Dear Course Applicant! - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Dear Course Applicant! - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Dear Course Applicant! - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

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<strong>Dear</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Applicant</strong>!<br />

On the following pages, please first enter the data required by <strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-Göttingen University for your<br />

enrolment. For navigation within the online form, please use the navigation features below.<br />

You will then receive the registration number for your application, a form to print out and a list of the<br />

documents you must post to the Office of Student Affairs/Registrar’s Office by the deadlines stipulated in your<br />

letter of admission.<br />

Once you complete your entries, you will receive the applicant number for your application along with the<br />

completed form to print out and which contains your personal data and a list of application documents you are<br />

required to submit by mail to the Göttingen University within the stipulated deadlines. By affixing your<br />

signature, you confirm that the information you provide is correct. If you fail to keep to the deadlines – see<br />

below – or your application submission is incomplete, you will not be allowed to participate in the university<br />

place allocation procedure.<br />

Please observe the following:<br />

You are allowed to apply for ONE limited-admission degree programme only; although this may consist of<br />

two limited-admission subjects as long as you select a 2-subject Bachelor’s degree – or a 2-subject/teaching<br />

profession profile Bachelor's degree.<br />

If you submit multiple applications, only the last online application will count as submitted and be considered<br />

for the allocation of university places.<br />

Given the large number of applications, we unfortunately cannot send out confirmation of postal receipt of<br />

your application documents. However, you can find out about your application status etc. at<br />

https://immatrikulation.zvw.uni-goettingen.de/infozurbewerbung.html.<br />

Note on how qualifying is determined – see 9. –<br />

To determine within the selection procedure whether an applicant is qualified for the first subject-related<br />

semester, you will be requested to provide the usual information regarding your university-qualifying diploma<br />

(grade point average, date, etc.) under Point 9 including the points you achieved in different course subjects of<br />

the last four school semesters. For entering these data, please refer to your university-entrance diploma.<br />

Note on the language requirements for certain subjects:<br />

In several subjects and/or fields, you are required to prove your proficiency in the respective language(s)<br />

before starting your studies. You will find an overview of the requirements for each language at:<br />

http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/48059.html<br />

Notes on subject selection for the Bachelor’s degree programme (teaching profession profile):<br />

There is a free selection of subjects for the Bachelor’s degree programme (teaching profession profile).<br />

However, if you would like to earn credentials for teaching at secondary schools and want to apply for the<br />

consecutive Master’s degree programme in Education in the federal state of Lower Saxony, certain<br />

combinations of subjects are prescribed.<br />

You will find a table of the possible combinations at: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/63289.html. If you<br />

need information or counselling in this regard, please contact the Central Advising Office at:<br />

http://www.studienzentrale.uni-goettingen.de.<br />

Notes on the sports aptitude test:<br />

All students (first semester students, students transferring from other subjects, changing university locations or<br />

switching majors) applying for the subject of sports must prove their particular qualification for the subject of<br />

sports before the degree programme starts.<br />

The Sports Institute can recognise aptitude tests from other universities or accept other prerequisites. The<br />

Institute issues certificates.<br />

For information, go to http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/40525.html und http://www.unigoettingen.de/de/85255.html<br />

or contact the Institute for Sport Sciences, Sprangerweg 2, 37075 Göttingen,<br />

phone: 0551 – 39-5682.<br />

Notes on the Master’s of Theology degree programme:<br />

As enrolment prerequisite, all students (first semester students, students transferring from other subjects,<br />

changing university locations or switching majors) have to prove that they belong to a Protestant Church.<br />

For more information, go to http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/19855.html<br />


Deadlines:<br />

Application for the winter semester, by July 15th of each year<br />

Application for the summer semester, by January 15th of each year<br />

Address<br />

<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen<br />

Student Affairs / Registrar's Office<br />

P.O.B. 3744, -37027 Göttingen<br />

Wilhelmsplatz 4, -37073 Göttingen, Germany<br />


Semester<br />

Preclusive periods:<br />

Your full application – data entered on the internet and written application documents sent by mail – must be<br />

received by Göttingen University within the deadlines stipulated below:<br />

for the winter semester: by July 15th of each year, 24:00 CET<br />

for the summer semester: by January 15th of each year, 24:00 CET<br />

Please allow 2-3 days for mailing to ensure that your application arrives within the deadline.<br />

Address<br />

<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong>-University Göttingen<br />

Student Affairs / Registrar's Office<br />

P.O.B. 3744, -37027 Göttingen<br />

Wilhelmsplatz 4, -37073 Göttingen, Germany<br />

If you fail to meet these deadlines or your submitted application is incomplete, you may not take part in the<br />

application and admissions procedure.<br />


Personal information<br />

First name<br />

Last name<br />

Gender<br />

Title<br />

Any suffixes to name<br />

Date of birth * (DD.MM.YYYY) Help<br />

Please enter your date of birth as follows:<br />

DD.MM.YYYY<br />

30.07.1983<br />

Always use a full stop between DD.MM.YYYY.<br />

Please do not use commas!<br />

Place of birth *<br />

Nationality *<br />

If you have another nationality in addition to German, you will count as German for admissions<br />

purposes.<br />

Fields marked with an * are obligatory fields and must be filled in.<br />

Please enter umlauts as ä, Ä, ü, Ü, ö or Ö!<br />


Addresses & Communication<br />

Enrolee’s postal contact address<br />

Home address<br />

Street and house number *<br />

Additional details<br />

Additional street details<br />

Country<br />

Postal code *<br />

City *<br />

Additional city details<br />

Communication<br />

Home phone number<br />

Home fax number<br />

Mobile phone number<br />

E-Mail<br />

Fields marked with an * are obligatory fields and must be filled in.<br />


University admissions qualification<br />

Health insurance carrier<br />

University admissions qualification, e.g. ‘University qualifying certificate<br />

Type of university admissions qualification *<br />

Gymnasium (allg.HSReife)<br />

Date university admissions qualification was earned (e.g.: 01.05.2006) *<br />

(DD.MM.YYYY)<br />

Grade for university admissions qualification (two digits WITHOUT decimal point) *<br />

Town/district where university admissions qualification was earned within Germany *<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Help<br />

Please enter the city (district or municipality in Germany) or the country where you earned your<br />

university admissions qualification.<br />

If university admissions qualification was earned abroad, please state country<br />

Information on health insurance carriers<br />

Name/description of your statutory health insurance carrier<br />

Please state the statutory health insurance carrier you are insured with (e.g. AOK, DAK, TK, Barmer etc.).<br />

