Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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<strong>Arthur</strong> R. <strong>Butz</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hoax</strong> of the <strong>Twentieth</strong> <strong>Century</strong><br />

maximize the significance of Auschwitz in every respect possible, and has thus<br />

read in the record something that simply is not there. 154<br />

German Reactions<br />

It is of passing interest to comment on what the Germans were saying about<br />

the Allied propaganda stories. We have seen that von Stumm of the press section<br />

of the German Foreign <strong>Of</strong>fice ridiculed the extermination claim when it was first<br />

made by the Allied governments, but that was a rare reference on the part of the<br />

German government to any specific Allied propaganda concoction. <strong>The</strong> weekly<br />

newspaper Das Reich, published by the Goebbels Ministry, and the Völkischer<br />

Beobachter, the daily newspaper of the Nazi Party, had much comment of a general<br />

sort on the “Greuelpropaganda,” but there were few references to specific<br />

propaganda claims. <strong>The</strong> usual situation was one of no commentary on the Jewish<br />

extermination claim as well as on other specific propaganda claims, e.g. starvation<br />

and torturing of American and British POWs and the various gruesome inventions<br />

of Hollywood, such as the draining of the blood of children in occupied countries<br />

for the use of the Wehrmacht.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reason for this relative silence on specific propaganda claims was no<br />

doubt that there was no need, from the German point of view, to review its content.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had seen it all before, during World War I. Thus, the German press<br />

treatment of the “Greuelpropaganda” was on a higher level, and rather than concern<br />

itself with the specific contents of the stories, it concerned itself with such<br />

questions as the nature of the political interests that were served by the propaganda<br />

and the extent and means of Jewish influence in the Allied press (e.g. Das<br />

Reich for December 20, 1942).<br />

<strong>The</strong> War Refugee Board Report: Birth of the Auschwitz<br />

Legend<br />

<strong>The</strong> high level Washington commitment to the claim that Auschwitz was an<br />

extermination camp came in November 1944, after the claimed termination of the<br />

killing program, in the form of the WRB report (the claim had appeared many<br />

times in the propaganda earlier in 1944; those stories are reviewed in Chapter 5).<br />

<strong>The</strong> issuing of the report was carried by the New York Times on November 26,<br />

1944, (page 1) and some excerpts were given.<br />

<strong>The</strong> WRB report is described as two reports, one written by “two young Slovakian<br />

Jews” and the other by “a Polish major,” all of whom had been inmates at<br />

Auschwitz from the spring of 1942 until the spring of 1944, when they escaped<br />

154<br />

116<br />

DuBois, 137-138, 186-188.

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