The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Index to <strong>Society</strong> Records, Part 1<br />

<strong>The</strong> page numbers in this section are preceded by the letters “ R I,” which are om itted in the following index.<br />

A bbreviations and Symbols, G raphical, C om m . 31<br />

A bbreviations and Symbols, L etter, C o m m ... 31<br />

A brasive W heels, Rep. on Safety C om m . . . . 35<br />

A coustical M easurem ents, Reps, on C o m m .... 31<br />

A dm inistration O rganization, C om m ................... 12<br />

A dm issions Comm.<br />

S pecial ..................................................................... 8<br />

Standing ................................................................. 6<br />

A dvertising M anager, A .S.M .E ............................... 5<br />

A eronautic Div., C om m s........................................... 10<br />

A eronautics, Rep. on S tandardization Com m . . 31<br />

A ir C onditioning, C om m ........................................... 13<br />

A lfred Noble P rize, A.S.M .E. R e p ........................ 9<br />

Allowances and Tolerances, Gages, C o m m .. 27<br />

A m erican A ssociation for th e A dvancem ent <strong>of</strong><br />

Science, A.S.M .E. R ep s........................... 9<br />

A m erican Standards A ssociation, A.S.M .E.<br />

R eps.................................................................... 9<br />

A m erican Year Book C orporation, A.S.M .E.<br />

R ep..................................................................... 9<br />

A m m unition Group ..................................................... 10<br />

A pplied M echanics Div., C om m s.......................... 10<br />

A.S.M .E. Medal<br />

R ecipients .............................................................. 39<br />

Statem ent about ................................................ 39<br />

A ssistant Secretaries, A .S.M .E ............................... 5<br />

A w ards, A.S.M.E.<br />

Recipients .............................................................. 39<br />

S tatem ents about ................................................ 39<br />

A wards Comm. See H onors and A w ards Comm.<br />

B all and Roller B earings, C om m ........................ 27<br />

B iography Advisory C om m ......................................... 7<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> R eview ............................................................ 8<br />

Board on Technology.................................................. 8<br />

Boiler Code<br />

Comm. W ork ....................................................... 38<br />

Comm., Special .......................... ........... . . . 7, 37<br />

Conference Comm................................................. 37<br />

Exec. Comm............................................................ 37<br />

Revision <strong>of</strong> Section V III, Special C om m . 38<br />

Subcomm8.................................................................. 37<br />

Boiler F eedw ater Studies, C om m ........................ 25<br />

Boilers, Openings, C om m ........................................... 38<br />

Boilers, Pow er .............................................................. 37<br />

Boilers, R ules for Inspection <strong>of</strong>, C om m ............ 37<br />

Boilers, Special D esign <strong>of</strong>, C om m ...................... 37<br />

Bolted Flanged Connections, R ules for, Comm. 38<br />

Bolt, N ut, and R ivet P roportions, C o m m .... 29<br />

B uilding Code for L ig h t and V entilation, Rep.<br />

on Comm.......................................................... 31<br />

Cast Iron P ipes, Reps, on C om m ......................<br />

C avitation, Com m ...........................................................<br />

32<br />

1 1<br />

Center for Safety E ducation, A.S.M .E. R e p .. 9<br />

Charles T. M ain A ward<br />

R ecipients .............................................................. 40<br />

Statem ent ab o u t ................................................ 39<br />

Chucks and Chuck Jaw s, C om m ........................... 28<br />

Coal and Coke, Rep. on C om m ............................... 32<br />

Coal, Clean B itum inous, Rep. on C o m m ... 32<br />

C oal-H andling E quipm ent, Rep. on C o m m .. 32<br />

Coal Mines, D rainage, Rep. on C om m ............ 32<br />

Coal Testing Code, Reps, on C om m ............... 9, 34<br />

Colleges, Relations W ith, C om m ...................... 6 ,2 3<br />

Compressed A ir, W ork in, Rep. on Safety<br />

Comm................................................................ 36<br />

Compressed A ir M achinery and Equipm ent,<br />

Safety Comm................................................. 35<br />

Compressors and Blowers<br />

C entrifugal and Turbo, C om m ...................... 33<br />

D isplacem ent, Comm...........................................<br />

C om ptroller, A.S.M .E....................................................<br />

