigs on inhibin secretion had been<br />

removed by EDS treatment.<br />

These data suggest an effect of Leydig cell products in regulating inhibin<br />

production. The role of testosterone and o<strong>the</strong>r factors in this phenomenon remains to<br />

be elucidated.<br />

Table 1.<br />

Saline<br />

hCG (6h)<br />

DMSO<br />

EDS (4 days)<br />

EDS/hCG (6h)<br />

Serum inhibin and testosterone concentrations after hCG, EDS or<br />

combined treatment.<br />

Inhibin (Ujml)<br />

2.77 ± 0.43<br />

4.84 ± 0.24*<br />

2.64 ± 0.78<br />

3.03 ± 0.55<br />

2.89 ± 0.64<br />




Jermifer A Spaliviero~ *David M Robertson, Elsa Kidston,<br />

Peter F Hall, David J Handelsman<br />

Deparl:m9nt of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney and<br />

*DeparbUent of Anatcmy, Monash University, Melbourne<br />

20<br />

Sertoli cells are <strong>the</strong> princir.al source of circulating inhibin in<br />

<strong>the</strong> male however <strong>the</strong> ho:t:IOClnal regulation of inhibin secretion and its<br />

route of entry into <strong>the</strong> blood-stream remain unclear. The central role<br />

of Sertoli cells in spenratogenesis includes secretion of n'UllErotis<br />

peptides and <strong>the</strong> maintenance of <strong>the</strong> blood-testis barrier which<br />

secludes ,developing genninal cells within <strong>the</strong> diffusion-tight<br />

adluminal canpartrnent away fran <strong>the</strong> extracellular fluid. The<br />

distinctly polar aspects of sertoli cells in-situ pennits secretion<br />

via <strong>the</strong> basal surface into <strong>the</strong> testicular interstitial and<br />

extracellular fluid and/or via <strong>the</strong> apical surface into <strong>the</strong> adluminal<br />

carnpartment and <strong>the</strong>reby into <strong>the</strong> rete testis fluids and seminal<br />

plasrra. There<strong>for</strong>e using a twin chamber culture system, which :mimics<br />

<strong>the</strong> polarised state of sertoli cells in vivo (1), we have investigated<br />

<strong>the</strong> vectorial secretion of inhibin and its ho:t:IOClnal regulation.<br />

Bertoli cells isolated f:rom 2l-day old rats were cultured in a twin<br />

c~r system using fully defined medium (supplerrented Eagles MEM) in<br />

trlp1J.cate wells under basal conditions or stinmlated with oFSH<br />

(250ng/ml), testosterone ([TESJ ,1000nM), insulin ([INSJ 5ug/ml)<br />

retinoic acid ([RAJ ,500nM) or pai:rw:i.se cernbinations of FSH with INS'<br />

TES or RA or all 4 stimuli (FIRT). Rat inhibin and transferrin ~<br />

media (24 hr, days 5-7) were measured by specific RIA.<br />



1.4 5.3 1.0 3.1 1.1 5.9 7.9<br />

(0.1) (0.1) (0) (0.1) (0.3) (0.5) (0.5)<br />

Mean (SEM), * p

22<br />



A. J. Tilbrookl, D.E. Galloway2, A.H. Williams!, R.C. Oppenheim 3 ,<br />

W.J. Thie1 3 and LJ. Clarke 4<br />

1 Animal Research Institute, Dept. of Agric. & Rural Affairs, Werribee, 3030.<br />

2 Veterinary Clinical Centre, Univ. Melb., Werribee, 3030,<br />

3 Victorian College of Pharmacy, Parkville, 3052,<br />

4 Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, St. Kilda, 3004.<br />

Prolonged continuous infusion of adult Soay rams with an agonist of<br />

gonadotrophin rp.leasing hormone (GnRH) initially stimulated <strong>the</strong> secretion of<br />

luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T), followed by a suppression in <strong>the</strong><br />

secretion of LH, T and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)(l). There was also a<br />

small decrease in testicular diameter and disappearance of <strong>the</strong> sexual flush (1) but<br />

sexual behaviour was not studied. The aim of our study was to determine if<br />

development of sexual behaviour and testicular size could be delayed in<br />

prepubertal rams by continuous administration of a GnRH agonist, and if this<br />

treatment would influence <strong>the</strong>ir growth.<br />

Preliminary work (Tilbrook et al., unpublished) demonstrated that a GnRH<br />

agonist ({D_trpli_Pro 9 N-ethyl amide}GnRH) was effective in inhibiting LH and FSH<br />

secretion in adult we<strong>the</strong>rs when administered using s.c. mini-osmotic pumps<br />

(Alzetminipumps) or prototype slow-release pellets (pellets).<br />

In March, rams (aged 20-28 weeks) weighing 30.7±O.7 kg (mean±SD) were<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r untreated (n=10; entire), treated with 50llg of <strong>the</strong> GnRH agonist/day using<br />

minipumps <strong>for</strong> 16 weeks (n=lO), given a pellet containing 100 Ilg of <strong>the</strong> GnRH<br />

agonist every 4 weeks <strong>for</strong> 16 weeks (n=lO) or surgically castrated (n=15; castrate).<br />

Rams that mounted and/or ejaculated during .15 minutes of individual exposure to 4<br />

oestrous ewes were defined as sexually active. Testicular volume (ml) was<br />

estimated using calibrated beads, and liveweight (kg) was also measured.<br />

Table 1. Effect of GnRH agonist on <strong>the</strong> testicular volume (TV) and liveweight<br />

(LWT) oframs and <strong>the</strong> proportion oframs sexually active (SA)<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e treatment End of treatment 8 weeks after treatment<br />

Group TV" LWT* SA TV" LWT* SA TV" LWT*<br />

Entire 45±8 3l±1.0 9/lO x 118±12 ax 44±1.Ox lO/lO x 158±1 IX 51±1.0 xa<br />

Castrate 32±O.5 0/15 Y 41±1.0a 0/15 Y 45±1.0 Yc<br />

Minipump 45±7 29±OA 2/lO Y 68±lO b 40±1.0 zb 7/l0 x 91±1 JY 41±1.0 z<br />

Pellet 39±6 31±0.5 3/10 Y 82±lO cy 42±1.oya 7/lO x 92±5 Y 49±2.0 b<br />

"means±standard errors; x.y,Z differ at p

24<br />




R. Bathgate!, C. Sernia! and R.T. Gemmel1 2<br />

tDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2Department of Anatomy,<br />

University of Queensland, St. Lucia, 4067<br />

All of <strong>the</strong> nine species of Australian marsupials investigated to<br />

date appear to syn<strong>the</strong>sise mesotocin, which is typical of non-mammalian<br />

tetrapods, instead of oxytocin (1,2). Since much of <strong>the</strong> reported data<br />

are based on bioassay of pituitary extracts and are qualitative only,<br />

we decided to examine <strong>the</strong> hypothalamus of one of <strong>the</strong>se species, <strong>the</strong><br />

brushtail possum, using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and<br />

immunocytochemistry.<br />

Fresh hypothalamic tissue was homogenized in 20 vols (w:v) of<br />

1 molll HCI containing 15% TFA, 5% <strong>for</strong>mic acid and 1% NaCI. The<br />

homogenate was centrifuged and <strong>the</strong> peptides in <strong>the</strong> supernatant<br />

extracted on C-18 cartridges and eluted with 0.1% C-18 HPLC column<br />

(LKB UltroPac) using 0.1% TFA in a 10-35% ACN gradient and" assayed <strong>for</strong><br />

mesotocin and oxytocin by specific radioimmunoassays. The major<br />

peptide was mesotocin, found at 9 to 12 ng per hypothalamus. An<br />

additional peak with <strong>the</strong> relative mobility of oxytocin was also<br />

detected but at <strong>the</strong> lower quantity of 1.5 to 2.5 ng per hypothalamus.<br />

Serial sections of para<strong>for</strong>maldehyde-fixed hypothalami were<br />

i~munostained <strong>for</strong> ei<strong>the</strong>r oxytocin or mesotocin using a biotinstreptavidin-peroxide<br />

system (Amersham). Heavy mesotocin staining was<br />

found in <strong>the</strong> Paraventricular and Supraoptic nuclei with only light<br />

oxytocin staining in <strong>the</strong> same cells.<br />

These results show that at least one Australian marsupial<br />

expresses both mesotocin and oxytocin genes; a situation which has<br />

also been reported <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> opossum, D. virginiana (3).<br />

(1) Chauvet, M.T., et. a1. (1981) FEBS Lett. 129: 120-122.<br />

(2) Hurpet, D., et. a1. (1982) Int. J. Pept. Prot. Res. 19: 366-371.<br />

(3) Chauvet, J., et. a1. (1984) BBRe 123: 306-311.<br />

25<br />



P.R. Lewis, M.B. Renfree, R.V. Short<br />

Depts. of Physiology and Anatomy, Monash University, Melbourne, 3168<br />

The duration and frequency of breastfeeding are major factors<br />

contributing to <strong>the</strong> length of lactational amenorrhoea. Starting in<br />

1984, a study was conducted at Monash University to provide additional<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>the</strong> influence of <strong>the</strong>se and o<strong>the</strong>r factors on <strong>the</strong> duration<br />

of lactational amenorrhoea. A total of 146 breastfeeding women were<br />

recruited in <strong>the</strong>ir first month post partum. They kept records of all<br />

feeds given to <strong>the</strong> baby during two 24 hour periods each week and<br />

collected saliva samples 2-3 times per week <strong>for</strong> progesterone assay to<br />

monitor corpus luteum function following ovulation. A subset of women<br />

also collected urine twice per week and this was analysed <strong>for</strong> total<br />

oestrogens and pregnanediol.<br />

Menstruati.on resumed within 1 year post partum in 70% of <strong>the</strong> women<br />

(shortest amenorrhoea: 1 month); <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> remaining 30%, amenorrhoea<br />

lasted from 13 to 22 months. Three women became pregnant in <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

second year of lactation without experiencing a menstrual bleed. First<br />

post partum ovulations occurred from less than 1 month (1%) to 22<br />

months (1%) after birth; median time to first ovulation was 10.5<br />

months. Initial menstrual cycles were irregular in length and<br />

frequently anovulatory; women who first ovulated early in lactation<br />

often had luteal phases characterised by short durations or low<br />

progesterone concentrations. Of women with amenorrhoea lasting less<br />

than 3 months, 30% ovulated be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong>ir first menstruation. However,<br />

70% of women experiencing <strong>the</strong>ir first menstruation after 12 months<br />

ovulated be<strong>for</strong>e that menstruation.<br />

Breastfeeding patterns varied greatly between women both with<br />

respect to frequency and total time spent feeding during <strong>the</strong> 24 hour<br />

recording period. During <strong>the</strong> first 1-2 months of lactation <strong>the</strong>re were<br />

no differences in <strong>the</strong>se parameters between groups of women with<br />

different lengths of amenorrhoea. The use of dummies and introduction<br />

of supplements, however, were signiyicantly different between groups;<br />

women who menstruated early used dummies more frequently ~nd introduced<br />

supplements earli.er and more rapidly.<br />

As yet, no specific <strong>for</strong>mula can be given to predict <strong>the</strong> length of a<br />

woman's lactational amenorrhoea from her breastfeeding pattern alone.<br />

Total duration of feeding may prqve to be lI.lore important than<br />

frequency, hut. an interacti.on between factors may explain <strong>the</strong> wide<br />

variation in breastfeeding patterns seen between women with similar<br />

periods of amenorrhoea.

2~<br />




Wang Qi Fa, P.G. Farnworth, H.G. Burger and J.K.<br />

Findlay<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital Campus of<br />

The Monash Medical Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004<br />

GnRH modifies gonadotroph functions, having both acute effects<br />

(minutes) on hormone release and delayed effects (hours) on receptor<br />

up-regulation and gonadotrophin syn<strong>the</strong>sis. It is well documented that<br />

inhibin, a gonadal glycoprotein hormone, suppresses <strong>the</strong> acute effects<br />

of GnRH both in vivo and in vitro (1). However, whe<strong>the</strong>r inhibin also<br />

modulate~ delayed effects of GnRH remains to be determined. The<br />

present study was designed to investigate <strong>the</strong> effect of inhibin on<br />

GnRH-induced up-regulation of GnRH binding sites in cultured rat<br />

anterior pituitary cells.<br />

Pituitary cells from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were dispersed<br />

and cultured <strong>for</strong> 2 days, after which <strong>the</strong> media were replaced and <strong>the</strong><br />

cells were <strong>the</strong>n exposed to stimuli, with or without test substances,<br />

<strong>for</strong> 10 h. Upon <strong>the</strong> completion of incubation, <strong>the</strong> cells were removed<br />

and <strong>the</strong> binding of GnRH was determined using iodinated Buserelin as<br />

tracer (2). Exposure to GnRH (10 nM) resulted in a 90% increase in<br />

specific binding sites <strong>for</strong> GnRH. Inhibin (0.01 to 10 U/ml) suppressed<br />

GnRH-induced up-regulation of GnRH binding sites in a dose-dependent<br />

manner with an IC of 0.13 U/ml (5.5 pM). Unlike inhibin, nei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Trans<strong>for</strong>ming Grow~R Factor-~ (0.4-400 pM) nor Mullerian Inhibitory<br />

Substance (0.1-100 nM), two inhibin-related peptides, had any<br />

detectable effect on <strong>the</strong> GnRH-stimulated increase in GnRH binding<br />

sites; suggesting that <strong>the</strong> effect was specific to inhibin. In<br />

addition, inhibin (10 U/ml) significantly inhibited <strong>the</strong> up-r~gulation<br />

of GnRH binding sites induced by <strong>the</strong> calcium ionophore A23187 (0.1<br />

~M), indicating that this effect 2f inhibin can occur, at least in<br />

part, at a stage subsequent to Ca + mobilization. Finally, inhibin at<br />

a concentration up to 300 Ulml did not compete with iodinated GnRH-A<br />

<strong>for</strong> GnRH binding sites.<br />

We conclude from this study that inhibin at low concentrations<br />

modulates delayed effects of GnRH on its own receptors and that<br />

inhibin might <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e participate in <strong>the</strong> physiological regulation of<br />

GnRH receptors.<br />

(1) Findlay, J. Fertil. Steril. 46(5):770-783, 1986.<br />

(2) Loumaye, E. &Catt, K.J. Science 215:983-985, 1983.<br />

27<br />



Zhang Zhiwen, J.K. Findlay, R.S. Carson, A.C. Herington<br />

and H.G. Burger<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital Campus,<br />

Monash Medical Centre, St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004<br />

Trans<strong>for</strong>ming growth factor ~ (TGF-~), a member of <strong>the</strong> inhibin gene<br />

family, is produced by ovarian <strong>the</strong>cal tissue (1), and has a paracrine<br />

influence on granulosa cell steroidogenesis (2) and EGF receptor<br />

number (3). We investigated <strong>the</strong> effects of TGF-~ on inhibin<br />

production by granulosa cells from diethylstilbestrol-treated,<br />

immature rats.<br />

Granulosa cell primary cultures and inhibin radioimmunoassay of<br />

conditioned media were per<strong>for</strong>med as described previously (4). TGF~<br />

(0.01-3 ng/ml) caused a dose-dependent increase in both basal and<br />

FSH-stimulated inhibin production by rat granulosa cells in culture.<br />

The TGF~ dose-response curve in <strong>the</strong> absence of FSH was approximately<br />

parallel to that in <strong>the</strong> presence of ei<strong>the</strong>r a minimally effective d~se<br />

(1 ng/ml) or a maximally effective dose (30 ng/ml) of FSH, suggestlng<br />

an additive effect of <strong>the</strong>se two agents on inhibin production. There<br />

was also a suggestion of an increased sensitivity of granulosa cell<br />

inhibin production to FSH when <strong>the</strong> cells were coincubated with TGF~.<br />

The time course study showed that similar to FSH, <strong>the</strong> stimulatory<br />

effect of TGF~ on basal and FSH-stimulated inhibin production was<br />

evident on day 1 and was maximal by day 4. In addition, EGF reduced<br />

FSH-stimulated inhtbin production with an I~O value of 1.3 ng/ml.<br />

Coincubation of cells with EGF and 1 ng TGF~ml enhanced greatly <strong>the</strong><br />

inhibitory action of EGF on FSH-induced inhibin production (ID 50<br />

< 0.1<br />

ng/ml).<br />

It is concluded that: (a) TGF~ directly stimulates inhibin<br />

production by rat granulosa cells and <strong>the</strong> combined effect with FSH was<br />

largely additive, (b) <strong>the</strong> inhibitory effect of EGF on FSH-induced<br />

inhibin production was enhanced by TGF~, (c) individual members of <strong>the</strong><br />

TGF~/inhibin gene family regulate ovarian function, not only by direct<br />

action on follicle cells but also indirectly in influencing <strong>the</strong><br />

production rate of o<strong>the</strong>r members of that family.<br />

(1) Skinner, M.K., Keski-Oja, J., Osteen, K.G. and Moses, H.L. (1987)<br />

Endocrinology 121:786-792.<br />

(2) Dodson, W.C. and Schomberg, D.W. (1987) Endocrinology 120:512-516.<br />

(3) Knecht, M., Feng, P. and Catt, K. (1987) Endocrinology<br />

120:1243-1249.<br />

(4) Zhiwen, Z., Carson, R.S., Herington, A.C., Lee, V.W.K. and<br />

Burger, H.G. (1987) Endocrinology 120:1633-1638.

28<br />



1, 2 3 1<br />

B.M. Bindon, T~OIShea, K. MiYimoto, M.A. Hillard,<br />

L.R. Piper, R.D. Ne<strong>the</strong>ry and G. Uphill<br />

2 CSIRO Division of Animal Production, Armidale<br />

De~artment of Physiology, University of New England, Armidale<br />

Gunma University School of Medicine, Gunma 371, Japan<br />

Increased ovulation rate has been observed in cattle immunized<br />

against ovine follicular fluid proteins (1). To explore this fur<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

crossbred beef heifers aged 10 months and weighing an average of 216 kg<br />

were immunized against ei<strong>the</strong>r ovine serum albumin (Group C; n=8) or<br />

ovine .inhibin (Group I, n=8) purified from follicular fluid using a<br />

monoclonal antibody against bovine inhibin (2). This procedure<br />

resulted in an approximate 300-fold enrichment of <strong>the</strong> inhibin. The<br />

animals were injected at subcutaneous and intramuscular sites with<br />

approximately 350 JIg protein (<strong>for</strong> each immunogen) mixed with Freund's<br />

complete adjuvant on Days 1, 25 and 65 of <strong>the</strong> experiment. Only one<br />

heifer had shown oestrus when <strong>the</strong> experiment began. Laparoscopic<br />

ovarian examinations were made on Days 57 and 87. On Day 57, three<br />

heifers from Group C had ovulated, all with one ovulation while four<br />

from Group I had ovulated, with ovulation rates of 3, 2, 1 and 16.<br />

Ovarian data on Day 87, which is 22 days after <strong>the</strong> third<br />

immunization are shown in Table 1. Inhibin-immunized heifers had<br />

substantially higher ovulation rates and follicular development.<br />

Table 1. Ovulation and follicle development of heifers immunized<br />

against ovine serum albumin (Group C) or ovine inhibin (G~oup I)<br />

Mean + S.E.<br />

Live-<br />

Group weight No. No. with Follicle % INH<br />

(n=8) (kg) ovulated >1 ovulation Ov. rate score* binding<br />

C 258+14 4 0 1.0+0 10.3+ 1.9 0<br />

I 260+7 7 7 11.6+3.9 44.3~14.7 19.8<br />

(range-2-32)<br />

* Sum of follicle diameters (mm) (1 cm follicle = score 10)<br />

Heifers from Group I showed measurable plasma binding of <strong>the</strong><br />

iodinated inhibin preparation from Day 38 and reached peak binding (13%<br />

to 27% binding with 100 pI of 1/500 plasma dilution) by Day 87. Plasma<br />

from Group C heifers did not show detectable binding of inhibin.<br />

These results confirm <strong>the</strong> importance of inhibin as a feed-back<br />

regulator of ovarian function in <strong>the</strong> bovine and promise useful<br />

techniques <strong>for</strong> superovulation in this species.<br />

(1) Cummins, L.3., O'Shea, T. and Bindon, B.M. (1986). Proc. Aust.<br />

Soc. Reprod. BioI. 18: 39.<br />

(2) Miyamoto, K., Hasegawa, Y., Fukuda, M. and Igarashi, M. (1986).<br />

Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 136: 1103-1109.<br />

29<br />



J.K. Findlay, I.J. Clarke, H. Quigg, S. Katsahambas, P. Juhola,<br />

M. de Blasiis and B. Doughton<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital Melbourne,<br />

Victoria, 3004.<br />

Inhibin is an ovarian glycoprotein hormone consisting of 2<br />

dissimilar, disulphide-linked subunits, termed ~ and S, which inhibits<br />

<strong>the</strong> production and/or secretion of pituitary gonadotrophins,<br />

preferentially FSH. According to <strong>the</strong> inhibin hypo<strong>the</strong>sis, <strong>the</strong>re should<br />

be (a) higher concentrations of inhibin in follicular fluid and<br />

ovarian venous plasma than in peripheral plasma, and (b) a reciprocal<br />

relationship between peripheral concentrations of inhibin and FSH<br />

during <strong>the</strong> ovarian cycle. We examined <strong>the</strong>se hypo<strong>the</strong>ses in <strong>the</strong> ewe<br />

using a radioimmunoassay developed recently <strong>for</strong> ovine inhibin (1).<br />

Inhibin concentrations are expressed as nl equiv. ovine follicular<br />

fluid standard/ml plasma or follicular fluid.<br />

To examine inhibin release from <strong>the</strong> ovary, 6 Corriedale ewes on<br />

days 12-13'of <strong>the</strong> cycle were subjected to midventral laparotomy under<br />

general anaes<strong>the</strong>sia. Paired jugular and ovarian venous blood samples<br />

were taken immediately be<strong>for</strong>e and 10 min after cauterizing <strong>the</strong> visible<br />

follicles on one ovary. Where possible, follicular fluid was also<br />

harvested be<strong>for</strong>e ablation of follicles. Be<strong>for</strong>e cautery, <strong>the</strong> mean +<br />

s.d. (n) plasma inhibin levels were 130 + 72 (5) in <strong>the</strong> ovarian veIn<br />

and 39 + 9 (6) in <strong>the</strong> jugular vein, a ratio of 3.37 + 1.90 (5). The<br />

follicular fluid concentration was 936000 + 371000 (9 follicles),<br />

approximately 7400-fold higher than ovarian venous plasma. After<br />

cautery, inhibin in ovarian venous plasma fell to 65 + 20% (44-95%<br />

range) of control, with little or no change in jugular concentrations<br />

(97 ~ 10%; 83-114% range).<br />

To examine <strong>the</strong> relationship between peripheral inhibin and FSH, 4<br />

Corriedale ewes (days 8,-12) were treated with prostaglandin and bled<br />

via <strong>the</strong> jugular vein twice daily across <strong>the</strong> ensuing 2 episodes of<br />

estrus and daily during <strong>the</strong> luteal phase (days 3-15). Plasma samples<br />

were assayed <strong>for</strong> LH, FSH and inhibin. During <strong>the</strong> luteal phase of <strong>the</strong><br />

cycle of all 4 ewes, 'inhibin concentrations varied in waves lasting<br />

several days and <strong>the</strong>re was an inverse relationship between inhibin and<br />

FSH, with <strong>the</strong> onset of a rise in FSH preceding that of inhibi~ by 1-2<br />

days. At <strong>the</strong> onset of luteolysis, FSH and inhibin levels decreased<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r. During <strong>the</strong> follicular phase nadir in FSH, 3/4 ewe~ had<br />

increasing inhibin concentrations which were terminated by tre LH<br />

surge. The second FSH peak followed this decrease in inhibin. The<br />

fourth ewe did not exhibit a rise in inhibin prior to <strong>the</strong> LH surge.<br />

We conclude that (a) <strong>the</strong> ovarian vein is a major route of inhibin<br />

secretion by large follicles, and (b) inhibin and FSH are inversely<br />

related during <strong>the</strong> ovarian cycle except during <strong>the</strong> follicular phase<br />

when we hypo<strong>the</strong>size that LH ra<strong>the</strong>r than FSH stimulates inhibin<br />

production.<br />

(1) Findlay, J.K., Quigg, H., Juhola, P., Katsahambas, S., Clarke,<br />

I.J., Dough ton , B. and Robertson, D.M. (1988) Proc. 70th Ann.<br />

Meet. Endocr. Soc. USA, Abstr.488.

