Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...

Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ... Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...
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Whittier Bridge/I-95 Improvement Project FEIR Chapter 2.0: Response to Comments on the Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report anticipated that the conservation commissions will include conditions to ensure compliance with the wetlands regulations. As of this writing, no conditions have been disclosed by the commissions. EEA-7: The FEIR should identify and delineate any additional wetlands impacts to occur since filing the DEIR. The FEIR should provide updates on any consultations with MassDEP regarding wetlands impacts and should address MassDEP's concerns that the project may require a Variance under the Wetlands Protection Act. Response: No additional impacts to jurisdictional wetland resources beyond those described in the DEIR will occur. In fact, the wetland impacts of the project have been reduced through the redesign of the proposed realignment of the I-95 Northbound Exit 60 off-ramp to the Route 1 Connector in Salisbury and the elimination of the 1,150 square feet of permanent impact to Wetland 1 that would have resulted from the previous design of the realigned off-ramp. Wetland 1 is an isolated wetland which is not jurisdictional under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. MassDOT has continued its coordination with MassDEP on wetland impacts and stormwater management system design. MassDEP‘s comments are addressed in the response to comment EEA-8 below. MassDOT will continue to work through any issues until the project is in full compliance with the applicable regulations. EEA-8: MassDOT should continue to coordinate closely with MassDEP and the federal permitting agencies to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for any unavoidable impacts to wetland resource areas. According to comments from MassDEP, MassDOT has agreed, in the FEIR, to propose a construction access management system that will avoid problems that could lead to unpermitted wetland resource area alteration and environmental degradation. MassDOT has also agreed to confirm in the FEIR, the process it will adopt to ensure that access and staging areas will not impact resource areas, that contractors will be made explicitly aware of their compliance obligations under the WPA, and that an experienced environmental monitor will be hired for project construction oversight and contractor compliance training through the post-construction period. The FEIR should include details of the contractual and field oversight measures that MassDOT will undertake to ensure protection of wetland resource areas. MassDOT is continuing coordination with MassDEP and the federal permitting agencies and is finalizing mitigation strategies for unavoidable impacts to wetland resource areas. Response: The methods to be used to clearly delineate and ensure protection of wetland resources in the field have been developed and are described in section 1.4.3. As noted in the comment, a construction management access system will be developed and will be implemented by the design/build contractor. The contract specifications will explicitly require that the contractor ensure no impacts to wetland resource areas beyond those approved by permitting authorities. The contract documents and plans will include language to ensure the contractor will not work in, alter, impact or disturb any wetland resource areas other than those areas of proposed impacts as designated and depicted within the applicable permit applications and permitted by the regulatory agencies. Unpermitted wetland impacts will be avoided through worker isolation techniques including permanent and temporary chain link fence, temporary orange snow fence, compost filter tubes, and limit of work signage. All wetlands will be re-flagged, in accordance with previously issued Orders of Resource Area Delineations (ORADs), prior to the start of work. Compost filter tubes, fencing and signage will delineate the permitted work areas. 2-4

Whittier Bridge/I-95 Improvement Project FEIR Chapter 2.0: Response to Comments on the Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report MassDOT has committed to the hiring of an experienced environmental monitor for the construction of the project. MassDOT anticipates the design/build contractor to utilize upland areas within the state highway layout for staging or lay down areas. If the contractor chooses to create staging areas outside of the state highway layout, the contractor must delineate all wetland resource areas adjacent to such staging areas, and must isolate said wetland resource areas from staging areas with orange snow fence, compost filter tubes, and limit of work signage. The contract documents will include language that there will not be any wetland resource area impacts beyond those permitted within the applicable environmental permits; such applies to the entire project area, including any staging areas the contractor may choose. EEA-9: The FEIR should identify how riverfront mitigation or restoration will comply with the WPA. Response: MassDOT has documented compliance with the applicable performance standards of 310 CMR 10.58(4) and (5) within the Notices of Intent submitted to the municipalities of Amesbury and Newburyport. This information has been included in section 1.4.4 and has been submitted to the Newburyport and Amesbury conservation commissions. The project will restore all temporary impacts on site, and will provide mitigation at a ratio of at least 1:1 for those impacts to previously developed RFA not conforming to the criteria of 310 CMR 10.58(5)(c), (d), and (e), in accordance with 310 CMR 10.58(5)(f). Restoration and mitigation will consist of loam, seed, and shrub and tree plantings within the RFA. EEA-10: The FEIR should include detailed plans of BVW replacement areas, including groundwater elevation information, in accordance with the MassDEP March 2002 Massachusetts Inland Replication Guidelines. Response: In accordance with the DEP guidance document, MassDOT has collected additional details on the proposed BVW mitigation area to supplement the Amesbury NOI filing. The information is included in section 1.4.5. Groundwater elevations will be monitored throughout 2012 and will be considered in the development of the final wetland mitigation construction plans by the design/build contractor. EEA-11: The FEIR must identify the area and the amount of any floodplain (Bordering Land Subject to Flooding (BLSF)) impacted along the Merrimack River. The FEIR should clarify that project-related activities will be able to meet WPA standards for BLSF and FEMA requirements for floodplain. Response: The Newburyport and Amesbury Conservation Commissions reviewed and approved Abbreviated Notices of Resource Area Delineations and issued ORADs with the floodplain in the vicinity of the bridge classified as Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. MassDEP has confirmed that the ORADs are valid. Thus, there are no impacts to BLSF along the Merrimack River. Project-related demolition of the four piers associated with the existing Whittier Bridge and construction of the six piers (three pairs of in-line piers) associated with the new twin bridges could potentially impact the Merrimack River‘s existing local National Flood Insurance Program Base (100- year) Flood Elevation profile and Regulatory Floodway delineation. However, the proposed bridge 2-5