Help<br />

If your statutory health insurance carrier is not listed in the pull-down menu, select "No entry". The<br />

missing data will be completed by the Registrar’s Office based on the certification issued by your<br />

statutory health insurance carrier required for submission.<br />

If you are insured with a PRIVATE health insurance carrier, upon enrolment, you must present written<br />

proof that you are "released from compulsory insurance".<br />

Any statutory health insurance carrier (AOK, DAK etc.) will issue this certificate for you. In this case, you<br />

should also select "No entry".<br />

Your personal insurance number<br />


Information concerning local numerous-clausus (NC) procedures – limited admission (for<br />

students applying for their 1st subject-related semester only)<br />

(Please attach an officially certified document for every applicable item)<br />

(HZB = university admissions qualification, e.g. university-qualifying diploma)<br />

Service times<br />

Have you ever put in time for military or compulsory community service in accordance with Article 12a of the<br />

German Basic Law or have you served in temporary compulsory military service for a period of up to 3 years<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Have you served at least 2 years “development time”<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Have you put in a voluntary social or ecological year<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Have you ever cared for a child under the age of 18 years or any other family member for up to a period of at<br />

least 11 months to 3 years<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Application for preferred admission<br />

Had you been admitted to the applied-for degree programme at the beginning of or during your time served<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Change in waiting periods Prior to your university admissions qualification, did you ever earn a degree<br />

qualifying for a profession outside of a university degree programme<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Prior to acquiring university admissions qualification, were you ever prevented from earning a degree<br />

qualifying you for a profession, e.g. because of: military or compulsory community service, social year, ... in<br />

accordance with Article 12a of the German Basic Law or because of an equivalent obligation<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Application for a hardship case<br />

Are you applying as a case of particular hardship<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Please include appropriate proof to justify your application, e.g. officially certified copies.<br />

Please observe the following:<br />

2 % of the university places are reserved hardship cases and given consideration when allocating university<br />

places – e. g.: 81 university places are assigned to a Psychology Bachelor‘s, of which 2 %, rounded up to 2<br />

university places for hardship cases.<br />


One example of particular hardship would be if you suffer from a disease with a tendency to exacerbation that<br />

would be associated with a high probability that you will not be able to withstand the stresses of the degree<br />

programme (expertise by a medical specialist) and therefore immediate university admission is imperative.<br />

Thus, stringent rules apply. The expertise by a medical specialist should also be understandable for laypersons.<br />

Further notes on this topic are available on the website of the Foundation for University Admissions (formerly,<br />

the Central Universities Admission Service (ZVS) Dortmund): hochschulstart.de at:<br />

http://www.hochschulstart.de/fileadmin/downloads/Merkblaetter/M07.pdf<br />


Academic degree<br />

Please select the degree aimed for.<br />

Target degree *<br />

Fields marked with an * are obligatory fields and must be filled in.<br />


Subject(s)<br />

Target degree:<br />

Please now enter your chosen subject, choice of subjects.<br />

For popup-windows, see Appendix A<br />

Subject (major subject) *<br />

Subject-related semester in 1st subject * Help<br />

If you have just started in your selected subject, please enter the subject-related semester<br />

number 1.<br />

If you are a student continuing in the selected subject, please enter the number of the subjectrelated<br />

semester that will continue your degree programme at the university starting with the<br />

coming semester.<br />

Study type * Help<br />

First degree programme<br />

All freshmen and continuing students who have not yet completed a degree at a university/university of<br />

applied sciences (i.e. with a diploma).<br />

Second degree programme<br />

All students who have already successfully completed a degree at a university/university of applied<br />

sciences (i.e. with a diploma.<br />

Doctoral degree programme<br />

All students who have already successfully completed a degree at a university and were admitted to a<br />

doctoral degree programme by a university faculty.<br />

Fields marked with an * are obligatory fields and must be filled in.<br />


Determination of qualification for 1st subject-related semesters only<br />

The information below is not mandatory for the following applicants:<br />

- Those who have preparatory vocational or professional training (master craftsmen, technicians, etc....)<br />

- Those enrolled in a second degree programme (after successfully completing a first degree at a German<br />

university)<br />

- Those who have a foreign university admissions qualification<br />

- Those with qualifications for a university of applied sciences.<br />

Please select “no entry".<br />

For all other applicants, the following applies:<br />


Study curriculum<br />

General information<br />

Have you already been enrolled at a university<br />

no<br />

<strong>Course</strong> of study in previous semester<br />

Country<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

German university (in Germany)<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Country (abroad)<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

1st degree programme<br />

Target degree<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


1st subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


2nd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


3rd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


Subject-related semester<br />

Keine Angabe<br />

Type of degree programme<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

2nd degree programme<br />

Target degree<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


1st subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


2nd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


3rd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


Subject-related semester<br />

Keine Angabe<br />

Type of degree programme<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />


Examinations taken<br />

Previous studies<br />

Last degree earned<br />

Have you ever taken a final examination at a university/university of applied science in Germany<br />

Nein<br />

Type of last exam<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Target degree<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Type of degree programme<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

1st subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

2nd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

3rd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />





Exam date (e.g. 10.10.2004)<br />

Exam result<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Overall grade (e.g. 257 for the grade 2.57)<br />

Second to last degree earned<br />

If you have already completed a degree programme before your last final exam, please enter the second to last<br />

final exam you took.<br />

Have you taken any other exams<br />

Nein<br />

Type of final exam you took in second to last order<br />

Target degree<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Type of degree programme<br />

1st subject<br />

2nd subject<br />

3rd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />





Exam date (e.g. 10.10.2004)<br />

Exam result<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Overall grade (e.g. 257 for the grade 2.57)<br />


Which was the first university/university of applied science in Germany you were/will be enrolled at<br />

First university *<br />

Help<br />

Here please enter the university/university of applied sciences (in Germany) where you were first<br />

enrolled.<br />

Semester of initial enrolment *<br />

For example, SuSe2009 for Summer Semester 2009, WiSe2009 for Winter Semester 2009/10.<br />

If you were not yet enrolled, please enter the next semester, e.g. WiSe2009 for Winter Semester 2009/10.<br />