30<br />


R~J.<br />

Rodgers, S.J. Stuchbery and J.K. Findlay<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, St Kilda Road,<br />

Melbourne, Victoria, 3004.<br />

Pituitary FSH secretion is regulated by <strong>the</strong> gonadal hormone<br />

inhibin, a glycoprotein composed of two subunits, «and ~) each <strong>the</strong><br />

product of a separate gene. It was originally postulated that in<br />

females inhibin would be produced by ovarian follicles, however, <strong>the</strong><br />

recent detection of inhibin mRNA in human corpora lutea (1) and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

more circumstantial evidence in <strong>the</strong> sheep (2) suggest that ovine<br />

corpora lutea (CL) may also produce inhibin.<br />

To investigate this possibility Nor<strong>the</strong>rn RNA blotting was per<strong>for</strong>med<br />

on RNA extracted from two pools of ovine follicles «4 mm and >6 mm in<br />

diameter) and CL from both cyclic (n=7) and pregnant (n=6; foetal<br />

crown-rump length 90 to 270 em) animals killed at an abattoir. Total<br />

RNA (25 ~g) was subjected to electrophoresis through agarose/<br />

<strong>for</strong>maldehyde gels and <strong>the</strong>n electroblotted onto Biodyne A membrane.<br />

Prehybridizations and hybridizations were carried out at 60 0 C in<br />

4xSSC, 10 x Denhart's solution, 0.5% SDS, 1 mM EOTA and 100 ~g salmon<br />

sperm DNA/ml <strong>for</strong> eDNA probes and at 60 0 C in 50% <strong>for</strong>mamid, 5xSSPE, 5 x<br />

Denhart's splution, 0.1% 50S and 100 ~g DNA/ml <strong>for</strong> RNA probes l (3). The<br />

cDNA probes were bovine ~ inhibin (720 base SphI-SmaI fragment; 4),<br />

and bovine cholesterol side chain cleavage (SCC) cytochrome P-4S0 ·(890<br />

base EcoRI-Pvu II fragment; 5) as a positive control. An RNA probe<br />

was made from pGEM containing an insert of bovine ~A inhibin (320 base<br />

PstI - RsaI; 4). Stringency washes were in O.lxSSC at 4SoC <strong>for</strong><br />

cytochrome P-450 scc<br />

' 50 C <strong>for</strong> ~ inhibin and 60 0 C <strong>for</strong> ~ inhibin.<br />

Both ~ and ~ inhibin mRNA were readily detected in <strong>the</strong> pool of<br />

follicles < 4 mm in diameter but not in <strong>the</strong> pool of larger follicles<br />

and not in any of <strong>the</strong> CL. Cytochrome P-450 mRNA was readily<br />

detected in <strong>the</strong> pool of large follicles andsrg all of <strong>the</strong> CL. It is<br />

not known why inhibin mRNA was undetectable in <strong>the</strong> pool of larger<br />

follicles but it is highly likely that <strong>the</strong>se follicles were partially<br />

atretic as cytochrome P-450 mRNA levels were high. However it is<br />

clear that ovine CL do not ~~~ress inhibin genes, consistent with<br />

bovine CL (6) but not with human CL (1). Interestingly ovarian<br />

inhibin gene expression in CL of <strong>the</strong>se three species appears to be<br />

linked to expression of cytochrome P-450 aromatase activity.<br />

(1) Davis, S.R. et al. (1987) J. Endocr. 115:R21-R23.<br />

(2) Tsonis, e.G. et al. (1988) J. Endocr. 116:R3-R5.<br />

(3) Manniatis, T. et al. "Molecular Cloning", Cold Spring Harbor<br />

Laboratory. 1982.<br />

(4) Forage, R.G. et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA<br />

83:3091-3095.<br />

(5) John, M.E. et al. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 81:5628-5632.<br />

(6) Rodgers, R.J. et al. (1987) Proc. Aust. Soc. Reprod. BioI. 19:117.<br />

31<br />


T. O'Shea 1 , B.M. Bindon 2 , J.K. Findlay3, ~.A. Hillard 1 , L.R. Piper 2<br />

and K. Miyamoto<br />

~Department of Physiology, University of New E~gland, Armidale,<br />

CSIRO, Division of Animal Production, Armi~ale, Medical Research<br />

Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics<br />

and Gynecology, Gunma University School of Medicine, Gunma 371, Japan.<br />

Immunization of ewes with an inhibin-enriched fraction from<br />

bovine follicular fluid (bFF) results in an increased ovulation rate<br />

(OR). To confirm that <strong>the</strong> effects (1) were due to inhibin, ewes were<br />

immunized with inhibin preparations (from bFF) of increasing purity.<br />

bPPI (enriched 20-fold) was prepared as preViously described<br />

(1). bMPI (enriched 200-fold) was prepared using a monoclonal<br />

antibody agAinst bovine inhibin (2). bMPI 2<br />

(enriched 1000-fold) was<br />

prepared from bMPI 1<br />

using antibodies raised in ewes immunized with<br />

steer serum. Groups (n=20) of Merino ewes were immunized (using<br />

Freund's adjuvant) with bovine serum albumin (bsa; 2.25 mg protein on<br />

Days 0, 30 and 60), bPPI (2.25 mg on Days 0, 30 and 60), bMPI 1<br />

(0.2<br />

mg on Days 0 and 30), or bMPI 2<br />

(0.1 mg Days 0 and 30). Laparoscopic<br />

ovarian examinations were made on Days -14, 21, 51, 79 and 105.<br />

Means ± sem of OR data are presented in Table 1. Immunization<br />

with <strong>the</strong> purer preparations increased OR after two injections, and<br />

resulted in a transient increase (P < 0.01) in plasma FSH at this<br />

time (bsa, 1.4 ± 0.1 ng/ml plasma; bPPI, 1.7 ± 0.1; bMPI 1<br />

, 2.0 ± 0.2;<br />

bMPI 2<br />

2.3 ± 0.3). Inhibin antibody titres were greater with <strong>the</strong><br />

purer preparations (Day 40; bPPI, 2 ± 0.5% specific binding at 1:500<br />

dilution; bMPI 1<br />

, 19 ± 3%; bMPI 2<br />

, 20 ± 4%). Inhibin antibody titre<br />

was correlated with OR (Day 40; N= 77, r = 0.44, P < 0.01).<br />

Table 1<br />

Ovulation rate following immunization (means ± s. e.m.)<br />

Day<br />

Group 21 51 79 105<br />

bsa 1.7±0.1 1.6 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.1<br />

bPPI 1.7 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.6 2.0 ± 0.5 1.2 ± 0.1<br />

bMPI 2.1 ± 0.3 3.8 ± 0.6 n 3.1 ± 0.9 2.3 ± 0.5*<br />

bMPI 1<br />

2<br />

1.8 ± 0.1 5.2±1.0 n 2.5 ± 0.4· 2.2 ± 0.6<br />

• P < 0.05, .* P < 0.01.<br />

Significantly different from bsa group<br />

These data are consistent with <strong>the</strong> postulate that <strong>the</strong> results<br />

with crude preparations (1) were due to <strong>the</strong>ir inhibin content.<br />

(1) Cummins, L.J. et al., J. Reprod. Fert. (1986),11: 365-372.<br />

(2) Miyamoto, K. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1986),<br />

.13Q.: 1103-1109.

32<br />


RA.Parr, LF.Davis, and M.L.Phillips*<br />

Animal Research Institute, Werribee, 3030 and *Dookie Agricultural College,<br />

Dookie,3647.<br />

Shearing is associated with severe stress (1) and can delay <strong>the</strong> onset of<br />

oestrus in ewes shorn just prior to mating (2). In <strong>the</strong> study reported here, we<br />

investigated <strong>the</strong> effect of shearing on <strong>the</strong> incidence of behavioural oestrus and<br />

ovulation rate in Merino ewes.<br />

Mature Merino ewes, (n=212) were given intravaginal sponges (1ntervet)<br />

<strong>for</strong> 12 days during September. Sponges were withdrawn on <strong>the</strong> day of shearing<br />

and all ewes were injected (im) with 400 iu of PMSG (Heriot,Aust.). Ewes had<br />

been randomly allocated to ei<strong>the</strong>r a shorn or an unshorn group. Unshorn ewes<br />

were crutched and were joined toge<strong>the</strong>r with shorn ewes and 5% fertile rams.<br />

During <strong>the</strong> expected period of mating, a group of 50 shorn ewes were isolated<br />

with rams <strong>for</strong> a 6h period. Mated ewes and a sample of 30 unmated, shorn<br />

ewes were endoscoped one week after shearing and, 2 days later, were given a<br />

prostaglandin (1C1,Aust.) injection (im) and 400 iu PMSG. At this stage, shorn<br />

and unshorn ewes were separately joined with 5% fertile rams. All ewes were<br />

endoscoped one week later.<br />

Table L Number and (percentage) of shorn and unshorn ewes detected in<br />

oestrus and mean (+/- sem) ovulation rates (OR) of ewes at fIrst and second<br />

oestrus.<br />


n (%) OR n (%) OR<br />

SHORN 5 a (4.7) . L9(0.18t 76 b (71.7) 2.3(0.21)<br />

UNSHORN . 76b (71.7) 2.1(0.29) 71 b (67.0) 2.8(0.21)<br />

~~ted ewes plus a sample of thirty unmated ewes.<br />

a, ; differ at P2 mm recovered and classified as<br />

above. Correlation coefficients between surface and dissected small<br />

medium and large follicles were 0.77, 0.05 and 0.58 respectively. '<br />

Data from ano<strong>the</strong>r previously reported experiment (2) ill ustrates <strong>the</strong><br />

use of <strong>the</strong> three methods to assess ovarian follicle populations (Table<br />

1) . Endoscopy was carri ed out when <strong>the</strong> group's average postpartum<br />

interval was 81 days (s.d. = 14).<br />

TABLE 1. Follicle populations at 80 days postpartum in ovaries from<br />

cows fed three pr.epartu!J1 diets assessed by endoscopy (E) (n=19), or<br />

surface (OS) and d1ssect10n (00) counts (n=33) following ovariectomy.<br />

Prepartum Small Medium Large<br />

Diet E OS 00 E OS 00 E OS 00<br />

Control 6.3 8b 13.5 8 20.0 1.6 1.9 8.3 8 1.3 0.7 0.4<br />

Supp. 1 9.4 b 19.5 8b 28.5 1.5 1.9 9.5 8 0.6 0.6 0.7<br />

Supp. 2 5.4 8 28.8 b 38.5 1.2 1.2 16.2 b 0.8 0.4 0.4<br />

Values within columns with different superscripts differ (P

34 35<br />


J.D. O'Shea 1 , R.J. Rodgers 2 and M.J. D'Occhi0 3 .<br />

2 1School of Veterinary Science, University of Melbourne, Victoria.<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne,<br />

3 Victoria.<br />

C.S.I.R.O., Division of Tropical Animal Production, Rockhampton,<br />

Queensland.<br />

It is important to know <strong>the</strong> numbers of large and small luteal<br />

cells in <strong>the</strong> bovine corpus luteum (CL) to assess claims (1,2) that<br />

granulosa-derived luteal cells disappear from <strong>the</strong> CL during pregnancy.<br />

These ~laims, based on immunocytochemistry on enzymatically-dispersed<br />

populations of luteal cells, depend in part on <strong>the</strong> assumption that<br />

dispersed populations accurately represent <strong>the</strong> populations in intact<br />

tissue. This study investigates this assumption.<br />

Luteal tissue from 6 CL obtained on Day 12 of <strong>the</strong> oestrous cycle<br />

was studied by ultrastructural morphometry (3). Data (mean ~ s.d.)<br />

are shown below.<br />

Volume density (%6<br />

No. cells/CL x 10 10 3 )<br />

Cell volume (~m x<br />

Large luteal<br />

cells<br />

40.2 + 7.0<br />

51.5 + 15.4<br />

29.6 + 6.3<br />

Small luteal<br />

cells<br />

27.7 +<br />

392.4 +<br />

2.7 +<br />

6.3<br />

135.1<br />

0.4<br />

The CL studied weighed 3.8 + 0.8 g. Large and small luteal cells g<br />

combined occupied 67.9% of <strong>the</strong> luteal tissue. Of a total of 1.5 x 10<br />

cells of all cell types/CL, large luteal cells comprised 3.5% and<br />

small luteal cells 26.7%, a ratio of 1:7.6. Mean volumes of <strong>the</strong> large<br />

and small luteal cells would convert, in spherical <strong>for</strong>m, to diameters<br />

of 34 ~m and 17 ~m respectively.<br />

These estimates of cell diameter agree closely with measurements<br />

from dispersed populations (4). However, numbers of luteal cells/g<br />

luteal tissue as estimated here are 10-fold higher than numbers<br />

counted after tissue dispersion (2) <strong>for</strong> large luteal cells, and 5-fold<br />

higher <strong>for</strong> small luteal cells. We conclude that substantial and<br />

selective losses of luteal cells may occur during enzymatic<br />

dispersion.<br />

(1) Alila, H.W. and Hansel, W. (1984) Biol. Reprod. 31:1015-1025.<br />

(2) Hansel, \1. et al. (1987) Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 40:331-347.<br />

(3) O'Shea, J.D. et al. (1986) J. Reprod. Fert. 76:685-691.<br />

(4) Ursely, J. and Leymarie, P. (1979) J. Endocr. 83:303-310.<br />



E-M.A.<br />

Bugledich, L.A.Hinds* and P.A.Janssens<br />

Department of Zoology, Australian National University,<br />

Canberra, ACT and * CSIRO Div. Wildlife and Ecology, PO Box<br />

84 Lyneham ACT 2602.<br />

Tammar wallabies emerge from <strong>the</strong> pouch in October at<br />

approximately 10 months of age and females will enter<br />

oestrus and conceive at this time. However <strong>the</strong> resulting<br />

embryo enters diapause at <strong>the</strong> blastocyst stage and remains<br />

in quiescence as is normal in adult females at this time of<br />

year. Following <strong>the</strong> summer solstice reactivation occurs and<br />

birth follows at <strong>the</strong> end of January (1). The aim of this<br />

study was to determine <strong>the</strong> potential of females born late in<br />

<strong>the</strong> reproductive season to produce young in <strong>the</strong> following<br />

year.<br />

Females from two different groups have been checked <strong>for</strong><br />

reproductive status at <strong>for</strong>tnightly intervals from early in<br />

pouch life. Group 1 contained 6 females born in late<br />

January-early February 1987. Permanent pouch exit occurred<br />

when <strong>the</strong> young were 35-38 weeks old (1150-1600 g body<br />

weight). They produced young in February or early March 1988<br />

when <strong>the</strong>y were 53-57 weeks of age (2800-3400 g body weight) .<br />

Group 2 contained 3 females born June 2-4 1987. Permanent<br />

pouch exit was at 34 weeks (600-900g body weight) and young<br />

were produced in early May 1988 when <strong>the</strong>y were 48 weeks of<br />

age (2250-2380 g body weight) .<br />

Thus <strong>the</strong> first blastocyst of female juveniles need not<br />

enter diapause if conception occurs during a period of<br />

decreasing daylength. This study fur<strong>the</strong>r shows that female<br />

tammars less than 2kg body weight can conceive and<br />

subsequently undergo a successful pregnancy.<br />

(1) Tyndale-Biscoe, C.H. and Hawkins J. (1977) In<br />

"Reproduction and 'evolution" ed. J.H. Calaby and C.H.<br />

Tyndale-Biscoe, pp. 245-252. Canberra: Australian Academy<br />

of Science.

36<br />


M.B. Renfree, G.<br />

Shaw and T.P. Fletcher<br />

Department of Anatomy, Monash University, Victoria, 3168<br />

Macropodid marsupials are monovular, so a technique <strong>for</strong> inducing<br />

multiple ovulations to provide cleaving eggs and blastocysts <strong>for</strong><br />

experimental embryological techniques is increasingly needed. Whilst<br />

it is easy to induce multiple follicular development using exogenous<br />

gonadotrophin, ovulation usually fails and <strong>the</strong> ovary remains<br />

hyperstimulated.<br />

In a series of trials in 1979 and 1986-1988, we have tested a<br />

,variety of stimulatory treatments during <strong>the</strong> follicular phase of<br />

animals whose cycle had been initiated by removal of pouch young (RPY).<br />

In 1979, 12 animals were treated with 5 to 125 III PMS (Folligon,<br />

Intervet) on day 23 RPY. Those receiving 5 IU had no stimulation,<br />

whilst 25 III animals were slightly stimulated, with one animal having 4<br />

new CL's. The 6 animals receiving 50 IU PMS or more had grossly<br />

enlarged ovaries with multiple >7 rom diameter follicles at laparotomy<br />

on day 30, but no new CL's and all died within <strong>the</strong> next month. A<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r 9 animals receiving ei<strong>the</strong>r 50 IU or 75 IU PMS on day 23 and<br />

100 III anti.-PMS (courtesy Dr B.M. Bindon, CSIRO Armidale) on d~y 26<br />

and 5 J.1g LH-RH on day 27 had more controlled follicular stimulation.<br />

One had 3 newCL's and 2 eggs were recovered, while 4 o<strong>the</strong>rs had 2<br />

CL's. In animals treated with 50 IU PMS on day 23, anti-PMS on day 26<br />

and ei<strong>the</strong>r 5 I1g LH-RH (HRF, Ayerst) or 50 IU HCG (Primogonyl,<br />

Organon), 3/4 mated on day 27 and on day 30 at autopsy one RCG treated<br />

animal had 4 uterine blastocysts of 40 cells.<br />

In 1986-88, we measured plasma luteinising hormone (LH) ,<br />

progesterone (P) and oestradiol 173 (E2B) to fur<strong>the</strong>r monitor response.<br />

Eleven animals treated with 50, 25 or 15 IU PMS at day 22, 100 1 anti­<br />

PMS at day 25, and 5 I1g LHRH or 50 IU HCG at day 27 led us to adopt<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r 15 or 26 IU as <strong>the</strong> optimum dose <strong>for</strong> follicle stimulation<br />

although no ovulation resulted. All animals receiving 50 IU PMS had<br />

grossly elevated concentrations of E2 3 (80-100 pg/ml) while P & LH<br />

concentrations were normal <strong>for</strong> that stage of <strong>the</strong> cycle whereas those<br />

receiving 15 or 25 IU had levels similar to those ~t oestrus (15<br />

pg/ml). In 1988 8 animals were treated with 15 IU PMS on days 22 & 23<br />

100 111 anti-PMS on day 25, and 50 l1g LH-RH at 09.00, 13.00 and 18.00 h<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r on day 27 (n=4) or day 26 (n=4). Four and 3 blastocysts were<br />

recovered from 2/4 animals in <strong>the</strong> last treatment group.<br />

We conclude that it is possible to superovulate macropodid<br />

marsupials, but that results may be highly variable, and that timing is<br />

critical. Fur<strong>the</strong>r refinements of <strong>the</strong> last treatment groups should<br />

allow us to develop a more reliable method.<br />

-<br />

37<br />



M. sathanandan, S.K. Walker*, LJ. Clarke**, C.D. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws<br />

Def>C!l!ment of Obstetrics and Gynaeoclogy, University ~ Adelaide<br />

and Department of Agri.cuJt.ure, Rcsedale, 5350 and MRC, Pr:ince Henry's<br />

Hcspital, Melbourne, 3003.<br />

Variation in response to gonadotrophin treatment is a limitation to embryo<br />

collection in <strong>the</strong> sheep. GnRH agonists (GnRHa) have aided synchronous<br />

follicular development in <strong>the</strong> human and this phenomenon may be applied to<br />

domestic species. The aims of this study were (a) to determine <strong>the</strong> time<br />

required <strong>for</strong> pituitary down regulation fallowing GnRHa and (b) to assess <strong>the</strong><br />

effect of PMSG on ovulatory response fallowing GnRHa. Four prC9'esterone<br />

treated Merino ewes were administered Leuprolideacetate (GnRHa) (Abbott;<br />

1mg/ewEV'day) <strong>for</strong> 14 days. GnRH Ohtervet; 50ug iv/ewe) challenge tests were<br />

per<strong>for</strong>med at day 0, day 7 and day 14.<br />

Table:<br />

Peak LH and FSH concentrations (ng/m}) fallowing GnRH challenge<br />

prior to (day 0) and during GnRHa treatment (day 7 and 14). Mean<br />

basalleve1s (n=3) in paren<strong>the</strong>sis.<br />

Sheep Day 0 Day 7 Day 14<br />

no. LH FSH LH FSH LH FSH<br />

1 107.3<br />

(1.0)<br />

9.2<br />

(9.0)<br />

2.8<br />

(1.3)<br />

9.7<br />

(2.5)<br />

2.8<br />

(1.7)<br />

15.9<br />

(9.3)<br />

2 205.0<br />

(2.0)<br />

24.6<br />

(13.4)<br />

4.3<br />

(3.3)<br />

3.6<br />

(3.0)<br />

2.0<br />

(1.4)<br />

15.8<br />

(13.9)<br />

3 113.1 26.6 4.5 10.3 2.1 16.3<br />

(1.4) (11.0) (1.6) (8.8) (1.6) (14.0)<br />

4 45.2<br />

(1.7)<br />

22.4<br />

(14.9)<br />

2.4<br />

(1.4)<br />

10.0<br />

(8.6)<br />

2.1<br />

(1.5)<br />

18.7<br />

(16.3)<br />

Peak LH and FSH responses to GnRH (peak/base1ine ratio) were significantly<br />

rerluced from day 7 compared with Day O. Baseline FSH was elevated at day 14<br />

compared with day 7.<br />

Ovarian response (ei<strong>the</strong>r number of corpora lutea (CL) or CL + large unruptured<br />

follicles) was assessed by Japarcscopy at two dcses of P MSG (1200ID and 24001U)<br />

following 14 days GnRHa treatment (n=12/group). Contro1s received similar<br />

PMSG dcses without GnRHa. GnRHa reduced <strong>the</strong> number of CL (P

38<br />



Y. Tang, <strong>the</strong> late D. E..Brooks, A.M. Snoswell and B. P. Setchell<br />

Department of Animal Sciences, Waite Agricultural Research Institute,<br />

Glen Osmond, SA 5064<br />

Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) activity is present on mouse sperm surface (1) and in<br />

epididymal plas~a of mouse and rat (1, 2). It has been reported that in mouse <strong>the</strong> sperm<br />

surfa~e GalTase IS <strong>the</strong> sperm receptor <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> zona pellucida (ZP) in sperm-zona binding,<br />

and hIgh sperm surface GalTase activity is related with preferential fertilization ability (1).<br />

Sperm-zona binding is not strictly species specific, ego mouse sperm can bind with rat ZP<br />

(3). There<strong>for</strong>e, it is interesting to see if GalTase can be found on sperm surface of o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

species. The GalTase activity in caudal epididymal plasma (CEP) has also been examined,<br />

because of <strong>the</strong> absoption of soluble epididymal proteins by epididymal sperm.<br />

C~P and sperm v:ere coll~c~ed from rats, rabbits, rams and boars ei<strong>the</strong>r by<br />

punctunng or by cannulatmg <strong>the</strong> epIdidymal duct. Mouse sperm were collected by mincing<br />

<strong>the</strong> tissue (1). The enzyme assay procedures are essentially <strong>the</strong> same asreported (1, 2).<br />

