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<strong>ORION</strong><br />

<strong>EM</strong> G

----------------------------------------------<br />












This short catalogue contains a representative selection<br />

of <strong>EM</strong>G's-Works for Electronic Measuring Gearproducts.<br />

Owing to the numerous types of product<br />

only a few lines of technical data are provided on each<br />

type in this catalogue. The published informations in<br />

short form facilitate the choice of the most suitable<br />

instruments for the purpose of electronic measurements,<br />

medical examinations, processing control, data<br />

process, as well as arithmetical operations.<br />

If you require more detailed information than that<br />

covered by this catalogue, please let us know your<br />

specific interest. From any types or any groups we<br />

gladly send you the full technical details upon your<br />

request.<br />

For measurements, tests, calculations and control<br />

many electronic measuring inst-ruments, equipment<br />

are necessary in electronic, medical sciences, data processing<br />

as well as in a wide range of industrial applications.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G developes and manufactures instruments<br />

widely used for the above purposes. Besides a quantity<br />

of products the factory every year developes and markets<br />

new instruments satisfying the most diverse<br />

requirements. Should the development of our products<br />

or the trend of our manufacturing program<br />

require it, we reserve the right to discontinue the<br />

production of some types described here or to deliver<br />

instead of them a later design.



<strong>EM</strong>G-1117/1 TR-0


<strong>EM</strong>G-111-4 TR-0151 Transistor ized AF O scillato r<br />

The instrument is used for producing sinusoidal signals with very low distortion in t he<br />

audio-frequency range. It is fully transistorized and can be operated either from mains<br />

or from an external battery.<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency accuracy:<br />

Output voltage:<br />

Distortion factor 200 cfs to 10 kcfs:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

20 cfs to 20 kc/s<br />

±1%±1 cjs<br />

0 to 4 V<br />

(into 600 ohms)<br />

~ 0.1%<br />

220x 180 x 295 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-11 H TR-0250 T ra nsistorized MF O scillator<br />

The instrument furnishes low distortion sinusoid al signals. It is full y transistorized<br />

and can be operated from mains or from an external battery.<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency accuracy :<br />

Output voltage:<br />

Distortion factor 100 cfs to 200 kc 's :<br />

Dimensions :<br />

30 cjs to 550 kc/s<br />

±3%<br />

0 to 1.1 V<br />

(into 600 ohms)<br />

:s O,S%<br />

220 x 180 x 295 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1 115 TR-0105 Au d io Frequency Gene rat o r<br />

The RC oscillator of the instrument supplies in<br />

the range of 20 and 20,000 cfs sinusoidal AF<br />

voltages. The generator incorporates an amplifier<br />

and a voltmeter.<br />


Frequency range:<br />

20 c/s to 20 kc1s<br />

Distortion factor : ~ 0.3%<br />


Output power:<br />

max. 5 W<br />

Optimum load<br />

at asymmetrical output:<br />

at symmetrical output :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

5, 600, 5,000 ohms<br />

2x 300,<br />

2 x 2,500 ohms<br />

180 X 436 X 360 mm<br />

----<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -1289 TR-0871 Pushbutton Decad e Generator<br />

The instrument provides low distortion sinusoidal signal. By means of the pushbuttonsystem<br />

4,500 discrete values can be selected in 5 decadic bands, with th ree significant<br />

figures in steps of 0.01 digit. The instrument is fu lly transistorized and can be operated<br />

from mains or from a built-in battery.<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency accuracy 10 c/s to 99.9 kc ls·<br />

Distortion factor 100 cis to 20 kc s<br />

Output voltages<br />

Dimensions ·<br />

10 c/s to 1 Mc/s<br />

±1%<br />

4i0.5%<br />

0 to 2.5 V, 0.25 V.<br />

0.025 V, resp.<br />

(Into 600 ohms)<br />

220 x 230 x 270 mm


<strong>EM</strong>G -1165 TR-0550 Crystal-controlled Signal Generator<br />

The instrument furnishes calibrated HF signals which can be used either<br />

unmodulated or amplitude modu lated. Fully transistorized.<br />

Frequency range :<br />

Frequency accuracy :<br />

Frequency calibration:<br />

Output voltage :<br />

Modulation :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

100 kc/s to 30 Mc/s<br />

± 1%<br />

by means of a built-in<br />

1 Mc/s<br />

quartz oscillator<br />

0.5 .uV to 100 mY<br />

{int~ 50 ohms)<br />

internal AM<br />

(400 or 1,000 cfs)<br />

external AM<br />

200x260x280 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1168 TR-0503 Crystal-controlled Laboratory Signal Generator<br />

This is a high-accuracy signal generator operating in the 50 kcfs to<br />

65 Mcfs frequency range. By means of the built-in crystal oscillator hig h<br />

accuracy of frequency calibration can be obtained.<br />

Frequency range:<br />

SO kcfs to 6S Mc/s<br />

Frequency accuracy: ± 1%<br />

Frequency calibration :<br />

Output voltage:<br />

Modulation:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

by means of a built-in<br />

quartz oscillator with<br />

10- • accuracy<br />

0. 1 '! V to 3 V<br />

{into SO ohms)<br />

internal AM<br />

(400 or 1,000 cis)<br />

external AM<br />

300 X 500 X 380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1173 /2 TR-0604 VHF Signal Generator {AM-FM­<br />

Video-Stereo)<br />

:<br />

The instr ument can be used in almost al l fields of telecommunication<br />

engineering where in the frequency range of 4 to<br />

300 Mc/s an AM , FM, video-, stereo-, or pulse modulated highly<br />

accurate H F sig nal source is needed.<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency accuracy :<br />

Output vo ltage:<br />

Modulation·<br />

Dimensions :<br />

4 to 300 Mc fs<br />

± 1%<br />

0.5 iJ.V to 100 mV .<br />

0.5 iJ.V to 1 V,<br />

resp.<br />

internal.<br />

exter nal AM ,<br />

internal ,<br />

external FM ,<br />

video, stereo, pu lse<br />

317 X S70 X 340 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong> G-11 75 /2 TR-0602 UHF Signal Generator<br />

Owing to its wide modu lation and other control faci li ties, the<br />

instrument can be used for performing a variety of UH F measurements.<br />

Frequency range :<br />

Frequency accuracy:<br />

Output voltage :<br />

Modulation:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

250 to 1,000 Mcfs<br />

± 1%<br />

O.S iJ.V to 100 mV,<br />

0.5 (J.V to 4 V,<br />

resp.<br />

internal square wave,<br />

internal,<br />

external AM.<br />

internal.<br />

external FM,<br />

external video, pulse<br />

330 x 580 x 380 mm

<strong>EM</strong>G -1176/B TZA-101-B<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1177<br />

TZA-102<br />

~<br />

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<strong>EM</strong>G-1178 TZA-103 Microwave Signal Gener·<br />

a tors<br />

The instruments are suitable for all low-power<br />

microwave measurements.<br />

Frequency range<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1176/ B:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1177 :<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1178 :<br />

Frequency accuracy:<br />

Output power:<br />

Modulation:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

1,800 to ~.000 Mcfs<br />

3,800 to 7,500 Mcfs<br />

7,000 to 10,500 Mcfs<br />

± 1%<br />

min. 1 mW<br />

(50 ohms)<br />

internal,<br />

external pulse,<br />

internal,<br />

external FM,<br />

internal square wave<br />

400x610x330 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1175/ 3 TR-0603 UHF Signal Gener:ator<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency accuracy :<br />

Output power:<br />

Modul~tion :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1274 TR-0610 UHF Power Generator<br />

Frequency range:<br />

- •• Frequency accu racy :<br />

Max. output power:<br />

• ......<br />

Owing to Its wide modulation and other control facilities<br />

the instrument can be used for performing a variety of<br />

UHF measurements.<br />

1,000 to 2,500 Mcfs<br />

±1%<br />

min. 1 mW<br />

(50 ohms)<br />

internal,<br />

external pulse,<br />

internal,<br />

external FM,<br />

internal square wave<br />

400 X 500 x 380 mm<br />

The instrument is suitable for producing calibrated highlevel<br />

signals in the ultra-high frequency range of 250 to<br />

1,000 Mcfs.<br />

Modulation:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

250 to 1,000 Mc/s<br />

±1%<br />

min. 2 W<br />

(50 ohms)<br />

internal square wave,<br />

external pulse<br />

320 x 570x390 mm


<strong>EM</strong>G-1265 TR-0869 Color TV Tester<br />

The instrument is suitable for testing SECAM sets, its<br />

test signals have been designed accordingly: color purity<br />

and convergence signals serving for the adjustment of<br />

color picture tube, gray scale signal, testing signals serving<br />

for the measurement of color demodulator and identifying<br />

circuit. The instrument provides also signals on the VHF<br />

carrier frequency according to the OIRT channel I, in<br />

the required high level, supplemented with 1 kc/s AF<br />

modulation, for testing of the sound channel. Fully transistorized.<br />

·-· ·• ·<br />

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Dimensions:<br />

90x400x350 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1266 TR-0870 Laboratory Color TV Generator<br />

·~.. .. ..<br />

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The instrument serves for perfor·ming measurements<br />

and adjustments on SECAM TV sets. It<br />

consists of the video, synchron and oscillatormodulator<br />

un its. Since it furnishes signals with<br />

studio quality, it can be used primarily for laboratory<br />

measurements. The video unit provides video<br />

signals ; luminence signal, color scale signal, color<br />

identification signal, R.G.B. base signals, convergence<br />

signals produced from e ither an ex ternal<br />

signal source or internal signals. The synchron<br />

unit provides OIRT synchron and blanking signals.<br />

The oscillator-modulator unit furnishes VHF,<br />

UHF signals.<br />

Dimensions :<br />

222 X 435 x 400 mm<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1651 TR-5401 AM-FM Modulation Meter<br />

The instrument is suitable for control measurements needed wi t h<br />

AM and FM systems operating in the 4 to 1,000 Mc/s frequency<br />

range.<br />

Carrier frequency range:<br />

with harmonic mixing:<br />

MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT OF AM<br />

4 to 250 Mc/s<br />

250 to 1,000 Mc/s<br />

Measuring ranges of modulation percentage: 5, 15, 50, 100%<br />

Accuracy of modulation percentage<br />

measurement:<br />

MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT OF FM<br />

Measuring ranges of FM<br />

deviation measurement:<br />

Accuracy of FM deviation measurement;<br />

Dimensions:<br />

±3%<br />

0.5; 1.5; 5; 15; 50;<br />

150 kc/s<br />

±2%<br />

300 X SOD X 380 mm


<strong>EM</strong>G-1 294 TR-0904 " SWEEPOSCOPE" Precision Sweep<br />

Generator<br />

The SWEEPOSCOPE is a combined instr ument serving for<br />

the calibration of active and passive two- and fou r-pole<br />

networks within the frequency range of 0.5 to 1,000 Mc{s.<br />

It comprises a transmitter, receiver and indicator unit. The<br />

transmitter unit is a high-stability sweep generator. It supplies<br />

H F signals with continuously adjustable deviation. Sweep<br />

frequency is SO cfs. The receiver unit contains diode detectors<br />

for the measurement of t he input and output signals of the<br />

object to be tested. The signals can be plotted on t he 36 em<br />

screen of the television picture-tube of an oscilloscope.<br />

Dimensions :<br />

440 x 580 x 400 mm<br />


<strong>EM</strong> G-1189 TR-5601 Broa dcast Transmitter Test Assembly<br />

The equipment is suitable for making measurements of every essential qualitative and<br />

technical parameter of the radio broadcast t ransmitter. The following measu rements<br />

can be performed : harmon ic distortion (0 to 10%. with ±0.5% accuracy); modulation<br />

depth (0 to 100% . wit h ±5% accuracy): frequency deviation (0 to 75 kc/s. with ±5%<br />

accuracy); frequency response (in AM o r FM modes of operation, with ± 1 dB accuracy).<br />

noise level (up to - 56 dB): stability of the entire t ransmission channel (with ± 1 dB<br />

accuracy). By means of these measurements t he equipment facilitates a continuous<br />

monit oring of broadcast ing quality. The equipment consists of 13 plug-in units, which<br />

are the following : logometers (2 pc) ; FM receive rs (2 pc): deviation meters (2 pc) ;<br />

