Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Chapter 3: Washington and New York<br />

ertheless.<br />

Murderous things were said on both sides, and in my opinion and dim recollection<br />

of the times, the rhetoric in the U.S. (especially in regard to the Japanese)<br />

seems to me to have been more violent than anything that now seems to have been<br />

current in Germany during the war, although such a comparison is difficult and<br />

perhaps should not be attempted in regard to degree, on account of the very different<br />

roles played by “public opinion” and by the statements of political leaders<br />

in the two political systems involved.<br />

On the Axis side, one should also note that Fascist Italy had various anti-<br />

Jewish laws that were however very mild in application and certainly never approached<br />

murder. Nevertheless, the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the Fascist press was at<br />

least as violent as anything generated in Germany, and assuming the New York<br />

Times (October 22, 1941) reported accurately, it even advocated that all Italian<br />

Jews be “annihilated as a danger to the internal front,” because “this is the moment<br />

to do away with half-way measures.”<br />

(e) A final point is that one must use some common sense and a feeling for the<br />

context in interpreting references to “extermination” and “annihilation” properly.<br />

In the American Civil War, many wanted Lincoln to “annihilate” the South, and it<br />

is not inaccurate English to say that Lincoln did just that, but it was understood,<br />

then as now, that the killing of all Southerners was not contemplated.<br />

Naturally, the same observation may be made in connection with public declarations<br />

of Nazi leaders, but there is an additional point to be made in this connection.<br />

Very often the Jews were referred to via the German word das Judentum,<br />

one of whose correct translations is “Jewry,” but which can also mean “Judaism”<br />

or even “Jewishness” or “the idea of Jewishness.” Thus, a Hitler reference to “die<br />

Vernichtung des Judentums,” if lifted out of context and interpreted in a purely<br />

literal way, can be interpreted as meaning the killing of all Jews, but it can also be<br />

interpreted as meaning the destruction of Jewish influence and power, which is<br />

what the politician Hitler actually meant by such a remark, although it is true that<br />

he could have chosen his words more carefully. Alfred Rosenberg made specific<br />

reference to this ambiguity in his IMT testimony, where he argued that “die Ausrottung<br />

des Judentums,” a term he had used on occasion, was not a reference to<br />

killing in the context in which Rosenberg had used it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lengthy digression made necessary by Goebbels’ “Ausrottung” remark being<br />

concluded, we return to the survey of stories in <strong>The</strong> New York Times for 1942-<br />

1943.<br />

June 14, 1942, p. 1: “258 JEWS REPORTED SLAIN IN BERLIN FOR BOMB PLOT AT<br />


by George Axelsson – by telephone to the New York Times Stockholm,<br />

Sweden, June 13. At the Gross Lichterfelde Barracks in the western suburbs of<br />

Berlin 258 Jews were put to death by the SS on May 28, and their families deported,<br />

in retaliation for an alleged Jewish plot to blow up the anti-Bolshevist<br />

‘Soviet Paradise’ exhibition at the Lustgarten. […] If there were any bombs,<br />

they evidently were discovered before they had time to explode. […] <strong>The</strong> SS<br />


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