ULTIMATE COMPUTING - Quantum Consciousness Studies

ULTIMATE COMPUTING - Quantum Consciousness Studies

ULTIMATE COMPUTING - Quantum Consciousness Studies

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116 Cytoskeleton/Cytocomputer<br />

removed still exhibit migration behavior. There is intelligence in the cytoplasm.<br />

The cell has a driver’s license.<br />

5.5.2 Bending Sidearms<br />

Several important cytoplasmic movements occur due to bending of contractile<br />

proteins attached along rigid cytoskeletal filaments. In muscle, arrays of parallel,<br />

interdigitating “thin” filaments (actin) interact with “thick” filaments (myosin).<br />

Tiny sidearms or crossbridges (“myosin heads”) attached to the myosin thick<br />

filaments extend across a gap of about 13 nanometers and “cyclically row like<br />

banks of tiny oars” to move the filaments relative to each other. The energy from<br />

hydrolysis of ATP drives the conformational changes which causes the myosin<br />

molecules to curl. The precise utilization of ATP hydrolysis energy to cause<br />

contractility and other conformational changes remains poorly understood, but<br />

will be discussed in Chapter 6.<br />

Each myosin filament carries about 500 heads, each of which cycles about 5<br />

times per second. There is some evidence of cooperativity in that once a myosin<br />

head has detached, it is carried along by the action of other myosin heads along<br />

the thick filament. The myosin head rowing is initiated and coordinated by waves<br />

of calcium ion released from a reservoir (the sarcoplasmic reticulum) triggered by<br />

membrane electrical activity. Rises in calcium ion causes an actin-bound<br />

regulatory protein called troponin to shift its position and allow actin-myosin<br />

ratcheting.<br />

Many MT related activities generate force, locomotion and movement of<br />

vesicles and other material; axoplasmic transport is one well studied example<br />

(Lasek, 1981; Ochs, 1982). Parallel MT within axons are polarized with their fast<br />

growing “plus-ends” distal from the cell body facing the synapse. Force<br />

generating sidearms occur about every 16–18 nanometers along MT lengths.<br />

These contractile crossbridges generate directional movement of material along<br />

MT by undergoing a sequence of conformational changes involving attachment of<br />

crossbridges to vesicles, ATP dependent force generation by the crossbridges, and<br />

detachment of crossbridges from vesicles. Detachment occurs only at “plus” ends<br />

near synapses. The process is similar to rowing of myosin heads to slide actin and<br />

myosin filaments past each other and shorten muscle fibers. MT based dynein<br />

activities, however, are far more variable, flexible, and interactive than the<br />

repetitive nanoscale events in muscle. For example, in MT dependent axoplasmic<br />

transport different material is simultaneously transported in the opposite direction,<br />

from the synapse to the cell center. This “retrograde” axoplasmic transport is<br />

thought to provide feedback to the protein synthesis machinery as to what<br />

enzymes or material are required, and/or to allow “recycling” of some molecules<br />

(Figure 5.25).<br />

Robert Allen (1985) was among the first to suspect that MT and MAPS<br />

served as intracellular conveyor belts. He and his colleagues studied isolated MT<br />

and MT fragments which, with .available biochemical energy in the form of ATP,<br />

“glide” along glass cover slips at velocities of 150 to 450 nanometers per second.<br />

The velocity is independent of MT fragment length, occurs essentially in a<br />

straight path, and is in the direction of retrograde axoplasmic transport. The<br />

straight paths of gliding MT segments suggest that the force generating enzymes<br />

are deployed in linear, rather than helical paths along the MT, and that the stroke<br />

that causes gliding is parallel to the MT with a spacing interval of about 17<br />

nanometers. Reducing the available ATP concentration slows the gliding speed<br />

significantly, but does not affect the number or behavior of gliding MT. Gliding<br />

MT almost never interact when they cross paths, and when the forward progress<br />

of a gliding MT is blocked by an obstacle, it “fishtails” slowly from side to side

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