AM receiver: oscilloscope: AF generator; AM modulation meter and monitor line<br />

selector: automatic distortion, frequency response and noise level meter; swit ch,ng<br />

unit and sound monitor ing unit.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

2.000 x 600 x 500 m m


<strong>EM</strong>G-1153 TR-0353 Pulse Generator<br />

The instrument is a fully transistorized, small-size pulse generator. The<br />

pulse repetition rate, pulse width and delay can be regulated within -------::::::~;::.;;;:;~<br />

very wide limits. The amplitude of pulses of both polarities generated<br />

simultaneously can be adjusred separately.<br />

Pulse repetition rate :<br />

10 c{s to 2 Mc/s<br />

External triggering and single triggering facility provided<br />

Pulse delay :<br />

100 ns to 10 ms<br />

Pulse width :<br />

Amplitude:<br />

Polarity :<br />

Rise and fall time:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

100 ns co 10 ms<br />

max. 10 V<br />

(into 50 ohms)<br />

positive and negative,<br />

sim ultaneously<br />

.... 20 ns<br />

92 x 325x298 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-115"1 TR-0302 Laboratory Pulse, Double Pulse<br />

an d Square Wave Generator<br />

The instrument is a pulse generator suitable for laboratory<br />

measurements, in a wide field of applications. The repetit<br />

ion rate, pulse width, delay and amplitude of pulses of<br />

both polarities generated simultaneously can be adjusted<br />

separately.<br />

Pulse repet ition rate:<br />

0.1 c/s to 1 Mc/s<br />

Externa I triggering and single triggering facility provided<br />

Pulse width:<br />

100 ns to 11 ms<br />

Pulse delay:<br />

100 ns to 11 ms<br />

Pulse delay in double pulse<br />

mode of operation :<br />

200 ns to 11 ms<br />

Amplitude<br />

Z > 50 ohms output:<br />

10 V to 50 V<br />

50 ohms output:<br />

2 mV to 10 V<br />

Rise and fall time:<br />

25 ns<br />

Polarity:<br />

positive und negat ive,<br />

simultaneously<br />

Dimensions:<br />

445 X 500 X 380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1155 TR-0304 Pulse, Double Pulse and Square Wave<br />

Generator<br />

The instrument is a versatile pulse generator, most suitable for<br />

workshop measurements. The pulse repetition rate, pulse width<br />

and delay and the amplitude of pulses of both polarities generated<br />

simultaneously can be adjusted separately.<br />

Pulse repetition rate:<br />

c/s to 1 Mc/s<br />

External t riggering and single t riggering faci lity provided<br />

Pulse width :<br />

200 ns to 2 ms<br />

Pulse delay :<br />

200 ns to 2 ms<br />

Pulse delay in double pulse<br />

mode of operation :<br />

Amplitude<br />

Z> 50 ohms output:<br />

50 ohms output:<br />

Rise and fall time:<br />

Polarity:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

-400 ns to 2 ms<br />

2 V to 50 V<br />

2 mY to 2 V<br />

25 ns<br />

positive and negative,<br />

simultaneously<br />

265x500x 3BO mm

<strong>EM</strong>G -1157 TR-0354/5/6 Modular Pulse Generator<br />

The special design of the instrument renders possible the optional<br />

variation of two or more pulses. The circuits are interchangeable<br />

plug-in units. By assembling the available various units in different<br />

combinations it is possible to realize a generator with the technical<br />

characteristics best suited for the given pu r pose. The pulse<br />

repetition rate, delay, width and amplitude can be adjusted<br />

separately. The instrument is fully t ransistorized. Its units are<br />

the following:<br />

master generators<br />

delay units<br />

pulse output units<br />

attenuator units<br />

The plug-in units may be placed into a cabinet of<br />

rack-system. Each cabinet is capable of accommoda'ting<br />

6 units. The units may be interconnected through<br />

coaxial terminals located on their front or rear panels.<br />

More rack cabinets might be fitted together as well,<br />

thus the number of the modul units can be extended<br />

at will.<br />

Pulse repetition rate : 10 cfs to 2 Mcfs,<br />

20 kc/s to 20 Mc/s,<br />

resp.<br />

External triggering and single triggering facility provided<br />

Output pulses :<br />

Pulse width and delay:<br />

Polarity:<br />

Amplitude :<br />

Rise and fall t ime :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

one or more independent<br />

channels according<br />

to the configuration<br />

100 ns to 10 ms,<br />

10 ns to 20 !J.S,<br />

resp.<br />

positive and negative,<br />

simultaneously<br />

max. 10 V<br />

(into SO ohms)<br />

_,.:; 5 ns<br />

(typically 3 ns)<br />

177 X 436 X 195 mm<br />

Manufactured by <strong>EM</strong>G<br />


Budapest XVI., Cziriky u. 26-32. HUNGARY<br />

Telex: 33-50.<br />

Exported by<br />



Budapest, 62. P.O .B. 2C2<br />

Cable: INSTRUMENT, Budapest, HUNGARY<br />

69.1417 E1yecemi Nyomda m"ynyomba, Budapett<br />

(Macyar Hirde

...._____.,._ EL_ECTRONIC VOLTMETERS AND AMMET_ER_S~____,<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1314 TR-1103 V.T. Voltmeter<br />

The Instrument is a Y.T.Y.M., of a very stable amplifier system.<br />

It is used for measuring AC voltages between 5 mY and 300 V<br />

in the frequency range of 10 c/s to 1 Mcfs. It can also be used as<br />

a measuring amplifier.<br />

Measuring range :<br />

Measuring accuracy (at 1 kc/s):<br />

Frequency range :<br />

Frequency response<br />

(related to 1 kc/s)<br />

20 cfs to 300 kc/s:<br />

10 to 20 cfs, or<br />

300 to 1,000 kcfs, resp.:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

5 mY to 300 Y<br />

(in 9 ranges)<br />

±2% f.s.d.<br />

10 cfs to 1 Mcfs<br />

±2%<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1319 TR-1202 Sensitive V.T. Voltmeter<br />

±5%<br />

236 x 180 x 250 mm<br />

The Instrument is used for measuring symmetrical and asymmetrical<br />

AC voltages between 50 fLY and 300 Y in frequency range<br />

of 10 cfs to 1 Mcfs. It can also be used as a measuring amplifier.<br />


Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy<br />

(at 1 kc/s):<br />

Frequency range :<br />

Frequency response<br />

(related to 1 kc/s)<br />

20 cfs to 300 kcfs :<br />

50 fLY to 300 V<br />

(in 13 ranges)<br />

± 2% f.s.d.<br />

10 cfs to 1 Mcfs<br />

± 2%<br />

10 to 20 cfs, or<br />

300 to 1,000 kc/s, resp.:<br />


± S%<br />

Measuring range:<br />

SO !J.Y to 10 V<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

Frequency range :<br />

60 cfs to 20 kc/s. or<br />

3 kcfs to 300 kc/s,<br />

resp.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

26S x 200 x 28S mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1322 TR-1204 Precision V.T . Voltmeter<br />

The instrument is a very accurate, high stability V.T. Voltmeter,<br />

which can be used for measuring AC voltages between SO fLY<br />

and 300 V in the frequency range of 10 cfs to 5 Mc/s. Owing to<br />

the high accuracy obtained, it is also suitable for laboratory<br />

precision measurements.<br />

Measuring range :<br />

Measuring accuracy<br />

(at 1 kcfs):<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency response<br />

(related to 1 kc/s)<br />

50 cfs to SOO kcfs:<br />

20 to SO cfs, or<br />

SOO to 1,000 kcfs, resp.:<br />

10 to 20 cfs, or<br />

1 to 5 Mcfs, resp.:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

SO fLY to 300. Y<br />

(in 12 ranges)<br />

± 1% f.s.d.<br />

10 cfs to S Mcfs<br />

±1%<br />

±2%<br />

±5%<br />

26S x 200x28S mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1324 TR-1301 Wide Band V.T. Voltmeter<br />

The instrument Is designed for measuring low-level AC voltages over a<br />

wide frequency range. The signal to be measured reaches the measuring<br />

probe either directly, or at low-level signal measurement, through a<br />

pre-divider.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Frequency range :<br />

Frequency response<br />

(related to SO kc/s)<br />

1 kc/s to 10 Mcfs :<br />

10 Mcfs to 30 Mc/s :<br />

(without pre-divider)<br />

Dimensions:<br />

100 !J.Y to 30 Y<br />

(in 10 ranges)<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

1 kc/s to 30 Mcfs<br />

±S%<br />

±8%<br />

26S x 200 x 36S mm

<strong>EM</strong>G -1325 TR -1 351 RF Millivoltmeter<br />

The instrument is used for measuring AC voltages between 1 mV and 10 V in the<br />

frequency range of 0.5 to 1,000 Mcfs. The measuring range can be extended up to<br />

1,000 V by means of a divider. The RF measurements can be performed by means of<br />

several measuring probes. The instrument is fully transistorized.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

M easu ring accuracy<br />

0.5 to 50 Mcjs :<br />

50 to 150 Mcjs :<br />

150 to 1,000 Mcfs :<br />

Dim ensions:<br />

1 mV to 10 V<br />

(in 7 ranges)<br />

0.5 to 1,000 Mcfs<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

±6% f.s.d.<br />

±1 dB f.s.d.<br />

247 X 196 X 300 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1353 TR-1453 Transistorized AC Voltmeter<br />

The instrument is used for measuring AC voltages between<br />

100 fi.V to 300 V in the frequency range of 1 cfs to 1 Mcfs. It is<br />

fully transistorized, small size, can be operated from battery.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Frequency response<br />

(related to 1 kcfs)<br />

5 cfs to 500 kcjs :<br />

1 to 5 cfs, or<br />

500 to 1,000 kc/s, resp.:<br />

Dimensions:<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1J48 TR-1104 DC Milliammeter<br />

100 fi.Y to 300 V<br />

(in 12 ranges)<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

1 cjs to 1 Mcjs<br />

±3%<br />

±5%<br />

165 x 180 x1 10 mm<br />

The instrument can be used for measuring DC in the range of<br />

0 .3 mA to 1 A. The current can be measured without breaking<br />

the circuit, by means of a measuring probe damped on the<br />

conductor.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

0.3 rnA to 1 A<br />

(in 6 ranges)<br />

± 3% f.s.d.<br />

236 x 180 x 320 mm<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1352 TR-1452 DC Microvolt-Ammeter<br />