33<br />

5<br />

Condensers, W ater H eating, and Cooling<br />

E quipm ent, Comm....................................... 34<br />

Condenser Tubes, C om m .............................................. 26<br />

C onstitution and By-Laws C om m ........................... 6<br />

C onstruction W ork, Rep. on Safety C o m m ... 35<br />

C onsulting P ractice, C om m .................................... 8<br />

Conveyors and Conveying M achinery, Safety<br />

Comm................................................................ 35<br />

C oordinating Comm. (C orrosion), Rep. o n . . . 26<br />

C oordination Comm. (B oiler C o d e)...................... 38<br />

C oordination Comm. (H eat T ra n sfe r)................. 1 1<br />

C orrelatin g Comm. A.S.A. Safety Code, Rep.<br />

on Comm......................................................... 35<br />

Corrosion, C oordinating Comm., Rep. o n . . . . 26<br />

Corrosion, Rep. on C om m ......................................... 26<br />

Cottonseed P rocessing, C om m .................................. 26<br />

Council, A.S.M .E.<br />

Exec. Com m ............................................................ 5<br />

M embers <strong>of</strong> ......................................................... 5<br />

Special Comms....................................................... 8<br />

Cranes, D erricks, and H oists, Safety C o m m .. 35<br />

C ut and Ground T hread Taps, C om m ................. 28<br />

C u ttin g <strong>of</strong> M etals, Research C om m ...................... 25<br />

C utting M etals, Mach. Shop P rac. C om m .......... 11<br />

C u ttin g Tools, S ingle-Point, C om m ...................... 28<br />

D aniel Guggenheim Medal F u n d , Inc., A.S.M .E.<br />

R eps.................................................................... 9<br />

D efinitions and V alues, Pow er Test Codes,<br />

Comm................................................................ 33<br />

D epreciation .................................................................... 8<br />

D epreciation Studies, C om m .................................... 12<br />

D im ensional L im its and A llow ances, C o m m ... 14<br />

D irect-F ired F lu id H eaters and Boilers, C om m . 11<br />

D ished H eads, C om m ................................................... 38<br />

D isplacem ent P um ps, R eciprocating Steam-<br />

D riven, Com m ............................................... 33<br />

D raw ings and D raftin g Room P ractice, Comm. 31<br />

D rying, Com m .................................................................. 13<br />

D ues-Exem pt M embers’ C ontributions, Com m . . 8<br />

D ust Explosions, Rep. on Safety C om m ............... 36<br />

D ust S ep aratin g A pparatus, C om m .................... 34<br />

Econom ic S tatus <strong>of</strong> th e E ngineer C om m ............... 8<br />

Edison F oundation, A.S.M .E. R e p ........................... 9<br />

E d ito r, A .S.M .E............................................................... 5<br />

E ducation and T ra in in g for th e In d ustries<br />

Com m ................................................................. 6<br />

E lectrical D efinitions, R ep. on C om m ................. 32<br />

E lectric M otor F ram es, C om m ............................. 31<br />

E lectric Sockets and L am p Bases, C o m m .... 31<br />

E lectric W elding A pparatus, Rep. on C o m m .. 32<br />

E levators, Com m ............................................................. 25<br />

E levators, Safety Code, C om m .................................. 35<br />

E ngineering F oundation, A-S.M .E. R ep s............ 9<br />

E ngineering H isto ry Comm ., A .S.M .E. R eps. 9<br />

E n gineering R eg istratio n , N ational B ur. <strong>of</strong>,<br />

A.S.M .E. R ep................................................. 9<br />

E ngineering Societies, C ooperation in Safety<br />

W ork, R ep. on C om m ................................ 35<br />

E ngineering Societies L ib rary B oard, A.S.M .E.<br />

R eps.................................................................... 9<br />

E n gineering Societies M onographs Comm.,<br />

A .S.M .E. R eps............................................... 9<br />

E n gineering Societies P ersonnel Service, Inc.,<br />

A .S.M .E. R eps............................................... 9<br />

E ngineers’ Civic R esponsibilities, Com m ......... 8<br />

E ngineers’ Council for P r<strong>of</strong>essional Developm<br />

ent, A .S.M .E. R ep s.................................. 9<br />

E ngineers’ N ational R elief F und, A .S.M .E.<br />

R ep...................................................................... 9<br />

E ngine L athes, C om m ................................................ 28<br />

E v aporatin g A pparatus, C om m ................................ 34<br />

E x h aust System s, Rep. on Safety C om m .......... 35<br />

F eedw ater, B oiler Code C om m .................................. 38<br />

Feedw ater Studies, B oiler, C om m ........................... 25<br />

F errous M aterials, C om m ......................................... 37<br />

F inance Com m ................................................................... 6<br />

F ire Tests, B uilding C onstruction and M a­<br />

te ria ls, R ep. on C om m ........................... 32<br />

F loor and W all O penings, R ailin g s, and Toe<br />

Boards, Safety C om m ............................. 35<br />

F lu id M eters, C om m ..................................................... 25<br />

