ULTIMATE COMPUTING - Quantum Consciousness Studies

ULTIMATE COMPUTING - Quantum Consciousness Studies

ULTIMATE COMPUTING - Quantum Consciousness Studies

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26 Toward Ultimate Computing<br />

“spider-web” of motionless curves (the “Chladni” nodal lines). Originally<br />

observed by sprinkling sand on a vibrating plate, these patterns more recently<br />

have been observed by laser interferometry. The pattern is the “macron” and<br />

depends upon intrinsic dimensions and elasticity of the medium, and extrinsic<br />

frequency and amplitude of the driving force. The plate is a two dimensional<br />

example, however a simple rubber ball may be visualized with stable vibrational<br />

modes characterized by symmetric distortions of shape separated by motionless<br />

nodal surfaces. Another macron example is a round dish filled with a thin layer of<br />

isotropic liquid. If the bottom of the dish is heated, the liquid will soon begin to<br />

simmer; careful observation reveals nodal lines and packed hexagons called<br />

Benard cells within which the liquid convects toroidally. This Benard<br />

phenomenon, also seen as wind induced patterns in the sands of the Sahara and<br />

other deserts, is also considered by Abraham as a macron. These macrons or<br />

stable modes also depend on intrinsic controls such as shape, compressibility and<br />

viscosity, and external controls such as frequency and amplitude of the driving<br />

force.<br />

Other forms of macrons described by Abraham include smoke rings,<br />

opalescences like abalone shell, and the aurora borealis or Northern Lights.<br />

Turning to the brain, Abraham conjectures: “a thought is a macron of the brain<br />

bioplasma.” He proposes that spatial patterns of EEG are electrical macrons at<br />

dendritic surfaces or that macrons occur within nerve cells. He suggests that<br />

repetitive reinforcement of specific macrons “hardens” them into a structural form<br />

in a learning mechanism. Abraham’s macrons may be compared to standing<br />

waves, reaction diffusion systems, and holograms which can all manifest 3<br />

dimensional analog patterns of interactive information suitable to the<br />

cytoskeleton. Another “digital” system of interactive patterns in dynamic lattices<br />

is the “cellular automaton.”<br />

1.5.4 Cellular Automata<br />

Complex behavior resulting from collective activities of simple subunits<br />

occurs in “cellular automata.” Von Neumann’s (1966) original cellular automaton<br />

consisted of a large number of identical “cells” connected in a uniform pattern.<br />

The term “cell” was chosen by Von Neumann and others as the indivisible<br />

subunit in “cellular automata” based on biological “cells” as indivisible subunits<br />

of life. Much like atoms once indivisible, are now recognized to be composed of<br />

electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, etc., it is now apparent that biological cells<br />

are complex entities whose actions depend on collective functions of intracellular<br />

structures including the cytoskeleton. Nevertheless, “cellular” in cellular<br />

automaton jargon means an indivisible grain, a discrete subunit with a finite<br />

number of states. The essential features of cellular automata are 1) at a given time,<br />

each cell is in one of a number of states. 2) The cells are organized according to a<br />

fixed geometry. 3) Each cell communicates only with other cells in its<br />

neighborhood; the size and shape of the neighborhood are the same for all cells.<br />

Depending on geometry, the number of neighbors may be 4 (rectangular), 6<br />

(hexagonal), 8 (rectangular with corners) or more neighbors per subunit or cell. 4)<br />

There is a universal clock. Each cell may change to a new state at each tick of the<br />

clock depending on its present state, and the present states of its neighbors. The<br />

rules for changing state are called the transition rules of the cellular automata. At<br />

each clock tick (or “generation”) the behavior of each cell depends only on the<br />

states of its neighbors and its own state. In cellular automaton, simple neighbor<br />

rules can lead to complex, dynamic patterns.<br />

Cellular automaton may be considered similar to lattice models such as a two<br />

dimensional Ising generator. Based on magnetic spin states of components within

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