Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Chapter 5: <strong>The</strong> Hungarian Jews<br />

within the framework of the International Military Tribunal.” 302 Bormann had<br />

been tried in absentia at the IMT and sentenced to death. He was never found, and<br />

it is now generally agreed that he died in Berlin.<br />

In regard to Kempner, three principal conclusions may be drawn from this<br />

short summary of the man’s career (based entirely on material in the public record).<br />

First, he could accurately be characterized as a fanatical anti-Nazi, starting<br />

in the Twenties, when the Nazis were certainly no more criminal than several<br />

other groups on the violent and chaotic German political scene (the Communists<br />

and Social Democrats also had private armies). Anti-Nazism is obviously Kempner’s<br />

consuming vocation. Second, he was an extremely important figure in the<br />

trials that the U.S. held in Nuremberg. We have seen that he had critically important<br />

responsibilities in connection with the IMT and was also treated, later on, as a<br />

particular authority on what had gone on there. At the end of the IMT trial, the<br />

press described him as “Jackson’s expert on German matters” and “chief of investigation<br />

and research for […] Jackson.” 303 At the NMT, he took over the prosecution<br />

of the most important case, the political section of the Wilhelmstrasse Case,<br />

and he may well have been the most important individual on the Nuremberg staff,<br />

although further research would be required to clarify the real power relationships<br />

that existed on the Nuremberg staff, if such clarification is possible. James M.<br />

McHaney headed the division that prepared Cases 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 12. Other significant<br />

persons at the NMT have been discussed by Taylor. 304 <strong>The</strong> Encyclopedia<br />

Judaica describes Kempner as “chief prosecutor” at the NMT trials.<br />

<strong>The</strong> third conclusion that may be drawn is that there are excellent grounds,<br />

based on the public record, for believing that Kempner abused the power he had at<br />

the military tribunals and produced “evidence” by improper methods involving<br />

threats and various forms of coercion. <strong>The</strong> Stewart case makes this conclusion inescapable.<br />

This is the man who held the power of life and death over Eberhard von Thadden<br />

and Horst Wagner.<br />

Our digression on Kempner is concluded. We came to the point, in our analysis<br />

of Hungary, where irregularities in the production of evidence in Case 11 were<br />

clearly indicated. Thus, it was necessary to examine two subjects: who was in<br />

charge in Case 11 and what was the level of integrity maintained in the operations<br />

of the trials at Nuremberg. It was found that the truth in regard to the latter subject<br />

was established rather decisively in the course of examining the former; a study of<br />

Kempner’s career reveals all that one needs to know in order to evaluate the reliability<br />

of the evidence generated at the Nuremberg trials.<br />

Clearly, any person who wished to maintain the authenticity of the Hungaryrelated<br />

documents that imply extermination must produce some tortured story<br />

whose structure we cannot begin to imagine.<br />

Another person involved in the documents is Veesenmayer, who was a defendant<br />

in the Wilhelmstrasse Case and who was questioned in connection with some<br />

302<br />

303<br />

304<br />

Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 10, 904; New York Times (Mar. 31, 1971), 1; (Dec. 5, 1972), 16.<br />

New York Times (Oct. 6, 1946), sec. 6, 8; (Oct. 7, 1946), 2.<br />

Taylor (Aug. 15, 1949), 38+.<br />


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