Cognitive bootstrapping and a priori knowledge

Cognitive bootstrapping and a priori knowledge Cognitive bootstrapping and a priori knowledge
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<strong>Cognitive</strong> <strong>bootstrapping</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

a <strong>priori</strong> <strong>knowledge</strong><br />

Andrea Kulakov,<br />

Sts Cyril <strong>and</strong> Methodius University<br />

Skopje, Macedonia<br />

Georgi Stojanov,<br />

American University of Paris<br />

Paris, France

Objectives of the work-package WP5<br />

• To explore the notion of innate <strong>knowledge</strong> <strong>and</strong> cognitive<br />

bootstrap within the main goal of XPERO: learning by<br />

experimentation.<br />

• To investigate the state of the art in computational models of<br />

inborn <strong>knowledge</strong> <strong>and</strong> internal value systems<br />

• overview of existing models of curiosity<br />

• innate <strong>knowledge</strong><br />

• (Guidelines for the XPERO architecture)

WP5 relation to the other WPs<br />

WP 5<br />

Innate Knowledge <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Cognitive</strong> Bootstrap<br />

WP 1<br />

Stimulation of<br />

Experiments<br />

WP 4<br />

Gaining Insights<br />

<strong>and</strong> Representing<br />

Knowledge<br />

WP 6<br />

The Experimental<br />

Loop<br />

WP 3<br />

Observation <strong>and</strong><br />

Evaluation of<br />

Experiments<br />

WP 2<br />

Design <strong>and</strong> Execution<br />

of Experiments

Introduction to Curiosity<br />

• With the advent of developmental (epigenetic) robotics we are<br />

witnessing an increased interest in<br />

for autonomous agents <strong>and</strong> especially in the notion of curiosity<br />

witnessing an increased interest in motivational subsystems<br />

• This community is particularly interested in agents that, during their<br />

development, exhibit ever more complex behavior via the much sought<br />

after open-ended ended learning<br />

• Sometimes this type of learning is also referred to as task-<br />

independent or<br />

• Curiosity<br />

or task non-specific<br />

specific.<br />

Curiosity then, in this context, is understood to be the<br />

mechanism that would drive these systems to do<br />

something rather than nothing<br />

• Researchers adopting Piagetian schema constructs point out that<br />

schemas are self-motivated<br />

to be executed

Some implementations of curiosity in<br />

artificial agents

Schmidhuber (1991)<br />

• Schmidhuber (1991) introduces the notion of curiosity<br />

in an otherwise Reinforcement Learning (RL) setup.<br />

S<br />

CUR<br />

model ctrlr<br />

M<br />

• In his agent there are 2 recurrent neural networks<br />

(RNN). The first one models the environment, by<br />

implementing a predictor mechanism:<br />

Situation1-Action<br />

Action-Situation2<br />

<strong>and</strong> the second one (the controller) actually controls<br />

agent’s s behavior (i.e. chooses the next action to be<br />


Kaplan <strong>and</strong> Oudeyer (2002)<br />

• There are three essential “processes” that interact with each other:<br />

motivation, prediction, , <strong>and</strong> actuation.<br />

• Motivation process is based on three motivational variables:<br />

• predictability (how good is the prediction process in guessing the next<br />

S(t) given the previous (SM(t-1)),<br />

• familiarity (how many times the robot has actually experienced that<br />

particular transition SM(t-1) to S(t)), <strong>and</strong><br />

• stability (how close remains S(t) to its average value).<br />

The reward function is such that the robot gets positive<br />

• The reward function is such that the robot<br />

reinforcement if it maximizes stability motivational variable,<br />

<strong>and</strong> when it maximizes the first derivative of the predictability <strong>and</strong><br />

familiarity motivational variables.<br />

• Apparently this reward policy is a variation of Schmidshuber’s principle.<br />

Kaplan <strong>and</strong> Oudeyer also relate their motivational variables to the t<br />

notions of<br />

novelty <strong>and</strong> curiosity as used by (Huang <strong>and</strong> Weng, , 2002) <strong>and</strong> (Kulakov <strong>and</strong><br />

Stojanov, 2002).