Semester totals<br />

Here please enter the semesters you have already studied at German universities/universities of applied<br />

sciences.<br />

Total university semesters* Help<br />

Here please enter the university semesters you have studied at German universities and universities of<br />

applied sciences<br />

including any official leave or work-placement semesters<br />

and any previous studies at Göttingen University.<br />

Times spent at preparatory courses do not count.<br />

For example:<br />

...you were enrolled at university A<br />

...you were enrolled at Göttingen University<br />

...you were enrolled at university C<br />

= for 3 semesters and<br />

= for 2 semesters and<br />

= for 1 semester<br />

The sum of the semesters you have completed thus far =<br />

6 semesters (including official leave or workplacement<br />

semesters, but not including<br />

semesters spent at colleges for foreign students<br />

Please enter:<br />

Total number of university semesters: 6<br />

Of which work-placement semesters<br />

Help<br />

Work-placement semesters are semesters during which you have completed a compulsory internship<br />

or taken part in a work placement programme while you enrolled as a student within your specialised<br />

course of studies (e.g. industrial internships).<br />

Of which official leave semesters<br />

Help<br />

Official leave semesters are semesters during which you were officially granted leave from your then<br />

university degree programme.<br />

(By contrast, what is called "semesters on personal leave" and other "unofficial off times" do not count<br />

as official leave semesters).<br />

Further semesters at a College for Foreign Students<br />

Gap semesters<br />

Fields marked with an * are obligatory fields and must be filled in.<br />


Parallel studies<br />

If you intend to be registered – at the same time – at another university/university of applied sciences in Germany,<br />

please enter the name of this institution.<br />

It is up to Göttingen University to decide whether to admit students for parallel degree programmes. Please include an<br />

extensive justification and the corresponding proof from your first university/university of applied sciences with your<br />

submitted documents; e.g. studies-related certificates, preliminary and intermediate examinations, etc.<br />

German university / university of applied sciences (in Germany)<br />

Target degree there<br />

Type of degree programme<br />

1st subject<br />

2nd subject<br />

3rd subject<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />

Bitte ausw ählen<br />






Professional work and practical experience<br />

Vocational qualification No Yes<br />

Internship/voluntary work placement for 1st degree programme No Yes<br />

Internship/voluntary work placement for 2nd degree programme No Yes<br />

Other work experience No Yes<br />

Total time of practical work experience<br />

0<br />

(number of months)<br />

of which involved work placement relating to the current degree programme<br />

0<br />

(number of months)<br />


Setting a password<br />

Account<br />

At the end of the application procedure, an access account will be set up for you. With this account, you can view and<br />

track your application status.<br />

The user name for your account is your applicant number that you will receive at the end of your application. Set your<br />

password for this here.<br />

Important:<br />

Please note down your password. Make a note of your account data, if lost they cannot be restored!<br />

Your password must have at least eight characters and include one symbol (#, !, , §, ...).<br />

Password *<br />

Repeat password *<br />


Information and sworn declaration<br />

Your enrolment entitles you to study a specific subject or subjects, but does not imply that you will be admitted to the<br />

examination: The respective examination regulations set down the prerequisites and combinations of subjects<br />

governing each degree programme.<br />

Complete and truthful disclosure and sworn declaration<br />

I apply for enrolment under the provision of the information I have disclosed above. I confirm that the information I<br />

have provided in this application is complete and truthful. I am aware that if I provide false information negligently or<br />

deliberately, I am in violation of the regulations and that this can result in my exclusion from matriculation or in any<br />

previously issued matriculation being revoked. Furthermore, I swear upon oath that the information I have provided<br />

on my dates of previous studies and degrees earned is truthful and accurate.<br />

By transmitting these data, I confirm and declare my agreement with the aforementioned.<br />


Final comments<br />

Thank you for entering your data! Your APPLICANT NUMBER is ....<br />

For updates on your application status, you would go to the URL<br />

https://immatrikulation.zvw.uni-goettingen.de/infozurbewerbung.html<br />

at any time. Your log-in data for this URL are:<br />

User name: ...<br />

Password: As entered<br />

Make a note of your account data, if lost they cannot be restored!<br />

Now, please print out the cover letter to the Göttingen University provided to you as an HTML file behind the<br />

following button.<br />


Additional information is required for your application, please print out the following documents, fill them in<br />

complete and submit them with your application forms:<br />

These forms can be found at: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/sh/1655.html.<br />

Your application is not possible unless you provide this additional information.<br />

Send your cover letter along with the other documents and the completed form "Additional information concerning<br />

your application” to the address below. If required, include the supplementary sheet. Submission within the<br />

application deadlines is required:<br />

Address<br />

<strong>Georg</strong>-<strong>August</strong> University Göttingen<br />

Student Affairs / Registrar's Office<br />

P.O.B. 3744, 37027 Göttingen<br />

Wilhelmsplatz 4, 37073 Göttingen, Germany<br />

Exclusion periods:<br />

Your full application – data entered on the internet and written application documents sent by mail – must be<br />

received by Göttingen University within the deadlines stipulated below:<br />

for a winter semester: by July 15th of each year, 24:00 CET<br />

for summer semester: by January 15th of each year, 24:00 CET<br />

Please allow 2-3 days for mailing to ensure that your application arrives within the deadline. (See page 2)<br />

Here, you have the option to print out and check your data yourself.<br />

Please keep the printout for your records, you may need it if any queries arise.<br />

Please do not send it to Göttingen University!<br />

Print<br />

Proof of enrolment (student ID, certificate of enrolment) will be sent to you automatically.<br />

Security note:<br />

Please close your browser now to prevent subsequent users from viewing the data you have entered.<br />


APPENDIX A: Pop-up Windows at page 7<br />

In accordance with Article 2 (3) of the Admissions Regulations, students interested in enrolling in the Master’s of<br />

Theology degree programme must furnish proof that they belong to a Protestant Church as an prerequisite for<br />

admission.<br />

To read the regulations and for further information, visit http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/148916.html or contact<br />

the Faculty of Theology.<br />

Language requirements for certain subjects:<br />

In several subjects and/or fields, you are required to prove your proficiency in the respective language(s) before<br />

starting your studies. You will find an overview of the requirements for each language at: http://www.unigoettingen.de/de/48059.html<br />


Admission to the winter semester 11/12<br />

- Deadline: July 15, 2011, received by the University -<br />

To whom it may concern,<br />

I hereby apply for allocation of a university place (admission) under the provision of the information I have disclosed.<br />

<strong>Applicant</strong> number:<br />

Degree / Subject(s) / Subject-related semester<br />

For your processing of my application, I enclose the required documents (please check x):<br />

University admissions qualification (e.g. university-entrance diploma) as a single and complete photocopy.<br />

The completed form "Additional information concerning your application", including the required documents of<br />

proof as single photocopies<br />

Certification of service time (military, compulsory community service, social year, ...), if appropriate<br />

and, if appropriate, a comprehensive justification for the intended second degree programme (include a copy of your<br />

first degree diploma)<br />

and, if appropriate, “Supplementary sheet for admission to medicine or dentistry", if you are applying for these<br />

degrees<br />

and, if appropriate, a comprehensive explanation and proof justifying an application for hardship case recognition<br />

