The RenderMan Interface - Paul Bourke

The RenderMan Interface - Paul Bourke

The RenderMan Interface - Paul Bourke

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Geometric Primitives (continued)<br />

Function<br />

Description<br />

RiObjectBegin ()<br />

begins and ends the definition of an object.<br />

RiObjectEnd ()<br />

RiObjectInstance (handle) creates an instance of a previously defined object.<br />

RiParaboloid (rmax, zmin, zmax,<br />

thetamax, parameterlist)<br />

RiPatch (type, parameterlist)<br />

RiPatchMesh (type, nu, uwrap,<br />

nv, vwrap, parameterlist)<br />

RiPoints (npoints, parameterlist)<br />

RiPointsPolygons (npolys,<br />

nverts, parameterlist)<br />

RiPointsGeneralPolygons<br />

(npolys, nloops, nverts, verts,<br />

parameterlist)<br />

RiPolygon (parameterlist)<br />

RiProcedural (parameterlist)<br />

RiSolidBegin (operation)<br />

RiSolidEnd ()<br />

RiSphere (radius, zmin, zmax,<br />

thetamax, parameterlist)<br />

RiSubdivisionMesh (scheme,<br />

nfaces, nvertices, vertices, ntags,<br />

tags, nargs, intargs, floatargs,<br />

parameterlist)<br />

RiTorus (majorradius,<br />

minorradius, phimin, phimax,<br />

thetamax, parameterlist)<br />

RiTrimCurve (order, knot, min,<br />

max, n, u, v, w)<br />

requests a paraboloid.<br />

define a single bilinear or bicubic patch.<br />

specifies in a compact way a quadrilateral mesh of<br />

patches.<br />

requests a collection of point-like particles.<br />

defines npolys planar convex polygons that share<br />

vertices.<br />

defines npolys planar concave polygons,<br />

holes, that share vertices.<br />

with<br />

nverts is the number of vertices in a single closed<br />

planar convex polygon. parameterlist is a list of<br />

token-array pairs where each token is one of the<br />

standard geometric primitive variables or a variable<br />

which has been defined with RiDeclare.<br />

defines a procedural primitive.<br />

starts and ends the definition of a CSG solid<br />

primitive.<br />

requests a sphere.<br />

requests a subdivision surface mesh.<br />

requests a torus.<br />

sets the current trim curve.<br />

Function<br />

RiMotionBegin (n, t0, t1, ...,<br />

tnminus1)<br />

RiMotionEnd ()<br />

Motion<br />

Description<br />

starts and ends the definition of a moving<br />

primitive.<br />


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