The instrument is suitable for measu ring very low positive and<br />

negative DC voltages and currents. It can be used as a DC<br />

amplifier.<br />

VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

CURRENT MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range :<br />

Measuring accu racy:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

1 t,J.Y to 1 V (±)<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

1 pA to 3 rnA (±)<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

247 x 196 x 300 mm


<strong>EM</strong>G-1341 / E TR-1401-E " ORIVOHM II" Workshop V.T. Voltmeter<br />

The instrument is an easily operated V.T. Voltmeter of dependable<br />

construction, designed for measuring DC and AC voltages as well as<br />

resistances.<br />

DC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Frequency range:<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

100 mY to 1,000 V<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

200 mY to 300 V<br />

±5% f.s.d.<br />

30 cfs to 25 Mcfs<br />

0.2 ohm<br />

to 1,000 Mohms<br />

±5% at mid-scale<br />

180 x236x145 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1344 TR-1405 Voltage, Resistance Meter (HT and HF)<br />

The instrument is used for measuring DC and AC voltages as well as<br />

resistances. With a separate HT measuring probe DC voltages up to<br />

30 kV and by means of the HF measuring probe AC voltages up t o<br />

700 Mc/s can be measured.<br />

DC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

With the HT probe:<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

With the H F probe :<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

20 mY to 1,000 V<br />

± 3% f.s.d .<br />

up to 30 kV<br />

100 mY to 300 V<br />

± 5% f.s.d.<br />

30 cfs to 5 Mcfs<br />

1 kcfs to 700 Mcfs<br />

0 .2 ohm<br />

to 1,000 Mohms<br />

±5% at mid-scale<br />

180 x 236 x 145 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1345 TR-1406 Electronic Multimeter<br />

The instrument is an easily operated V.T. Voltmeter, designed for<br />

measuring DC and AC voltages, DC currents as well as resistances. HT<br />

and HF measuring probes can also be used with the instrument.<br />

DC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measur ing accuracy:<br />

With the HT probe:<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measu ring accuracy:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

With the H F probe:<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

DC MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

20 mV to 1,000 V<br />

± 2.5% f.s:d.<br />

up to 30 kV<br />

100 mV to 300 V<br />

± 3% f.s.d.<br />

30 cfs to 5 Mcfs<br />

10 kc/s to 700 Mcfs<br />

0.2 ohm<br />

to 1,000 Mohms<br />

±5% at mid-scale<br />

0.1 rnA<br />

to 1,000 rnA<br />

220x 180 x 210 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1346 TR-1407 "TRANSORIVOHM" Universal Voltmeter<br />

It is an easy handling, safe operation, fu lly transistorized universal V.T.<br />

voltmeter. By means of the instrument DC and AC voltages as well as<br />

resistances can be measured.<br />

DC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

10 mV to 1,000 V<br />

± 2% f.s.d.<br />

1 mV to 300 V<br />

±3% f.s.d.<br />

10 cfs to 1 Mcfs<br />

1 ohm to 50 Mohms<br />

± 5% at mid-scale<br />

131 x 180 x 174 mm

-·- --<br />

•<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1375 TR-1205 High-gain DC Amplifier<br />

The instrument can be used together with the plug-in amplifier<br />

unit <strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-11 as measuring amplifier. Its high zero point<br />

stability makes it suitable for the amplification of DC voltages<br />

in the order of 50-100 ;;.V.<br />

Amplification:<br />

Accuracy of input attenuator:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Linear distortion<br />

(related to 1 kc/s):<br />

Zero point stability<br />

(related to input) :<br />

Output voltage:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

20,000 to 0.04<br />

(in 18 bands)<br />

±2%<br />

DC to 250 kc{s<br />

(can be switched over<br />

in 5 steps)<br />

± 3 dB<br />

25 ;;.V /hour<br />

max. ±15 V DC or<br />

max. 10 Yrms<br />

290 x 200 x 433 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1376 TR-1206 AC Measuring Amplifier<br />

The instrument serves for the amplification of low AC voltages<br />

over a wide frequency range.<br />

Amplification:<br />

Accuracy of amplification<br />

(at 1 kc/s):<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Linear distortion<br />

(related to 1 kc/s)<br />

20 cfs to 1 Mcfs:<br />

10 to 20 cfs, or<br />

1 to 5 Mcfs, resp.:<br />

Output voltage:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

max. 60 dB<br />

(in 6 steps)<br />

±0.5 dB<br />

10 cfs to 5 Mcfs<br />

±0.5 dB<br />

±1 dB<br />

max. 2 V<br />

265 >q_OO x 285 mm<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1383 TZA-353 Transistorized Microwave Power Meter<br />

The fully transistorized instrument, together with the thermistor<br />

measuring probe, which can be connected to it, is used to measure<br />

H F or microwave power.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Frequency range<br />

(with measuring probe <strong>EM</strong>G-1383 /5):<br />

Dimensions:<br />

0.01 to 10 mW<br />

(in 5 ranges)<br />

± 5% f.s.d.<br />

10 Mcfs to 10 Gcfs<br />

236 x 180 x 145 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1384 TZA-354 Transistorized Microwave Power Meter<br />

(temperature compensated)<br />

Combined with the temperature compensated thermistor measuring<br />

probe, the instrument is suitable for measuring HF and<br />

microwave power. Fully transistorized.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Frequency range<br />

(with measuring probe<br />

Dimensions:<br />

<strong>EM</strong> G-1384/5):<br />

1 u.W to 10 mW<br />

( i~ 7 ranges)<br />

±5% f.s.d.<br />

10 Mcfs to 10 Gcfs<br />

250x190x330 mm<br />

s<br />



Budapest, 62. P.O.B. 202 ,<br />

Cable: INSTRUMENT, Budapest, HUNGARY<br />

Manufactured by <strong>EM</strong>G<br />


Budapest, XVI., Cziriky u. 26-32. HUNGARY<br />

Telex: 33-50.<br />

Exported by<br />

69.1417 qyetemi Nyomda m61ynyomlsa, Budapest<br />

(Manar Hirdec6)



<strong>EM</strong>G-1361 TR-1651 Digital DC Voltmeter<br />

The instrument has been designed to measure DC voltages<br />

within a voltage range of 100 fJ.V to 1,000 V with 0.1% accuracy.<br />

The measured result is displayed by four in-line numerical<br />

indicator tubes.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Upper limits of measuring ranges :<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Period time of one measurement:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

100 !J.Y to 1,000 V<br />

(in 5 ranges)<br />

0.1599 v. 1.599 v.<br />

15.99 v. 159.9 v.<br />

1,000 v<br />

±0.1% of f.s.<br />

280 ms<br />

240x500x380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1365 TR-1753 ResistancefDC Converter<br />

Connected to the <strong>EM</strong>G-1361 Digital DC Voltmeter, the instrument<br />

is suitable for the accurate measurement of ohmic resitances<br />

in a wide range.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

0.1 ohm to 10 Mohms<br />

(in 6 ranges)<br />

±0.2% of f.s .<br />

190 x500x380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1367 TR-1751 ACfDC Converter<br />

Connected to the <strong>EM</strong>G-1361 Digital DC Voltmeter, the instrument<br />

is suitable for high accuracy measurement of AC voltages.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Measuring accuracy<br />

50 cfs to 50 kcfs:<br />

20 to 50 cfs, or<br />

50 to 500 kcfs, resp. :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

50 uV to 300 V<br />

(in '10 ranges)<br />

20 cfs to 500 kcfs<br />

±0.5% of f.s.<br />

±2.5 of f.s.<br />

150x500x380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -1362 TR-1652 Digital DC Voltmeter<br />

The instrument is a four-digit digital DC Voltmeter with h1gh<br />

accuracy and high sensitivity.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Upper limits of measuring ranges:<br />

Range selection :<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Period time of one measurement:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

20 u.V to 1,000 V<br />

(in 's ranges)<br />

0.19998 v. 1.9999 v.<br />

19.999 v. 199.99 v.<br />

1,000 v<br />

manual or automatic<br />

± 0.01%<br />

± 1 digit of f.s.<br />

20 ms<br />

240 x 500 X 390 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1368 TR -1752 AC/ DC Converter<br />

Connect.ed to the <strong>EM</strong>G-1362 Digital DC Voltmeter, the instrument<br />

is suitable for high accuracy measurement of AC voltages.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Frequency range :<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

(in' ranges of 2, 20, 200 V,<br />

between 30 cfs and 2.5 kc/s)<br />

Dimensions:<br />

0.2 mY to 200 Y<br />

(in 4 ranges)<br />

30 cfs to 10 kcfs<br />

±0.04% of f.s.,<br />

±0.05% of reading<br />

120 x 440 x 400 mm<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1363 TR-1653 Integrating Digital DC Voltmeter<br />

The instrument has been designed for measuring DC voltages<br />

within a very wide voltage range (10 !J.Y to 1,000 V) with 0.05%<br />

accuracy. The measurement result is displayed by four in-line<br />

numerical indicator tubes. The application of integrating technics<br />

ensures efficient common mode rejection.<br />

Measu ri ng range:<br />

Measuring ranges:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Period time of one measurement:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

10 !J.Y to 1,000 V<br />

(in 6 ranges)<br />

20, 200 mY,<br />

2, 20, 200, 1,000 v<br />

±0.05%<br />

± 1 digit of f.s.<br />

30 ms<br />

135 x440x375 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1366 TR-1754 ACJDC and ResistancefDC Converter<br />

Connected to the <strong>EM</strong>G-1363 Integrating Digital DC Voltmeter,<br />

the instrument is suitable for high accuracy measurement of AC<br />

voltages as well as resistances.<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range :<br />

Measuring accuracy<br />

50 cfs to 50 kc/s:<br />

20 cfs to 500 kc/s:<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong> ENT<br />

Measurement range:<br />

Measuring accuracy<br />

200 ohms to 2 Mohms :<br />

2 Mohms to 20 Mohms :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

100 !J.V to 200 V<br />

(in 5 ranges)<br />

± 0.5% of f.s.<br />

±2% of f.s.<br />

0.1 ohm to 20 Mohms<br />

(in 6 ran~es)<br />

± 0 . ~% of f.s.<br />

±0.5% of f.s.<br />

90 x 440 x 430 mm<br />

"' 4 ~;<br />

I<br />

c; c<br />

TfPf , __<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1364 TR-1654 Digital Multimeter<br />

The instrument can be used for fast and accurate measurement<br />

of AC and DC voltages as well as resistances. The measured result<br />

is displayed by four in-line numerical indicator tubes.<br />

DC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring ranges:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Period t ime of one measurement:<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

2 mY to 500 V<br />

(in 3 ranges)<br />

5, 50, 500 v<br />

± 0.2% ±2 digits<br />

300 ms<br />

2 mY to 300 V<br />

(in 3 ranges)<br />

± 0.2%±2 digits<br />

40 cfs t o 10 kc/s<br />

2 o hms to 500 kohm s<br />

(in 3 ranges)<br />

± 0.5%± 2 digits<br />

107 x 265 x 310 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1369 TR-2251 Digital Resistance Meter<br />

