Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Appendix C: Deportation of Jews<br />


E 23166 177 270 58786-59055<br />

M 23222 109 165 Westerbork 14-Aug 59056-59220<br />

E 16-Aug 23097 134 9 var. nat. 59221-59229<br />

M 23085 127 115 Drancy 14-Aug 59230-59344<br />

E 17-Aug 23183 157 255 Mechelen 15-Aug 59345-59599<br />

M 23096 92 5 var. nat. 59600-59604<br />

E 18-Aug 23112 390 87 var. nat. 59605-59691<br />

M 19-Aug 23112 319 Westerbork 17-Aug 59692-60010<br />

E 22925 220 33 var. nat. 60011-60043<br />

TOTALS (JUL. & AUG.) 6507 13173 5<br />

To give an example of interpretation of these figures, we see that between the<br />

evening of July 16 and the morning of July 17, 1942, the Westerbork transport of<br />

July 15 arrived at Auschwitz, and that 601 men from this transport were registered<br />

in the Birkenau men’s camp and assigned registration numbers 47087-47687.<br />

During this period, 30 men also died in the camp, so the net change in the roll-call<br />

figure is 601-30 = 16848-16277 = 571. Note that the 601 men from the Westerbork<br />

transport of July 15 are approximately the total men that started out on that<br />

transport, if one subtracts boys through 15 years of age. Since the table of<br />

Westerbork deportations has a separate column for “Women with children to 15<br />

years,” it is most probable that such children went with the women.<br />

We have taken the liberty of making two corrections of obvious errors in the<br />

Birkenau men’s camp data. <strong>The</strong> NRC report specified that 43 died between the<br />

evening of August 5 and 6, but a figure of 44 deaths brings agreement with the<br />

roll-call figures and the total of column 4. Also, the NRC report specifies that the<br />

Mechelen transport of August 15 received registration numbers 59345-59699, an<br />

obvious error which has been corrected.<br />

<strong>The</strong> increments in registration numbers in column 8 do not agree in all cases<br />

with the numbers reported in column 5. Indeed, this is the case with the majority<br />

of transports, which arrived between July 17 and July 24, and it is also true of the<br />

transports, which received registration numbers 56856-57308. However, in all<br />

other cases the registration numbers in column 8 agree with the figures in column<br />

5.<br />

When boys through 15 years of age are subtracted from the total of men in the<br />

various deportations from Westerbork, the resulting figures are in good general<br />

agreement with the numbers reported registered in the Birkenau men’s camp, although<br />

for reasons that one can probably guess, the agreement is not perfect.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were probably small numbers who either joined the incoming transports<br />

and are not listed as such or numbers who were not accepted into Birkenau for<br />

various reasons and sent to another destination. <strong>The</strong> largest unaccounted differences<br />

are in connection with the Westerbork transports of August 7 and August<br />

10, where about 100 men are missing in each case in the registration at Birkenau.<br />

This data, plus the one volume of the Birkenau Death Book (which is also discussed<br />

in vol. 1 of the NRC reports, except that it is referred to as the Auschwitz<br />


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