(doctor’s certificates, expert opinions, ...) if you are applying for under exceptional hardship conditions –<br />

Special instructions: With regard to my application, I enclose the following document(s) and/or would like to disclose<br />

the following:<br />

Your application cannot be processed without the documents listed above.<br />

I confirm that the information I have provided in this application is complete and truthful. I am aware that if I provide<br />

false information negligently or deliberately, I am in violation of the regulations and that this can result in my<br />

exclusion from the placement procedure or in the revocation of any previously issued enrolment.<br />

Applications that are not complete or not submitted in the proper form or within the deadline shall be excluded from<br />

further processing. Admission shall then be denied.<br />

Date and signature of the studies applicant<br />

Date and signature of the legal guardian in the case of minor-aged applicants<br />

Information concerning your application:<br />

You can optionally track your application, view your disclosed data and find out about our application status.<br />

Just go to this link: https://immatrikulation.zvw.uni-goettingen.de/infozurbewerbung.html<br />


APPENDIX C: List of degree Programmes<br />

Abfallwirtschaft<br />

Waste management<br />

Afrikanistik<br />

African studies<br />

Agrarbiologie<br />

Agricultural biology<br />

Agrarökonomie<br />

Agricultural economy<br />

Agrarwissenschaft/Landwirtschaft<br />

Agricultural sciences/agriculture<br />

Ägyptologie<br />

Egyptology<br />

Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft<br />

General literary studies<br />

Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft/Indogermanistik<br />

General linguistics/Indogerman studies<br />

Alte Geschichte<br />

Ancient history<br />

Amerikanistik/Amerikakunde<br />

American studies<br />

Angewandte Kunst<br />

Applied art<br />

Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft<br />

Applied linguistics<br />

Angewandte Systemwissenschaften<br />

Applied system sciences<br />

Anglistik<br />

English studies<br />

Anthropologie (Humanbiologie)<br />

Anthropology (human biology)<br />

Arabisch/Arabistik<br />

Arabic/Arabic studies<br />

Arbeits- und Berufsberatung<br />

Occupational and professional advice<br />

Arbeitslehre/Wirtschaftslehre<br />

Work studies/economics<br />

Arbeitsverwaltung<br />

Labour management<br />

Archäologie<br />

Archaeology<br />

Archäometrie<br />

Archaeometry<br />

Architektur<br />

Architecture<br />

Archivwesen<br />

Archive studies<br />

Asiatische Sprachen und Kulturen/Asienwissenschaften<br />

Asian languages and cultures/Asian studies<br />

Astronomie, Astrophysik (STB)<br />

Augenoptik<br />

Ausländerpädagogik<br />

Außereuropäische Sprachen und Kulturen in Ozeanien und<br />

Amerika<br />

Auswärtige Angelegenheiten<br />

Baltistik<br />

Bankwesen<br />

Bauingenieurwesen/Ingenieurbau<br />

Bergbau/Bergtechnik<br />

Bergbautechnik<br />

Berufsbezogene Fremdsprachenausbildung<br />

Berufspaedagogik<br />

Betriebswirtschaftslehre<br />

Bibliothekswesen<br />

Bibliothekswissenschaft/Bibliothekarwesen<br />

Bildende Kunst/Graphik<br />

Bildhauerei/Plastik<br />

Biochemie<br />

Bioinformatik<br />

Biolog. Diversität u. Ökologie<br />

Biologie<br />

Biomedizin<br />

Biotechnologie<br />

Blinden-/Sehbehindertenpädagogik<br />

Astronomy, astrophysics (STB)<br />

Ophthalmic optics<br />

Special education for foreigners<br />

Non-European languages and cultures in Oceania<br />

and America<br />

Foreign affairs<br />

Baltic studies<br />

Banking<br />

Civil engineering<br />

Mining<br />

Mining technology<br />

Occupational foreign-language training<br />

Occupational education<br />

Business studies<br />

Librarianship<br />

Library sciences/library studies<br />

Art/graphics<br />

Sculpture<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Bioinformatics<br />

Biological diversity and ecology<br />

Biology<br />

Biomedicine<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Education of blind and visually impaired people<br />


