Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Chapter 3: Washington and New York<br />

extermination camp, appearing even under obscure circumstances, was immediately<br />

after D-Day (June 6, 1944), when nobody was paying any attention to such<br />

stories. Later in the summer of 1944, the emphasis shifted to the Lublin camp,<br />

which the Russians had just captured. <strong>The</strong> first reference to emerge from a U.S.<br />

government source that was high enough so that it could not be ignored, and<br />

which charged exterminations at Auschwitz, came in late November 1944, after<br />

the exterminations are supposed to have been terminated. 126 Otherwise, people<br />

such as Roosevelt and Churchill and their ministers spoke only in very general<br />

moralistic terms about exterminations. It is only if one believed there actually<br />

were exterminations taking place at Auschwitz, and one wanted to stop them, that<br />

one would have made a specific charge concerning Auschwitz, to which the Germans<br />

would have felt obliged to respond. No such challenge ever materialized.<br />

Despite the fact that in all versions of the extermination legend the Auschwitz exterminations<br />

had certainly started by the late summer of 1942, and despite the fact<br />

that U.S. military intelligence must have known whatever it was that was going on<br />

at Auschwitz at that time, no specific extermination charges came from any high<br />

source until much later.<br />

<strong>The</strong> First ‘Extermination’ Claims and Washington<br />

<strong>The</strong> first “inside” events relative to the extermination propaganda were in the<br />

context of a conflict involving the U.S. State and Treasury Departments and the<br />

World Jewish Congress (and American Jewish Congress), headed by Rabbi<br />

Stephen S. Wise. <strong>The</strong> prominent characters in the story are Treasury Secretary<br />

Morgenthau, later the nominal author of the notorious “Morgenthau Plan” for the<br />

despoliation of Germany, Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Undersecretary of<br />

State Sumner Welles, who were mildly reluctant to be carried along by the propaganda,<br />

and Assistant Secretary of State J. Breckenridge Long, who was very resistant<br />

to the propaganda. Also involved are the World Jewish Congress representatives<br />

in Switzerland, Gerhard Riegner and Professor Paul Guggenheim, who<br />

transmitted stories of supposedly European origin to Wise or to other persons in<br />

the U.S., notably to the State Department through the U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland,<br />

Leland Harrison, or through the U.S. Consul in Geneva, Paul C. Squire.<br />

<strong>The</strong> principal work that has set forth the events surrounding the birth of the extermination<br />

legend is <strong>Arthur</strong> D. Morse’s While Six Million Died, a book which is<br />

supplemented to some extent by Henry L. Feingold’s <strong>The</strong> Politics of Rescue. Additional<br />

material had been contributed by post-war accounts given by Morgenthau,<br />

historians J. M. Blum and Anthony Kubek (in interpreting Morgenthau’s<br />

papers, the latter for the U.S. Senate publication Morgenthau Diary), historian F.<br />

L. Israel (in summarizing the papers of J. Breckenridge Long), and J. DuBois,<br />

who was at first Chief Counsel of the Treasury’s Foreign Funds Control, involved<br />

in these matters chiefly in connection with efforts to extend assistance to refu-<br />

126<br />

Hilberg, 631; Reitlinger, 493-495.<br />


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