The instrument is used for highly accurate measurement of<br />

resistances. The measured result appears on five in-line numerical<br />

indicator tubes.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

Measuring accuracy:<br />

Measuring time:<br />

DImensions:<br />

5 mohms<br />

to 200 Mohms<br />

(in 8 ranges)<br />

±0.04% of f.s.<br />

380 ms<br />

180x436x360 mm


<strong>EM</strong>G-1645 TR-5250 Digital Frequency- and Time Meter<br />

The instrument is designed primarily for laboratory purpos~s.<br />

for the measurement of frequency, period time, average period<br />

time, pulse width, time interval and frequency ratio. It can al~o<br />

be used the totalizing count. The measured result appears on<br />

seven in-line numerical indicator tubes.<br />

Frequency measurement:<br />

Totalizing counting:<br />

Period time measurement:<br />

Average period time measurement:<br />

Pulse width measurement:<br />

Time interval measurement:<br />

0 to 10 Mcfs<br />

max. 10 7 pulse<br />

0 to 1 Mcfs<br />

(measurable shortest<br />

time 1 f.LS)<br />

10° to 10 7 periods<br />

measurable shortest<br />

pulse 1 f.LS<br />

measurable shortest<br />

time interval 1 f.LS<br />

100 mVrms<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

Stability of built-in time base generator: 1.10- 7 fweek,<br />

Dimensions:<br />

5. 10- 8 /day<br />

HOx500x380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1647 TR-5301 Frequency Range Extender for 10 Mc/s<br />

Counter/Frequency Meter<br />

Connected to the <strong>EM</strong>G-1645 Digital Frequency- and Time Meter,<br />

the instrument can be used to extend the basic frequency range.<br />

It can be operated with two types of converter units.<br />

WITH <strong>EM</strong>G-1689-U-91 CONVERTER UNIT (TR-5302)<br />

Frequency range:<br />

10 Mcfs to 100 M cfs<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

20 mVrms<br />

WITH <strong>EM</strong>G-1689-U-92 CONVERTER UNIT (TR-5303)<br />

Frequency range:<br />

100 Mc/s to 220 Mc/s<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

100 mVrms<br />

Dimensions:<br />

190 x 500 x 380 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1642 TR-5252 Digital Frequency- and Time Meter<br />

The instrument is used for the measurement of frequency,<br />

frequency ratio, period time, average period time, time Interval<br />

as well as totalizing count. The measured result appears on six<br />

in-l ine numerical indicator tubes.<br />

Frequency measurement:<br />

Average period time measurement:<br />

Time interval measurement:<br />

Totalizing counting:<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

Stabilit y of the built-in crystal<br />

Dimensions:<br />

1 c/s to 1.2 Mcfs<br />

1 c/s to 1.2 Mcfs,<br />

10° to 10 5 period<br />

1 f.LS to 108 s<br />

1 cfs to 1,2 Mcfs<br />

100 mVrms<br />

oscillator: 1.10- 6 /day<br />

165x440x440 mrn

<strong>EM</strong>G-1643 Digital Frequency· and Time Meter<br />

DFT MfiU rm 11<br />

5 (' r, ..<br />

; (. ' '<br />

The instrument is used for the measurement of frequency,<br />

frequency ratio, period time, average period time, totalizing<br />

time interval, totalizing count. The portable instrument contains<br />

only silicon transistors and is characterized by low weight and<br />

small size. It can be used for industrial and laboratory measurements.<br />

Frequency measurement:<br />

Period time measurement:<br />

Totalizing counting:<br />

Input voltage<br />

(i n case of sinusoidal signal) :<br />

Time interval and totalizing<br />

t ime interval measurement:<br />

Frequency ratio measurement:<br />

Operating temperature range:<br />

Change of reference frequency<br />

{between 0 °C and +SO 0 C) :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

c fs to 1.S Mcfs<br />

s to 10 f.'S<br />

cf s to 1.5 Mc/s<br />

200 mVrms to 1SO Yrms<br />

10 IJ.S to 9999 s<br />

fA= 1 cfs to 1.5 Mcfs<br />

fs=O to 100 kc/s<br />

0 °C to +SO °C<br />

max. 8.10- 5<br />

107x 26S x 212 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1646 Digital Frequency- and Time Meter<br />

The basic instrument type <strong>EM</strong>G-1646 can be used to measure<br />

frequency in the range of 0 to 100 Mc fs, with the Frequency<br />

Converter plug-in unit type <strong>EM</strong>G-1689-U-82 the instrument<br />

can be used for frequency measurements up to 3,1 Gcfs. At time<br />

measurements the resolution of the instrument is 10 ns. The<br />

stability of the built-in time base generator is 5.10- 9 . The instrument<br />

is fully transistorized, the measured result appears on nine<br />

In-line numerical indicator tubes. A printer can be connected<br />

to the instrument, operated by a 4-line BCD code output signal.<br />

FREQUENCY MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range<br />

DC coupled input:<br />

AC coupled input:<br />

Gate time:<br />

PERIOD TIME MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT<br />

Measuring range:<br />

At average period time measurement:<br />

Averaging factor :<br />

0 to 100 Mcfs<br />

100 cfs to 100 Mcfs<br />

1 f.'S to 10 s, can be<br />

adjusted in decadic<br />

steps<br />

0 to 1 Mc/s<br />

0 to 100 kc/s<br />

1 to 10 5 period,<br />

in decadic steps<br />

Frequency counted :<br />


Sensitivity:<br />

Frequency of time base:<br />

Stability of time base:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1689-U-82 Frequency Converter<br />

1 c/s to 100 Mcfs,<br />

in decadic steps<br />

(resolution in 10 ns)<br />

100 mV<br />

5 Mc/s<br />

5.10- 9<br />

177 x443 x 400 mm<br />

The Frequency Converter, as a plug-in unit, widens the field<br />

of application of the Digital Frequency and T ime Meter type<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1646. It ensures high-accuracy and high-resolution measurements<br />

in the frequency rangeof100 to 3100 Mcfs. It is fully<br />

transistorized .<br />

Frequency measurement:<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

Dimensions :<br />

100 to 3,100 Mc /s<br />

50 mV<br />

(100 to 2,500 Mcfs)<br />

100 mV<br />

(2,SOO to 3,100 Mcfs)<br />

160 x 120x210 mm<br />

1 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 ·Q ...<br />

I<br />

Manufactured by <strong>EM</strong>G<br />


Budapest XVI., Cziraky u. 26-32. HUNGARY<br />

Telex: 33-SO.<br />

Exported by<br />



Budapest, 62. P.O.B. 202<br />

Cable: INSTRUMENT, Budapest. HUNGARY<br />

" .2417 E1yetemi Nyomda m"yr.yomua, Buclap•t<br />

(Ma1yar Hlrdet6)

<strong>EM</strong>G-1539 TR-4103 Oscilloscope (hish sensitivity)<br />

The Ottilloscope is designed for testing low level signals very<br />

frequently encountered in the field of telecommunication engineering<br />

and measuring techniques. The vertical amplifier of<br />

the instrument is a plug-in unit.<br />



Technical data are determined<br />


Bandwidth:<br />

Sensitivity:<br />


Sweep rate:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

130 mm<br />

screen diameter<br />

by the particular plug-in unit<br />

DC to 300 kc/s<br />

200 mVfcm<br />

to 20 v;cm<br />

Its interchangeable plug-in units are the following :<br />

1 fJ.S/cm to 5 sfcm<br />

360 x 260 x 570 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-13 TR-4708 HiJh·gain Differential Amplifier<br />

It makes the oscilloscope suitable to carry out industrial measurements<br />

as well. The plug-in units is provided with a differential<br />

input.<br />

Modes of operation:<br />

Bandwidth:<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

A, A-B, B input<br />

with AC, DC coupling<br />

DC to 300 kcfs<br />

1 mVtcm to 50 V /em<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-11 TR-4709 High-gain Amplifier<br />

It allows to increase the vertical sensitivity of the oscilloscope<br />

up to 100 fJ.Vfcm. The bandwidth can be changed over in five<br />

steps between 250 and 0.5 kcfs.<br />

Input connection:<br />

Frequency range:<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

DC, AC<br />

DC to 250 kc Is<br />

100 ;;.Vfcm<br />

to so v,cm<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1546 TR-

<strong>EM</strong>G-1552 TR-4602 Dual-beam HF Oscilloscope<br />

It is designed for the observation of electrical phenomena taking<br />

place over a wide frequency range. It is particularly useful for<br />

the examination of two time-connected phenomena, simultaneously.<br />

Its specification is identical with that of the oscilloscope<br />

type <strong>EM</strong>G -1546, but si nee it has two vertical deflection systems.<br />

it can accommodate two plug-in preamplifiers.<br />

The Interchangeable plug-in units of the oscilloscopes type<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1546 and <strong>EM</strong>G-1SS2 are the following:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1S89-U-1 TR-4704 Wide-band DC Preamplifier<br />

Input connection :<br />

Bandwidth<br />

used in <strong>EM</strong>G-1546 :<br />

used in <strong>EM</strong>G-1SS2 :<br />

Sensitivity :<br />

DC, AC<br />

DC to 30 Mcfs<br />

DC to 25 Mc/s<br />

SO mY {em to 20 V {em<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-2 TR-'4705 Dual-trace DC Preamplifier<br />

Input connection :<br />

Modes of operation :<br />

Bandwidth :<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

DC, AC<br />

only channel A<br />

only channel B<br />



both channels<br />

summarized<br />

DC to 20 Mc fs<br />

50 mY/em<br />

to 20 Vfcm<br />


130 mm<br />

screen diameter<br />


Technical data are determined by the particular plug-in unit<br />


Bandwidth:<br />

Sensitivity;<br />


Sweep rate:<br />


Sweep rate:<br />


Dimensions;<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1549/1 TR-4-405 HF Oscilloscope<br />

DC to 250 kc/s<br />

200 mVfcm<br />

to 20 Vfcm<br />

2 sfcm to 0.05 iJ.s/cm<br />

1 sfcm to 2 fJ.S /c m<br />

10 S tO 1 !J.S<br />

-430 X 320 X 620 mm<br />

Its specifications are identical with that of the oscilloscope<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1549/2 but it has only one time base generator, thus delayed<br />

sweep is not possible.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-3 TR--4706 High-gain Differential Preamplifier<br />

Modes of operation:<br />

Bandwidth<br />

in position 1 mVfcm:<br />

in position SO mY/em :<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

A, A-B, B input<br />

with DC, AC coupled<br />

DC to 250 kc/s<br />

DC to 1.5 Mc/s<br />

1 mV fcm<br />

to 50 Vfcm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -1589-U--4 TR-4710 Transistor Rise-time Measuring Unit<br />

It serves for the measurement of pulse transmission data of<br />

transistors.<br />

Pulse amplitude:<br />

0.05 to 10 V<br />

Co II ector current:<br />

0.5 to 100 mAfcm<br />

Rise-time representable on screen: min. 12 ns<br />

Collector voltage:<br />

1 to 15 V<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1549/2 TR-4404 HF Oscilloscope<br />

it can be used for the observation of fast signals in a wide frequency<br />

range. The plug-in preamplifier layout ensures a wide<br />

field of application. It consists of two internal time base genera·<br />

tors providing accurate and continuous delayed sweep.

