Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...

Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...

Final Environmental Impact Report - Whittier Bridge/I-95 ...

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Resource Area <strong>Impact</strong>s<br />

Based on the information included in the DEIR, it appears that the preferred altemative<br />

limits impacts to resource areas such that it may not require a variance from the Wetlands Protection<br />

Act as discussed in the ENF and may restore an area of salt marsh that is currently impacted by a<br />

stormwater outlet. CZM notes that the flood zones, resource areas, and resource impact estimates<br />

included in the DEIR appear to be based on available GIS overlays, not actual delineations. While<br />

these mapping tools are adequate to generally characterize these features, use of appropriate FEMA<br />

flood maps, field delineation of resource boundaries, and quantification of impacted resources and<br />

associated mitigation will be required as the project proceeds through permitting.<br />

Endangered Species Management<br />

According to the DEIR, MassDOT has been coordinating review with the Natural Heritage<br />

and Endangered Species Program and the National Marine Fisheries Service to address potential<br />

impacts to rare species, Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), and non-EFH species in the Merrimack.<br />

According to the DEIR, the preferred altemative will not result in impacts to these resources. CZ~<br />

recommends that MassDOT continue to consult with these agencies throughout the permitting<br />

process to assure these habitat impacts are minimized. According to the Massachusetts Division of<br />

Marine Fisheries (D1Y.£F), a time-of-year (TOY) restriction may not be necessary to protect<br />

diadromous fish species within the Merrimack River if cofferdam installation can be staged to allow<br />

only one cofferdam to be installed at anyone time, thereby limiting impacts to 50/0 of the river width<br />

at a given time. If this condition cannot be met, DMF recommends a TOY of March 1 to<br />

November 1. CZM advises that the proponent continue to consult with DMF throughout<br />

permitting and construction to assure that in-water work impacts are minimized.<br />

Stormwater Management/ Wat~rQuality<br />

The DEIR states that major stormwater management improvements will be constructed to<br />

achieve compliance with stormwater standards where the highway layout is relocated or expanded.<br />

Most of the existing stormwater discharges would remain in current condition, with only some of<br />

these discharges improved or relocated. CZM recommends that MassDOT consider designing and<br />

implementing improvements to existing stormwater management discharges wherever feasible as<br />

part of this major redevelopment project. As stated in the DEIR, CZM recommends that<br />

MassDOT continue to coordinate with state agencies in development of a stormwater management<br />

system that fully complies with the Massachusetts Stormwater Standards.<br />

The proposed project is subject to CZM federal consistency review, and therefore must be<br />

found to be consistent with CZM's enforceableprogram policies. For further information on this<br />

process, please contact Bob Boeri, Project Review Coordinator, at 617-626-1050 or visit the CZM<br />

web site at www.state.ma.us/czm/fcr.htm.<br />

BKC/kg/bb<br />

cc:<br />

Kathryn Glenn<br />

CZM North Shore Regional Coordinator<br />

Rachel Freed, Acting Section Chief<br />

Northeast Regional Office; MA DEP<br />

NancyB~er .<br />

Northeast Regional Office, MADEP<br />

David Slagle,<br />

MA DEP Wetlands and Waterways

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