Brauwesen/Getränketechnologie<br />

Brennstoffingenieurwesen<br />

Bundeswehrverwaltung<br />

Byzantinistik<br />

Caritaswissenschaft<br />

Chemie<br />

Chemie-Ingenieurwesen/Chemietechnik<br />

Computer- und Kommunikationstechniken<br />

Computerlinguistik<br />

Dänisch<br />

Darstellende Kunst/Bühnenkunst/Regie<br />

Deutsch für Ausländer<br />

Deutschkursus<br />

Development and cell biology<br />

Diakoniewissenschaft<br />

Dirigieren<br />

Dokumentationswissenschaft<br />

Druck- und Reproduktionstechnik<br />

Edelstein- und Schmuckdesign (Goldschmiedekunst)<br />

Elektrische Energietechnik<br />

Elektrotechnik/Elektronik<br />

Energietechnik (ohne Elektrotechnik)<br />

Ernährungswissenschaft<br />

Erwachsenenbildung und außerschul. Jugendbildung<br />

Erziehungsschwierigen-Pädagogik<br />

Erziehungswissenschaft (Pädagogik)<br />

Ethik<br />

Ethnologie<br />

Euroculture<br />

Europäische Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft<br />

Europäische Wirtschaft<br />

Evangelische Religionspädagogik/kirchl.Bildungsa.<br />

Evangelische Theologie/Religionslehre<br />

Facility Management<br />

Fahrzeugtechnik<br />

Feinwerktechnik<br />

Fertigungs-/Produktionstechnik<br />

Fertigungstechnik<br />

Film und Fernsehen<br />

Finanzen, Rechnungswesen und Steuern<br />

Finanzverwaltung<br />

Finno-Ugristik<br />

Forstwissenschaft/-wirtschaft<br />

Französisch<br />

Friesisch<br />

Gartenbau<br />

Gehörlosen-/Schwerhörigen-Päd.<br />

Brewing/drinks technology<br />

Fuel engineering<br />

Armed forces administration<br />

Byzantine studies<br />

Caritas science<br />

Chemistry<br />

Chemical engineering<br />

Computer and communication technologies<br />

Computer linguistics<br />

Danish<br />

Dramatic arts/stage art/direction<br />

German as a foreign language<br />

German course<br />

Developmental and cell biology<br />

Social welfare science<br />

Conducting<br />

Documentation science<br />

Printing and reproduction technology<br />

Precious stones and jewellery design (gold work)<br />

Electrical energy technology<br />

Electrical engineering/electronics<br />

Energy technology (without electrical<br />

engineering)<br />

Nutritional science<br />

Adult education and extracurricular youth<br />

education<br />

Education of people with emotional and<br />

behavioural difficulties<br />

Educational science (education)<br />

Ethics<br />

Ethnology<br />

Euroculture<br />

European ethnology and cultural science<br />

European economics<br />

Protestant religious education<br />

Evangelical theology/religion<br />

Facility management<br />

Vehicle technology<br />

Precision mechanics<br />

Production engineering<br />

Production technology<br />

Film and television<br />

Finance, accountancy and taxes<br />

Financial management<br />

Finno-Ugric studies<br />

Forestry<br />

French<br />

Friesian<br />

Horticulture<br />

Education of deaf people and people with hearing<br />

difficulties<br />


Geistigbehinderten-Pädagogik<br />

Geographie/Erdkunde<br />

Geologie/Paläontologie<br />

Geoökologie-/Biogeographie<br />

Geophysik<br />

Geowissenschaften (ohne Geographie)<br />

Germanistik/Deutsch<br />

Gesang<br />

Geschichte<br />

Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften<br />

Geschlechterforschung<br />

Gesundheitspädagogik<br />

Gesundheitstechnik<br />

Gesundheitswissenschaft/-management<br />

Glastechnik/Keramik<br />

Graphikdesign/Kommunikationsgestaltung<br />

Griechisch<br />

Grundschul-/Primarstufenpädagogik<br />

Haushalts- und Ernährungswissenschaften<br />

Haushaltswissenschaft<br />

Hebräisch/Judaistik<br />

Holz- und Fasertechnik<br />

Holzbau<br />

Holzwirtschaft<br />

Hütten- u. Gießereiwesen<br />

Indologie<br />

Industriedesign/Produktgestaltung<br />

Informatik<br />

Ingenieurinformatik/Technische Informatik<br />

Innenarchitektur<br />

Innere Verwaltung<br />

Instrumentalmusik<br />

Intenationale Betriebswirtschaft/Management<br />

Interdisz. Studien (Schwerpunkt Naturwissenschaft)<br />

Interdiszipl.Studien Rechts-/Wirtschaftssoziologie<br />

Interdisziplinäre Studien (Schwerp.Kunst)<br />

Interdisziplinäre Studien (Sprach- u. Kulturwiss.)<br />

Interdisziplinäre Studien Agrarwissenschaften<br />

Interdisziplinäre Studien Ingenieurwissenschaften<br />

International Nature Conservation<br />

Iranistik<br />

Islamwissenschaft<br />

Italienisch<br />

Japanologie<br />

Jazz und Popularmusik<br />

Journalistik (wird jetzt neu übernommen in Fach 303 ab<br />

WS2008/2009 lt. Bundesstatistik)<br />

Justizvollzug<br />

Kartographie<br />

Education of people with mental disabilities<br />

Geography<br />

Geology/palaeontology<br />

Geo-ecology/biogeography<br />

Geophysics<br />

Geosciences (without geography)<br />

German studies/German<br />

Singing<br />

History<br />

History of mathematics and natural sciences<br />

Gender research<br />

Health education<br />

Health technology<br />

Health science/management<br />

Glass technology/ceramics<br />

Graphic design/communicational design<br />

Greek<br />

Primary school/primary level education<br />

Domestic and nutritional sciences<br />

Domestic science<br />

Hebrew/Judaic studies<br />

Wood and fibre engineering<br />

Timber-frame construction<br />

Timber industry<br />

Iron & steel industry and foundry practice<br />

Indology<br />

Industrial design/product design<br />

Computer science<br />

Engineering computer science/technical computer<br />

science<br />

Interior architecture<br />

Internal administration<br />

Instrumental music<br />

International business studies/management<br />

Interdisciplinary studies (specialising in natural<br />

science)<br />

Interdisciplinary studies legal/economic sociology<br />

Interdisciplinary studies (specialising in art)<br />

Interdisciplinary studies (linguistics and cultural<br />

science)<br />

Interdisciplinary studies agricultural sciences<br />

Interdisciplinary studies engineering sciences<br />

International Nature Conservation<br />

Iranian studies<br />

Islamic studies<br />

Italian<br />

Japanology<br />

Jazz and popular music<br />

Journalism<br />

Judicial system<br />

Cartography<br />


Katholische Religionspädagogik/kirchl.Bildungsa.<br />

Katholische Theologie u.Religionslehre<br />

Kaukasistik<br />

Kerntechnik/Kernverfahrenstechnik<br />

Kirchenmusik<br />

Klassische Philologie<br />

Kommunikationswissenschaft/Publizistik<br />

Komposition<br />

Körperbehinderten-Pädagogik<br />

Kraftfahrwesen<br />

Krankenpflege-Ausbildung<br />

Kunsterziehung<br />

Kunstgeschichte, Kunstwissenschaft (STB)<br />

Kunststofftechnik<br />

Landespflege/Landschaftsgestaltung<br />

Latein<br />

Latein. Philologie d. MA<br />

Lateinamerika (Regionalwissenschaften)<br />

Lebensmittelchemie<br />

Lebensmitteltechnologie<br />

Lernbehinderten-Pädagogik<br />

Lernbereich Gesellschaftslehre<br />

Lernbereich Naturwissenschaften/Sachunterricht<br />

Lernbereich Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften<br />

Lernbereich Technik<br />

Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik<br />

Malerei<br />

Management im Gesundheits-und Sozialbereich<br />

Marketing und Distributionsmanagement<br />

Markscheidewesen<br />

Maschinenbau/Maschinenwesen<br />

Materialwissenschaften<br />

Mathematik<br />

Mathematische Statistik/Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung<br />

