Monsanto Technical Publications

Monsanto Technical Publications

Monsanto Technical Publications


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Poirier, Y., Gruys, K. 2002. Production of<br />

Polyhydroxyalkanoates in Transgenic Plants. IN:<br />

Biopolymers, Volume 3a. Polyesters I - Biological<br />

Systems and Biotechnological Production. Y. Doi, A.<br />

Steinbüchel, Editors. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim,<br />

Germany: 401-435.<br />

Pomes, A., Helm, R., Bannon, G., Burks, A., Tsay, A.,<br />

Chapman, M. 2003. Monitoring Peanut Allergen in<br />

Food Products by Measuring Ara h 1. Journal of Allergy<br />

and Clinical Immunology. 111(3): 640-645.<br />

Pullman, G., Johnson, S., Peter, G., Cairney, J., Xu,<br />

N. 2003. Improving Loblolly Pine Somatic Embryo<br />

Maturation - Comparison of Somatic and Zygotic Embryo<br />

Morphology, Germination and Gene Expression.<br />

Plant Cell Reports. 21: 747-758.<br />

Qi, Q., Hao, M., Ng, W., Slater, S., Baszis, S., Weiss,<br />

J., Valentin, H. 2005. Application of the Synechococcus<br />

nirA Promoter to Establish and Inducible<br />

Expression System for Engineering the Synechocystis<br />

Tocopherol Pathway. Applied and Environmental<br />

Microbiology. 71(10): 5678-5684.<br />

Ravanello, M., Ke, D., Alvarez, J., Huang, B., Shewmaker,<br />

C. 2003. Coordinate Expression of Multiple<br />

Bacterial Carotenoid Genes in Canola Leading to<br />

Altered Carotenoid Production. Metabolic Engineering.<br />

5(4): 255-263.<br />

Ream, T., Strobel, J., Roller, B., Auger, D., Kato,<br />

A., Halbrook, C., Peters, E., Theuri, J., Bauer, M.,<br />

Addae, P., Dioh, W., Staub, J., Gilbertson, L., Birchler,<br />

J. 2005. A Test for Ectopic Exchange Catalyzed by<br />

Cre Recombinase in Maize. Theoretical and Applied<br />

Genetics. 111: 378-385.<br />

Reiser, S., Mitsky, T., Gruys, K. 2000. Characterization<br />

and Cloning of an (R)-specific trans-2,3-enoylacyl-CoA<br />

Hydratase from Rhodospirillum rubrum and<br />

Use of this Enzyme for PHA Production in Escherichia<br />

coli. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.<br />

53(2): 209-218.<br />

Rehm, B., Mitsky, T., Steinbuchel, A. 2001. Role<br />

of Fatty Acid de novo Biosynthesis in Polyhydroxyalkanoic<br />

acid (PHA) and Rhamnolipid Synthesis by<br />

Pseudomonads: Establishment of the Transacylase<br />

(PhaG)-mediated Pathway for PHA Biosynthesis in<br />

Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.<br />

67(7): 3102-3109.<br />

Reynolds, T., Nemeth, M., Glenn, K., Ridley, W.,<br />

Astwood, J. 2005. Natural Variability of Metabolites<br />

in Maize Grain: Differences Due to Genetic Background.<br />

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.<br />

53: 10061-10067.<br />

Romeis, T., Tang, S., Hammond-Kosack, K., Piedras,<br />

P., Blatt, M., Jones, J. 2000.<br />

Early Signaling Events in the Avr9/Cf-9-dependent<br />

Plant Defense Response. Molecular Plant Pathology.<br />

1(1): 3-8.<br />

Ruebelt, M., Lipp, M., Reynolds, T., Astwood, J.,<br />

Engel, K., Jany, K. 2006. Application of Two-Dimensional<br />

Gel Electrophoresis to Interrogate Alterations<br />

in the Proteome of Genetically Modified Crops. 2.<br />

Assessing Natural Variability. Journal of Agricultural<br />

and Food Chemistry. 54: 2162-2168.<br />

Ruebelt, M., Lipp, M., Reynolds, T., Schmuke, J.,<br />

Astwood, J., DellaPenna, D., Engel, K., Jany, K.<br />

2006. Application of Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis<br />

to Interrogate Alterations in the Proteome of<br />

Genetically Modified Crops. 3. Assessing Unintended<br />

Effects. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.<br />

54: 2169-2177.<br />

<strong>Monsanto</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> publications<br />