Weng et al 2001; Huang <strong>and</strong> Weng 2002<br />

• Working within the context of a research program called autonomous<br />

mental development (Weng<br />

et al., 2001; Weng, , 2002) Huang <strong>and</strong><br />

Weng (e.g. Huang <strong>and</strong> Weng, , 2002) have implemented a motivational<br />

system in a physical robot called SAIL, which<br />

in a physical robot called SAIL, which rewards the robot for<br />

going into novel situations.<br />

• A novel situation is defined in terms of how different are the current c<br />

sensory inputs from the ones encountered in the past. This pushes s the<br />

robot towards regions where its predictor<br />

errors in guessing the next sensory input, <strong>and</strong>, as expected the robot<br />

indeed improves its performance in environments that are<br />

deterministic <strong>and</strong> learnable.<br />

predictor makes biggest<br />

• The problem arises in probabilistic <strong>and</strong>/or noisy environments<br />

where the robot apparently behaves r<strong>and</strong>omly in order to<br />

maximize the prediction error (<strong>and</strong> the reinforcement with that).

Barto at al, , 2004; Stout et al, , 2005<br />

• Generalize their traditional reinforcement learning approach<br />

(e.g. Sutton <strong>and</strong> Barto, , 1998) by distinguishing between<br />

external reinforcement (usually given by a teacher<br />

or critic) <strong>and</strong> internal reinforcement. . The internal<br />

reinforcement allows for intrinsically motivated<br />

learning which would enable the agent to learn<br />

“[The intrinsic reward system] favors the development<br />

of broad competence rather than being directed to more<br />

specific externally-directed goals. But these skills act as<br />

the “building blocks” out of which an agent can form<br />

solutions to specific problems that arise over its<br />

lifetime.” (Barto et al. 2004)

Blank et al (2005)<br />

• Blank et al. . in (2005) identify three essential notions for<br />

autonomous development in robots:<br />

• abstraction,<br />

• anticipation, <strong>and</strong><br />

• self-motivation.<br />

• The self-motivation subsystem:<br />

“[…] indicates to the system how “comfortable” it is in the given<br />

environment. If it is too comfortable, it becomes bored, <strong>and</strong> takes<br />

measures to move the robot into more interesting areas.<br />

Conversely, if the environment is chaotic, it becomes over-excited<br />

<strong>and</strong> attempts to return to more stable <strong>and</strong> well known areas.”<br />

• They present the initial results on a simulated agent that solves s the<br />

navigational problem.

A spectrum of competences<br />

• • Every organism is a mixture of both kinds of capabilities:<br />

• pre-configured — constructed (meta-configured)<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • Not all of the pre-configured capabilities are manifested at birth –<br />

many are ‘time-bombs’ (e.g. waiting for the season to hibernate, or migrate).<br />

• • Architectures for the more advanced species can do many things<br />

that are not directly biologically useful, , but may provide reusable<br />

information: including (possibly dangerous) exploration of a space of possibilities<br />

lities.<br />

• • Architectures can change over time.<br />

• • Ontologies used can change over time.<br />

• • Forms of representation used can change over time.

On Innate KnowledgeK<br />

• Where does <strong>knowledge</strong> come form<br />

• Nativists<br />

• Plato<br />

• Chomsky<br />

• Nurturists<br />

• Behaviorists (Brooks, …)<br />

• <strong>Cognitive</strong> Developmentalist<br />

• Related projects<br />

Related projects<br />

• The phylogenetic abilities (the set of sensori-motor circuits) are<br />

predetermined by the chosen ontology of innate concepts.<br />

RobotCub people decided on the following list of innate concepts:<br />

objects, numbers, space <strong>and</strong> people.<br />

• innate skills of the COGNIRON robots

Innate skills of the COGNIRON robots

Example: Perceiving causation<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• Our ability to perceive moving structures, <strong>and</strong> our<br />

meta-level ability to think about what we perceive,<br />

is intimately bound up with perception of causation<br />

<strong>and</strong> affordances.<br />

• Sometimes the causal relations are inherent in what<br />

is seen<br />

• Sometimes they involve invisible (hypothesised)<br />

structures <strong>and</strong> processes

What is the right gear going to do if the left<br />

one is turned clockwise<br />

We do not know the functionality (the mechanism) inside the box!

How about now<br />

This was easier to guess, but …

Why not something like this<br />

… we assumed the rigidity of the materials from which the gears are made!

Precocial/Altricial<br />

• • Precocial<br />

• Some animals are born highly competent: deer, chickens, etc.<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • Altricial<br />

• Some animals are born underdeveloped <strong>and</strong> highly incompetent, but adult<br />

forms can do things precocial species cannot, e.g. hunting mammals, nestbuilding<br />

birds, primates, humans.<br />

• • Even altricial species have some precocial skills or tendencies<br />

• e.g. sucking, stimulating parents to feed, <strong>and</strong> some ‘delayed’ precocial skills,<br />

like sexual maturation.<br />

• • Architectures <strong>and</strong> competences may be pre-formed in precocial<br />

species, but slightly adaptable, e.g. by reinforcement learning.<br />

• to contrast learning a language, or learning to program computers<br />

• • Altricial species may be using sophisticated architecture-growing<br />

mechanisms doing far more than varying weights (etc.), when they look<br />

incompetent.<br />

• By collecting chunks of information about affordances provided by the<br />

environment <strong>and</strong> by their bodies — initially these affordances are stored,<br />

then later are recombined <strong>and</strong> used.

