Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Appendix E: <strong>The</strong> Role of the Vatican<br />

<strong>The</strong> implications of a lie on the scale of the Jewish extermination hoax cannot<br />

be constrained to bear on isolated subjects such as Israel or World War II revisionism.<br />

Before not many years, it was realized that, during and after the war,<br />

Pope Pius XII had never spoken out in condemnation of the supposed exterminations<br />

of Jews. This fact naturally raised some problems for the propaganda history<br />

of World War II. <strong>The</strong> specific event that ignited general controversy was Rolf<br />

Hochhuth’s play Der Stellvertreter (<strong>The</strong> Deputy). Supposedly based on the “Gerstein<br />

statement,” the play performs a completely unscrupulous job of character assassination<br />

on Pius XII by relating events inconsistent with the “statement,”<br />

thereby piling invention on invention. However, the play was unquestionably the<br />

catalyst for the discussion of a fairly important fact, although the ensuing discussion,<br />

carried on among people who had been completely taken in by the hoax,<br />

never clarified anything and only amplified the confusion.<br />

It is no more necessary, here, to explain why Pius XII did not speak up about<br />

exterminations of Jews than it is necessary to explain why he did not protest the<br />

extermination of Eskimos. However, the role of the Vatican is of some interest to<br />

our subject, so a few words are appropriate.<br />

First a few background remarks. During the period 1920-1945, the Vatican<br />

considered Communism to be the principal menace loose in the world. This being<br />

the case, it was open to friendly relations with the Fascists after their assumption<br />

of power in Italy in 1922 and the Concordat of 1929, reversing the earlier pre-<br />

Fascist anti-clerical policies of Italian Governments. This was the basis for relations<br />

that remained generally good until Mussolini fell from power in 1943.<br />

When Hitler came to power in 1933, the Vatican had similar hopes for an anti-<br />

Communist regime that would make domestic peace with the Church. At first, it<br />

appeared that events would unfold as in Italy, and the Concordat of 1933 with Hitler<br />

(still in force), guaranteeing the church a portion of tax revenues and further<br />

defining the proper spheres of Church and State, reinforced this expectation.<br />

Things did not turn out so well, however. Although the Concordat had defined<br />

the Church’s rights in the sphere of education and youth culture in general to the<br />

satisfaction of the Vatican, the Nazis found it difficult to live with such terms and<br />

found various ways of undercutting the Catholic position without formally repudiating<br />

the terms of the Concordat. For example, the Catholic Youth associations<br />

were forbidden to engage in sport on the shrewd calculation that such restrictions<br />

of such associations to the realm of the truly spiritual would guarantee that they<br />

would wither. <strong>The</strong>re were also various means of intimidation employed against<br />

parents who insisted on sending their children to Catholic schools. Moreover,<br />

Nazi publications such as Das Schwarze Korps (the SS magazine) and Der Stürmer<br />

were openly anti-Christian and constantly heaped abuse on the Pope and the<br />

Catholic clergy in general, favorite charges being that the holy men were homo-<br />


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