Sperm surface GalTase activity (pmole substrate transferred I 1.5 hr. ) in mouse rat<br />

sheep and pig , ,<br />

Sperm Number xlO-6 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2<br />

Mouse (1 Group of 24) 11.7 28.5 62.7<br />

Rat (2 Groups of 2) 12.3±2.8 21.9±1.9 33.4±1.3<br />

Ram n=3 10.9±3.5 18.9±10.5 48.2±20.9<br />

Boar n=3 2.2±0.8 6.2±3.7 10.6±1.8<br />

CEP. GalTase activity (pmole substrate transferred I ug protein· 20 min. ) in mouse, rat,<br />

rabblt, sheep and pig<br />

Mouse<br />

n=3(groups)<br />

12.3±4.1<br />

Rat<br />

n=8<br />

5.5±1.7<br />

Rabbit<br />

n=4<br />

9.9±3.9<br />

Ram<br />

n=8<br />

7.1±2.3<br />

Boar<br />

n=8<br />

9.4±2.1<br />

The results show that GalTase is present on sperm surface and in caudal<br />

epididymal plasma in several mammalian species. The enzyme activity was lower·in<br />

plg sperm (p

4[1<br />

41<br />



De Yi Liu and H W Gordon Baker<br />

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of<br />

Melbourne and <strong>Reproductive</strong> <strong>Biology</strong> Unit, Royal Women's<br />

Hospital, Melbourne, VIC 3053<br />

The human sperm acrosome reaction is important <strong>for</strong> zona<br />

binding and penetration of human oocytes both in vivo and in<br />

vitro. Acrosin, a neutral proteinase, is one of <strong>the</strong> most<br />

important acrosomal enzymes. In order to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong><br />

proportion of sperm with normal intact acrosomes, and acrosin<br />

levels are related to fertility, sperm samples remaining after<br />

preparation <strong>for</strong> in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 119 treatments<br />

were studied and related to <strong>the</strong> proportion of oocytes which<br />

fertilized in IVF. Sperm normal intact acrosomes in semen and<br />

in insemination medium were examined by staining with<br />

fluorecein isothiocyanate conjugated pisum sativum agglutinin<br />

(FITC-PSA) according to <strong>the</strong> method described previously. 1,2<br />

Acrosin activity of sperm in semen was determined by a<br />

spectrophotometric method. 3 Sperm concentration in semen and<br />

in insemination medium, motility and motility index, viability<br />

(% live) and normal morphology in semen were also examined by<br />

standard methods.<br />

The results showed that acrosin levels were only<br />

correlated with motility index (p < 0.05) and proportion of<br />

sperm with normal intact acrosomes (p < 0.05). The percentage<br />

of sperm with normal intact acrosomes in semen was strongly<br />

correlated with motility (p < 0.001), motility index (p<br />

< 0.001), viability (p


42<br />



Ann J Conway, Lyn 11 Boylan, *Margaret Wocx:i, David J Handelsrran<br />

DE:;partment of l1edicine, University of Sydney and Andrclogy Unit &<br />

*DE:;partment of Biochemistry, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney<br />

Sertoli cells syn<strong>the</strong>size vitamin A-binding proteins in-vivo and<br />

<strong>the</strong>se ITB.y be involved in <strong>the</strong> essential requirement <strong>for</strong> vitamin A by<br />

spenre.togenesis. There<strong>for</strong>e VJe sought to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r hUITB.n<br />

seminal plaSITB. retinol-binding protein (REP) could represent a direct,<br />

non-invasive ITB.rker of Sertoli cell secretory function in-vivo<br />

comparable with seminal plasma transferrin (TRFN) which is prinlarily<br />

of testicular origin and <strong>the</strong> levels of which are correlated with rate<br />

of spenre.togenesis. There<strong>for</strong>e VJe have studied <strong>the</strong> relationship betvveen<br />

seminal and blocx:i plaSITB. levels of REP and TRFN in 61 men aged 25-49<br />

yr undergoing semen analysis as spenn donors or during infertility<br />

investigations covering a wide range of sperm output and quality from<br />

nonre.l to various degrees of abnonre.l spenre.togenesis (range spenn<br />

density 0-458 MlOO, ootility 0-70%). REP and TRFN were measured by an<br />

imnunoturbidometric assay in spenn-free seminal plasma and concurrent<br />

blocx:i samples.<br />

Number<br />

REP (ug/ml)<br />

(ug/ejac)<br />

TRFN (ug/ml<br />

(ug/ejac)<br />

Number<br />

REP (ug/ml)<br />

(ug/ejac)<br />

TRFN (ug/OO<br />

(ug/ejac)<br />


10M/ml<br />

20 41<br />

21+6 21+5<br />

84+28 80+25<br />

34+5 * 54+6<br />

118+18 * 178+20<br />

MarILE SPERl'1<br />

10M/ml<br />

22 39<br />

20+6 21+6<br />

83+25 80+26<br />

33+4 55+7<br />

118+17 181+21<br />

(Mean+SEM,<br />


50%<br />

36 25<br />

26+7 12+3<br />

105+31 47+12<br />

50+7 44+4<br />

162+20 1 53+23<br />


nUll<br />

17 20<br />

24+10 14+4<br />

81+32 62+23<br />

58+13 38+5<br />

191+35 129+18<br />

*p 10IU/l<br />

29 6<br />

18+6 23+10<br />

67+22 96+52<br />

49+8 45+7<br />

162+23 161+30<br />

Similar lack of significant differences in REP VJere also observed<br />

<strong>for</strong> total and total nntile sperm output and plaSITB. testosterone<br />

levels. REP and TRFN were correlated in blocx:i (r=O. 285, p=0. 026 ) and<br />

(weakly) in seminal (r=0.200, p=0.122) plaSITB. hOVJever <strong>the</strong>re was no<br />

correlation between blocx:i and seminal plaSITB. levels of TRFN (r=0.054)<br />

or REP (r=O. 006). We conclude that seminal, but not blocx:i, plaSITB. TRFN<br />

is correlated with spenre.togenic output but not sperm rrotility or<br />

testicular endocrine function whereas nei<strong>the</strong>r seminal nor blood plaSITB.<br />

REP are correlated with testicular exocrine, endocrine or sperm<br />

function. This indicates that seminal plaSITB. REP is unlikely to be a<br />

useful ITB.rker of human Sertoli cell function in-vivo.<br />

43<br />



D.A Taggart & P.D. Temple-Smith<br />

Department of Anatomy, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria.<br />

The cauda epididymidis in Amechinus stuartii (brown mars~pial mouse) is<br />

characterized by an extremely variable epi<strong>the</strong>lial height ~sso~iat.ed.wIth. a n~rrow a~d<br />

irregular lumen(l) suggesting that sperm stora~e capa~Ity IS limIted. m thIs sp~cles<br />

(2,3). This study examined <strong>the</strong> effects of multIple matmg to test thIS hypo<strong>the</strong>sIs by<br />

assessing sperm distribution in <strong>the</strong> epididymis.<br />

Males were hemicastrated in July be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> mating season and sperm<br />

concentrations in various segments of <strong>the</strong> epididymis were determined in groups of<br />

animals given ei<strong>the</strong>r no access (controls) or restricted access to females (caug~t J~ly,<br />

mated three times in August), be<strong>for</strong>e complete castration in August and <strong>the</strong> estImatIOn<br />

of sperm concentrations in <strong>the</strong> rema.ining ep~didymis. T~ese result~ were compared<br />

with a group caught and mated three tImes durmg <strong>the</strong> breedmg season m August.<br />

Epididymal sperm numbers reached a maximum in July (approx. 2 million), with<br />

peak concentrations of s~e:m i~ <strong>the</strong> distal 7aput a~d distal corpus segments. Sperm<br />

distribution along <strong>the</strong> epIdIdymIS changed m relatIOn to <strong>the</strong> date <strong>the</strong> sample~ were<br />

collected. Very few sperm remained in <strong>the</strong> epididymis, even in cont.rol groups, ill late<br />

August (approx. 200,000), indicating a significant loss of sp.erm vIa ~permatorr~ea.<br />

The mean sperm content in <strong>the</strong> caput and proximal corpus regIOns comb~ed, <strong>the</strong> dI~tal<br />

corpus region and <strong>the</strong> caudal region of each epididymidis in August pnor t.o matmg<br />

totalled 494,000 ± 263,000, 717,000 ± 214,000 and 417,000 ± 123,000 respectIvely.<br />

than 300,000 sperm were delivered (per epididymidis) with each matir:g (e~timated by<br />

determining <strong>the</strong> total epididymal sperm number be<strong>for</strong>e and after matmgs m August),<br />

suggesting that epididymal structure may be influencing sperm release.<br />

This study provides important in<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>the</strong> effects of mating. on ep~didymal<br />

sperm distribution in A. stuartii and suggests that spermatozoa from thIS specIes must<br />

have a remarkabIv high success in <strong>the</strong> female in terms of <strong>the</strong> absolute number and <strong>the</strong><br />

proportion of spermatozoa inseminated.<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

Taggart, D.A & Temple-Smith, P.D. (1985) Proc. 17th Ann. Conf. Aust. Soc.<br />

Reprod. BioI. p101, Adelaide, Sth. Australia.<br />

Bed<strong>for</strong>d et al (1984). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B221,221-233. .<br />

Taggart, D.A & Temple-Smith, p.o. (1988). Cell Tiss. Res. (submItted).<br />


44<br />


Shaw 3.M.<br />

and Trounson A.a.<br />

Centre <strong>for</strong> Early Human Development, Monash Medical Centre, Monash<br />

University, Clayton Vic. 3168.<br />

The ultrarapid embryo freezing technique developed by Trounson et<br />

at. (1,2) <strong>for</strong> early cleavage stages, gave promising results with<br />

2-cell mouse embryos (up to 53% blastocysts and 26% fetuses), but<br />

<strong>the</strong>re was scope <strong>for</strong> improvement.<br />

They used cryoprotectant solutions containing up to 4 M Dimethylsulfoxide<br />

(DMSO), and 0.5 or 0.25 M sucrose in Dulbecco's phosphate<br />

buffered saline with 4 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA). Embryos were<br />

exposed to this solution in a dish <strong>for</strong> 1 minute, <strong>the</strong>n loaded into<br />

plastic insemination straws containing 3 beads of cryoprotectant<br />

solution. Two minutes later <strong>the</strong> straw was plunged directly into<br />

liquid nitrogen.<br />

We have modified this technique and are acheiving excellent<br />

results in vitro and following transfer of intact embryos to<br />

pseudopregnant recipients (Table 1). The development of <strong>the</strong> ultrarapidly<br />

frozen and thawed embryos in vitro is not statistically less<br />

than <strong>the</strong>ir non-frozen controls in <strong>the</strong> 4.5 M DMSO group.<br />

TABLE 1.<br />

Development in vivo and in vitro of slow cooled, and<br />

ultrarapidly frozen 2-cell embryos.<br />


Frozen-thawed Solution contr. Frozen-thawed Control<br />

N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)<br />

slow cool 43/60 (71 )** 46/50 (92) 92/130 (71) 62/84 (74)<br />

3.0M UR. 242/280 (86)* 151/163 (92) 106/157 (68) 124/179 (69)<br />

4.5M UR. 257/280 (92) 143/150 (95) 48/79 (61) 29/47 (62)<br />

* Lower than own control P

2.4<br />

46<br />



Gino Somers and Leeanda Wilton.<br />

Centre <strong>for</strong> Early Human Development, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton.<br />

It has been proposed that pre-natal diagnosis could be carried out<br />

in <strong>the</strong> pre-implantation embryo by biopsy of a single cell. However, it<br />

has recently been shown that such embryos have a significantly reduced<br />

implantation rate (1). In <strong>the</strong> developing embryo, <strong>the</strong> first<br />

differentiative step occurs at <strong>the</strong> transition from morula to blastocyst,<br />

with <strong>the</strong> emergence of <strong>the</strong> inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectodermal (TE)<br />

lineages. As <strong>the</strong> ICM gives rise to all tissues of <strong>the</strong> foetus proper, it<br />

is critical that <strong>the</strong> number of cells in this lineage is sufficient <strong>for</strong><br />

successful implantation and development. Consequently, we have examined<br />

<strong>the</strong> possibility of a disturbed ICM:TE ratio being responsible <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

decreased implantation rate of mouse embryos biopsied at <strong>the</strong> 4-cell<br />

stage.<br />

Four-cell embryos were flushed from F1 (CBA x C57) mice which had<br />

been superovulated with sIU PMS followed 48 hours later by 5IU hCG. The<br />

zona pellucida was removed by brief exposure to aCid-Tyrode's solution<br />

(pH 2.5) and <strong>the</strong> embryos cultured in Ca-H-/~1g-H--free medium 2 U12) <strong>for</strong><br />

60-90 minutes. Gentle pipetting with a flame-polished micropipette<br />

dislodged one blastomere and produced 3/4 embryos. Controls included<br />

untreated embryos and embryos in which one cell was dislodged and<br />

immediately re-aggregated. After 42 hours in culture (96 hours post-hCG)<br />

in medium' 16 (M16) in 5% CO, embryos had reached <strong>the</strong> early blastocyst<br />

stage and were fixed using -<strong>the</strong> fluorochromes propidium iodide and<br />

bisbenzimide to stain <strong>the</strong> TE or IC~l respectively (2). The number of<br />

cells allocated to each lineage was counted.<br />



UNTREATED 37 28.9+4.7 11.9+2.6 17.0+3.1 0.70<br />

RE-AGGREGATED 37 26.9+4.0 1l.0+2.2 15.9+2.9 0.69<br />

BIOPSIED (3/4) 35 20.3±4.3 7.3±2.0 13.0±3.3 0.56*<br />

*Significantly different to re-aggregated embryos, P

48<br />



D. SAKI1:ment of o~etrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Box 498<br />

GPO, Adelaide, and Turret&.-ld RESearch Centre, Department of AJTiculture,<br />

R03eda1=, SA 5350.<br />

Pronuc1-ar embrycs are required <strong>for</strong> studies on <strong>the</strong> microinjection of <strong>for</strong>eign<br />

gens; and on embryogenesis. A previou:3limitation to such studiES in sheer; was<br />

<strong>the</strong> availability of a culture system which \tHS able to support <strong>the</strong> development<br />

of embryos of this age. In our laboratory, h.igh rate of development of<br />

pronuclear embryos (50-80 % blastocysts) are now regularly obtained in<br />

syn<strong>the</strong>tic oviductuuid medium (SOFM) (1) without soma::ic cell support. This<br />

atBtract prESents in<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>the</strong> viability of embryos after 1, 3 or 5 days of<br />

culture.<br />

Pronucleac embrycs ~',1ere cultursJ in SOul droplets of mediu m under<br />

paraffin oil in an atmosphere of 5 % CO), 5 % 02 and 90 % N 2<br />

. He::tt inactivated<br />

hum3.n serum (20 % concentration) 1';3.3- <strong>the</strong> preferred protein source and <strong>the</strong><br />

NaHC 03 concentration of 25m M was par-ely rebJIace:1 \o,'ith Hepes at<br />

concentrations of 12.5-17.5mM. 'T'empe..rature of <strong>the</strong> incub3.tor was 38°C,<br />

humidity 93 % and pH of medium was calailatei.l to be 7.47±0.01l.<br />

Viability after culture was as..sessed by transfer of embryos to synchron.i~2d<br />

c.::ci;Jients which were slaught:~red on day 13 of pre;Jnancy and <strong>the</strong> nll11 :.:2c-:Jc<br />

,;::1Dngated conC89b~ses deter mined.<br />

C3.t>le 1.<br />

Effect of cult:uce in SOFM on <strong>the</strong> viability of oronuclJ":;"I.r'".:,:'n;xy-:J;;.<br />

;::; ay; ill culture<br />

Control 1 3 5<br />

,0. embryo transferred 36 42 51 36<br />

Jo. recovered 35 40 51 35*<br />

10. elon'jatej 34 39 48 19<br />

(% ) (97.1) (97.5) (94.1) (54.3)<br />

* ill elongated concer>tusES obtained from ern~ry:::B which had<br />

com menced blastulation at <strong>the</strong> time of transfec (19/22 v. 0/13).<br />

Th,:; results indi':::ate that SOF M can be used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> cllltJre of pr-onuclear<br />

e :nrXy03 f:x 3t least 3 days without jeopanlizinj 'liability. Bmbryos which had<br />

not com mencei blastul3.tion at <strong>the</strong> time of transfer (day-5 'jroup) f;ill.e::1 to<br />

de-Jelop beyond <strong>the</strong> Jila.:,""tocy.-3t stage possibly due to an asynchrony between <strong>the</strong><br />

developmental age of <strong>the</strong> embryo and <strong>the</strong> stage of <strong>the</strong> recipient's repro::1uctive<br />

cycle. Despite this, <strong>the</strong> culture .system de3cribec1 provides a simple and easy<br />

means of asse'""~g emtlryo 'Viability.<br />

(1) Tervit, H.R., Whittingham, D.G. and Rowson, L.E.A. (1972).<br />

,J. Repro::1. FeLt. 30: 493-497.<br />

Supported by A['1 LROC.

50<br />



51<br />



~__Uetcher and D.R. Blandon R.A. Chernx and J.K. Findlay<br />

Department of Anatomy, Monash University, Victoria, 3168 Hedical Research Centre, 110nash l'kdical Centre, Prillce !h=llry'<br />

Hospital Campus, Melbourne, Victoria, ]004.<br />

H[4813 (Mifr:pristone) and ZK299 are structurally rel.ated syn<strong>the</strong>Lic<br />

st.eroids which have anti-progest.erone and anti-glucocorticoid<br />

properties. R[486 binds to <strong>the</strong> uterine progesterone receptor of rats,<br />

rabbits, dogs, monkeys and humans with an affinit.y eCjual to, or greater<br />

than, progesterone (1,2). We have devc-doped an a~,SHY to measure <strong>the</strong><br />

proge~d.erone receptOl" in cytosol preparations from <strong>the</strong> endometrium of<br />

<strong>the</strong> talluuar, using [3H]-ORG 2058 as <strong>the</strong> specific competitor. Binding<br />

was measun'd by incubat.ing different. concentrations of Lhe test<br />

compounds with <strong>the</strong> cytosol preparation and comparing <strong>the</strong> effect on<br />

tutul binding in <strong>the</strong> absence of competit.or. The assay has been<br />

validated using rat and rabhit uterine cytosoL preparations which gave<br />

values consistent. \oJith published recept.or concentrations at similar<br />

stages of <strong>the</strong> reproductive cycle.<br />

Table 1. The effect of competitor concentration on h:inding of (3H]-ORG<br />

2058 to tammar endometrium progesterone ['("ceptors<br />

Prog<br />

I 3<br />

(nM/I)<br />

10 100<br />

Hal n 37 22 10 25<br />

ftahbi t 49 26 11 4 27<br />

TalJUnar n 72 72 51 38<br />

ORG 2058 (nM/l)<br />

1 3 10 100<br />

14 9 8<br />

15 7 :3<br />

30 L7 l5<br />

RU 486 (oM/I) ZK 299 (nM/I)<br />

10 lOO 1000 10 100 1000<br />

40 1 B<br />

68 2 t3<br />

80 T~ 100<br />

Both progesterone and ORG 205H displaced <strong>the</strong> [3H]-OHC; 2058 from<br />

tammar cytosol preparations, but nei<strong>the</strong>r RU486 or ZK299 displaced label<br />

at concenlr

52<br />



N. R. Spinks and C. O'Neill<br />

Human Reproduction Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney, St.<br />

Leonards. NSW, 2065<br />

To test <strong>the</strong> influence of embryo-derived PAF on <strong>the</strong> earliest stages<br />

of implantation, eight week old Quackenbush strain mice were induced to<br />

ovulate with 3 i.u. pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin and human<br />

chorionic gonadotrophin, given 48 h apart, and mated with fertile<br />

males. Animals were injected. intraperitoneally, with 40ug SRI 63-441<br />

(Sandoz. USA) in 200ul Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or<br />

200ul PBS alone.at 1600 h on day 1 (day of vaginal plug) and 0900 h on<br />

days 2-4 of pregnancy. On day 5, animals were injected intravenously<br />

with O.15ml of a 1% solution of pontamine sky blue. The uteri were<br />

examined. 15 minutes later, <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> presence of blue bands. indicating<br />

<strong>the</strong> site of embryo implantation.<br />

The mean number of implantation sites per uterine horn in <strong>the</strong> SRI<br />

63-441 treated animals (2.17 ~0.69) was significantly (P

54<br />



Barbara Williams and R.N. Murdoch<br />

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308<br />

A transient decline in <strong>the</strong> respiratory activity of mouse uterine<br />

endometrial tissue on day 6 of pregnancy was a finding stemming from<br />

recent investigations (1). Although similar responses were earlier<br />

described in <strong>the</strong> rat (2,3), very little work has since been undertaken<br />

to explain <strong>the</strong> regulation of this phenomenon or its importance to <strong>the</strong><br />

maintenance of decidual tissue <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> continued support of embryonic<br />

development. In view of this, <strong>the</strong> present study was initiated to<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r - investigate <strong>the</strong> respiratory properties of <strong>the</strong> early<br />

post-implantation uterine endometrium.<br />

The O 2<br />

consumption of OS mouse endometrial tissue, measured by<br />

Warburg manometric techniques and expressed in relation to its DNA<br />

content on days 5, 6 and 7 of pregnancy and pseudopregnancy (day 1 :<br />

day of vaginal plug), transiently decreased on day 6 only when <strong>the</strong><br />

uterus had been adequately stimulated to mount a decidual cell<br />

reaction. This was achieved naturally by implanting bIastocysts<br />

during pregnancy, and artificially by <strong>the</strong> introduction of 30 ul of<br />

peanut oil into <strong>the</strong> uterine lumen on <strong>the</strong> afternoon of day 4 of<br />

pseudopregnancy. Adenosine (50-500uM) had no significant effect on<br />

<strong>the</strong> respiratory pattern suggesting that <strong>the</strong> response was not due to a<br />

competition <strong>for</strong> a limited supply of cofactors common <strong>for</strong> both<br />

glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. In addition, <strong>the</strong> response<br />

was not effectively altered by supplementing incubation media with<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r glucose (5mM) or glutamine (1 mM), indicating that endogenous<br />

s~bstrates support respiration at <strong>the</strong>se times. Ho~t.ver, <strong>the</strong> tissue<br />

dlsplayed 14<br />

some capacity to oxidise exogenous [U- C] glucose and<br />

evolved CO 2<br />

in a pattern consistent with that of 0 uptake.<br />

Respiratory quotients suggested that utilizable &ndogenOUs<br />

carbohydrates were rapidly depleted during incubation in vitro and<br />

that, subsequently, lipids were probably utilized as respiratory<br />

fuels. Experiments conducted with rotenone implicated mitochondrial<br />

processes as being responsible <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> 0 consumption of <strong>the</strong> tissue.<br />

However, no significant changes were dete€ted in uterine levels of S ­<br />

hydroxybutyrate to account <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> lIballooninglt of mitochondria that<br />

has been suggested to also occur transiently on day 6 of pregnancy<br />

(4) •<br />

In conclusion, <strong>the</strong> results indicate that <strong>the</strong> transient decline in<br />

respiratory activity of <strong>the</strong> endometrium on day 6 of pregnancy is a<br />

function of decidual cells and involves alterations which are<br />

ultimately exerted at <strong>the</strong> mitochondrial level. Fur<strong>the</strong>r work is<br />

required to elucidate <strong>the</strong> regulatory mechanisms concerned and to<br />

establish <strong>the</strong> extent to which <strong>the</strong> phenomenon is important <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

maintenance of decidualized tissue.<br />

(1) Murdoch, R.N. (1987) Teratology 35, 169-176.<br />

(2) Saldarini, R.J. &Yochim, J.M. (1967) Endocrinology 80, 453-466.<br />

(3) Surani, M.A.H. &Heald, P.J. (1971) Acta Endocrinol.156, 16-24.<br />

(4) Jollie, W.P. & Benscombe, S.A. (1965) Amer.J.Anat. 116, 217-236.<br />

55<br />



Craig S. Pow and Len Martin<br />

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of<br />

Queensland, St Lucia, Qld 4067<br />

Flying foxes are monovulatory seasonal breeders. Both ovaries<br />

function and are thought to ovulate alternately in successive seasons.<br />

Both horns of <strong>the</strong> uterus function, but preimplantation endometrial<br />

development is limited to <strong>the</strong> cranial tip of <strong>the</strong> horn adjacent to <strong>the</strong><br />

single preovulatory follicle and subsequent corpus iuteum (1). We have<br />

proposed that localised growth is due in part, to preferential<br />

delivery of sex hormones from ovary to ipsilateral uterus via countercurrent<br />

transfer between <strong>the</strong> ovarian vein and coiled ovarian artery,<br />

<strong>the</strong> major blood supply to <strong>the</strong> cranial tip of <strong>the</strong> uterus (2). However,<br />

endometrial growth may also be limited by a restricted uterine<br />

distribution of hormone receptors. A peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP)<br />

immunocytochemistry kit (Abbott) was used to explore this possibility.<br />

Two bats· were used: one untreated, one given 5 pg of oestradiol<br />

(Ez) subcutaneously 24 h be<strong>for</strong>e autopsy. Tissue was dissected out,<br />

frozen in liquid Nz, and cryostat sections (10 pm) fixed in 3.7%<br />

<strong>for</strong>maldehyde-PBS (15 min), cold methanol (5 min), and acetone (3 min).<br />

After treatment with blocking reagent (goat serum, 15 min), <strong>the</strong>y were<br />

incubated (30 min) with rat monoclonal antibody H222, which was<br />

raised against human oestrogen receptor (ER), but cross-reacts with<br />

many mammalian ERs (3). ER positive MeF7 breast cancer cells were<br />

treated similarly. As negative controls, MCF7 cells and bat sections<br />

were incubated with normal rat antibody. Goat anti-rat antibody was<br />

used to link primary antibody and PAP complex. Diaminobenzidine was<br />

used as chromogen with haemotoxylin counterstain.<br />

Negative control sections and cells did not stain. In<br />

preparations incubated with H222, endometrial gland and luminal<br />

epi<strong>the</strong>lial nuclei stained intensely throughout each uterine horn.<br />

Stromal and myometrial nuclei also stained, as did those of MCr7<br />

cells. Intensity of staining of individual nuclei varied, but <strong>the</strong>re<br />

was no difference in <strong>the</strong> degree of nuclear staining between Ez primed<br />

and unprimed horns, and no cytoplasmic staining. Overall <strong>the</strong> pattern<br />

is similar to that obtained with H222 in primate uterus (4).<br />

Significantly, cells of <strong>the</strong> vaginal epi<strong>the</strong>lium, which is unresponsive<br />

to oestrogens in Pteropus (5), did not stain.<br />

Since staining occurred along <strong>the</strong> length of each horn, it appears<br />

that limitation of endometrial development is not dictated by receptor<br />

distribution.<br />

(1) Marshall, A.J. (1949) Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 161: 26.<br />

(2) Pow, C., &Martin, L. (1987) Proc. ASRB 19: 1~<br />

(3) Greene, G.L., et ai. (1984) J. Ster. Biochem. 20: 51.<br />

(4) McClelland, M.C., et ai. (1984) Endocrinol. 114: 20oi.<br />

(5) Martin, L., et ai. (1987) Aust. Mammal. 10: 115.

