Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Supplement 3: A Response to a Major Critique of Holocaust Revisionism<br />

On page 184 of his book, Pressac readily interprets the summer 1942 decision<br />

to provide 46 cremation muffles in Birkenau as a phase of an extermination program.<br />

In doing so, however, he ignores the figures of ordinary or recorded deaths<br />

(given here), which contradict his interpretation. <strong>The</strong> decision to shut down Crematory<br />

I with its six muffles in the Auschwitz main camp (Stammlager) is, therefore,<br />

inexplicable from Pressac’s point of view.<br />

Actually, the entire story was unraveled at its beginning by Heinrich Himmler<br />

who stated on April 21, 1945: 585<br />

“In order to put a stop to the epidemics, we were forced to burn the bodies<br />

of incalculable numbers of people who had been destroyed by disease. We<br />

were therefore forced to build crematoria, and on this account they are knotting<br />

a noose for us.”<br />

Unfortunately, Himmler did not live to say this at the Nuremberg trials. It is<br />

scandalous that it still has to be said today.<br />

With regard to Pressac’s exertions to find a homicidal gas chamber in (Birkenau)<br />

Crematory II, I refer the reader to Faurisson’s critique. In his effort to prove<br />

a thesis, the falsehood of which is (or should be) obvious at the outset, Pressac in<br />

fact plays down or simply ignores the decisive facts. Nevertheless, he claims that<br />

it is we who are “maniacs who spend their lives trying to demonstrate that something<br />

never existed.” 586<br />

<strong>The</strong> “Vergasungskeller” (gassing cellar)<br />

Earlier, I considered a widely-cited document dated January 29, 1943, in<br />

which Karl Bischoff, head of the Auschwitz construction department, reported to<br />

Hans Kammler, head of the SS engineering office in Berlin, on the operational<br />

status of Crematory II: 587<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Crematorium II has been completed – save for some minor constructional<br />

work – by the use of all the forces available, in spite of unspeakable difficulties,<br />

the severe cold, and in 24 hour shifts. <strong>The</strong> fires were started in the<br />

ovens in the presence of Senior Engineer Prüfer, representative of the contractors<br />

of the firm of Topf and Sons, Erfurt, and they are working most satisfactorily.<br />

<strong>The</strong> formwork for the reinforced concrete ceiling of the mortuary cellar<br />

[Leichenkeller] could not yet be removed on account of the frost. This is, however,<br />

unimportant, as the gassing cellar [Vergasungskeller] can be used for<br />

this purpose […]”<br />

In his book, Pressac wrote that my interpretation of the term Vergasungskeller<br />

“though perfect in its literary form, was technically worthless.” 588 He interprets<br />

the term Vergasungskeller in this 1943 document to mean a homicidal gas cham-<br />

585<br />

586<br />

587<br />

588<br />

See p. 287; see also Moment (Jewish monthly published in Boston), Vol. 11, No. 1, (Dec. 1985),<br />

p. 51.<br />

Pressac, p. 216.<br />

See p. 148; see also Pressac, p. 211. This 1943 communication is Nuremberg document NO-<br />

4473. Original German-language text is given in: E. Kogon, et al., Nationalsozialistische Massentötungen<br />

durch Giftgas (Frankfurt/M.: Fischer, 1986), p. 220.<br />

Pressac, p. 548.<br />


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