Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz – The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century

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Chapter 3: Washington and New York<br />

ing used to exterminate the Jews.”<br />

April 20, 1943, p. 11: “RESCUE OF JEWS URGED<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jewish Agency for Palestine, in a memorandum addressed to the Bermuda<br />

Refugees Conference yesterday, urged that measures of rescue be<br />

launched immediately on behalf of 4,000,000 Jews estimated to be still surviving<br />

in Nazi occupied countries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Agency, headed by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, is recognized in the Mandate<br />

for Palestine as a body to advise and cooperate with the Government of Palestine<br />

on matters affecting the establishment of the Jewish National Home.<br />

<strong>The</strong> memorandum declares that ‘should the announced policy of the enemy<br />

continue unchecked, it is not impossible that by the time the war will have been<br />

won, the largest part of the Jewish population of Europe will have been exterminated.’”<br />

April 25, 1943, p. 19: “SCANT HOPE SEEN FOR AXIS VICTIMS<br />

Special Cable to the New York Times Hamilton, Bermuda, April 24 – <strong>The</strong><br />

large scale movement of refugees is impossible under wartime conditions, and<br />

neither the United States nor Great Britain, alone or jointly, can begin to solve<br />

the refugee problem. <strong>The</strong>se two concrete impressions have emerged after almost<br />

a week’s discussion of the refugee problem by the American and British<br />

delegations here.”<br />

Because almost all Jews outside the Continent, particularly those in the U.S.,<br />

believed the extermination claims, they brought political pressures which resulted<br />

in the Bermuda Conference. It was believed, 147 correctly, that the Nazis wished<br />

the emigration of the Jews from Europe (under appropriate conditions), and this<br />

put the British and American governments, on account of the propaganda basis for<br />

their war, into an awkward position, around which they were obliged to continually<br />

double-talk. 148 We have described the conflict between State and Treasury in<br />

this regard. <strong>The</strong> British had, at that point, no intention of opening Palestine, and<br />

both the British and Americans had no intention of providing the resources, in the<br />

middle of the war, for massive operations undertaken for reasons that were valid<br />

only to the degree that their propaganda was taken seriously. No sane modern<br />

statesmen believe their own propaganda. This is the dilemma, which J. Breckenridge<br />

Long and other State Department officials felt themselves facing.<br />

Another point that should be made here before proceeding with the survey of<br />

the propaganda is that the six million figure had its origin apparently in the propaganda<br />

of 1942-1943. An examination of the problem of the origin of the six million<br />

figure could easily lead to the conclusion that it had its origin at the IMT,<br />

where the indictment mentioned a figure (supplied by the World Jewish Congress)<br />

of 5,721,800 “missing” Jews and Wilhelm Höttl of the SD signed an affidavit,<br />

2738-PS, asserting that he had gotten a figure of six million from Eichmann. According<br />

to Höttl, Eichmann had visited his Budapest office in a depressed mood because<br />

he was convinced that the war was lost, thought that the Allies would punish<br />

147<br />

148<br />

DuBois, 197.<br />

New York Times (Nov. 1, 1943), 5; (Dec. 11, 1943), 1; (Dec. 13, 1943), 11; (Jan. 3, 1944), 9.<br />


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