56<br />



Philip A.<br />

Towers* and Len Martin<br />

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University<br />

of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, 4067<br />

Flying foxes are monotocous seasonal breeders. Both ovaries<br />

function. Ovulation, alleged to alternate from side to side, is not a<br />

simple reflex response to copulation. The 4-6 week breeding season<br />

involves repetitive copulation which continues well into pregnancy.<br />

Over this period preimplantation endometrial growth of <strong>the</strong> duplex<br />

uterus is restricted to <strong>the</strong> tip ipsilateral to <strong>the</strong> single preovulatory<br />

follicle or corpus luteum (CL). Consistent with this, peripheral<br />

oestradiol and progesterone levels remain low until mid-pregnancy when<br />

placental secretion predominates (1). Supplementary ovulations/CLs do<br />

not occur. There are no au<strong>the</strong>ntic records of twin births. Never<strong>the</strong>less<br />

our small series of specimens contains two cases of superfoetation in<br />

which a foetus was found in each horn and appeared to have been<br />

conceived -2 months apart. We <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e used gonadotrophins (GNs) to<br />

determine if ovulation could be induced in pregnant Pteropus.<br />

Six mid-pregnant (March) P. scapulatus were used: 4 received 4 iu<br />

pFSH (Calbiochem, USA) s.c. daily <strong>for</strong> 4 consecutive days; 2 were <strong>the</strong>n<br />

killed on d4 while 2 received 250 iu hCG (Intervet, NSW) s.c. on d4<br />

and were killed on d7. As controls, 2 received saline s.c. on d1, and<br />

were killed on days 1 and 7. At autopsy ovaries were fixed, embedded,<br />

sectioned and examined <strong>for</strong> follicular development.<br />

In control animals, ovaries ipsilateral to <strong>the</strong> foetus contained 1<br />

CL and small preantral follicles; contralateral ovaries contained<br />

preantral/small atretic antral follicles. All ovaries contralateral to<br />

<strong>the</strong> foetus, in GN treated bats contained large (>800 ~m) healthy<br />

antral follicles but none were preovulatory, luteinized or had<br />

ovulated. Each ovary ipsilateral to <strong>the</strong> foetus in <strong>the</strong>se animals<br />

contained 1 CL, but none showed any follicular growth.<br />

The failure of GNs to induce ovulation in ovaries contralateral<br />

to <strong>the</strong> foetus contrasts with non-pregnant non-breeding season<br />

P. scapulatus in which <strong>the</strong>y induce multiple ovulations by d4 (2).<br />

This suggests that high circulating levels of placental hormones may<br />

inhibit ovulation. The failure to induce any follicle development in<br />

ovaries ipsilateral to <strong>the</strong> foetus could result from <strong>the</strong> same<br />

inhibitory factors reaching <strong>the</strong> ovary at much higher concentrations<br />

because of preferential transport from uterus to ipsilateral ovary by<br />

counter current transfer. In Pteropus <strong>the</strong> uterine vein runs cranially<br />

fusing with <strong>the</strong> ovarian vein to <strong>for</strong>m a common sinus which completely<br />

encloses <strong>the</strong> ovarian artery <strong>for</strong> much of its path (3). The preferential<br />

inhibition of <strong>the</strong> ipsilateral ovary may reflect mechanisms involved in<br />

<strong>the</strong> alleged alternation of ovulation from season to season.<br />

(1) Towers, P.A., &Martin, L. (1984) Proc. ASRB 16: 9.<br />

(2) Towers, P.A., & Martin, L. (1985) Proc. ASRB 17: 115.<br />

(3) Pow, C., & Martin, L.(1987) Proc. ASRB 19: 100.<br />

*Present address Riverina-Murray Inst. Higher Educat., Wagga, NSW 2650<br />

57<br />



R.G. Alders and J.N. Shelton<br />

Department of Immunology, The John Curtin School of Medical Research,<br />

Australian National University, Canberra, ACT.<br />

The results of histological investigations into <strong>the</strong> location of<br />

lymphatic vessels within <strong>the</strong> ovine uterus have b~en equivocal. T~e<br />

work has been conducted in post mortem speclmens and has pald<br />

particular attention to <strong>the</strong> distribution of vessels within <strong>the</strong> various<br />

layers of <strong>the</strong> uterus. However, post mortem injection of dye provides<br />

little indication of <strong>the</strong> ability of uterine lumen contents to enter <strong>the</strong><br />

peripheral lymphoid apparatus in vivo. Given that immunologi:al<br />

responses within lymph nodes are usually dictated by <strong>the</strong> materlal<br />

carried to <strong>the</strong> node by afferent lymphatic vessels and that several<br />

sites which are recognised as immunologically privileged have been<br />

found to have poor or absent lymphatic drainage, it was decided to<br />

investigate <strong>the</strong> ability of a <strong>for</strong>eign substance placed within <strong>the</strong><br />

various layers of <strong>the</strong> uterus to be carried to <strong>the</strong> regional lymph nodes<br />

in vivo.<br />

The' uterus was exposed via a ventral midline laparotomy following<br />

general anaes<strong>the</strong>sia in both pregnant and nonpregnant merino ewes.<br />

Subserosal injections of 80 ~l of sterile india ink (II) were made<br />

through a 30 gauge needle at 6 sites along both uterine horns.<br />

Subserosal injections were made by inserting <strong>the</strong> needle just beneath<br />

<strong>the</strong> outer serosal covering. Lumenal and myometrial injections were<br />

made with <strong>the</strong> aid of a blunt 30 gauge needle inserted into ei<strong>the</strong>r an<br />

interplacentomal or placentomal region of <strong>the</strong> gravid horn. Lumboaortic<br />

and medial iliac lymph nodes (DLN) were collected at necropsy<br />

and fixed in 10 % neutral buffered <strong>for</strong>malin. Specimens were mounted in<br />

paraffin blocks and 10 ~m sections stained with Giemsa.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> majority of cases <strong>the</strong> II injections were made subsequent to<br />

cannulation of a peripheral lymph vessel dr~ining <strong>the</strong> uterus. Cells in<br />

<strong>the</strong> lymph collected post-operatively were examined under <strong>the</strong> light<br />

microscope after cytocentrifuge smears were stained with a modified<br />

Wright-Giemsa stain (Diff Quik; Lab-aids, Narrabeen, N.S.~I.).<br />

Subserosal injection of II resulted in rapid transport (0: 10<br />

mi nutes) to <strong>the</strong>, DLN in pregnant and nonpregnant ewes. Free and<br />

phagocytosed II was evident within <strong>the</strong> subcapsular sinus and medulla of<br />

DLN. The passage of II from deposits within <strong>the</strong> myometrium was less<br />

rapid. In constrast, when II was injected into <strong>the</strong> uterine lumen of<br />

pregnant and nonpregnant ewes no II was evident within DLN up to 2<br />

weeks after deposition. II within <strong>the</strong> uterine lumen was found both<br />

free and within mononuclear cells.<br />

In ewes of various reproductive states <strong>the</strong> DLN displayed an<br />

eosinophilic infiltrate and occasional mast cells within <strong>the</strong> medulla.<br />

A dramatic eosinophilic infiltrate was observed at <strong>the</strong> site of <strong>the</strong> II<br />

deposit in <strong>the</strong> myometrium.<br />

These results indicate that <strong>the</strong>re is effectively a barrier<br />

preventing transport of II from <strong>the</strong> uterine lumen to <strong>the</strong> DLN. This<br />

lack of lymphatic drainage may <strong>for</strong>m part of <strong>the</strong> immunological<br />

mechanisms involved in <strong>the</strong> maintenance of pregnancy.

58 59<br />

The effect of pregnancy on <strong>the</strong> rate of <strong>the</strong><br />

biotrans<strong>for</strong>mation of caffeine<br />

Fatmida Abdi and Irina Pollard<br />

School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University N.S.W. 2109<br />

Caffeine, a methylxanthine, is consumed in coffee, tea, some cola<br />

soft drinks or in analgesics and o<strong>the</strong>r over-<strong>the</strong>-counter drugs. Perhaps<br />

most importantly, caffeine is consumed by children in chocolate and<br />

cocoa drinks. Until recently caffeine was considered a mild stimulant<br />

and harmless if taken in amounts not exceeding <strong>the</strong> equivalent of 6<br />

cups of coffee per day. Recently, however, adverse effic~s of low<br />

level caffeine intakes has been demonstrated on <strong>the</strong> fetus ' .<br />

The concentration of caffeine and its major metabolites in <strong>the</strong><br />

blood 'and tissues of <strong>the</strong> pregnant rat was measured by HPLC and<br />

compared to <strong>the</strong> non-pregnant rat. It was demonstrated that in <strong>the</strong><br />

pregnant rat <strong>the</strong> biotrans<strong>for</strong>mation and elimination of caffeine was<br />

significantly (P

60<br />



C.S. Lee, K. Gogolin~Ewens, W.R. Mercer, #P. Wooding and M.R. Brandon.<br />

Department of Veterinary Preclinical Sciences, University of Melbourne<br />

and #Department of Cell <strong>Biology</strong>, Agricultural and Food Research Council,<br />

Babraham, Cambridge, England.<br />

The monoclonal antibody, SBU-3, raised against sheep trophoblast<br />

microvilli, which recognises a population of binucleate cells and <strong>the</strong><br />

syncytium in <strong>the</strong> sheep placenta (1) also recognises <strong>the</strong> binucleate<br />

cells in o<strong>the</strong>r ruminant placentae. The present studies investigate<br />

<strong>the</strong> distribution of <strong>the</strong> binucleate cells and <strong>the</strong> subcellular localization<br />

of <strong>the</strong> SBU-3-positive antigen in <strong>the</strong> placentae of <strong>the</strong> goat, cow<br />

and deer.<br />

Ti ssues of p1acentomes and interp1acentoma1 areas were obtained<br />

from goat, cow and deer at different stages of pregnancy. Tissues <strong>for</strong><br />

immunohistochemical studies were fixed in 95% cold alcohol and <strong>the</strong> sections<br />

prepared were stained with <strong>the</strong> indirect immunoperoxidase technique.<br />

All tissues <strong>for</strong> electron microscope immunocytochemical studies<br />

were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde and ultrathin sections reacted sequentially<br />

with SBU-3 and colloidal gold labelled goat anti-mouse antibody.<br />

In all <strong>the</strong> specimens (goat, cow and deer) studied, <strong>the</strong> appearance<br />

of SBU-3-positive binucleate cells was associated with <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>mation of<br />

chorionic villi-The number of SBU-3-positive binucleate cells increased<br />

dramatically with advancement of pregnancy and <strong>the</strong> most striking<br />

feature was <strong>the</strong> high concentration of SBU-3-positive binucleate<br />

cells at <strong>the</strong> tips of <strong>the</strong> chorionic villi. In <strong>the</strong> goat, <strong>the</strong> syncytium<br />

covering <strong>the</strong> caruncular septa.was stained positively. However, in <strong>the</strong><br />

cow and <strong>the</strong> deer trinucleate cells were found at random in <strong>the</strong> epi<strong>the</strong>lium<br />

covering <strong>the</strong> caruncular septa. Electron microscopy revealed that<br />

gold particles were local ized in <strong>the</strong> granules and <strong>the</strong> Golgi apparatus<br />

of <strong>the</strong> binucleate cells and in <strong>the</strong> granules of <strong>the</strong> syncytia.<br />

It is concluded that <strong>the</strong> syncytia in <strong>the</strong> goat placenta are derived<br />

from <strong>the</strong> SBU-3-positive binucleate cells whereas in <strong>the</strong> cow and deer no<br />

syncytium is <strong>for</strong>med and granule transfer seems to be <strong>the</strong> primary function<br />

of binucleate cell migration. The histological classification of<br />

<strong>the</strong> goat placenta is syndesmochorial while that of <strong>the</strong> cow and deer is<br />

epi<strong>the</strong>liochorial.<br />

(1) Lee, C.S., Gogolin-Ewens, K., White, T.R. and Brandon, M.R. (1985)<br />

Journal of Anatomy ~, 565-576.<br />


61<br />


C. Sernia 1 , J. Garci~l, W.G. Thomas 1 and R.T. Gemmel1 2<br />

lDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2Department of Anatomy,<br />

University of Queensland, St. Lucia, 4067.<br />

The role of pituitary oxytocin (OT) in marsupial parturition is<br />

uncertain. However, evidence that <strong>the</strong> gravid uterus of <strong>the</strong> tammar<br />

(H. eugenii) is sensitive to exogenous OT (1) suggests <strong>the</strong> presence<br />

of uterine OT receptors in marsupials.<br />

Receptors were prepared from uteri of ovariectomized, oestrogentreated<br />

(30 ug/kg) possums using a published procedure. (2) For<br />

comparison, rat and sheep uterine tissue was similarly prepared.<br />

Receptors were measured by radioreceptor assay using a 3H-oyxtocin<br />

tracer and PEG precipitation of receptor-bound OT. Receptor number<br />

(Ro) and affinity (Kd) were estimated from Scatchard plots of <strong>the</strong><br />

data. Receptor specificity was characterized by inhibition<br />

experiments with related peptides (dOT=des-amino-oxytocin, M=<br />

mesotocin, AVP=Arg-vasopressin, LVP=Lys-vasopressin, IT=isotocin, VT=<br />

vasotocin), an oxytocin-selective agonist (TGO= [Thr 4 , Gly7]­<br />

oxytocin) an antidiuretic antagonist (PIA= [d(CH2)~, D-Phe 2 , Ile 4 ,<br />

Ala 9 -NH]- AVP) and unrelated peptides (AII= angiotensin II, NT=<br />

neurotensin). Table 1 shows that <strong>the</strong> Kd of <strong>the</strong> possum OT receptor is<br />

similar to that of <strong>the</strong> rat and sheep. Under our experimental<br />

conditions <strong>the</strong> Ro was lowest in <strong>the</strong> possum.<br />

Table 1.<br />

Affinity and Concentration of OT Receptors.<br />


Kd (nmol/l) 2.5 ± 0.5 (n=5) 2.5 ± 0.5 (n=5) 3.8 ± 0.4 (n=8)<br />

Ro (fmol/mg prot) 590 ± 40 250 ± 30 200 ± 60<br />

Data shown as mean+/-s.e.m. n=number of estimates.<br />

Table 2. Inhibition (%) of OT binding by analogues.<br />


SHEEP 100 120 96 96 94 85 64 55



62<br />

63<br />



M.A. Brockhus, 1 K. Nunan 2 and Ron A. Parr 3 Linda R~ Crane and Len Martin<br />

1 P~storal Research Ins titute, Hamilton, Victoria<br />

3Dookie Agricultural College, Dookie, Victoria<br />

Animal Research Institute, Werribee, Victoria<br />

Two essential conditions <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> survival of lambs are a sufficient<br />

milk supply and a strong mo<strong>the</strong>r-offspring bond. Both conditions are<br />

hormonally controlled and probably linked. Progesterone has been<br />

shown to effect lactogenesis (1), as well as <strong>the</strong> ewes receptivity to<br />

<strong>the</strong> lamb (2). Nutrition in late pregnancy can alter progesterone<br />

patterns and delay lactogenesis (3). This study aimed to test <strong>the</strong><br />

effect of nutrition on progesterone concentrations, ewe behaviour and<br />

lactation in Merinos at parturition.<br />

Twenty-two Merino. ewes were divided into two groups and kept on<br />

diets of ei<strong>the</strong>r ad libitum hay (LOW) or 800g lupins/day plus ad lib<br />

hay (HIGH) between days 120 of gestation and term. Blood samples<br />

were collected regularly, stored, <strong>the</strong>n analyzed <strong>for</strong> progesterone using<br />

a radioimmunoassay. Continuous observations about parturition gave<br />

records of times of lambing, grooming, lamb standing, ewe nuzzling,<br />

lamb suckling and ewe feeding. At 48 hrs post-partum milk volume was<br />

measured using a standard technique (4). See Table 1 <strong>for</strong> results.<br />

Table 1 Plasma progesterone levels (ng/ml), milk vo1um~s at 48hrs (ml)<br />

and behaviour of ewes at lambing on two planes of nutrition.<br />

HIGH<br />

LOW<br />

Progesterone conc.(ng/ml) @ -48 hrs 5.12 ± 1.09 10.67~2.01 -24 2.96 ± 0.79 6.43 ± 1.68 *<br />

o 0.84 ± 0.16 0.77 ± 0.21 NS<br />

+2 0.23 ± 0.02 0.33 ± 0.09 NS<br />

+5 0.23 ± 0.04 0.28 ± 0.09 NS<br />

+10 0.03 ± 0.03 0.18 ± 0.01 NS<br />

Milk volume (mls)<br />

73.3 ± 5.4 34.7 ± 3.8 **<br />

Time from lamb born to ewe<br />

allowing to suckle (min)<br />

32 ± 8 59 ± 12 NS<br />

Time from lamb born to ewe<br />

recommencing feeding (min) 124 ± 24 39 ± 10<br />

Values are means + SEM: n=ll. * P < 0.05 ** P < 0.01 (ANOVA)<br />

**<br />

The slower decline of progesterone in <strong>the</strong> ~OW ewes supports <strong>the</strong><br />

view (3) that undernutrition affects progesterone secretion and/or<br />

metabolism, and could contribute to <strong>the</strong> lower milk volume (p

64<br />



KinQ<br />

N.J.C.*, Rodger, J.C.t, Maxwell, L.E.§ and Drake, B.L.·<br />

*Dept. of Anatomy, University of Sydney N.S.W. 2006.<br />

tDept. of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, N.S.W.<br />

§John Curtin School, A.N.U., Canberra, A.C.T.<br />

·Dept. of Cell <strong>Biology</strong>, University of Texas, Dallas, Texas.<br />

Absence or low expression of surface major histocompatibility<br />

complex (MHC) antigens on semi-allogeneic trophoblast cells during<br />

implantation is a possible strategy <strong>for</strong> evading <strong>the</strong> maternal<br />

cellular immune response, as MHC expression by target cells is<br />

required <strong>for</strong> recognition by immune cytotoxic T (Tc) cells.<br />

Cells of <strong>the</strong> preimplantation murine blastocyst and established<br />

placenta express MHC antigens, but we have found, using immunogold<br />

labelling and electron microscopy, nei<strong>the</strong>r primary (1°) nor<br />

secondary (2°) (CBAxC57BLl6) F 1 trophoblast giant cells (TGC) outgrown<br />

in vitro from 3.5 day post coital (pc) blastocysts, and 7.5 day<br />

pc ectoplacental cones, respectively, express detectable quantities<br />

of paternal class I (Kk) MHC antigens. Treatment of 2° TGC <strong>for</strong> 24­<br />

40h with recombinant gamma-interferon (y-IFN) (Boehringer Ingelheim),<br />

.produced significant paternal class I MHC antigen expression<br />

but none was detectable on 1° TGC after ex, ~ or y-IFN treatment.<br />

This suggests that during <strong>the</strong> early period of implantation; trophoblast<br />

cell surface MHC is nei<strong>the</strong>r expressed nor inducible.<br />

Concurrently, we have found infection of some embryonic cell<br />

types with <strong>the</strong> flavivirus West Nile (WNV), causes an IFNindependent<br />

increase in class I and sometimes class II MHC antigen<br />

expression. There<strong>for</strong>e, in an attempt to induce MHC antigens, we<br />

infected 1 0 TGC monolayers with purified WNV. This induced de<br />

novo paternal class I MHC antigen expression within 16h. Induction<br />

is unlikely to be due to secreted WNV-induced IFN's or o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

factors, as it occurred in <strong>the</strong> presence of high concentrations of<br />

anti-exlB IFN antibodies, and was not induced by virus-inactivated<br />

supernatants from MHC-induced 1° TGC cultures. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore,<br />

attempts to induce MHC expression with poly I:C or recombinant<br />

tumor necrosis factor-ex in 1° TGC cultures failed.<br />

Thus inhibition of constituent MHC expression on 1° TGC during<br />

early implantation and <strong>the</strong> associated block to MHC induction is not<br />

absolute. As such, manipulation of this phenomenon may<br />

conclusively establish <strong>the</strong> significance of lack of MHC expression<br />

in trophoblast cells of <strong>the</strong> implanting semi-allogeneic embryo.<br />

65<br />



;;1-._ Lee, J.P. WOlf l , R.F. Williams l , G.D. Hoogen l and M.J. Sinosich<br />

Reproc1uctive Biochemistry and Immunology, Department of Obstetrics<br />

and Gynaecology, Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards NSW 2065<br />

lpregnancy Research, The Jones Institute <strong>for</strong> <strong>Reproductive</strong> Medicine,<br />