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Ruebelt, M., Jany, K., Leimgruber, N., Engel, K.,<br />

Reynolds, T., George, C., Astwood, J. 2003. Novel<br />

Foods - Safety Assessment: Method Development for<br />

Proteome Analysis of Arabidopsis Seeds Produced by<br />

Different Ecotypes (accessions) and by Transgenic<br />

Events. Proceedings: EURO FOOD CHEM XII.<br />

Strategies for Safe Food: Analytical, Industrial and<br />

Legal Aspects: Challenges in Organization and Communication:<br />

24-26.<br />

Rydel, T., Williams, J., Krieger, E., Moshiri, F., Stallings,<br />

W., Brown, S., Pershing, J., Purcell, J., Alibhai,<br />

M. 2003. The Crystal Structure, Mutagenesis, and<br />

Activity Studies Reveal that Patatin is a Lipid Acyl<br />

Hydrolase with a Ser-Asp Catalytic Dyad. Biochemistry.<br />

42(22): 6696-6708.<br />

Ryerse, J., Feng, P., Sammons, R. 2001. Endogenous<br />

Fluorescence is a Marker for Cell Death in Plants.<br />

Microscopy Today. 01-2: 22-24.<br />

Sachs, E., Benedict, J., Stelly, D., Taylor, J., Altman,<br />

D., Berberich, A., Davis, S. 1998. Expression and<br />

Segregation of Genes Encoding CryIA Insecticidal<br />

Proteins in Cotton. Crop Science. 38(1): 1-11.<br />

Sanders, R., Hiatt, W. 2005. Tomato Transgene<br />

Structure and Silencing. Nature Biotechnology.<br />

23(3): 287-289.<br />

Savidge, B., Weiss, J., Wong, Y., Lassner, M., Mitsky,<br />

T., Shewmaker, C., Post-Beittenmiller, D., Valentin, H.<br />

2002. Isolation and Characterization of Homogentisate<br />

Phytyltransferase Genes from Synechocystis sp<br />

PCC 6803 and Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 129(1):<br />

321-332.<br />

Scheiber, P., Tran, M., Duncan, D. 2006. Tissue<br />

Culture and Transient Transformation of Marestail<br />

(Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist). Plant Cell<br />

Reports. 25(6): 507-512.<br />

Schweitzer, B., Loida, P., CaJacob, C., Chott, R., Collantes,<br />

E., Hegde, S., Mosier, P., Profeta, S. Discovery<br />

of Imidazole Glycerol Phosphate Dehydratase Inhibitors<br />

through 3-D Database Searching. Bioorganic and<br />

Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 12(13): 1743-1746.<br />

Shah, D., Tran, M., Berger, P., Aggarwal, P.,<br />

Asrar, J., Madden, L., Anderson, A. 2000. Synthesis<br />

and Properties of Hydroxy-terminated<br />

Poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s. Macromolecules. 33:<br />

2875-2880.<br />

Sidorov, V., Gilbertson, L., Adae, P., Duncan, D.<br />

2005. Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of<br />

Seedling-derived Maize Callus. Plant Cell Reports.<br />

25(4): 320-328.<br />

Siegfried, B., Vaughn, T., Spencer, T. 2005. Baseline<br />

Susceptibility of Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera:<br />

Crysomelidae) to Cry3Bb1 Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

Toxin. Journal of Economic Entomology. 98(4):<br />

1320-1324.<br />

Sijacic, P., Wang, X., Skirpan, A., Wang, Y., Dowd, P.,<br />

McCubbin, A., Huang, S., Kao, T. 2004. Identification<br />

of the Pollen Determinant of S-RNAse-mediated<br />

Self-incompatibility. Nature. 4229: 302-305.<br />

Sivamani, E., Brey, C., Talbert, L., Young, M., Dyer,<br />

W., Kaniewski, W., Qu, R. 2002. Resistance to Wheat<br />

Streak Mosaic Virus in Transgenic Wheat Engineered<br />

with the Viral Coat Protein Gene. Transgenic Research.<br />

11: 21-41.<br />

Songstad, D. 2000. Herbicide Resistant Plants,<br />

Production Of. IN: The Encyclopedia of Cell Technology.<br />

R.E. Spier, Editor. 2: 845-852.<br />

Singh, M., Lewis, P., Hardeman, K., Bai, L., Rose, J.,<br />

Mazourek, M., Chomet, P., Brutnell, T. 2003. Activator<br />

Mutagenesis of the Pink Scutellum1/viviparous7<br />

Locus of Maize. Plant Cell. 15(4): 874-884.<br />

Agriculture and Biotechnology<br />

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Staub, J., Garcia, B., Graves, J., Hajdukiewicz, P.,<br />

