Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...

Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ... Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...
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argument or disagreement. We have put together an extensive proposal for use of this property as staging area for building the bridge but more importantly for post construction providing a valuable park and boat landing for the City of Amesbury and for the State of Massachusetts. I believe that those of you who are responsible for this project would be negligent in wanting to cause serious threats to five families during and after construction of this bridge when there is a cost effective, win - win solution for everyone. We do not want to be adversaries with the department of transportation and the state but you will force us to protect ourselves and our properties through legal and public media means if you do not consider our proposal. All we are asking is fairness and working together to come to an agreeable solution. Rachel Webb has been our primary liaison to the city and state. I can be reached at 313-580-8198 or at afederici if further communication is necessary. All the residents, including myself, are willing to meet with any of you to help resolve this issue. , , Again, Easy access to build the bridge Fairness to residents Post construction public park and asset to town and state Willing parties to work to resolution instead of antagonistic and unhappy impacted residents It is in your hands, to decide to take the best path and do the right thing. Respectfully Ann F. Federici President, Whittier Condominium Association

Nancy Boyd Webb, DSW, BCD, RPT-S Distinguished Professor ofSocial Work Emerita Fordham University Graduate School ofSocial Service [H] 525 Main St. #2 Amesbury, MA 01913 978-0388-6916 TO: Pamela S. Stephensen, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Richard K Sullivan. Jr., Secretary Massachusetts Envrronmental Policy Act Office (MEPA) Thomas F. Broderick, P. E., Acting ChiefEngineer MassDOT Highway Division ; ,1 ') t'l fi I cf!'" FROM: Nancy Boyd Webb, Whittier Point Abutter~;.f:,;'~IJt)f.-l·-' r Date: December 8, 2011 RE: Whittier Bridge/I-95 Improvement Project v ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I am responding to the invitation for comments on the Environmental Assessment /Draft Environmental Impact Report that was announced in the Press and in the public meeting on December 7 th • I attended the meeting and took careful note ofall the proposed changes that will be made for the purpose ofreplacing the Whittier Bridge. Unfortunately the bridge replacement also involves widening of1-95, with all ofthe alterations to be made on the East side that directly abuts the 4 condo units ofWhittier Point in which I live. Because the changes will bring the highway 15 feet from our property, I and my neighbors are understandably very concerned about the impact ofnoise, pollution, and possible destruction in the case ofaccidents on 1-95. The noise issue involves not only AFTER the project is complete, but also during the construction process. We have had a sample ofwhat will occur when there was dredging and pounding for the Hines Bridge. The loud racket from this typically begins at 7 am and continues erratically during the 6 days of the week. I heard someone say at the meeting that there would be some nighttime construction when the lanes would be reduced. HOW MUCH NIGHT CONSTRUCTION IS ANTICIPATED Our 4 Units are occupied by people who need their rest because ofage and health considerations. Pounding and bright lights at night will be a serious deterrent to sleep for the 3 children under 6 years ofage, and the 3 seniors over 70 years who reside at the Whittier Point condos. Others will also be affected. It is impossible to believe that the 'SNOW BARRIER' as described and pictured in the presentation would block out enough sound to permit the residents to carry out their usual activities without great stress.. There are serious health and welfare issues here. The Possibility ofSerious Accidents is very real. In the last year we know of2 very bad accidents that were publicized in the newspaper. One involved a car flipping over the bridge barrier and ending up in the Merrimack River. The second accident we know about involved a young driver who flipped offthe highway near the Evans bridge. Either ofthese tragedies COULD HAVB OCCURRED WITIllN THE WIDTTIER POINT PROPERTY. It's only a matter oftime. I LOVE my home, but I no longer feel safe there, and it will get worse and worse with the addition of numerous construction vehicles, cars and trucks speeding to get around them, and the frustration ofdrivers who don't like to wait in long lines. ' There has been a proposal to sell Whittier Point and convert it into a nature viewing locale. Although I really don't want to leave, I know that it will be hell to live here during the 4 year construction period. I'm sure that as planners you all are familiar with what the future holds for the residents ofWhittier Point. Please do whatever you can to facilitate our sale ofthis property so that we do not have to live in daily chaos for 4 years. Ifthe sale goes thru in a timely manner then there would be no need to concern yourselves with the issues raised here.

argument or disagreement. We have put together an extensive proposal for use of this property as<br />

staging area for building the bridge but more importantly for post construction providing a valuable park<br />

and boat landing for the City of Amesbury and for the State of Massachusetts.<br />

I believe that those of you who are responsible for this project would be negligent in wanting to cause<br />

serious threats to five families during and after construction of this bridge when there is a cost effective,<br />

win - win solution for everyone. We do not want to be adversaries with the department of<br />

transportation and the state but you will force us to protect ourselves and our properties through legal<br />

and public media means if you do not consider our proposal.<br />

All we are asking is fairness and working together to come to an agreeable solution. Rachel Webb has<br />

been our primary liaison to the city and state. I can be reached at 313-580-8198 or at afederici<br /> if further communication is necessary. All the residents, including myself, are willing to<br />

meet with any of you to help resolve this issue.<br />

, ,<br />

Again,<br />

Easy access to build the bridge<br />

Fairness to residents<br />

Post construction public park and asset to town and state<br />

Willing parties to work to resolution instead of antagonistic and unhappy impacted residents<br />

It is in your hands, to decide to take the best path and do the right thing.<br />

Respectfully<br />

Ann F. Federici<br />

President, <strong>Whittier</strong> Condominium Association

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