Biological <strong>bootstrapping</strong> mechanisms<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • There are some species whose needs cannot be served by genetically<br />

ly<br />

determined (preconfigured) competences based on pre-designed<br />

architectures, forms of representation, ontologies, mechanisms, <strong>and</strong> stores<br />

of information about how to act so as to meet biological needs.<br />

• • Evolution have ‘discovered’ that it is possible instead to provide a<br />

powerful meta-level <strong>bootstrapping</strong> mechanism for ‘meta-configured’<br />

species:<br />

• a mechanism without specific information about things that exist in the<br />

environment (apart from very general features such as that it includes spatio-temporal structures <strong>and</strong><br />

processes, causal connections, <strong>and</strong> opportunities to act <strong>and</strong> learn, <strong>and</strong> that the neonate has a body that is<br />

immersed in that environment)<br />

• with specific information about types of: things to try doing, things to observe,<br />

things to store<br />

• with specific information about how to combine the things done <strong>and</strong> keep<br />

records of things perceived into ever larger <strong>and</strong> more complex reusable<br />

structures,<br />

• including a continually extendable ability to run simulations that can be used<br />

for planning, predicting <strong>and</strong> reasoning.

Biological Nativism: Altricial/Precocial<br />

tradeoffs<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • Evolution ‘discovered’ that for certain species which need to adapt relatively<br />

quickly to changing environmental pressures, a kind of learning mechanism is<br />

possible which combines previous <strong>knowledge</strong> <strong>and</strong> allows much faster <strong>and</strong> richer<br />

learning than is possible in systems that merely adjust probabilities on the basis of<br />

observed evidence (statistical data).<br />

• • The altricial species learn a great deal about the environment after birth <strong>and</strong> in<br />

some cases are able rapidly to develop capabilities none of their r ancestors had<br />

• like young children playing with computer games.<br />

• • This uses an information-processing architecture which starts off with a collection<br />

of primitive perceptual <strong>and</strong> action competences, but also with a mechanism for<br />

extending those competences by ‘syntactic’ composition<br />

• as a result of play <strong>and</strong> exploration, which is done for its own sake, not to meet<br />

other biological needs (food, protection from hurt, warmth, etc.)<br />

• • The meta-level features of the mechanism <strong>and</strong> the initial competences are<br />

genetically determined, but the kinds of composite competences that t<br />

are built are<br />

largely a function of the environment.<br />

• • This requires forms of learning that are not simply adjustments of probabilities,<br />

but involve continual creation of new useful structures, exp<strong>and</strong>ing ng the ontology<br />


The developmental architecture<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • There is an important sub-class of animals in which competences are not<br />

all pre-configured, whose development makes use of:<br />

• Genetically determined primitive actions, perceptual capabilities <strong>and</strong><br />

representations,<br />

• Genetically determined play/exploration mechanisms which drive<br />

learning that extends those actions, etc., using abilities to chunk,<br />

recombine <strong>and</strong> store<br />

• new more complex action fragments<br />

• new more complex perceptual structures<br />

• new more complex goals<br />

• Creating new ontologies, theories, competences (cognitive <strong>and</strong> behavioural)<br />

• i.e. new more complex thinking resources,<br />

• • Not restricted to somatic sensorimotor ontologies.<br />

• • Thereby extending abilities to search in a space built on larger chunks:<br />

solving ever more complex problems quickly.<br />

• unlike most statistical forms of learning<br />

• • For AI systems this will require us to discover new architectures s <strong>and</strong><br />

learning mechanisms.

XPERO’s s first experiments<br />

• One robot <strong>and</strong> one object<br />

• Motivation, internal value system, experimental<br />

stimuli: : implicit/nonexistant<br />

• The notion of object is implicit: : the designer<br />

chooses the set of learning attributes/features<br />

(distance, angle…)<br />

• Motor comm<strong>and</strong>s generated by the designer: tele-<br />

operated robot

Eventually the embodied robot<br />

• Will need motivation <strong>and</strong> internal value system:<br />

•Why would the robot do anything<br />

• Self-preservation<br />

• Curiosity<br />

• Explaining unexpected phenomenon<br />

•What would the robot do<br />

• Stochastic experimentation<br />

• “Planned” experimentation

Types of stimuli<br />

• Drives/needs, , a stimulus which arises either extrinsically<br />

or intrinsically to secure the survival <strong>and</strong> integrity of the<br />