The interchangeable plug-in units of the oscilloscopes type <strong>EM</strong>G -<br />

15-49/2 and <strong>EM</strong>G-15-4911 are the following:<br />

Ba'ldwidt h :<br />

Sensitivity :<br />

D:: to -45 Mcfs<br />

50 mV /em to 20 V fcm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-21 TR -4712 Wide-band DC Preamplifier<br />

Input connect io n :<br />

Bandwidth :<br />

Sensitivity :<br />

DC. AC , G N D<br />

DC to 45 Mc/s<br />

SO mVfcm<br />

co 20 Vfcm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U-22 TR-4713 Dua l-trace DC Prea mplifier<br />

Input connectio n:<br />

Modes of operation:<br />

DC , AC, GND<br />

only channel A<br />

only channel B<br />



<strong>EM</strong>G -1589-U-23 T R-4714 Hi&h-&ain Differential Prea mplifier<br />

Modes of operation:<br />

Bandwidth :<br />

in position 1 mV /em:<br />

in position 50 mVfcm :<br />

Sensit ivity:<br />

A, A- B, B input,<br />

with AC, DC coupling<br />

DC to 250 kc/s<br />

DC to 1.5 Mcfs<br />

1 mVfcm to 50 Vfcm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-U -24 T R-4715 Transistor Rise-t ime Measu ring<br />

Unit<br />

The pl ug-in unit se rves for t he measure ment of pu lse transmission<br />

dau of transistors.<br />

Pulse amplitude :<br />

0.05 to 10 V<br />

Collector current :<br />

0.5 to 100 mAfcm<br />

Rise time representable on the screen : min. 12 ns<br />

Collector voltage:<br />

1 to 15 V<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1589-'J-25 T R-4716 Four-trace DC Preamplifier<br />

Modes of operation (MODE) :<br />

Bandwidth:<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

DC NORM,<br />

AC NORM, OFF,<br />

AC INV, DC INV.<br />


or CHO PPE D<br />

independent of the<br />

MODE switch<br />

DC to 20 Mcfs<br />

20 mV/cm to 10 Vfcm<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1563 TR-4651 "TRANSISCOPE- M" O scillosco pe<br />

The fully t ransistorized, small size oscilloscope serves for t he<br />

observation of elect rical phenomena caking place over a w ide<br />

frequency range.<br />


70 mm<br />

screen diameter<br />


AC, DC coupled<br />

Bandwidth:<br />

DC to 10 Mcfs<br />

Sensitivity:<br />

50 mY /div<br />

co 20 V /div<br />


Bandwidt h :<br />

Sensitivity:<br />


Sweep rate:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1565 TR-4652 " TRANSISCOPE-K"<br />

Oscilloscope<br />

(1 div:0.6 em)<br />

DC to 1 Mc/s<br />

min. 100 mV /div<br />

0.2 ;J.S/d iv<br />

co 0.5 sfdiv<br />

200 x 160 x 340 mm<br />

Low Frequenc y<br />

The oscilloscope can be used for testing low level signals very<br />

fre quent in the field of telecommunication engineeri ng and<br />

measuring techniques. It is a fully transistorized, small size<br />

oscilloscope.<br />



Modes of operat ion :<br />

Bandwidth :<br />

Sensitivity:<br />


Bandwidth :<br />

Sensitivity :<br />


Sweep rate ·<br />

Dimensions·<br />

70 m m<br />

scree n d iamete r<br />

with diff. in put<br />

A, A - B, B input,<br />

with AC, DC coupled<br />

DC to 300 kcfs ·<br />

1 mY /div to 10 V /d iv<br />

(1 di v= 0.6 em)<br />

DC to 300 kcfs<br />

min. 100 mV fdiv<br />

1 ;J.S /dlv to 0.5 sfdiv<br />

200 x 160 x 340 mm<br />

E,'1G-15S6 TR-4650 "TRANSISCOPE-D" D ual Trace Oscil·<br />

losco pe<br />

It is for the observation of ele ctrical phenomena t aking place<br />

over a wide frequency range. It is particularly useful for examining<br />

two time-connected phenomena simultaneously. The instrument<br />

is fu lly transistorized.<br />


10:> mm<br />


Input connection:<br />

Modes of operation:<br />

Bandwidt h :<br />

Sensitivity:<br />


Bandwidth :<br />

Sensitivity:<br />


Sweep rate:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

screen diameter<br />

DC, AC, GND<br />

CH1 only<br />

CH2 only<br />

dual trace CHO PPED<br />

dual t race<br />


DC to 20 Mcfs<br />

50 mVjcm<br />

to 20 Vfcm<br />

DC to 1 Mcfs<br />

min. 100 mVfcm<br />

0.2 ;J.S/Cm<br />

to 0.5 sfcm<br />

255 x 200 x 385 mm


<strong>EM</strong>G-1 579 TR-4802, 4803 Characteristic Curve Tracer<br />

The instrument serves to measure quickly the parameters of<br />

several circuit components. The characteristic curves of components<br />

to be tested appear on the screen of a cathode-ray tube.<br />

The instrument is suitable fo r accommodating two plug-in units.<br />

The plug-in units are the following:<br />

Amplifier and Tolerance unit <strong>EM</strong>G-1579-U-71;<br />

Transistor and Diode Test unit <strong>EM</strong>G-1579-U-72;<br />

Electron Tube Test unit <strong>EM</strong> G-1579-l,J-73.<br />

With these plug-in units the instrument aan be used two different<br />

operating modes.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1579-102 (TR-4802) (with U-71, U-72 units) for the testing<br />

of resistances, VD R resistances, tliodes, Zener diodes and transistors.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1579-103 (TR-4803) (with U-71, U-73 units) for the testing<br />

of resistances, VDR resistances, diodes, Zener diodes, electron<br />

tubes and Nuvistors. Simultaneously, two components can be<br />

tested (reference and tested). The built-in step-generator facilitates<br />

the simultaneous checking of curves corresponding to<br />

several parameters.<br />

Useful picture area:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

8x8 em<br />

220 x 437 x 460 mm<br />

number of steps w hich can be plotted :<br />

Horizontal deflection<br />

measuring collector sweep voltage :<br />

measuring base sweep voltage ·<br />

Vertical deflection:<br />

4 to 10<br />

0 to 50 Vfdiv<br />

0 to 0.2 Vfdiv<br />

0 to 1 A/ div<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -1S79-U-71 TR-4717 Amplifier and Tolerance unit<br />

It facilitates the adjustment of the tolerance field of the reference<br />

characteristic.<br />

Positive tolerance limits:<br />

0-5-10-20-50-100~<br />

Negative tolerance limits:<br />

0-5-10-20-50~<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1S79-U-72 TR-4718 Transist o r and Diode Test unit<br />

Collector sweep voltage ·<br />

Base sweep vol tage:<br />

Base current steps:<br />

0 tO 500 Vp<br />

0 to 2 V<br />

0 to 0.2 A/step<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1579-U-73 TR-4719 Electron Tube T est unit<br />

Anode sweep voltage:<br />

Control grid sweep voltage:<br />

Control grid step voltage:<br />

number of steps which can be plotted :<br />

Horizontal deflection<br />

measuring anode sweep voltage:<br />

measuring control grid sweep voltage:<br />

Vertical deflection :<br />

0 to SOO Vp<br />

0 to 50 Vp<br />

0 to 2 V /step<br />

0 tO 10<br />

0 to SO Vfdiv<br />

0 to 5 Vldiv<br />

0 to SO mAfdiv<br />


<strong>EM</strong>G-1582 TR-0824 "SWEEPOVOHM" Po rtable O scilloscope<br />

and Teste r for TV-servicing<br />

The instrument can be used for on the site measurement and<br />

repair of TV sets. It is possible to carry out almost every kind of<br />

measurements which may be necessary at the repair of TV sets.<br />

Simple handling, small size and low weight are its features.<br />


DC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>E NT:<br />

in terminal "V x 10":<br />

with probe of 100 : 1 attenuation :<br />

AC VOLTAGE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

in terminal "V x 10" :<br />

Frequency range:<br />

with HF probe:<br />

RESISTANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

SO cfs IMPEDANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />

CAPACITANCE MEASUR<strong>EM</strong>ENT :<br />

INDUCTANCE MEAS UR<strong>EM</strong>ENT:<br />




Dimensions:<br />

70 mm<br />

screen diameter<br />

0 to 300 V<br />

max. 500 V<br />

max. 20 kV<br />

0 to 100 Vrms<br />

max. 3SO V rms<br />

0 to 2SO kc/s<br />

100 kc/s to 300 Mcfs<br />

1 ohm to 10 Mohms<br />

1 ohm to 10 Mohms<br />

10 pF to 10,000 f.L F<br />

t mH to 100 H<br />

30 to 230 Mcfs wit h<br />

min. 10 Mcfs<br />

deviation<br />

25 to SO cfs, 300 to<br />

600 c fs, 5 to 10 kcfs<br />

170 x 106 x 189 mm<br />

Exported by<br />



BudapeSt, 62. P.O.B. 201<br />

Cable; INSTP..UHENT, 8\ldapest. HUNGARY .


"<br />

..<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1836/1 TR-9103<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1836/2 TR-9104<br />

EHG-1835{1 TR-9105<br />

EHG-1835/2 TR-9106 Stabilized DC Power Supplies<br />

The ·oc Power Supplies can be used in a wide field of electronics.<br />

The types EHG-1835/1 and <strong>EM</strong>G-1835[2 differ only in respect<br />

of the accuracy of the output volt~e (<strong>EM</strong>G-1835/ 1: ± 1%±1 Y :<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1835/2: ±2%±2 V). Apart from type EHG-1836/ 1, the<br />

instrumenu contain built·in indicating meters. The types <strong>EM</strong>G -<br />

1835/1 and EHG-1835/ 2 are provided with overcurrent ,protection.<br />

The lnstrumenu supply also . 2 x 6.3 V AC voltagl! fo r<br />

heating.<br />

Output voltage :<br />

Output current :<br />

Output voltage regulation :<br />

Change of output voltage<br />

(at ± 10% mains fluctuation):<br />

AC output voltage:<br />

Dimensions:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -1836j1 EHG-1836/2 <strong>EM</strong>G-1835/1 <strong>EM</strong>G-1835/2<br />

TR-9103<br />

T~·910 500 : 1<br />

cont inuousl y<br />

± 0.2%<br />

in decadic steps of<br />

100, 10, 1 v<br />

±2%± 2 v<br />

±0.1%±150 mY<br />

3x6.3 V; 2 A<br />

270 x 443 x 373 mm<br />

-··· •.