Eastern Virginia f.1edical School, Norfolk, Va. USA.<br />

Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) is a large<br />

he:r;:arin-binding proteoglycan ",ith o(-electrophoretic mobility. In<br />

<strong>the</strong> human, PAPP-A is uniquely distributed within <strong>the</strong> reproductive<br />

tract, wherE' clinical and functicnal studies suggest a vital role<br />

fOt this antigen in human reproduction. However to test this<br />

hypo<strong>the</strong>sis an animal mooel was required. Criteria <strong>for</strong> selection of<br />

a model, included reversible binding to heparin, reversible<br />

interaction with ilnrnobilized zinc ions, molecular size (Mr) of<br />

820kd and secreted into maternal cirCUlation by a haemochorrially<br />

implanted, placenta. The cynanolgus monkey proved a most suitable<br />

model, and thus monkey (m) PAPP-A was purified fran cynanolgus<br />

placental tissue and pregnancy serum. The antigen was injected<br />

into NZ male rabbits and <strong>the</strong> resultant polyclonal artiserum used to<br />

develop mPAPP-A radioimmunoasay. Distinct immunological<br />

differences were apparent between cynanolgus and hmnan PAPP-A, with<br />

<strong>the</strong> latter analog containing more recently evolved antigenic<br />

determinants or epitoIA=s. P.s <strong>for</strong> t.he human anaJog, mPAPP-A was not<br />

detected in blood of normal non-pregnant adults but was readily<br />

measured in seminaJ plasma preovulatory follicular fluid and<br />

ooternal blood. After initial detection at about 40 days gestation,<br />

cirCUlating PAPP-A increased E'i

67<br />



S. Raymond, C Czapla-Peters and Y.C Smart.<br />

Faculty of Medicine, University of Newcastle.<br />

Recent studies have described immunological factors as important<br />

in <strong>the</strong> aetiology of recurrent abortion and possibly unexplained<br />

infertility.<br />

To evaluate <strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong>se factors 3 groups of patients:<br />

were assessed:<br />

a) 17 couples with proven fertility (two term deliveries<br />

of normal hirthweight).<br />

b) 30 couples with obstetrical histories of unexplained<br />

recurrent pregnancy loss (URPL) divided into primary aborters (~3<br />

miscarriages and no live children) and secondary aborters<br />

(abortions after having children or stillbirths).<br />

c) 17 Couples with unexplained infertility (UI).<br />

Maternal sera were collected from all patients and screened <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> presence of antipaternal lymphocytotoxic activity, auto<br />

antibodies, immune complexes (IC) and immunoglobulins (IG).<br />

Results (table 1) showed that 4 of <strong>the</strong> 17 normal couples showed<br />

antipaternal lymphocytotoxic activity. None of <strong>the</strong> 14 primary<br />

aborters or <strong>the</strong> 17 patients with unexplained infertility showed<br />

any antipaternal lymphocytotoxic ~ctivitx whereas 3 of <strong>the</strong> 19<br />

secondary aborters did.<br />

TABLE 1 Immunological Assessment<br />

Antipaternal Auto<br />

n Antibody Pos Antibodies<br />

'1IC<br />

IIG<br />




CYCLES<br />

suk-Yee Lam, H.W. Gordon Baker, James H. Evans, and Roger J. Pepperell<br />

University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,<br />

Royal Women's Hospital, 3053, Victoria, Australia<br />

The aim of this study is to compare <strong>the</strong> fetal wastage in<br />

gonadotrophin-induced pregnancies with that of spontaneous pre~nanc~es<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e and after treatment and to analyse <strong>the</strong> risk factors pred1spos1ng<br />

to such fetal loss. All <strong>the</strong> women treated with gonadotropin <strong>for</strong><br />

induction of ovulation at <strong>the</strong> Royal Women's Hospital between 1963 and<br />

1985 were studied. Among 230 women, 36 first-trimester abortions<br />

(9.7%), 16 second-trimester abortions (4.3%), 11 ectopic pregnancies<br />

(2.9%) and 10 stillbirths (2.7%) occurred in 373 conceptual cycles<br />

after gonadotropin induction of ovulation. Fetal loss (25 of 46<br />

pregnancies, 54.3%) was higher in spontaneous pregnancies prior to<br />

<strong>the</strong>rapy (p

68<br />



G. Shawl, M. B. Renfreel , R. V. Shortl , 2 and Wai-Sum ()3<br />

Departments of lAnatomy and 2physiology, Monash University, Clayton,<br />

Vic., and 3Department of Anatomy, University of Hong Kong.<br />

In marsupials much of gonadal differentiation occurs post natally,<br />

so <strong>the</strong> young are readily accessible <strong>for</strong> experimental studies of <strong>the</strong><br />

hormonal control of sexual differentiation (1,2). We have investigated<br />

how gonadal steroids can influence development of <strong>the</strong> reproductive<br />

system in tammar wallabies by daily administration of estradiol<br />

benzoate (E2) (n=4) to male neonates, and testosterone propionate (T)<br />

(n=7) or oil (n=6) to female pouch young from <strong>the</strong> day of birth until<br />

autopsy' on day 25. After dissection, <strong>the</strong> bodies were fixed and<br />

serially sectioned.<br />

In control females <strong>the</strong> ovaries were located in <strong>the</strong> abdomen, and<br />

were well developed with <strong>the</strong> germ cells concentrated in <strong>the</strong> cortical<br />

area. The Mullerian ducts (MD) were large, whilst <strong>the</strong> Wolffian ducts<br />

(WD) were small and undifferentiated. A well developed pouch and four<br />

mammary gland buds were present. The gubernaculum and processus<br />

vaginalis terminated just inside <strong>the</strong> abdominal wall.<br />

Testosterone treatment did not affect ovarian histology or<br />

position, although it stimulated growth of both WD and MD. Pouch,<br />

mammary glands and gubernaculum were all unaffected.<br />

In control males <strong>the</strong> testes had well developed seminiferous cords,<br />

and Leydig cells. The WD were well developed, but <strong>the</strong> MD were<br />

regressing. The processus vaginalis and gubernaculum passed into <strong>the</strong><br />

centre of <strong>the</strong> well developed scrotum. The testes had completed <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

trans-abdominal migration and were situated in <strong>the</strong> inguinal canal.<br />

Testicular histology in <strong>the</strong>· E2 treated males was abnormal, with<br />

reduced tubule diameter, necrotic germ cells, few, small Leydig cells,<br />

and enlarged cortical areas containing germ cells. Although E2<br />

treatment did not affect WD size, it prevented MD regression presumably<br />

by inhibiting ei<strong>the</strong>r Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) secretion by<br />

<strong>the</strong> testis, or its action. The processus vaginalis terminated in <strong>the</strong><br />

inguinal region at <strong>the</strong> base of <strong>the</strong> scrotum, and <strong>the</strong> testes were located<br />

high in <strong>the</strong> abdomen, at a similar level to that of females.<br />

Thus, in <strong>the</strong> tammar wallaby, WD and MD development are affected by<br />

exogenous steroids as <strong>the</strong>y are in eu<strong>the</strong>rian mammals, but scrotum, pouch<br />

and mammary glands are unaffected by <strong>the</strong>se hormones, supporting our<br />

previous suggestion that differentiation of <strong>the</strong>se structures is<br />

independent of gonadal hormones (2). The prevention of both MD<br />

regression and testicular descent fur<strong>the</strong>r supports <strong>the</strong> hypo<strong>the</strong>sis (3)<br />

that MIS may mediate testicular trans-abdominal migration.<br />

(1) Renfree, M.B., Shaw, G. & Short, R.V. (1987) in: Genetic Markers<br />

of SeK Differentiation. pp 27-41. Eds F.P. Haseltine, M.E. McClure &<br />

E.H. Goldberg (Plenum Press).<br />

(2) 0, W.-S., Short, R.V., Renfree, M.B. & Shaw, G. (1988) Nature<br />

(Lond.) 331:716-717.<br />

(3) Hutson, J.M. (1985) The Lancet, Aug 24th, pp 419-421.<br />

69<br />



R. Vishwanath, I.G. White, P.O. Brown-Woodman,1 and J.R. Mercer 2<br />

Department of Veterinary Physiology and 2Animal Husbandry, University<br />

1 of Sydney, N.S.W.<br />

Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Lidcombe, 2141, N.S.W.<br />

There is good evidence that gossypol chelates with manganese (Mn)<br />

and it has been suggested that <strong>the</strong> antifertil ity activity of gossypol<br />

might be due to induction of Mn deficiency (1) which allegedly causes<br />

degeneration of <strong>the</strong> testes of rats with loss of spermatids and<br />

spermatozoa (2). This experiment was designed to investigate Mn<br />

deficiency in male rats and to check if excess Mn in <strong>the</strong> diet would<br />

mitigate <strong>the</strong> antifertility effects of gossypol.<br />

Th i rty male rats were randomi zed into six groups and fed one of<br />

three diets with or without gossypol in a factorial design. The diets<br />

were Mn deficient, normal and Mn excess. Gossypol in 2% carboxymethylcellulose<br />

vehicle was given orally (20 mg/kg body weight) each day.<br />

On day 57 two female rats were caged with each male to test <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

fertility and on day 64 <strong>the</strong> males were killed.<br />

The mean body weight of control rats did not change significantly,<br />

but rats given gossypol lost about 10% of <strong>the</strong>ir body weight. Nei<strong>the</strong>r Mn<br />

nor gossypol significantly affected <strong>the</strong> weights of <strong>the</strong> testes,<br />

epididymides, adrenals or seminal vesicles. However, <strong>the</strong>re was a<br />

significant decrease in weights of <strong>the</strong> coagulating glands of control rats<br />

on <strong>the</strong> Mn deficient diet, and of all three groups receiving gossypol.<br />

Fewer sperm coul d be recovered from <strong>the</strong> epi di dymi des of rats<br />

receiving gossypol and most of <strong>the</strong>se sperm were immotile and<br />

morphologically abnormal with a large proportion of detached heads.<br />

Gossypol greatly reduced <strong>the</strong> oxygen uptake of epididymal sperm from rats<br />

on all three diets, and sperm from control rats on <strong>the</strong> Mn deficient diet<br />

had a lower oxygen uptake than those on normal or Mn excess diets.<br />

Gossypol rendered all male rats compeletly infertile, irrespective<br />

of <strong>the</strong> level of Mn in <strong>the</strong> diet. The fertil ity of control rats on a Mn<br />

defi ci ent di et was not affected although <strong>the</strong> Mn concentrati on of <strong>the</strong>i r<br />

livers was reduced.<br />

(1) Vishwanath, R. and White, LG. (1987) New Horizons in Sperm Cell<br />

Research. Ed. H. Mohri. Japan Sci. Soc. Press. 431-437.<br />

(2) Boyer, P.O., Shaw, J.H. and Phillips, p.H. (1942) J. Biol. Chern.,<br />


70 71<br />



J.L.Zupp and B.P.Setchell.<br />

Department of Animal Sciences, Waite Agricultural Reasearch Institute,<br />

University of Adelaide, South Australia.<br />

When normal female rats were mated to males just be<strong>for</strong>e or after<br />

a period of infertility produced by local heating of <strong>the</strong> testes, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

was an increase in embryonic mortality and partial fertilization<br />

failure, even when <strong>the</strong> percentage of females becoming pregnant was no<br />

different from control. This was reflected in a decrease in <strong>the</strong><br />

fetus/corpus luteum (F/CL) ratio between 7 and 14 days after <strong>the</strong> end<br />

of a 7 'day mating period (1). In <strong>the</strong>se earlier experiments, it<br />

appeared that this effect continued <strong>for</strong> a considerable time after<br />

fertility was regained, but because adequate controls were not<br />

available <strong>for</strong> this aspect of <strong>the</strong> study, fur<strong>the</strong>r experiments have been<br />

undertaken to see how long <strong>the</strong> effect on F/CL ratio persisted.<br />

Groups of 6 adult male rats (Porton strain in Exp.1, 3 and 4 and<br />

Hooded Wistar in Exp 2) were anaes<strong>the</strong>tized with pentobarbitone sodium<br />

(50mg/kg intraperitoneally) and <strong>the</strong>ir testes and scrotum immersed in a<br />

water bath at ei<strong>the</strong>r 43 or 33 0 C <strong>for</strong> 30 min. At various times after <strong>the</strong><br />

heating, each male was caged with 6 normal females <strong>for</strong> 7 days. The<br />

females were <strong>the</strong>n removed and autopsied after a fur<strong>the</strong>r 7 days, when<br />

<strong>the</strong> number of fetuses and corpora lutea were.90unted. There were·<br />

significant differences in <strong>the</strong> F/CL ratio in 2 experiIilents <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Il,ating period beginning 60 days after heating, associated with a<br />

reduced percentage of feo.ales pregnant j<strong>the</strong>re was also a significant<br />

difference in one experiment, but not in ano<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> F/CL ratio 90<br />

days after heating, and no difference in 2 experiolents at 114 days.<br />

Exp.No Days after %females F/CL ratio in<br />

heating pregnant<br />

pregnant females<br />

Control Heated Control Heated males<br />

90-97<br />

50 42 0.80 0.58**<br />

114-121<br />

91 75 0.71 0.86<br />

126-133<br />

51 43 0.54 0.62<br />

2 114-121 83 94 0.79 0.79<br />

3 60-67<br />

58 13* 0.64 0.34-<br />

90-97<br />

63 70 0.67 0.76<br />

4 -7-0<br />

53 81 0.68 0.69<br />

60-67<br />

54 29* 0.66 0.51.<br />

.: P

72<br />



J.L. Reeve<br />

Department of Agriculture & Rural Affairs<br />

Ru<strong>the</strong>rglen Research Institute, Ru<strong>the</strong>rglen, Victoria.<br />

Short tenn use of intravaginal progestagen sponges prior to <strong>the</strong><br />

introduction of rams to ewes in late Spring has been shown to<br />

enhance <strong>the</strong> response to <strong>the</strong> 'rarn effect' (1),(2),(3). A high<br />

proportion of primed ewes show oestrus at <strong>the</strong> 'rarn induced'<br />

ovulation, when a majority of twins are conceived. 'Short' cycles<br />

are eliminated and almost no responding ewes return innnediately to<br />

anoestrus. In <strong>the</strong> initial experiment (1) progestagen sponges were<br />

used <strong>for</strong> 4,6 or 10 days. The 6 day treatment was superior to <strong>the</strong> 4<br />

,day in ewes conceiving at <strong>the</strong> ' rarn induced' cycle, and overall<br />

fertility and fecundity. The 10 day treatment resulted in <strong>the</strong><br />

highest proportion of ewes lIIating at <strong>the</strong> 1st cycle but with fewer<br />

ewes conceiving with lower fecundity than <strong>the</strong> 6 day. This study<br />

examined <strong>the</strong> sensitivity of response to <strong>the</strong> duration of progestagen<br />

priming between 5 and 9 days.<br />

On 28 OCtober 1987 415 1.5 y.o. Border Leicester x Merino ewes were<br />

treated with sponges (Repromap-60mg) and allocated at random to 5<br />

equal groups. At intervals of 5,6,7,8,9 days <strong>the</strong> sponges were<br />

withdrawn from a group of ewes which were <strong>the</strong>n joined to 8% Poll<br />

Dorset rams <strong>for</strong> 42 days. Mating was recorded daily and foetuses<br />

were counted and aged by real time ultrasonography 13 weeks after<br />

joining. In <strong>the</strong> table below, 1st CyCle refers to mating and<br />

conceptions 2-3 days after joining.<br />

Ewes<br />

Foetuses<br />

Conceiving Mean days Conceived Mean days Foetuses<br />

Prog. cycle post cycle post per ewe<br />

days n 1 2or3 joining 1 2or3 joining joined<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

5 85 49 29 9.25 a 63 31 8.4 a 1.107 a<br />

6 83 51 19 6.9 a 71 21 6.0 b 1.108 a<br />

7 82 61 14 5.6 b 78 15 5.1 b 1.134 a<br />

8 82 63 13 5.0 b 77 15 4.9 b 1.135 a<br />

9 83 64 9 4.0 b 75 9 3.7 b 1.012 a<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Longer duration of progestagen priming increased <strong>the</strong> proportion of<br />

ewes conceiving at <strong>the</strong> 1st cycle and concentrated oestrus behaviour<br />

earlier in <strong>the</strong> post joining period. There was no overall effect on<br />

foetuses produced per ewe joined.<br />

The response to duration of progestagen priming has low, sensitivity<br />

around an optimum of 7 or 8 days but it should be longer than 5<br />

days.<br />

(1) Reeve, J.L. and'Charnley, W.A. (1982). Proc. ASRB, 14:89.<br />

(2) Reeve, J.L. and Charnley, W.A. (1983). Proc. ASRB, 15:71.<br />

(3) Reeve, J.L. and Charnley, W.A. (1984). Proc. ASAP, ,15:161-164<br />

Figure 1. Mean melatonin 1000<br />

concentration in three pM<br />

cows with four Regulin 500<br />

implants. Shaded area is<br />

endogenous night~time range.<br />

(assay limit 112 pM)<br />

73<br />


S R P<br />

Su<strong>the</strong>rland and K.W. Entwistle<br />

Graduate School of Tropical veterinary Science, James Cook University<br />

Townsville, Queensland 4811.<br />

Reproduction in Bos taurus cattle is affected by season and can be<br />

modified by manipulation of <strong>the</strong> photoperiod environment (1). There<strong>for</strong>e<br />

it may be possible to use melatonin to modify reproduction in cattle.<br />

The efficacy of Regulin implants (~egulin Ltd, Australia) to increase<br />

circulating melatonin levels in Bos indiclls cattle was tested using 16<br />

multiparous cows (mean liveweight 421± 7.7(SE) kg) kept on native<br />

pasture. Each cow was treated with ei<strong>the</strong>r 0, 1, 2 or 4 Regulin<br />

implants (s . c.) at <strong>the</strong> base of one or both ears. All cows :were'bled<br />

from <strong>the</strong> tail at 10pm and lOam at 0, 1, and 2 weeks, and at lOam, 3,<br />

4, and 5 weeks after treatment. Night-time samples were taken by<br />

torchlight. Be<strong>for</strong>e treatment melatonin was detectable (assay limit 40<br />

pM) in <strong>the</strong> tail plasma of 12 cows at 10pm (95.2± 12.5 pM) and 4 cows<br />

at lOam (50.2± 3.1 pM). One to tive weeks after treatment melatonin<br />

was undetectable (assay limit 112 pM) in <strong>the</strong> tail plasma of most<br />

animals in both day and night-time samples. At five weeks after<br />

treatment jugular samples were taken from <strong>the</strong> cows without implants at<br />

10pm, and from all <strong>the</strong> cows at lOam. In untreated cows <strong>the</strong> mean<br />

jugular' concentration of melatonin at night-time was 426± 86 pM<br />

(range 312 - 645). The night-time range reported <strong>for</strong> Jersey heifers is<br />

190 - 1410 pM(2). Melatonin was undetectable «112 pM) in <strong>the</strong> day-time<br />

jugular plasma of untreated cows and those with one implant. Melatonin<br />

was detectable in <strong>the</strong> jugular plasma of three cows with two implants<br />

(271± 97 pM) and all of <strong>the</strong> cows with four implants. One cow with four<br />

implants had a very high concentration of melatonin (2645 pM)<br />

suggesting abnormal liver function. The mean jugular concentration in<br />

<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r three cows with four implants was 227± 21 pM, about half <strong>the</strong><br />

mean endogenous night-time concentration. These three cows were<br />

sampled <strong>for</strong> a fur<strong>the</strong>r 13 weeks and during this period melatonin<br />

concentrations were extremely variable, but were frequently within <strong>the</strong><br />

endogenous night-time range up to 16 weeks after treatment (Figure 1) .<br />

6 8 10 12 14 16<br />

weeks after 1reatment<br />

conclude that' four subcutaneous Regulin implants elevate plasma<br />

We<br />

melatonin in cattle and may continue to deliver <strong>for</strong> up to 16 weeks. As<br />

in sheep(3) melatonin released from <strong>the</strong> implants or from <strong>the</strong> pineal is<br />

more readily detected in <strong>the</strong> jugular vein than in peripheral vessels.<br />

(1) Hansen, P.J. and Hauser, E.R. (1984). Theriogenology 22:1-14<br />

(2) Martin, T.C., Cunningham, N.F. and Saba, N. (1983). J. Endocr.<br />

.9.6.:189-196<br />

(3) Howse, A., Kennaway, D., Carbone, F., Staples, L. and Williams, A.<br />

(1987). Proc. ASRB ~:20<br />

The authors acknowledge Dr L.D. Staples (Regulin Ltd) <strong>for</strong> supply of<br />

<strong>the</strong> implants and Dr D. Kennaway <strong>for</strong> melatonin assays.<br />


74<br />



C.R. Earl, S: McPhee, R.H. Male and E.A. Dunstan<br />

S.A. Dept. of Agriculture. Struan and Kybybolite Research Centres<br />

Immunisation against androstenedione, Fecundin (Glaxo Aust.<br />

Ltd.) and melatonin treatment, Regulin, (Genelink Aust. Ltd.) improve<br />

<strong>the</strong> reproductive per<strong>for</strong>mance of crossbred ewes mated in summer. A<br />

recent study by Dunstan et al (1) indicated that those two products<br />

could act synergistically to improve lambing percentages but <strong>the</strong><br />

mechanism of action has not been identified.<br />

In this study conducted at Struan, S.A. groups of maiden 1 1/2<br />

year, old BL x M ewes received ei<strong>the</strong>r no treatment (control n=63) a<br />

Regulin implant at 4 weeks be<strong>for</strong>e mating (Regulin n=62) injections'of<br />

Fecundin at 6 and 2 weeks (Fecundin n=64) or combined treatment with<br />

both Regulin and Fecundin. All groups were grazed toge<strong>the</strong>r and were<br />

joined with 3% untreated Dorset rams on 4/1/88. Foetal percentages<br />

were determined by mid pregnancy sonagraphy.<br />

Table 1 - Fertility fecundity and distribution of litter size of<br />

maiden ewes after no treatment, treatment with Regulin,<br />

Fecundin or treatment with both.<br />

Foetuses Per No. of ewes with<br />

Group Ewe Ewe Preg. 0 1 2<br />

Control n=63 1.11 a 1.37 a 12 32a 19a 0<br />

Regulin 62 1.23 a 1.41 a 8 32a 22a 0<br />

Fecundin 64 1.30 b 1.77 b 17 12b 34b 1<br />

Combined 63 1. 56 b 1.81 b 9 15b 34b 5<br />

a~b within<br />

tables.<br />

columns. P

76<br />




P.J<br />

Wright, A.H. Williams and I.J. Clarke<br />

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Melbourne,<br />

Werribee 3030, Victoria, Australia<br />

Corriedale ewes, 4-7 days post partum (PP) and non-post-partum<br />

cyclic (C) ewes, were ovariectomized (OVX) during <strong>the</strong> ovulatory<br />

season and received oestradiol (E) implants s.c. or remained<br />

untreated. Ewes <strong>the</strong>n received i) above-maintenance (M) nutrition,<br />

ii) below maintenance (R) nutrition, or iii) R nutrition and lambs<br />

rem9ved within 2 days of parturition (RW). Blood samples (3/ewe) <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> determination of plasma concentrations of LH and FSH were taken<br />

over <strong>the</strong> period 18-24 days post partum or 12-18 days after<br />

ovariectomy (C ewes). OVary-intact ewes also received treatments M<br />

(n-20), R (n-26)" and RW (n-2l). Blood samples (2/week) were taken<br />

from <strong>the</strong>se ewes (from 7 to 60 days PP) <strong>for</strong> plasma progesterone<br />

determination to assess <strong>the</strong> onset of ovarian cyclicity.<br />

The plasma hormone concentrations (ng/ml) (mean (s.e.m.)) in<br />

OVX ewes are shown below.<br />

Treatment -==LH~ .-...F""SH ... _<br />

group OVX OVX+E OVX OVX+E<br />

n cone sig n cone sig conc sig cone sig<br />

(a) values with no letters common are significantly different (P

78<br />



M.J. D'Occhio and D.R. Gif<strong>for</strong>d t<br />

CSIRO, Division of Tropical Animal Production, Rockhampton, Qld<br />

t SA Department of Agriculture, Turretfield Research Centre,<br />

Rosedale, SA<br />

Gonadotrophic hormone releasing hormone (GnRH) can be used to<br />

promote ovarian activity and ovulation in acyclic post-partum (PP)<br />

cows when given ei<strong>the</strong>r by continuous infusion over 2-5 days or bolus<br />

injection. Corpora lutea (CL) arising from GnRH-induced ovulations PP<br />

tend to have a short life span, as do CL of <strong>the</strong> first spontaneous<br />

ovulation PP. The present study examined whe<strong>the</strong>r sustained CL<br />

function could be achieved with continuous long-term GnRH <strong>the</strong>rapy.<br />