embodied agent, , e.g. obtain food <strong>and</strong> energy, procure<br />

shelter, liberate from captivity or from an emergency<br />

situation.<br />

• Curiosity, , the innate interest to find <strong>and</strong> explore the<br />

unknown, may it be unknown physical space, unknown<br />

objects, unknown functions <strong>and</strong> properties of objects or<br />

unknown own capabilities<br />

• Novelty triggering hypotheses formation about a<br />

physical phenomenon which has emerged from a current<br />

activity of the embodied agent, e.g. during the execution of<br />

a task;

Stochastic vs. planned experiments<br />

• Stochastic experimentation occurs during the<br />

cognitive bootstrap; the chosen elementary actions<br />

(contingent on the embodiment) <strong>and</strong> the inborn<br />

proto-objects objects provide the robot with the initial<br />

ontology (what type of objects there are)<br />

• Planned experiments to gain insights about<br />

properties <strong>and</strong> relations among objects

Why innate <strong>knowledge</strong><br />

• The robot needs a mechanism for creating the basic<br />

ontology<br />

• The notion of proto-object<br />

object will speed up the<br />

development<br />

• As we are not necessarily doing modeling of<br />

cognitive development we can introduce what we<br />

deem fit (logic, self-preserving behaviors…)

Innate <strong>knowledge</strong><br />

• Self-preserving reflex behaviors<br />

• Proto-objects<br />

objects<br />

• Innate gestalt principles (possible point of<br />

interest in the sensory input)<br />

• Internal value system<br />

• Logical inference rules

Representation of Proto-Objects<br />

Feature1:<br />

Symbolic<br />

name<br />

Feature2:<br />

FeatureN:<br />

affordancy1<br />

affordancN<br />


Relations between objects<br />

Feature1:<br />

Feature2:<br />

FeatureN:<br />

Sym<br />

Name<br />

affordancy1 affordancyN<br />

activation<br />

Instance of<br />

A<br />

Feature1:<br />

Feature2:<br />

FeatureN:<br />

Instance of<br />

B<br />

Feature1:<br />

Feature2:<br />

FeatureN:<br />

affordancy1affordancyN<br />

activation<br />

affordancy1 affordancN<br />

activation<br />

C<br />

Feature1:<br />

Feature2:<br />

FeatureN:<br />

D<br />

Feature1:<br />

Feature2:<br />

FeatureN:<br />

affordancy1<br />

affordancyN<br />

affordancy1 affordancyN<br />

activation<br />

activation<br />

Later we will summarize the 4 crucial mechanisms that guide agent’s behavior

We need to think about architectures<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • The sort of system we are discussing has many components doing many m<br />

different things in parallel.<br />

• • Putting the pieces together in a working architecture is a non-<br />

trivial task for engineers <strong>and</strong> for scientists attempting to produce explanatory models<br />

scientists attempting to produce explanatory models.<br />

• • We need good theories about the space of possible architectures,<br />

<strong>and</strong> good theories about particular architectures in that space in order to explain the wide w<br />

variety of biological phenomena <strong>and</strong> in order to underst<strong>and</strong> the development of humans, since<br />

we are not born with a fully fledged architecture: their architecture grows in ways that may<br />

partly replicate some of our evolutionary history but will be much influenced by our culture <strong>and</strong><br />

physical environment.<br />

• • Different aspects of motivation <strong>and</strong> emotion relate to different<br />

architectural layers with different competences.

Functionalism Why architectures,<br />

when we can use FSM<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />

• • Functionalism is one kind of attempt<br />

to underst<strong>and</strong> the notion of virtual<br />

machine, in terms of states defined by<br />

a state-transition table (Finite-State-<br />

Machines - FSM).<br />

• • This is how many people think of<br />

functionalism: there’s a total state<br />

which affects input/output<br />

contingencies, <strong>and</strong> each possible state<br />

can be defined by how inputs<br />

determine next state <strong>and</strong> outputs.<br />

State(t+1) = f(State(t), Act(t), Observ(t))