Food Processing, C om m .............................................. 13<br />

F o rest F ire P ro tectio n , R ep. on C om m ............... 32<br />

F org in g and H ot M etal S tam ping, Rep. on<br />

S afety Com m ................................................. 35<br />

F oundry P ractice, C om m ............................................ 11<br />

F rederick W. T aylor M em orial C om m ............... 8<br />

F reem an F und, C om m ................................................. 8<br />

F reem an Scholarships. See John R . F reem an<br />

T ravel S cholarships<br />

F ritz M edal B oard <strong>of</strong> A w ard, A .S.M .E. Reps. 9<br />

F uels, Calorific V alues, Rep. on C om m ............ 34<br />

Fuels, Pow er T est Code C om m ............................. 33<br />

F uels D iv., C om m s........................................................ 10<br />

F uel V alues, A.S.M .E. R e p s....................................... 9<br />

F uel V alues, Calorific, A .S.M .E. R e p .................... 34<br />

F usion W elding R eq u irem en ts................................ 38<br />

Gages, P ressure and V acuum , C om m ................. 30<br />

G an tt M edal B oard <strong>of</strong> A w ard, A.S.M .E. Reps. 9<br />

Gas B urning A ppliances, Rep. on C om m ............ 31<br />

Gas M ask C anisters, Rep. on Safety C om m . . . . 35<br />

Gas P roducers, C om m ................................................ 34<br />

Gaseous F uels, Rep. on C om m .................................. 34<br />

G ear L ubricants, Rep. on C om m ........................ 32<br />

G ears, Com m ............... ..................................................... 28<br />

G ear Teeth, S tren g th <strong>of</strong>, C om m ........................... 25<br />

George W estinghouse B ust C om m ........................... 8<br />

Glass, S afety, Rep. on C om m ........................ .. 36<br />

G raphic A rts D iv., C om m s....................................... 10<br />

G raphic P resen ta tio n C om m ..................................... 31<br />

G uggenheim Medal F und, A.S.M .E. R e p s ... 9<br />

H eatin g Boilers, C om m .............................................. 37<br />

H eat T ransfer Pr<strong>of</strong>essional G roup, C o m m s .... 10<br />

H olley Medal<br />

R ecipients ............................................................... 39<br />

Statem ent ab o u t ................................................ 39<br />

H olm es Safety A ssociation, A .S.M .E. R e p . . . . 9<br />

H onorary M embers, L ist o f ....................................... 42<br />

H onorary M em bership, S tatem ent a b o u t............... 39<br />

H onors an d A w ards C om m ......................................... 6<br />

Honors and A wards, Special Comm, <strong>of</strong> B oard <strong>of</strong> 7<br />

H oover M edal B oard <strong>of</strong> A ward, A .S.M .E. Reps. 9<br />

Hose Couplings, Screw Threads, C om m ............ 29<br />

H y d rau lic D iv., C om m s.............................................. 11<br />

H ydrau lic P rim e Movers<br />

H yd. Div. C om m ................................................... 11<br />

Pow er Test Codes C om m .................................... 34<br />

In d u stria l F urnaces and K ilns, C om m ............... 11<br />

RI-43<br />

In d u stria l In stru m e n ts and R egulators, Comm. 13<br />

In d u s tria l M arketing, C om m .................................. 12<br />

In d u stria l W orkers, Foundries, P ro tectio n <strong>of</strong>,<br />

Rep. on Safety C o m m ............................. 36<br />

In d u stria l W orkers, P ro tectio n <strong>of</strong>, Rep. on<br />

Safety Com m ................................................. 3(3<br />

In d u stries, E ducation and T rain in g for, Comm. 6<br />

In stru m e n ts and A pparatus, Pow er Test Codes,<br />

Com m ................................................................. 34<br />

Internal-C om bustion Engines, C om m ................. 34<br />

In te rn atio n a l E lectrochem ical Com m ission,<br />

A.S.M .E. R eps............................................... 9<br />

Iro n and Steel B ars, C om m ....................................... 30<br />

Iron and Steel Div. See M etals E n g in eerin<br />

g Div.<br />

J ig B ushings, C om m ................................................... 28<br />

Jo h n F ritz Medal B oard <strong>of</strong> A w ard, A.S.M .E.<br />

R eps.................................................................... 9<br />

Jo h n R. F reem an Travel Scholarships<br />

R ecipients ............................................................... 41<br />

S tatem ent ab o u t ................................................ 39<br />

Joseph A. H olm es Safety A ssociation, A.S.M .E.<br />

R ep...................................................................... 9<br />

Jo u rn al <strong>of</strong> A pplied M echanics, E d ito r............... 10<br />