Chronic GnRH could ei<strong>the</strong>r ensure a normal life span of <strong>the</strong> first<br />

induced CL by maintaining elevated LH or, alternatively, induce a<br />

second ovulation with normal CL function. Multiparous PP (17.1 i: 0.6<br />

days) acyclic beef cows received continuous GnRH or buserelin ([D-Ser<br />

(tBu) 6, Pro 9 NEt] GnRH) from s.c. osmotic minipumps(2ML4) designed to<br />

remain active <strong>for</strong> 28 days. Plasma LH, FSH and progesterone (P 4<br />

) were<br />

determined by RIA and P4 concentrations ) 1 ng/ml were taken as<br />

indicative of active CL tissue. Results <strong>for</strong> P4 and CL are shown in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Table.<br />

P4<br />

'Treatment n ) 1 ng/ml<br />

corpus luteum<br />

short-lived<br />

extended<br />

control 5 0 0 0<br />

200 ng GnRH/kg BWjh 5 4 4 0<br />

400 ng GnRH/kg BWjh 4 4 3 1<br />

5.5 ng buserelin/kg BW/h 5 4 3 1<br />

11.0 ng buserelin/kg BWjh 5 3 2 1<br />

Plasma LH concentrations, but not FSH, were elevated at least to<br />

day 10 in all cows receiving GnRH or buserelin. The outstanding<br />

features of <strong>the</strong> P 4 profiles in 15/19 treated cows that responded were<br />

<strong>the</strong> synchrony, both within and across groups, in P4 ) 1 ng/ml around<br />

day 6, and <strong>the</strong> fact that most CL were short-lived (4-6 days). Only 3<br />

cows showed evidence of extended CL function. The results suggest<br />

that endogenous LH secretion in PP cows following GnRH-induced<br />

ovulation is not limiting to CL function,and that o<strong>the</strong>r factors cause<br />

early demise of <strong>the</strong> first CL. The most likely explanation is that<br />

normal CL development appears to reqUire pre-exposure to P • In this<br />

4<br />

regard, it is not clear why cows failed to show a second ovulation<br />

around day 10 that was followed by normal CL function; however, it is<br />

considered that this was due to <strong>the</strong> doses of GnRH and buserelln used,<br />

ra<strong>the</strong>r than physiological constraints within <strong>the</strong> cows.<br />

Stu'ay supported in part by <strong>the</strong> Australian Meat and Livestock<br />

Research and Development Corporation; GnRH was supplied by Peptide<br />

Technology Limited, NSW; and buserelin by ~oechst AG, W Germany.<br />

79<br />



W.M.C. Maxwell l , S.K. Walker 1, D.H. Smith 1 and H.R. Wilson 2<br />

Department of Agriculture, S.A., and<br />

Collinsville Breeding Research Centre, S.A.<br />

Tight synchrony of <strong>the</strong> time of ovulation may improve fertility<br />

following AI of ewes. For this purpose, non-superovulated Merino ewes<br />

have been treated with GnRH 36h after sponge removal (SR) (1). This<br />

study examined <strong>the</strong> effect of GnRH treatment and time of insemination on<br />

fertility of ewes inseminated with frozen semen.<br />

Ewes treated with progestagen sponges (Intervet [Aust.] Pty. Ltd.) <strong>for</strong><br />

12 days and an injection of 400 Lu. PMSG (Intervet [Aust.] Pty. Ltd.)<br />

at SR, received ei<strong>the</strong>r no GnRH or 40ug syn<strong>the</strong>tic GnRH (Intervet [Aust.]<br />

Pty. Ltd.) 36h after SR. Semen was collected from three rams (A, B, C)<br />

and frozen-stored in pellet <strong>for</strong>m. The ewes were inseminated by<br />

laparoscOpy (0.04ml semen containing 40 million motile spermatozol-)<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r be<strong>for</strong>e (51-54h) or after (69-72h after SR [2]) <strong>the</strong> expected time<br />

of ovulation. Pregnancy and number of foetuses were determined by<br />

ultrasound 50 days after insemination.<br />

Percentage ewes pregnant and foetuses present <strong>for</strong> rams A, B, C were<br />

42.2 52.3,46.0 (p

Supported by <strong>the</strong> Australian Wool Research and Development Fund.<br />

80<br />



D.O. Kleemann,1 S.K. walker 1 , J.R.W~ wa~k~ey2, R.W. Ponzoni 2 ,<br />

D.H. Smith 1 and R.F. Seamark 3<br />

1Turretfie~d Research centre, Department of Agricu~ture, Roseda~e, SA<br />

5350, 2Department of AgricUlture, Ade~aide, SA 5000 and 3Department of<br />

Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5000<br />

<strong>Reproductive</strong> potential of <strong>the</strong> South Australian (SA) Merino can be<br />

improved substantially by incorporation of <strong>the</strong> Booroola Merino high<br />

fecundity gene (F). However lamb survival is poor. Factors<br />

associated with high lamb mortality need to be identified so that<br />

appropriate strategies to reduce ~osses can be investigated.<br />

Lamb surviva~ (birth to weaning) and birthweight data were<br />

collected from a mixed-aged 1/2 Booroola x 1/2 SA Merino flock at Cape<br />

Borda, Kangaroo Island, SA, in June-July of years 1981 to 1986. Ewes<br />

were managed as in norma~ commercial practice. The effects of year,<br />

ewe age (2-year-o~d vs older) and birthweight (0.5 kg categories<br />

between 1.5 and 6.0 kg) on lamb surviva~ were arta~ysed within singleborn<br />

and mUltiple-born categories, using <strong>the</strong> procedure GLM in SAS.<br />

Least-squares means (+ s.e.) <strong>for</strong> birthweight and survival, of ~ambs<br />

born in litter sizes ~f 1-4 from a 1/2 Booroola x 1/2 SA Merino flock<br />

Litter size<br />

Lambs born<br />

Birthweight (kg)<br />

Survival (%)<br />

580<br />

4.13 + 0.04<br />

70.8 :; 1.6<br />

Twin<br />

784<br />

3.28 + 0.03<br />

53. 6 ~ 1.4<br />

Triplet<br />

321<br />

2.80 + 0.05<br />

35.9 "+ 2.2<br />

Quadruplet<br />

52<br />

2.59.+ 0.15<br />

15.9"+ 5.9<br />

There was a decline in survival rate as litter size increased,<br />

<strong>the</strong> reduction being paralleled by a reduction in birthweight (Table<br />

1). In <strong>the</strong> analyses of both single and multiple-born categories<br />

birthweight was <strong>the</strong> dominant factor inf~uencing survival (P

82<br />


CATTLE<br />

B.M. Bindon,l J.K. Findlay,2 L.R. Piper 1 and M.A. Hi11ard1<br />

1 (On behalf of ASRB Pituitary Hormone Committee)<br />

2 CSIRO Division of Animal Production, Armida1e, NSW<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne, VIC<br />

Biological studies of pituitary hormones in vivo in domestic<br />

livestock are restricted in Australia by <strong>the</strong> unavailability of suitable<br />

reference preparations. Some years ago AMLRDC, AWC and NH&MRC funds<br />

were provided to ASRB to begin <strong>the</strong> local purification of pituitary<br />

hormones <strong>for</strong> use by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Society</strong>'s members. The present<br />

report deals with one of <strong>the</strong> preparations from this project.<br />

ASRB-bFSH-1 was compared with commercial porcine FSH ("FSH-P"<br />

Burns Biotec) in sheep and cattle. The latter has approximately fou;<br />

times <strong>the</strong> FSH radioreceptor assay potency of ASRB-bFSH-1. Merino ewes<br />

(8 per dose) were synchronized with progestagen sponges, <strong>the</strong>n given FSH<br />

as intramuscular injections twice daily <strong>for</strong> four days beginning on Day<br />

11 after sponge insertion. Total FSH dose was given in decreasing<br />

doses in <strong>the</strong> ratio 4:3:2:1 over four days and <strong>the</strong> sponges removed on<br />

<strong>the</strong> morning of <strong>the</strong> third day. A similar protocol was followed in<br />

cattle (three-year-old crossbred heifers, 300-350 kg !1veweight; 5-7<br />

cows per dose), using two injections of prostaglandin analogue <strong>for</strong><br />

synchronization. In both species ovulation rates were assessed by<br />

laparoscopy 5-7 days after oestrus. The results in Table 1 show that<br />

in sheep ASRB-bFSH-1 has less than one-eighth <strong>the</strong> ovulatory potency of<br />

FSH-P. In cattle, however, ASRB-bFSH-1 at a dose of 200 mg produced<br />

useful superovulation with no evidence of ovarian over-stimulation,<br />

suggesting a potency of about one-third that of FSH-P. ASRB-bFSH-1,<br />


84 85<br />


SOCRErr'ICfi wr:m APPLICATICfi 'It) III<br />

David J Handelsnan., *Ross lazarus<br />

Depart:.rrent of Medicine, University of Sydney and *Bundoora Extended<br />

care Centre, Bundoora, Victoria<br />

Episodic secretion of hypothalamic GnRH regulates pituital:y-gonadal<br />

function via <strong>the</strong> pulsatile secretion of LH. Despite its importance,<br />

mmy physiological aspects of pulsatile LH secretion remain<br />

technically difficult to study arpirically. Various objective,<br />

canputer-based pulse detection algorithmns have been applied to serial<br />

LH :rreaSuretrents in blood as a non-invasive index of neuroendocrine<br />

activity of <strong>the</strong> hypothalamus. Ccmparisons and validation of<br />

algorithrnns is limited to a few intensive human LH pulse series and<br />

ert1irical optimizing against false positive rates as detennined fran<br />

signal-free noise series however <strong>the</strong> :i..nlp3.ct of <strong>the</strong>se reccmrendations<br />

on <strong>the</strong> false negative rates has not been studied SYSte:natically.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e we have developed a mathamtical node! of pulsatile honrone<br />

secretion with specific reference to LH and inplemented this in a<br />

versatile canputer simulation package (SimPulse). The nodel is based<br />

on pulses created f:ran a point source (pituitaJ::y) of LH secretion with<br />

subsequent continuous decrementing by netabolic clearance in a<br />

biexponential phanracokineticnodel using available ert1irical data.<br />

Pulse Contour has adjustable shape and pulses are spaced at defined<br />

ti.lTe intervals with net honrone level being <strong>the</strong> sum of all pulses<br />

above a set threshold. All pararreters are user-definable and 4 key<br />

variables - interpulse interval, secretory burst duration, secretory<br />

rate, metabolic· clearance rate - may have user-defined gaussian<br />

distribution of known nean and variance. Runs generate an output file<br />

suitable <strong>for</strong> passing to pulse detection prog:r;ams and record files with<br />

<strong>the</strong> actual pulse pararreters f:ran <strong>the</strong> simulation run to canpare with<br />

output of pulse detection programs. A second nodule (SimError)<br />

introduces stochastic variations due to sarrpling-time and assay<br />

precision with definable statistical distributions and selectable<br />

pararreters. This program will be useful <strong>for</strong> m:x:lelling of physiological<br />

and pathological aspects of pulsatile LH secretion especially those at<br />

present inaccessible to ert1irical estimation (burst durations and<br />

pituitaJ::y secretory rates) as well as pulse detection strategies<br />

including sarrpling schemata and canputer algorithrnns .<br />


1.0.,------ ---, 1.0,----_- -.<br />

TlI.lE<br />

0.8<br />

STOCHAS!1C VNIlAnON ~ _ SAllE IGN·p~<br />

TlI.lE<br />



cpmfug DNA<br />

X on I XF on I 1 F on I S on I<br />

2351<br />

* 17. LSD values<br />

8.8. Raychoudhuryl, I.G. Irving 1 and A.V. Blackshaw2<br />

lSchool of Science, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld. 2De~artment of<br />

Physiology k Pharmacology, University of Queensland, St. LUCIa, Qld.<br />

Ve have reported radiolabel incorporation in~o myoid cell. P!ote~n<br />

syn<strong>the</strong>sis and secretion, GAG production, secretIon and deposlt.lOn In<br />

<strong>the</strong> extracellular matrix (1). This study extends <strong>the</strong> work to Include<br />

aH-thymidine incorporated into DNA.<br />

8ertoli cells (S) and myoid cells (I) were prepared from 20-22 day<br />

old rat testes and cultured (2). There were six treatment com~inations<br />

of I S Sertoli cell matrix (X) and fetal calf serum (F), VIZ; I, S,<br />

SI, XI, 'IF and IMF. All culture types were labelled with aH-thymidine<br />

(1 JjCijml) <strong>for</strong> 96 h at 37° C and treated with (BU) 2 cAMP , (0.5 roM) or<br />

FUT CFSH 25 ngjmlj insulin, 5 Jjgjml; retinol, 0.35 JjM; testo~terone,<br />

0.7 Jjl). 'The extent of DNA syn<strong>the</strong>sis in <strong>the</strong>se culture combina~lons w~s<br />

measured by both scintillation counting and autoradlographlc<br />

examination.<br />

The incorporation of 3H- thymidine into cultures was low in all<br />

preparations except those containing feta~ calf serum. . In <strong>the</strong>se<br />

cultures <strong>the</strong> presence of Bertoli cell matnx had a relatlVely small<br />

inhibitory effect on <strong>the</strong> incorporation of label.<br />

The effect of culture conditions on <strong>the</strong> uptake of [3HJ thymidine by<br />

myoid cells.<br />

29555 497 34722<br />

701<br />

944*<br />

7. labelled nuclei<br />

X on 1 XF on M I F on I S on I<br />

16.9<br />

58.9 14.7 69.0 10.9<br />

1.9*<br />

The hormone mix (FUT) stimulated an~ cAMP inhib~ted ~ncorporation<br />

under most culture conditions, although In <strong>the</strong> Sertoll-myold co-cu~ture<br />

both FIRT and cAIP reduced <strong>the</strong> already low level of nuclear labelhng.<br />

Ve conclude that DNA syn<strong>the</strong>sis in myoid cells is slightly stimulated<br />

by Sertoli cell extracellular matrix. The effect is minor compared to<br />

<strong>the</strong> response to fetal calf serum, which clearly s~ppli~s necessary<br />

growth factors. T~e inhib~to!yeffect of cAMP conhrms ItS.accepted<br />

role of promoting dIfferentIatIon, whereas <strong>the</strong> hormonal cocktaIl (FIRT)<br />

facilitates cell replication.<br />

(1) Raychoudhury, S.S., Ir~ing, I.G. &Blackshaw, A.V. (1987)<br />

Proc.Aust.Soc.Reprod.Blol. 19:84. .<br />

(2) Skinner, I.K. &Fritz, I.B. (1985) Proc.Natl.Acad.Scl. 82:114-118.

86<br />



G.F. Gonzales*, J. Muir, G.P. Risbridger and D.M. de Kretser<br />

Department ofAnatomy, Monash University, Melbourne, 3168.<br />

Hyperserotoninemia has been shown to be deleterious to spermatogenesis without<br />

affecting serum testosterone levels in men (1) and male rats (2). Howeversome<br />

authors have claimed that serotonin alters spermatogenesis, secondary to an inhibition<br />

oftestosterone production (3,4). The aim of <strong>the</strong> present study was to determine <strong>the</strong> in<br />

vitro effect of serotonin on both testosterone production by Percoll-purified Leydig<br />

cells and inhibin production by isolated seminiferous tubules (ST) from normal adult<br />

rats.<br />

Leydig cells were isolated from <strong>the</strong> testes of adult rats and purified on discontinuous<br />

gradients of Percoll (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). 50,000 cells were <strong>the</strong>n cultured in<br />

plastic multiwell dishes containing 250 J.lI Dulbeceo modified Eagle medium: F12 ± 2.5 IU<br />

hCG at 32·C <strong>for</strong> 20 h. Serotonin was added in <strong>the</strong> dose range 10-1000 ng/well. 5 em<br />

segments of ST were dissected free of interstitial tissue and cultured in 1 rnl DMEM<br />

with <strong>the</strong> following additions: serotonin (Sigma) (1-1000 ng/rnl) ± ei<strong>the</strong>r FSH (500<br />

ng/rnl), dbcAMP (10 J.lg/ml) 0:' insulin (Sigma) (20 ng/rnl).<br />

Serotonin.has no effect on basal testosterone production, but an increase in <strong>the</strong> hCGinduced<br />

T production was observed with 10 ng serotonin (p

88<br />



R.T. Gemmell l and C. Sernia 2<br />

lDepartment fAt 2D t f<br />

o na.omy,. epar ment 0 Physiology and Pharmacology,<br />

Un1vers1ty of Queensland, Brisbane.<br />

T~e structure o~ <strong>the</strong> ~eurohypophyseal peptide hormones isotocin,<br />

mesotoc1 nand OXytOC1 n var1 es by ei<strong>the</strong>r one or two ami no aci ds.<br />

Isotocin hc:s been identified in all bony fishes, mesotocin in all <strong>the</strong><br />

non-mammal1an tetrapods, namely birds, reptiles amphibians and lung<br />

fishes nd oxytocin in <strong>the</strong> placental mammals.O) In <strong>the</strong> marsupials<br />

mesotoc;n, but no~ oxytocin, has been identified in nine species of<br />

Austral;an marsup1al. In American marsupials, both oxytocin and<br />

meso~oc1n have been reported in two species and oxytocin alone in one<br />

spec; es. If one acce~ts <strong>the</strong> o~thodo~ evol uti onary pathway of <strong>the</strong>se<br />

pept1 de hormones as be1 ng from 1S0toc1 n through mesotoci n to oxytoci n<br />

<strong>the</strong>n t~e p~es~nce of mes~toci n wi thi.n <strong>the</strong> Austral i an marsupi a1s, and<br />

oxytoc;n w1t~1n <strong>the</strong> A!"encan marsup1als, <strong>the</strong> more primitive <strong>for</strong>m of<br />

marsup1al, 1S puzz11ng.(2) In this study we examined <strong>the</strong><br />

neurohypophyseal hormones of <strong>the</strong> bandi coot (1. macrourus) an<br />

Australian marsupial not examined previously.<br />

'<br />

Oxytocin, known to be produced by <strong>the</strong> hypothalamus has now been<br />

obser~ed within <strong>the</strong> .ovary.. ~he testis and <strong>the</strong> adrenal gland.(3) The<br />

loca~10n of oxytoc1n w1th1n <strong>the</strong> reproductive tract of <strong>the</strong> male<br />

band;coot ~as also ~xamined. Tissue was fixed in para<strong>for</strong>maldehyde and<br />

se~t1on~ 1mmunos~a;ned b~ a biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase system,<br />

us;ng h1 gh l~ spec1 f1 c l'abb1 t an.ti -oxytoci n and sheep anti -mesotoci n as<br />

pnmary ant1 sera. Immunoreact1Ve oxytoci n cells were demonstrated in<br />

<strong>the</strong> paraventri cul ar and supra opti c nucl ei of <strong>the</strong> bandi coot<br />

hypoth~lamus. These cells did not stain with <strong>the</strong> mesotocin antibody.<br />

OxytoC1n but not mesotocin was present in <strong>the</strong> Leydig cells and in <strong>the</strong><br />

spermatids of <strong>the</strong> bandicoo~. The bandicoot prostate has two segments,<br />

~he dorsal and v~ntral reg10ns. Oxytocin and mesotocin were present in<br />

l.he.ventral port1on of <strong>the</strong> prostate, but were not present in <strong>the</strong> dorsal<br />

reg1on.<br />

In conclusion, <strong>the</strong>se results show that both oxytocin and mesotocin<br />

are prese~t in Australian marsupials. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong>se peptides are<br />

not restncted to <strong>the</strong> hypothalamus but are also found in <strong>the</strong> testes<br />

~ oxytoci n1 and prostate (.oxytoci nand mesotoci n) where <strong>the</strong>y coul d be<br />

1nvolved 1n spermatogenes1s, contractility of <strong>the</strong> seminiferous tubules<br />

and in sperm transport in <strong>the</strong> female reproductive tract.<br />

(1) Acher, R. (1980). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser B. 210, 21-43.<br />

(2) Chauvet, J., Roui11e, Y., Chauvet, M.T. and Acher, R. (1987). Gen.<br />

Compo Endocr. 67, 399-408.<br />

(3) Nicho~son,.H.D., Swann, R.W., Bur<strong>for</strong>d,.G.D., Wa<strong>the</strong>s, D.C., Porter,<br />

D.G. and P1ckenng·, B.T. (984), Reg. Pept1des 8, 141-146.<br />

89.<br />



C.R. Earl, E.A. Dunstan and M.<br />

Schleuniger<br />

Dept. Ag. S.A. Struan « Kybybolite<br />

Daylength is recognised as <strong>the</strong> principal environmental cue<br />

determining <strong>the</strong> seasonal breeding activity of rams (1,2). In<br />

Australia <strong>the</strong> majority of rams are used <strong>for</strong> mating during long days<br />

at a time when testosterone levels and mating activity are low (3}.<br />

Schanbacher (4) has reported that exposure of rams to short days<br />

(L:D, 8:16) significantly improved <strong>the</strong> reproductive per<strong>for</strong>mance of<br />

rams when singly mated.<br />

In our experiment <strong>the</strong> reproductive per<strong>for</strong>mance of rams exposed to<br />

long (L:D, 16:8) or short (L:D, 10:14) days <strong>for</strong> 12 weeks prior to<br />

mating was compared.<br />

Ten 1 1/2 year old Border Leicester rams were allocated to two<br />

equal groups on <strong>the</strong> basis of liveweight on 16/9/85. Testicular<br />

diameter and liveweight were recorded <strong>for</strong>tnightly prior to mating on<br />

12/12/85. Each ram was individually mated to 40 merino ewes and<br />

reproductive per<strong>for</strong>mance determined by <strong>the</strong> number of foetuses present<br />

and mean lambing day.<br />

Results<br />

~eweight. testicular diameter. foetuses per ewe pregnant. and<br />

meaning mating day <strong>for</strong> rams exposed to long and short day<br />

len ths.<br />

T est<br />

1 Foetuses<br />

c<br />

u<br />

per ewe<br />

1<br />

40 Wt.<br />

a r 5.0 (kg)<br />

60<br />

Mean Lambing<br />

day<br />

0<br />

1 Long day 1.18 143<br />

a<br />

II<br />

e Short day 1.12 143<br />

t 20<br />

e N.S. N.S.<br />

r<br />

( 4.0,....---1._---1._......._ ...._.1-.......<br />

em) 16i9 30/9 15/1027/10 11/11 28/11 12/12<br />

Date<br />

Although testicular diameter was significantly increased by<br />

exposure to short day length no improvement in <strong>the</strong> reproduct.ive<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance of short day length treated rams was observed. The<br />

proportion of rams to ewes (2 1/2%) is comparable with that used in<br />

commercial practice with maiden rams. It is <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e unlikely that<br />

treatment of rams with short day length or with products that mimic<br />

short day length is likely to improve <strong>the</strong>ir reproductive per<strong>for</strong>mance.<br />

