Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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<strong>Arthur</strong> R. <strong>Butz</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hoax</strong> of the <strong>Twentieth</strong> <strong>Century</strong><br />

384<br />

Constantinople: 383<br />

Conway, John S.: 424, 427, 428<br />

Cracow: 108, 118, 119, 121, 185,<br />

269, 355<br />

Cramer, Myron C.: 39<br />

Craven, Vesley F.: 188<br />

cremation capacity<br />

Auschwitz: 119, 151, 400,<br />

410, 411, 413, 415, 416,<br />

435<br />

Buchenwald: 414, 415, 416<br />

Dachau: 414, 415, 416<br />

German camps: 414<br />

Croatia: 49, 168, 172, 179, 180,<br />

181, 183, 253, 255, 347, 348<br />

Crowell, Samuel: 443, 448<br />

Cusanus, Nikolaus von: 384<br />

Cyclon: see Zyklon B<br />

Cyprus: 295<br />

Cyrenaica: 295<br />

Czechoslovakia: 24, 30, 32, 49,<br />

98, 99, 111, 124, 125, 131,<br />

168, 181, 185, 187, 265, 272,<br />

279, 283, 284, 307, 308, 346,<br />

399, 401<br />

Czernowitz: 177, 286<br />

— D —<br />

Dachau, town: 64<br />

Daily Herald: 95<br />

Daily Northwestern: 21<br />

Daily Telegraph: 47<br />

Dante, Alighieri: 383<br />

Darquier de Péllepoix, Louis: 373<br />

Das Reich: 91, 116<br />

Das Schwarze Korps: 345<br />

Davidson, Eugene: 223<br />

Davis, William R.: 202<br />

Dawidowicz, Lucy: 24, 269, 270,<br />

297, 357<br />

D-Day: 81, 187, 212<br />

DDT: 137<br />

Deane, Ernest C.: 45<br />

DEGESCH: 136, 137, 138, 309,<br />

314, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435<br />

delousing: 21, 132, 147, 165, 409,<br />

418, 419<br />

Denmark: 50, 109, 140, 265, 283<br />

deportations: passim<br />

Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke: 148,<br />

156<br />

diamond cutting: 59<br />

Dibelius, Otto: 308, 312, 313, 314<br />

Diesel engine: 115, 136, 305,<br />

306, 307, 401<br />

disinfection: 56<br />

disinfestation: 65, 67, 136, 137,<br />

138, 165, 304, 309, 314, 367,<br />

494<br />

402, 412, 435, 447, 454, 470<br />

displaced persons: 145, 276, 278,<br />

279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 406<br />

Diwald, Hellmut: 372, 373, 374<br />

Dniester: 177<br />

Dohnanyi, Hans von: 403<br />

Donovan, William: 121, 122<br />

Dora: 90<br />

Douglas-Hamilton, James: 299<br />

Dr. Klein: 340, 341<br />

Drägerwerke: 434<br />

Dresden: 22, 55, 249, 382<br />

DuBois, Josiah: 47, 48, 81, 87,<br />

88, 89, 115, 143, 152, 200<br />

DuBost, Charles: 137<br />

Dulles, Allen: 107<br />

Dunant, George: 401<br />

Duprat, François: 371<br />

— E —<br />

East Indies: 73<br />

East London Observer: 115<br />

Economic-Administrative Main<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fice: see WVHA<br />

Eden, Anthony: 108, 185, 398<br />

Eggleston, George T.: 203<br />

Egypt: 295<br />

Ehlers, Hermann: 313, 314<br />

Eichmann, Karl Adolf: 23, 25, 53,<br />

105, 112, 125, 134, 145, 146,<br />

181, 182, 190, 192, 193, 194,<br />

198, 199, 200, 208, 224, 226,<br />

227, 228, 229, 234, 235, 259,<br />

267, 366, 372, 401<br />

debut in wartime propaganda:<br />

112<br />

Eike, <strong>The</strong>odor: 326, 342<br />

Eill: 329<br />

Einsatzgruppen: 35, 36, 56, 106,<br />

218, 241, 242, 243, 246, 247,<br />

248, 249, 261, 262, 285<br />

Einstein: 41<br />

Einstein Fund: 273<br />

Einstein, Albert: 273<br />

Eisenhower, Dwight D.: 122, 278,<br />

279<br />

Eiserle: 329, 330, 332<br />

Elias, Joseph: 123, 127<br />

Elowitz, Morris: 42<br />

Elss, Ebbe: 313<br />

Endlösung: see Final Solution<br />

England: passim<br />

Entress, Friedrich: 139<br />

Epstein, Julius: 298, 299<br />

Eskimos: 345, 389<br />

Estonia: 30, 49, 91, 111, 283<br />

Eusebius: 295<br />

euthanasia: 35, 216, 217, 304<br />

Everett, Willis M.: 42<br />

Every: 64<br />

extermination<br />

by asphyxiation: 114, 242,<br />

350, 393<br />

by blood poisoning: 102<br />

by electrocution: 102, 114,<br />

115, 183, 393<br />

by gas chamber: see gas<br />

chambers, homicidal<br />

by lime and chlorine: 393<br />

by phenol injections: 159<br />

— F —<br />

Fadiman, Clifton: 94, 95, 96<br />

Fajnzylberg: 426<br />

Fanton, Dwight: 42<br />

Farago, Ladislas: 208<br />

Farley, James A.: 202<br />

Faschingbauer: 329<br />

Faulhaber, Michael von: 216<br />

Faurisson, Robert: 365, 368, 370,<br />

373, 374, 376, 382, 388, 409,<br />

417, 429, 433, 434, 435, 439,<br />

440, 444, 445<br />

Feingold, Henry L.: 81<br />

Felderer, Ditlieb: 371<br />

fertilizer, from human corpses:<br />

83, 296<br />

Final Solution: 36, 123, 251, 252,<br />

257, 259, 260, 263, 271, 369,<br />

374, 376, 377<br />

definition: 21<br />

Finland: 49<br />

First Amendment: 14<br />

Fischer, Ludwig: 112<br />

flames, chimneys in Auschwitz:<br />

152<br />

Flick: 35<br />

flying saucers: 289<br />

Flynn, John T.: 91<br />

Foreign <strong>Of</strong>fice<br />

British: 86, 398, 399<br />

German: 83, 101, 116, 145,<br />

190, 191, 193, 194, 195,<br />

196, 198, 251, 252, 253,<br />

254, 256, 257, 267, 346,<br />

352<br />

Swedish: 311, 312<br />

U.S.: see U.S. State<br />

Department<br />

Vatican: 354<br />

Foust, Hal: 45, 46, 278<br />

Frahm, Herbert Ernst Karl: see<br />

Brandt, Willy<br />

France: 32, 39, 50, 73, 87, 88, 99,<br />

100, 104, 109, 111, 131, 171,<br />

201, 205, 251, 252, 255, 265,<br />

279, 283, 284, 285, 321, 346,<br />

347, 361, 362, 373, 395, 399,

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