Ju n io r A ward<br />

R ecipients ............................................................... 40<br />

S tatem ent ab o u t ................................................... 39<br />

L adders, Rep. on Safety C om m ............................. 35<br />

L aundry M achinery, Rep. on Safety C o m m .. 36<br />

L eath er B elting, C om m .............................................. 30<br />

L ib rary Com m .................................................................. 6<br />

Life M em bership, S tatem ent a b o u t...................... 39<br />

L ig h tin g F actories, M ills, Rep. on Safety<br />

Com m ................................................................. 36<br />

L oading P latfo rm s, Rep. on C om m ...................... 32<br />

Local Sections<br />

Exec. Com m s........................................................... 15<br />

N om inating Com m ., G roups o f ...................... 7<br />

R egional G roup D elegates to A nnual Conferences<br />

.......................................................... 15<br />

S tan d in g Com m ..................................................... 6 ,1 5<br />

Locom otives, Boilers <strong>of</strong>, C om m ............................. 37<br />

Low V oltage E lectrical H azards, Rep. on Safety<br />

C om m ................................................................. 36<br />

L u b ricatio n , Com m ........................................................ 25<br />

L ubricatio n E ngineering, C om m ........................... 11<br />

M achine Design, C om m .............................................. 12<br />

M achine P in s, C om m ................................................... 30<br />

M achinery, Speeds <strong>of</strong>, C om m .................................. 31<br />

M achine Shop P ractic e D iv., C om m s................. 11<br />

M achine T apers, C om m .............................................. 27<br />

M achine Tool Elem ents, C om m ................................ 27<br />

M achine Tools, D esignations and W orking<br />

R anges, C om m .............................................. 28<br />

M ain A w ard. See C harles T. M ain A ward<br />

M anagem ent D iv., C om m s....................................... 12<br />

M anagem ent, M easures <strong>of</strong>, C om m ........................... 26<br />

M anhole F ram es and Covers, Reps, on Comm. 32<br />

M anufactured Gas, C om m ......................................... 13<br />

M arston A w ard, A .S.M .E. R e p ................................ 9<br />

M aterials H an d lin g D iv., C om m s........................... 12<br />

M aterials, New, B oiler Code C om m ...................... 38<br />

M aterial Specifications, C om m ............................... 37<br />

M athem atical S tatistic s, C om m ............................. 12<br />

Max T oltz Loan F und, S tatem ent a b o u t.......... 39<br />

M easures <strong>of</strong> M anagem ent, C om m ............................. 26<br />

M echanical P ow er-T ransm ission A pparatus,<br />

Safety Com m ................................................. 35<br />

M echanical R efrig eratio n , Reps, on Safety<br />

Com m ................................................................. 36<br />

M echanical S eparation, C om m .................................. 13<br />

M echanical Springs, C om m ....................................... 25<br />

M echanical S tandards, Reps, on C om m ............... 32<br />

M edals, Com m .................................................................. 7<br />

M eetings and P ro g ram C om m .................................. 6<br />

M em bership Comm. See A dm issions Comm.<br />

M elville Medal<br />

R ecipients ............................................................... 40<br />

S tatem ent a b o u t ................................................... 39<br />

M etallu rg ical R esearch, Rep. on C om m ............ 26<br />

M etals C u ttin g , C om m ................................................ 11<br />

M etals, C u ttin g <strong>of</strong>, C om m ......................................... 25<br />

M etals, E ffect <strong>of</strong> T em perature on, Com m . . . . 25<br />

M etals E ngin eerin g D iv., C om m s........................ 12<br />

M etals, F atig u e Phenom ena <strong>of</strong>, Rep. on Comm. 26<br />

M id-W est Office, Location o f .................................. 5<br />

M illing C u tters, C om m ................................................ 28<br />

M iniature B oilers, C om m ......................................... 37<br />

Model Smoke Law, C om m ......................................... 10<br />

M onographs Com m ., A .S.M .E. R ep s...................... 9<br />

N ational B ureau <strong>of</strong> E ngin eerin g R egistratio n ,<br />

A.S.M .E. R ep ................................................. 9<br />

N atio n al Conference <strong>of</strong> E n gineering Positions,<br />

A .S.M .E. R eps............................................... 9<br />

N atio n al Defense C om m ........................................... 8<br />

N ational F ire W aste Council, A.S.M .E. Rep. 9<br />

N ational M anagem ent Council, A.S.M .E. Reps. 9<br />

N atio n al R esearch C ouncil, A.S.M .E. R e p . . . . 9<br />

Noble P rize, A.S.M .E. R e p ....................................... 9<br />

N om enclature, M achine Tools, C om m ................. 28

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