Mechatronik<br />

Medieninformatik<br />

Medienkunde/Kommunikations-/Informationswissensch. (wird<br />

jetzt neu nach 303 übernommen lt. Bundesstat.WS 2008/2009)<br />

Medientechnik<br />

Medienwirtschaft/Medienmanagement<br />

Medienwissenschaft<br />

Medizin (Allgemein-Medizin)<br />

Medizinische Informatik<br />

Meliorationswesen<br />

Metalltechnik/Metallgewerbe<br />

Meteorologie<br />

Mikrobiology/biochemestry<br />

Mikroelektronik<br />

Mikrosystemtechnik<br />

Milch- und Molkereiwirtschaft<br />

Catholic religious education/religious training<br />

Catholic theology and religion<br />

Caucasian studies<br />

Nuclear technology/nuclear process technology<br />

Church music<br />

Classical philology<br />

Communication science/journalism<br />

Composition<br />

Education of people with physical disabilities<br />

Automotive engineering<br />

Nursing training<br />

Art<br />

Art history/art research<br />

Plastics technology<br />

Land stewardship/landscape design<br />

Latin<br />

Latin philology MA<br />

Latin America (regional sciences)<br />

Food chemistry<br />

Food technology<br />

Education of people with learning difficulties<br />

Area of study sociology<br />

Area of study natural sciences/general studies<br />

Area of study linguistics and cultural sciences<br />

Area of study technology<br />

Air and space technology<br />

Painting<br />

Health and social-welfare management<br />

Marketing und distribution management<br />

Mine surveying<br />

Mechanical engineering<br />

Material sciences<br />

Mathematics<br />

Mathematical statistics/probability calculation<br />

Mechatronics<br />

Media computer science<br />

Media studies/communication/information<br />

sciences (is currently being transferred to 303 in<br />

accordance with Federal Statistics winter<br />

semester 2008/2009)<br />

Media technology<br />

Media economy/media management<br />

Media science<br />

Medicine (general medicine)<br />

Medical computer science<br />

Soil improvement<br />

Metal engineering/metal trade<br />

Meteorology<br />

Microbiology/biochemistry<br />

Micro-electronics<br />

Microsystems technology<br />

Dairy farming<br />


Mineralogie<br />

Mittlere und neuere Geschichte<br />

Molecular Biology<br />

Musikerziehung<br />

Musikwissenschaft/Musikgeschichte<br />

Nachrichten-/Informationstechnik<br />

Nachrichtentechnik<br />

Naturschutz<br />

Nautik/Seefahrt<br />

Neue Medien<br />

Neugriechisch<br />

Neuroscience<br />

Nichtärztliche Heilberufe/Therapien<br />

Niederdeutsch<br />

Niederländisch<br />

Nord- und Westeuropa (jetzt: Regionalwissensch.)<br />

Nordistik/Skandivanistik<br />

ohne Angabe/ungeklärt<br />

Ökosystemmanagement<br />

Operations Research<br />

Optoelektronik<br />

Orchestermusik<br />

Orientalistik, Altorientalistik<br />

Ost- u. Südosteuropa (Regionalwissenschaften)<br />

Ostasien (jetzt: Regionalwissensch.)<br />

Ozeanographie<br />

Pflanzenproduktion<br />

Pflegewissenschaft/-management<br />

Pharmazie<br />

Philosophie<br />

Physik<br />

Physikalische Technik<br />

Politikwissenschaft/Politologie<br />

Polizei/Verfassungsschutz<br />

Polnisch<br />

Portugiesisch<br />

Post- und Fernmeldewesen<br />

Psychologie<br />

Publizistik (wird akt. lt.Bundesstat.WS2008/09 nach303<br />

übernommen)<br />

Raumplanung<br />

Rechtsintegration in Europa<br />

Rechtspflege<br />

Rechtswissenschaft<br />

Religionswissenschaft<br />

Restaurierungskunde<br />

Rhythmik<br />

Romanistik (Roman. Philologie)<br />

Russisch<br />

Mineralogy<br />

Mediaeval and modern history<br />

Molecular Biology<br />

Music education<br />

Musicology/music history<br />

Telecommunication/information technology<br />

Telecommunications<br />

Conservation<br />

Nautical science/maritime travel<br />

New media<br />

Modern Greek<br />

Neuroscience<br />

Non-medical healing professions/therapies<br />

Low German<br />

Dutch<br />

Northern and western Europe (now regional<br />

science)<br />

Nordic/Scandinavian studies<br />

no details/not clarified<br />

Ecosystem management<br />

Operations Research<br />

Optoelectronics<br />

Orchestral music<br />

Oriental studies, ancient oriental studies<br />

Eastern and south-eastern Europe (regional<br />

sciences)<br />

East Asia (now: regional sciences)<br />

Oceanography<br />

Plant production<br />

Nursing science/management<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Philosophy<br />