(1) Yeates N.T.H. 1949. J. Ag. Sci. 39:1<br />

(2) Ortavant R., Mauleon P., Thibault C. 1964.<br />

Ann. N.Y. Acad Sci. 117:157<br />

(3) D'Occhio H.J., Brooks D.E., 1983 Aust. J. Exp. Anim. Husb. 23:248<br />

(4) Schanbacher B.D. 1979 J. Anim. Sci. 49:927

90 91<br />



D.P. Windsor and I.G. White<br />

Department of Veterinary Physiology, Univer.sity of Sydney, NSW 2006<br />

It has long been recognised that phospholipids play a role in<br />

protecting mammalian sperm from cold shock. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) has<br />

bee~ shown to protect ram (1) and boar (2) sperm, whil e phosphati dyl­<br />

~er1ne (PS) has been shown to reduce acrosomal damage and motility loss<br />

1n col d shocked boar sperm (3). The aim of this study was to fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

assess <strong>the</strong> cryoprotective effect of PS on boar sperm by measuring uptake<br />

of radioactive calcium and to test its efficacy in protecting ram sperm.<br />

Boar sperm were flushed from cauda epididymides and ram sperm were<br />

collected by ~lectroej8culation: PS (4 mg/ml) was added 25 minutes prior<br />

to cO]d shock1ng at 0 C. Calc1um uptake was determined at 5, 10, 20 and<br />

40 ffilnutes (2). Data were subjected to a split plot analysis of<br />

variance.<br />

TABLE 1:<br />

Species<br />

Boar<br />

(n=8)<br />

Ram<br />

(n=7)<br />

Ca uptake of sperm (nmoles/10 9 sperm, mean + S.E.)<br />

Control 25+9ab 42+15ab 66+25b<br />

Colq shock 117+8c 129+8c 135+6c<br />

Control+PS 5+1 a 7+2 a 9+2 a<br />

Cold shock+PS 62+21b 66+20b 57+18b<br />

Control 21+7a 33+11a 46+13a<br />

Col d shock 101+21c 125+17b 144+16b<br />

Control+PS 35+16ab 49+19a 54+21a<br />

Cold shock+PS 71+9bc 101+12b 133+25b<br />

Different subscripts denote differences (p < 0.05) within <strong>the</strong><br />

and species.<br />

40min<br />

86+28b<br />

128+7c<br />

7+1 a<br />

30+10a<br />

42+13a<br />

120+10b<br />

52+18a<br />

126+25b<br />

same column<br />

These data confi rm <strong>the</strong> observati on (3) that PS protects boar sperm<br />

from col~ shock. Calcium uptake .(indicating plasma membrane disruption)<br />

was cons1stently lower (p

92 93<br />



H.N. Jabbour, G.<br />

Evans and N.W. Moore<br />

Department of Animal Husbandry, The University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006<br />

Intrauterine insemination is necessary to achieve satisfactory<br />

fertilisation in superovulated ewes. The following study was<br />

designed to examine fertilisation in superovulated ewes inseminated<br />

with various doses of fresh or frozen-thawed spermatozoa.<br />

TABLE 1. Proportion of ova fertilised (no. fertilised/no. recovered)<br />

following insemination with different doses of fresh or frozen-thawed<br />

semen.<br />

100<br />

50<br />

25<br />

12.5<br />

6.2<br />

3.1<br />


G.H. O'Brien a ,<br />

J. Clulow and R.C. Jones<br />

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308<br />

O'Brien, Clulow and Jones (1) reported <strong>the</strong> elemental composition<br />

of sperm that were pipetted onto electron microscopy grids and airdried,<br />

as described by Chandler and Battersby (2). The concentrations<br />

obtained in that study suggested serious inadequacies in <strong>the</strong><br />

technique, especially contamination of sperm by extracellular fluid.<br />

We now describe a more appropriate technique developed in this<br />

laboratory, and initial observations obtained with its application..<br />

Semen collected from 3 Merino rams was pooled and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

inseminated ei<strong>the</strong>r fresh after dilution with phosphate buffered<br />

saline (PBS) or after frozen storage in glycerol-egg yolk diluent.<br />

A <strong>for</strong>mvar-coated nickel slot grid was placed in <strong>the</strong> bottom of a<br />

Forty-nine mature Merino ewes were treated with intravaginal<br />

0.5 mlmicrotestube and covered with a layer of di-n-butyl phthalate.<br />

progestagen pessaries (Repromap, Upjohn) <strong>for</strong> 12 days and 1200 IU PMSG<br />

An aliquot of semen was placed on <strong>the</strong> oil and centrifuged <strong>for</strong> 0.5­<br />

(Folligon, Intervet) administered 48 h be<strong>for</strong>e pessary withdrawal<br />

4 min in an Eppendorf centrifuge <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> grid was rinsed in isopentane<br />

(PW). Intrauterine inseminations were per<strong>for</strong>med by laparoscopy<br />

and freeze-dried at 0.5 x 10- 3 Pa overnight. The nuclei of 5<br />

at 44 h after PW. A total dose of 100X106 , 50x106 , 25x106 , 12.5xl06,<br />

sperm from each of 4 ejaculates (collected from fertile donors) were<br />

6.2xl0 6 or 3.1x10 6 of ei<strong>the</strong>r fresh or frozen-thawed motile<br />

analysed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (X-ray probe microanalysis)<br />

spermatozoa in a total volume of 0.1 ml PBS was deposited in <strong>the</strong><br />

in a scanning electron microscope.<br />

uterine horns. Ova were recovered and ovaries inspected at<br />

Mean concentrations of Na, Mg, P, S, CI, K and Ca are listed in<br />

laparotomy under general anaes<strong>the</strong>sia 92 h after PW. Cleaved and<br />

<strong>the</strong> Table below. Presented with <strong>the</strong>m are results (<strong>for</strong> sperm in semen)<br />

pronucleate ova were classified as fertilised.<br />

from O'Brien et al. (1) converted to <strong>the</strong> same units (mmol.kgrl dry wt)<br />

The mean ovulation rate was 11.9 ± 0.9 and <strong>the</strong> overall recovery<br />

to allow direct comparison.<br />

of ova (no. recovered/no. of ovulation points) was 56.5%: Multiple<br />

X 2 analysis was per<strong>for</strong>med and <strong>the</strong> data are presented in Table 1. Technique used Elemental concentrations in sperm nuclei<br />

to prepare sperm<br />

(mmol.kgrl drywt)<br />

Dose of spermatozoa (X10 6 )<br />

Fresh semen<br />

Frozen-thawed semen<br />

12/15<br />

14/15<br />

27/33<br />

31/34<br />

17/25<br />

14/19<br />

13/22<br />

25/27<br />

14/15<br />

14/32<br />

23/23<br />

21/31<br />

The overall fertilisation rate was 77.3%. Overall, <strong>the</strong>re was no·<br />

effect of <strong>the</strong> type of semen used on fertilisation, but <strong>the</strong>re was an<br />

interaction between <strong>the</strong> type of semen and <strong>the</strong> dose of spermatozoa<br />

inseminated (P

94 95<br />



Luke K.-P. Leung and J.M.<br />

Cummins<br />

PIVET Medical Centre, 166 Cambridge Street, Leederville, WA 6007.<br />

Pangolins are testicond eu<strong>the</strong>rian mammals which <strong>for</strong> many years<br />

were classified along with <strong>the</strong> Edentata because of superficial<br />

resemblances to Armadillos and lack of teeth. This affinity is now<br />

discounted, and <strong>the</strong>ir phylogenetic placement is uncertain (1).<br />

Ballowitz (2) first described by light microscopy <strong>the</strong> spermatozoon of<br />

a species of this Order (M. longicaudata - a frozen specimen from W.<br />

Africa), and considered it to be similar to that of monotremes,<br />

reptiles or birds. No subsequent work on <strong>the</strong> sperm morphology appears<br />

to have been published. We were interested in fur<strong>the</strong>r evaluating<br />

Ballowitz's observations using electron microscopy. Material from a<br />

small male M. pentadactyla Was fixed using 2.5% glutaraldehyde in<br />

cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4). Representative areas of <strong>the</strong> reproductive<br />

tract were excised, osmicated and embedded in Araldite follOWing<br />

dehydration in an ethanol-acetone series. Ultrathin sections were<br />

studied by TEM.<br />

The animal was not fully reproductively active, and only a few<br />

seminiferous tubules exhibited elongated spermatids. Immature<br />

spermatozoa were found in <strong>the</strong> ductuli efferentes, but <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong><br />

tract was devoid of gametes. Never<strong>the</strong>less, <strong>the</strong> spermatozoa showed<br />

striking similarities with Ballowitz's descriptions <strong>for</strong> M.<br />

longicaudata. The sperm head, unlike that of any o<strong>the</strong>r eu<strong>the</strong>rian<br />

mammal described, is not flattened, but has a pointed, elongated<br />

nucleus (10-12 urn long) with a round cross-section (0.8-1.2 um<br />

diameter). The chromatin in many of <strong>the</strong> spermatozoa of this specimen<br />

was irregularly condensed, a feature also noted by Ballowitz. The<br />

flagellum, midpiece and axoneme are round in cross-section, and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is a spiral fibrous sheath underlying <strong>the</strong> principal piece<br />

plasmalemma. The axoneme con<strong>for</strong>ms to <strong>the</strong> common 9 outer doublet + 2<br />

central microtubule pattern with 9 accessory coarse fibres extending<br />

along <strong>the</strong> bulk of <strong>the</strong> flagellum. The acrosome (1.7-2.2 um long) has a<br />

largely homogenous matriX, sits cap-like over <strong>the</strong> rostral fifth of<br />

<strong>the</strong> nucleus, with no substantial subaerosomal material, and does not<br />

appear to have a well-defined equatorial segment (ES). Lack of this<br />

feature distinguishes M. pentadactyla from o<strong>the</strong>r eu<strong>the</strong>ria with<br />

flattened sperm heads, where <strong>the</strong> presence of an ES is possibly<br />

related to common features of fertilization (3).<br />

The sperm morphology of this group thus clearly differs from<br />

<strong>the</strong> rest of eu<strong>the</strong>rian mammals. Fur<strong>the</strong>r work is needed to see whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

<strong>the</strong> ostensible resemblance to <strong>the</strong> sauropsid sperm of monotremes is o.f<br />

taxonomic significance.<br />

(1) Nowak, R.M., Paradiso, J.L. (1983). In, "Walker's Mammals of <strong>the</strong><br />

World" 4th Edn, pp 470-472. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore.<br />

(2) Ballowitz, E.(1907). Zeits. f. Wiss.enschaft. Zool. 86:619-625.<br />

(3) Bed<strong>for</strong>d, J.M. (1982). In C.R. Austin and R.V. Short (eds)<br />

"Reproduction in Mammals" 2nd Ed, Vol 1, pp 128-163. C.U.P.<br />



M.Lin"', R.C.Jones'" and A.W.Blaekshaw 2<br />

'" Department of Biological Sciences. University of Newcastle. NSW<br />

2 Department of Physiology & Pharmacology. University of<br />

Queensland. Qld.<br />

It is extremely difficult to identify <strong>the</strong> various cellular<br />

associations which constitute <strong>the</strong> cycle of <strong>the</strong> seminiferous<br />

epi<strong>the</strong>lium of many birds with <strong>the</strong> routine histological methods<br />

used <strong>for</strong> mammals and this problem has lead to <strong>the</strong> publication of<br />

some unusual combinations of cellular associations (1). The<br />

problem in <strong>the</strong> bird is that an individual cellular association<br />

covers a very small area of <strong>the</strong> wall of a seminiferous tubule so<br />

that several different adjacent associations overlap and it is<br />

not possible to clearly distinguish <strong>the</strong> germ cells in one<br />

association from <strong>the</strong> germ cells in an adjacent association.<br />

This studY determined <strong>the</strong> cellular associations in <strong>the</strong><br />

Japanese quail using thin epoxy sections of single seminiferous<br />

tubules. Tubules were isolated using a hypodermic syringe and<br />

needle to flush <strong>the</strong>m apart with 0.1 M phosphate buffer.<br />

Subsequently <strong>the</strong>y were fixed in glutaraldehyde and embedded in<br />

Spurr's resin. The cytoplasm of individual Sertoli cells was<br />

traced in 1-2 pm sections stained with toluidine blue. .<br />

Germ cells were classified into 12 steps of spermatId<br />

development. 3 types of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes in<br />

meiotic phases and secondary spermatocytes. Table 1 shows <strong>the</strong> 10<br />

cellular associations of <strong>the</strong> cycle of <strong>the</strong> seminiferous<br />

epi<strong>the</strong>lium based on <strong>the</strong> morphological changes of <strong>the</strong> acrosome and<br />

nuclei of <strong>the</strong> developing spermatids. There is some uncertainty<br />

about <strong>the</strong> relationship between spermatogonia which can only be<br />

resolved using a radiolabelled tracer.<br />

.r---."..-.·--I-·-.--,r----~ u _.-~'-...------u<br />

11' I 11 I 11 U 12 B 12 I U • H I B<br />

1---1-·-·..··-,-1",·....,·,-···1·..····,,",·-1--.-....---'11---,.11--- 1 1---1<br />

11 I 2 I 3 I 4 B 5 I 6 J 7 I B I 9 1 10 I<br />

I'_'__'_I_'__-II,_"""·_,,~,,,,_~ '_""'·" I-"_""__·_I_"_·"'.._·........---·1----·1---·-1<br />

BPI PIP 1 PIP I P I Dp I Dk I M-An I I I 1<br />

1-"'-'1·-.."".-..-,,,0.-,,••·-.,,·--·1..,,,,-,,"'-'--1-,-----..1,,·,,-,----11·-,--·-·-.----11---1-----1<br />

UB 1 BIB n LIZ 1 PIP 1 PIP I P I<br />

'1----8----1-.-...-,"'1-·-'--1----......----11·---·1---1----1 1<br />

UAp I Ap I Ap I Ap I Ap n Ap I BIB I BIB 1<br />

DAd 1 Ad I Ad I Ad 1 Ad 1 Ad lAd Ap I Ad Api Ad Api Ad A~I<br />


=-=~.::SYM:BOLEt;=cA'd;::'''·~d';;:)~==t~~~A·-~~7.~~~~~=~~;ti~~:::.A~.~ie ty~~ A<br />

spermatogonia; B. type B spermatogonia; L. leptotene primary<br />

spermatocytes; Z, zygotene primary spermatocytes; P. pachytene<br />

primary spermatocytes; Dp. diplotene primary spermat0cytes; Ok.<br />

diakinesis of primary spermatocyt~s; M. metaphase primary<br />

spermatocytes; An. anaphase primary spermatocytes; 1-12. step 1­<br />

step 12 spermatids; I-X, stages of spermatogenesis.<br />

The<br />

duration<br />

birds.<br />

results provide a<br />

of spermatogenesis<br />

(1) Yamamoto.S; Tamate.H &<br />

Res.1B, 27-37.<br />

basis <strong>for</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r studies of <strong>the</strong><br />

and renewal of spermatogonia in<br />

Itikawa,O (1967)<br />

Tohoku Agric.

96 97<br />



R. Vishwanath. I.G. White and S.A. Matlin 1<br />

1 Department of Veterinary Physiology. University of Sydney. NSW. 2006<br />

Chemistry Department. City University. Northampton Sq .• London. ECIV OHB<br />

Gossypol is an optically active molecule and preliminary studies<br />

indicate that <strong>the</strong> (-) isomer renders male rats infertile when given<br />

orally. but <strong>the</strong> (+) isomer is ineffective (1). The aim of this study was<br />

to investigate <strong>the</strong> stereospecificity of <strong>the</strong> action of gossypol on sperm<br />

function in vitro.<br />

Ram sperm were washed free of seminal pl asma by dil uting with<br />

Krebs Ri nger phosphate gl ucose. centrifugi ng. removi ng <strong>the</strong> supernatant<br />

and resuspendi ng <strong>the</strong> sperm pellet. Demembranated sperm models were<br />

prepared by extracti ng <strong>the</strong> washed sperm in Triton-X medi urn and were<br />

reactivated with ATP (2). Motil ity of sperm was scored on a scal e of 1<br />

to 4, and reactivati on of <strong>the</strong> sperm model s as <strong>the</strong> percentage movi ng.<br />

Oxygen uptake of sperm was determined with a Clark electrode and glucose<br />

and lactic acid concentration of <strong>the</strong> medium by enzymatic assays.<br />

Sperm motil ity decreased 1i nearl y with i ncreasi ng concentrations<br />

of racemic (i.e. .:!:.) gossypol or its isomers; 50 IlM of <strong>the</strong> (+) or (-)<br />

isomer or 100 IlM of <strong>the</strong> racemer depressed motility within 10 seconds.<br />

Sperm'motility ceased after 30 minutes exposure to 50 IlM of each of <strong>the</strong><br />

compounds but weak motility persisted <strong>for</strong> 60 minutes in <strong>the</strong> presence of<br />

25 IlM of <strong>the</strong> (+) or (-) isomers. A strong uncoupling (i.e. increase) of<br />

sperm oxygen uptake was evident at low (25 and 50 IlM) concentrations of<br />

racemic gossypol or its isomers, but higher concentrations ([50 and 200<br />

IlM) of racemic gossypol reduced oxygen uptake. At 50 IlM <strong>the</strong> (+) or (-)<br />

isomers decreased glucose utilization of sperm and 100 IlM of each of <strong>the</strong><br />

compounds completely inhibited glucose utilization and lactic acid<br />

accumulation.<br />

Demembranated sperm models were more resistant to gossypol or its<br />

isomers; 25 or 50 IlM had no effect on reactivation of sperm models which<br />

immediately became motile on addition of ATP. At 100 IlM. <strong>the</strong> %<br />

reactivation (mean + S.E .• n=5) was 66.6 + 8.9 <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> racemer. 53.6 +<br />

7.1 <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> (+) and-zero <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> (-) isomer compared to 65.5 + 11.3 <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> control; 200 IlM of <strong>the</strong> compounds inhibited reactivation completely.<br />

Overall, <strong>the</strong> in vitro spermicidal activities of racemic gossypol<br />

and its isomers were not remarkably different. This suggests a stereospecific<br />

in vivo interaction of gossypol at <strong>the</strong> testicular target site<br />

leading to disruption of spermatogenesis.<br />

(1) Wang. N.G., Zhou, L.F .• Guan, M.H. and Lei, H.P. (1987). J.<br />

Ethno~harmacOl.• 20:21-24.<br />

(2) -hite.I.G. and Voglmayr. J.K. (1986). J. Reprod. Fert.• 34:183-193.<br />

Perfusion fluid<br />

DRTF<br />

sRTF<br />


S. SUj~rit1, G. ChaturaP1nich1, H, Lin 1 , !.c. Jones 1 ,<br />

B.P. Setchell ,.and G.M. Stone<br />

1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSY 2308<br />

2 Department of Animal Physiology, Yaite Agricultural Research<br />

Institute, University of Adelaide, SA 5064<br />

3 Department of Veterinary Physiology, University of Sydney, NSY2006<br />

Last year we described a method of perfusing <strong>the</strong> initial segment of<br />

<strong>the</strong> epididymis of <strong>the</strong> rat (1). It involved anaes<strong>the</strong>tising rats with<br />

Inactin (Byk Gulden Konstanz, 'West Germany), cannulating region 1A (2)<br />

with polyethylene tubing and perfusing at 0.5 ~l/min.<br />

The present study examined <strong>the</strong> ef£ects of perfusing <strong>the</strong> initial<br />

segment <strong>for</strong> 7.5 h with native rete testis fluid (nRTF) and modifications<br />

of nRTF as weH as a syn<strong>the</strong>tic medium (sRTF) based on <strong>the</strong> inorganic<br />

compositions ofnRTF(3). None of <strong>the</strong> treatments affected <strong>the</strong> structure<br />

of <strong>the</strong> duct epi<strong>the</strong>lium. However., Table 1 shows that protein secretion<br />

was higher when nRTF or a high molecular weight (M'IJ) fraction<br />

(concentrated 3-fold) of nRTF was used to perfuse <strong>the</strong> duct than<br />

modifications- of nRTF which damaged or removed <strong>the</strong> protein, or <strong>the</strong> sRTF<br />

was used. The addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) to sRTF enhanced<br />

protein secretion into <strong>the</strong> lumen, but it was not as great as with nRTF<br />

or <strong>the</strong> high MY fraction of nRTF.<br />

PAGE of <strong>the</strong> perfusates indicated that <strong>the</strong> composition of <strong>the</strong><br />

perfusion fluid did not effect <strong>the</strong> type of protein secreted.<br />

TABLE 1. Rate of protein secretion into <strong>the</strong> initial segment of <strong>the</strong> rat<br />

epididymis during perfusion <strong>for</strong> 7.5 h wi th nRTF, sRTF or various<br />

modi~ications of <strong>the</strong> fluids. (MEAN ± SE)<br />

Unmodified<br />

Steroid extracted<br />

High MY fraction<br />

Low MY fraction<br />

Trypsinized<br />

Protein-free<br />

1.3 ~g/~l BSA<br />

No. of<br />

animals<br />

It is concluded that nRTF may contain a secretagogue.<br />

7<br />

4<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

6<br />

Rate of protein secretion<br />

(ng/min)<br />

93 ± 22<br />

99 ± 45<br />

145 ± 36<br />

19 ± 3<br />

41 ± 18<br />

25 ± 4<br />

45 ± 21<br />

(1) Sujarit, S. et ~l (1987). Proc. 19 tho Ann. Meet. Aust. Soc. Reprod.<br />

BioI., Sydney, August, p. 90 (Abstract).<br />

(2) Reid, B.L. & Cleland, K.Y. (1957). Aust. J. Zool. ~, 223-246.<br />

(3) Setchell, B.P. et al (1969). J. Physiol. 22, 73-85.

