Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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<strong>Arthur</strong> R. <strong>Butz</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hoax</strong> of the <strong>Twentieth</strong> <strong>Century</strong><br />

cidal interpretation on Crematoria II and III; according to this theory, the victims<br />

would undress themselves in LK 2 and then be gassed in LK 1.<br />

It seems hard to believe these were “slips,” because they were so frequently<br />

committed. Jährling used this designation in a document of 6 March 1943, and<br />

then Messing used it in three documents later in March. If these were “slips”, it<br />

would seem that by this time the bosses would have told them to clean up their<br />

language. <strong>The</strong>y evidently didn’t, because Messing used the designation in two<br />

more documents in April. 698<br />

<strong>The</strong> truth about the undressing is much more prosaic. Pressac believes that,<br />

when the Germans viewed Crematoria II and III as ordinary crematoria, then the<br />

sequence of processing bodies was contemplated to be LK 3 to LK 2 to LK 1, but<br />

that LK 3 was eventually eliminated from the regular sequence. 699 However that<br />

may be, if the dead bodies were contemplated to start in LK 2, they would then be<br />

undressed there. 700 <strong>The</strong>y would be stored in LK 1 while awaiting cremation. Presumably,<br />

LK 3 was only used when a body needed some sort of special processing,<br />

e.g. dissection or the famous extraction of gold fillings from teeth.<br />

I am struck by the humorous simplicity of the theory offered here.<br />

In March 1997, Samuel Crowell also proposed an interpretation of LK 1 as a<br />

gas shelter that goes far beyond, and in some respects departs on secondary levels<br />

from, the interpretations proposed here. Crowell’s theory is to be found at the<br />

Web site of CODOH (Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust). 701 He went<br />

beyond my theory in two principal respects. First, he attributed to Crematoria II<br />

and III a broader role within the air raid/gas shelter paradigm. For example, showers<br />

and undressing are interpreted by him in terms of “decontamination”, a feature<br />

of that paradigm. Second, he interpreted features of Crematoria IV and V in terms<br />

of air raid and gas shelters, matters on which he cites much contemporaneous<br />

German literature. Crowell has bitten off a big piece, and evaluation of his theories<br />

will take time. I believe he tends at points to over-hasty interpretation in terms<br />

of air raid and gas shelters, without adequate consideration of alternative interpretations,<br />

but my hunch is that he is mostly right.<br />

698<br />

699<br />

700<br />

701<br />

448<br />

Pressac (1989), pp. 431-435, 438f.<br />

Pressac (1989) 284ff. <strong>Of</strong> course, revisionists hold that they always were ordinary crematoria.<br />

Faurisson, op. cit., pp. 49f., advanced this interpretation but only tentatively, because he had not<br />

been able to verify that the word “Auskleideraum” is used that way in the special terminology of<br />

morgues (that seems to be what Faurisson meant). I do not think the question is important, because<br />

there is no reason to assume that Jährling (a heating technician employed by the SS) and<br />

Messing (a fitter employed by the Topf company that was providing the crematorium ovens)<br />

cared very much about the special terminology of morgues. I have spent many years with engineers,<br />

and I know they tend to express themselves without great concern for lexical standards,<br />

especially outside their own fields. Jährling and Messing could never have suspected that their<br />

hasty words would be subject to such contentious scrutiny half a century later!<br />


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