Physics<br />

Physical technology<br />

Political science/politology<br />

Police/defence of the constitution<br />

Polish<br />

Portuguese<br />

Postal services and telecommunications<br />

Psychology<br />

Journalism (is currently being transferred to 303<br />

in accordance with Federal Statistics winter<br />

semester 2008/2009)<br />

Spatial planning<br />

Legal integration in Europe<br />

Administration of justice<br />

Jurisprudence<br />

Religious studies<br />

Restoration<br />

Rhythmics<br />

Romance languages and literature (romance<br />

philology)<br />

Russian<br />


Sachunterricht einschl.Schulgarten<br />

Schauspiel<br />

Schiffbau/Schiffstechnik<br />

Schulpädagogik<br />

Sinologie/Koreanistik<br />

Slawistik (Slaw. Philologie)<br />

Sonderpädagogik<br />

sonstige Regionalwissensch.(vorm.Afrikastud.)<br />

Sorbisch<br />

Soziale Arbeit<br />

Sozialkunde<br />

Sozialmedizin u.öffentl.Gesundhw./jetzt:Regionalw.<br />

Sozialpädagogik<br />

Sozialpsychologie<br />

Sozialversicherung<br />

Sozialwesen<br />

Sozialwissenschaft<br />

Soziologie<br />

Spanisch<br />

Sport, Sportwissenschaft (STB)<br />

Sportmanagement/Sportökonomie<br />

Sportpädagogik/Sportpsychologie<br />

Sprachheilpädagogik/Logopädie<br />

Stahlbau<br />

Studienkolleg<br />

Südslawisch<br />

Tanzpädagogik<br />

Technische Informatik<br />

Technische Kybernetik<br />

Technomathematik<br />

Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik/- gewerbe<br />

Textilgestaltung<br />

Textiltechnik<br />

Theaterwissenschaft<br />

Tiermedizin/Veterinärmedizin<br />

Tierproduktion<br />

Tonmeister<br />

Tourismuswirtschaft<br />

Transport- und Fördertechnik<br />

Tschechisch<br />

Turkologie<br />

Umweltschutz<br />

Umwelttechnik einschl. Recycling<br />

Ur- und Frühgeschichte<br />

Verfahrenstechnik<br />

Verhaltensgestörten-Pädagogik<br />

Verkehrsbau<br />

Verkehrsingenieurwesen<br />

Verkehrswesen<br />

Verkehrswirtschaft<br />

Vermessungswesen<br />

General studies including school garden<br />

Theatre<br />

Shipbuilding/marine technology<br />

School pedagogics<br />

Sinology/Korean studies<br />

Slavic studies (Slavic philology)<br />

Special-needs education<br />

Other regional sciences (formerly African studies)<br />

Sorbian<br />

Social work<br />

Sociology<br />

Social medicine and public health/now: regional<br />

studies<br />

Social education<br />

Social psychology<br />

Social insurance<br />

Social system<br />

Social science<br />

Sociology<br />

Spanish<br />

Sport, sport science (STB)<br />

Sport management/sport economy<br />

Sport education/sport psychology<br />

Linguistic remedial education/speech therapy<br />

Steel-girder construction<br />

Foundation course<br />

South Slavian<br />

Dance education<br />

Technical computer science<br />

Technical cybernetics<br />

Technomathematics<br />

Textile and clothing technology/trade<br />

Textile design<br />

Textile technology<br />

Theatre studies<br />

Veterinary medicine<br />

Animal production<br />

Sound engineering ('Tonmeister')<br />

Tourism economy<br />

Transportation and conveyance technology<br />

Czech<br />

Turkology<br />

Environmental protection<br />

Environmental technology including recycling<br />

Prehistory and early history<br />

Process engineering<br />

Education of people with behavioural difficulties<br />

Heavy construction<br />

Traffic engineering<br />

Transport and communications<br />

Transport economy<br />

Surveying<br />


Versorgungstechnik<br />

Versorgungstechnik<br />

Verwaltungswissenschaft/Verwaltungswesen<br />

Volkskunde<br />

Volkswirtschaftslehre<br />

Wasserbau<br />

Wasserwirtschaft<br />

Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft<br />

Werken (technisch)/Technologie<br />

Werkerziehung<br />

Werkstoffwissenschaften<br />

Westslawisch (allgemein)<br />

Wirschaftsingenieurwesen mit ingenieurwissenschaftlichem<br />

Schwerpunkt<br />

Wirtschafts- u. Sozialpsychologie<br />

Wirtschafts-/Sozialgeographie<br />

Wirtschafts-/Sozialgeschichte<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem<br />

Schwerpunkt<br />

Wirtschaftsmathematik<br />

Wirtschaftspädagogik<br />

Wirtschaftsrecht<br />

Wirtschaftswissenschaften<br />

Zahnmedizin<br />

Zoll- und Steuerverwaltung<br />

Supply technology<br />

Supply technology<br />

Administration studies/administration<br />

Folklore<br />

Economics<br />

Hydraulic engineering<br />

Water supply and distribution<br />

Viniculture and cellaring<br />

Handicrafts (technical)/technology<br />

Handicraft education<br />

Materials sciences<br />

Western Slavic (general)<br />

Business engineering specialising in engineering<br />

sciences<br />

Economic and social psychology<br />

Economic/social geography<br />

Economic/social history<br />

Commercial computer science<br />

Commercial engineering specialising in economics<br />

Business mathematics<br />

Business and economics education<br />

Commercial law<br />

Business and economics<br />

Dentistry<br />

Customs and tax administration<br />


APPENDIX D: Types of degrees<br />

2 FaBa polyvalent landesintern 2 dual-major B.A., polyvalent within Germany<br />

Abschluß ausserhalb Deutschlands<br />

Abschlußprüfung ohne akademischen Grad<br />

Abschlußzeugnis/Zertifikat (Bakkalaureat)<br />

Akademiebrief Kunst Hochsch.Lt.StaLa Nds.<br />

akademisch geprüfter Übersetzer<br />

Bachelor an Fachhochschulen<br />

Bachelor an Kunsthochschulen<br />

Bachelor an Universitaeten<br />

Bachelor U - Lehrer<br />

Bachelor U (Zwei-Fach-Bachelor)<br />

Bühnen-/Konzert-/Opernreifeprüfung<br />

Diplom Fachhochschule<br />

Diplom Fachhochschule Dolmetscher<br />

Diplom Fachhochschule Übersetzer<br />

Diplom I Uni Gesamthochschule<br />

Diplom Kunsthochschule<br />

Diplom Lehrerprüfung<br />

Diplom Uni Übersetzer<br />

Diplom Universitaet Dolmetscher<br />

Diplom Universität<br />

Fakultätsprüfung<br />

keine Abschlußprüfung möglich<br />

kirchliche Prüfung<br />

kuenstl.Abschluss Kirchenmusikpruefung A<br />

kuenstl.Abschluss Kirchenmusikpruefung B<br />

kuenstl.Abschluss Privatmusiklehrer<br />

kuenstl.Abschluss Solistenpruefung<br />

künstlerischer Abschluß Meisterschüler<br />

Kunstpädagogikprüfung<br />

LA Bachelor<br />

LA Bachelor Berufliche Schulen<br />

LA Bachelor Grund- und Hauptschulen<br />

LA Bachelor Grundschulen<br />

LA Bachelor Grundschulen / Sekundarstufe I<br />

LA Bachelor Grundstufe / Primarstufe<br />

LA Bachelor Gymnasium<br />

LA Bachelor Haupt- u. Realschulen / Unterstufe<br />

und Mittelstufe Gymnasien<br />

LA Bachelor Hauptschulen<br />

LA Bachelor Mittelstufe / Sekundarstufe I<br />

LA Bachelor Oberstufe / Sekundarstufe II,<br />

berufliche Schulen<br />

LA Bachelor Oberstufe / Sekundarstufe<br />

II,allgemeinbildende Schulen<br />

LA Bachelor Realschulen<br />

LA Bachelor Sekundarstufe I / Primarstufe<br />

Degree outside Germany<br />

Final examination without academic degree<br />

Degree certificat /Diploma(Baccalaureate)<br />

Diploma from an art academy, college of art Lt.StaLa Lower Saxony.<br />

Academically qualified translator<br />

Bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences (polytechnic)<br />

Bachelor's degree from an art college<br />

Bachelor's degree from a university<br />

Bachelor's degree in teaching from a university<br />

Bachelor's degree from a university (dual-major Bachelor's)<br />

Qualifying examination for stage/concert/opera<br />

Diploma, a university of applied sciences (polytechnic)<br />

Diploma, a university of applied sciences (polytechnic), interpreter<br />

Diploma, a university of applied sciences (polytechnic), translator<br />

Diploma / university, comprehensive university<br />

Diploma from an art college<br />

Diploma, teacher's examination<br />

Diploma, university, translator<br />

Diploma, university, interpreter<br />

Diploma from a university<br />

Faculty examination<br />

No final exam possible<br />

Ecclesiastical examination<br />

Art degree in church music examination A<br />

Art degree in church music examination B<br />

Art degree in private music teacher<br />

Art degree in soloist examination<br />

Art degree, master pupil<br />

Art education examination<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, vocational schools<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, primary and general secondary schools<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, primary schools<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, primary schools / secondary schools I<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, primary schools / elementary schools<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, secondary schools (college prep)<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, general secondary and intermediate schools / lower and inte<br />

schools (college prep)<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, general secondary schools<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, intermediate level / secondary schools I<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, advanced level (college prep) / secondary schools II, vocation<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, advanced level (college prep) / secondary schools II, general<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, intermediate schools<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, secondary schools I / elementary schools<br />