<strong>EM</strong>G-1851 T R-9150<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -1853 TR-9151<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G - 1856 TR-915-4<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1857 TR-9155 Transistorized Power Supplies<br />

They are fully transistorized DC Power Supplies. The types <strong>EM</strong>G-1852 and <strong>EM</strong>G-1856<br />

contain two independent units, which can be used independently of each other, In<br />

series and also In parallel operation. The output current is checked by a built-in indicating<br />

meter. The instruments are provided with overcurrent protection.<br />

~o~, ,<br />

I<br />

...<br />

-·-<br />

•<br />

_<br />

.. ~..... - r~<br />

0·-\,7<br />

-;-: a· ·.~<br />

..·<br />

- ~ i<br />

@ ~· : r ··<br />

·.~· ·.~·<br />

~~~<br />

; -~- -::=-_ -~- •<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1852 <strong>EM</strong>G-1853<br />

Output voltage TR-9150 TR-9151<br />

and max. output current: 2 x 0to30 V; 1.5A Oto30V;<br />

orO to 60 V ; 1.5 A 1.5 A<br />

or 0 to 30 V; 3 A<br />

Output voltage regulation : in decadic steps of 10; 1; 0.1 Y<br />

Accuracy of output voltage:<br />

Stability<br />

±2% ±20 mY<br />

> 500 : 1<br />

(at ± 10% mains fluctuation) : 270x210x370 mm<br />

Dimensions:<br />

l..O x 180 x 250 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-1855 <strong>EM</strong>G-1856<br />

TR-915-4 TR-9155<br />

l x O to 100 V; 0.5 A<br />

0 to 100 V; 0.5 A<br />

or 0 to 200 V; 0.5 A<br />

or 0 tO 100 V; 0.8 A<br />

in decadic steps of 10.<br />

1 V and continuously 0 to 1 V<br />

±2%<br />

> 500 : 1<br />

270 x 210 x 370 mm<br />

HO x 180 x 250 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong> G-1858 TR-9156 Laboratory Constant Voltaae1Constant<br />

Current Power Supply<br />

The high-stability power supply can be operated in t he 0 to 30 V<br />

and 0 to 10 A ranges, both in the constant voltage and the constant<br />

current modes of ope ration. Output voltage and current can be<br />

checked by means of a bu ilt-in indicatinc meter. The power<br />

supply is provided with overload protection.<br />


Output voltage:<br />

Output voltage regulation:<br />

Accuracy of output voltage:<br />

Rated loading range:<br />

Stability<br />

(at ± 10% mains fluctuation) :<br />


Output current;<br />

Output current regulation :<br />

Accuracy of output current:<br />

Output voltage range:<br />

Stability<br />

(at ± 10% mains fluctuation):<br />

Dimensions :<br />

0 to 30 Y<br />

in decadic steps of<br />

10; 1; 0.1 Y and<br />

continuously<br />

±100 mY<br />

±2%±3 mY<br />

0 to 10 A<br />

> 5000 : 1 or ±1 mY<br />

0 to 10 A<br />

in de cad ic steps of 1:<br />

0.1 A<br />

±2%±3 rnA<br />

0 to 35 V<br />

> 2500 : 1 or ±2 rnA<br />

220x380x HO mm<br />

___ ,<br />

...<br />

,.._.,. _____ _


<strong>EM</strong>G-2853 TR-9201<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-285-4 TR-9202<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2855 TR-9203<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2856 TR-9204 Electr onic AC Voltaee Stabilizers<br />

These instruments are us~d to eliminate the voltage fluctuations<br />

of the AC mains. The stabilizers supply a voltage of practically<br />

constant value, in case of a change of the mains voltage or of<br />

the load.<br />

Ma,ns voltage.<br />

Perm•ssible change of ma•ns voltage<br />

Pe rmissible load of output ·<br />

Output voltage:<br />

Change of output vo ltage in case of perm1s .<br />

sible change of mains voltage. o r •n case<br />

of max. change of the load .<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2853<br />

TR -9201<br />

0 to 640 VA<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2854<br />

TR-9202<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2855<br />

TR-9203<br />

220 V; 50 cfs, 1 phase<br />

- 15% +10%<br />

0 to 1,250 VA 0 to 2,500 VA<br />

220 v<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -2856<br />

TR-9204<br />

± 0.5%<br />

Dimensions: 320 x 420 x 320 mm 860 x 61 0 x 490 mm<br />

0 to 5.000 VA<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -2883 TR-9266<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2884 TR-9267 Transistorized Electronic AC Vo ltage Stabilizers<br />

The fully transistonzed Inst r uments are wsed to elim1nate the voltage<br />

fluctuations of the mams.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2883 <strong>EM</strong>G -2884<br />

TR-9266 TR-9267<br />

Mains voltage :<br />

220 V. 50 c;s, 1 phase<br />

Per missible change of<br />

mai ns voltage :<br />

- 15% + 10%<br />

Permissible load of output 0 to 640 VA 0 to 1,250 VA<br />

Out pu t voltage ·<br />

220 v<br />

Change of output voltage 1n case<br />

of permissible change of mains<br />

voltage or in case of max. change<br />

of the load :<br />

± 0.5%<br />

Dimensions :<br />

240 X 500 X 385 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -2895 TR-9271<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2896 TR-9272 Transistorize d Servo-type AC Vo ltage Stilbilizers<br />

The servo-type voltage stabilizers have numerous advantages ove r th~<br />

stabilizers with magnetic amplifiers.<br />

Output power :<br />

in "wide-band" operation :<br />

in " narrow-band" operation :<br />

Mains voltage :<br />

Control range<br />

in "wide-band'' operation .<br />

in " nar row-band" operatio n .<br />

Output voltage :<br />

Dimensions:<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-2895<br />

TR-9271<br />

2500 VA<br />

5000 VA<br />

235 x 500x<br />

410 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -2896<br />

TR-9272<br />

5000 VA<br />

10,000 VA<br />

220 V, 1 phase<br />

30%<br />

15%<br />

220 v<br />

280x 500 x<br />

41 0 mm

<strong>EM</strong>G-2372 DD-250 Transistorized Stroboscope<br />

The instrument can be used for determining the speed of rotating<br />

machine element, motors and gear transmissions. By means of<br />

the glow tube of the instrument, the measurement can be performed<br />

employing the stroboscopic effect. The instrument is fully<br />

transistorized, it has small dimensions, is battery operated.<br />

Measuring range:<br />

500 to 15,000 r.p.m.<br />

(flash frequency)<br />

Reading :<br />

on direct reading<br />

frequency meter<br />

Accuracy of frequency meter: ±2% f.s.d.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

166 x 237x 100 mm<br />



<strong>EM</strong>G-2355 RZ-007 Transistorized Strain Gauge Measurin1<br />

Bridce<br />

The instrument is suitable for static and dynamic measurements<br />

of mechanical deformat ions. Measurements might be pe rformed<br />

e ither by the two- or by the four-gauge method. The Instrument<br />

is fully transistorized, it has small dimensions and is battery<br />

operated.<br />

Measurable strain in middle position of<br />

measuring range extender switch:<br />

Full measuring range in extreme positions<br />

of measuring extender switch :<br />

Controllability of measuring li mits:<br />

Maxi mum adjustment accuracy:<br />

± 129.,, i.e. 12.10- 3 t<br />

(specific strain)<br />

+ or - 2-4o/ 00,<br />

i.e. 24.10- 3 e<br />

(specific strain)<br />

in steps of 1X,.,<br />

further 2%o<br />

continuously<br />

± 0.01 %.,<br />

i.e. ±1.10- 5 t<br />

Frequency measurable with dynamic<br />

measurement:<br />

0 t o 200 cjs<br />

Dimensions :<br />

220 X 280 X 225 mm<br />

The field of application of t he instrument can be widened considerably<br />

by using t he adapte r type <strong>EM</strong>G-2352 (RZ-00-4). By<br />

means of t he adapters deformations can be measured on nu merous<br />

measuring places (max. 12 by adapter).<br />

and<br />

:<br />

Expom4 by<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G<br />



<strong>EM</strong>G-4581 "BIOKOMB S" 5 + 2 Channel Polyphysiograph<br />

"BIOKOMB 5" a 5 channel polyphysiograph, having 5+2 recording<br />

systems, is suitable for the measurement of heart action<br />

currents and further characteristics of the circulato ry system.<br />

Besides direct recording {thermal recorder) the equi pment is<br />

provided also with a two-channel photo recorder. At the same<br />

time it is possible to observe the s1gnals to be photorecorded<br />

also by an external double beam oscilloscope.<br />

The mechanical and electrical construction facilitates the simultaneous<br />

use of four preamplifiers in addition to the ECG leads.<br />

This way, a test program most suited to the purpose can be set<br />

up. The preamplifiers can be connected to the desired recording<br />

channel by means of push buttons. In case of using the preamplifiers,<br />

recording of cardiac sounds, blood pressure, rheogram and<br />

arterial pulsogram is facilitated. By means offurther preamplifiers<br />

it can be used in neurology, ballistocardiography and obstetrics<br />

as well.<br />

With five channels suitable for recording the heart actions the<br />

equipment can be used in all internationally known lead-out<br />

varieties.<br />

The equipment is of up-to-date design, fully transistorized.<br />

Dimensions: 210x 470 x 1,000 mm, its height with legs is 910 mm.<br />

Preamplifiers used for the equipment are the following :<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-11 Rheograph. A diagnostic preamplifier, applicable<br />

in the field of cardiac-vascular pathology, serving for the recording<br />

of resistances of the blood-vascular system.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-12 Phonocardiograph Preamplifier, equipped with<br />

microphone and stethoscope, serving for the amplification and<br />

band division (according to MAAS- WEBER) of cardiac sounds<br />

and noises.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-13 Electromanometer The preamplifier is provided<br />

with a transducer appropriate for blood pressure measurement<br />

in the cardiac cavity and in the arterial system.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-14 Cardiotachometer By means of appropriate<br />

transducers the preamplifier is suitable for the instrument<br />

evaluation of heart rate.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-17 Ballistocardiograph The preamplifier with an<br />

acceleration type ballistocardiograph transducer is suitable for<br />

measuring displacements of the body due to the mechanical<br />

action of the heart and the arterial system.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-21 Narcosis Intensity Meter It is suitable for<br />

measuring narcosis intensity and for other neurological measurements.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-22 Foetal phonocardiograph Preamplifier provided<br />

with microphone and stetoscope serving for the recording of<br />

foetal cardiac sounds.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4581-23 Foetal electrocardiograph It can be used for<br />

recording of foetal electrocardiograms.


<strong>EM</strong>G-4751 Eight-channel Electro Encephalograph<br />

When performing electrophysiological examinations in neuro.<br />

pathology and psychiatry, the equipment can be used for scientific<br />

analysis as well as diagnostics. It serves for examination of the<br />

bioelectric potentials of the cervix of the human brain and can<br />

record the test data. It is an up-to-date design, easy to operate<br />

equipment. 25 electrode points and 3 earthing points can be<br />

connected to the equipment. By means of the selector switches,<br />

any combination of the electrodes can be coupled to the inputs<br />

of the 8 amplifier channels. The instrument is also provided<br />

with interchangeable plug-in routine switches. Each routine<br />

switch allows of the selection of 9 routine programs. The amplifier<br />

channels are made as plug-in units. Max. sensitivity of the<br />

channels is 1 mmff!.V. The built-in resistance meter serves for<br />

measurement of the resistances of the electrodes. The built-in<br />

calibrating unit facilitates recording of the cal ibrating voltage<br />

changes. Recording is made with an inkwriting recorders on<br />

paper charts.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

1175x1140 x780 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4752 Four-channel Electro Encephalograph<br />

As the instrument is of a portable design, it can be used for the<br />

examination of patients who, for any reason, cannot oe transferred<br />

to the EEG laboratory. Just like instruments provided with<br />

more channels, there are connection facilities for 25 electrode<br />

and 3 earthing points on the instrument. By means of the selector<br />

switches, any combination of the electrodes can be coupled to<br />