Table 1.<br />

Untreated (n=7)<br />

EDL (n=5)<br />

98<br />


S. Sujarit 1 , R.C. Jones 1 , M. Lin 1 , B.P. Setchel1 2 and G.M. Stone 3<br />

1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSY 2308<br />

2 Department of Animal Physiology, Yaite Agricultural Research<br />

Institute, University of Adelaide, SA 5064<br />

3 Department of Veterinary Physiology, University of Sydney, NSY 2006<br />

The initial segment (IS) of <strong>the</strong> mammalian epididymis has a<br />

characteristic ultrastructure and <strong>the</strong> epi<strong>the</strong>lium regresses following<br />

efferent duct ligation (EDL). Nicander et al (1) showed that regression<br />

occurs within 6 hours of efferent dUlc~ligation, we developed a<br />

microperfusion technique to study <strong>the</strong> effects in vivo of modifying <strong>the</strong><br />

composi tion of <strong>the</strong> luminal fluids of <strong>the</strong> initialsegment (2).<br />

Mature Yistar rats were anaes<strong>the</strong>tised with Inactin(Byk Gulden<br />

Pharm., Y. Germany) and prepared <strong>for</strong> microperfusion. The duct was<br />

flushed free of sperm wi th a syn<strong>the</strong>tic medium (sRTF) with <strong>the</strong> same<br />

inorganic composi tion as native ram rete testis fluid (nRTF) , and <strong>the</strong><br />

duct was perfused <strong>for</strong> at least 6 hours at 0.5 lli/min with ei<strong>the</strong>r sRTF or<br />

nRTF. The perfusate was analysed quantitively <strong>for</strong> protein and after<br />

perfusion samples of <strong>the</strong> duct were fixed and epoxy sections were<br />

prepared <strong>for</strong> light microscopy.<br />

. It was found that <strong>the</strong> structure of <strong>the</strong> duct epi<strong>the</strong>lium was much <strong>the</strong><br />

same after 7.5 h perfusion wi th nRTF and sRTF .as in unperfused duc ts<br />

whilst 7.5 h after EDL some of <strong>the</strong> structural signs of regression<br />

described by Nicander et al (1) were present. In order to distinguish<br />

<strong>the</strong> effect of EDL from <strong>the</strong> effect of withdrawing <strong>the</strong> luminal fluids from<br />

<strong>the</strong> lumen of <strong>the</strong> IS we examined <strong>the</strong> effect of EDL just prior to<br />

perfusing <strong>the</strong> IS with nRTF (Table i). The reduction in protein<br />

secretion following EDL indicates that <strong>the</strong> main effect of EDL on <strong>the</strong><br />

initial segment· may not be due to <strong>the</strong> withdrawal of <strong>the</strong> luminal fluids.<br />

Protein secreted into <strong>the</strong> IS perfused with nRTF (ng/min).<br />

Perfusion time (h)<br />

1.5-3.5 3.5-5.5 5.5-7.5<br />

76+1. 9<br />

70+0.6<br />

105+5.9<br />

68+0.2<br />

97+2.6<br />

31+0.7<br />

(1) Nicander, L. et al (1983) Int. J. Androl. 6, 91-103.<br />

(2) Sujarit, S. et al (1987) Proc. 19th Ann. Meet. ASRB, Sydney,<br />

August 24-26.<br />

99<br />




S.J. Gatie 1 , A.W. Blackshaw 1 and T.D. Glover 2<br />

lDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of<br />

Queensland, St Lucia, Qld and 233 Lyddon Tee, Leeds,<br />

LS2 9JT, West Yorkshire, England<br />

Epididymal function is androgell dependent (1) and <strong>the</strong> secretory<br />

functionof <strong>the</strong> rat epididymal epi<strong>the</strong>lial cells is inhibited by<br />

castration. After EDS treatment in <strong>the</strong> rat, testosterone is decreased<br />

to <strong>the</strong> castrated level (2) and <strong>the</strong> present studies examine <strong>the</strong> effects<br />

of androgen withdrawal and replacement on spermatozoal maturation<br />

(rouleaux <strong>for</strong>mation) in <strong>the</strong> guinea-pig.<br />

Five groups were used in <strong>the</strong> bilateral castration study with<br />

five guinea-pigs in each group: group 1 - castrated <strong>for</strong> 1 week + 10 mg<br />

(SIC) of testosterone propionate (TP) daily: group 2 - castrated <strong>for</strong> 1<br />

week without TP: group 3 castrated <strong>for</strong> 2 weeks + TP: group 4­<br />

castrated <strong>for</strong> 2 weeks without TP and group 5 - sham operated control.<br />

Three groups were used in <strong>the</strong> EDS study (five animals in each. group) ,<br />

group 1 - received one dose of 75 mg EDS (liP): group 2 -received 2<br />

doses of EDS two weeks apart and group 3 - received vehicle only. At<br />

<strong>the</strong> end of each period of <strong>the</strong> two studies, epididymides and also<br />

testes in <strong>the</strong> EDS treatment, were removed and processed <strong>for</strong><br />

histological study. Glycoproteins in groups 2 and 3 of <strong>the</strong> EDS study<br />

<strong>for</strong> epididymal tissues and smears <strong>for</strong> epididymal spermatozoa were<br />

examined using lectins. Protease activity of . acrosomes in smears of<br />

spermatozoa was studied using gelatine coated slides.<br />

In castrated animals: without testosterone (TP) replacement, <strong>the</strong><br />

epididymal epi<strong>the</strong>lium was thin and atrophic with nuclear degeneration.<br />

Stereocilia were absent from <strong>the</strong> luminal surface. Spermatozoa,<br />

contained in <strong>the</strong> terminal segment, were totally separated from<br />

rouleaux; some were decapitated and <strong>the</strong> concentration was reduced.<br />

Epi<strong>the</strong>lial and spermatozoal changes were prevented in animals<br />

recovering TP. EDS treatment demonstrated almost <strong>the</strong> same histological<br />

and spermatozoal pictures as in <strong>the</strong> castrated group. The testes<br />

showed massive damage to <strong>the</strong> seminiferous tubuleS with only a few<br />

degenerated germ cells present. Lectin binding to glycoproteins was<br />

reduced markedly in <strong>the</strong> epididymal tissue and spermatozoa after EDS<br />

treatment. Protease activity in <strong>the</strong> acrosomes was almost abolished in<br />

<strong>the</strong> seminal smears collected from EDS treated guinea-pigs.<br />

The present observations confirm <strong>the</strong> view (1) that androgens<br />

control epididymal function in spermatozoarmaturation.<br />

(1) Moore, H.D.M., & Bed<strong>for</strong>d, J.M. (1979) Anat. Rec. 193: 293-312.<br />

(2) Morris, I.D., Phillips, D.M., & Bardin, C.W. (1986) Endocrinology<br />

118: 709-7.19.

--~-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Fluid Na Cl K Protein<br />

lJlIh nmoles/h nmoles/h nmoles/h lJg/h<br />

Testicular output 221.9 40,000 38,000 2,800 355.2<br />

Reabsorption in <strong>the</strong>:<br />

Ductuli efferentes 205.7 30,OOOU 26,0000 2000 365.7<br />

Ductus epididYJllidis 0.4 87U 54D 12D 0.6<br />

Ductus deferens 0.4 63U 480 60 ..,.0.8<br />

The data in Table 1 indicate that most of <strong>the</strong> fluid and solutes<br />

produced by <strong>the</strong> testis are reabsorbed in <strong>the</strong> ductuli efferentes.<br />

Subsequent rates of reabsorption in <strong>the</strong> more distal ducts are very<br />

low. NaCl is <strong>the</strong> principal solute produced by <strong>the</strong> testis, and <strong>the</strong><br />

principal solute of <strong>the</strong> reabsorbate. from <strong>the</strong> ductuli efferentes.<br />

Reabsorp~ion of Na is against <strong>the</strong> electrochemical gradient in all<br />

regions of <strong>the</strong> ducts and may indicate that water and solute<br />

reabsorption is secondary to active transport of sodium.<br />

100<br />



J. Clulow and R.C. Jones<br />

Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, N.S.W., 2308.<br />

The extratesticular genital ducts of <strong>the</strong> Japanese quail are<br />

involved in <strong>the</strong> transport, concentration, maturation and transient<br />

storage of spermatozoa released from <strong>the</strong> testis (1). The<br />

transepi<strong>the</strong>lial transport of fluid and electrolytes is, presumably, of<br />

fundamental importance in <strong>the</strong>se processes through <strong>the</strong> reabsorption of<br />

fluid and <strong>the</strong> modification of <strong>the</strong> luminal milieu of spermatozoa, but<br />

has not been well characterized in any avian species. Consequently,<br />

testicular output and transmural fluxes were studied in <strong>the</strong> quail.<br />

Net fluid fluxes were determined by stereological procedures (2).<br />

Solute concentrations were determined by X-ray microanalysis <strong>for</strong><br />

elements (3) and by <strong>the</strong> Goomassie procedure <strong>for</strong> protein (4).<br />

Transmural solute fluxes were calculated from data <strong>for</strong> solute<br />

concentrations and net fluid fluxes.<br />

Table 1 Estimates of testicular output of fluid and solutes and rates<br />

of reabsorption (positive values) and secretion (negative values) in<br />

<strong>the</strong> extratesticular ducts. U indicates transport against, 0 transport<br />

down <strong>the</strong> electrochemical gradient.<br />

It is concluded that <strong>the</strong> active reabsorption of water and solutes<br />

in <strong>the</strong> ductuli efferentes concentrates spermatozoa in <strong>the</strong> ductus<br />

epididymidis and ductus deferens, which <strong>the</strong>n require only low rates of'<br />

absorption of inorganic electrolytes and secretion of protein to<br />

complete sperm maturation and to store spermatozoa.<br />

(1) Clulow, J. and Jones, R.C. (1982) J. Reprod. Fert. 64, 259-266.<br />

(2) Clulow, J. and Jones, R.C. (1988) J. AnaL In press~<br />

(3) Clulow, J. and Jones, R.C. (1986) Proc. 9th Aus. E.M. Conf.p24.<br />

(4) Brad<strong>for</strong>d, M.M. (1976) Analyt. Biochem. 72, 248-254.<br />

101<br />


~<br />

Q. Chaturapanich and R.C. Jones<br />


Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308<br />

We have studied <strong>the</strong> origins of <strong>the</strong> proteins in <strong>the</strong> epididymis of<br />

<strong>the</strong> tammar by comparing PAGE patterns of micropuncture samples of<br />

luminal fluids (LF) from <strong>the</strong> epididymis and rete testis (1), perfusates<br />

after microperfusion of <strong>the</strong> duct (2), blood plasma and spermatozoa, and<br />

autoradiographs (AR) of ~ubation media following protein syn<strong>the</strong>sis in<br />

vitro in <strong>the</strong> presence of S-methionine.<br />

--Table 1 shows <strong>the</strong> occurrence of proteins which were i!l <strong>the</strong><br />

epididymal fluids, but were not present in blood plasma or rete testis<br />

fluid. The autoradiographs revealed that <strong>the</strong>re were a·lso la,belled<br />

protein bands, with apparent melecular weights of 43, 37, 34.5, 27 and<br />

14.4 which migrated to <strong>the</strong>same'position on <strong>the</strong> gels as blood proteins.<br />

PAGE' of spermatozoa showed that .<strong>the</strong>y lost 3 bands (corresponding to MW's<br />

47, 29.4 and 28) and gainedonoe (corresponding to aMWof 30.4) during<br />

passage through <strong>the</strong> epididymis.<br />

Table 1. Protein secretion by <strong>the</strong> epididymis of <strong>the</strong> tammar determined by<br />

different methods.<br />

A\l1<br />

Caput &corpus<br />

LF<br />

Perfusate<br />

AR<br />

90.675.76356.339.8 32.3 31.3 30 21.418.717.412.812.110.9<br />

epididymis<br />

Cauda epididymis<br />

LF + +<br />

Perfusate<br />

AR + + +<br />

+ + + + + + + + +<br />

+ + + + $<br />

* + + + + + + +<br />

+ +<br />

+<br />

+ +<br />

'l' secreted by caput only if secreted by corpus only<br />

It is concluded from <strong>the</strong> in vitro incubation studifes hthad t tt he<br />

hi' t"h same in all regions 0 t e uc us<br />

pai~~~nm~:iSProt:~ns:::\~S t~e l.;rot:ins have <strong>the</strong> same MW as proteins in<br />

~iood,yaddi~io~aldproJeinsr:~edth~;ethSeh~:nct~~ ~~~ t~~ii~:.li~:v~~t~:~;:s~<br />

may be sYb nt es ze dand St~Cat some proteins which are syn<strong>the</strong>si~ed and<br />

it cane cone l u e . C" f gels of<br />

secreted in vitro are not secret~~ ~~divci:tO~s th~~pa::bsso;an~es in <strong>the</strong><br />

i~:i~:i i~f1sa:: t:ro~~~1;t~~~ec~~n1 <strong>the</strong> ~~:ep::t:irnosterie;e~~~~e~~~~~~:<br />

<strong>the</strong> MW of some of <strong>the</strong> secrete pro e ns. be art of <strong>the</strong><br />

sperm do not appear in <strong>the</strong> ePhidiod:mt;se~l~Smath~od~~~ epiihelium (3).<br />

cytoplasmic droplet which is p:g Yt . n of ~lJ 30 binds to spermatozoa.<br />

It is suggested that <strong>the</strong> secrete pro e1.<br />

Jones R.C. (1987) J. Reprod. Fert. 80: 193-199.<br />

~~~ Chatu~apanich, G. and R.C. Jones (1987) Proc. 19th Ann. Conf.<br />

ASRB Sydney, p.75. . (1984) C 11 Tiss<br />

(3) Jones: R.C., Hinds, L.A. and Tyndale-Blscoe, C.H. e.·<br />

Res. 237: 525-535.<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />


102<br />



P.D. Temple-Smith & GJ. Southwick<br />

Department ofAnatomy, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168<br />

Azoospermia associated with normal FSH levels and testicular volumes is<br />

diagnosed as obstructive azoospermia and scrotal exploration with corrective surgery is<br />

usually <strong>the</strong> only option available to reinstate fertility. This paper discusses<br />

difficulties in preoperative diagnosis of efferent duct agenesis or germ cell arrest in .<br />

azoospermic patients. Failure to identify <strong>the</strong>se causes of azoospermia results in<br />

unnecessary and unsuccessful surgery in a small number of azoospermic patients.<br />

In each patient, azoospermia was confirmed by semen analysis. Semen fructose<br />

and serum FSH, LH and testosterone levels were measured preoperatively. The<br />

presence of vas and epididymis, and an estimation of testicular size, were determined<br />

by preoperative clinical examination. Spermatogenic activity of <strong>the</strong> testis was<br />

assessed from testicular biopsies and testicular volumes were confirmed from testicular<br />

measurements taken during scrotal exploration.<br />

Corrective surgery was not possible in 16 of 139 patients recommended <strong>for</strong><br />

scrotal exploration and epididymovasostomy during <strong>the</strong> period 1980 to 1987. In 12<br />

patients microdissection showed that <strong>the</strong> epididymis was completely disconnected from<br />

<strong>the</strong> testis and in <strong>the</strong> remaining group of four azoospermia resulted from spermatogenic<br />

arrest at .<strong>the</strong> primary spermatocyte stage (2) and germ cell aplasia (2). In <strong>the</strong> twelve<br />

patients with testiculo-epididymal discontinuity, five had normal testicular activity,<br />

five had spermatogenic arrest and <strong>the</strong> remaining two had germ cell aplasia. In all<br />

patients <strong>the</strong> epididymis showed no signs of obstruction, and hormone· levels and<br />

testicular size were within <strong>the</strong> normal range, except <strong>for</strong> two patients with germ cell<br />

aplasia who had raised FSH levels (>7IU/I).<br />

As with germ cell aplasia (1) failure to identify patients with bilateral agenesis<br />

of <strong>the</strong> efferent ducts of germ cell arrest using standard preoperative clinical and<br />

laboratory assessment procedures results in unnecessary surgery. FSH levels and<br />

testicular volumes are a guide <strong>for</strong> patients with germ cell aplasia but <strong>the</strong>se parameters<br />

were not able to distinguish patients with germ cell arrest or disconnection of <strong>the</strong><br />

epididymis from <strong>the</strong> testis. Fur<strong>the</strong>r studies are needed to develop. simple diagnostic<br />

tests which can be used to identify preoperatively <strong>the</strong>se causes ofazoospermia.<br />

(1) Jequier,A.M., Ansell, l.D. & Bullimore, N.J. (1984). Brit. J. Urol, 56: 537-539.<br />


103<br />

Wang Qi Fa, P.G. Farnworth, H.G. Burger and J.K. Findlay<br />

Medical Rese~rch Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital Campus of<br />

The Monash Medical Centre, 5t Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004.<br />

Inhibin, a gonadal glycoprotein hormone, suppresses GnRH-mediated<br />

FSH and LH secretion by a mechanism that ma.y·be common to both<br />

gonadotrophins (1), in addition to inhibiting FSH biosyn<strong>the</strong>sis. We<br />

previously observed that inhibin treatment decreased <strong>the</strong> number of<br />

GnRH binding sites in cultured pituitary cells with no change in<br />

receptor affinity (2). In <strong>the</strong> present study, we have used various<br />

secretagogues, which stimulate gonadotrophin release by acting beyond<br />

<strong>the</strong>GnRH receptor, to fur<strong>the</strong>r characterize <strong>the</strong> anti-GnRH action of<br />

inhibin.<br />

Primary cultures of anterior pituitary cells were prepared using<br />

tissue from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. On day 2 of culture, t.h~'<br />

cells were treated with pure 31 kDa bovine inhibin (0.1-3 U/ml) or <strong>the</strong><br />

protein syn<strong>the</strong>sis inhibitor, cyc:J,oheximid:e (0.01-100 llM), <strong>for</strong>.

104<br />




D.!. Phillips!, IT. Cummins 2 and 1.1 Clarke 3 .<br />

lSchool of Agriculture & Forestry, University ofMelbourne, Parkville, 3052.<br />

2St. Vincent's Hospital, Fitzroy, 3065.<br />

3Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne, 3004.<br />

We have reported previously a modest 2-3 fold rise in plasma LH levels in<br />

OVX-hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected (HPD) ewes receiving hourly GnRH<br />

pulses and 17-19 hours after an oestradiol benzoate (OB) injection (1). Thus<br />

!he 10-20 fold rise in pl~sma LH concentrations seen in hypothalamo-pituitary<br />

mtact (HPI) OVX ewes gIVen OB reflects more than just a change in pituitary<br />

responsiveness to GnRH. In this study we tested whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> LH surge may be<br />

initiated by a large pulse of GnRH or a rapid volley ofpulses.<br />

Six OYX-HPD ewes were given 250 ng pulses of GnRH (peninsula<br />

Laboratories, U.S.A.) each hour and 50 ~g OB (Lm.) at t=O hours. Blood samples<br />

were taken each 15 minutes <strong>for</strong> 15 hours beginning at t=16 hours. Two GnRH<br />

pulse patterns were employed, with 3 ewes per treatment, after which 3 of <strong>the</strong><br />

6 ewes received <strong>the</strong> reverse treatment <strong>the</strong> following week. Treatment A<br />

involved a bolus injection of 2.25 ~g GnRH at t=16 hours, <strong>the</strong>n half-hourly 250<br />

ng pulses from t=1630-3100 hours. Treatment B involved a volley of 500 ng<br />

GnRH pulses each 10 minutes from t=1600-1630, a 500 ng pulse at 1645 hours<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n half-hourly 250 ng pulses from 1700-3100 hours. In HPI-OYX ewes<br />

(n=lO) plasma LH concentrations were measured in half-hourly samples taken<br />

across OB-induced LH surges. The area under LH vs time curves were<br />

computed in all ewes across <strong>the</strong> LH surge (Table 1). There were no significant<br />

differences in <strong>the</strong> responses of <strong>the</strong> 3 groups.<br />

Table 1. Plasma LH responses (mean +/- s.e.m.) in OVX-HPI and GnRH-pulsed<br />

OYX-HPD ewes given 50 ~g OB.<br />

Group<br />

OVX-HPD; Treatment A (bolus)<br />

OVX-HPD; Treatment B (volley)<br />

OVX-HPI<br />

In HPX-OVX ewes, both treatments were able to release an eqUivalent<br />

amount of LH to that obtained in OVX-HPI ewes given OB, with GnRH pulse<br />

patterns similar to those measured during OB-induced LH surges in HPI ewes<br />

(2). This suggests that initiation of <strong>the</strong> positive-feedback event requires a<br />

large amplitude GnRH pulse or a rapid volley of pulses.<br />

(1) Clarke, 1.1 & Cummins, IT. (1984) Neuroendocrinology 3..2.: 267-274.<br />

(2) Clarke, 1.1 & Cummins, IT. (1985) Endocrinology ill: 2376-2383.<br />

N<br />

5<br />

4<br />

10<br />

Response; Area under<br />

curve (n&/ml h)<br />

259 +/- 55<br />

250 +/- 24<br />

346 +/- 37<br />

105<br />




Julie E. Mercer and lain J. Clarke<br />

Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital,<br />

Melbourne, Australia 3004<br />

Secretion of LH and FSH often shows divergent patterns. In<br />

hypothalamo~pituitary disconnected (HPD) ewes LH secretion falls<br />

rapidly, while FSH secretion continues <strong>for</strong> a number of days following<br />

GnRH withdrawal. Similarly, in HPD ewes treated wi th a constant<br />

infusion or small pulses (25 ng) of GnRH, LH secretion diminishes much<br />

more rapidly than does FSH (1,2). To determine <strong>the</strong> extent to which<br />

<strong>the</strong>se secretory patterns reflect ongoing gene transcription we have<br />

moni tored mRNA levels <strong>for</strong> LHt3, FSH/3 and <strong>the</strong> cdmmon a. subunit in <strong>the</strong>se<br />

circumstances.<br />

Pituitary glands were collected from OVD/HPD ewes which received a) no<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r treatment,b) 250 Rg pulses of GnRH each 2h, c) 25 ng pulses<br />

of GnRH, d) cons taRt infusion of 250 ng/h of GuRH, e) one week of 250<br />

ngl2 h GnRH pulses and withdrawal of GnRH <strong>for</strong> 30 h. Total RNA was<br />

prepared from individual pituitaries and analyzed on Nor<strong>the</strong>rn blots.<br />

Table 1. Relative pituitary mRNA levels <strong>for</strong> FSHI3, LH/3 and a.-subunit<br />

GROUP<br />

OVX/HPD 6<br />

OVX/HPD+GnRH (250 ng/2 h) 8<br />

OVX/HPD+GnRH (25 ng/h) 4<br />

OVX/HPD+GnRH 3<br />

(constant infusion, 250 ng/h)<br />

OVX/HPD+GnRH (pump off 30 h) 4<br />

FSHI3 LH(3 a.<br />

0.30+0.07 0.19++0.0q 0.42+0.13<br />

2.06+0.38 5.46+1.17 4.69+1.47<br />

3.63+0.64 3.55+0.95 3.77+0.33<br />

1. 36+0.16 1.43+0.21 2.15+0.45<br />

2.90+0.46 3.89+0.54 2.50+0.26<br />

GnRH (250 ng pulses) in <strong>the</strong> OVX/HPD ewe significantly elevated mRNA<br />

levels <strong>for</strong> all gonadotrophin subunits. 25 ng pulses fur<strong>the</strong>r increased<br />

FSH/3 mRNA levels over those seen with 250 ng GnRH while levels of LH(3<br />

and a..mRNA did not fur<strong>the</strong>r change. Withdrawal of GnRH <strong>for</strong> 30 h does<br />

not change FSHj3 or LH(3 mRNA levels. In contrast, administrati.on of a<br />

constant infusion of GnRH (250 ng/h) lowers mRNA levels <strong>for</strong> both<br />

subun~ts compared with pulsatile administration.<br />

These data show that secretion of <strong>the</strong> gonadotrophins does not<br />

necessarily reflect cellular mRNA levels, in that LH(3 mRNA levels<br />

remain elevated in <strong>the</strong> face of treatments which reduce or abolish<br />

secretion. High amplitude pulses of GnRH are required <strong>for</strong> maintained<br />

secretion of LB, whereas lower doses are sufficient to maintain LH(3<br />

mRNA levels. For FSB, secretion appears to be more closely coupled to<br />

cellular FSH/3 mRNA levels, as evidenced by both <strong>the</strong> pump-off and<br />

constant infusion studies.<br />

1. Clarke lJ &Cummins JT. J. Endocrinol. 113:413-418, 1987.<br />

2. Clarke et al. J. Endocrinol. 111:43-49, 1986.<br />


PMSG (iu)<br />

oFF (rnl) 0 7.5 10 15 20<br />

0 0 8A a 18.2 b 39.6~ 64Ad<br />

1.5 6A a 8.6 a 23.6 39.8 b<br />

% inhibition 24 53 40 38<br />

a,b,c,d, differ at P

108<br />



R.M.. Battye, A.W.N. Cameron,<br />

Regression<br />

Fig. 1<br />

R.J.<br />

Fairclough,l A.O Trounson<br />

C 1<br />

E.H.D. Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Vic.,<br />

Animal Research Institute, Werribee, Vic.<br />

of corpora lutea within 6 days of superovulation in goats<br />

results in low rates of embryo recovery (1). The cause of early luteal<br />

regression in <strong>the</strong> goat has not been elucidated. However, luteal<br />

regression in <strong>the</strong> naturally cycling goat is characterised by surges in <strong>the</strong><br />

concentration of 13, 14-d1hydro-15-keto-postaglandin F2~(PGFM) (2). The<br />

administration of <strong>the</strong> PGF syn<strong>the</strong>tase inhibitor. indomethacin, suppressed<br />

PGFM peaks and prolonged <strong>the</strong> oestrous cycle. This study investigated<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r prostaglandins were <strong>the</strong> cause of prematurely regressing corpora<br />

lutea in <strong>the</strong> superovulated doe.<br />

Ten does were superovulated in June 1987, by treatment with<br />

intravaginal progestagen impregnated sponges (Repromop, Upjohn, 60 mg<br />

medroxy progesterone) <strong>for</strong> 16 days and 1200 iu PMSG (Pregnacol Heriot J,<br />

Agencies). administered 1m, 2 days be<strong>for</strong>e sponge removal. Six does were ~<br />

injected twice daily with <strong>the</strong> prostaglandin syn<strong>the</strong>tase inhibitoX-f~nixlJl ~<br />

meglumine (Finadyne, Schering) at 2.2 mg~·7rom·-·Day3-7 of <strong>the</strong><br />

synchronized" cycle. Four does served h "untreated controls. Jugular<br />

blood samples were collected from 2 days be<strong>for</strong>e sponge removal to Day 7.<br />

On Days 4 and 5 blood was sampled hourly between 0900 and 1700h.<br />

Laparoscopy was conducted on Day 7 to determine <strong>the</strong> incidence of corpus<br />

luteum regression.<br />

Significant peaks of PGFM were detected in <strong>the</strong> 4 untreated does on<br />

days 4 or 5 or both but only in 2 of <strong>the</strong> treated females on <strong>the</strong>se days<br />


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