LA Bachelor Sekundarstufe II / Sekundarstufe I<br />

LA Bachelor Sonderschulen / Förderschulen<br />

LA Master Berufliche Schulen<br />

LA Master Grund- und Hauptschulen<br />

LA Master Grundschulen<br />

LA Master Grundschulen / Sekundarstufe I<br />

LA Master Grundstufe / Primarstufe<br />

LA Master Gymnasium<br />

LA Master Haupt- und Realschulen /<br />

Unterstufe und Mittelstufe Gymnasien<br />

LA Master Hauptschulen<br />

LA Master Mittelstufe / Sekundarstufe I<br />

LA Master Oberstufe / Sekundarstufe II,<br />

berufliche Schulen<br />

LA Master Oberstufe / Sekundarstufe<br />

II,allgemeinbildende Schulen<br />

LA Master Realschulen<br />

LA Master Sekundarstufe I / Primarstufe<br />

LA Master Sekundarstufe II / Sekundarstufe I<br />

LA Master Sonderschulen / Förderschulen<br />

LAmt Haupt-u.Realschl./Unter-u.Mittelstufe<br />

Lehramt an Berufsschulen<br />

Lehramt an Grundschulen<br />

Lehramt an Grund-und Hauptschulen<br />

Lehramt an Gymnasien<br />

Lehramt an Hauptschulen<br />

Lehramt an Realschulen<br />

Lehramt an Sonderschulen<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, secondary schools II / secondary schools I<br />

Bachelor’s in teaching, schools for the handicapped / special schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, vocational schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, primary and general secondary schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, primary schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, primary schools / secondary schools I<br />

Master’s in teaching, primary schools / elementary schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, secondary schools (college prep)<br />

Master’s in teaching, general secondary and intermediate schools / lower and inter<br />

schools (college prep)<br />

Master’s in teaching, general secondary schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, intermediate level/ secondary schools I<br />

Master’s in teaching, advanced level (college prep) / secondary schools II, vocationa<br />

Master’s in teaching, advanced level (college prep) / secondary schools II, general-e<br />

Master’s in teaching, intermediate schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, secondary schools I / elementary schools<br />

Master’s in teaching, secondary schools II / secondary schools I<br />

Master’s in teaching, schools for the handicapped / special schools<br />

Teaching degree for general secondary and intermediate schools / lower and interm<br />

schools (college prep)<br />

Teaching degree, vocational schools<br />

Teaching degree, primary schools<br />

Teaching degree, primary and general secondary schools<br />

Teaching degree, secondary schools (college prep)<br />

Teaching degree, general secondary schools<br />

Teaching degree, intermediate schools<br />

Teaching degree , schools for the handicapped<br />

Lehramt Grundschulen/Sekundarst.I StaLa Nds<br />

Lehramt Grundstufe/Primarstufe<br />

Lehramt Master<br />

Lehramt Mittelstufe/Sekundarstufe I<br />

Teaching degree, primary schools/secondary schools I, StaLa Lower Saxony<br />

Teaching degree, primary schools/elementary schools<br />

Master’s in teaching<br />

Teaching degree, intermediate level/secondary schools I<br />

Lehramt Oberstufe/Sek.II allgemeinb.Schulen<br />

Teaching degree, advanced level (college prep)/secondary schools II general-educat<br />

Lehramt Oberstufe/Sek.II berufliche Schulen<br />

Lehramt Sekundarstufe I/Primarstufe<br />

Lehramt Sekundarstufe I/Sekundarstufe II<br />

Lizentiat<br />

Magister<br />

Teaching degree, advanced level (college prep)/secondary schools II, vocational sch<br />

Teaching degree, secondary schools I/elementary schools<br />

Teaching degree, secondary schools secondary schools II<br />

Licentiate<br />

Master’s<br />

Master an FH mit vorausges.Abschlussprfg.<br />

Master’s from a university of applied sciences (polytechnic) with prerequisite final e<br />

Master an FH ohne vorausgesetz.AbschlPrfg.<br />

Master an Kunsthochsch.mit AbschlussPrfg.<br />

Master an KunstHS ohne vorausges.AbschlPrfg<br />

Master an U (Zwei-Fach-Master)<br />

Master’s from a university of applied sciences (polytechnic) without prerequisite fin<br />

Master’s from art college with final examination<br />

Master’s from art college without prerequisite fin. exam.<br />

Master’s from university (dual-major Master's)<br />


Master an Unis Abschlussprfg.vorausgesetzt<br />

Master an Unis ohne vorausges.AbschlPrfg.<br />

Master U - Lehrer<br />

Promotion mit Abschlußprüfung<br />

Promotion ohne Abschlußprüfung<br />

Promotionsstudium strukturiert<br />

sonst.Lehraemter n.Schularten/Schulstufen<br />

sonstige Fachhochschul Abschlüsse<br />

sonstiger Abschluß in Deutschld.<br />

sonstiger kuenstlerischer Abschluss<br />

staatl.Laufbahnprfg.f.Verwaltungsfachschl.<br />

staatl.Prüfung künstlerischer Abschluß<br />

Staatsexamen einphasige Ausbildung<br />

Master’s from university, final examination as a prerequisite<br />

Master’s from university, without final examination as a prerequisite<br />

Master’s degree in teaching from a university<br />

Doctorate with final examination<br />

Doctorate without final examination<br />

Doctoral studies, structured<br />

Other teaching degrees according to schools type, schools level<br />

Other polytechnic degrees<br />

Other degrees earned in Germany<br />

Other art degree<br />

State examination from a civil service university<br />

State examination, art degree<br />

State examination, one-phase education<br />

Staatsexamen ohn.LAPrfg.u.oh.st.LaufbPrf.Vw<br />

State examination w/out teaching degree, or state examination from a civil service<br />


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