Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Supplement 3: A Response to a Major Critique of Holocaust Revisionism<br />

public documents, mainly of an engineering nature, that had previously been in<br />

the category of extreme esoterica, either unknown or known only to a few researchers.<br />

We are better off on account of the book, but the gain is comparable to, say,<br />

the publication of an index or bibliography. <strong>The</strong> value is purely in the factual information.<br />

<strong>The</strong> analytical part of the book is a transparent charade by an actor<br />

who is confident in advance that the people he is serving will cooperate in the<br />

sham and will not call attention to the obvious disguise that renders him, in fact, a<br />

clown in the eyes of his targets. How else can we react to a man who insists on<br />

treating as irrelevant, at a time when it was decided to build large crematories, the<br />

fact that there was a documented catastrophic death rate Even Pressac’s formal<br />

sin on this point – of presuming that, which he is trying to prove, in order to find<br />

“traces” of it – is minor compared to the comedy of his ungainly pirouetting<br />

around and away from the central points.<br />

I began this paper with a promise to show how Pressac seeks to have his reader<br />

focus entirely on local matters while ignoring the context of the Auschwitz concentration<br />

camp in its full dimensions. I have shown three specific important<br />

senses in which this is true.<br />

First, in his treatment of the decisions to build crematories at Auschwitz he<br />

fails to acknowledge the relevance of the catastrophic typhus epidemics that prevailed<br />

at the time of the decisions. Second, his “criminal trace” number one is a<br />

highly questionable interpretation of a single word occurring in a document that<br />

disproves, or at least renders implausible, his major claim. Third, his discussion of<br />

the WRB report disregards the account given there, and consequently the decisive<br />

consequences of that account in evaluating the reliability of the so-called witnesses,<br />

in favor of a focus on a very picayune detail.<br />

One should ask: how are such procedures possible in a work as replete with<br />

documentary detail as this bulky tome That is what the notorious disorganization<br />

of the book contributes; it is a means of avoiding a focus on the simple essentials.<br />

<strong>The</strong> disorganization is there not because of the bad style of the author, but because<br />

of the bad logic applied by the author and desired of the reader.<br />

It is fair to say that one message of Pressac’s book is that, yes, the revisionists<br />

and particularly Faurisson are right in their rejections of the traditional or accepted<br />

evidence for homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. He does not put it that<br />

bluntly, but it is there. He then claims that he, almost half a century after the alleged<br />

events, has finally gotten the evidence right. <strong>The</strong> procedure is the usual one;<br />

flip through the mountains of documents, rejecting all clearly exculpatory material<br />

as the result of deceptive German practices in keeping written records and then,<br />

when something that can be given an incriminating interpretation is found, declare<br />

it an “enormous gaff[e]” of an unintended confession.<br />

I think I could do the equivalent for any establishment or agency that generates<br />

voluminous written records. In these days of “affirmative action” in employment,<br />

perhaps I should look for Northwestern University’s gas chambers for white<br />

males, while taking the precaution of developing an explanation why I survived.<br />

Likewise, a future Pressac can concede that our Pressac is wrong, but that he has<br />


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