the inputs of the four amplifier channels. The built-in routine<br />

switch allows of the selection of 9 routine programs. By means<br />

of a built-in resistance meter, electrode resistances can be<br />

measured, while the internal calibrating signal can be used for<br />

recording calibration voltage changes. Recording is made with<br />

inkwriting recorders on paper charts.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

260 x 61 S X 430 mm<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4753 Four-channel Electro Nystagmograph<br />

The equipment serves for the amplification and recording of<br />

spontaneous and brought-about nystagmus. 8 electrodes and<br />

2 earthing electrodes can be connected to the portable, up-todate<br />

design instrument. Resistances of the electrodes can be<br />

measured by means of a built-in resistance meter. Signals amplified<br />

to an appropriate level are recorded by inkwriting recorders.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

260x625x430 mm

<strong>EM</strong>G-4754<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -4755<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -4756 8-, 12·, 16-channel Electro Encephalographs<br />

•<br />

When performing electrophysiological examinations in neuropathology<br />

and psychiatry, the equipments can be used for scien·<br />

tific analysis as well as diagnostics. The equipments meet all<br />

requirements made with up-to-date encephalographs. Owing to<br />

their high sensit ivity (1 mmf!J.V), low own noise, high immunity<br />

for external disturbing signals, high number of channels and<br />

other special provisions t he equipments can be used for scientific<br />

research in addition to the routine tests. The preamplifiers and<br />

the recorder are designed a.s separate units. The type <strong>EM</strong>G-4754<br />

has 8, the t ype <strong>EM</strong> G-4755 has 12. the type <strong>EM</strong>G -4756 has 16<br />

channels. The construction of the equipments and arrangement<br />

of their units ensure that the operator can sit comfortably.<br />

The preamplifier channels, the common amplification control.<br />

the routine switch and the calibrating unit are designed as plug-in<br />

units. Besides the recorders of the EEG lead the instrument<br />

is provided also with two separate recorders used for recording<br />

the time signals in every second, marker signals as well as for<br />

recording stimulating signals in case of stimulation.<br />

By means of the selector switches, the electrode points and the<br />

indifferent point can be coupled to the input of amplifier channels<br />

in any combination. The plug-in routine switches serve for the<br />

adjustment of 9 routine programs. For separate order, <strong>EM</strong>G<br />

supplies routine switches allowing of t he adjustment of other<br />

r equired programs. Two polygraph amplifier s with 1 mY sensitivity<br />

are built into the main recorder unit , and can be switched<br />

instead of the two last channels. They ar e suitable for the exa·<br />

mination of the var ious physiological functions, intercon necting<br />

the appropriate transducers. There is also a possibility for connection<br />

to an oscilloscope. The photostimulators types <strong>EM</strong>G-4761<br />

and <strong>EM</strong>G -4764 or phonostimulators types <strong>EM</strong>G -4762 and <strong>EM</strong> G-<br />

4763 can also be connected to the equipment.<br />


Photo- and phonostimulators ar e an applience for· performing<br />

electrophysiological examinations in neurology, and psychiatry.<br />

Their special field of a pplication is electro encephalography. The<br />

instruments are fully transistorized.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G -4761 Photostimulator<br />

It is suitable for produci ng light stimuli with adjustable flas h<br />

frequencies. Both the intensity and the colour of the light<br />

stimuli can be altered. The frequency can be adjusted between<br />

2 and SO cfs.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4762 Phonostimulator<br />

The instrument is capable of producing continuous sound signals<br />

with 5 different frequencies for sound stimuli. Intensity of the<br />

ow d istortion signals can be adjusted.

<strong>EM</strong>G-4763 Phonostlmulator<br />

The high-power phonostimulator is capable of producing sound<br />

stimuli in the form of continuous sound signals with S different<br />

frequencies, as well as sound signals interrupted with adjustable<br />

frequencies. Intensity of the low distortion signals can be adjusted.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-4764 Photostimulator<br />

The high-power photostimulator is suitable for producing light<br />

stimuli. It can produce either continuous or intermittent light<br />

beams, as well as single and double light pulses. Duration of the<br />

Intermittent light beams, the interval between double light<br />

pulses and the light energy can be adjusted.<br />


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<strong>EM</strong>G -4771 Pulse Rate and ECG Monitor<br />

The instrument serves for constant monitoring of patients'<br />

heart functioning at surgical wards and the intensive therapeutics<br />

departments. When used as a pulse rate meter, the Instrument<br />

indicates the patients' pulse rate on an indicating meter in the<br />

range of 20 to 200 pulses per minute. It is suitable to give automatic<br />

light and sound warnings when sensing a pulse rate that<br />

reaches the preset lower or upper limits. Apart from Indicating<br />

t he values related to the patients' heart functioning, the instrument<br />

also indicates by means of light and sound pulses. The values<br />

to be measured can also be recorded by means of a separate<br />

recorder. A single-channel ECG preamplifier is also comprised<br />

in the instrument.<br />

Dimensions:<br />

135 X 436 X 349 mm<br />

Manufactured by<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G<br />


Budapest, XVI., Cziriky u. 26-32. HUNGARY<br />

Telex: 33-50.<br />

Exported by<br />


Budapest, 62, P.O . Box. 150. HUNGARY<br />

69.2417 Eaecemi Nyomda m61ynyomiu, Budapen (MIJYar Hirdet6)

.,. ,, ,. '<br />


The various logic circuit series are suitable for the construction of automatic digital<br />

control systems and data processing equipment. The modules include no moving<br />

parts, performing the switching functions solely by means of semiconductors. The<br />

modules have long service life practically independent of the number of switching.<br />

Their outstanding characteristics are high speed of operation, low probability of<br />

breakdown, low power consumption, little space requirement. The modules require<br />

no maintenance.<br />

: DS -1000 Logic circuit series General specification of the EDS-1000 series:<br />

In series EDS-1000 the logic circuits are produced in the form<br />

of "p.c. card" modules. Each module cont ains several independent<br />

circuits realizing identical logical function. The modules are<br />

mounted on single-face or double-face printed ci rcuits boards.<br />

The standard 130 x 165 mm modules are fitted with anodized<br />

aluminium frames. The modules may be plugged in various rack<br />

cabinets or stands.<br />

The selection of t he EDS-1000 modules is the following: inverters,<br />

D, DD, Dl, DDI-Iogics, flip-flops, counters, indicators, emitterfollower,<br />

power-amplifiers, matrices, phase maintaining amplifier:>,<br />

delay units, generators, integrator and special units.<br />

rated logic voltage levels<br />

level ''1":<br />

level "0" :<br />

pulse repetition rate :<br />

operating temperature range:<br />

supply voltages :<br />

- 3 v<br />

ov<br />

max. 100 kc/s<br />

- 20 °C to +55 °C<br />

-15 V; -3 V;<br />

+ 10 v ± 5%<br />

Stabilized power supply suitable for the operation of the modules<br />

:<br />

EDS-1971 ( - 15 V, 1.5 A; -3 V, 1.2 A; + 10 V, 0.3 A)

EDS-5000 ''MINICARD" series<br />

EDS-4000 "STATOMAT" series<br />

The series modules find applications in the construction of digital<br />

control units working under hard industrial conditions. Each<br />

module is realizing a single logical function. The circuits are<br />

mounted on small-size printed-circuit boards. The assembled<br />

circuit is protected by a plastic coating and an anodized aluminium<br />

casing.<br />

The selection of the EDS-4000 modules is the following: inverters,<br />

D. Dl-logics, flip-flops, multivibrator, switching amplifiers, power<br />

and indica.tor amplifiers, delay unit, pulse shaper, generators,<br />

annunciator, sensors, matrices, and special units.<br />

General specification of the EDS-4000 series :<br />

rated logic voltage levels<br />

level "1":<br />

level ''0":<br />

pulse repetition rate:<br />

operating temperatUre range:<br />

supply voltages :<br />

- 6 to -12 v<br />

0 v<br />

max. 2 kc/s<br />

-SO oc to + 55 oc<br />

- 12 V; +12 v<br />

+20-30%<br />

in addition to the<br />

above the high-power<br />

switching<br />

require<br />

- 24 V, •·esp.<br />

amplifiers<br />

-48 V or<br />

Power supplies suitable for the operation of the modules are<br />

avai lable in different loading variations :<br />

Stabilized power supplies:<br />

EDS-4971 (12 V; 0 to 0.5 A)<br />

EDS-4972 (12 V; 0 to 1.5 A)<br />

Unstabilized power supplies:<br />

EDS-4973 (12 V; 0 to 0.3 A)<br />

EDS-4974 (12 V; 0.3 to 1.5 A)<br />

EDS-4975 (12 V; 1.5 to 6 A)<br />

EDS-4976 (24 V; 1.5 to 6 A)<br />

EDS-4977 (24 V; 6 to 15 A)<br />

EDS ..... 978 (48 V; 1.5 to 6 A)<br />

EDS-4979 (48 V; 6 to 15 A)<br />

The modules form a compatible system suitable for the construction<br />

and modelling of digital control systems and data processing<br />

equipment. Each module is capable of performing a single logical<br />

function. The circuits built up of germanium semiconductors<br />

are mounted on 196 X 109 mm epoxy resin p.c. boards. The modules<br />

may be plugged into various 19" rack cabinets, each cabinet<br />

is capable of accommodating 24 modules.<br />

The selection of the EDS-5000 modules is the following: indicator<br />

amplifiers, switching amplifier, power amplifier,<br />

inverters,<br />

matrices, D, Dl, DD, DOl-logics, flip-flops, counters, Nixiedriver,<br />

Miller delay unit, monoflop unit, generators, Schmitttrigger<br />

and other special units.<br />

General specification of the EDS-5000 seriesrated<br />

logic voltage levels<br />

level "1":<br />

level "0":<br />

pulse repetition rate:<br />

operating temperature range:<br />

supply voltages:<br />

-3 v<br />

0 v<br />

max. 100 kc/s<br />

- 20 °C to + 55 °C<br />

- 15 V; - 3 V;<br />

+10 v ± 5%<br />

Stabilized power supply suitable for the operation of the modules:<br />

EDS -071 1 (-15 V, 0 to 6 A; -3 V, 0 to 5 A; + 10 V, 0 to 1.5 A)<br />

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EDS-8000 "MINICARD" series<br />

The modules of the series are suitable for the construction<br />

of high-speed digital control system and ~ata processing equipment.<br />

The selection of modules is continuous! y developped<br />

meeting every requirement. The modules are built of silicon<br />

planar epitaxial semiconductors, which ensure high-reliability<br />

and wide operating temperature range. Mechanical design of<br />

the modules corresponds to that of the EDS-5000 series.<br />

The selection of the EDS-8000 modules is the following : power<br />

amplifiers, 01, DO, DOl-logics, Nixie-driver, flip-flops, level<br />

converter, Miller delay unit, monoflop unit, generator, Schmitttrigger<br />

and other special units.<br />

General specification of the EDS-8000 series :<br />

rated logic voltage levels<br />

level "1":<br />

level "0":<br />

pulse repetition rate:<br />

operating temperature range:<br />

supply voltages :<br />

+6 v<br />

0 v<br />

max. 1 Mcfs<br />

- 55 °C to + 100 °C<br />

+ 24 V. + 8 V;<br />

-10 v ±5%<br />

The voltages necessary for the operation of the modules are<br />

furnished by a power supply w ith 8 A loadability.<br />

EDS-3000 "MICROCARD" series<br />

The modules of the series are suitable for the construction of<br />

digital systems. Owing to the small dimensions of the modules<br />

the space requirements of highly complicated systems built up<br />

of numerous modules can be greatly diminished. The modules<br />

are built up of germanium semiconductors. Each module Is<br />

capable of performing a single logical function. For t he realization<br />

of complex functions interconnection of the appropriate modules<br />

is necessary. The modules can be mounted on EDS-7000 series<br />

mother boards. These are 260x240 mm epoxy resin p.c. boards<br />

