A manual of rice seed health testing - IRRI books - International Rice ...

A manual of rice seed health testing - IRRI books - International Rice ...

A manual of rice seed health testing - IRRI books - International Rice ...

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Appendix 2. Media, stains, buffer and their<br />

preparations.<br />

I. Media preparation<br />

Unless otherwise specified, all media are<br />

made up to 1 liter with distilled water and<br />

sterilized at 121 °C for 15 min (15 psi).<br />

Filter-sterilized cycloheximide can be added<br />

to the molten media to give a final concentration<br />

<strong>of</strong> 0.01%. [Dissolve 1 g<br />

cycloheximide in 10 ml distilled water and<br />

filter sterilize (10% solution). Add 1 ml to 1<br />

liter molten medium.]<br />

Aqueous Lugol's iodine<br />

Iodine powdered crystals (I 2<br />

)<br />

Potassium iodide (KI)<br />

Distilled water<br />

5.0 g<br />

10.0 g<br />

100.0 ml<br />

Method <strong>of</strong> preparation:<br />

1) Stock solution. Dissolve KI in distilled<br />

water. Slowly add l 2<br />

crystals and shake until<br />

dissolved. Keep the solution in a tightly<br />

closed brown bottle.<br />

2) Working solution. Make up a 1:5 dilution<br />

<strong>of</strong> the stock solution with distilled water<br />

each time before using.<br />

Arginine medium ( Thornley's Medium 2A )<br />

Phenol red<br />

0.01 g<br />

Dipotassium phosphate 0.3 g<br />

(K 2 HPO 4 )<br />

Peptone<br />

1.0 g<br />

Agar 3.0 g<br />

Sodium chloride (NaCI) 5.0 g<br />

Arginine HCI<br />

10.0 g<br />

Distilled water<br />

1.0 liter<br />

In case it has an orange color, adjust pH to<br />

6.8 with 1N HCI until the medium turns yellow.<br />

Ayers et al mineral salts medium<br />

Potassium chloride (KCI) 0.2 g<br />

Magnesium sulfate<br />

0.2 g<br />

(MgSO 4 ·7H 2<br />

O)<br />

Ammonium phosphate<br />

1.0 g<br />

(NH 4<br />

H 2<br />

PO 4<br />

)<br />

Agar<br />

12.0 g<br />

Distilled water<br />

1.0 liter<br />

Sugars to be tested: to the autoclaved basal<br />

medium (at 45 °C), add filter-sterilized<br />

solutions <strong>of</strong> the test carbohydrates for a<br />

0.5% final concentration.<br />

To demonstrate acid production:<br />

—Incorporate 1 ml bromthymol blue (1.6%<br />

alcohol solution) in the basal medium.<br />

—Adjust to pH 7.0 prior to autoclaving.<br />

—Add filter-sterilized solutions <strong>of</strong> the test<br />

carbohydrates for a 1% final concentration.<br />

—Dispense the medium in test tubes instead<br />

<strong>of</strong> in petri dishes.<br />

—Record presence or absence <strong>of</strong> a yellow<br />

color indicating acid production.<br />

Gluconate peptone broth<br />

Dipotassium phosphate<br />

(K 2 HPO 4 )<br />

Yeast extract<br />

Peptone<br />

Potassium gluconate<br />

Distilled water<br />

1.0 g<br />

1.0 g<br />

1.5 g<br />

40.0 g<br />

1.0 liter<br />

Benedict's reagent<br />

Copper sulfate (CuSO 4 5H 2 O) 1.73 g<br />

Sodium carbonate (Na 2<br />

CO 3<br />

) 10.0 g<br />

Sodium citrate 17.3g<br />

[C 3<br />

H 4<br />

OH(COO) 3<br />

Na 3<br />

]<br />

Distilled water<br />

0.1 liter<br />

Preparation:<br />

1) Solution 1. Dissolve sodium carbonate<br />

and citrate in 60.0 ml <strong>of</strong> distilled water.<br />

2) Solution 2. Dissolve copper sulfate in<br />

20.0 mI <strong>of</strong> distilled water.<br />

3) Add solution 2 to solution 1, while stirring<br />

constantly.<br />

4) Adjust to a total volume <strong>of</strong> 100 ml with<br />

distilled water.<br />

Hugh and Leifson's oxidation-fermentation<br />

medium (0-F)<br />

Bromthymol blue<br />

0.08 g<br />

K 2<br />

HPO 4<br />