<strong>Whittier</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong>/I-<strong>95</strong> Improvement Project FEIR<br />

Chapter 2.0: Response to Comments on the <strong>Environmental</strong> Assessment/Draft <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

anticipated that the conservation commissions will include conditions to ensure compliance with the<br />

wetlands regulations. As of this writing, no conditions have been disclosed by the commissions.<br />

EEA-7: The FEIR should identify and delineate any additional wetlands impacts to occur since filing the DEIR. The<br />

FEIR should provide updates on any consultations with MassDEP regarding wetlands impacts and should address<br />

MassDEP's concerns that the project may require a Variance under the Wetlands Protection Act.<br />

Response: No additional impacts to jurisdictional wetland resources beyond those described in the<br />

DEIR will occur. In fact, the wetland impacts of the project have been reduced through the redesign<br />

of the proposed realignment of the I-<strong>95</strong> Northbound Exit 60 off-ramp to the Route 1 Connector in<br />

Salisbury and the elimination of the 1,150 square feet of permanent impact to Wetland 1 that would<br />

have resulted from the previous design of the realigned off-ramp. Wetland 1 is an isolated wetland<br />

which is not jurisdictional under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.<br />

MassDOT has continued its coordination with MassDEP on wetland impacts and stormwater<br />

management system design. MassDEP‘s comments are addressed in the response to comment<br />

EEA-8 below. MassDOT will continue to work through any issues until the project is in full<br />

compliance with the applicable regulations.<br />

EEA-8: MassDOT should continue to coordinate closely with MassDEP and the federal permitting agencies to<br />

develop appropriate mitigation strategies for any unavoidable impacts to wetland resource areas. According to<br />

comments from MassDEP, MassDOT has agreed, in the FEIR, to propose a construction access management<br />

system that will avoid problems that could lead to unpermitted wetland resource area alteration and environmental<br />

degradation. MassDOT has also agreed to confirm in the FEIR, the process it will adopt to ensure that access and<br />

staging areas will not impact resource areas, that contractors will be made explicitly aware of their compliance<br />

obligations under the WPA, and that an experienced environmental monitor will be hired for project construction<br />

oversight and contractor compliance training through the post-construction period. The FEIR should include details of<br />

the contractual and field oversight measures that MassDOT will undertake to ensure protection of wetland resource<br />

areas. MassDOT is continuing coordination with MassDEP and the federal permitting agencies and is finalizing<br />

mitigation strategies for unavoidable impacts to wetland resource areas.<br />

Response: The methods to be used to clearly delineate and ensure protection of wetland resources<br />

in the field have been developed and are described in section 1.4.3. As noted in the comment, a<br />

construction management access system will be developed and will be implemented by the<br />

design/build contractor. The contract specifications will explicitly require that the contractor ensure<br />

no impacts to wetland resource areas beyond those approved by permitting authorities. The contract<br />

documents and plans will include language to ensure the contractor will not work in, alter, impact or<br />

disturb any wetland resource areas other than those areas of proposed impacts as designated and<br />

depicted within the applicable permit applications and permitted by the regulatory agencies.<br />

Unpermitted wetland impacts will be avoided through worker isolation techniques including<br />

permanent and temporary chain link fence, temporary orange snow fence, compost filter tubes, and<br />

limit of work signage. All wetlands will be re-flagged, in accordance with previously issued Orders of<br />

Resource Area Delineations (ORADs), prior to the start of work. Compost filter tubes, fencing and<br />

signage will delineate the permitted work areas.<br />


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