Hunter, P., Nehra, N., Paradkar, V., Schlittler, M.,<br />

Carroll, J., Spatola, L., Ward, D., Ye, G., Russell, D.<br />

2002. High-Yield Production of A Human Therapeutic<br />

Protein in Tobacco Chloroplasts. Nature Biotechnology.<br />

18(3): 333-338.<br />

Stave, J., Magin, K., Schimmel, H., Lawruk, T., Wehling,<br />

P., Bridges, A. 2000. AACC Collaborative Study<br />

of a Protein Method for Detection of Genetically<br />

Modified Corn. Cereal Food World. 45(11): 497-501.<br />

Subbaiah, C., Sachs, M. 2003. Molecular and Cellular<br />

Adaptations of Maize to Flooding Stress. Annals<br />

of Botany. 91: 119-127.<br />

Subbaiah, C., Sachs, M. 2001. Altered Patterns of<br />

Sucrose Synthase Phosphorylation and Localization<br />

Precede Callose Induction and Root Tip Death in<br />

Anoxic Maize Seedlings. Plant Physiology. 125:<br />

585-594.<br />

Taylor, M., Schneider, W., Roossinck, M., Flasinski, S.<br />

2002. Viral RNA Quasispecies Generated by Transgenically-expressed<br />

Viral Replicase. IN: Proceedings:<br />

The 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society for<br />

Virology. Lexington, Kentucky, July 20-24, 2002.<br />

Thomas, C., Tang, S., Hammond-Kosack, K., Jones,<br />

J. 2000. Comparison of the Hypersensitive Response<br />

Induced by the Tomato Cf-4 and Cf-9 Genes in<br />

Nicotiana spp. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.<br />

13(4): 465-469.<br />

Thomas, P., Lawson, E., Zalewski, J., Reed, G.,<br />

Kaniewski, W. 2000. Extreme Resistance to Potato<br />

Leafroll Virus in Potato Cv. Russet Burbank Mediated<br />

by the Viral Replicase Gene. Virus Reseach. 71:<br />

49-62.<br />

Thompson, M., Krieb, R., Styer, J., Robb, H. 2003.<br />

Achieving Accurate and Robust Results from<br />

PCR-based Testing. International Society of Seed<br />

Technologists Reports. 3(3): 5-8.<br />

Ursin, V. 2003. Modification of Plant Lipids for Human<br />

Health - Development of Functional Land-Based<br />

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Symposium - Improving Human<br />

Nutrition through Genomics, Proteomics and Biotechnologies.<br />

Journal of Nutrition. 133: 4271-4274.<br />

Val, D., Banu, G., Seshadri, K., Lindqvist, V., Dehesh,<br />

K. 2000. Re-engineering Ketoacyl Synthase Specificity.<br />

Structure With Folding & Design. 8(6): 565-566.<br />

Valentin, H., Qi, Q. 2005. Biotechnological Production<br />

and Application of Vitamin E: Current State and<br />

Prospects. Biotechnological Production and Applica.<br />

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 68: 436-<br />

444.<br />

Valentin, H., Reiser, S., Gruys, K. 2000. Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate)<br />

Formation from<br />

Gamma-aminobutyrate and Glutamate. Biotechnology<br />

and Bioengineering. 67(3): 291-299.<br />

Valentin, H., Mitsky, T., Mahadeo, D., Tran, M.,<br />

Gruys, K. 2000. Application of a Propionyl Coenzyme<br />

A Synthetase for Poly (3-hydroxypropionateco-3-hydroxybutyrate)<br />

Accumulation in Recombinant<br />

Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.<br />

66(12): 5253-5258.<br />

Vasil, I., Bean, S., Zhao, J., McCluskey, P., Lookhart,<br />

G., Zhao, H., Altpeter, F., Vasil, V. 2001. Evaluation<br />

of Baking Properties and Gluten Protein Composition<br />

of Field Grown Transgenic Wheat Lines Expressing<br />

High Molecular Weight Glutenin Gene 1Ax1. Journal<br />

of Plant Physiology. 158(4): 521-528.

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