without a frame. The EDS-7093 board is capable of accommodating<br />

56 modules.<br />

The selection of the EDS-3000 modules is the following : indicator<br />

amplifiers, inverters, 0, 01, DO-logics, matrices, half<br />

flip-flop, diode-capacitor-diode gate, Miller delay unit, monoflop,<br />

generator, Schmitt-~rigger and other special units.<br />

General specification of the EDS-3000 series :<br />

rated logic voltage levels<br />

level "1":<br />

level " 0":<br />

pulse repetition rate:<br />

operation temperature range:<br />

supply voltages :<br />

-3 v<br />

0 v<br />

max. 100 kcfs<br />

-20 °C to +55 °C<br />

- 15 V; - 3 V;<br />

+10 v ±5%<br />

Stabilized power supply suitable for the operation of the modules:<br />

EDS-0711 .

EDS-2000 " MICROCARO" serie s<br />

The series consists of a full compatible circuit set, suitable for<br />

the construction of even the most complicated digital systems.<br />

The logic circuits are built up of up-to-date silicon planar epitaxial<br />

semiconductors. Outstanding characteristics of the modules<br />

are high-reliability, wide operating temperature range, high<br />

noise-immunity, high repetition rate, high fan-in and fan-out.<br />

Their mechanical design is identical with that of the EDS-3000<br />

series. The modules are mounted on 25 x 47 mm superpertinax<br />

sheets. The sheets can also be mounted on the EDS-7000 series<br />

mother boards.<br />

The selection of the EDS -2000 modules is the following: power<br />

amplifier, Dl, DD, DOl-logics, AND extender. half flip-flop,<br />

diode-capacitor-diode gate, level converter, counters, matrix,<br />

generat or and other special units.<br />

General specification of the EDS-2000 series :<br />

rated logic voltage levels<br />

level "1":<br />

level "0":<br />

pulse repetition rate:<br />

operating temperature range:<br />

supply voltages:<br />

+6 V<br />

0 v<br />

max. 1 Mcfs<br />

-55 °C to +100 °C<br />

+ 24 v ± 5%<br />

+8 V, - 10 V ±10%<br />

The voltages needed for the operation of the modules are furnished<br />

by a power supply with 8 A loadability.<br />

!l<br />

Manufactured by <strong>EM</strong>G<br />


Budapest, XVI., Cziraky u. 26-32. HUNGARY<br />

Telex: 33-50,<br />

Exported by<br />




Bwapest, 62. P.O.B. 202<br />

Cable: INSTRUMENT, Budapest, HUNGARY<br />

69.1~17 Ecrttomo Nyomda melynyomiu. Budapen IManar Hirdotol



HUNOR-131 Electronic Desk Calculator<br />

The HUNOR-131 calculator Is designed primarily for performing<br />

the four basic arithmetical operations, with integers or decimal<br />

num bers as well. The calculator can be used for addition, subtraction,<br />

multiplication, division, repeated addition, subtraction of<br />

several identical numbers (items} or raising to power with integer<br />

exponent (repeated multiplication). The calculator has an arithmetical<br />

capacity of 13 digits. The calculator features fully electronic<br />

design, it incl udes no moving parts, and it comprises only<br />

semiconductors as active electronic components. It offers ease<br />

of operation, the numerical and operational keys are arranged<br />

suitably in the keyboard. The machine features silent operation,<br />

with an electronic rate.<br />

The reliability of calculation is ensured by electronically controlled<br />

automatic light and acoustic signalling and by the electronic<br />

interlocking of the keyboard. Facilities are provided for clearing<br />

a spuriously entered digit or the last row of numbers entered<br />

in the calculator, without interfering with the previous results.<br />

If the result of arithmetical operations performed exceeds 13<br />

digits, the overflow is indicated for the operator by an illuminating<br />

sign at the end of the in -line digital display and si multaneously,<br />

by an acoustic signal.<br />

The field of application can be widened considerably by using<br />

the external keyboards (max. 6), permitting the calculator to<br />

be controlled in a t ime sequence from several places as well.<br />

A numerical printer can also be connected to the calculator,<br />

printing-out automatically on a paper strip the numbers and<br />

operational si&ns appearing on the digital display panel of the<br />

calculator.<br />

HUNOR-157 calculator can be connected with type HUNOR-158<br />

external keyboards each having a built-in display. Not only one,<br />

but max. -4 such un its can be connected to the machine. This way,<br />

the machine HUNOR-157 -1 58 performs in a sequence the task<br />

of four separate calculators. The layout of the machine meets<br />

all requirements of up-to-date working areas. The calculating,<br />

controlling parts as well as the registers are accommodated<br />

in the central unit (HUNOR-157}. The elegant design keyboards<br />

having a built-in display (HU NOR-158) can be coupled to this<br />

central unit. The central unit can be placed at a suitable spot of<br />

the office, while the small-size keyboards are placed on the desks.<br />

The calculator is designed primarily to perform the four basic<br />

arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication,<br />

division). Repeated additio n, subtraction, multiplication (raising<br />

to powers), division can also be made. By using its free registers,<br />

complex operation-sequences can also be performed. The intermediate<br />

results of calculations are stored by the machine and are<br />

directly applicable as the first operand of a following operatio n.<br />

The capacity of calculatio n is 15 decimal digits, this is sufficient<br />

even in the most specific fields of application.<br />

The HUNOR-157-158 offers ease of operation, arrangement of<br />

the numerical and operational keys is advantageous. Operation<br />

is silent and is performed at an electronic rate. The calculator<br />

is fully electronic, containing no moving parts. The active elements<br />

of the calculating unit are all semiconductors, the registers are<br />

built-up of ferrite memo ry cores.<br />

HUNOR-157 Multi-keyboard Electronic Calculator<br />

The HUNOR-157 Multi-keyboard Electronic Calculator can be<br />

used to advantage to perform a great variety of operations. The

I<br />

. ,<br />

, .<br />

The reliability of calculation is ensured by electronically controlled<br />

automatic light and acoustic signalling and by the electronic<br />

interlocking of the keyboard. During the calculation significant<br />

digits will not be lost. The number of decimals of the result can<br />

be determined by adjustment of the 16-position decimal-dial<br />

located on the keyboard unit.<br />

The calculator contains three universal registers for forming<br />

and storage of constants, subtotals and the sum of products or<br />

quotients with correct sign and decimal point.<br />

To the HUNOR.-157 calculator a printer (HUNOR-159) can<br />

also be connected. The prin'ter can be placed at a suitable spot<br />

of the office and can be Interconnected with the central unit by<br />

means of a cable. It prints out the operations performed depending<br />

upon the position of the switch located on the operating keyboard.<br />

The calculator HUNOR-157-158 can be used to advantage to<br />

perform engineering design, business management, statistical<br />

calculations as well as d iverse other applications.<br />

Manufactured by <strong>EM</strong>G<br />


lud~pe~t. XVI., Cziriky u. 26-32. HUNGARY<br />

TeleK: 33·50.<br />

Exported by<br />




Budapelt., 62. P.O.B. 2.02<br />


'<br />


_:_<br />

'<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G-830 Digital Electronic Computer<br />

The <strong>EM</strong>G-830 digital electronic computer though according to<br />

its technical construction belongs to the category of II. generation<br />

machines, in its logical structure features many Ill. generation<br />

characteristics.<br />

These characteristics facilitate the application of the machine<br />

for data processln1, technical-scientific c~lculations and<br />

process control. Continuous development of the program<br />

library Widens the applicatiOn facilities even after putting tO<br />

operation.<br />

Programming is facilitated by SIMPLE assembler and <strong>EM</strong>G autocode,<br />

ALGOL and FORTRAN compilers are under development.<br />

Organization and fast operation of the computer facilitate<br />

multiprogramming and also real-time program run indispensable<br />

In process control applications.<br />

The program library consists of:<br />

various sub:outines (activation of peripheral equipment)<br />

standard functions<br />

floating point and double word length operations diagnostic test<br />

programs<br />

technical and data processing programs<br />

compilers and Interpretive programs for the above programming<br />

languages.<br />

Application of the computer is greatly helped by the direct contact<br />

of <strong>EM</strong>G Computer Sales Department which is always readily<br />

at customers' disposal.<br />

To make customers acquinted with the machine, <strong>EM</strong>G organizes I<br />

courses for programmers and operators on different levels.<br />

<strong>EM</strong>G Computer Sales Department helps customers In all questions<br />

concerning operation and installation (e.g. experts advise<br />

<strong>EM</strong>Ci 830<br />

the user on computer room layout and on adequate enviromental<br />

conditions).<br />

The up-to-date electronic computer built up of silicon semi·<br />

conductors, owing to its modular construction is suitable for a<br />

wide field of applications. Th is means, that according to new<br />

requirements the performance of the computer might be In·<br />

creased by simply plugging-In additional modules (without<br />

changing the original machine construction). If, for instance,<br />

the problems at the very begining might be solved by a small<br />

configuration consisting of only a few modules, the possible<br />

later extension should be taken account only from the aspect<br />

of space requirements.<br />

The <strong>EM</strong>G-830 us a single address machine. Wordlength is 2~<br />

bits In case of a data processing variation and 21 +3 bits in case<br />

of process control variation. In the latter case the separated 3<br />

bits serve for parity check which ensures increased safety of<br />

operation indispensable in process control applications.<br />

The instruction format ensures direct addressing of 32,768 store<br />

locations in case of data processing and 8,1 92 store locations in<br />

case of a process control variation. In other words, the ferrite<br />

care store can be extended with ~K modules up to 32K capacity<br />

in case of a data processing variation and up to 8K in case of a<br />

process control variation.<br />

For the storage of wired programs the Internal store might be<br />

extended with 256 word permanent store modules. Cycle time<br />

of the operative (f!!rrite core) store is 6 !J.S, average speed of the<br />

machine is 25,000 operations per second.

6-4 input or output peripherals can be connected to the machine<br />

each having an identical internal standard interface unit. Several<br />

backing stores e.g. maanetic tape, magnetic disc, etc. can be<br />

connected to the machine.<br />

Selection of the applied peripheral equipment always depends<br />

upon the particular needs of the customer. The necessary interface<br />

units are always supplied by <strong>EM</strong>G.<br />

Standard peripheral selection includes the following e.g .:<br />

FS 1500 tape reader<br />

PE 1501 FACIT tape punch<br />

IBM 731 on-line typewriter<br />

BULL S-41 200 llnesfminute line printer<br />

BULL 557 600 lines/ minute line printer<br />

Back ina s~ores :<br />

PEN 5 D SPERAC IBM compatible magnetic tape memory<br />

MD 17 SPERAC magnetic disc (capacity approx. 58 million bits)<br />

MS 300 SA G<strong>EM</strong> magnetic disc (capacity: 2, 4 or 8 million bits)<br />

For a special request, any peripheral equipment, data link or<br />

satellite computer (compatible with the <strong>EM</strong>G machine) might<br />

also be connected to the machine, <strong>EM</strong>G providing the necessary<br />

interface units.<br />

The computer ha.s 64 input-output peripheral interface channels,<br />

further equipment might be connected by inserting multiplex<br />

units.<br />

There Is no restriction for the maximum number of one type<br />

of peripherals it is limited only by the available channels and<br />

o rganizational aspects.<br />

I<br />

Manufactured by <strong>EM</strong>G<br />


Budapest, XVI., Czlliky u. 26-31. HUNGARY<br />

Telex: 33-50.

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