Deeper notion<br />

of functionalism<br />

• Instead of a single (atomic) state which<br />

switches when some input is received, a<br />

virtual machine can include many subsystems<br />

with their own states <strong>and</strong> state<br />

transitions going on concurrently, some<br />

of them providing inputs to others.<br />

• The different states may change on<br />

different time scales: some change very<br />

rapidly others very slowly, if at all.<br />

• They can vary in their granularity: some<br />

sub-systems may be able to be only in<br />

one of a few states, whereas others can<br />

switch between vast numbers of<br />

possible states (like a computer’s<br />

virtual memory).<br />

• Some may change continuously, others<br />

only in discrete steps. Some subprocesses<br />

may be directly connected to<br />

sensors <strong>and</strong> effectors, whereas others<br />

have no direct connections to inputs<br />

<strong>and</strong> outputs <strong>and</strong> may only be affected<br />

very indirectly by sensors or affect<br />

motors only very indirectly (if at all!).<br />

tribute to A. Sloman

Under development<br />

tribute to A. Sloman<br />


the analysis of:<br />

• Requirements for architectures,<br />

• Designs for architectures,<br />

• Components of architectures<br />

• Varieties of information structures<br />

• Varieties of mechanisms<br />

• Kinds of control systems<br />

• Ways of assembling components<br />

• How architectures can develop,<br />

• Tools for exploring <strong>and</strong> experimenting with<br />


Nervous system of the<br />

“cybernetic animal”<br />

Nerve net<br />

Receptors<br />

Effectors<br />

Environment<br />

adapted from V. Turchin, “The Phenomenon of Science”, Columbia University Press, 1977

The Reactive Architecture

Including alarms (<strong>priori</strong>ties of execution)

More developed architecture

H-CogAff<br />

cognitive architecture

Interactivist cognitive architecture

CoSy Architecture

Proposed XPERO general architecture

The 4 crucial mechanisms that guide agent’s<br />

behavior / development (Kulakov, Stojanov 2002)<br />

• Abstraction mechanism that provides chunking of the sensory<br />

that provides chunking of the sensory-<br />

motor flux from highly dimensional input via proto-objects objects to symbolic compact<br />

descriptions of the objects in the environments. This will be happening during<br />

the cognitive bootstrap phase using the stochastic experimentation. Abstraction<br />

mechanism will enable the agent to deal with more <strong>and</strong> more complex situations<br />

with the same or less cognitive effort;<br />

• Planning mechanism used during deliberate experimentation. It<br />

combines various previous experiences into new <strong>knowledge</strong>, for example by<br />

analogy-making;<br />

Mechanism that provides emergence of<br />

• Mechanism that provides emergence of more complex inner<br />

value <strong>and</strong> motivational systems according to which new<br />

experiences are judged, foreseen <strong>and</strong> executed;<br />

• Socialization/communication mechanism that enables the<br />

agent to interpret in a special way inputs coming from other agents (possibly<br />

humans) <strong>and</strong> to provide translation of the newly acquired <strong>knowledge</strong> into human<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>able form;

A schema<br />

schema links with weights denoting<br />

the reliability of the schema<br />

p1<br />

W1<br />

W2<br />

p2<br />

Condition Percept Schema Node Expectation Percept

simil link<br />

Proto-conceptual network<br />

abstract schema<br />

percept node<br />

schema node<br />

schema link<br />

type/token link

Building an abstract schema<br />

Condition<br />

Percept<br />

Expectation<br />

Percept<br />

Action Sequence<br />

or<br />

Abstract Schema<br />

If long enough sequence of reliable schemas<br />

is detected (3+ actions), then a new Abstract<br />

schema is created with the same Condition<br />

Percept as the first schema <strong>and</strong> the same<br />

Expectation Percept as the last schema<br />

in the sequence.<br />

The Action Sequence of the Abstract<br />

Schema is left undefined, but<br />

type/token links are created between<br />

the Abstract Schema <strong>and</strong> the<br />

underlying more<br />

concrete schemas.

Building an abstract schema<br />

The reliability of the abstract schema<br />

takes the value of the lowest reliable<br />

schema at the level below (the weakest<br />

link), while its level of abstraction equals<br />

the level of the most abstract schema<br />

between its constituents, plus one<br />

If the Expectation Percept<br />

matches the Current Percept<br />

derived from the Current Sensory<br />

Input, then the Reliability of the<br />

Schema is increased; otherwise it<br />

is lowered

Part of the internal representation ( (proto-<br />

conceptual network)

Levels of abstraction

Important<br />

• Internal value system <strong>and</strong> the previous <strong>knowledge</strong><br />

influence the perception, the observation <strong>and</strong> the<br />

evaluation of an ongoing experiment (WP1 <strong>and</strong><br />

WP3), as well as the planning <strong>and</strong> decision making<br />

processes (WP2)<br />

• It is very important to know the architecture of the<br />

whole system (what is learnt, how it is learnt, how<br />

it is represented, which part makes the decision<br />

what to do next <strong>and</strong> how, etc.)

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