Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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<strong>Arthur</strong> R. <strong>Butz</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hoax</strong> of the <strong>Twentieth</strong> <strong>Century</strong><br />

the end of the war.<br />

Concentration camp administration was under the WVHA, Economic-<br />

Administrative Main <strong>Of</strong>fice, headed by SS General Oswald Pohl. As its name<br />

suggests, the WVHA was concerned with the economic role of the SS which had<br />

arisen, for the most part, on account of the availability of the labor of concentration<br />

camp inmates. <strong>The</strong> commandants of the concentration camps reported to the<br />

Inspectorate of Concentration Camps, headed by SS Brigadier General Glücks,<br />

who reported to Pohl. Pohl reported to Himmler, and was formally equal in rank<br />

to Kaltenbrunner and Heydrich.<br />

It is convenient to state at this point, in very general terms, what was going on<br />

with respect to the Jews of Europe during the life of the Nazi regime. Before the<br />

war, the German Government had used all means to encourage the emigration of<br />

Jews from Germany, and most German Jews had left Germany before the outbreak<br />

of the war. <strong>The</strong> persistent problems in connection with this emigration program<br />

were, first, the dislocations of the economy which were entailed in moving<br />

the Jews out and, second, the difficulty in arranging for other countries to take the<br />

Jews. By the summer of 1941, Germany was at war with Russia, and huge numbers<br />

of Jews, i.e., the greater part of all the Jews of Europe, were in the German sphere<br />

of influence. However, the war had also opened up, temporarily, vast new territories<br />

for the Germans, and consequently, a program of Jewish resettlement got under way<br />

in the autumn of 1941. Through the course of the war, as long as Germany controlled<br />

any significant amount of eastern territory, European Jews were being resettled<br />

in the East. <strong>The</strong>re were also a certain number of young, adult Jews conscripted<br />

for labor.<br />

On account of certain political problems and the priority of war requirements,<br />

the resettlement program was only partially carried out and, of course, nowhere<br />

near six million Jews were involved. Excluding Polish and Romanian Jews, perhaps<br />

750,000 Jews were resettled, primarily in the Ukraine, White Russia, and<br />

Latvia. Not all Polish Jews fell under German domination. Apart from those who<br />

managed to flee before or after the German occupation, several hundred thousand<br />

or perhaps a million Jews had been deported from Poland by the Russians in 1940<br />

and had been dispersed in the Soviet Union. For the most part, the Polish Jews<br />

who came into German hands were crowded into ghettoes in eastern Poland (1939<br />

boundaries).<br />

What happened to all of these people can be established only in a very general<br />

way, because all of the territory that the Jews had been resettled onto became Soviet<br />

territory after the war, and because the victorious powers engaged in considerable<br />

suppression of the data. However, there is sufficient evidence to permit us<br />

to see approximately what happened. Although it is very likely that a fair number<br />

perished in the disorderly and chaotic conditions that accompanied the German retreats,<br />

it is established that a large number of Jews, predominantly of pre-war Polish<br />

nationality, were absorbed into the Soviet Union, and the remainder of the<br />

Jews who had been uprooted ultimately resettled in Palestine, the U.S., Europe,<br />

and elsewhere.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se general remarks are supplied here to serve as a background to assist the<br />


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