0.3 g<br />

Peptone<br />

2.0 g<br />

Agar<br />

3.0 g<br />

NaCl<br />

5.0 g<br />

Distilled water 1.0 liter<br />

Add 10 ml <strong>of</strong> 10% aqueous D-glucose solution<br />

(filter-sterilized) to the sterile molten<br />

medium to obtain a final concentration <strong>of</strong><br />

1% glucose. Dispense in 6-ml volumes in<br />

sterile, narrow tubes. Seal one set <strong>of</strong> tubes<br />

with mineral oil.<br />

King's medium B (KMB)<br />

Glycerol<br />

K 2<br />

HPO 4<br />

MgSO 4 ·7H 2<br />

O<br />

Agar<br />

Peptone<br />

Distilled water<br />

Kligler's iron agar, pH 7.4<br />

Ingredients, BBL<br />

Phenol red<br />

Ferric ammonium citrate<br />

(50:50 mixture)<br />

a. Ferric citrate (FeC 6<br />

H 5<br />

O 7<br />

)<br />

b. Ammonium citrate<br />

[(NH 4<br />

) 3<br />

C 6<br />

H 5<br />

O 7<br />

]<br />

Sodium thiosulfate (Na 2<br />

S 2<br />

O 3<br />

)<br />

Dextrose (glucose)<br />

Sodium chloride (NaCI)<br />

Lactose<br />

Agar<br />

Polypeptone<br />

Distilled water<br />

Modified Wakimoto 's medium<br />

Ferrous sulfate<br />

Calcium nitrate<br />

Sodium phosphate<br />

Bacto peptone<br />

Agar<br />

Sucrose<br />

Distilled water<br />

15.0 ml<br />

1.5 g<br />

1.5 g<br />

17.0 g<br />

20.0 g<br />

1.0 liter<br />

0.025 g<br />

0.5 g<br />

0.5 g<br />

1.0 g<br />

5.0 g<br />

10.0 g<br />

15.0 g<br />

20.0 g<br />

1.0 liter<br />

0.05 g<br />

0.50 g<br />

0.82 g<br />

5.00 g<br />

17.00 g<br />

20.00 g<br />

1.00 liter<br />

Nutrient agar (NA)<br />

Beef extract<br />

Peptone<br />

Agar<br />

Distilled water<br />

3.0 g<br />

5.0 g<br />

17.0 g<br />

1.0 liter<br />

Nutrient broth (NB) is nutrient agar without<br />

the agar.<br />

Peptone sucrose agar (PSA)<br />

Sodium glutamate<br />

Peptone<br />

Sucrose<br />

Agar<br />

Distilled water<br />

1.00 g<br />

10.00 g<br />

10.00 g<br />

17.00 g<br />

1.00 liter<br />

Peptone sucrose broth (PSB) is PSA without<br />

the agar.<br />

Potassium nitrate agar<br />

Potassium nitrate (KNO 3<br />

)<br />

Beef extract<br />

Peptone<br />

Agar<br />

Distilled water<br />

1.0 g<br />

3.0 g<br />

5.0 g<br />

7.0 g<br />

1.0 liter<br />

Selective medium for P. fuscovaginae<br />

(Miyajima 1989)<br />

Penicillin G<br />

750,000 units<br />

Novobiocin<br />

45 mg<br />

Cycloheximide<br />

75 mg<br />

75% ethanol 3 ml<br />

Distilled water<br />

50 ml<br />

King's medium B<br />

940 ml<br />

Selective medium for P. glumae PPGA +<br />

0.1% CaCl 2<br />

(Matsuda et al 1988)<br />

KH 2<br />

PO 4<br />

0.5 g<br />

CaCl 2<br />

1.0 g<br />

NaCl<br />

3.0 g<br />

Na 2<br />

HPO 4 · 12H 2<br />

O<br />

3.0 g<br />

Glucose<br />

5.0 g<br />

Peptone<br />

5.0 g<br />

Agar<br />

20.0 g<br />

Decoction <strong>of</strong> 200 g<br />

1.0 liter<br />

potato<br />

Selective medium for P. glumae S-PG<br />

(Tsushima et al 1986)<br />

Cetrimide 0.01 g<br />

EDTA-Fe<br />

0.01 g<br />

Phenol red<br />

0.02 g<br />

Na 2<br />

MoO 4 · 2H 2<br />

O<br />

0.024 g<br />

MgSO 4 · 7H 2<br />

O<br />

0.25 g<br />

Na 2 HPO 4 1.2 g<br />

KH 2<br />

PO 4<br />

1.3 g<br />

(NH 4<br />

) 2<br />

SO 4<br />

5.0 g<br />

D-sorbitol 10.0 g<br />

Agar 20.0 g<br />

L-cystine 10.0 g<br />

(0.1 ml <strong>of</strong> a 0.01%<br />

aqueous solutiondissolve<br />

0.01 g in<br />

100 tnl distilled H 2<br />

O<br />

by heating)<br />

Methyl violet<br />

1.0 mg<br />

(1 ml <strong>of</strong> a 0.01%<br />

aqueous solution<br />

(0.01 g dissolved in<br />

Distilled water<br />

100 ml distilled H 2<br />

O)<br />

1.0 liter<br />

Appendix 109

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